Tuesday 31 March 2015

Learn about the Enlightenment and the rebirth of Bliss.

Destination of Buddhist practice is often realized (enlightened). But why recently, we also heard Online birth or as a result of Bliss for practice. So, Enlightenment and how different reborn, and there is nothing left between words against him?

Learn about the Enlightenment and the rebirth of Bliss

Rebirth is the true goal and most urgent of these people towards enlightenment and the fervent desire of Buddhist mindfulness meditators, after years of practice. In Theravada doctrine, to uphold the capacity Life Eight male lead agency, classic Nikaya states: " A Buddhist life over it after the boys Bowl half-day, go out and monasteries were dead ox gored. Buddha declared that he was born to heaven falls, thanks to merit bowl of life left even for a day . " (From The Buddha and His Teachings of Venerable Narada, Kim Khanh Pham and services Buddha Dharma) In the dawn of Buddhism, which said people have a habit of Brahmin, (preferred practice birth heaven) should induce the Buddha lay disciples are: Bat perform the boys they were born Thien (born to heaven). In fact, as soon as he left the Vice- Chairperson Gaya, he asserts that the target path of cessation of suffering, affliction and liberation from samsara beings in the three worlds, so the doctrine " being God "just Competition temporary teachings. Therefore, many Buddhists have mistaken that "the rebirth of Bliss "has the same meaning as the reincarnate to heaven (paradise), but may be a different heaven! Even some who follow the practice  Pure  well, they realize life is suffering, assuming temporary, only lead to unintended results, they give rise to religious purity deathbed, Buddha procession of happily live in eternity! This attitude still omissions. Reasons: first, still pretending to not understand much about the true intentions of the Buddhist teachings given the Pure Land of Amitabha and title for all of us! Second, while the practice of Buddha, they forgot to stick Bodhicitta in his attitude. Which Flower Adornment Sutra says: " Forgetting Bodhicitta that practice good behavior, it is acting in satanic ". Third, Buddhism is not a religion theocratic always promises a pleasure heaven after death to lull Christians, much like the mistake! Due to such impasses, we have tried to collect the existing books in hand, to learn the meaning of the word "rebirth of Bliss", and then compare it with the word "enlightenment". And we respectfully request that the comments you true practitioner. "rebirth Bliss" has many meanings: 1. Bliss is the Spiritual realms, rebirth is going on Spiritual Realm can say that Buddhism is a religion center, so the ideal realm of so-called Buddhist realms of mind. Realm of Mind has no address, place of destination (not the base), not the name, not measured, estimated, just feel alone ... But nowhere as large center, covering the legal world and whispered smaller than a mustard seed. Muon is not out of mind. This seems confusing to the rationalists, who learn everything through inference, in every detail, accurate. It's called the "unthinkable and hand", ie beyond all thoughts and express. Looks like something called Spirituality, we can not use any means to grasp the world, except what your intuition and The Coast of each person. Shinran, Sensei Jodo Shinshu Japan , also said: Blissful Realm of Amitabha is not a material world is found between distant galaxies, but a peaceful state of true happiness Spirituality, beyond all both thinking and describe the trivial world. (Trois Sutras Traité sur La Terre et Un Pure, Jean Eracle, Editions de Seuil, 1994) Thus, Bliss means rebirth rebirth of the spiritual realm of Buddha, Bodhisattva. 2. Rebirth in the Pure is another name for the word "go to Nirvana" In the teachings of the Buddha, where Nirvana is a place for the soul shelter? Nirvana is a state of Enlightenment. Shakyamuni Buddha achieved enlightenment Nirvana, even in this world. Then many of his disciples (Sariputta, from- Bodhi, Ma-ha Ca-lettuce, Section-hopea-venture, Ananda ...) also reached Nirvana, became the A-La- drought, even when alive. Patriarch Energy determine Nirvana in front of our eyes (Business Security Forum). Zen in Japan went from a state of enlightenment (satori) This enlightenment, when alive. On the other hand, Buddhism has an abode called Bliss of Buddha Amitabha, for the Buddhist concept of spiritual death before, but not heaven as people understand. The directions on the Pure Bliss and attain Nirvana. In fact, the only difference is the name, not different in content release. Ecstasy rebirth that is another way of saying "enter Nirvana." The problem here is Nirvana follow any level, any level ... it depends on the individual enlightenment. 3. Reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss according cardboard In the preface translation book two times the upper Jnanaprabha elaborately writes (quite succinctly!): " The judiciary is subject Pure Land Buddhist concept or birth Bliss and back of the us-her first, or birth in the right place, but of the one-grandmother before hand what the students Bliss is also pray for our world-she is so respected author A- nan said, "five degenerations evil the the first entry ". Thus, reborn Bliss always has two meanings: enlightenment and liberation. Because that is the core of Buddhism, so that is reborn: a, enlightenment and liberation deathbed, called the death rebirth, two, enlightenment and liberation in this life, Currencies called rebirth. a) General Lin reborn: Enlightenment and freed upon death, ie: Online being mean abandoning the body is mortal retribution, to be reborn in the realm of peace Western bliss. That Ecstasy is where dwell the West of Buddha, Bodhisattva, with the attributes Great Compassion, Wisdom University, University of Deliverance, Vow Force planes ... So he's never resting place for the mind SAT soul sleepy, sick, on the contrary, it is the gathering place of the restless soul, there is even a large, listed building, fervently, to practice together under the guidance and holder of the Buddha , Bodhisattva. Moreover, the Western forever Ecstasy is also a great training grounds for us to practice the Bodhi mind, Bodhi prayer before entering the path of being extremely hard and long distance. An optimistic set, Directed Xuoc he says: " Today is the first of five degenerations evil life, the path of the level of intellect, morality (noble goal), the profound meaning, hard practice, untimely body only Pure subjects (the path of faith) is ethically important that people have to be the same. With great compassion, the Buddha advises beings should demand Pure Birth: whether to create a life of evil, but that on the deathbed, dedicated, continuous ten successive concept that profess the name of Buddha, then all the victim block is eliminated, certain is reborn. It belongs to the ruling allergy practice . " His masters Am Province, the 11th Patriarch of Chinese Pure Land, taught: "Cultivation in this earthly world, the evolution direction is difficult. Because it is difficult, so much life is not necessarily complete. Reborn into the Pure Land Buddhism is also easy. So easy, so a life will certainly be done. Holy in ancient sages days ago, everyone turned towards the Pure. Doing a thousand, ten thousand arguments, text only way for us to the West ". Much more of our ordinary classes, the rebirth Bliss is inevitable path that. b) The time money rebirth means enlightenment and liberation while living as a normal person. While still carrying the body of human karma that has liberated and enlightened and, although the body was here but was interested in Bliss. Professor Suzuki, Zen works in speech, the rebirth is spiritual transformation, transformation of consciousness. In the chaos of the world and dirty, from the body and mind to the living environment, there is nothing that is not polluted. The goal of Buddhism is genuine is to help us improve our mental processing, because the mind is transformed, then everything will be transformed immediately, and will attain the Three-black (samadhi) within life. For the full karma, rebirth, they may even in everyday life, but sambhogakaya still around in this world, but the mind was the Pure Land. 4. According to Mr. Suzuki: "Evidence-black triangle and reborn as a" book Zen speech, renowned for bringing more people to the threshold of Zen in Europe and America, its author, Suzuki, a researcher at the same time as well as meditation, wrote: " In fact, three-soot and rebirth is one, but is described in two different ways. But because the three-soot can be achieved in this life, and rebirth can be achieved after death. So to say the three-soot means rebirth in a particular direction entirely, ie we should not be reborn as a custom event and the objective, which is a kind of radical subjectivity of what decision sure to occur. If so, just for the rebirth of spiritual regeneration, and thus, can be said to be consistent with the three-soot . " Trust must be established firmly by the expression triangle-black, believe