Wednesday 18 March 2015

I. An area of improvement would have more fun Ten examples of the ancient I Ching says: a good area would have more fun. Gaming ancient town brought her daughter to be married to her conscience is inspected Hột found that fathers family had a long merit that predict their future descendants will prosper prosperity. Confucius honored King Shun sages have said that higher education: Ancestors enjoy the economic self-concrete temple where descendants forever blessed, preserve the inheritance of fathers tradition, are practical words tables deserve. 1. Vinh suddenly do with a lack of official, the original Ant Ninh District Fujian Province, eternal family living by rowing boats take visitors across the river. Human face too long rainy period, water pouring down from the mountains downstream. The other boat were rescued opportunity which the wealth was floating on the river, only his grandfather's boat lack of specialized engineers who rescued only, absolutely not taking things picked up a bit of talent at all. The village who also laughed at the silly, cretinism. Keep up until the birth father of the family was the lack of gradual rather, impersonal god as a hermit that tells you that fathers house with sound ethics, children will be glorious wealth, so that the sperm into the ground, he said buried in the grave site as instructed, that this is so grave Bach bowl. After birth-master, in 20 -year-old doctoral degree, as to the three public officials (ie lack of engineers, lack of response, lack of security, or Status Bar, state deputy, state security), cleared organization, internal organization and father were also deprived of such access ordination . Descendants are glorious, prosperous, far grandchildren in the family, there are many good man. 2. Tu Duong Trung, the District Bank, Zhejiang Province, beginning as district, the heart of the capital merciful, righteous, righteous allowed to keep. At that time, the district was too strict, random part in the formation of blood filled prisoners to land that anger has not subsided. They Quy Duong please tolerance. The district office said prisoners were guilty of not respecting the law, morals do not know anymore, that we do so not to be angry. Hitting Yourself kowtow said: The error on religion, not as an example to follow should be under center displaced people from long ago, if you understand the above situation of illegal residents should pity them, not to see his trial was sentenced to quibble, but fun, fun was not so angry, let alone the stars! Quan district heard that awakened wrath subsided. The very poor, did not receive a little gift at all. Meet the prisoners at undernourished, often seek help. One day we prisoners to the new remote, along with food should not starving, but the lack of rice, bring to jail without eating all the pieces, so it's hard to eat a heartless, he negotiated with wife . The wife asked where the prisoners are from the Middle protection from Hangzhou to, along with not eating, hunger miserable, pale color as the ship leaves, it's watering down of rice porridge to eat prison support. The next time the two boys were born, the Prime Minister named Chen, the first sub-prime, are made ​​to the town hall again, one in Beijing, one in Nanjing; two grandchildren who, as head of marketing Figure lang, do things with integrity and constitutional (Monitoring Project Company) in Sichuan province, all children and grandchildren are the name of god. Currently, (ie at the time of first birth Willow Qualities) The Department of Family and Germany are also descendants of the family. 3. Orthodox dating back as Ming, Deng Mau revolt Unemployment in Fujian, according to Dr. invaders large population. Court shall appoint the accident scene in the district Period Bank, main male ejaculating, eradicate the enemy. After Admiral Zhang constitutional capital of their envoy Nicholas, chief henchmen father Fujian Province access monitoring company pursues the enemy in the eastern provinces. Nicholas Chengdu find the book lists the party's enemy; not according to the flesh are accompanied secret enemy be given a small flag with white cloth, engage the next day, the army attacked the flag in front of the house, the soldiers strict orders not kill indiscriminately, because How rescued ten thousand. After the son of Nicholas Tse's Do The pass poinsettias, as prime minister with grandson is African disaster. 4. Ms. Lin, the District Putian, on hard work with good old mother, often holding a visa Rice, who came immediately to the right and without seems troublesome, hate. A fairy costume directing staff, each morning to ask them claim to be six to seven years. Every day the same, for three years, day and that day so clearly comprehend the real heart of generosity that just does not wish anything. Human Therefore, Magi came saying I was eating three years of your house, do not know what took off. After the ground with you, so buried in that place, the descendants of the following officials, nobles truly endless as sesame contained in this league. The children went as far as to the grave marker that. New first phase saw the release even have published scientific nine elected, forever deprived of the zenith. In Hokkien saying there is no such person Lin list all academic subject. 5. Feng's father played using Trac Am also a baccalaureate in a winter morning sun is extremely bitter, taught school early to go to the district, along the road met a person is falling on snow-covered highway, the physical touch he saw his half was frozen, he took off his coat to wear and bring about relief for the province; God's dream that night and said you by devotion to save a life, and I will bring South America (a Chancellor of the Song Dynasty) reincarnated as a pupil, up until birth name came Trac Am America . 