Monday 30 March 2015

The fifteenth day of January has two main meanings: one is the holy day Congress at Truc Lam net Xa, two is the Buddha promised and confirmed with Mara three months he would enter Nirvana.

Festival fifteenth day of January as usual assembly of Buddhas organization called Caturangasannipata. However, historically the Omniscient Buddha in the past, the number increased opportunity, the Congress, other locations with Buddha Shakyamuni But the basic elements for congresses are completely identical. Apparently this is the traditional structure of the Buddhas. Congress holy period Shakyamuni these four genera:

- Yes on the full moon of January
- Congress has 1250 monks, automatic audience to the Buddha, not invite or by appointment
- Increases Assembly 1250 were ordained bhikkhus Lai Shan (Ehibhikhu), and the you are the Holy increase.

 This holy Congress opening on the day of the full moon of the first lunar month in Veluvana. During the meeting, the Buddha for the Patimokkha 1250 monks, is divided into two parts:

- Part One: Church World Ovadapatimokkha, meaning He summarized his teachings into three verses Motto:
Do not do evil (Sabbababassa akaranam),
Making the healthy behavior (Kusalassu upasampada)
Keep in mind clean (Sacittapariyotapanam).
It is the world of the Buddhas teachings of the past and of the Tathagata so.

- Part Two: He preached Anapatimokkha, which means you approve the precepts for monks to worship Bodhisattva (Uposatha) each semimonthly to 15 and 30 (or 29). Dad slapped ceremony is a form of helping the monks to contemplate his virtue to be refined seriously, if there are omissions in the state of world day of your repentance together.

Today Theravada Buddhist Sangha Theravada still preserve this tradition for Discipline is the foundation of Buddhism, Dhamma Vinaya is also longer. In three classic organ, the Buddha declared that over time, the Vinaya will ultimately perish. When Vinaya then there is annihilation of dark age, is the starting point of all terms of a Buddha Dhamma Enlightenment.

Concurrently with the above definition, the fifteenth day of January longer Economics Mahaparinirvana record: 

Blessed with monks from the capital city of Rajagaha Increased travel to the capital Vesali. One day, the Buddha seated on a Vesali alms, after that meal finished Buddha taught the Venerable Ānanda coming Capalacetiya tower. After the Buddha seated on the seat cover available, Venerable Ānanda pay homage to the Buddha finished, probably sitting somewhere right. Then, the Buddha taught: - Ananda, these stages were usually conducted 4 achievement measures (idhipada), was conducted become mature, conducted become a solid foundation, which basically has exercise into your daily routine, often relentless effort conducted four legal achievements. 

Ānanda, steps that have the ability to sustain life or whole life than life as the life.

Ananda, the Tathagata has often conducted four achievement measures, conducted become mature, conducted become a solid foundation, with basic, practiced daily habit, often relentless effort conducted four legal achievements. 

Ananda, the Tathagata has the ability to maintain a full life life (100 years) or more lives life (over 100 years) so.

Buddha taught so indirectly, by the Venerable Ānanda not understand, should not invite the Buddha said,

- Blessed transparent glass, glass ask him to sustain life throughout life (100 years).
Regards ask him to sustain life full life, to health for the majority of living beings, to bring the benefits, peace most of them students, to bring the benefits, evolution, peace to the gods and mankind.

Because, when he Venerable Ānanda was Mara harassment, should not know what the Buddha. Although the Buddha taught so the second, third, Venerable Ānanda still do not understand; He bowed to the Buddha, and then ask for permission to go out to sit under a tree not far from where the Buddha.

When Venerable Ānanda just out, Evil Ma Thien came to almost Exalted, and stood a justified and transparent that:
- Dear White Buddha, respectfully ask him die Nirvana, Nirvana respectfully ask him die Tables now! Now is the time passed away his Nirvana.
In fact, the evil God has repeatedly invited to the Buddha passed away Nirvana, the Buddha were previously rejected. But this time, the Buddha Ma Evil God promised that: 

- Hey Ma Evil God, let your peace of mind, not long before, the Tathagata will die Nirvana. Since this is only three months away, the Tathagata will die Nirvana.
Thus, the Buddha had so wise, determined period of three months will discharge life, his life, at the Stupa Capalacetiya , which is on the fifteenth day of January (lunar calendar). Even then, the earth shuddered motion.

Venerable Ānanda saw incredible things, the earth shook so in most Exalted, transparency saying
- Blessed transparent glass, so what causes the earth to shake, his transparency.
The Buddha taught that:

- Ananda, today, just then, the Tathagata has so wise Ma Evil God promised that: "Only three months later, the Tathagata will die Nirvana."
Hearing this, the Venerable Ānanda glass Visiting that:

- Dear White Buddha, I respectfully invited him to maintain a full life life life (100 years). Con kindly invited him to maintain a full life life life, to health for the majority of living beings, to bring the benefits, the majority of them living peacefully, to bring the benefits, evolution, the happiness of gods and mankind.
The Buddha taught that:

- Ananda, the Tathagata should not appeal anymore; Now is not the time to ask the Tathagata again. Tathagata has taught me many times indirectly, but I still do not understand, you can not request Tathagata. As far Lai Ma promised God and Evil, the other can not be.

Venerable Ānanda feel infinite sadness, regret their negligence, the Exalted consolation Venerable Ānanda that:
- Ananda, the Tathagata has taught that "living away from each other, die separation with loved ones, the love of his rank, that is evident. Therefore, how could there loved ones, the love of his rank according to his will be! ".

These measures are already born then, existed then, because of conditions and structures, certainly damage is usually, though desirable, saying, "please do not ruin that approach," it is impossible to get .

 To celebrate the great history there, Theravada Theravada Buddhist world celebrated the fifteenth of January in various forms in different rituals: as festive bowl to put the monks, ordained, refuge ceremony, presentation ceremony law, the first ordination momentum ... to help Buddhists chance affinity sown in Dhamma.

Especially ceremony momentum Areas (Dhutanga): form a sleepless night to commemorate the Buddha - a great man, with an extraordinary ideal, lifelong dedication to sacrifice for the benefit of others. Usually the first night there were many items to Buddhist practice attendance and more about doctrine. Items that usually Lecture, relics, Meditation, Questions and Answers Dharma, Dharma picking flowers, etc. The thesis director attended a night momentum, through the items that will certainly be knowledgeable teachers base of the Buddha and will have a firm belief in the Three Jewels.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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