Tuesday 31 March 2015

Night Bodhisattva Siddhartha reached the ordained, the royal Kapilavatthu immersed in cold silent and deserted. The air separation mourn vague as covering all lines of business falls into every place he went through. 

Bodhisattva Siddhartha felt very clearly even though he never looked back. Siddhartha determined to go with all the enthusiasm of youth, decided to find out the truth to solve the problems of life and death for their suffering and for all creatures.
After crossing the river Anoma, prince Siddhartha minded people, barber gave Channa take extra royalty reporting, goodbye and faithful servant Kanthaka beloved horse, he aimed straight green forest. The man, the winter supply Prince has left behind all the negative balance of a regal life, emerged as a wandering ascetic in the deep forest green mountains, the roadmap ahead seems infinite, unknown Where.

Associate director level school year, then the Bodhisattva also known ascetic Gotama is met two famous contemporary teachers, Alara Kalama and that Uddaka Ramaputta. In the ashrams of Alara Kalama guru, Bodhisattva Siddhartha attained Unknown Origin possesses a profound meditation certification under the third floor of the Quartet no. Taoist Gotama was invited to stay for leadership, but he led them toys that: "This doctrine does not lead to detachment, not cessation of craving, do not lead to an end, does not lead to peaceful, direct evidence, enlightenment and Nirvana "from assuming away.

Leave Alara Kalama, the Bodhisattva was looking to master Uddaka Ramaputta. Here, the ascetic Gotama attained non-ideal non-African origin idea, meditation highest certification in the three worlds and in all contemporary hermit. Uddaka Ramaputta ascetic Gotama and ask the leaders in our map but Bodhisattva is evidence that meditation is an extremely profound, but has not yet reached enlightenment and Nirvana, the author from leaving.

With up to five years time, although not achieve ultimate enlightenment but Bodhisattva Siddhartha accomplished experience of meditation, meditation is the meditation only evidence of the Quartet are not very deep, calm. When teachers leave Uddaka Ramaputta most famous, in fact Bodhisattva did not know who to rely on. In the bottom of faith alone, call asceticism suddenly became melodious inviting. In the contemporary belief, the ascetic asceticism always appreciated, whether it is a single gateway to eradicate all sin and defilement, open the door dark ignorance, achievement of ultimate liberation.

The lush forests and deep u Uruvela origin of religion is holy ascetic. Gotama Magi come to practice asceticism with five fellow group Kondanna hermit. Add the tribulations of six years, ascetic Gotama has its best to follow the path ascetic, self-damnation. He diligently to overcome all the forms of ascetic hermit contemporary, it can be said that the First steps culminating austerity and aim the brink of self-destruction. In the situation confronting death, ascetic Gotama realized that: Austerity does not lead to enlightenment. Life's regal emperors lived pleasures are immersed in the birth and death, but life has had to take the same ascetic and physical exhaustion only spiritual aridity and especially the deadlock in the opening wisdom, the only charge vain.

Bodhisattva Siddhartha continued thoughtfully on the path to enlightenment. There is a more affordable path yet? Remembering his childhood, in the event he can enter the lower fill Profile meditation, a state of bliss by being sexual isolation. A bright idea came out where he is introverted and detachment. Taoist Gotama immediately decided to abandon austerity, its life milk bowl of Sujata, Neranjara bathing in the river, began a practice of the spirit of Chinese inward direction, away from the two extremes. After recovering health, mental clarity, the province back, the Bodhisattva Siddhartha to root Bodhi determined to meditate.

While the Bodhisattva Vows play despite broken bones tan flesh, if unenlightened do not leave the group root Bodhi hermit Kondanna reject him away. They despise him for interior rot, do not go to the ends of the ascetic path. Left alone in the sacred forest toxic water, four surface cold desert, face numerous dangers, the Bodhisattva can enter meditation with steely determination, willpower diamond. 49 day meditating under the Bodhi root is war and foreign goods for domestic ma tough obstacles and finally he won.

