Monday 30 March 2015

In the realm full of false ceiling roses this interim, people still yearn to look a little fragile happiness between life unreal. But what happiness is, the search for happiness easy or difficult as many people think.
In search of a definition of happiness
In search of a definition of happiness, a common definition for all mankind on this earth really is not easy. Some people feel happy just to make more money, there are some who feel they have the floor, cars, beautiful wife, good children are happy, some people argue that we must make the new head of state as well -being. But there are also people for happiness is something very normal: eat a full meal, go to school, to have clothes to wear ... Or with a death row inmate, happiness is being reduced the sentence to life imprisonment and know that tomorrow is still alive, just like that is enough. However, today's happiness is to have a bike but tomorrow is happy for them to be car. So obviously, the nature of happiness is impermanent, temporarily assume the people we like that. However, everyone is thirsty and running in search for the "standard" of their own happiness, only to find more tired by the wish was not fulfilled. So happy firstly the like.

2. Happiness is knowing enough

We believe that his or suffering and unfortunate because we are greedy and do not know what is enough. The more demand there is greed, the greater the pain. People kept looking at life with eyes pessimistic, negative without looking back to what we are. If we have a full eye, ear, nose, tongue, hands and feet, we were more than happy to know how people are missing with. We have cup food and clothing to warm to wear more than happy to have so many people already. I read an article the concept of life is interesting as follows:
"If the morning you wake up and find yourself still healthy but not sick ... you're happier than millions of people can not survive this week.
If you have never been imprisoned, never feel starved, you still luckier than 500 million people worldwide.
If you still have food in the refrigerator, clothes in drawers, a place to sleep ... you are still richer than 75% of people in this world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet ... 8% among the wealthiest people in the world.
If your parents are still living together, your results are rare lucky ones.
If you find yourself smiling and thank others sincerely, you are very lucky, anyone can do this, but not everyone can do.
If you read, you are luckier than two billion people in the world are illiterate.
So there, you are luckier than a lot of people in this world. Let's appreciate what you yourself are offline! "
If everyone thought like that, knowing full well and a more positive outlook on life, they will see their life is still very much happier person. Do not run after things too far, happiness is what exists around us alone. How many broken families because the spouse does not know happiness that exists around me. How many years of living together, it is boring and disregard the sacrifice of another, then look to the new object. They keep on little drunk in the illusion, when you wake up and see her there's nothing left, how much gratitude couple years, young children earnest poetry called three hours away and even shadow It is thought that pink is beautiful, lovely and discard one that goes. Then there are people who, for a lifetime of hard labor for her, sowing create countless evil deeds did not foresee what the high door wide, the money just is fleeting, and then one day hand down eyes closed, yet there carrying anything. So, people want to be happy then happy to know his stuff is there. But we should not therefore rely, for the lack of progress, not labor, saying his life was so happy. Happiness is when we have work to do, who to love, staying true to his conscience and has accumulated for ourselves, we have to share for those who are poorer than us. That's really happy.

2. Forgive us closer to happiness than

People from birth to old age and even life and death is imminent when we face is how many non-urban, unjustly, the intricacies of the relationship between husband and wife, your children, your friends, relatives and even strangers. There are so many people hate her husband because he missed the mistake once, but lifelong grudge until blindly down the arm, with the others being denigrate, defame or competitive advantage, but that the right to dispose of those who hated it itself contained inside. Of course, in many cases because the other guys, so we're sorry for bothering responsible birth center, but if you can, let's practice forgiveness. Altruism, tolerance is not one day that we do have the Order set, using both reason and morality that we obtained. Forgiveness starts from the smallest thing can not see bother if someone accidentally stepped on my feet when on the bus, someone accidentally touches their nose to tail his motorcycle ... From the little things that I can see if someone can calmly take the shoes, sandals, his coat to the neighbor occupies a land right at the boundary line between the two. Sometimes we can forgive a stranger but every hug forever hate righteous people in the family, parents, children, brothers, husband and wife. Then, visualize impermanence exercise tolerance: Just think if we die or dies, we feel resentment them again? Who then is returned to the dust and bring evil deeds in life to be reincarnated, so there is nothing different hatred? If people know they'll forgive my mind at ease to know how much. And letting go, the more tolerant the more we come close happier.

3. Happiness does not mean trampling others

Every day, every hour, we saw so many people struggle happiness of others. Many people do not understand the law of causality because borrowers pay, they love a man admired for his rich, handsome shape that despite his wife decided to use every trick to get win. I remember reading an article on the center section of a wife. She previously done in bars and countless passionate men, including a man leave his wife to marry her, she gloat tears of the woman. Then one day, you should also back the tears when her philandering husband said with another prostitute. Life loan borrowers pay that.
Thus, happiness is not so much their Geneva on the contrary, you should be given, to share what I have others. That is happiness. There are many people to see others offering, giving, help the poor bears pooh conscious mind, mocking. The truth, those who help others know that they are getting pleasure from his own works, not to mention that they get blessings from her volunteer work.

4. Happiness is not relying on other people to get

On the press until things happening around us, there are so many stories about boys or girls for sex but suicide. Because they live and think only happy when someone you love. If a person such as a change of heart, the resentment, misery and ruin her himself. There is also the jumping suicide because in one night from a giant's shares lost nothing. These people do not know that money, sex, fame, are impermanent, there and then lose it, even temporarily assume the body of our nothingness and also the mention things outside her body. If every mortgage on the above, then one day the things that will make us suffer. This is a law that not everyone is willing to recognize and acknowledge. Happiness is not actually located in the car you drive, the house you are in, or the work you are, ... because there are people who have achieved a lot of things they want, but ultimately, they still do not feel happiness. Simply because happiness is in itself every ours, it is in your midst. Therefore, happiness is our own gift to you, do your own boss, and then if there's something good happens, we have reassured her and be self-employed. So we ourselves can do to calm the mind and can overcome the shock of his life? It's your exercise habit of letting go, less thinking, worry, worry about unnecessary things, it will help to reduce our nervous tension, hatred and delusion. Be diligent regular Buddha, temples, Buddha, repent sincerely to alleviate now and create content in the purified mind.
People in the world are those who are satisfied with what they are and say that I was happy. Because life rush, we just lose myself and run under the illusion, that would have been happy with his fleeting. So many times in life, we need to ruminate, to have moments of slowdown to recognize things, balancing with his own life. After all, to truly happy, you need to know to create happiness within themselves. At the same time, you also have to know themselves up to achieve success for more "material" to build his happiness. If you focus too much on creating happy inside, you can never achieve the success you desire in life. Conversely, if you live because the results are, you can "burn" your happiness before construction was happy.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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