Monday 30 March 2015

Because the Tathagata Medicine owe so pure aspirations to light during the complete purification (Luu Quang Ly) as lapis very afraid visible on his body, and his country as well as the so-called Drug Luu Quang Ly.

During the first year, many temples Vietnam often held up to the Medicine Forum chanting for prosperous country, being at peace. In the field of merit which the beneficiary, the life span is the most important. Although the property has much more reasonable but without health and life span, no one has the opportunity to be blessed. So not only in Buddhism but also in folk beliefs, day Spring Festival season is an opportunity for the home, looking forward to a year everyone good health. Medicine Buddha Vidudabha Quang Vuong Tathagata Buddha is a compassionate wish to cure human disease. If one believes and maintain His name is not being dissipated by the disease itself well to stay healthy. Maybe that's why he does not just fall on holidays Vía Medicine Buddha that any time of the year, many still held above the temple decoration chanting Medicine. *************** Meaning title Pharmaceutical Medicine Buddha Tho United expertise in treating diseases of the body, even as the lingering European expertise in treating heart disease, can make people be like attention, all patients were cured of mind. Medicine Buddha always help people be healthy, live longer, be comforted, so on the day he chickened out every year, the Buddhists that holds the French Society of Medicine 3 days chanting, preaching about the virtues of Him, to learn the glass every news post, under the liturgy; Thanks in part to repay the Buddha. Medicine Buddha is one of the 3 position "Tam Heng Buddha" including the Buddha Sakyamuni seated in the middle, on the right is the Buddha Amitabha, the left is the Medicine Buddha. Heng Tam Buddhist belief is indicative of the infinite Dharma, is to say to the east where the sun rises, symbolizes the growth and development of the universe, the world take in the East Ly Tinh Save as icon to grow; West is also sunset, symbolizing the return of all things. Three and a place to stand, that tolerance all blessings. Common image of the Medicine Buddha, left hand holding the bowl, which is filled with orange highway, while the thumb and forefinger of the right hand smoking; holding the wheel or wheels, symbolizing Dharma always turn the wheel does not stop. The left side of the Medicine Buddha has bodhisattva Nhat Quang, also known as the bodhisattva Except bell, hand symbolizes the sun light; He is right Bodhisattva Quang Moon, also known as Void Tibetan Bodhisattva, holding the moon symbolizes the cool, clear. The three he became known as "Tam Thanh Oriental" and "Healing Tam Ton". Example, the sun, the moon rises in the east are using light projectors throughout beings, that we are living happily freed. According Healing Prayer Bon Business Tathagata says, "In a world of Oriental Saha about 10 degrees with untold Buddhist Pure Land Buddhist realms named Yuri, the name of which is the Medicine Buddha Vidudabha Quang Tathagata." Medicine Tathagata hours on call: Vaidurya-prabharajyah Bhaisajya-guru, known as the Medicine Vidudabha enough Quang Vuong Tathagata, it is often called the Medicine Vidudabha Quang Tathagata, called the Medicine Buddha. Why is called the Medicine Vidudabha Quang Tathagata? Because so willingly promoted human disease may suffer from being so called Healing, salvation can illuminates dark places so called Save delusion Quang Ly. He is currently the world's cardinals Vidudabha in the East with two Bodhisattvas are Quang Nhat Nguyet Optical Variable Variable Projection and Lighting makes retinue to teach beings. The willingness of Medicine Tathagata is important disease of all defilement of body and mind of sentient beings, saving people suffering from birth to death. Because the Tathagata Medicine owe so pure aspirations to light during the complete purification (Luu Quang Ly) as lapis very afraid visible on his body, and his country as well as the so-called Drug Luu Quang Ly. Medicine Buddha Quang Luu Ly vowed what? 1 /. May the French-proof permanent body in the ten directions. But not only that mere evidence of the practical work part-time, and we are all human and thirty two great generals. 2 /. Speaking of clarity. Luminosity is not only that enlightenment. Need more new lifetime achievement deeds. Bao Kinh Sri said: "Germany has a luminous Shakyamuni named Tinh Van Chieu. This so many lives accumulating virtue, patients suffering mercy, grant applicants medicine, healthy look forward to. " 3 /. Full intellectual means and supply all over the place needed for charming. 4 /. Directions heresy of Dharma, dual redundant given to Supreme Bodhi. 5 /. Who can not help the world in the world. Who missed the transgressions that return pure precepts, such rotten evil ways. 6 /. Help the handicapped. 7 /. Cure the sick. 8 /. Transfer the soft female spirit children become brave macho, proceed to fruition Strength. 9 /. Help charming escape ghost nets, pagan bound, dense forest is evil. 10 /. + 11 /. + 12 /. Accident rescue prison hunger. Especially those suffering urgent that create bad karma, retribution constant direction with many lives. Also voluntary transfer of lotus greed into generosity compassion. Early eye limbs are much more generosity of other material resources. The path of liberation requires dignified morality, right understanding, intercultural. A little bit of pride associated to your ma, who commended his criticism, defamatory Dharma, making countless beings according to the pit depth coverage. Patients brazen hate, hatred encroachment raped, how many elderly patients suffering born dead, Buddha 'willingness to use the force that liberated causal beast, eventually led to the Supreme Bodhi-upper. We chanting, Daily Thoughts Order generous compassion, desire to enter into the sea Vows Medicine Buddha. Learn to live like him, bringing every thought every anniversary wishes for a happy and fun around him, no longer afraid of the evil animal suffering. Prayer from now shouldering all beings, work that benefits many useful happily. Church of the Healing Buddha to 49 lights. Two bodhisattva servant named Quang Nhat Nguyet Optical Variable Variable Projection and Lighting. Since the beginning of the twelve causal ignorance of birth and death are not able to cure the intellectual left. Healing Prayer Bon De Jing Gong consists of seven sets. Xuanzang demand in India has invited legal and fully translated into Chinese all. Originally for the Master Sakyamuni Buddha mercy evil beings degenerations, suffered painful retribution must say about Oriental Medicine Buddha seven. Each has its own chapel. The total is the cure afflictions karma, karma, karma report, that all beings be happy an healthy body permanently. We can say this prayer today the Medicine Buddha is shown in pictures compassionate Thai monks engage in activities help those suffering from Aids. At the center by the monks built and operated, selfless love of Buddhist followers were giving people with vile diseases of the century, but few would dare to close. The monk was guiding the patient application of the Buddha, to cut out the lower body pain, relieve suffering heart disease is now and prepare for their dedication to be gentle when leaving the temporary life this to a peaceful world. We worship, offerings Medicine Buddha quit disease problems, but also do not forget to heal yourself and heal all beings, first discovered the Bodhi mind for enlightenment, then look for private practice in another sense. School of Medicine Buddha happy Vidudabha Quang Vuong Tathagata, a Buddhist followers and attention spans of equal treatment, loving, caring beings. According to Sen synthetic Coast Dharma Applications.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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