Monday 30 March 2015

Bodhisattvas are enlightened people and enlightened or others. By enlightenment should clear what is the fear of suffering immediately sought to eradicate.

See greed and stinginess is the suffering, the bodhisattva to destroy religious alms alms should say the san participate. Seeing let loose destructive arrogance is the virtue, Bodhisattva up to remove the religious world, morality should speak out the world. Seeing anger is causing many sins should Bodhisattva practice patience to clean, to say the anger patience. Lazy indulgence is damaged body's loss of merit, the Bodhisattva practice diligently to expel, to say the lazy effort. Seeing the human mind is crazy stampede dark, Bodhisattvas meditate to collect photography, meditation should say the stampede. Seeing ignorance is the misfortune of birth and death, the bodhisattva practice wisdom to shine out, so says the foolish wisdom.
Human beings are confused, afraid of suffering a surface without knowing the cause. To see what suffering is appalling terror begged for help, but do not know the suffering that comes from any cause. When suffering is over, then calmly as often unaware remodeling.

Create Bodhisattva's

Bodhisattva saw his duty to bring enlightenment to the people. To achieve this purpose, the Bodhisattva must build up their own complete this essential things: One is to smooth Bodhisattva Dharma (internal intelligence). For the purpose of teaching the practice in the way of enlightenment, but not smoothly Buddhist teachings can not be done.
Two Bodhisattva must all psychology, sociology, science (foreign intelligence). There are common throughout these subjects are taught the unimpeded.
Third Bodhisattva must know the medical disciplines (the intelligent y). Blogs for people to be healed, just indoctrinate them very easily, because they are willing to listen to their feelings taught.
Four Bodhisattva is to learn the truth or true professional skill (the cunning intelligence). Need help people, we must have a well-skilled occupations, has just taught them, just lean economy is good for the people. Thanks to their special talents, new people come to learn, is a good opportunity to teach them.
In the Bodhisattva have good language (whitewash). Want more exposure class, much like people, need to know multiple languages. They speak, we understandable and teach them. Fully established itself in this condition, the Bodhisattva new career rounded sense of forgiveness. We can not embrace that ideal empty "feeling tha vows", then where they did not have any ability, few vehicles are spared the sight becomes meaningless. First we have to create adequate conditions for their essential (army intelligence), then carry luggage carried on the shoulders of the road tha sense, we fulfill the task.
Build yourself enough in these conditions and Bodhisattvas also have applications for the edification of four new easy achievement: A Bodhisattva is willing to help money or wealth or his strength when needed. Thanks for any help it easy to sympathize, regent of their new (alms photography).
The Bodhisattva is to say nice gentle tenderness. Although we can help anyone much, but words spoken rudely they are frustrated disgust. Ingenious use gentle words of the photographer needs puree (loving photography) is easy to succeed.
Third Bodhisattva must aggressively doing something to bring real benefits to people. We are not just lip service, but to do really. Who needs what can be done, we must endeavor to help, to bring beneficial results for them. Thanks to his hand a job to help them succeed, then you give them the Dhamma taught, they easily obtained (operating profit photography).
Four Bodhisattva have to jump into any job in any industry to work together and live with them. Understandable least another colleague. At a plight, have discussed what it was easy to sympathize. Main place overall career, we offer them the Dharma teaches acceptance without difficulty (co-regent). Four this is an indispensable means of Bodhisattva path tha sense.

Beings Demand Performance

Human beings make good loathe expecting good results. What good fruit to be, because there's not. Yet they still dream expect good results. As people kept their desire to be healthy and live long, but refused to help save the animals. The life of the people is not respected, but want people to respect his life is impossible. Or his wish to be wealthy everyone supporting him, but refused to work for charity, helping the needy time. Then there are the requirements for my family peace and happiness chaste wives and children, but refused to live chaste happy with everyone. There are also people who pray do not deceive yourself, but refused to say true. It is like to go inside, but facing east-west.
Some people pray your family reunion harmony, without advice for everyone involved in harmony. There are people who do not wish to use words to tell his wickedness, but I do not have to use gentle words to say to people. There are people who also want to present the truth to yourself, but do not present with people. There are people who do not wish greedy with their females, which they refused to give up greed of the people. There are people who do not pray to their anger, they are not subject to amnesty. There are those who pray for her there so wise, that bigotry is wrong and not let go. How many things do not wish this never contented people, only in the hope that under no causal effect. This is a mere wish of the people ignorant. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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