Friday 20 March 2015

LETTER "NOT" IN THE BUDDHA. In Buddhist meditation is considered common practice of Buddhism, but in fact meditation is applied in all activities of life that people do not pay attention to. For example in the areas of modern science, the word meditation is meant to be a study to apply all stages of thinking in order to find the application form to serve human life. If the results of this study ultimately, achieve perfection can put them into practice to benefit the life of the study is called "invention". But all the inventions of science and technology is to serve people with physical world to have life easy, comfortable and bring people together more closely. For example, when scientists discover and launch satellites into Earth's orbit so today everyone has a mobile phone, can watch live TV football game on TV world champion in any anywhere. Such a doctor before giving medicine must reflect, reflection examination to find out the condition of his client so the doctor accidentally every day in meditation so many times without realizing know. A student is thinking to find solutions a mathematical equation, a housewife was thinking what to cook for family dinner tonight. In short meditation is thinking, contemplation to thoroughly know the ultimate object. Meditation in Buddhism, too, but instead of thinking, contemplation to the invention for the material world, the yogi rotation contrary to the human mind to realize its true. There are into meditation practitioner can truly live in the wake of his enlightened awareness for penetrating the world is impermanent, suffering, and no impurities. Whether practicing yogi Foundations of Mindfulness (vipassana,), the father of Zen (Tathagata pure meditation), the ultimate end is still inventing intellectually. Just as if a scientist devoted lifelong study that ultimately did not find it to be an invention of the other studies did not come anywhere, without any benefit for themselves and for life. Therefore, based on Buddhist spiritual meditation, the mind must be generated to identify penetrating truth Minister of Human Space. Heart of beings such as lights which illuminate, but winds do shake expectations ceiling light overshadowed reason. Now if you go into meditation such as shooting the breeze in the shade lamp illuminated center will now have the means, the wisdom will arise. Now under the gaze of the original Buddhist trinity publication "impermanence, suffering and non-self" is the main material to help them escape from samsara which reached its peak end is pure nirvana. They used "Integration is not customary" for consistency that the world is impermanent, suffering big four, not five aggregates and selflessness (five aggregates are form, feeling, perception, knowledge of Mahayana and also the body, feelings, mind , measures of Theravada) should worldly things under their eyes there is nothing you, nothing worthy of attachment, passion, nothing worth preserving, even conservative elements, their body panels. Thus the "no" of every bar text is non-existent things, everlasting, unstable unsure of impermanence, so they do not fall attained. In other words for the phenomena of the visible world as the sun moon clouds of water, diving birds flying fish do not have anything to escape the law of impermanence of all things under the eyes of the world they are all are not. So "not-self" here is necessarily selfless approach. Selfless things mean even their body panels can not be fixed order, everlasting, eternal because the word "self" in self in Buddhism, the most common, immutable things that this world is not something is immutable, most often, both fixed. When you reach the truth of your self does not become an Arahant. So Mahayana thought about the word "not" How To Bodhisattvas are not the things they see the world is impermanent, not fall and suffering as the status bar text that Bodhisattva also see things really are is formless. What is formless? Formless under the gaze of the Bodhisattva is the world things are illusory, unreal, but as yet have not. That is "not comparable to immediate" means things out there but notorious, but not accept the Bodhisattva mind of it should but that still does not have. Thus the difference of the Bodhisattva is that both "non-self and not legal" rather than self does not necessarily know as the arahant. So Mahayana thought that "things are not period, being predestined as illusory" should not accept the existence in the universe of the world means that although things have kept that in mind as not. As the Bodhisattva should not accept without alienating world that has not been contaminated earth sinking, constant self-interest in, pure nirvana. For example, the status bar text that humans born and old age, illness and eventual death should he be afraid of life and death, boring life. In contrast to the Bodhisattva shop unborn legal means to contemplate the thought that nothing is being looked at, it also means that nothing looked away. For example, when looking at a flower bud, then how do you know unborn nature of it? When looking at new flower blooming buds are sure to be born, and a few weeks later, they said flower buds brutal killing. But this is only a short-sighted view of the human being, even the look of the Bodhisattva realize the right of the unborn is a new flower buds bloom at the killing of the students had already. In contrast, while it is fading, the Bodhisattva to look at the kill is derived for the other students. It is the phenomenon of self regulation and self origination of the phenomenon to be born with what is real and what is really killing anywhere. In other words birth and then kill, destroy and re-birth, birth born infinite kill kill kill should be born, live and die as normal, nothing important should not fear, suffering. We see his birth elderly, the sick, the suffering sorrow. In contrast, for the Bodhisattva of life and death is normal, death and birth is strawberry sea games in constant cycle as grace and charm invariable custom that. So the Bodhisattva of wisdom label or labels of the Buddha, the Buddha looked at things without actually being born and kill but not necessarily mean that students take to kill and kill and then to re-birth, birth and death are killing countless students endless. nutshell