6. Consent letter the Minister upper Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, while also adult learning in the mountains, at night listening to the howling demons called gather together, howling often many creepy, but he was not afraid. One night she heard the devil told each other the husband and wife had not long to go away, at home parents forced to marry someone else, tomorrow night will be hanged here; so that we have the body then. He sells farm ground is four ounces of silver went author rhetoric husband wrote a letter accompanying the money sent home. Parents received a letter found in the writings unlike a bit skeptical but thought that the message may be fake, but the money did not author, said the news was hard to stop forced marriage anymore. The children then returned home, the couple happy together reunion saying, almost from the beginning. He heard the devil talking to each other: I'm going to be so close that the other guy baccalaureate ruin our stories. The other side says the devil: Why did not harm him? Other demons said: God saw very good hearted person, as much happiness, sounds good faith thick upper level directory, how bad do well. Whereupon they Ung self-healing takes effort, increasingly outsourcing charity, virtue increasingly more thick; having relatives have something to supply instant hearted tries to help them through difficult times, having to deal with cases of people probably do not know right and wrong, do not you understand the principle is the opposite he only blame themselves do not know how to behave with them, but cheerful equanimity not accepted, so as we made ​​mistakes. Descendants of academic park is actually achieved so far to no. 7. The district Enjoy, Jiangsu Province, they Waking From the name itself, Truc Phuong, his father is a wealthy landowner, having lost five seasons, before initiating the donation bowl, or vacant land rent anymore, then fell in rice Reserve the development standards for the poor. Night hear demons shouted at the door: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, their home baccalaureate degree from going into the hall, so on consecutive nights chanting constantly. Truly Truc Phuong Thi Huong year bachelor's degree. Truc Phuong's father saw it as part of public virtue, diligence, care little neglect doing good not tired; ordinary things that are very useful as conscientious as bridge repair, repair of roads, for boys actually increased, resupply the poor ... then heard chanting in front of the devil: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, bachelor them from city officials to close ups. Truc Phuong last week as the universe to the Bi Philosophy. 8. Ong Khanh Hy, the Government of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the original owner of the image held, usually in hell asked carefully examined the status of prisoners unjustly know many people are guilty. He does not take himself as to his merits, but written commentaries on the secret pathways, the upper house of the form letter. Later, the project was put on tidal volume are reviewed. Tang said the dials in questioning the status of prisoners absolve are dozens of people, leaving no one is available. At that time in the capital, all of them praised its chief true fair trial. He reports back to natural pathways: right in the capital city, but many people sentenced unfairly, then hundreds of millions of people from the four winds of water no stars from being unjustly quite up to five years in sending a reduction to investigate the formation of the project implementation review, or decreasing the felony, or absolve their release. Shanghai letter of the emperor, the solo form the offer immediately approved, and he is named in the list of those who were sent out to reduce the image. He dreamed that God's protection: the zero figure, reducing the formation of this proposal was very pleased with sun god should give you three boys wore gold belt cam cells. That night, the wife conceived after birth Huyen Ung, Kun Ying, Ying Tuan officials are glorious at all. 9. In the name Gia Hung Bang Bao, performance credits, his father made ​​fun attitude Tri Duong district were born seven children. By the youngest, send their roots in Vienna, Pinghu County with his father was assigned seats intensive, extensive learning resources, many times not graduate exam flavor so boring story but dedicated academic study Buddhism and Lao. One day trips Rabbit Lake in the eastern provinces, incidental to a temple in the village and that, see Avalokiteshvara statue was exposed beams patchy rain, he opened the bag is taken ten ounces of silver brought offerings to Air Upper Abbot revised from dilapidated temple statues to be wet, the monk's prospectus remodeling takes a lot of money, but not enough, e difficult to complete the work. How to open the chest cloudy By taking four cloth products Tung Giang, and seven double linen garments were new offerings bring to sell for extra money into renovating the temple. People do have regrets, to prevent the protection provided Covered By Bodhisattva statue being wet is, whether on earth we would not hurt anything. Abbot heard grateful tears saying, money, clothing, clothing detachment is not hard, just have such a sincere heart where there is not easy. Later, renovations completed, he led the father to go, night live at the temple, dreamed of the legal holder thanksgiving, said: Descendants you will receive a fortune in life. Later, his son and grandson are Sanh measures are published scientific method, passed the official glorious. 