Wednesday 18 March 2015

I. What's the fix .
In the Spring and Autumn era, officials of many vassals often frequented the fellowship, to see the gesture, action, language of a person, or the word contempt silver or moderate-hearted attitude, they can discourse on the fate of the human being that will meet or graphics and their speculation is not fulfilled. These conditions are clearly stated so in the history books as the National Language Description story or we can read it.
Great to know in advance the expected millions of the sand germinated immediately hung in place of mind when prompted to boot anniversary and comes out to the extremities, such as the action gestures are often lenient moral being, in contrast with the behavior of silver engraved map just take your own common graphics. Ordinary mortal eyes obscured optical label should not see where that painting is not being given form can not predict failure.
A person can feel extremely honest press is compatible with heart heaven, so just observe whether they do good or bad, it is enough to know in advance that they will have to report or graphics. II- The foundation of the fix first. Long shame today, want to be happy but stay away from the disaster, not to rush the healing table, first let's fix should have. People want to fix, it is first necessary to know the tri Wholesale self ashamed. Be aware that the ancient sages as well as the one that can set good example why hundreds of lives, why we have to wreak corruption body. It's sensual pleasures herself captivated the sense, infected many bad habits, do things any means, but for the life is not good, do not know so arrogant, blatantly no sense of shame, on an increasingly devolved to animals within which such self-knowledge. In life there is something greater than self Wholesale self ashamed. Master Mencius said: Gratitude shame where man is a big thing, there is surely a wholesale center sages, no wholesale center is surely only animals, animal only. That's where the fundamental relations of the fix. 2. Captain glass hearts The second is the need to play Captain glass heart, afraid of fear. Heaven and Earth spirits can hardly as easy, but our error unnecessarily hidden, secret life of people do not know that hell demons can fully articulate scrutiny, will surely inflict severe disaster hundred things, will surely light enjoy being reduced. We should not you be afraid of or what! Not only that, where idle deserted bar alone with a body stand alone and are being monitored spirits, very cleverly concealed that god has long Knowing very well until his lungs liver, so it is hard to deceive ourselves forever; a being who lives detect lies to cover up to hide his identity until then its not worth taking a penny. So should I not afraid of Captain glass or back! Not only that, while still a breath, the crime can repent weaning. The former life as an evil, leave the land near the far sky, discovered a good idea, sincere remorse, he was peacefully passed away, so to say that only a very powerful concept to even be enough to cleanse hundred year crime rate as well as a cup of dark caves for thousands of years suddenly a light shines in the darkness to the thousands that have been eliminated, so no matter what the crime was committed a long time, or new violations recently, only give rise to wealth is what you edit. No too mundane impermanence is not certain, the body easily ruined flesh, if granted, may fix the errors do not have to fix that right, a disabled when exhaled breath and then to want to fix it no longer keep up. In earthly bear charges from hundreds of years, thousands of years ago, but with the gentle taste nor because his grandchildren that are washed; in the afterlife, it sa hell retribution hundreds of thousands of lives, even though there are sages, Buddha, Bodhisattvas not help, extradition. So he not afraid or shy stars! 3. Long mighty Third, to play brave heart. Many people do not have to fix, mostly because liberals know that the error that it should be removed to quit the post, indentation is not their way back. We need enthusiastic, courageous use of weaning ourselves immediately with no waiting, no more cynical than planned. Error for as little thorn in flesh to quickly withdraw money. Large errors like viper bite fingers, will need to be cut down immediately no hesitation hesitation. The mistake that most correct decision to renew itself was very helpful as well as having been pulled in I Ching hexagram style, a great sandy hexagram. There are three full heart, mind Wholesale Captain glass heart, and mighty heart , surely mistakes are correctable as soon as spring snow meets the sun, so that sin worry Did not dissipate. III - Method fix 1.Theo the minister      of sin, however one can according to the minister that the improved repair, or physical or in the mind. How to use the effect is not the same nor similar. As the day before slaughter foul, next precepts do not kill anymore, as angry curse the day before, today precepts are not angry anymore. The so-called according to the fact that improvement occurred fix it. Today foul, tomorrow trying to fix, according to the incident on the outside but are reluctant to restrain themselves from further violations, actually is General Directorate hundreds difficult part was based disease remains, by far in the east end of sins, the sins arising out tomorrow at the west end is not ethical way, without exception, all sins are clean. 