In last night, before wisdom burst, texts record that the Bodhisattva towards ultimate enlightenment by sequential Private enter meditation, meditation Second, Three and Four Zen meditation. On the basis of Charity, the Bodhisattva manipulate "the provincial center, pure, no pollution, needs fine, malleable, easy to use, come-back, solid and unshakable," he afferent of wisdom "In memory of a past life." He remembered many past lives, with full details. This is the first insight, intelligence Additional network, the Bodhisattva Siddhartha realized at an early scene, night enlightenment.

Wisdom and optimism has arisen, but the Bodhisattva remains mindful self provinces, he continued centripetal on "Understanding the phenomenon of arising and passing away of beings". He saw clearly the artifact behavior of each agent takes them rebirth propelled into three realms. Bodhisattva evidence proving God label, insight into farming Between Monday night enlightenment.

He continued his afferent to "Wisdom knows the cessation of illegal or". At the end of the night watch enlightenment, at both the morning star rises, the Bodhisattva evidence proving take long. Dark night of illicit sex, illegal possession and ignorance has been destroyed and intellectual outbreak. He said, "I've been liberated. Born took advantage, has a dignity, to do the job done, no longer return to this life anymore. " He attained Supreme Enlightenment. From there, he became known as the Buddha with ten titles: Tathagata, application Cung, director of Tri variable, Additional Minh Hanh, celestial, the World League, the Supreme Officers, Article fisheries Phu Thien Nhon Master, Buddha -The Sun.

Over countless lifetimes Bodhisattva practice religion, and the present life Bodhisattva Siddhartha must cover phen hard, sacrificing the network itself are glorious day, the Enlightened One, the Blessed One, Shakyamuni Muni under the Bodhi roots.

Viewable Sanming (Additional intelligent networks, intelligent and Gonorrhea God make smart label) is the content of the Bodhisattva realization of the night Siddhartha enlightenment. Sanming is the wisdom of the Buddha meditating development and achievements based on the goodwill of Charity. It is the discovery of Bhagavan, who later became the basic principles for the practice and promotion of evidence Monks disciples.

Beijing Grand Master Hong (Central I) summarizes the roadmap practice of monks by the entries from meditation to Charity Profile, then from Charity dedicated to meditating selflessness, impermanence, excluding ten fetters to turn attained four stages and achieve the ultimate Nirvana.

There is a different path to enlightenment is from Charity, practitioners continue to go deep into the Quartet no. However, Bhagavan often wake to produce non-ideal non-African origin idea to enter the realm of ideas to exterminate life before ultimate Nirvana. It is best to stop Unknown Origin ownership, and practice the four immeasurable (From, Bi, Hei, Drain) to tape idea to exterminate life prior to the ultimate Nirvana (Thich Chon Thien, Sangha the Buddha, tr.229).

Thus, although the Bodhisattva Siddhartha went through countless lifetimes Bodhisattva practice religion, carrying the capacity and the will of the Bodhisattva Most students additional practice origin but the content of his enlightenment and be specific clear that the disciples posterity can trace the past to achieve Sainthood Arhat.

Four other hand Charity and not the (evidence of pagan meditation) is the only form of meditation, but very important role, as the basis for meditation and wisdom to promote achievement of liberation, attained Niet- table.

The main insight meditation with screening capacity shattered confusion about the self, the constant to comprehend the true selflessness, impermanence of all things at the same time as the collapse of the fetters which is fundamental stronghold rebirth in order to attain ultimate liberation, is the greatest invention of the Bodhisattva Siddhartha.

Without innovation, the Bodhisattva Quan meditation Siddhartha attained enlightenment can not, nor can become a Buddha Buddhism in this world.

So, the Buddha attained enlightenment not only have the Bodhisattva Siddhartha attained enlightenment. And meditation Just-shop for thousands of years until the next thousand still is the essence, the essence of Buddhist practice in the metabolic effects, bringing practitioners from the mundane to the Bible.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/4/2015.

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