Monday 30 March 2015

Method Pure Pure belong Tong, one of ten Tong Buddhist. Pure tone is he Huiyuan Patriarch made enlightenment and spread the teachings of Pure Land in East Asia. He founded the French Union in Lo Tong Son, He was honored as Germany Contact total Huiyuan Group

Dharma Higher hard think
The Study is ardous
Diligent Tu True Pure Truth
Deciding to Be Us Bang rebirth.
The glory of Christ Dwell Shakyamuni golden rays radiating array of light across the universe's birth. Then have expressed immense compassion of the Buddha, which soothes painful wounds of all beings and the original source of endless fun for all species.
Teachings of the Buddha's sublime performance excellence, capable of landing the passion put to shore sight, from birth to death to fruition Nirvana happily liberated, if anyone done practicing his teachings were theory.
Since the road of birth and death of beings, not so new boot from the center of the Buddha, so his words uttered countless preacher include religious teachings, because the purpose of all beings escape samsara, is evidence of the results to the Buddhist Scripture.
During this degenerate, Pure Land teachings are suitable weather and radical religious beings Liberation of rebirth.
So I quoted in Business Process Tibetan translation of Pure Land teachings, this translated book titled: "Bliss wins", which means that the religious teachings of Pure heart to recite the Buddha Amitabha, for the birth of Ecstasy realm, is chief medical newspaper reported solemn wins. Therefore, there are more questions on the title: "France Mon Pure Being Straight Path First Helping husbands Off Birth Death And The Buddha Exit."
Method Pure Pure belong Tong, one of ten Tong Buddhist. Pure tone is he Huiyuan Patriarch made enlightenment and spread the teachings of Pure Land in East Asia. He founded the French Union in Lo Tong Son, He was honored as Germany Contact total Huiyuan Group.
By the time he met two French Grand Master Lighting Bodhisattvas angry at Temple University Patriarch of the Holy Bamboo Forest, which is Germany Bodhisattva Manjushri and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Germany.
Then he was Screening France Germany Bodhisattva Manjushri taught: "Tu these teachings, no individual more Buddhist mindfulness teachings. Then add offerings to the Three Jewels, which is both blessed and tu tu Property. And they are very essential. By the Buddha as the former also ordinary multiplication also measured the Buddha, but the following are the results of the Buddha. So should know "Nembutsu practice" is the king of France subjects. teachings of Buddhist mindfulness teachings of Pure Land, which is only for people who practice "for being Buddhist mindfulness teachings in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss realm of Buddha Amitabha."
Time translator, Beijing this book is complete, has been passed in accordance with the smooth day long string class post, air with the wind whispering poetic soul scene suggested channel communications, there are birds Ca Lang housewarming, peacock Network, bird Peacock, uttered the magic profound negative approach. Type teachings Pure wins, the desire was born to bring countless color and delicate flavor, with its qualities capable cessation magic that boundless grief heart of mankind. And make people practice the teachings are often glee roses bloom on the lips, until it meets sambhogakaya, was born in the realm of Ultimate Bliss.
Writing Bliss was born Wins Compensation help all dear readers, to the joy of weakness following characteristics:
- Faith mercy towards Mahayana results.
- Eliminating negativity gentle hearts.
- Promoting confidence Pure.
- Development of Buddhist mindfulness teachings.
- Pure Land Buddhist mindfulness trend Bliss National Level.
Bliss wins in this book teaches us "Play launch of Pure trust", is stated in "The awakened and confusion" is "subject to study French," awakened heart as big as the enlightenment broke nets ignorance and negativity and implemented as the "teachings Buddhist mindfulness", the person is exposed to all the Buddhas of the ten directions. So, translators hope that this book wins Bliss was born to hand you dear readers to the source-loving moral escapism birth and death, most of the Realm of Bliss, which god back in the realms of beings I She and many other methods.
Readers wish you fun and practice "mindfulness Buddhist teachings" as in The Bliss wins will go to:
Dignified Bliss National Level
Often thought of Amitabha not think evil
Western scene is pleased vague
Golden Lotus Pond has named Treasure
Exit life death and birth of Ecstasy
1 / Method Makes The Play About the Pure Launch Trust, Subject awakened elaborates on superstition and dogma.
Short lifetime dream of stuff, all things are not quite there, but it's shape or quality but also will be destroyed because it is false. For example, a stick, and then over time it will rot away, or were burned to ashes by fire, stick it anywhere anymore that the item is real. As the body, most everyone thinks it is his true born craving attachment that is what my ego. They did not know that this body is fake, due Four (four large nature: earth, water, wind, fire) enough together that the multiplication coast, borrowed some pregnant mother was born, and this time also pay close Four of the Four.
So everything is fake, everyone knows that and can say. But everyday people try to run the sense pursuit of illusory without awakening, for that death is the end. So they do not think about sin blessed, how long satisfy his desire only. Or have argued that death will come back reincarnated as humans, there is nothing to fear, and then every three now let loose, causing sin forever. They did not know karma is not running a slightest error, human body back is very difficult. When the human body, they just rely on the fantasy scene that persist for real scene, was rebirth in six road forever, the suffering is not prevented her ever knowing newly Liberation.
People want to go beyond what was suffering, so players born in the Pure Land, to see themselves as misdirected, urgent return to the Pure scene. Want this, trust us to arise "Pure Land method" a powerful, must first break his ignorance except that the office Mon awakened and confusion have stated.
-Old Song Dynasty, Pure Poetry Long text copy:
- Man, once parents, wife, children, homes, farms, vehicles, cattle, horses, goats, rings to the massive castle, clothes, etc .. no comment treasures large and small animals or of leaving his grandfather, or to create your own set up, or their children or other cause that is, all forms of the items that were his, but fragile petty but if others do damage down, so I did not have the heart out of anger. Other petty needle, if the break, I still regret heart. Treasure-filled, heart has yet to be enough. Golden silk has more, but the quest of people have yet to bear alone. Acts and gestures that are craving attachment. A phen sleep elsewhere heart thought to the thought. Help is not about to leave, the landlord fears, fear of losing their jobs who do that bear sorrow.
Dawn to appear, what the dark, disappear. But this says my body, but it still is the item will be canceled, as the case material outside the body there!
The heart of pure thought, having considered it as tumultuous scenes in the dream. So Mr. Chuang Tzu said:
- May thanks to the Great Beings appearance, navigation guiding, mentoring beings escape the misfortune of suffering and birth and death teaches us to know now this is living life in the modern dream dreams (dream big ). Therefore, we know we live in big fantasy.
