Saturday 28 March 2015

Collections of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva .

Photo 33 Application incarnation Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (the paintings and statues):

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, a great artist omnipotent, loving human Saha in which any disciple of Buddha are also spiritual ceremony, praying him.

In the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha has explained the Endless The Bodhisattva of the meaning of the title of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva This is due to hear the sound of her being proclaimed title then went Games stick to relieve suffering. If there are countless hundreds of thousands of thousands of memories of suffering beings are hearing the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, a heart to his name, then that is when the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara went consider this sound, making them freed. According to this experience, the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has 32 different incarnations as Buddha, Bich Chi, Thanh Van, Great King, Sakka, the Great God of Independence, Independence University, Thien General Military, Pi Sa Mon State Wang, head fake, Layman, the Sovereign, Brahmin, Bhikkhus, nuns, Pros-she-rules, Pros-she-di, Women, Co male, female, Thien Long, Da massage, Qian-real-her long-Ca-la, A-tu-la, la-na-Khan, Ma-most-la-old, Human, Non-Spirit accept Vajra. The latter has 33 different incarnations of Guanyin, the incarnation is not based on scriptures that based on the six paths of thought combined with Applications 33 incarnations on blended with folk beliefs of Japan and China that form, which is the red list:

1. Duong Lieu Quan Yin: also known as Wang Guanyin Pharmacy, his duty is promoted prayer of salvation unless the patient suffering of beings, beings themselves as much passion he picked up along the road. Soft willow represents the virtue of patience peaceful Minister Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Body-white robes, his iconic expression of the era merit.


2. Yin Long Top: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is sitting on the back of a dragon. Dragon is the king of beasts to represent the power of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva; Long Wang to bring rain cloud lightning across the sky luminous land, imbued all things, all praise the power of Naga king. He embodies the old sitting on her dragon sermon beings.


3. Tri Beijing Yin: also known as Thanh Van Quan Yin. Thanh Van is listening to the sermon Buddha was enlightened that renunciation. "Using the relative worth Thanh Van is the embodiment of escape he immediately Sravakas say that because that law". His iconic expression of the security wall.


4. Members Quang Yin: this is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva compassion fullness, with light symbolizes clarity around the body. "Light does not stain the purity, wisdom bloggers out of the dark, or spend ear smoke, illuminated throughout the world." His body was feeling through this passage, lecture appearances.


5. Du Yin Hý: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva being taught telecommunications very afraid, not uptight at times and places, manifested itself in the Auditorium du minister. Pink body, he turned away staring beings.


6. Yin Y Bach: Bach Y, also known as Avalokiteshvara In Form. His whole body was dressed in white, sitting on the old white lotus, wearing scarf, left hand held shower, hand pressed to the data voluntarily. White Purity expression and Bodhi Mind, this ancient people to worship Him ear toilet, longevity.


7. Contact Crouching Yin: the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is currently ngọa on the lotus leaf. He embodied in the Universal Gate Elementary Kingdom, for example the United State venerable body sitting on lotus leaf. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sits the old union attorney, head crowned with flowers, appearances gentle compassion, neck strap he lost, even natural medicine, compassionate beings label look.


8. Lang Quan Yin Architecture: Africa Boc called Yin. Water is the softest material but can for the treatment of solid rock, every drop of water can penetrate the stone. Health mineral water from above flows down huge, but can also run a small depth. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva watched the waterfall, but his mind and spirit of the waters.


9. For Drug Yin: in addition to the treatment of patients suffering beings in body and mind, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva beings are declared for herbalists. Verse in the spectrum license that says: "Yin levels provinces, where the suffering victims die, or because doing dependence". Images of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva lotus look compassionate beings suffering diseases.


10. Ngu Lam Yin: Avalokitesvara is holding baskets of fish and leaf branch. Because he saw no river bridge, the river is very easy to fall through. So he transformed into a fine woman selling fish, but there are conditions that those who have more money to throw into the basket of fish is going to marry a husband, if not win, they must throw money funds to build a bridge, resulting in no one hit. These people do not have to carry money thrown to, cash pile obscured no longer see him, in retrospect, people saw him standing on the river incarnation.


