Monday 30 March 2015

MAP spontaneous Thich Thien Hoa

VOLUME 1: Select the TU

Payment of misconceptions and narrow the word "tu"

C Margin "tu" is probably a word has been so long since the list of people from China and Vietnam. Yet to this day still do not know how many people, both Buddhists and also the teenage outsider word "Tu" the wrong way, narrow, dim ...
Few people understand correctly, comprehensive word "Tu". The leader in this aspect of the "Amendment" offensive leaders in other respects, for his religious person like this to be true, like others said is wrong. This person clinging to the notion that this is, let it cling opposite notion, eventually no one knows what is right, what is left, what is primary, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad.
These misconceptions or narrow the advent of the "Amendment" can not be untold. Here we would like to raise some misconceptions or the most common narrow, it broke only. Kind we often hear statements the following comments: 1. Within science, civilization and the material that initiates what? He said such an oath is thought that, in the era just barbaric, backward one new practice, but did not expect that the more civilized people more practice and more practice the more we progress. Can also those who expressed such opinions, mistakenly think that this era is the era just for the material, the monopoly era of spiritual rather than material has no place anymore. But at the right, there is no era could be called civilization that does not focus on the spirit. Matter grows stronger, the more spirit must be enhanced, in order to keep the balance for human society, otherwise the collapse is inevitable. 2. New old tu, tu rather young but what? Those words were uttered ca misunderstood word "Tu". They see the temple as a nursing home, dedicated to the old man, she does not even have the strength to struggle with life, sap about to wilt, or odors have tasted life, boredom, and have also seen students more interesting. They say practice is safely enjoy while waiting to die of old age, but young people who left the monkhood. But the youth class must fight for his life, to enjoy the pleasures, but why worry about practice? They do not suspect that anything old or young person needs to cultivate, and the youthful enthusiasm and need for the practice as to how many other things in life. Besides, we also make a practice or old age to death was cruel to knock on the door when we were in the flower of manhood? 3.Nhung handicapped, sick, orphaned new practice, but also healthy healthy eating is that religious do something? Say so is the notion that the temple is like a hospital, a clinic, a madhouse or a hospice for those who are born layoffs, to rely on the temple body panels. They did not expect that practice is also needed for healthy people, capable and gifted with brilliant, not only for the handicapped class, frail, lonely ... 4. Tu is to be ordained as monks, nuns, but at home, while his wife, children enough that initiates what? People say this is because the concept was a mistake that practice is the task of the drainage ceiling, further apart, dedicated to Increase class, ni is the world-weary, cynical the.Ho not understand that Tu is not only a form is left home at the temple, but the practice is ubiquitous, and not just for grades Increase ni that everyone needs to practice. 5. Amendment right in the mountains, in the small, in the am, in the cup, but at the high temple, Big Buddha, right between the city, where there must be selected from? People say that, because you think that religious life is to be shunned, avoided life, no contact with society. Tu is like standing on the negative aspects, only partial worry yourself. But also cultivate a positive way, they must enter the world, the birth, spread the Dharma. 6. Tu is to mortification, fasting is land, noon to eat, sleep sitting ... etc, practicing new feet? Say so as to understand a superficial religious text, forms, taking the form is not important or wrong which is the main communication. Buddha did not teach practitioners are forced to define? He himself was the first to the best practices of all chains. Fasting as Mahayana is a form of typed, but not vegetarian, as Theravada, where is not religious. Eating noon, then fine, but do not eat at noon and is not to be religious. And sit for meditation, Buddhist concept, the new quarter, but sat down to sleep, would rather be sleeping better also. Law of the Buddha did not prohibit located and arrested sleep sitting? If the Buddha sat down to sleep, it turns out those who are asleep or what the Buddha both? 7. Someone said: "The sheer cups, eating only fruits, potatoes, bananas are selected from the new?" If the people only eat the fruit is selected from, then the meal is not the word or what? So when the Buddha was alive, every day brings begging bowl, how the Buddha? And all his disciples, from The Ca-lettuce or less, with a public celebration where rice? Besides, after all, eating, or eating fruit is the same thing, because rice is also a similar effect, as well as herbs. This Bachelor something to eat something other results, it was not much of a muchness. Those who do form above, such as lack of education through, do not know how to cultivate, whereas with the eccentric nature, want to curious attention, and have done so. 8. Someone said: "Tu as he directed chilli, lemongrass ... another new direction is selected from the truth, because only the pepper, salt pepper, lemon salt ... but what religious but also delicious to eat?" Those say like, as well as those who practice such, obviously do not understand what the word "Tu" before. If you eat chili such as tu feet, then the Sandpiper, barracuda sure birds have become a Buddha already. 