Stock virtue sentence:
- A phen demons to impermanence, death scythe adjacent to the neck decided not tolerated, as long as people know that we live in a dream, all things are not brought at all, just bear in themselves now.
The words on the true mystery instead. If we take the last paragraph above and add two lines to the poem:
All things being rather not bring
Just bear in this body now
Who ever thought Amida
Decision was born on Ecstasy immediately.
Van ban any future Past
The only personal property now
Dan recite Amitabha
The country of birth of Ultimate Bliss.
Because people have good karma or bad karma must bear, no one escape. The star, who did not take the religious "Pure Land way" to do good business there!
Before the mass, the Elder was just my body that says
- This is a physical item, which contained what a mess to feed. Do not take the matter to the said plan being chewed, the animals live through the above work plan being chewed. I just cling to the living animal body, so often people say whatsoever when greed for material things of life to feed his body, are material to give this life. The life but not out of it, must be provided for this body fed, engrossing idle. Muslims are the true heart good direction noble life of a Buddhist righteousness. And as business class people need to live birth, build a career, but very rich for by his aristocratic class geckos are upset, but then also have dissipated day, spending at Pure blessed with never out.
Speaking of people, we find that:
- People in this world are like bubbles on the surface of the lake collect, kill not about change: either 1, 2 years old, or 10, 20, or honored four, fifty-year-old is also less. Until now there are people who are living up to seven, eighty years old, but it is the less. They only see the immediate elderly without thinking of how many children died grave. Situations in the world who could not avoid all suffering, but they have to consider carefully where and worried, so not interested and knowledgeable. Meet at not pleasant, they make themselves obstinate more mental suffering because suffering does not know the laws of this realm. Sometimes is just according to your wishes, but it is rare. Parents, wife, children, relatives of her children, sick or dead, killed disintegrate, or his death was driven away, while being blessed money to do the crime, he closed his eyes gone the okay from now on their . So many people make merit at life after death there will now lead the birth blessed realm of joyful blessing in itself. In contrast, those who cause sin, until the death of hell wide open waiting, knife demons were ready, he'll pull now guilty sinner in hell right place.
An allegoric sin ahead: The foundation of a concept underhanded center, said a wrong word, looking at a beauty, a known graffiti headphones, do not work right feet, are evil must bear sin. Case is made of beings who eat meat and slim bodice as well as killing all beings to be. Again, people who have bad mistakes without incurring termination, because every piece of food and clothing to kill each other. Thus we see that it is worth taking as fear and pity.
People from young to old, when birth to death, contains how depressing suffering, bound forever in the rebirth where the three realms of six lines, but could not find a way to Liberation. After blindly gone, not stars from karmic attractive place to go for dim dim thick not know about anywhere: or fall into Hell territory of what is suffering; or to take upon themselves the animal will be dismembered eaters eat; or life itself Peta often hungry, fire emanating from the self-burning throat grab; asura or intense anger, despite good karma born to heaven or the human realm, to the blessing of a road still have to fall into evil as it was, forever immersed in a sea of ​​suffering is not cognizable way out. Only in the Western Pure Land is the most off the line very quickly transcendence of suffering misfortune of rebirth in the six paths.
The body is hard, not easy anywhere. When the human body, while remaining healthy should consider this large would think: I since beginningless far, rebirth in the six paths unknown "Pure Land method" is, so why not be Freed all the suffering, including birth and death.
Today known "Pure Land method", we have to express the religious right time to quickly escape misfortune of suffering of birth and death. Older people should try their best tu lo "Pure Land way." Younger guys should not be lazy in this practice. Those who recite Amitabha, until the birth right of common network realm of Ultimate Bliss, ruling seen the devil on earth after being dragged impermanence of the flanking Hades Pluto can not feel fear unspeakable.
We should know the Buddha Amitabha had spoken word oath that:
- He was born in our country, want to move elsewhere as voluntary obligation of birth, full not fall into the three evil paths again.
Why are people born in the Pure Land is surely proof of birth Infinite patience legal permanent escape samsara? Because the evidence was born Unknown method in understanding new ring road of birth and death.
Annoyed understand the road of birth and death, but in the realm of birth and death, but nature was the most wise decision not ignorant misguided in cyclic.
Human nature is wise not by where the delusion that do evil.
Standing in terms of that conclusion, human nature is no longer wise degeneration of course, much less to be very compassionate refuge of the Buddha, so decided not depraved, only people born in the Pure Land class recently, Do not the case not being any age group.
Again, the Bodhisattva levels witnessed the birth Infinite ring measures for road very afraid of birth and death, that is, depending on the will of Him that you make in the birth and death; and not have the required unpleasantness of birth and death due to karma appealing.
So the bodhisattva has seen "Unknown method of birth Rings" is about that of all beings in the realm of birth and death of all beings, the nature of your feet often deserted him wise. He is not the physical distraction mind, nor was karmic fascinating world of rebirth. However bodhisattvas in the realms of rebirth, but not bound in rebirth, seat position called the Earth, that is angry at the world that is the Earth fruition. So people in the Pure Land of birth and death is in the way of delivery is desired, do not be an obstacle, as if born to heaven and be satisfied, want to birth in humans also, want to manifest in the rich are like that, want to return Pure birth is also satisfied, want the value being immortal is also standard, and want to kill back to being well satisfied, that is unwanted expenses are liberated, What a thing is not hindered. The reason for the practice of Pure at you in that order as you wish it so.
The life does not know the reason, banished into the suffering of samsara way binding: For delivery of rich people to get born into poverty, living in the house want to get happy about being miserable place, want to be long live must die young, want to go to heaven born in evil way. What are your favorite material acquired outside obstruction and it was mesmerizing, and was drawn into the karmic bind themselves not to be happy in. Therefore, beings from beginningless lives far been rebirth in the three realms of six lines with no way out. It should be remembered that the class was so boundless grief.
Persons interested in being good direction for the Pure Land, is in the realm of Ultimate Bliss, can see the immense suffering of beings in this mundane world.
In ancient times, Buddha asked Ananda ever said
- He wanted to see who the hell reasonable?
Ananda said:
- Blessed One, I want to see.
- Beings themselves to do evil, evil mouth to say, the idea of ​​evil, which is in Hell.
Because people are not good or bad, in addition to three professional body, speech and mind. Whoever three are bad now, it's pure dark now, so we must not fall into hell. If three people are now healing time is now pure white, was born to heaven. The three now have a good career, he is now complex, also from the fall into hell. So close and yet the people are evil, but dedicated mouth recite the Buddha, was a good career, and far better than the three now are evil.
