Saturday 28 March 2015

Four Great Uranus is four angels of God in the Second Decade of Education first floor Saha world, there is a place called the Four Great Vajra, but it is wrong, it is called the Four Great Heavenly Kings, also called The Uranus households, in the Buddhist worldview, Meru paint, between Mount Meru has four mountain is the residence of the Kings. Located at the back of Mount Meru. In worship Uranus system of Buddhist statue architecture often called Uranus Uranus Electrical and location are usually placed at the main gate when entering the temple.
The Kings called because the four Heavenly Kings in four directions North, South, East and West. Four Great Heavenly Kings is the Fate of Sakka, in Gandhara mountain, this mountain has four vertices, each vertex has a Uranus defending, upholding the galaxy, the four realms of heaven called Quartet The European University, including Dongsheng Shenzhou in the East, South Thiem The World (Earth) in the South, West Ox House in West Asia, North Cu Lu (Lot) Chau in the north. The Four Great World of the first floor of heaven and sexuality.
The concept of the Buddhist worldview, the world divided into three; Sexuality, Lust and Immaterial, Buddhism that all sentient beings in samsara Three Realms, just practice until reaching Nirvana realm to be able beyond Tam World of Buddhism, reincarnation is no longer suffering life again. Continental natural sexuality has six heavens is the residence of the Angels, Four Great Heavenly Kings in the first floor of the six heavens.
Eastern Dhṛtarāṣṭra: La Tra Da name is, in the land of gold, east of Mount Meru. East Dhṛtarāṣṭra, the substance responsible for upholding the notion of nation, as a community of people living in a country, to have a sense of responsibility to preserve peace and stability to the country and community his wholehearted devotion defend the country, dedicated to take the peacekeeping and stability of the country, making people rich and powerful country, and this is as ethical leaders upholding the country's population.
Eastern Dhṛtarāṣṭra -
Southern Virūḍhaka: monk named Yuri, in lands made ​​of lapis, south of Mount Meru. South Virūḍhaka Uranus is the holder of the world Saha, corresponding to the rotation of the Saha world, is not always come to when to stop so-called growth, so Virūḍhaka always have in mind in the realm remind her I wanted to be peaceful liberation the most important thing is to always practice to grow pious, virtuous growth, the growth of education, intellectual, capacity, all the measures are healthy growth, not permanently stop, so the world is always good growth direction, forming a nice peaceful world in the future.
Southern Virūḍhaka -
West Virūpākṣa: Save Uncle Rub named Pi, in the land made ​​of white western mountain Meru. West Virūpākṣa; Ads Section means can be used pure eyes to observe the world, upholding the people, so-called Virūpākṣa, on Virūpākṣa hand holding a leash long, with the object holding the rope red, this is tame pagan goodwill, we ma, make sure they are prescribed glasses Tam, become better people in the three worlds.
West Virūpākṣa -
The North Vaiśravaṇa: Sa Mon monk named in glass area north of Mount Meru The North Vaiśravaṇa, meant to be heard more, know more, making sonorous ethics to all four corners of the earth for everyone to hear the show, be it academic or better, making the galaxy more days peace peaceful, loving people know each other, respect each other, in the spirit of compassion of Buddhism. Stock virtues taught: "read thousands of books, thousands of miles away," reading to learn to know, go around to listen to see, so there are all issues are clarified. Enlightenment is not far off.
The North Vaiśravaṇa -
Four Great Heavenly Kings holder Saha world in mind, upholding preserve the peace of society, always hear a lot to learn, to grow wisdom, insight meditation consider all the issues, learn all good things, this is the key element to form in the realm of Bliss is money, and the wish of the Buddhas, our Holy angels of Buddhism.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/3/2015.

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