Monday 30 March 2015

In Buddhism, the argument is not useful or rotate pan to describe, words will always symbolize wisdom and compassion of the Buddha clarity.
Buddha statue on the chest, on the cover and in the pages of Buddhist texts, we often see the swastika. How to write like a two-letter S cross perpendicular to each other, like the vanes of children's toys. But if you pay attention, you'll see two different ways to write the same direction from the outside looking in:

- Sample (A): (卐) way back in a clockwise direction. This is the natural direction of rotation of the earth around the sun and also the way its rotation.     
 - Sample (B): (卍) along the direction of rotation clockwise. That is like being in a direction Marble. swastika is one of thirty-two general good of Buddha and it is located right in front of his chest. However, some other classics, the minister said this is a good 80 minutes of Buddha Shakyamuni It indicates the great merit of Buddha. The reason it is in the chest where the Buddha is to tell the meaning of the Buddha's enlightenment integrity. In the middle of the chest is a symbol of the Middle Way, not stuck either side, beyond the dualistic. But many saw the swastika on the hair, in soles or palms in the image of the Buddha. According to research by Dr. Quang Dao National Executive officer at the University of Japan, the swastika capital Is scripts, writing (word), but a symbol (symbol). It appeared very early, probably from the 8th century BC to the third century AD and BC previously used in the scriptures. But signs were not uniform. There is space to write in the form (A), there is room to write in the form (B). There are times when we saw the swastika turned to the side and also when turned to the left. From there the argument that the Buddhist swastika to turn this direction is right and the other wrong direction. The Buddhists do not agree about the rotation of the swastika, each person makes a way. Please enumerated the following:

1. According to the "Sino-Vietnamese dictionary" of Akatsuki owners:        

This term does not have the economic story, only in the Buddha alone. Buddhism says the Buddha birth, breasts out swastika 卐 sample (A), who later learns words. However, the swastika pattern (A) is the general principles rather than words, so the service is so auspicious marine minister, according to the picture on the right hand rotation (A) is more right. So as noise Buddha (Buddha walked around homage admired), the noise on the right hand, the aura of the Buddha in some eyebrows release also rotate on the right hand, then write a new twist on the right hand of the Minister of sand wall, there is work left to rotate, as the sample (B) is wrong.

2. Under the "Dictionary of Buddhism" As the Chinese delegation:

VAN ORDER: Svastika, swastika卍sample (B) also called Auspicious. It is a spiritual side of Indian word, that word has power put back, raised a good point, fun, merit. So call is: Auspicious, Van Order and Germany itself. Health benign form of the swastika卍(B) deep as the sea, tall as clouds.
Bhagavan Buddha has spoken shaped chest. He is a minister of his wealth, and his hair has the swastika again. Since the swastika represents the luck, good fortune, good, so in front of Buddhist temples, people often see the word drawing. Note that the inverse agonist should not write, because the school director for the first 4 fire, turned positive, the eradication of defilements, bring peace; the reverse rotation, the incineration of merit and virtue, it is very dangerous! So, according to Union Middle Also, the sample (B) is correct. The swastika pattern (A) is false. This contrasts with the Akatsuki dictionary owners in the upper part. But the authors do not explain why the swastika turned in this direction, the sand wall, turned in the opposite direction, the hazard. Both authors have not yet been the justifiable reasons and persuasive.

3. Under the "Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Vietnam" Church they were the Institute of Buddhist Studies (eds Diamond Death):

VAN ORDER: Svastika or Srivatsalaksara (terminology). Swastika shape is: VAN sample (A). This is indicative of the good minister circulated in India, Buddhism, Brahmanism, Jainism, are used ... swastika pattern (A) is not self-general (not words), Thus it can be translated as: sand sea wall so general, that is, universal minister.
But this figure is within the Van pattern (A) is similar to the feast of the Buddha, or third round right round, like Like white hairs in between the eyebrows of Buddha moved round to the right. In conclusion considers the ring on the right is good, auspicious. Until now, there is Van卍writing sample (B) is wrong.

4. According to "Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia":

Agonist is one of thirty-two general good of the Buddha, the position on the chest. It indicates the great merit of Buddha. Swastika insignia, not the writing. Write rotate left or right are. 