Case is always justified mouth recite Amitabha Buddha and the Buddha mind focused look that great idea to his generals, his body sitting upright, hands rosary beads, she is the third person of good karma body, speech and mind. The Buddhist concept so hard to be good for business for three satellites, decided to be born on the roof.
For such people are listening to a pitch of the shrimp sellers may know three of the guys now that are evil. Because he counters shrimp burden on his shoulders, his mouth for sale, buyers are willing to take your money, so when he spoke Ad shrimp sold three times enough to know the cause of this evil. So did the Buddha say who is who in the hell.
So we know on earth who share many of Hell, no stars from. Worthy of fear and pity instead! Beings by virtue of ignorance do not know multiplication result, fall into sin, a mercy for them. His class because he only presented them with a walkway right feet on the path of Liberation, he called the experimental method.
The age of the experimental method is very act of great generosity, are very much blessed, be difficult to measure.
Someone said: The heart itself a profession recite the Buddha is like as a person before they themselves call their name forever, the time to make sure he does not back out of anger. So when a person before the Buddha that profess themselves recite called him forever is not enough to heal.
People say this is absolutely not true. Because why? - Beings from beginningless life so far, has caused many errors verbal evil, piled high as a mountain, deep as the ocean wide, but the mind has always recite the Buddha's name to finish cleaning bag of verbal negativity sure where sufficient which took the name calling trivial to compare. We should remember that the Buddha was definitely clean negativity and ignorance, where even anger as beings that compared with our ordinary classes. Let alone, the Buddha explained to teach them about being religious "Pure Land method," heart to recite Amitabha. The reason being mentored Buddha Buddhist concept is due diligence beings want to be good to turn verbal making industry and the industry itself are also good.
Again, talking about practice "Pure Land method", the majority of people misunderstand that daily practice "FRENCH MOM red planet" that was taken captive in the present life to life after being born in the Pure Land enjoy blessings individuals. That is selfish, understanding is still shallow and very wrong. They did not know the people from the "Pure Land method" will be of great benefit to oneself and others in the present as well as future. So that while his birth anniversary of Buddha's Pure Land Bridge, that is his current three industrial pure and good karma ie three beings are listening to the Buddha's name is also found fresh mind, to do good; it is his and the great benefit of present and future lives of his realm was born Bliss, after watching "Unknown method of birth ring" will be soon become a Buddha. As long as he himself in the realm of suffering, or samsara that the level of grace for countless beings were all Freeing rebirth, happily liberated. That, the benefits in later life not only for their own benefit but also extremely common to all beings.
Thus, the satellite dedicated to the daily thoughts, words and his actions, then do it carefully without reaching good results. Which is a good man of valor, was bothered great sage, is the current love life, improve household gods, abundant blessings and fortune, longevity is very high. The Pure them to care about, so tell Pure taken as the center, as well as Buddhas taken as legal world body, where the benefit is not born there!
People with delusions karmic impede the practice of Pure Land, which themselves are not dedicated minded about that place. If the practice of good faith "Pure Land method" evil fate which is less so, so fortunate also be added. The practice is less evil fate without even terminate it, then later it decided to extreme evil; affinity is further not to terminate, then later decide that's affinity to extreme.
He has stopped all evil, do good pure gentleman is not bothered what not to? And is not that great sage Do not bothered what? So say we listened to the Buddha Pure taken as the center, where the benefit is not born there!
Back then, people did not eat at the ceremony said that, as well as fearless penalty, only rely on the strength and power of his mind when they know the direction of Pure and decide reserved its faults, the but that does not mean much, but with the holidays also mean part of the ceremony.
If the direction of Pure mind, but could not overcome the penalties but can also decide how far the penalties that will gradually get rid of the evil inclinations of man's cottage that deserves to become the Army e.
There are generous tolerance classes, knew little of the Buddha's teachings, the decision to live the life of Virtue. This is according to the Buddha Pure taken as the center, where no benefit is life there! Confucius taught the Confucian do take care, so why not make life interests there! Confucianism is also rather Pure such cases.
Furthermore, all of the legal world is not made legal world, can not put people out of the rebirth. As the Earth approach suffers pass straight out of the cycle of birth and rebirth, which "the Pure Land method" is not only an export world has benefits for lifetime after lifetime, but always, was born on the Net the West, born from the lotus of pure, sitting on a golden lotus necessarily out unclean round, straight to the birth of Buddha.
In Pure text, he Venerable Tu Tam said:
- Title of the Buddha Amitabha is very easy for the concept, the Western Pure Land is easy being on that side. Yet people do not take private life and the direction of, just take life and forget, eventually suffer a painful death.
Arguments about the fire in the three worlds, in which people with this body by way feel bound karma, life, long or short are retribution caused by the multiplication predecessor. As the predecessor of section 10 it is sown in the earth life is 10 years old, were planted 20 years, lived 20 years, few people live to be 70 years old or 100 years old life.
A demon of impermanence to phen, death scythe intolerance, although the name has wealth, the treasure stuffs containing high mountains, beautiful wife, the beautiful, comfortable life, day and night enjoying playful scenes of pleasure, can not afford long life, no matter how much complaint also very effective.
People living on earth has died aged classes, dark urges, demons obeyed superior orders can not be tolerated, King Yama Laozi not enchant people, yet there is impermanent demon form that many people also heard and known.
The man steps ahead, relatives of relatives, friends brothers, children attack on the racing scene homecoming sound that darkness!
So said Lord Stock:
- Mac aging treatment directed learning hybrid method
She urban youth to take part in the Name.
That is:
Do not wait for old chela
Lack of detailed tomb died young.
Do not wait for old age to practice
Wild rice paddy much sweat teenager.
Children know how grave the wilderness
Early care of Buddha, so keep up that late!
Word of advice on this is virtuous young people the opportunity to take excess blood was strong, not weak countenance that lo practice.
The old age need to worry Buddha, because life has gone through a long chain of post college days, the earth did not stay long. Failing health would not be able to do anything, no gray hair wrinkles, no blurred vision deaf ears, cheeks copying any curved back, no arms legs weak soft, yet suffer far more than the sight of land near the sun without worrying about finding the Liberation, waiting to never again!
Female sex and not worry Buddhist concept. Since in Spring Green, to married couples, and have children, the frequency being chewed looking for family plans, suffering to the thousands all bitterness, bitterness sight, pity embrace suffering grief. When older, the obligation to tell the family as that is done, you entrust an inheritance for children, then his desire to become idle blessed recipients only worry nembutsu practice. If you do not know the good direction in mind, feeling worried return path is not the Buddhist concept whose wisdom, because:
- Contain natural gas three stages in need
Any free time glorious retirement.