10. Lap Chi's father, the district Jiashan, made ​​at room criminal prisoners unjustly being unfairly braking function of a felony, he pitied want to save lives. Prisoners grateful to his wife that the Sub-hearted wish absolve us save lives, really ashamed that I did not have much in reward virtues are. Tomorrow, you go home offered to bring the body servant, or that he shall employ you, surely we can all live that way. The husband and wife cried that hear; Details coming up when they, themselves invited to hang down and show off her husband's wishes. Chi but they do not listen, but still helpful to transparency unjust sentence. The prisoner was spared, both husband and wife came home early stage thanksgiving sure: Payment of kindness so thick, rare in real life, now we have grown daughters want to progress as a business card leads to servant of the house, this is often the right thing. Chi shopping district birth to their offerings and do admit cards, new born Chi Lap twenty parked laureates to make the entries in official Confucian Academy. Making born Cao, Cao Loc are born to learn both broad and organizational unit. Loc born London University academics also recommended list. Ten stories on here, but the behavior, actions of different characters, but are provided to meet the healing goodness retribution. II-What friendly? 1. Discuss clearly improved. Considering a keen that said, they have good legs author, with upright with hidden track, with a positive tone, whether or not, or have legitimate differences, there is full with, a profile with modern, easy to difficult, obviously need to discuss. Doing good deeds without understanding the doctrine, feel free to do their job is doing good, he would not have created from industrial waste lose heart in vain. What is honorable and good fake?   Xưa have some grapes Chinese Feng student audience monk (a high-rise Yuan Dynasty) that asks the evil nemesis rash follow the ball, which heals see the good, bad meets evil; There are good that person that children do not prosper, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as Buddha said about retributive really unfounded stars? Venerable said he was not ordinary sentiments clean, not pure, virgin Property labels, often receive good from evil, for evil is good; Such people are not rare, confused himself to the left, for evil is good, the good is evil, crazy crazy island without resentment or even blame God for the report is wrong, is not fair u . We scholar asked: Everyone is good to see the good, see evil for evil, why protection is confused, contradictory, so crazy? Monk said they tried examples see how the situation is good and what is evil. One of them said to curse the evil beating, reverent, respectful and good people. Venerable say not so certain. Some others are greedy, get the wrong person is evil, preserving the integrity transparent bar is good. Monk also told not to do so. Everyone in turn give examples of good and evil, but Chinese Feng monks were told not to do so. They are sometimes humanity monk lecturing. 2. Defines good teaching venerable Chinese performer that: Work is useful for people who are good, but only for their own benefit is evil. This is useful for people, whether they hit or verbally abused and called good, useful only for himself whether reverence, courtesy of the matter is evil. Therefore, the good deeds that benefit the public is just as invested in their favor, the truth is, there is a false investment. Again, do good that comes from the hearts of the leg, and superficial, perfunctory that make false charity. Furthermore, doing good without thinking of a reward at all is honorable, contrary hoping a return is false charity, which is the need to examine yourself carefully. What is right, hidden track?   Now we see a careful docile but quickly sort out the good people can be tolerated. The saints who are different uses, rather use a Graduate crazy arrogant, officials said excavation intensity talented players than boldly forward. The careful docile, but in life who also preferred to be good, but no saints for the uplifting character, obedient labor not only understand morality should have no benefit for the customary ethical background. For these notions of good and evil qualities, good and bad really obvious differences, contrasts with that saint. By extension, any choice between good and evil, kept or let go of life are not the same with the saints, and place hell, demons regarded as being, improved graphics, sexual misconduct, are contrary to the standard contract with another saint, but apart from the mundane. Every good wish to accumulate all have come from space potential of the true mind has been purged of all the evil, decided not to make false entries atrial doing good for themselves self-interest investments. Of one heart to save life is right, even if there's little eyelashes, ingratiating to fame, fortune, it is the hidden track action, only of one heart revered person is upright, there bit of cynicism, contempt for people who are hidden track; should discuss thoroughly.  What sounds good, positive good?  Every good work that everyone is aware of the positive-called charity, good deeds which no one knows the negative virtue, actually had hell spirits knew, should have negative virtue will naturally be induced retribution; positively enjoying good reputation in the world, has a reputation that is already being reported then. Historically, people have a list, a voice often jealous jealous nature; so those lofty reputation that really does not have much merit worthy of that reputation, often encounter any more disasters occur. Those who have no sin, but suddenly suffered a bad reputation unjust, then their children will get in return, quickly prospered. Spot the difference of positive and negative charity charity should carefully consider carefully.  