Monday 30 March 2015

These rules need to know the Buddhists.


We are Buddhists of Buddhism anyone ever heard the phrase "Depending coast invariant" .Phat analytical Church from India, but the country passed into the Eastern and Western with his spirit as grace, Buddhism was to integrate and adapt to the customs, culture, beliefs, ceremonies ... of national institutions to bring light to the nations Dhamma that, and also from an affinity that made features Buddhist separately for each country, but retains the core of Buddhism is to bring enlightenment and peace to everyone.

Buddha came from the lineage honor in Indian society that is class surveys to profit, so when Buddhism was transmitted to China, Vietnam, Japan, South Quoc.vv ... were kings court officials and the people's respect and admiration, with all their hearts even glass has brought out all the most advanced rituals of his people to make offerings to the Buddha and the Sangha. Buddhism receive all the rituals that, and to adapt to the customs, rituals, culture bold style Confucian, Buddhist Sangha as grace and the spirit of Buddhism as the dominant blend with local culture to create a new style of Buddhism, is expressed through majestic virtue of the Sangha.
Early Buddhism was introduced into China by imperial rulers and nobles received, because Buddha was the media respect the royal family came from so Buddhist ceremony used almost feudal regime of imperial China as well as the name of the authority of the court as "self" or "Power", including the architecture of temples were built in the style palace. "Power" is where the king used only in the throne important agenda, besides this is not arbitrary Phone. Buddhism is allowed to build places of worship Buddha Phone to be called representative, Chief Electrical and Electronic Security Ursa should also be adhered to strict rules of imperial palaces, Buddhist Buddha Hall is also respectful bow strict rules like glass palace, so in the words of the temple has not been arbitrarily to the temple: "no sign of any Electrical Jewels".
Through significance on with the show reverence to the Buddha, the Buddhist Jewels we need to study and learn the basic rules necessary to complete a personality of Buddhists in Release Date of reverence for the Buddha Dharma and Sangha Jewels.

In Hall must have rituals:

According to the two sides to the left that goes on, not going to indicate the center of respect. If you go to the left under the door must be left on the front steps, if you follow the right door on the right foot on the front.
With the exception of the Buddha, Buddha all other items not be brought into the Phone.
Only litigation, Buddha, lit incense burning oil can enter, is not considered as Buddhist temples wearing the electric sightseeing excursions.
Prior to Electricity to keep body and mind pure, clean hands, looking east on Electricity is not looking west, to arrive after Buddha religious contemplation space, silence verse: "to see the minister Buddha, pray for us birth, be very afraid eyes, see all Buddha ".
Electrical interference into Buddha must go to the right not to go to the left, to denote the path. When the Buddha was not a public disturbance stopped talking, his eyes always looked straight ahead.
In Dien not talking secular, not as loud, in addition to listening Sutra, Zen is not sitting in Electrical, if you speak the Dharma is not laughing out loud.
In Electrical Buddha is not based limbs into the wall, furniture, chin akimbo, as not bearing cone and rod based on electric wall spitting dirty work, while sitting not sit split two legs, standing up straight arms or palms upright to indicate reverence.
In modern Power is not burp yawning spitting, summer style ... if not withstand should go out. Heartburn yawning mouth to retrieve sleeves, spits it should take note and put in the basket, not a place to make impact on the public.

Why should venerate Buddha:

No comments statue has been dignified or not, Buddha can not be in the bedroom.
Go over to the Buddha image, to edit hands in celebration clothes shopping. If that chanting, Buddhist shrines to prostrate before, if space-time can not accept hand health facilities.
Seeing the Buddha had to perish in the appropriate space should not arbitrarily throw away:
The statue is damaged or dirty, so conscientious editing, such as lamps for new paint and make clean.
If no repairs should be reverent heart burn paper, and bring the ashes buried in a clean place. Statue of stone, wood after burning or resolution available to bring the sea to the river, where people do not have to be trampled.