11. Duc Vuong Quan Yin: in the spectrum license is written: "Great people should use on the body unto the escape, he immediately embodiment United Pham said that because it legal." Great discounts on gender identity is the heaven, great merit, it is also called the German King. Visualization is common among the top teams in storage space, sits the old, hand held leaf branch, left hand on his knee.


12. Shui Yin Yue: Cat Tuong Thuy ie Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in Thai Tibetan tea Maggie la, codenamed His birth Nhuan Kim Cang, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva most consistent aquatic center Minister, enter the waterway. So the image of him sitting on a lotus floating in old age customs, left hand held shower, hand pressed to the fearless pilot, in the palm of water flowing down a stream with a moon so-called Mercury Moon Restaurant Yin.


13. Yin Ye First: if the tides washed away, claiming the title of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, consecutive to the fords. We can see the image of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva on water. He sits on a lotus flower floating on the water, watching the water deep thoughts to mind the darkness not light (hell).


14. Yin Bar Scene: there the gods want to take Cam Lo to stir as the two, but the discovery of marine toxic potion, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva fear of being toxic drugs, new pronouns Center bi drank the bottle of poison, so that his neck turned blue. Iconic His left hand held shower, right palm facing up, sitting on the old stone pedestal.


15. Uy Germany Yin: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva full recovery and virtue to extract holder beings. In the spectrum license reads: "people-friendly appearance Generals are putting out, he immediately embody God Generals Corps for which the sermon." God has full General Military virtue should be called Quan Yin Uy Germany. His image is left holding the vajra processing to extract the most powerful expression of interest for cang intensity of beings, the right hand sits on a lotus pedestal.


16. Yin Network: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is protected life-beings. Popular products Mon says, "cursed the poison, wish harm to the body, due to health concept Quan Yin, or where hazardous duty goodness". Can eliminate technical notes curse and poison life expectancy, so called Dien Quan Yin Network. He told the team, wearing y God, he lost the stately, 20 arms for guidance and rescue beings.


17. We Bao Quan Yin: the image of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva holding gold and silver treasures. If there are beings seek treasures such as gold, silver, lapis, onyx, coral, amber, pearl ... in modern intensive marine paint, assuming a great wind drift to the water demon La Police, If a person claiming his name, it is liberating. Image of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva expression of peace.


18. Ho Yin Yan: the image of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sitting in the cave. Popular products subject says, "Snakes and scorpions, poisonous vapors of smoke fire, health concept by Yin, the voice itself away." Often there are many obstacles in caves and insect poison gas, is more dangerous place for the mountain, out of Avalokitesvara, the dangers are all fully dissipated. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva union attorney is still on the shower, in the dark cave is dangerous to light.


19. Static Power Yin: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva help those in distress guardian be secure. Or drift big sea, the victim demon dragon fish, due to Yin anniversary, new life such birds. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is the guardian god of the sea. His iconic expression Minister quiet.


20. A Nau Yin: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva seated on a pedestal observe all static of modern customs. His vow as the verse: "He listened well Yin, smart place to place, sworn deep wide as the sea, many lives not inconceivable". His iconic design top bun heaven, wearing yellow Thien y, y pieces left holding belly, right hand on the right knee drop, looked great sea, His virtues dispel the marine casualty insurance makes all both the static no disaster.


21. Fearless Yin: The image of his very particular with three eyes four hands, sitting on white lions, the team said, the two right hand, holding a white lotus flower, a bird holding a sand wall white; two left hand, holding a picture of a phoenix 3 pneumatically head, holding a fish. All over the body with light, even wearing his natural optimism y, very presentable appearance seriously.


22. Ye Yin Y: He is friendly female, the preservation, protection authority on Amitayus Buddha reincarnation. Ring of fire around the body, light transparent throughout the body. There are four arms, two right hands, one hand holding the auspicious results to chest, one hand pressed willingness to experiment; two left hands, a hand ax, a rope handle, sitting on a lotus flower. Ye Y is the bodhisattva Guanyin farmers for agriculture and for non-specific diseases, accidents, insect poison.