- End slightly under six feet of land
There are definitely losing out very often.
If the deceased has merit, may be children of filial, sometimes they increase to set the left margin increase and chanting some of Economics, which tastes even know who I remember repay their parents. Disadvantaged families, naughty naughty children, when their parents died hasty burial finish and bring home our farms for sale, wasting money snacks in the fun, wasting asset depreciation . Who have the wisdom to know how life is concerned spend hardships. Descendants itself has its own merit, but do not worry because children far away and do not have time goofing Buddhist concept.
The application should take care of the Buddha, because alone do not have to worry much, supporting care of yourself dressed, anxious to marry off their children, to live a peaceful life simple. So that people are not worried Buddha, the latter avoids stars out of remorse, regret that although there any way the story has belatedly.
The very ink rich Buddhist concept also need to worry. Home spacious and luxurious clothes, eating delicacies, with full amenities that past life know this life enjoy reciting should be blessed gift. The poor poorer worry Buddhist concept. Eat no belly, wearing no closed form, often threatening hunger, which is due to take such kindness life before practice, this technique is apparent retribution. If people do not worry amended, dedicated to reciting it after death is like falling into a well balanced fruit, cognizable by Freed.
The Buddhist concept of meditation to worry, or inborn advantage or fillers, is not afraid to make life great awakening, thanks to its vow of Amitabha Buddha to lead to Ecstasy current national level, happily liberated, no longer worry afraid degeneration in three evil paths again. There are categories of people astray, for that long with a good heart is right, must the Buddhist concept. It is located on the wrong class, fascinated people died.
So frustrating Stock faith says:
- Laughing damn wealthy, privileged life but also their busy work like the arrow that flies. Rice bowl was born insects, piercing strings to store money in stock, often bring out weight per day, night lighting counters, wooden statues body as tireless, fear itself breaks the ties of money. Suddenly, time to close your eyes to die, until then the new nostalgic regret the Buddhist concept that up.
The Master Zhang He said:
- If the Buddhist concept was not born in the Pure Land, we fall into Hell Bat Damage.
When golden lotus that grows in ponds where the realm of Ultimate Bliss, the time was recorded in the world who admitted she thought I Amitabha.
The Ministry of University Friends Only The Lost Episode President said, "He wants to fellowship pure life can not say:
- Now I'm too busy, please wait until idle Buddhist concept.
- Now I bring the needy poor, rich Please wait while Buddhist concept.
- Now I was young, let's wait for old age Buddhist concept.
Having said that there is the separation of the busy, free, poor, rich, old, young, for now, the purity of whom also have the conditions to cultivate it. Until death though there is no time to repent.
So, obey the Buddha which reminds all Buddhists take excessive time remaining healthy body should endeavor lo reciting.
The only known living life now, insisted the animal itself, sought business pursuit of money to give life without thinking never lost consciousness, when this body permanently gone. At sorry dear relatives living people know this, after blindly gone forever remain consciousness, which is life itself does not worry what the stars? If people are not smart, it is good practice consciousness there will be laid in place of suffering.
Again, who lives only for the relatives of his wife, just hard chasing career, not a little lazy. They need to take the sung happy eating without thinking about when to die, even though his wife and children, cousins, relatives of injured loved unfortunately way too much going to be difficult to save, spend by its self Buddhist concept of Pole born in the realm of communications, and then will be more of forgiveness.
Therefore, people should not be immersed in life but forgot to escape the death, as well as others should not be forgotten that the Liberation of yourself. Because why? - Because I was not a degree, how the people are there!
He said Deputy Chief Officers:
- People gradually as chicken skin, hair, such as cranes, dodder design step, assuming golden have not filled out the birth, aging, sickness, death. Although many people are happy, but once the demon of impermanence and the procession went to visit, just off the straight path of spiritual practice is the concept Namo Amitabha Buddha.
His Word says Deputy Chief Officers above is coordinated with the question:
Van ban any future Past
The only personal property now.
That is:
All things being rather not bring
Just bear in this body now.
What is there to bring all things to be? This means that even if the person lives to large organizations, the full home improvement, yet gold and silver jewels, no homes farms, no shirt tidbit nice ring to his wife I love you, all come to the earth once the to the scene where the sound.
What is now only get into this body? That is the cause of industrial life of greed, hatred and delusion, non-salacious celebration, arbitrarily killing living beings, slanted die evil, insidious pests mercy killing, disobedient to parents, allude to Siem flattery the king. The thing that now, once the devil to impermanence, who could not bear to close out only to have it fall into three charismatic evil way, according to industry that suffered.
The known so strong if not soon return to shore sight, leaving the data to heal, often worry Buddhist concept to wash heart where sin is so easy to be born after the body back. It replaced the risk of suffering! Suffering risk instead!
There are three kinds of people you Buddhist concept of infinity:
- The first class are idle, not reasoning day, a Buddhist concept heart.
- Ranks second half of the trench is busy half, after finishing work should recite the Buddha's right.
- Ranks third person was very busy, have some time to look under the Buddhist concept anniversary gathering.
Again, the effect of wealth and fortune bothered full worry Buddhist concept. Poor bastard who keeps an obligation to take care Hospice Buddhist concept. The children have grown up to be helpful, not worry Buddhist concept. The children did not mind not to worry to worry Buddhist concept. The healthy, mentally competent to worry Buddhist concept. The terminally ill, new body worn worry Buddhist concept. Annoyed understand business intelligence platform, to worry Buddhist concept. The dark, poor understanding, worry Buddhist concept.
In summary, the four living species of mercy to the heavens time in three realms should recite the Buddha.
So please be advised lifetime opportunity excess body has not dried skim Four worry that early Buddhist concept; Do not wait until the moment of death, all things do not bring it any which now only get into the body, then repented so promptly.
Buddha said: "Networking the impermanence, life breath urged, once inhaled church without a life that has passed. Youth can also let alone old age."
We must observe this body, was once the skin primer gray hair, blurred vision deaf ears, face wrinkled back bending, walking swiftly dodder, where failure patient suffering from old age, and time to recover. For example, at the wrong driver, sun shade only strained flames while. Plants when changing welcome autumn yellow, seedy scene ruined place in the blink of an eye. Oh! It is not a living body as long as the road ahead will obscure one of nowhere when a shell ended his life. The outbreak of enlightenment, consciousness all things are impermanent, sin is very scary but himself efforts against it by honestly remember thinking about Pure, determination needs to be reborn, but let remove all the sense coast, a passionate devotion to Amitabha concept, the demand for Ecstasy, sitting lotus station to escape the path of birth, aging, illness, death in the sea of ​​misery loving galaxy.