under the consciousness of Theravada life is impermanent, perish, now have not they tried tu mai to attain nirvana, liberation samsara. Conversely Property under the label of Bodhisattvas things do not mean the world stage universe but have still not born then kill, kill and students to infinite. Do not be afraid of life and death, so they lived happily in order, to refuse acceptance should not feel they have no attachment. When you know all of the sexual craving (collective or cross slope sole use cross) that is no longer attached, the constant pure heart, the Buddha nature is displayed without attainment for all. Therefore, according to Mahayana practitioner shall not have attained the problem is that because the idea was attained despite the subtle, the mind still take decades ie no end to this history. Some people try sitting meditation failure Investment insight to turn all the world into the otherwise it is not Zen, as hard as religious as ignorant. Earth, houses, cars, young men and women notorious in the shop that did not, there was nothing the world was something to live, to cultivate. The home of Buddhism is not "no other such identity" means "not as sharp and the colors are not". In other words all objects in this world despite massive as the sun, moon, or as small as grains of sand are conditioned mote operation that created the object itself and not arise or exist for Should animals be selfless, not free but there should be, as seen in this bloodstained but someday it will be transformed, so-called non-target damage. So what's not Buddhism is not greedy, ignorant, not clinging to run under every form birth and death and not spiritual powers or shop do all disappear. In the old days Buddha lived in the world is full of material as we now, but in the eyes of the enlightenment that although there but all is not so he does not cling to anything right All Bodhi, Nirvana. So tired of suffering because there should not try to seek the result is the same size that is still serving the other side, not in order. Wisdom is the true nature of living beings have the ability to discern the truth but pure nature or Buddha Nature is available for everyone. Nature always calm purity, it is necessary to attain nirvana what. Bodhi, the Buddha Nature is available for where to new religious enlightenment. When love is not expected to know its crazy with pure Buddha Nature. Now, it awakened out of the bag and always have the jewel that Ma ni do not know, just reached into the'll get out of poverty, suffering right crazy. In the emptiness that is the essence of natural purity, there is no wisdom or attain anything. So are the Heart Sutra: "Forever herons very favorable position" and "certainly possessed no problem" is that. In Vacuum Magic Nature, Buddha Nature is always available to be attained just saying, is pretending to find the real item that is resold their area only. In the Diamond Sutra, the Buddha Ca taught that "no Tathagata attained Supreme Enlightenment at all." The reason he is not evidence that the earth is his respect for the Tathagata has no ego minister, minister without mercy, no minister beings and no minister fake life. Tathagata looking things are equal, no injuries, no hate, no anger no more, no bias tasteless. And Tathagata always live in goodness and not fall into the orbit of law so people born evil called Tathagata attained Supreme Bodhi Tathagata do not actually have attained nothing. But not attained the Tathagata say that the Tathagata has actually attained. The attainment of this is very real and very spoiled and that is not true nor not. Why is not true? Because what the Tathagata attained the no form, no color, no size, severity, no script language to describe. So what Tathagata attained is not real. But if it's not, it must be working. Yet the results attained by the Tathagata is no damage. Why? As for the Tathagata have the wisdom to fully realize the truth absolutely right, in accordance with nature Bodhi and nirvana pure nature of the phenomena, in accordance with the true nature of man, in accordance with French Identity of things so Tathagata never ignorance of suffering affliction, the mind is permanent nirvana. So it is very effective to attain nothingness that is not no. So are the Heart Sutra: "Lust Instant No, No immediate market Lust" means Yes and No that is not new is there so. Cultivation in Buddhism is called the market right bank earlier. Why? Buddha likened ashore who are mortal beings, the capital was also on the shore as the Buddha, but their craving for sensual and intellectual ignorance should have the boat beyond the immense sea which must be stamping wave coincides coincides sea breeze. Now if you listen to the Buddha, Dhamma angle to the subject turned the boat back to shore and can also be joyful in as Buddha himself. It was early in the short ie new boat dock dates. The Buddhist moral insight if this is truth to feel magical Exalted without falling into superstition. But Buddha and Bodhisattva injured all beings as one of his children, but they themselves must wake up and know how to apply the truths of Buddhism mystery. That is the classic three-step teaching. Do not misunderstand directions to return to shore beings does not mean that the Buddha gave them birth on the sea shore where they must rely on their own driving under the sheet charts that Buddha gave. In other words, the Buddha did not understand the meaning of prayer, worship Lord Buddha for anyone else, but only in the sense of Catholic liturgical practice medicine only. Paddle faster, slow paddle depending on a foundation of beings voluntary basis, but everyone has to row the terminal date. In summary fruition supreme Bodhi is not dedicated to the Tathagata, if all beings under the direction of the pure nature of their Buddha nature ie it will have Bodhi right. So all the hundreds of thousands means of Buddhism is not beyond the aim of helping them to students at the beginning of the short boat turned back to the old wharf live with chon, pure Buddha nature within us wise constant. Boat back to the old wharf chon is displayed, the Buddha nature and manifest beings will live here very wise purity of peaceful bliss.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/3/2015.

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