23. Yuri Yin: Legend in the Northern Wei, Sun Glasses German frontier defending, he created Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva statue to worship. After being arrested Di Di torture treatment. He dreamed that Mr. Sa Mon taught to recite a thousand economic variables "Network Ten Dien Cu Yin", at his death three times guillotine but without injury, so he was spared death. Because worship worship Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara that he started out three scars. Images of him holding the lapis blue, standing on lotus petals traveled on water.


24. La Da Quan Yin: Using priceless treasures close to minus dignified suffering for all beings, all beings happy Buddhas popular in the legal world. He embodies the girl, physiognomy compassion, wearing white robes, holding hands united attorney blue lotus; halo around the body with pure, top bun. Before you touch the chest strap watch sitting on a stone pedestal beings.


25. Cable dysentery Yin: King Street Van Tong loved to eat oysters, king one day caught a large scallops, king forever without using a scalpel to open the shells, he was burning incense to pray, scallops chemical University of Yin Si. King million meditation to say people should use body being measured, it is to say that the legal embodiment. Dai Si embodiment is rare not believe or why. The king issued a decree glad temples across the galaxy to create objects of worship Dai Si. This is the area of cable Yin dysentery.


26. Lu Yin Time: the bodhisattva of compassion day guardian beings. North India in ancient times a day divided into six time, a six year period is also divided into "little sunshine, sunshine, rain, cool, cold little more cold"; So that says to "Avalokitesvara often looks beings".


27. Universal Bi Yin: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of compassion injured all beings, all over the age of three celestial worlds. "People should use relative pronouns In God is the exit, instant embodiment University of Independence, but because God says it legal." Out of compassion and virtue of His great universal screening all three worlds so called Universal Bi Yin.


28. Yin Ma Lang Accessories: Street Life has a fine woman whose sons are scrambling to marry, she said one night if recited by the spectrum license will marry, that night twenty people from, the a night full of Diamond Sutra chanting will marry, the remaining ten that night, after three days can recite the Lotus Sutra belong to the Convention. Of these only the young man they selected code. On marry the girl died suddenly turned into light disappeared into the air. His iconic Lotus Sutra books and holding a stick with skulls.


29. Agreement Attorney Yin: the image of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva hands reverently religious ceremony friendly denotes merit. If there being many hearts bawdy, often reverently recite the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the sex was isolated immediately, if the courts trained and often reverently recite the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the pitch was isolated immediately, if the more foolish often reverently recite the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the mainland is no concept of the glass si.Tam not immediately apparent eighty realm. He dressed in white sitting on a pedestal palms.


 30. Especially as Guanyin: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva riding clouds in vain to conquer power pulled thunder. Popular products Mon says, "thunder cloud lightning, torrential rain Jealous prices, due to recite Guanyin, the instant they might dissipate." Like most mean-duality, no allergic; Real II Real Hetero As Chon. As Chon is very afraid of the chronic variable throughout France. Quan Yin method of treatment is consistent force like.


31. Yin-duality: the volume icon and non-dual responsibility of Avalokitesvara. Popular products Mon says, "people should use vajra body approved unto God the exit, immediately observe is that because it says Kim Divine law. Avalokiteshvara is the guardian for the Buddha, as well as the reincarnation of the Buddha, because responsibility and achievement are not two so-called non-duality Yin. Images of him sitting on pedestal hands vajra approved maintenance treatment.


32. Tri Contact Yin: As Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva lotus hand. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva take flowers to represent four generations, because holding lotus bloom or not it should have also known as flower craft. Because showers are more specific multiplication coast should also take showers do radio. Images of Guanyin standing on lotus leaf, two handles shower, make the first team, even natural health, dignified fullness.


33. Sai Shui Yin: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is standing on the wall still holding the cup to sprinkle water. Compassion commandments like thunder, the clouds from the magic seems, as Wisdom rain, fire stopped except negativity. Sai shui is a sprinkling scented water, the practice of reciting blessings make pure. It is the sworn duty of Avalokitesvara Buddha nature to enlightenment of all beings.


 Images of Avalokitesvara Emperor Capital Eye  













Quan Esoteric



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