Buddha taught: "Networking the impermanence, life breath urges. While healthy people as well, how much more sick time".
So we must observe the body, such as the Four conditioning, eating delicious and knew less gradually, he is symptom Four body is about to disintegrate. Once the medication is no longer effective, patient pain, sleepless screaming, suffering endless, brutal power of his strength, only last breath waiting for the other side of the world. For example, fish grabbing a pot of water, breathing seems to only ever short, swooning exhausted, suffering constraints, died in a flash. The body often sick, what if anything is easy to live long, and will end his life, the path appears dim gloom that still would not know about anywhere. Oh! So why did the self boldly awaken from anesthesia, understand the law of impermanence get very scary, but every effort to treat it.
In ancient times have you visited Increase Recommended Thi Truong To Save his friend, who is very diligent diligent, attentive to the truth. He also believes the Buddha mind but lacks will power. Monk visited and advised him:
- Samsara is a big deal, he must soon take care Buddhist concept.
Truong To Save refuse:
- My duty is not round, I still have to accomplish three things.
- He said three things are the three things?
- Ladies are: firefighters parents do not bury my son and my daughter's wedding is not yet married.
Monk saw his career Truong Luu was too heavy, so not fortunate enough to suggest he can not recite Buddhist monk he was, leaving him adieu.
Shortly after Mr. Truong To Save suddenly died. Now back to that monk and condolence poems that:
The list of organic corn Truong Luu
Health Promotion Theory nianfo triceps
Ability to understand the hell Hell distribution of wealth
Three top position in another question towing vessels.
My friend called Truong To Save
Advised him to recite the Buddha said three things
Three things very often incomplete catch
Ironically Pluto did not know it.
This story is worth to human life by awakening meditation.
The Buddha taught obedience, a concept Amitabha heart is shattered screen lights dim dark solitary, large boat is put through the sea of ​​suffering, the dose or the escape samsara and also the road pass off the three worlds.
Chinese Yuan Lang said:
- Evil beings in five degenerations life is like prison inmates in labor, because people in prison are criminals, even the heaven above you are carrying a karmic body segments of birth and death. But any moment and pray for sinners to be out of place because they know that prison outside wall thorns world that has a very happily so.
This negativity being used as housing, roads used as birth and death zoo fun, not well known mountain University Forum Vi is rugged rocky walls, in addition to the three realms of law who also have their own home happy scene.
Buddhas for mercy beings suffering in the three worlds which indicates that the Pure Land and Disinfectant for himself that way, but it's escaping back as minister feet.
Thus the French Association of the United Buddha called him Shariputra which teaches that:
- Hey Mr. Shariputra Oh! Tathagata because a large multiplication coast out where life is that "enlightened beings enter Khai market knowledge Buddha". That is the Exalted Buddha beings because they want to declare knowledge to be pure Buddha that life is a place; wanting only knowledge Buddha beings that appear where life; because he wanted to show enlightened beings that knowledge Buddha out where life; because they want to beings in direct evidence that knowledge out where Buddha died.
He Shariputra Oh! It is the Buddha as a large multiplication coast where life appeared.
2 / France Mon to study
People want to know about black lines beyond the round of rebirth in the three worlds to know a lot Buddha teachings, but only Buddhist mindfulness teachings rebirth for Pure is easy to cultivate the path straight off the most.
Why are many ways Pure Buddha Shakyamuni taught for being reborn for the Western Pure Land, Buddha's Pure Land of Amitabha is very religious? - Because of the Buddha Amitabha it emits 48 Vows of all beings, and many of the heavy fortunate beings throughout this territory. He has very compassionate extremely intense so photographers take all beings, not overlooked. Never trust a person Buddha, towards Him and all respectful, passionate recitation of six letters "Namo Amitabha Buddha" without being led him to the realm of Ultimate Bliss. It is by taking the place of self-ruling and specialized maintenance title Buddha Amitabha is satisfied that Ecstasy national rebirth.
Pure Poetry in Long writer says, speaking both modern organ, not only has ten sutras say about Pure Land in the West, but also has many other business further mention.
The economic roughly says: Realm of Bliss of Buddha Amitabha used seven treasures dignified, no Hell, Peta and animal rings to species crawling, flying, natural spurs are usually calm, there was trash all uncleanness, so called Pure.
The realm of pure Ecstasy enjoy all the pure joy, not a pain.
In the realm of Ultimate Bliss, everyone from the golden shower of birth should not have birth size. Diamond Body, enjoy healthy and beautiful, there is no old suffering with sickness. Living longer is boundless Asaṃkhyeya lives processor until the Buddha, there is no death, suffering; He is the immortal being. No parents, wives and children should not have to love away from sorrow. Be the celestial goodness bothered same convocation should not have met the enemy suffering hon. Bridges want to spend good reviews are suffering should not disappoint. Usually calm the body and mind forever so no warm illustrious years of suffering. Want to eat with honor epigastric out to practice. Want to wear clothing with beautiful nature. Houses, castles full of precious pearls, gold is, what is silver, is lapis, crystal, nacre, Asia etc .. half onion sausage, or in space or on the ground are depending on the will of the people that turned out. Land full of pure gold dust is not a slightest stain. The atmosphere is soothing warm spring sun, who completely enjoys happily without suffering extreme grief, so-called realms of Ultimate Bliss.
The cardinal planes Bliss is Amitabha Buddha. Amitabha is the English translation of the Sanskrit sound, the Chinese translation is Boundless Light, Infinite Life, that is the light of the infinite, boundless inspiration around ten realms unobstructed and the immeasurable life span Border Asaṃkhyeya not limited amount of life and the people in his kingdom realm too.
From the German side Amitaba found throughout the vast vows beings in the ten directions, very compassionate His inconceivable. So, if someone believes even mind towards Buddha Amitabha that confess His name anniversary, the decision was to eliminate accidents and injustice lifetime ago and now lives this life, to enjoy more blessings. In the seven golden pond in the realm of Ultimate Bliss suddenly grows a lotus flower waiting for anniversary Amitabha, give notice to the suffering body that is hinged to shower immediately that he was born, pass straight outside the rebirth of the three six realms road.
Nembutsu practice very easy to cultivate, as found in modern organ includes all four of eight thousand (48,000) French subjects, but no French subjects are quick and easy escape samsara more religious practice Pure Land Buddhist concept for birth , also known as the Pure Land method. Unfortunately injuries for those who do not know or know nembutsu practice without even practicing.