5. According to the "Dictionary of Buddhism in Vietnam.

"VAN: One in 32 beautiful Minister of Buddha, Buddha's position on the chest. It indicates the great merit of the Buddha, compassion and infinite wisdom of the Buddha. As badges, not the writing. Write swivel left or right, are, although there is some debate Buddhist rotate toward each other insignia of this. "
Thus, according to Thich Minh Chau Chi Minh City and lay the swastika pattern (A) or form (B) are both, because the two groups debate about the direction of rotation of the Buddhist swastika neither side achieving persuasive arguments. The debate's rotation agonist, yet right way, the wrong way any, are based on the perception of each person or each group of people, but there is no sufficient basis to convince an absolute, so we can not conclude an objective party absolutely right, absolutely wrong party.
swastika symbolizes truth, and the truth is only one. But depending on the location watched that show the truth in this way, bring this form; if another came in truth, the truth found another way to other forms. As we are all aware of, where all styles of all the truth describe the new garment that we can understand the truth perfectly to all sides.
Do not think that, if agonist turned in the direction that it destroyed the faith. The merit of us, only the wrongdoing of one new destruction, as the anger of one such fire. Also there is nothing else outside that destroyed our merit. We just let the swastika swing freely in the direction of its rotation, but not without controversy. We're just trying to take care of their obligations to fulfill, pay up the faith as much as possible.
In short, in the words a true monks said: "In Buddhism, no discussion is useful to rotate or swivel to describe, words will always symbolize wisdom and compassion of the Buddha clarity. Rotate Buddha symbolizes infinity work force transport, non-stop, non-stop, saving countless sentient beings in the ten directions. So there is no need to accept picked, questions swastika should rotate to the right or to the left. "
It is said under the French, in 1941, there is a very funny story about a member of the French ambassador, going from Phu Doan Nam Giao up above, if passed Hue Tu Dam Pagoda, saw the swastika decoration around the fence is decorated in space might look from both sides, he became angry and began Abbot to build the temple in the background behind to only look towards the Buddhist swastika. Thus debate agonist or right turn left turn happened long ago. There is also the matter that doctors Detective Tam Minh Le Dinh, a prominent layman time ago, when built Tu Dam Pagoda shaped station卐vacuum letters on the door. When the French authorities that it is shaped by the Nazis should be changed according to the description卍. Who cautious when you lay into the temple looked out to see the swastika turned to organic as before卐. Layman laughed as suddenly realized a Zen koan goal. At Linh Son Pagoda in Da Lat, Vietnam, if the Buddhists come from the street to visit the temple, climb every ladder, lifted look up objects Guanyin, you will see pictures swastika卐sample (A) on both sides as in the image below:

But if after the Buddha in the main hall at the back complete the look to go on, you will see the image rotated backwards swastika卍following form (B).
Thus the swastika rotate counterclockwise Lake (sample A) or the clockwise rotation (sample B), it is only two look when standing in front or two positions behind the same agonist alone. Depending on the "center", the "standard" users, as Buddha's teachings in Cart Song Song of the Dhammapada: The making of ourselves Do mind, by the creation, led Speaking, practice before moving after Italy that pollution: sadness in the adjacent Like the wheel According foot dragging animals on the road. (PC.2) Employment of ourselves Do mind, by the creation, led Speaking action before then but pure Italian: effusive joy in life and how happy Follow me everywhere like a shadow in the form.  A symbol is merely a symbol. It was their intent, the human mind makes it different. Similar to a knife in the hand of the physician's surgical instruments to save lives. If in the hands of a wicked time can become a weapon of murder of criminals. However, it is noteworthy that, in the Buddhist world, the need to examine how to write properly, to give a decision, a consensus, for all who follow in order to create homogeneity of the special symbol of Buddhism. Unacceptable emotional style of writing; This temple write another, the other temples write another, and most of the Buddha in a temple, the two words "VAN" different. Before World War II with Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in 1889 near the German border . Fascist dictator Hitler also used the swastika insignia for his brown coat Party, but angled. Because ambition to dominate the world through the guise of Nazi Germany, Italy, Japan should chose the swastika as a symbol of the Nazi party. This was the main agonist doctor Fridrich Krohn sketch. The symbol of Hitler's Nazi "swastika" black, drawn at an angle of 45 degrees in a white circle, and people called "cross parenthesis "(croix brisee). It is an abbreviation of the word S (State: Country) and S (Social Society). Black swastika, symbolizes the darkness and death.

Agonist lie, black Hitler can not be compared with the Buddhist swastika bright colors to be. One side is green sky, noble holy, symbolizing the merits and infinite compassion. As a blind deep inside the black symbolizes darkness and death, sin painful, bloody and inhuman. Also because of the darkness that should Furniture King's dream turns into a cloud Hitler and led to the deaths of millions of innocent people and of course also to end the life of the tyrant.
In fact, in the Tang Dynasty, Imperial Miss Wu Zetian has also created a swastika, read the Japanese audio. But this is only the symbol of the sun only. The word was turning left.
Also the swastika symbol for good luck in the West before World War II (Swastikas Symbolized Good Fortune in the West is before WWII.) Nowadays most people have forgotten images good that the swastika has been in North America since ancient times. The postcards and road sign in below recall the days before Hitler and the massacre of the Jews of fascism making the swastika symbol endless good fortune has a completely different meaning for most people in the Western world. Here, the left is a picture postcard of 1907, designed by E. Phillips, a postcard publisher of USA (1907 postcard by E. Phillips, a US card publisher.)

Above right is a road sign on Route Arizona was the swastika before WWII. The swastika is revered in a large number of indigenous cultures, including the cultures of the Navajo and Hopi in Arizona. (Arizona State Highway markers all bore the swastika is before WWII. The swastika is widely revered in a large number of Native cultures, Including Navajo and Hopi những of the peoples of Arizona.).END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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