What is right and not right? Water Hole Hole, there was no law redeem the captives as menials in the vassals of all Government agencies are bonuses. Tu Cong (Confucian virtues pupil named Tu) ransomed people for not getting a bonus. Khong said sorry to hear that bothers sure: Four working furniture and books. Oh, holy conduct single move correctable customs and habits change, as an example calculation for immediate follow, not just for the right to do things their own. Now the state of Lu, less rich, the poor, many, if received reward money is involved, is not incorruptible, while failing to reward the poor stars have continued to redeem the money? Henceforth sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another. Death Road (name Therefore, students Confucian virtues) save people from drowning, is eat a buffalo. Tu Lo received, Confucian ethics or something joyful sure that from now on there will be many water holes lo emergency drowning man. Just grab eyes earthy Cong Son, that should be no territorial or bonus, and Tu Lo donation buffalo is poor. But other interpretations of the holy flesh so contrary to Confucian ethics that cut Tu Do chosen. So know the good deeds should not only think about money interests mark whether the action should have nothing bad influence on later or not, should not discuss the most benefit in this life time to think about future distant future, nor should just think for themselves personally think that the whole world to mass again. The work now though ostensibly to improve in the future but to harm people, it really was not that good good, even though the current work was not good but the latter has benefits help people, but today was not good, but the fact is that good. Not over here just get a few things for the table what is good and not good only. However, in life there are many similar circumstances, such as the idea that the ceremony, to be faithful, from center to left ceremony that really means, not faithful or from the heart; must be determined carefully selected. What is bias and legitimate? Rococo, Mr. La Van Italy, while the new prime minister to resign, bug repatriation, four people welcome as Thai Son, the Légion d'. But there is a drunkard Sauna defamed him. La estate calmly told the servants: He who say do not accept, despite his closed door. Over a year later, that person is guilty of death and imprisoned. La aware of the new situation regret that the price we caught that day he gave his sanction, the dentist can only be punished sex with a minor crime that inevitably felony later. I then wanted to keep the goodness forgive him, unexpectedly turned out to nourish his folly to commit crimes such death today. It was a good job by virtue of which turned out to do evil. Again, when working with evil mind, as it encounters a wealthy businessmen bad year, poor daylight robberies in the right place grain market the quarter, reported the district to district untreated, poor people are more abuses. Particular family went behave themselves for arrest looters were detained punished stabilize the situation, if such action would rob disorder. The reason that everyone knows to do good and evil is plausible that bias, but the main interest is good but, as it turns out that the evil is so biased it is natural to call in the main; center but also evil that it turned out good work, it is the same in heaven. The reason for this could not clearly understand. What is full and with (selling and fulfillment)? Ching said that no good deed for the lot does not accumulate enough to be well-known fame, evil without excess many did not look close enough to reprisal. Scriptures have to say too much crime Shang like a broken dam so that Head kingdom destroyed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, and slothful shall not be built again with rather full. The story is full or with charity work, such as selling or chronic. Past a benefactor female Buddha in the temple, offerings but want no money, only two brass pocket and brought out to the offerings. Abbot himself Bai dedication ceremony for. After that female workers are employed in supply, money, wealth has in abundance, to bring a thousand Buddha temple silver offerings. Abbot sent his disciples to replace dedication ceremony only. The other female patron saw it and asked: Previously I only have two contracts offered by the staff personally Bai dedication ceremony for now offering thousands of silver that does not associate yourself why this ceremony ? Monk replied: Before money is meager results alms, but out of sincere heart, if you do not personally Bai increased dedication is not enough to repay her kindness. Now donations but it's way too much, but the mind is not sincere generosity as before, be sure to see you rise disciples celebrated enough. With sincerely pleased to donations only two contracts that the charity is fulfilled, and the generosity of thousands of silver, but the heart is not even necessarily the only merit is partial only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Confucius is honored King Shun Higher sage said: Ancestors enjoy the economic self-concrete temple where descendants forever blessed, preserve the inheritance of fathers tradition, are practical words tables deserved. 