In the Infinite Life Sutra says: Countless countless lives have gone in the past, there is Buddha Brand Yourself In The United Tathagata teaches beings born. Then there is the great monarch to hear the Buddha preached, suddenly enlightened being free fun instant play Bodhi mind to leave the throne monastic practice, as He let the French brand Tibet, which is a precursor of Buddha Amitabha.
His Bhikkhus to pay homage to the French Tibetan Self In The United Tathagata. He finished bowed reverently invoke the Tathagata teaches the bodhisattva deeds solemn Pure, photography prime beings who care to follow that practice.
It said the practice Tibetan Sa is higher intelligence, deep aspiration Buddha should immediately clarify for whom medical reports and reports of two hundred and ten primary breast in the world, at the same time out every show. Section is completed medical report of the stately main national newspapers that level, the practice Tibetan Sa instant play wins Supreme wish. Then over a period of years of life, he thought France Tibetan meditation pick deeds solemn Buddha realm.
After you're done meditation, Tibetan Bodhisattva French bow before the Buddha for The Self in the Kingdom which bowed and emits 48 Something pray, pray always have degrees throughout all beings.
At the French Tibetan Bodhisattva Vows development is complete, around the earth are shaken, flowers are golden gods rained down like rain for offering this kind of stuff, middle of nowhere suddenly rang music singer: "France Tibetan Bodhisattva decided to Buddha ".
Since then, France Tibetan Bodhisattva came of practice, implement fully the great volunteer on the road to fully articulate his birth and death and is certified to work bodhisattva.
The fully articulate way as birth and death, the estate, whether on the road of birth and death, but there are constraints such as birth and death karma charismatic person suffering from pain in the cycle of birth and death. The results in the bodhisattva deeds executed that, within the religious wisdom, outside the convent blessing.
Forcing the wisdom that nature favored as an increasingly vast wisdom until the Buddha. When the Buddha, covered vast emptiness wisdom nowhere around the world, do not know and can see everywhere.
The holy blessed is hinged at the birth of all beings, the same as their bodies, as they say eat well but instructive. So the king of heaven ring down on the insect species is small nhít, Bodhisattvas are hinged born in it, spent countless countless lives to teach them how to practice birth, leaving the data do good, needs to be Freed.
Arguments about the religious beings, not what is not blessed. The blessing was not entitled to the blessings that contain more volume, recovery time will be immense spread across the unreal world. The merit many times have very compassionate adults. For such people as the introduction to the big powerful. Health compassionate bodhisattva of Tibet France immense, he fully accomplished all that was attained Primordial Supreme Bodhi (kick). He is at his new vows, rings to the Buddha are for saving sentient beings.
So even if someone in the faith towards him, claiming recite Amitabha, the lifetime is determined by taking the person of His blessed relief, postnatal life straight Ecstasy realm of Buddha Amitabha Da. If the heart to visualize the perfect Minister of Beings from parts of Amitabha, the decision is seen life itself feet of Amitabha Buddha, because of his compassionate everywhere, that the Buddha mind is mature, the Buddha nature with traffic, so the Buddha incarnate in front of it.
Stories Pure Ministry said the Buddha Amitabha and the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta sitting in the boat Vow to this mundane world floating suffering of birth and death, save all beings to put people on planes Ecstasy West, if the plane was subject to the decision to birth in the Pure Land is located.
See above, we see that the Buddha and Bodhisattva very merciful and always thinking beings are now appealing sin, immersed in a sea of ​​suffering forever with no way out, so he used the power compassionate vows well put people born in the Pure Land, no different as he gave the ferryman to the other side. Also, if the true faith and the Buddha mind whether crimes are also national rebirth Bliss, just afraid of the lack of confidence "Pure Land way" and lacking in practice only.
The time no compassion can not become a Buddha, not saving sentient beings can not become a Buddha, there is very compassionate large can not become a Buddha. Since the Buddha of compassion, He saw them being sunk in the sea of ​​suffering, which often want to save. Because he has great power should be compassionate satisfy saving sentient beings. The virtues of saving sentient beings are members of, so called because it was the Buddha.
In the said king held a physician can cure all diseases, but can not cure the death of the person. Likewise, the Buddha may all beings but not the people who do not believe the Buddha's teachings.
Preface of the Pure Direct Only Resolution said: "The aura of the Buddha Amitabha as the full moon shine around ten. When the water in the comprehensive stood moonlight reflected in the water, but not the moon run in water that rushed to. Now the water is cloudy, perturbed the moon light is not reflected in the water, nor the moon hurried leave that country. Countries in time, opaque, perturbed, standing still. And There are no grab moon, leave, come, come. " So in the Flower Adornment Sutra says, his son Suppose Freed said: "The Buddha also said all the silhouette. Mind like water alone. The Buddha did not have to go to the other person, his arbitrary went see is that he is being focused thought, decided to see the Buddha Amitabha. If someone was born in the Pure Land is no longer touch the suffering anymore. "
Doing Eighty Eight Chu said: Bodhisattva Bat Da Hoa Education is talking Shakyamuni Buddha said,
- White Buddha, being in my life seen how future Buddhas of the ten directions?
- The concept of time is Amitabha Buddha saw all the ten directions.
Buddha Shakyamuni taught in Business Integration Bao Dai:
- If you hear other beings in the name of Buddha Amitabha, rings may give rise to believe the Buddha in a pure concept, excited fancy, bring healing has its base, being voluntarily dedicate the Pure Land communication, the rebirth of the vow be bothered Real retrogression.
The Buddha did not believe that is how Buddhist faith. Just as people not born in the Pure Land for how he was born on the plane.
In the Buddha: Beings in the realm of Ultimate Bliss is not a hard thing, plain enjoy the pure pleasure. Now take Ecstasy realm versus realm Saha sun a different one area.
This Realm: My flesh and blood, consciousness hinged on pregnant mothers, nine months of torture by twenty years of suffering. When born, as is forced her excruciating pain, he is living with the pain.
Buddhist countries: Spirit in the form intercellular world wide as a fluorescent needles, crossing themselves in, arbitrary practice, disturbing karmic clean finish, floral ngào is that the body from the air shower treasures no living being should suffer.
This Realm: The body of an elderly human being invaded gradually seconds minutes, until the eye deaf ears, teeth white hair long, trunk cheeks, skin primer, trembling limbs, body weakness, he the old misery.
Buddhist countries: Each diamond is close enough good 32 generals, 80 beautiful, brilliant emerald ma ni, golden skin, green hair vague, sound pretty good shape, permanent life not seen the old general distress, should do not have the old format.
