Monday 30 March 2015

When we understand the root cause, the source of all our afflictions will gradually, easy to find ways to treat and neutered.
Actually not to recite the Buddha's time we have afflictions, or recognize that we are, even so much negativity, but strictly speaking: negativity has us from countless lifetimes far. In other words were etched deeply disturbing, embedded in our minds and we vow to live with them as a friend. Also for that reason that we present in this realm Ta-She.
When we understand the root cause, the source of all our afflictions will gradually, easy to find ways to treat and neutered. Psychology usually we tend to think: When we are happy, happy, happy ... we will have no (or little) negativity. Perhaps understood in everyday life and is probably so simple. But if you use the teachings of the Buddha to explain what we call happy, happy, happy, or it is also disturbing (not immutable things, not permanent). Why? In Patriarch Platform Sutra Power said: "All is Buddha wife, disturbing news Bodhi". Is the only ordinary unenlightened people. Maybe not the less enlightened Buddha likened to that group? Absolutely not, but ordinary organization said here is not intended to assess learning (intellectual) or a process of a human striving. In contrast group pointed to the identification of the (enlightenment or wisdom) of the person in each concept.
To explain the byproducts and Buddha as follows: A stupid idea byproducts ie, a concept of mind is Buddha. What a stupid idea? For testing we sat Buddha, just go through the house, go back, and then have to let the sentence: "Oh island! Survival did not eat one, now sitting murmured as haunted. "Or:" Like so not to recite the Buddha temple, or where monkeys for cough, flamingo flamingo notion that somehow good? Every day they make a heap of difference between ENH room, compromising, losing the freedom of others, etc. "Meet such cases we going to do? We will stand golf? Will yell at people disparage, or gossip reserved pooh us when we are elaborately? Or we'll try ... silent, but then sat for Buddhist concept resentful? When both situations, it appears that we are all mortal gone. That is, we cling gossip of people around and it is true, affect his or her way to lower direction. Once accepted notion that emerging organization that is calling stupid idea (concept of ordinary unenlightened). But if the case above happens, we do not start by discrimination, not a thought of acceptance (clinging, can accept, accept death) but we just need to recognize: Well, again with the tease, harass, or want to "almost always happens," her already. Just start with the concept known infestation is enough. Concept known arises with hearts of joy (no opposing center, explain, or anger) and forget the words infestation on to those words through the ear or self quiet time in nature. At the moment the concept known as location anniversary.
Thus, from the mundane to the Buddha distance in just a concept. If during the Buddhist concept we hold such position, the notion that the concept of the concept called Buddhist organizations (our anniversary and Buddha similarity). Thus we are mortal and we are not being Buddha which depends on the circumstances surrounding (but not infected scene to scene), whereas dependent reflection (Tri-Enlightenment) in each of the concepts themselves.
So disturbing news Bodhi what? Bodhi understand the simple meaning: enlightenment, liberation, joy, also known as intelligent mind is pure emptiness and sense of equality. Returning to the example above, if we bring all the mortgage is in the center, then just sit Buddhist concept has "sip", mull them, and let them tame our minds made up our minds confused as jumble, who we stiffness, lightheadedness, or shake itself out as the ship banana wilt then it has brought us to his own affliction, suffering themselves to entertain, do you recognize the enemy. But if we realize we trot to receive negativity as you stir them makes us body, mind and crazy according to lose, even when we know it is disturbing, and resolute rebuff these afflictions, nurture, not to overpower them in mind (no mortgage interest) is also the moment that we have found to be nature's own pure, enlightened. But the purity and enlightenment at the moment is only temporary (within a concept). So let us be the essence of purity during the Buddhist concept requires us to each location and concept are thought to sense concept. There are so disturbing this time is the Bodhi.