How to offer incense:

When burning incense thumb and forefinger to hold joss sticks stand, 3 finger grip grab the bottom, 2 handles put incense horizontal forehead, visualize the Buddha Bodhisattva appearing before us, offering incense to life apparently, if a crowd, holding incense straight up to avoid hitting others then went to a statue of about 3 steps visualize burning incense and worship.
When the trees were burning incense 1, if offered 3 1 fennel plant plugs in between (mouth silently recite Buddhist offerings), 2nd tree right plug (silently offered France), 3rd tree on the left plug (silently Increased offerings). Then palms (silently offering the most essential being, let this fragrance around ten variables, offering the most essential Buddha, Religion France, the current home of St.).
When posting flavor not use your mouth to blow out the fire. After finishing plug incense, about half step back is upright head bowed slightly bent.
If you see a statue or scriptures to that dirty, wear clean place to stay. If you do not see the reverence for the Buddha, the strategic use their advice.

Buddha's how:

Buddha is not necessarily the most stand or stand in the middle facing the Buddha, Bodhisattvas, just sincere worship is, not what the Buddha did not know, so just begun devotion, reverence Whether they are in any position is also a good place at all.
Regardless of how many Buddha temple, usually in just 3 Lord Buddha power is, if their religious worship 1 then do as you like, even when on the phone with them, they must follow the mass which stood, hands in worship is, not his own first prostration, to avoid the influence of public order, but not the majesty again.

3 connotations of Lord Buddha:

Private mortgage hands: 2 hands equally taken at breast height, 5 fingers together upwards.
- Extraction for arrogance.
- Seeing the Sages expect to achieve that.
- Sam karma: so say "kill Buddha ceremony galaxy sa sin 1" want to kill the first offense to seriously majesty, in particular in addition to imposing a new residence can be induced to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and the household value is.

Method of repentance

The first O (true reveal) disciples repent, pray for everyone to practice repentance.
Reveal repentance - from ancient to create bad karma, are due beginningless greed, from the mouth itself that engenders, all this I would like to repent.
True repentance - crimes from mind to mind starts repentance, mind and destroy targets also guilty, guilty destroy all targets were not interested, so called true repentance.
The second O: Disciple of spiritual aspiration, prayer and common legal world are spending all negativity born 3 block, and understand the true wisdom, pray for crimes obstacles are eliminated, eternal often practice the Bodhisattva
O Tuesday: Disciple and dedication happy Samantabhadra - prayer throughout France beings arises in ecstasy, and often witness feet. Children bring happiness Samantabhadra wins, the countless blessings are dedication, willingness throughout beings are sunk, reborn in Amida Buddha realm.

Van Jewels ceremony.

Disciple us pray together for generations disciples, current Parent, Master Chief, Knowledge, Forum Vietnam, direct relatives of life, resentment bondholders themselves, for three to four realms grace, being the legal world imposing extra strength staff My god-Tri-Happy-May of Guanyin Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, 3 pure clones now take countless future lives, one heart bowed take mote gender nowhere close to the middle, Shifang Tam Necessarily Buddhas.

Buddhist ceremony.

Quick staggered emptiness citizenship ceremony, touch-nan direct investment allocation recommendations, try ashrams fall as European empire, Tathagata Buddha image is centered, ego Buddha image itself is money, the first network interface required to continue the celebration.

Mass France.

Vacuum dharmata like nowhere, permanent Dharma Investment Conference nan, body image falls out of money Legal protection, especially as the French center network requirements ceremony.

Increase ceremony.

Quick staggered emptiness citizenship ceremony, touch-nan direct investment allocation recommendations, try ashrams fall as European empire, cross Bodhisattva image is centered, ego itself is holy image Increased cash, provided the first comprehensive network to continue the celebration.
When Buddha in reverent attention to the Three Jewels, as the first anniversary of Lord Buddha canopy shelf (heavenly galaxy very like Buddha ...), O canal anniversary Monday shelf (supreme profound wonderful French ...), O th Increased security concept not think three tables ... or once worshiped concept Namo Take Void Shifang Necessarily The Three Buddha, Dharma and Sangha ..., O 3 are also thought Namo Sakyamuni Buddha Shakyamuni. Buddha is important respects, so the concept of visualizing or proceedings, see individual practice there are no strange thing certain.
When Buddha 2 vacuum is moving to avoid stepping on robes, while bowing to the foot butt is not too high, so the new ritual. Fast not slow movements, the devout mind, in addition to the express reverence can touch directing traffic. When the Buddha should silence the verse: "heavenly galaxy very like Buddha, cross herons irrational world, and the world falls ownership advantage is necessarily very useful as fake Buddha" or "Holiness Supreme Sun, Three Realms immoral Furniture, God's directing, Four Parts From Birth spending, fell kim prime refuge, killing trimester now, claiming drawback positive praise, memory capacity advantage desert life "
When people are Buddhist ceremony, not passing front.
If there are monks Buddhist ceremony, not with the master of ceremony, after the ceremony to him.
When Buddha looked reverently, in fact, in the heart of conceit or want others to compliment their practice, the authors present majesty.
In the middle of the main hall is reserved for the abbot Buddha.