1. Vinh suddenly do with a lack of official, the original Ant Ninh District Fujian Province, eternal family living by rowing boats take visitors across the river. Human face too long rainy period, water pouring down from the mountains downstream. The other boat were rescued opportunity which the wealth was floating on the river, only his grandfather's boat lack of specialized engineers who rescued only, absolutely not taking things picked up a bit of talent at all. The village who also laughed at the silly, cretinism. Keep up until the birth father of the family was the lack of gradual rather, impersonal god as a hermit that tells you that fathers house with sound ethics, children will be glorious wealth, so that the sperm into the ground, he said buried in the grave site as instructed, that this is so grave Bach bowl. After birth-master, in 20 -year-old doctoral degree, as to the three public officials (ie lack of engineers, lack of response, lack of security, or Status Bar, state deputy, state security), cleared organization, internal organization and father were also deprived of such access ordination . Descendants are glorious, prosperous, far grandchildren in the family, there are many good man. 2. Tu Duong Trung, the District Bank, Zhejiang Province, beginning as district, the heart of the capital merciful, righteous, righteous allowed to keep. At that time, the district was too strict, random part in the formation of blood filled prisoners to land that anger has not subsided. They Quy Duong please tolerance. The district office said prisoners were guilty of not respecting the law, morals do not know anymore, that we do so not to be angry. Hitting Yourself kowtow said: The error on religion, not as an example to follow should be under center displaced people from long ago, if you understand the above situation of illegal residents should pity them, not to see his trial was sentenced to quibble, but fun, fun was not so angry, let alone the stars! Quan district heard that awakened wrath subsided. The very poor, did not receive a little gift at all. Meet the prisoners at undernourished, often seek help. One day we prisoners to the new remote, along with food should not starving, but the lack of rice, bring to jail without eating all the pieces, so it's hard to eat a heartless, he negotiated with wife . The wife asked where the prisoners are from the Middle protection from Hangzhou to, along with not eating, hunger miserable, pale color as the ship leaves, it's watering down of rice porridge to eat prison support. The next time the two boys were born, the Prime Minister named Chen, the first sub-prime, are made ​​to the town hall again, one in Beijing, one in Nanjing; two grandchildren who, as head of marketing Figure lang, do things with integrity and constitutional (Monitoring Project Company) in Sichuan province, all children and grandchildren are the name of god. Currently, (ie at the time of first birth Willow Qualities) The Department of Family and Germany are also descendants of the family. 3. Orthodox dating back as Ming, Deng Mau revolt Unemployment in Fujian, according to Dr. invaders large population. Court shall appoint the accident scene in the district Period Bank, main male ejaculating, eradicate the enemy. After Admiral Zhang constitutional capital of their envoy Nicholas, chief henchmen father Fujian Province access monitoring company pursues the enemy in the eastern provinces. Nicholas Chengdu find the book lists the party's enemy; not according to the flesh are accompanied secret enemy be given a small flag with white cloth, engage the next day, the army attacked the flag in front of the house, the soldiers strict orders not kill indiscriminately, because How rescued ten thousand. After the son of Nicholas Tse's Do The pass poinsettias, as prime minister with grandson is African disaster. 4. Ms. Lin, the District Putian, on hard work with good old mother, often holding a visa Rice, who came immediately to the right and without seems troublesome, hate. A fairy costume directing staff, each morning to ask them claim to be six to seven years. Every day the same, for three years, day and that day so clearly comprehend the real heart of generosity that just does not wish anything. Human Therefore, Magi came saying I was eating three years of your house, do not know what took off. After the ground with you, so buried in that place, the descendants of the following officials, nobles truly endless as sesame contained in this league. The children went as far as to the grave marker that. New first phase saw the release even have published scientific nine elected, forever deprived of the zenith. In Hokkien saying there is no such person Lin list all academic subject. 5. Feng's father played using Trac Am also a baccalaureate in a winter morning sun is extremely bitter, taught school early to go to the district, along the road met a person is falling on snow-covered highway, the physical touch he saw his half was frozen, he took off his coat to wear and bring about relief for the province; God's dream that night and said you by devotion to save a life, and I will bring South America (a Chancellor of the Song Dynasty) reincarnated as a pupil, up until birth name came Trac Am America . 