9. Someone said: "Tu Star pain while taking the drug?" Such words are misunderstood religion of Buddhism to Korea. The Korean religious practice often flaunt that they have the magic of birth, use of domestic energy, spirit training makes the body does not get old, not the disease. What did we hear this said, but could not be authenticated. But according to Buddhist teachings, the authors themselves are temporary, ephemeral just pause for a while to practice, as well as temporary boat to take people across the river, and eventually also have to ruin. Every creature on earth must follow the law of impermanence: Birth, old age, sickness, death. The main body of the Buddha is not beyond the four states that, let alone people who are like us? 10. Those seeking alms, first without a hat, umbrella, go barefoot shoes, no seat, there are games ... etc, it is a new convent feet. On the cultivation, processing up to 84,000 Buddhist teachings , which alms is one of the well. If only the feet of religious mendicants, are also innumerable other methods are not chosen from or what? And the umbrella, hat, shoes, clogs, located plank seat, Buddha did not prohibit? In 10 World Sa-cell, two hundred and fifty monks world, fifty-eight world Bodhisattva, Buddhism does not have a sex ban umbrella, hat, bearing pads, seat and lay the planks. Unless legal or listen to the Buddha Hall. 11. There are also a number of narrow, clinging his religious teachings are true, how much longer the practice of others is wrong. The pure religious teachings, for they alone are in accordance with the Dhamma and practice Buddha is like new, in addition to those practicing many different disciplines as the Buddha or the other to be astray, is not religious. The morality that religious morality is new, but the method others are ineffective. Meditation meditation new show has attained Buddhahood, how many other methods are useless, not lead to anywhere. The unfortunate practice the Bodhisattva work benefit others, charitable, ... etc., for such was the practice, and all other practices of the chain. The concept, attitudes are understood in the narrow-sided minded, because not understand the ultimate comprehensive word "Tu". This situation, in Mahayana Photography discussion with examples, such as the blind man touched the elephant, partly touched the fraction that is the elephant. If only one religious practice as they accept, the Buddha said Tripitaka, the Buddhist and 84,000 excess Five disciplines to do? 12. Finally, some have argued that the practice will make people spineless, easily overwhelm people, exploitative, if all religious people in the country, the country will lose. Having said that, the people who practice such notions What other clod, even love for anyone who wants to roll wherever it rolling, distorted vo how well rounded. Indeed, where there is religious cowardice, surrender, weakness, but on the contrary is mighty force, is strong, is diligent, do not fear pain, no fear of death, fear no sacrifice. Buddha Shakyamuni had dared to shake off all his aspirations, in quest of religion, which undergo hardships and overcome many obstacles, where there is effeminate, who have been overwhelmed by what? Ly, Tran, the entire population are Buddhists, there is the age where weakness? Japan today that the majority of the population are Buddhists is a leading country in the ranks of the world's most powerful country. In short, all the misconceptions and narrow above, are so unclear that know fully and accurately complete the "Amendment". For you readers have a right idea, comprehensive clear on this issue, we would like to turn the presentation in the following chapter, all the branches and tops, from easy to difficult, from shallow to deep, from low to high, in practice the way we set under a common headline "Buddhist religious map". With this map, you readers, most readers will see Buddhists in general, comprehensive ways to go to practice Buddha realm, and if you want, you will choose a path that suits you, so this series also has a second name is "Select path". Or if you have a way of embark on what then, is the road map, you can also orient the position you are going, and how far the destination. Finally, with this map, you may know someone who is lost, who is with his companions, and who is not accompanied although a road, but will eventually destination like her, because effective way to practice Buddhism is not the only one that a lot, differing only in that narrow width, near and far, high and low, slow fast, easy-hard only.