This Realm: Whenever there are relatives Four air to arise out many diseases, no headache, toothache, what is colic, lung weakness, pain etc .. which is groaning sickness.
Country of Buddha: The spirit is always wholesome, pure fragrant, so there is no sickness.
This World: Impermanence quickly, not many people live to 80 dry hiss of death scythe, sorrow and groaning voice of the people to life, making the earth a gentle flowing dreary gray screen. Current drift ghosts Where as threatening to waste, the procession of scenes where the sound.
Buddhafields: Pope assume Us Bang Buddha Amitabha long life immeasurable, boundless, countless lives, from when he became the Buddha far has been ten eons, the people of eternal life He ivy. Realm of the scythe of death was gone a long time and also tan yin and yang boat to pieces. Name demons on earth did not listen, do ghosts death procession to the negative supply, that is until the Buddhist life, death should not have pain.
This Realm: Love one another clings to separation is scenes crushed heart, sorrow filled the soul first tour, how guys crying thinking about trying ly scene, pity lump homeland. The ancient sentence:
"It is better than their mortality
There resigns path being ly ".
It is far-suffering love.
Buddhist countries: Everyone has magic in itself, knows the desire of others, does not need radio broadcasting and television; unloading steps can go around ten, nothing distance. Morning walk countless people's Buddha, spreading flower offerings; Lunch on own nation, the real part meditation, where even melancholy cry of suffering grief homeland again. Who does not parents, wife and children, I do have a love away from suffering?
This Realm: The pain of revenge as the bears, encounters often happens, also suffer more? It is more pleasant to encounter suffering.
Water Buddha: You are all Bodhisattvas Real retrogression upper bothered friendly, clean finish all ignorance, and hate who should not have met the enemy argues suffering.
This Realm: How things are like wishes? Or just stop useless? It's extremely hard. It is not pleasant to pray hard.
Buddha Water: Pure dignified, everyone wishes discretion that is coming, so no aspirations, disappointed.
This world: People with warm illustrious years of suffering.
Buddha Water: No body but the mind is always pure, so no warm illustrious years of suffering.
This Realm: Fear dense dark night.
Water Buddha: Buddha Always halo shining brightly, there is no day and night.
This Realm: Body filthy evil, who brought this meeting other people with disabilities.
Water Buddha: The form seriously radical, beautiful, bright, do have disabilities to carry.
This Realm: The threat is always hungry, so people have to scramble for life.
Buddha Water: Water bowls merit as the form lambent, like eating with religious honor epigastric, want to wear clothing with nature.
This Realm: Full bunkers, thorns, rocks, gravel, mud, mud.
Buddhist countries: Land of gold and natural, without any stain cleaner, lined jewel, factors glass, thorns Where do not.
This Realm: Castle, mansion weathered three storms will quickly damage, collapse.
Buddhist countries: Castle by physical precious gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, pearl, chain Europe, half the natural agate.
This Realm: Drowning in a sea of ​​suffering of rebirth where the three realms of six lines.
Buddhist country: Lifetime realization of Nirvana Truth does not kill, infinite life Asaṃkhyeya life until the Buddha, where even birth and death again.
This realm: There is suffering in Hell, Peta, an animal.
Buddha Water: No worries fall into three evil paths. List of woeful on earth was still no replacement scenario is true.
This Realm: Mountains toddler, toxic water sacred forests, deep valleys untouched, filled with thorns bad stigma.
Buddhist country: the whole land of gold, precious trees high distant magnificent castle was built by the seven golden blossoms four seasons, what can remember the bad stuff.
This Realm: Sakyamuni Buddha Shakyamuni passed away, but the future Buddha in Long Hoa Hoi not appear.
Water Buddha Amitabha who from women currently living in the realms of the sermon was.
This Realm: Beings yearning desire virtue Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara see the World-Chi.
Buddhist country: People are close his two noble friend.
This Realm: Ta religion, devil, demon stir out, trying to impede the practice of the right feet.
Water Buddha: Buddha taught only ruler and all the people, there is absolutely no pagan demons.
This Realm: Powder makeup lipstick for a young woman charm, a beauty who grin, squinting ogle flirting, making the practice easily fall into place adultery.
Buddhist countries: Everyone is always friendly pure mind, chief medical report and annual report dignified. List of women still do not have to replace, do female silhouette disturb the religious identity of the person.
This world: People panic, disgust when he heard the cries of species weird elves, Beast.
Buddhist countries: Birds singing ding, ring murmuring streams, woods of weapons. All legal sounded noble color.
It brought her to this world than the realms of Ecstasy coast and far different scene.
Landscape photography realm Ecstasy beings can hold pure heart.
Win coast realms Ecstasy may help strengthen the practice.
QUESTION: Why is the Buddha ten can close this only beings that choose Buddha Amitabha?
ANSWER: Select Buddha Amitabha, 3 pretext:
1. His vows very extensive.
2. beings in samsara have an affinity with him.
3. The direction of the Republic of Shakyamuni Buddha and Amitabha related to each other and pray four broad levels throughout beings.
In the said: "In ancient times, Buddha Amitabha in the Name field as a bodhisattva practice, he never made that vow of birth 48 wide.
48 things Vow of birth of Buddha Amitabha:
- Vow ARTICLE 1: When I become a Buddha, if I had hell realms, Peta, an animal, I'm not at home the right enlightenment.
- 2ND OF PRAYER: When I become a Buddha, if every person in the realms heaven after life together I still fall into the three evil paths, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 3: When I become a Buddha, if every person in heaven realms such body color me gold all the time at home I do not enlightenment.
- Vow ARTICLE 4: When I become a Buddha, if every person in the realms of heaven bodies of water I had such bad guys good fellowship, I am not at home the right enlightenment.
- 5TH OF PRAYER: When I become a Buddha, if every person in heaven realms I have no Additional network, at least be aware of the work of hundreds of thousands of breast na tha lives by the time I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- Vow ARTICLE 6: When I become a Buddha, if every person in heaven I do not inherit the earth realms label, at least as evident by the hundreds of thousands of breast skin tha world of Buddhas house while I'm not in right enlightenment.
- Vow ARTICLE 7: When I become a Buddha, if every person in heaven I do not inherit the earth realms label, at least listen and life over every word of the sermon by hundreds of thousands of breast na tha Buddha, while I do not at home right enlightenment.