6. Consent letter the Minister upper Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, while also adult learning in the mountains, at night listening to the howling demons called gather together, howling often many creepy, but he was not afraid. One night she heard the devil told each other the husband and wife had not long to go away, at home parents forced to marry someone else, tomorrow night will be hanged here; so that we have the body then. He sells farm ground is four ounces of silver went author rhetoric husband wrote a letter accompanying the money sent home. Parents received a letter found in the writings unlike a bit skeptical but thought that the message may be fake, but the money did not author, said the news was hard to stop forced marriage anymore. The children then returned home, the couple happy together reunion saying, almost from the beginning. He heard the devil talking to each other: I'm going to be so close that the other guy baccalaureate ruin our stories. The other side says the devil: Why did not harm him? Other demons said: God saw very good hearted person, as much happiness, sounds good faith thick upper level directory, how bad do well. Whereupon they Ung self-healing takes effort, increasingly outsourcing charity, virtue increasingly more thick; having relatives have something to supply instant hearted tries to help them through difficult times, having to deal with cases of people probably do not know right and wrong, do not you understand the principle is the opposite he only blame themselves do not know how to behave with them, but cheerful equanimity not accepted, so as we made ​​mistakes. Descendants of academic park is actually achieved so far to no. 7. The district Enjoy, Jiangsu Province, they Waking From the name itself, Truc Phuong, his father is a wealthy landowner, having lost five seasons, before initiating the donation bowl, or vacant land rent anymore, then fell in rice Reserve the development standards for the poor. Night hear demons shouted at the door: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, their home baccalaureate degree from going into the hall, so on consecutive nights chanting constantly. Truly Truc Phuong Thi Huong year bachelor's degree. Truc Phuong's father saw it as part of public virtue, diligence, care little neglect doing good not tired; ordinary things that are very useful as conscientious as bridge repair, repair of roads, for boys actually increased, resupply the poor ... then heard chanting in front of the devil: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, bachelor them from city officials to close ups. Truc Phuong last week as the universe to the Bi Philosophy. 8. Ong Khanh Hy, the Government of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the original owner of the image held, usually in hell asked carefully examined the status of prisoners unjustly know many people are guilty. He does not take himself as to his merits, but written commentaries on the secret pathways, the upper house of the form letter. Later, the project was put on tidal volume are reviewed. Tang said the dials in questioning the status of prisoners absolve are dozens of people, leaving no one is available. At that time in the capital, all of them praised its chief true fair trial. He reports back to natural pathways: right in the capital city, but many people sentenced unfairly, then hundreds of millions of people from the four winds of water no stars from being unjustly quite up to five years in sending a reduction to investigate the formation of the project implementation review, or decreasing the felony, or absolve their release. Shanghai letter of the emperor, the solo form the offer immediately approved, and he is named in the list of those who were sent out to reduce the image. He dreamed that God's protection: the zero figure, reducing the formation of this proposal was very pleased with sun god should give you three boys wore gold belt cam cells. That night, the wife conceived after birth Huyen Ung, Kun Ying, Ying Tuan officials are glorious at all. 9. In the name Gia Hung Bang Bao, performance credits, his father made ​​fun attitude Tri Duong district were born seven children. By the youngest, send their roots in Vienna, Pinghu County with his father was assigned seats intensive, extensive learning resources, many times not graduate exam flavor so boring story but dedicated academic study Buddhism and Lao. One day trips Rabbit Lake in the eastern provinces, incidental to a temple in the village and that, see Avalokiteshvara statue was exposed beams patchy rain, he opened the bag is taken ten ounces of silver brought offerings to Air Upper Abbot revised from dilapidated temple statues to be wet, the monk's prospectus remodeling takes a lot of money, but not enough, e difficult to complete the work. How to open the chest cloudy By taking four cloth products Tung Giang, and seven double linen garments were new offerings bring to sell for extra money into renovating the temple. People do have regrets, to prevent the protection provided Covered By Bodhisattva statue being wet is, whether on earth we would not hurt anything. Abbot heard grateful tears saying, money, clothing, clothing detachment is not hard, just have such a sincere heart where there is not easy. Later, renovations completed, he led the father to go, night live at the temple, dreamed of the legal holder thanksgiving, said: Descendants you will receive a fortune in life. Later, his son and grandson are Sanh measures are published scientific method, passed the official glorious. 10. Lap Chi's father, the district Jiashan, made ​​at room criminal prisoners unjustly being unfairly braking function of a felony, he pitied want to save lives. Prisoners grateful to his wife that the Sub-hearted wish absolve us save lives, really ashamed that I did not have much in reward virtues are. Tomorrow, you go home offered to bring the body servant, or that he shall employ you, surely we can all live that way. The husband and wife cried that hear; Details coming up when they, themselves invited to hang down and show off her husband's wishes. Chi but they do not listen, but still helpful to transparency unjust sentence. The prisoner was spared, both husband and wife came home early stage thanksgiving sure: Payment of kindness so thick, rare in real life, now we have grown daughters want to progress as a business card leads to servant of the house, this is often the right thing. Chi shopping district birth to their offerings and do admit cards, new born Chi Lap twenty parked laureates to make the entries in official Confucian Academy. Making born Cao, Cao Loc are born to learn both broad and organizational unit. Loc born London University academics also recommended list. Ten stories on here, but the behavior, actions of different characters, but are provided to meet the healing goodness retribution. II-What friendly? 