Chapter I
Explain that the word "Tu"

" Tu "is a language Chinese origin, usually translated as the" Edit ". "Tu" has three aspects: religious center, self-improvement and remodeling. That is good for heart repair, body repair for beautiful homes and farms repair ... etc, to be in words.
Literal "Tu" is very broad, can be applied both in terms of physical and mental, individual and corporate, conventional and specialized. Said, "Edit", then no matter what the wicked are nowhere to be correct bad. That in life there is something totally, not bad nowhere? Especially for ourselves, each of us knows how much evil coward, need to fix:
* Fixed the success or bad: As quit gambling, alcohol, tea, scores, bohemian, back care home family, society is religious.
* Fixed bad back so good: As remove harmful organisms slayer, thieves (diagonally sliced, small weight, ethnic, taking excess ...) sexual immorality, lying (say hung data, rather carelessly, said gruffly vulgar, added less, said piercing, Leo, flattery ...) back in mercy, rites, upright, honest, giving, helping, as tu .
* Fixed wrong according to the chief: As abandon superstition, superstitious, please tattoos, fortune hexagram, burning joss paper money, to contract, to the ball, return path is religious.
* Fixed Return to: As crestfallen against superiors, disloyalty to their parents, sexual rage, brutality ... so, back to harmony, piety ... etc, are religious.
* Edit expected to feet: As abandon nature cunning and deceit , hoodwink return true, is centered practice.
* This formula into four promising position: As perceived as eight items in which they hope to misfortune born ignorant, and Buddhas themselves in liberation is due to transfer that awareness into four eight position. Now we follow the Buddha, turn prospects into intellectual knowledge: the eighth edit mode back to University Park landscape, Saturday edited form back position Equality nature, Friday edit mode of observation and fix in position mode The head back before work place, such as age.
* This disturbing the Bodhi: As abandon greed, hatred, ignorance, jealousy, lost love, sex continent back into pure Bodhi, the convent.
* Edit samsara back Nirvana: As upstream love rebirth of Nirvana source of tranquility, is religious.
* Edit bondage back to extricate themselves at: As complement April knots, ceiling roses implications scene, step on the road of liberation, liberation as Prince All-reaching radar, is religious.
* Fixed Holy Blasphemy: As abandon thoughts, behavior and mood of ordinary pollution, back clean as sages, is religious.
* This being the Buddha: As moved the impermanence, ego, impure, disturbing the four virtues of Nirvana: Often, Us, Falling, Pure, is practice.
In short, the practice is correct falsehoods lie back, "Chon" fix bad bad ones decaying back "America", edit the atrocities become "Compassion". Tu no fussy and very practical to do so, in any era, any nation, neither shall any person rated tu?