2 .According of weaning him fix his skill while not violating the forbidden world, first we should know fluently have moral; as sin in that they should kill themselves think god hospitality students, they are objects of our attachment to life, kill them to feed themselves, why we may be interested; besides killing them, is closely cut, dissect the pan, cooking pot, they suffered much anguish pain penetrates the core. We killed them to feed themselves, to have what is listed delicacies precious tidbit, but from the neck and then swallow it like no, nothing more. That use vegetables, melon soup is enough no bloating, galaxies all have murdered their lives carriers get hurt being guilty of killing her anymore. Moreover, the material was of blood gases are foreboding, perception, which has intelligence, they also perceive a possible, just like us; besides, we have self-cultivation is carried to a high degree of ethics makes them close to us, respect us, how will the daily killing of students say they object to them forever animosity, hatred our sheep. To think so is to eat the pieces that are hard and painful to swallow. As well the day before the pitch angry, surely people should think not saints, there are many cons mistake, according to the doctrine which says, should genuinely worthy of pity; if they commit themselves that wrong is because they do not understand what ethical to do such intervention, the purity of heart which is not attached, the galaxy is doomed to pitch well. Also consider that the galaxy sure no one claiming his sages, martial artists no wrong place, and no one told us to hate school who, because educated people, intellectuals do not blame the sun resentment, I do not where to choose, the not achieve by themselves are not being painstakingly practice, spirituality should not be sympathetic. We should be self-reflection, introspection, if the libel, the other critics blast should consider it his teachings to practice honed mind, practice for achievement so happy to receive, play golf galaxy is doomed to release anger. If you hear the slander that angry arguing with people, whether you want to use the best refutable in anger surely argue such words are clear transparent, like the silkworm cocoon itself pulling the spring bind themselves, their self-torment. Anger is not only useless but harmful too. In addition to hunt it out, all the other offense are also medical ethical basis that such behavior. Once the doctrine was clear, the offender will automatically suspended. 3.Theo hearted What is known under which fixes the mind? Mistakes have fond manifold, just as in the mind which creates. We do not mind the concept of dynamic errors can arise star. The correct mistakes as learning eager, eager, taking talents to benefit, or anger, or play golf ... there are too many sins estate doomed to distinguish each one to the woodshed, just of one heart into mind think good, do good, as has the idea to detect the evil thoughts naturally contaminated and destroyed. For as the sun appears above is not demons, evil must find a way to hide dared not smeared. This is where transmit leg so sophisticated. Guilt is created by the mind due to improved repair center, as well as cutting a tree stand there must cut consumption from roots, stems sliced ​​open the go, hang a leaf or a star! In general, you can follow the Minister, in accordance with reasonable and repair center for sin, but the method according to the mind is better; religious institution, was correcting it becomes pure, so every time a bad idea, then stir in the mind immediately found himself immediately, but have seen no news has awakened the evil deluded notion sin will not dissipate into. According to improving repair center is the ultimate method, but assume no follow should understand that ethics do not allow us to create guilt or wrongdoing; if not do more, you should customize the, depending on which hold the precepts, trying not to sin. When the user goes on down the search method with methods of lowering's not something impolitic; but only accepted method of lowering the upper roan method that is so clumsy. 4.Hieu of experimental error correction Real vow to reform the fix, in earthly good you often need to remind his province, in underworld spirits to prove his sincerity the most attention, especially the need to repent, not lazy day indulgence, so go through a two-week losses, up to a month, two, three months, must have can be fulfilled. Or see mental calmly, euphoria, or see the wisdom suddenly being opened, or expect the troubled nuisance behavior suddenly resolved coherently, smooth, or meet specific adversaries that move the fun in mind no more hatred, or dream that exhale the unclean, evil; or dream is the ancient sages welcome guidance, or dreamed of flying to the realm of nothingness, or the dream that colonic cell division, see the rare little things like this, there are scenes of target crime that kills bugs. But do not see how that arrogant narcissism that he had reached a high level to quickly take a break interrupt progression path. Past the great lady Cu Ba Ngoc, the Clean Water in Spring and Autumn era, while still Children 20 years old but has enlightened that should fix errors, such as errors yesterday, then today to review to edit for all. The next 21 years to improve understanding is correct mistakes last year has not been completely rid of all; up to 22 years of age at the age of 21 thought it was dream-like lake vague about what mistakes not been repaired. Every year examination of the previous year, according to which gradually continue to modify, to 50 years of age, but knowing the error of 49. The school year renovation of the old mistakes such use of it. They we are ordinary people to death, crime accumulate too much like quills wrapped its body; if reliving things that usually do not see where the mistake, it is because the rough feelings, veiled eyes closed looking to repair such errors. The crime that is too deep will see immediate experience; or uncertainty stalemate mind, mental dullness fatigue, things happen in the blink of the eye immediately forget not remember anymore, or there is nothing but negativity worry; or met the gentleman who usually shy shy dismay; or words legitimate discussion that such moral superiority fun happy to hear; or please to be resentment, or at night often dream that many crazy, crazy for that insane expectations generated speech, language disorder is not normal; which are the form of karma detect it. If you see such phenomena must immediately excited mental mistakes rid of the old to attempt to renew the self-repair, so do not expect yourself to deceive ourselves. ETHICAL ANALYSIS METHOD. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/3/2015

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