1. Discuss clearly improved. Considering a keen that said, they have good legs author, with upright with hidden track, with a positive tone, whether or not, or have legitimate differences, there is full with, a profile with modern, easy to difficult, obviously need to discuss. Doing good deeds without understanding the doctrine, feel free to do their job is doing good, he would not have created from industrial waste lose heart in vain. What is honorable and good fake? Xưa have some grapes Chinese Feng student audience monk (a high-rise Yuan Dynasty) that asks the evil nemesis rash follow the ball, which heals see the good, bad meets evil; There are good that person that children do not prosper, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as Buddha said about retributive really unfounded stars? Venerable said he was not ordinary sentiments clean, not pure, virgin Property labels, often receive good from evil, for evil is good; Such people are not rare, confused himself to the left, for evil is good, the good is evil, crazy crazy island without resentment or even blame God for the report is wrong, is not fair u . We scholar asked: Everyone is good to see the good, see evil for evil, why protection is confused, contradictory, so crazy? Monk said they tried examples see how the situation is good and what is evil. One of them said to curse the evil beating, reverent, respectful and good people. Venerable say not so certain. Some others are greedy, get the wrong person is evil, preserving the integrity transparent bar is good. Monk also told not to do so. Everyone in turn give examples of good and evil, but Chinese Feng monks were told not to do so. They are sometimes humanity monk lecturing. 2. Defines good teaching venerable Chinese performer that: Work is useful for people who are good, but only for their own benefit is evil. This is useful for people, whether they hit or verbally abused and called good, useful only for himself whether reverence, courtesy of the matter is evil. Therefore, the good deeds that benefit the public is just as invested in their favor, the truth is, there is a false investment. Again, do good that comes from the hearts of the leg, and superficial, perfunctory that make false charity. Furthermore, doing good without thinking of a reward at all is honorable, contrary hoping a return is false charity, which is the need to examine yourself carefully. What is right, hidden track? Now we see a careful docile but quickly sort out the good people can be tolerated. The saints who are different uses, rather use a Graduate crazy arrogant, officials said excavation intensity talented players than boldly forward. The careful docile, but in life who also preferred to be good, but no saints for the uplifting character, obedient labor not only understand morality should have no benefit for the customary ethical background. For these notions of good and evil qualities, good and bad really obvious differences, contrasts with that saint. By extension, any choice between good and evil, kept or let go of life are not the same with the saints, and place hell, demons regarded as being, improved graphics, sexual misconduct, are contrary to the standard contract with another saint, but apart from the mundane. Every good wish to accumulate all have come from space potential of the true mind has been purged of all the evil, decided not to make false entries atrial doing good for themselves self-interest investments. Of one heart to save life is right, even if there's little eyelashes, ingratiating to fame, fortune, it is the hidden track action, only of one heart revered person is upright, there bit of cynicism, contempt for people who are hidden track; should discuss thoroughly. What sounds good, positive good? Every good work that everyone is aware of the positive-called charity, good deeds which no one knows the negative virtue, actually had hell spirits knew, should have negative virtue will naturally be induced retribution; positively enjoying good reputation in the world, has a reputation that is already being reported then. Historically, people have a list, a voice often jealous jealous nature; so those lofty reputation that really does not have much merit worthy of that reputation, often encounter any more disasters occur. Those who have no sin, but suddenly suffered a bad reputation unjust, then their children will get in return, quickly prospered. Spot the difference of positive and negative charity charity should carefully consider carefully. What is right and not right? Water Hole Hole, there was no law redeem the captives as menials in the vassals of all Government agencies are bonuses. Tu Cong (Confucian virtues pupil named Tu) ransomed people for not getting a bonus. Khong said sorry to hear that bothers sure: Four working furniture and books. Oh, holy conduct single move correctable customs and habits change, as an example calculation for immediate follow, not just for the right to do things their own. Now the state of Lu, less rich, the poor, many, if received reward money is involved, is not incorruptible, while failing to reward the poor stars have continued to redeem the money? Henceforth sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another. Death