Chapter II
The usual path of the masses

The life, despite living in circumstances, who also wished to achieve truth, kindness, beauty. Do desires that the "Amendment" to the people is essential. Not to mention the class who followed a religion or a new religion called other practitioners, who often do not follow any religion and their religious way. 1. Within the scope of individual, for them, "tu" all three aspects: Germany, knowledgeable and Fitness . Germany: They focus on correcting bad habits like mentality: greed, hatred, contempt, high drain , doubt, lies, flattery, selling lotus, hard, lazy, let loose, petty, small kindness ... etc. (See the book "cultivation of virtue"). They tried to eliminate the bad qualities and replaced him on the good qualities such as compassion, petal, gentleness, patience, trust, sincerity, selflessness, diligence, enthusiasm, generosity, military e ... etc. They tried to restrain, prevent acts of sin as murder, harm animals, thieves, adulterers and replaced with beautiful acts as saving people, the animals, charity, middle s ... etc, Such is the practice of Germany. Theme: site terms of education, they try to cultivate wisdom, expand their knowledge, break stereotypes narrow, more initiatives to be able to judge the work or bad, beneficial damage, ... etc., to overcome difficult obstacles, and secret, such as age of the Site. Body: In terms of the body, they are trying to train your body to be healthy, bouncing, toughness to be able to withstand tough against the attack of sickness, toil, the struggle to live life to advise, such as age of the Body. Do not just take care of each cultivate the body and mind, which must abandon their possessions again. They leak repair damaged homes, sewing clothes torn, (renovations) cultivating the garden deserted field (correct), repair damage to roads and bridges collapsed ... etc, so are called "Tu" at all. In short, every individual, regardless of big babies, young and old, boys and girls, rich and poor, on man, must be taken to cultivate body and mind (mind tu, tu body), remodel (renovations ) as important possessions. If you disregard this problem, the life of those that soon will become rotten and evil will be eliminated, rapidly out of life. 2. In the mass range: If you want to survive and evolve, the cultivation should be considered an essential issue . A family practice we have peace, peace and happiness. Conversely, a lack of religious families, the parents often conflict, discord children, brothers jug, husband and wife separated, meaning that families will become hell gian.Mot religious society, the optimistic people are now settled, the closure is not required, the loss falls outside air, pure food is customary, the country house was set value. In contrast, a non-religious society, the robbers raging, strong sexual weakness, wisdom and long, rich exploit the poor, the country's chaos. A religious world, peace was made, the world is universal, the earth will become Bliss. On the contrary, the world is not religious wars raging, the world's inequality and the earth will become hell. Issues such an important religious, so could not religious, although I do not follow a religion at all. Has lived is to practice, practice how nayhay or otherwise. No, it can not survive tu, tu is not considered life like dirt, and life will become junk really, because no one to care anymore? To summarize this section, we recall the said the church multiplication as follows: "The mind has a new body good practice, the practice itself has been rectified new family, family practitioners treat each member country, national practice the new world peace and stability." (Mind primary pediatric post-tu, tu gathered pediatric post-processing, post-processing delicate international political and national average of pediatric post-heaven). So, want world peace and stability, the beginning of each fish's mercy we need Now the thought and practice of cultivating the body and mind. Look through this section, you make comments about the practices of this technique practical and necessary for us?

Chapter III
The usual path of Buddhists

( Or is the practice of blessing Friends Forever contraband and illegal )

Pre spoke to the need for the cultivation of the earth. Go here would say to the Buddhist practice. Buddhist teachings of many unspeakable, then the Buddhist monks and many unspeakable. We will sequentially comes to his practices, from low to high Buddhist. In this article, please say to the usual path that regardless of any hierarchical, when identifying themselves as Buddhists, can not be ignored. This path is a path common to both laypeople and monastics, Theravada and Mahayana, beginners and mature. It consists of the following major generals: Refuge, ordained worship Buddha, Lord Buddha, Buddhist worship, fasting, Buddha, chanting, mantras, repent, make the temple, creating objects, bell, north bridges, roads, generosity ... etc., as these things are called religious at all.