Back to the story of joy, happiness, happiness is also disturbing. The Buddha once said: "Look at all the objects around to see if any permanent physical or not? There are other object is not the structure of birth or not? All will be broken to pieces, disintegrate and disperse. "(The last word of advice of the Buddha). If we contemplate the Buddha's teachings, we find: Negativity and Bodhi is the charm of birth, the same, Bodhi-Negativity is also the charm of birth. There is birth, there is death all. There can destroy all life. How to cessation of negativity and Bodhi always arises in the mind, this depends on the reflection and enlightenment heart of each of us.
Take a small example for us to ponder. For someone try giving us a gift so precious and expensive, which is a lot when we are dreaming to get. If you simply rejoice gift giver, the recipient also receives rejoice. Done it alone, then both sides would feel very happy, happy, and proud to do something useful for getting together as God's gift. But the gifts we did not do it, but when given a gift to us they add one more suggestion: She, uncle, brother, sister ... remember offline! This gift too precious and expensive it! I have this, I have a new debit card, buy new. So she, uncle, brother, sister ... must try to listen carefully preserved. Do not be sold, or lent to anyone, do not do damage it. To meet occasionally, I also see it. When our minds on that situation, surely joy, happiness and pride will quickly pass quickly. So in that sense is tingling (happy-sad) takes place in the mind confused. Do not remove the fear of displeasing their gifts, and told her poor, no longer honorable. But then just as people get indebted, and also the conditions above constraints, and sometimes did not have enough confidence to use it more rare gift. And who gave us the mood want others to do as you like, your gift giving fear will not be kept like that, of course, in the heart of unspeakable joy to be sung. So the notion of pleasure (joy in the center) between the Up and Get up only rekindled, new start-up just in time to stop, not shaping up immediately joy joy that was extinguished themselves. In other words the distance between pleasure (joy) and sad (negativity) in which only a concept, narrowly. Thus the Tri-Enlightenment is always known contemplate things in each concept. A stupid idea arises as ordinary concept. We recognize that the concept of ordinary and just let go of the notion that right, do not run, holding, pursuit, and interpretive center we will find tranquility. Mindfulness is contemplating such a concept, every idea is that Tri-Enlightenment concept, the concept corresponds with the Buddhist concept and then the Buddha nature will make money (sense of mild, calm, leisurely surroundings completely silence). When this occurs realm is when we have rediscovered their own nature.
The question arises: Who robbed, lost our nature? The answer: It is we, not anybody else outside. This we recognize and realize a most clearly when we sit down to recite the Buddha. If the Buddhist concept that started pounding pain, burning throat, dry lips, body aches ... it then nature (Buddha nature) we were in ignorance (take-yard-si-attachment, pride ) mask. On the contrary we are feeling peaceful, sometimes wondering if I'm lost in another world and is startled or frightened, or is greedy, pursuing that realm to realm of which flew vanish. Thus the Buddhist concept to meet the realm that do not have too rejoice or worry. In contrast just starting a concept shop said: Well we have found to be the essence of yourself then. Or: Well, we have to dispel ignorance of our true nature helps make the money back then. That's enough! And continued attention to recite the Buddha photography. If we can keep the Tri-Sensory so during the Buddhist concept, idea concept serial, serial everyday all the negativity in our mind will gradually disappear. The negativity in our minds was the Tri-Sensory we used to neutered, so in essence it is our money.
We practice according to the Buddha does not mean other than a foot that is lit to nature - to find the Buddha nature is ignorant of each of us. Thus, we rediscover our own nature is not an invention, or attain anything but it just brings a sense extremely simple: we are finding oneself.
Of course to do this not only day one, day two is that we have achieved, whereas it is a process tu-out tirelessly that we must overcome powerful. The following practice is not necessarily to slow. The Buddhist concept that people know how to find the solution of the negativity - the People You Do not Hien - was tied to us from countless lifetimes far not find a way to escape these friends.
Self of all beings boundless vows of
self-interest infinite negativity vows paragraph
Yourself nature endless practice learning vows
supreme self-nature of the Buddhist vows
(Tu Hoang The Vow - Patriarch Energy)
Beings who are you? As our own, is a concept of ignorance Take-away-Si-attachment-conceit in each of us that we have freedom, pray, and pray for their own section.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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