- 8TH OF PRAYER: When I become a Buddha, if every person in the heavenly realms do not get Tha mind, at least be aware of the mind of all beings in the hundreds of thousands of memories from tha na Buddha realms, the I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 9: When I become a Buddha, if every person in heaven realms I did not get sufficient information Spirit, in about a concept, at least as skim off by hundreds of thousands of breast na tha Buddha realms, while I am not in house enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 10: When I become a Buddha, if every person in heaven realms I have taken the concept itself attachment, not in the house while I enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 11: When I become a Buddha, if every person in heaven realms I did not head full concentration to kill the prisoners, while at home I do not enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 12: When I become a Buddha, if there is limited amount of clarity, at least not the projector lens hundred thousand memories from tha na Buddha realms, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 13: When I become a Buddha, if there is limited amount of network life, not least due to the hundreds of thousands of breast na tha life, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 14: When I become a Buddha, we Thanh Van in my realms, if anyone count how many know, the oil that is immeasurable gay Pratyekabuddhas count in hundreds of thousands of lives that know them , while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 15: When I become a Buddha, if every person in heaven realms of life-I still have limited amount, unless the individual has an obligation voluntarily, while I am not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 16: When I become a Buddha, if every person in heaven realms I have heard the word evil, I'm not at home the right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 17: When I become a Buddha, if countless Buddhas in the ten world are not justified praise my name, not my time at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 18: When I become a Buddha, being in the top 10, even mind being in the realm of private tombs want my country to the 10 anniversary rings, if not born, when I'm not at home right enlightenment, except those who make me sleep Dharma against defamation.
- ARTICLE Vow 19: When I become a Buddha, being in the top 10, discovered the Bodhi mind merits of voluntary religious realms of my birth, to his deathbed, if I did the same before the mass embodiment, the time I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 20: When I become a Buddha, being in the top 10, I heard the title, I specialized memory and religious realms of merit attention even want to dedicate my country of birth of the realm, if not be satisfied, the I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 21: When I become a Buddha, if every person in heaven realms me, all there are 32 modern fully mercy minister, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 22: When I become a Buddha, Bodhisattvas them in other realms of my country of birth, the ultimate decisions are to upset the First Additional birth origin, unless the individual has an obligation voluntarily turned himself in now, as beings that play propagate cultivate the virtue sworn escape all species, throughout the world bodhisattva practice, offering the Buddhas, out of countless beings, makes all stand where religion Supreme enlightenment, super output Deeds of the normal level, the current amount of practice virtue of Samantabhadra, if no such time is not in my house right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 23: When I became the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in the realm of my country, shifting the force of Buddha that goes offering the Buddhas, in the span of a meal, if not come across countless countless memories na tha world because, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 24: When I became the Buddha, the Bodhisattva in the realm of my country, when in front of the Buddhas out of his virtue may want offerings, if not as large as you want, I do not at the same time house enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 25: When I become a Buddha, Bodhisattvas if they're not in the realms of World Tri speech was, at the time I'm not home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 26: When I became the Buddha, bodhisattvas in the realm of our country are not my relatives Na Diamond is crazy, I'm not at home the right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 27: When I become a Buddha, thieu
- ARTICLE Vow 28: When I became the Buddha, bodhisattvas in the realm if my water, oil is the best little merit, did not see that tree high four hundred ashrams all week due to the Infinite Light color, I do not at the same time house enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 29: When I became the Buddha, bodhisattvas in the realms we do if life over, chanting, preaching economic measures, which are not intellectual eloquence, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 30: When I become a Buddha, if one limits the amount of eloquence wisdom of the Bodhisattva in the realm of my country, I am not at home the right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 31: When I become a Buddha, I pure realms where all places are inspired countless multitude estate investment conference in the world top 10, as seen in the example of his face. If not so, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 32: When I become a Buddha, in my realms of gold from the ground up to nowhere, the palace floor, flower pond, all things are infinite, and hundreds of thousands of precious substances spices half that of the general. Everything magically beautiful, fragrant steam around the world 10. Bodhisattvas the place to smell the aroma of that time were practicing Buddhist virtues. If not so, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 33: When I became the Buddha, the beings in countless estate investment conference in the world top 10, which refers to the clarity of my body, the body and mind need more gently smooth the sky. If not so, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 34: When I became the Buddha, the beings in countless real world investment conference in the 10's I heard the name but not the same ring Infinite born French General maintenance intensive courses, while I'm not at home enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 35: When I became the Buddha, the woman in countless any investment recommendations in 10 believe the joy found love Bodhicitta boring girls hate themselves. If after the public network but also the female body again, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 36: When I become a Buddha, Bodhisattvas them in countless real world investment conference in the top 10. I heard the name, often until the virtues of the Buddha. If not so, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 37: When I become a Buddha, countless rows of sun estate investment world conference title in 10 local hear me, bow my head, planted in the earth in size, gladly love to practice the Bodhisattva, the gods and the life that people are respected. If not so, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 38: When I become a Buddha, every person in heaven realms I want clothes, the clothes well lawful closely follow that person's mind which naturally present in the body. If you have to cut the aluminum bar, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 39: When I become a Buddha, if every person in the country I lived realm joy as you do not take illicit monks, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 40: When I became the Buddha, the Bodhisattva of arbitrary realms I would like to see serious boundless world of Buddhas net in 10 ways, the mainland is evident both in the tree where the true treasures as you want as see my face in the mirror in the morning. If not so, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 41: When I become a Buddha, Bodhisattvas them elsewhere in the world to hear my name, which rings the Buddha's time that the lack of negative physical sense, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 42: When I became the Buddha, bodhisattvas in the world they heard the title I, were all eighty Liberation. Eighty office, during a period of one concept, offering countless any investment recommendations Bhagavan Buddha, but still not lose concentration. If not so, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 43: When I became the Buddha, bodhisattvas in the other they hear my name, after the public network operators noble birth. If not so, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 44: When I became the Buddha, bodhisattvas in the other they hear my name exaltation, bodhisattvas practice full merit. If not so, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 45: When I became the Buddha, bodhisattvas in the other they hear my name is popular class of eighty, eighty office until the time of the Buddha, often seen countless any investment recommendations all the Buddhas . If not so, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- ARTICLE Vow 46: When I became the Buddha, bodhisattvas in the realm nuov we'd like to hear what measures, the measures associated natural hear it. If not so, while I'm not at home right enlightenment.
- Vow ARTICLE 47.- At me into Buddha, if we Bodhisattva in the world title I heard that there was to rank retrogression, when I'm not in the throne enlightenment.
ARTICLE Vow 48: When I become a Buddha, if we Bodhisattva in the world I heard the title, but not the most immediately filed ring tone, ring II upon demand, the third party legal birth Forever rings, where Buddha France did not immediately be retrogression, while I am not at home right enlightenment. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/3/2015.

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