I kept thinking there must have been a Buddhist practice of the above, but not everyone is practicing with a psychologist, meaning, or a similar purpose, which left many stages, narrow width, different high-low, and therefore, the benefits of the practice is divided into two categories: organic contraband blessed and outflows. Here we will, depending on the level of knowledge and psychological practitioners that split into two different classes of Buddhists, while practicing conventional practices of this. 1. Refuge is a method of cultivation: (parents according to the chief evil enlightenment or remove) a. There are people with psychological refuge is disposed to the gods, to be pro-threatening protection, warranties, or to play for healthy eating. There is the traditional refuge for many generations of grandparents were Buddhist, or because of the allure of a friend, or fear the loss of sympathetic relatives. There refuge for follow a movement, or a momentary taste, or because of the circumstances required, see everyone around him is his refuge and refuge for always. Those rules as above, as trivial as a psychologist, so just enjoy blessings in heavenly realms goodness, illegal possession of the blessed earth, only a limited effect in the one-time only. b. This second line of people, because the mind has to understand religious doctrine of liberation for which the refuge. They are not powerful for good, not because of family practice, not because of sympathy, not as pleasing to the body, not for the world, the circumstances, but not for refuge tastes. They have only one purpose is to return to the Buddha nature wise, with dharmata compassion, equality, the nature Increase your pure harmony. Grade refuge, since pure heart with a noble purpose, should enjoy the blessings ways of the Earth, does not have the same advantage. 2. Ordained as a method of cultivation: (Prevention of sin) a. Someone ordained as mandatory, inescapable, someone ordained as pride or pride, self-ordained the other person is, then we lost them, are not ordained or what? There are people with psychological precepts for fame, status as v .. v ... Life without precepts. Tho presented in the case, or with the defiled mind as above, is not ordained a right. If circumstances required that the precepts, it is ordained that only cause more suffering to those precepts only. If for pride, arrogance or contempt which ordained, then the world can hardly keep durably. For the reasons that the ordination class above only small effects are blessed, blessed limit the illegal possession earth only. b. Rank the latter for the purpose of avoiding sin, for deliverance which ordained. With world-class people is maintained as a duty, as a necessity. They understand that the world can keep the new avoiding sin, punishment from the law at present, from the evil retribution in the future. About nothing less than the commandments, to prevent sin, is the discipline, which an individual or a mass multiplication, if you want peace, progress, must comply with the fish, the fish precepts have mercy mercy be liberated liberated, family precepts, their families are happy, National has maintained the national gender newly value, multiplication kind precepts, the new world peace and stability. A Buddhist precepts and keep in mind in the world with pure, noble and right feet like that, it would inherit the Earth blessed outflow, do not have the same advantage. 3. Worship Buddha as a religious method: (Buddha author dwells at home to mind, Buddha damage often reigns in the mind. Buddhists out to see, according to collective virtues of the Buddha) a. There are people with psychological worship Buddha as a god church to pray for grace, bless. See other houses of worship of his life, from house churches to pray for her birth mother in the family is strong solid peace, saw his house church god Saturn to preserve land, pro households are buying garments for sale prime, then also worship Buddha himself to be Buddha Bless buy sewing sell prime land to be safe, children are dissipated. Or the person for the time, as circumstances required or because of pride, see the next house to worship Buddha, I gave in and why? So they invited the Buddha to church, but only the first few months, and then later not even look at anything anymore. Buddhist shrine with psychological and such trivial purposes, the effect is trivial blessings only, ie just enjoy blessings illegal possession of strong human realm as well, not a temporary peace be blessed forever. b. There are people who worship Buddha as thick high moral admire, cherish forever intellectual brilliance of enlightened beings that church, not for the sake of fame. They understand that the church is to worship Buddha sublime truth, noble church shining mirror of good qualities like compassion, equality, wisdom, purity, diligent, to try to exercise every day to follow to be so. The concept of worship Buddha with clean properly, with such a noble purpose, will be blessings outflows, not ever. 4. Lord Buddha is a religious method: (Eliminating conceit, high tribute and gratitude Buddha) a. There the Lord Buddha with psychological edge bridges, beg favors from Buddha bless the family was peaceful, healthy, wholesale apparel, semi-prime, a capital of ten words. There the Lord Buddha to Buddha to pray for her hair silk se, with the Lord Buddha