in prayer Buddha Amitabha, whereby practitioners believe in its future fate. Because third-soot is attained when the meditator's mind fully integrated with the mind of the Buddha Amitabha, the sense of duality completed Full erased. This is a conclusion to come, not only logical, but also in terms of the truth. Then, all the architecture of Buddhist philosophy is placed on discussion idealistic monism, which realism of Pure and not the exception. "... I see that Buddhist concept or title or South-size Amitabha Buddha, is the focus of faith. When you experience this, devotees who achieved is "the solidification of faith" even before he actually was reborn Pure. So Pure rebirth is no longer an event after death, rebirth which is located on the "world sex" This , the world of this particular ". (Zen conclusion II) 5. Rebirth and enlightenment? " typically German Guru Monks teach you to force the mind into force six seat concept, which is the Clerk of Mindfulness: Mindfulness Buddhism, French conception, conception Increase Gender concept, conception For, God concept . From where had this idea, the practice gradually go deeper into the Tathagata concentration, ie the Buddhist concept tam-soot. Then, we want to call a state of liberation that was what was important, alright? It can be called Enlightenment, DC, rebirth, liberation, attained, enlightenment ... are all ". Recently, many people have minded sectarian discrimination, often sharply between Zen and Pure Land. In fact, the nature and destination, the two disciplines is nothing left against each other, because the original comes from a realization and liberation same, only different modes of religious only. In general, Zen advocated " That mind is Buddha ", while Pure undertakings' market operation center Buddha, Buddha metropolitan markets", such as gold and gold jewelry, but without the other, except in name and expressed outwardly. And the contents are evidence of the Buddhist practice of all, there is nothing to the table where? Listen to the teachings of Yun monk when he answered scholar John Blofeld. John Blofeld is a Western China stayed for many years to study, habitual distinction split, so he said that Pure Land and Zen are two completely different disciplines, but something else can not tolerate each other, and support each other photographers together in practice (!). He was fortunate to see him and hear him Yun explained as follows: "...  when the peasants gentle naive to hear me say legal, affordable and I will preach to them about Reality selflessness ? of emptiness? or road-duality? What does this mean for them? Is it just the abstract noun, empty, and can not understand what benefit there. " "But if I spoke to them about the Buddha Amitabha, in the chapel followed his lead, the realm of the West the Ecstasy, they will understand, will believe and want to be born in mind that realm. If they maintain throughout the day recite Namo Amitabha Buddha, when the farmer, at rest, when harvesting, while herded cattle in pens until they evoked the One Mind Any Disorders, the dualistic illusion of ignorance, the mind distinguishes beings have Buddha, will be terminated and they will realize the mystery reality soon . Although it is known that the rebirth of Bliss, called Enlightenment, "to lead ruling of Amitabha ", called Zen, or called One Mind, this make any difference where? The possibilities liberating power that people think outside the capital (ruling), actually still inside (self), always there but still available! "(From The Wheel Of Life by John Blofeld, Nguyen Phong translated, Jade light in shower). 6. Conclusion In conclusion, we can say temporary: Meditation is the practice of those who live in the world. As Pure as the practice of those who live by faith. So the word rebirth of Pure has the same meaning as the word of Zen enlightenment, not the other two do not. (South-size Amitabha Buddha's confidence to achieve religious sentiment, just as the ability to develop the intellectual world). For a long time, Zen and Pure Land Buddhism seems to work together very smoothly in practice, forms, rituals express the divinity ... but practice throughout the year in 1000 in Vietnam, ie before the Ly Tran . Furthermore, special points of the Vietnam Wall is not distinguish subjects, factions, so as a true monk passed the Dharma, we can say: He realized (enlightened). Or said he was reborn Bliss - are appropriate at all.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/4/2015.

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