Dear France.

How is visiting Beijing, doing maintenance.
When the scriptures must hold between both hands, thumb and index finger resting on the sutras, the remaining three fingers placed on the underside volumes.
When held in Beijing Statue to hold two hands and chest height, not be held 1 hand-held portable as other objects, nor is set to arbitrary or under the arm clamp.
Do not curl suttas.
Recitation how:
When reciting Business Law burning incense to Buddha sitting upright as well as before the Buddha, seated leg not rely took salute. Want to read the first business is to sit still for a moment of silence before the verse: "supreme profound magic France, promoting astronomy rencounter nan lives, falling metal is a prime office life over, let the Tathagata true meaning." At chanting in addition to not stretch my legs were not just chanting a meal.
When chanting every word of every sentence should understand that corresponds to the center, not to be walked through it.
Business book cover to cover to get something from the dust. On the scripture where dust wipes to use, not use your mouth to blow the dust, not to furniture and secular books on sutras, the Buddha glass to glass such as France.
Chant alone without hindrance others are, so depending on the mass chanting. When we chant together in harmony to the beat gong fast not slow, or too loudly chanting mass influence.
Recitation pages should stop sign to remember, do not skip the page.
Economic policy is not to be used to recite to write letters, thousands of reluctant, use a pencil (notes) to remember, remember, right after cleansing under. If faculty do not annihilate Trading places in scripture signed.
While there is litigation or asking people to visit, may accept or hand reciprocal marker memo, ranked Classics back, stand up receptions, not classified to take scriptures but also talk discussing worldly things, or fun ... this is disrespectful behavior despised Dharma. If ho to get sleeves mouth. Recitation unfinished consciousness is not disturbing, should know that the purpose of chanting the opening of wisdom. The purpose chanting prayers for fostering devotion force. The goal is for fostering vegetarian compassion.
During the proceedings (read) business if that idea was born, so the wait times Kinh new thoughts continue spending all proceedings (read).
When buying books from time to seriously sit upright. For sutras, Ca Sa, Y Bat, Sri Truong, Chains, Phat Tran, all gas law must have an attitude of reverence.
Business books should perish remodel remodeling, do not know if they can fix burned, and the ashes brought in public places clean, avoid places with the Stampede.

Dear Sangha.

Increase 5 virtue should reverently
Play psychological process: That was ordained Development Center escapism powerful secular, enlightened practice is blessed fill the earth.
Remove fine form: means the renunciation scrape off the hair, beautiful cancel minister, removing secular garb wearing robes of the Tathagata, the full majesty of the world's electricity generation.
Dashed emotional ones: The cut end ordained affection parents that the most diligent attention of spiritual, moral living to tell the parents, the blessing of earth fill.
Throw away the network itself: ie renounce the monastic life an unfortunately not only a witness Buddhist prayer center director, is the blessing of earth fill.
Chi for Mahayana: means the renunciation always wish to save all beings, need for specialized legal determination Mahayana to escape all the charming, filled the world is blessed.
With the basic rules on our short glass abridged send you a Buddhist, only a wish contribute towards uphold Dharma, beneficial for every laypeople have the knowledge base in the practice to perfect the style of Buddhist followers district, glasses Information Security, upholding Dharma, and most importantly when you recite Buddhist pagoda, Buddha ... will be immeasurable peace Cross section of merit.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSALTE BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/3/2015.

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