Monday 30 March 2015

In the four immeasurable mind "Since, Compassion, Joy, Equanimity" that, people need to practice the words "Discharge" whose role is especially important. "Discharge" here is meant to let go, let go, do not cling to material or idea. Teacher I often say: "Acceptance into what the ones that make us suffer."

However, to abandon years of education in the world as human resources, identity, name, make, lobe is not a simple matter. People often like to embrace the things that make for good, beautiful. In the house, though the items do not need to use any more but still obstinate refusing to give or donate to others and also tend to keep buying stocks. The book maps out all the room in the shed. So, day after day, the furniture is damaged and will not use up space wasted. She knew that he loved his boys will suffer but still love very dearly and was very protective of her love. Because she thought I really love them, can not live without him. She accepts keep love in suffering for it's beautiful, is probably living life without knowing that emotions are just non-time nature which has no real love. People like to enjoy the suffering of impermanence by themselves drawn.
Every person has the right to live according to their wishes. People have the right to happiness, sadness, anger, love, hate, greed ... However, if you do not know the practice, sometimes self float itself under the blow, anger, love, stains of life, accidentally created without knowing now. When scolded, the extremely unpleasant. But the fact is anxiety that statement, did not object. If you do not know how to practice detachment, celebrity golf response, they both lead to the thoughts, actions and words many times more negative than the initial cause. Words are just words, but when exposed to the ear, the notion affixing his own way and sometimes regretted its consequences. Anger over losing wise. A fire burned the forest yard merit. If you do not know letting go, no forgiveness, no tolerance, and really no enlightenment, who are themselves damnation myself and loved ones around.
The lotus in the mud, in the water, but not for leaf rots waterproof. Just as we are in the midst of life, full of fame, fortune, good food, clothe ... surrounded. If we do not know what it is recognized that very often contained in the hearts keep on living and working life for these things, we will be the tears that permeates, rodents and rot soul. Some students just out of school, the biggest wish is to have a specialized job properly. When you have a job, you want to get a raise. When you get a raise, he's looking forward to a promotion. Specifically, he worked day and night to meet all its targets while ignoring health, family and friends around. Once at the peak of his career, he told me lonely, elderly parents, friends are married and do not have much time to care for those injured again.
I often obstinate type "live to labor, carrying dead" when someone vex. I put the notion of not forgive him for life as a punishment and to prove the damage that he caused her how big. But the truth sometimes anger does not bring peace but cause more adversity. Seventy-year-old woman angry with him eighty specific than ten years because of a funny conversation, he unwittingly repeating something to hide her go out with other people. She became furious and said that he had betrayed her. She said the children's why she went to the temple, chanting, doing good many still did not forget the pain and often have insomnia. She hurt, sorrow and follow him. He no doubt because of his funny words that couple to fall into such situations irony. The child's grandparents are also unhappy over how. Indoor air is always heavy. Thus, sometimes just for a simple job that thoughts turn it into a disaster, causing pain for themselves and their loved ones. Bigotry, not tolerance, not knowing how to let go of countless people who have loss of appetite, restless sleep, not in order, no happiness, and tormented in the idea that I was born. People like to enjoy anger of the world. The pain of the mind blowing big as mountains when in fact it's just like mote.
Cup of pure water we drink tap water filter purification system due to work well. If not filtered, glass of water will be dirty and undrinkable. The human mind, too, if not know how to reflect and let go of the sale we will embrace the heterogeneity of the earth. Due to greed and attachment so people will not have enough time and being predestined to live peaceful, meaningful to themselves, their families and society. Opportunities to practice, so also true liberation fragile.
When the Buddha left, the Buddha did not bring anything because he was contemplating everything is impermanent and is the cause of suffering, cause and effect. Buddha with gold supply, electricity pearls, beautiful wife, beautiful children, with the throne, power ... He is everything valuable. But the Buddha gave up everything to go. Buddha understand the value and nature of all things non-time so that the Buddha was determined to find the source of eternal peace for humanity. Likewise, a practitioner wants to liberate the drain wire binding, live cavalier, confidence and calm, the "Nirvana is here". 
Thich Thien Sieu I remember with great poem:  
"A little bit angry at the two participating
Telecom also suffer lifelong ri
Hundreds of good, fast thousand things
Washed sauntered all that fun. "
Let go of all but do not take anything that was all. Letting go in education: financial, color, name, make, lobes; practice love and cherish the present will bring us all peace and happiness of life. Action discharge is also practicing the Buddha's unfortunate that we are always happy to mid-life. Buddhist followers want achievements on the way to study and pray to the thorough liberation from "Discharge" in the four immeasurable mind to always keep in mind I only have one path.
"Life is not mad no more and no blame
Live smiling with thorny challenge
Living rise to up the sunshine
Living in harmony with people living
Live the action, but please do not waver
Living is injured, but please do not entangles
Live boldly despise fame

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