to Buddha Bless wish to be promoted quickly, ... etc. Lord Buddha with the defiled mind that, if there is contentment, satisfaction, then he is just enjoying temporary only, and not be entitled to long-term extensively blessed. b. The Lord Buddha with pure conceptions right feet, then it is considered as a method of repair yourself, knowing rehabilitation, nestled under tall thick virtue of Enlightened Beings, not arrogance, high tribute, Lord Buddha is to profound gratitude for their healing god father has no salvation for many creatures out of sight navigation suffering misfortune. Who knows the meaning Lord Buddha, is never where O contacts that do not bow to comment lime, apple him, not worshiped the devil, do not bow to the prince, immoral. The Lord Buddha with great purity of mind for their correct purpose, not short-sighted self-interest, not as disturbing as on promoting pollution, will receive blessings ways of the world production. 5. Worship Buddha as a religious method: (Tu blessing) a. Some people attend a worship Buddha as he was concerned (for profit) with psychological bribes, bribery or bribed sin and thought that if your gift as to how much the Buddha to please that much. There are people who worship Buddha with psychological brag (the name) to everyone around knows his rich, broad, rather than a bit of attention at all. Story brought baby clay Buddha worship which the Buddha, was enough to demonstrate worship emphasis on piety, not in real materials. The Buddhist worship with such defiled mind, of course enjoy the rich blessings belong to illegal possession on earth only, and not a pure blessing outflows. b. The worship Buddha with a clean mind right feet, not to worry purpose primer for the island (for profit), who does not need to know your gift (for the list). They also found that in order to pay their respects gratitude. The story also found an old woman just a petty fork oil, but not all lit throughout the night, or beggars offering packages of salt, the queen offered her three yellow car, ... etc, is enough to prove that, with heart respect, even the despicable things always become valuable at all. The worship Buddha with a pure heart like a glass, will be blessed earth prompted outflows purity. 6. Fasting is a method of cultivation: (Except killing center, raised compassion) a. There are vegetarian meals in exchange for delicious, with a vegetarian to be healthy or sick because clinicians prohibited vegetarians, vegans have to account for, for profit, for fame, status or pay prayer, ... etc., because of pride vegetarian, do not want to disadvantage others who are vegetarian ... etc. The vegetarian because of the above reasons, but still have benefits, but not in the sense vegetarian legitimate, noble, should be illegal possession of blessings in this earthly realm only. b. There are vegetarian because of compassion, did not want to kill animals, creatures do not want to suffer because of your meal here. The vegetarian for this reason, it is beneficial to the practice, as it grew mercy, made ​​evident virtues of equality between all species, and consistent with a pure heart. The only way this new vegetarian meaningful and lasting. But if for health, for answering prayer or for bragging, but narcissism vegetarian, it is difficult to maintain long-lasting, healthy once recovered, the prayer was finished, or bounce, narcissism be satisfied. Vegetarians with lofty notions of compassion pure equality, will be blessed outflow purity, not ever. 7. Buddhist mindfulness practice is a method: (Except for scattered mind, back to being pure) a. Some Buddhist concept with negative psychological selfish, narrow-minded, just pray for their own benefit, thus also little blessings, small, finite belongs illegal possession. b. The Buddhist concept properly, always understood that such is the Buddhist concept to keep in mind the general virtues of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas beings, is to clear gradually filled thoughts, remember how low the bar, their evil birth and replace it thoughts, noble qualities of the Buddha. The higher the rank out again, the Buddhist concept is to remind themselves that the Buddha nature (ability to become a Buddha) lucid reigns within each of us, like a jewel, and the need to elaborate, grinding daily filings for its bright out. The Buddhist concept with lofty concepts such as good with his pure heart should be blessed outflow pure, sheer unending. 8. Recitation is a method of cultivation: (Chanting is to be purified three now) a. Some people chanting to bless, pray for peace, bridge financing, for fortune, for profit, the name. Someone who ignores his procedural due process is what every clam clams for every hour, every day, oral reading, hand fan, eyes lies elsewhere nayqua venture out of space, lack reverence. Chanting like just blessed illegal possession of earthly realm only. b. The chanting properly, you must first have reverence, attention to the verses they are chanting. They chant to remember the teachings of the Buddha and to the people around and listen to the Buddha's teachings, so they try to recite a clear, serious, proper, not mistaken. They chant to bridge three industrial purification (body, speech and mind) to gather prospects photography center, and the wisdom born. The chanting with such a pure heart, will be blessed ways of the Earth, not all nostalgic effect. 