Monday 30 March 2015

In Pure Land Trust.

The Buddha Shakyamuni said there Pureland (Pure Land) where the Buddha Amida (Amitabha) who are residing, so we believe this. Amitabha Buddha told us that his realms was beautiful. If you want to practice Pure Land method, first you need to understand about this practice, so you can practice it. The achievement will depend on the level of your insights on this method. You need to understand is why the Buddha Amitabha want Amitabha Sutra spoken, so you have the confidence to new practice. You must know why you want to Pureland. How do you feel about there? You have great confidence and pray?

You need to practice right where his heart. After you have confidence in the Pureland outside, you would trust with Pureland inside his mind. Finally then you will see the world's Pure Land. 

You know America has oil you never go there; but you know that someday I will go there. Also for the Pureland.

If you decide to Pureland, then right now, you must believe that the Pureland. Thus, you will become more confident, to be able to practice. A man reaches liberation, enlightenment, then he can come or go into the Pureland desired. I have not enlightenment, but in the dream, I often go there.

The responsibility is on us. Because we have done evil things, so we are born in this world of suffering; We are here to repair the evil deed in his past. For one day we can return to the Pure Land.

There are three things need to be cultivated in France Pure Land. Firstly, to have faith, to believe that the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. Second, you must make vows to go there, and the third is that you practice.

For example, first you believe Pho Quang Son Pagoda (Fo Kuang Shan) in southern Taiwan conviction. Then you have to make that wish come. You can get there by plane, bus or private car and you need to have money to buy tickets and everything else.

Tree In Gold And Crystal Lake

Do you want to know Pureland be? I understand you are interested in learning how to practice it more, but if you want to know how to practice, you first need to know that the stars were worlds. If not, you might give up halfway.

Realm of the tree was full of beautiful gold and crystal clear lakes. Places that you do not need to worry about traffic jams or airplane crash. There are shower; the small and large shower as the island of Taiwan. Where there are very convenient and you can sit on the terrace if you wish. You can go here and there as you like, totally free, no passport. If you like to wear nice clothes, then naturally you are dressed. If you want good food, we will immediately appear in front. Whenever you think about something, you will be as desire.

Pureland also known as the Pure Land. I am the happiest and richest in the world. Each work day, I heard chanting and my mind filled bag Bliss while working. When traveling, I like walking on the lotus petals, so I'm always happy. When you die, I'm going to the Pure Land; however, I know that right now I'm living in the Pure Land.

Be To Nature 

I'm trying to live peacefully. Whenever someone wants to argue about something, I said to myself:  "Please leave, leave natural."  Slowly, I try to get rid of all these problems every day to live peacefully. In everyday life I try to only say good things about people.

The other day, I dreamed to Pureland. There have seven treasures, and one who took me to see them. I chose one and exclaimed:  "It is beautiful!"  When I turned around, I saw the Buddha Amitabha. I also found the Buddha's golden tree.

Another time I dreamed of diamonds tree and I wonder why the diamond grows on trees. I saw a girl in the realm of Buddha Amitabha, and he asked her if I could take a tree. I chose a tree is about 0.3 meters high. At the end of the stem is a shower and the shower I would like to give you.

Three years ago, I visited a museum, where there are precious jewels. The guide asked me if I wanted to come closer to see it. I told him was not necessary, because these are rare jewels in the Pure Land. I'd say the treasure is in my mind, so I do not need to fake diamonds.

All that is expressed in A-Di-Da Beijing is true. It is not something that you must believe, it is true, Pureland is real. There is a boat to go to the Pure Land, and I had dreamed it. All these dreams do grow my confidence in the Pure Land. So you may want to Pureland not?

In ten years, I have used clay, clay statues of Bodhisattvas Mahasthamaprapta, Quan Yin, Samantabhadra and Manjushri. After this subject, I have coined the Buddha Amitabha statue. I squeeze Amitabha Buddha worship and admire him, to make merit goes to the Pureland. In a dream, I saw the statue of Amitabha slowly turned into rice and this made me realize that rice makes our bodies healthy.



I feel Buddha Amitabha bless help me in his elaborately practice. After molding the Buddha Amitabha statue is finished, I made a Guan Yin statue again and two Tat Ma Ha, these are protected Pureland. When I squeeze three subjects completed this, I began to study classics. I read about Buddhist mindfulness practice, how to focus their thoughts and ideas on how to think about the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha.

 When I discovered the A-Di-Da Beijing, I began to recite 15 times per day. My dreams corresponds to the content of the texts. In the Pure Land, about six or seven hierarchical and I keep practicing until I reached the highest level. I recite the name of Amitabha every time I work and not very busy. After 5 pm, when returned to his room, I was chanting again. Once you have of doing, you can recite within 5 minutes. On the way from the office of a private room, I read three times. I also recite A-Di-Da. After repeated 30,000 times, you know that Buddha Amitabha had in mind, but this was not done in a day. Last experience taught me to always think about the greatness of the Buddha Amitabha.

Sometimes I act a particular practice, within a week I just recite the name of Buddha Amitabha. Many people together, meditation and recitation of Buddhist identity. When the back seat, I saw Buddha Amitabha really great, so great that I just saw Buddha needle, the needle does not see his prime.

In the dream, I see Amitabha Buddha and Quan Yin and I bowed. The object is located under the tree, on a beautiful altar. Amitabha Buddha seated on a lotus, grabbed my hand, like a mother holding her hand.

Every day I repeated prostrations. In a private room, I have a small altar with statues of Bodhisattvas, but every day I prostrated over 100 times.

By recite the Buddha and chanting my name will be much merit. All the merit that I get, I can dedicate to everyone and then I will go to the Pure Land.  

I Am The richest 

When you have time, I practice and I also help the monastery by the office. I am a religious person over 10 years; earlier, I do bookkeeper for an office in Taipei (Taipei). I want to learn about Buddhism, to become a Buddhist monk, but have not found a suitable place. I dream of a mountain and feel the Buddha lived there. Where the world like a lotus flower, but in Taiwan there are many mountains, I do not know where to look or where to go.

First I went to the nunnery Yungmin, where he Yun (Hiu Wan) is often taught, but I was too old to join the retreat there. I was 31 years old, but the course was only for those under 30 years of age. Then I heard about Pho Quang Son, where the nuns under the age of 35 can enroll. So I hit the road and join this course.

One day, I chant Quan Yin, and after I finished walking, just looked up the mountain. I see these mountains mhan very familiar. They are the mountains I had dreamed before. I go back and pay homage Yin, because I understand that you are seeking to be the place.

In the course, I had to learn about Buddhist art. I do not like this very subject, because I think I have no complaints art, but my teacher she was very excited. I asked her how drawing and crafting a shower, and since then, I began to have much interest in clay modeling. After being etched shower, I decided shaped statue.

I do accounting should be counting the money, but no matter what, because I count every coin, I recite the name of Amitabha, Amitabha Buddha! In my mind, all the Buddha Amitabha. I am very happy hanhh, I'm the richest person. Everywhere in my house, in my mind are the Buddha Amitabha. Trees on the outside, inside me, everything is Pure.

You need to have faith and practice. Then I'll see you in the Pureland. Anyone if practiced according to Buddhist teachings and meditation can go there. Meditation does not leave the chanting. The practice Pure Land and Zen doctrine does not, you can practice both at the same time. Do not leave the Pure Meditation, Zen and Pure Land is no different. So you can go to the Pure Land, and we can meet there.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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