Monday 30 March 2015

The beings from humans to animals and plants in their character carries a life since childhood has been formed. As Buddhists, we practice does not mean killing we appreciate life in all its forms.
In practice the Five for Layman, first world to protect the lives of all species is presented by the Buddha first set, position and role in leading the world in comparison with the remaining four: "The real prayer collective defense of life by not killing the life of humans and creatures, including the environment. Human body in his esteem of others and whether in any case. I know only love new practice hatred and enmity, body and mind soothing, restful sleep and gentle face. "
These beings from humans to animals and plants in their character carries a living germ from the newly formed. As Buddhists, we practice does not mean killing we appreciate life in all its forms. Protect the lives of all living beings and the environment is nurturing compassion rid of greed, hatred and delusion, building a peaceful society, keeping the environment healthy, avoid hatred karma in this lifetime and many other lives. All beings are born on earth, no sentient being not afraid of death, fear of suffering and disease. In particular, human beings are the most advanced and also the species involved its life and strive to preserve their lives the most.
According to scientists, a being is born from the combination of fine father and mother's blood . But in the eyes of causality, that is the moment that he meets students to karmic rebirth. Rebirth in any realm of karma dependent beings. The heavenly beings to enjoy every blessing can regenerate as a person. Man if caused many crimes from this life or previous life will be reborn into three data lines are animals, hungry ghosts and hell. Thus, the animals that we eat meat like pork, beef, chicken, duck ... may be he, she or his relatives from countless past lives. Because of ignorance, we follow the "Material support staff" that sacrifice other beings to feed your body is creating a huge industry that do not know.
I have heard all share in the temple Dharmadutha of a layman before opening specialty restaurants sells poisons, strange dishes made ​​from rare animals. He first cauldron monkey, ox tail cut, boiling water in fish processing and fleece cat, dog ... when the animals are still alive in front of diners at the restaurant to create the atmosphere for drinking sessions and ensure its always the freshest. Obviously, the gentleman was interested to see the performances of the inn's restaurant and guests are always expensive. Until one day, one by his relatives died by misadventure. By the sixth in the family gone, he felt fear, panic and told someone he was rehabilitated in Gypsy. Who he led him to repent and learn about Buddhist law of causality and the abbot. These days, he's well on the red spots all over his body, burning endless. During that time, he was thinking and contemplating all the crimes they have committed a long time. The pain of bereavement and illness made ​​him shudder to think of the case if he was the victim of cruel acts by himself created as the first cauldron or pluck or cut tail does not know his days ago how much will be painful. Since then, thanks to the guidance of the abbot and dedicated practice, metabolic body and mind, vegan and do good deeds, he was off sick and stopped altogether specialty restaurant business, become a devout Buddhist.
Thus, we can see the pain, the suffering of humans and creatures alike no other. Imagine beings panic, pain, struggling on a cutting board, under the knife, blood flush how, when we humans fall into that situation as well like that. We strive to care, protect your body to piece pedicure, manicure, but we knit exorbitant interest are happy living creature in the world so it's not fair. It is a crime that needs to be eradicated and replaced by compassion Buddha's teaching: "I am determined to practice the defense of life by not killing the life of humans and creatures, including the environment. "
Attack is the student's illness, suffering, distress. We borrow another flesh to live there comes the moment we have to pay with his body, though it is impossible to escape from. Do not want to kill, let's conquer and overcome your mind, do not run the verbal delicacies that make sin. Let's contemplate the suffering of living beings as well as his pain to stop. In addition, students must know contemplative Buddhist predatory carnivorous beings as their children. Animals that are about to be killed tha the indescribable joy, like a bird about to be exorbitant, pluck release, like a fish about to bring Scale was released. Birds fly glad to live, dead fish from swimming pool merriment. So, do not kill that enhance student is nurtured reporter compassion, help us gradually passage of mind is not good, avoid hatred and retribution contribute to balance ecological environment.
In this world do not have anything in your life. According to the first of the Five Precepts lay: "I appreciate your network itself and the others though in any case." Thus, the network itself violate the meaning of serious transgression. In particular, suicide is the most serious crime, will fall into hell immediately. Because, quad gift: the gift parents, grace Chief, National grace, grace being unpaid, shall not round but suicide is underestimated network itself, causing painful family, affects the lives of many people around, is particularly serious crime. In the Brahma Net Sutra says: "Most personal losses, thousands of lives disobedience", meaning "A phen lose body, thousands of lives have to be difficult." Made of people is very difficult, so we have to appreciate his life and body of others whether in any case. This statement also implies not include murder, said protecting his family networks and all the others.
The monks while walking always noted avoid stampede, killing plants. Plants without prejudice, fasting for not killing animals is probably what killed his neighbor. If for any reason that the lives of people killed under his arm, the resentment of them full of hard extinguished. They will embrace hatred, vengeance will wait to see the occasion. Adversity has sown certainly due date. Not to mention the result will get a hundred thousand times greater than if your family makes him suffering and hardship. Kill the network must be for life, which is the law of causality. The more closely now, as his work on the cycle of suffering. Buddha: "The consciousness often murdered, the growth of the industry suffering in samsara forever revolve, no days off" (Lankavatara Sutra).
"I know only love new practice hatred and enmity , body and mind soothing, restful sleep and gentle face. "Hatred as a flame in the center. Embracing hatred is like raising your body and mind aflame. In Beijing eradicate anxiety, Venerable Shariputra said: "If there is someone that does not act cute, cuddly words that do not mind a little rest called cute, then if who is the birth center where his anxiety that guy, I have to find a way to rid reflect the anxiety that goes. "We often love the act cute, cute words and have a cute hearts. But if there is an action not cute, not cute words that do not mind a little rest called cute, as practitioners, we must practice love is not always the cute ones that, because it certainly is "a person is suffering, people are going to make sure the roads are extremely evil, if not met, the good knowledge he will not have the opportunity to transform and go on paths of happiness. "Therefore, the wise man, we should" open mercy and rambling, eliminate the anxiety of us and help for the other guys. "
When someone anxiety, major I'm mad as greed, anger and ignorance of the person, not the body of the anger was present before. Therefore, the detection of a wave of violence in mind, we should embrace his anger again, using all the power of compassion to appease his anger as a mother holding her child. Then, again reflecting itself, cause sorrow him and neutralize based on love and compassion. My teacher says: "People who live in hatred always restless, always tired, depressed, always tension, fear and suffering. Get hate to pay for the hatred can never be solved, it just makes both sides become painful only. Letting go of these things appear peace, joy unbounded love appear. "Thus, we can see the truth of the Buddha's teachings. Practice love and protection of human life, all life and the environment will help us eliminate hatred, bring body and mind soothing, restful sleep and gentle face. This is what Buddhists should always remember to practice and practice to achieve the best results. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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