9. Mantras is a method of cultivation: (To spend karma and make the body and mind are purified) a. Some people see mantras as a mystical magic, just in order to exorcise, cure, the yoke ear toilet. With concepts like mantras, the practice will be beneficial in the earthly blessings of the property illegally. b. The mantras indecent, recognizing that this is a means to segment or display tu feet. Through the mantras that are interested, the goodness that found wisdom, wisdom that out except through all ignorance, negativity. The mantras with such notions in white, good with his pure heart, not mixed mixed in a little disturbing pollution, should be pure outflow blessings, enjoying last forever. 10. Repentance is a method of cultivation: (Repent of past mistakes and prevent imminent sin) a. Having in mind the need of repentance for the forgiveness of your sins with Buddhism as a judge. And when repentance is complete, they felt the forgiveness of sins, happy to return to the old life, and then re-created causes sin as before! Having to pay penance ceremony. Having the habit of penance, according to rules, but there is a good will repent at all. Repentance How useful is illegal blessings, little benefit for your practice. b.- The true meaning of repentance, so must first be honest with yourself. They solemnly before the Buddha to Buddha prove to ask for repentance, repenting his vow to fix the problem before and determination not later recidivism, but they do not come before the Buddha is Buddha's desire for grace amnesty or reduce crime, because the Buddha is not a god is responsible for holding this weight level for crimes blessing in my life. According to theory, the results goodness no payoff, but in each integer multiplication implicitly contains a germ payoff, the material is good good results, raw data, the multiplication bad results. Repentance is not the key to wonder, too anxious to previous errors, messing up the quiet of our hearts and especially to not commit the error that later too. To put it simply, then repent in order to eradicate sin and makes three now been purified. Repentance to mind right feet above the outflow blessed, forever to enjoy endless. The common practices of the above, as mentioned early, not only dedicated to the primary co Buddhists, but for all Buddhists. The only difference is that for every beginner in the practice time was less than the long history of religion. The practice was more or less depending on the circumstances, strength and heart vows. But it is important to understand the meaning of his practices, and then release large Bodhi mind that practice, the results of extensive new and nice. To understand the meaning and common practice this method, you should read "Buddha School" first lock. Whenever practical ways of practicing it, if we aim noble, pure mind, there are broad sense, altruism, compassion, equality, etc ... then although we practice but still much less fortune and long-term (blessed outflow). Conversely, if we do not understand the true meaning of the practices of that or if we bring a heart is defiled, narrow-minded, selfish, shortsighted targeting a purpose that practice, then of course, we still enjoy good fortune, but this is not a great blessing and sustainable (organic blessed illegal). We summarize in this section. If we bring defilement mind (greed, hatred and delusion ...) that initiates or do the good deeds, it would be useful illicit fortune, only riches on earth. Conversely, if we bring in the white mind, good, pure, noble (compassion, wisdom ... etc) that initiates, or the merit, it will be pure blessings outflows , effect does not go away. So, if you are a reader seeking to understand Buddhism and wanted to become a Buddhist, then we urge you to carefully read the meaning of the common practices of this, and give rise to large, high Rooftop that practice. We guarantee that if you follow our advice, though it is a new step foot on the path, but you will very quickly and reap good results very soon. If you are a practicing Buddhists have long years of practice that way, then you should go for comparison review of the operating practices of the above, you belong to the first category was the second best (ie class speakers in a section or item b), then you will find yourself blessed illegal possession, riches ... and so on earth or outflows blessed purity of the manufacturing world. If in any way this practice, you belong to the second class (item b), then we would admire you, because you will be freed tomorrow, if not, it is sure to rebirth Pure. If in the practices of that, half of you belong to the lower class (item b), then you are a Buddhist average. If you are a Buddhist is below average too (only a few similarities b grade only), then you hurriedly converted to cultivate his mind. But please do not panic. You still have time to transform. Buddha taught: "Sea immense suffering, but if we turn around, the coast there and enlightenment." You have enough time to make the gesture of turning it. Before stopping the pen, I would you think carefully before answering the following questions: The way to practice Monday in MAP spontaneous far this is not? and for that we have not needed?END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/3/2015.

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