Road (name Therefore, students Confucian virtues) save people from drowning, is eat a buffalo. Tu Lo received, Confucian ethics or something joyful sure that from now on there will be many water holes lo emergency drowning man. Just grab eyes earthy Cong Son, that should be no territorial or bonus, and Tu Lo donation buffalo is poor. But other interpretations of the holy flesh so contrary to Confucian ethics that cut Tu Do chosen. So know the good deeds should not only think about money interests mark whether the action should have nothing bad influence on later or not, should not discuss the most benefit in this life time to think about future distant future, nor should just think for themselves personally think that the whole world to mass again. The work now though ostensibly to improve in the future but to harm people, it really was not that good good, even though the current work was not good but the latter has benefits help people, but today was not good, but the fact is that good. Not over here just get a few things for the table what is good and not good only. However, in life there are many similar circumstances, such as the idea that the ceremony, to be faithful, from center to left ceremony that really means, not faithful or from the heart; must be determined carefully selected. What is bias and legitimate? Rococo, Mr. La Van Italy, while the new prime minister to resign, bug repatriation, four people welcome as Thai Son, the Légion d'. But there is a drunkard Sauna defamed him. La estate calmly told the servants: He who say do not accept, despite his closed door. Over a year later, that person is guilty of death and imprisoned. La aware of the new situation regret that the price we caught that day he gave his sanction, the dentist can only be punished sex with a minor crime that inevitably felony later. I then wanted to keep the goodness forgive him, unexpectedly turned out to nourish his folly to commit crimes such death today. It was a good job by virtue of which turned out to do evil. Again, when working with evil mind, as it encounters a wealthy businessmen bad year, poor daylight robberies in the right place grain market the quarter, reported the district to district untreated, poor people are more abuses. Particular family went behave themselves for arrest looters were detained punished stabilize the situation, if such action would rob disorder. The reason that everyone knows to do good and evil is plausible that bias, but the main interest is good but, as it turns out that the evil is so biased it is natural to call in the main; center but also evil that it turned out good work, it is the same in heaven. The reason for this could not clearly understand. What is full and with (selling and fulfillment)? Ching said that no good deed for the lot does not accumulate enough to be well-known fame, evil without excess many did not look close enough to reprisal. Scriptures have to say too much crime Shang like a broken dam so that Head kingdom destroyed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, and slothful shall not be built again with rather full. The story is full or with charity work, such as selling or chronic. Past a benefactor female Buddha in the temple, offerings but want no money, only two brass pocket and brought out to the offerings. Abbot himself Bai dedication ceremony for. After that female workers are employed in supply, money, wealth has in abundance, to bring a thousand Buddha temple silver offerings. Abbot sent his disciples to replace dedication ceremony only. The other female patron saw it and asked: Previously I only have two contracts offered by the staff personally Bai dedication ceremony for now offering thousands of silver that does not associate yourself why this ceremony ? Monk replied: Before money is meager results alms, but out of sincere heart, if you do not personally Bai increased dedication is not enough to repay her kindness. Now donations but it's way too much, but the mind is not sincere generosity as before, be sure to see you rise disciples celebrated enough. With sincerely pleased to donations only two contracts that the charity is fulfilled, and the generosity of thousands of silver, but the heart is not even necessarily the only merit is partial only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Confucius is honored King Shun Higher sage said: Ancestors enjoy the economic self-concrete temple where descendants forever blessed, preserve the inheritance of fathers tradition, are practical words tables deserved. 1. Vinh suddenly do with a lack of official, the original Ant Ninh District Fujian Province, eternal family living by rowing boats take visitors across the river. Human face too long rainy period, water pouring down from the mountains downstream. The other boat were rescued opportunity which the wealth was floating on the river, only his grandfather's boat lack of specialized engineers who rescued only, absolutely not taking things picked up a bit of talent at all. The village who also laughed at the silly, cretinism. Keep up until the birth father of the family was the lack of gradual rather, impersonal god as a hermit that tells you that fathers house with sound ethics, children will be glorious wealth, so that the sperm into the ground, he said buried in the grave site as instructed, that this is so grave Bach bowl. After birth-master, in 20 -year-old doctoral degree, as to the three public officials (ie lack of engineers, lack of response, lack of security, or Status Bar, state deputy, state security), cleared organization, internal organization and father were also deprived of such access ordination . Descendants are glorious, prosperous, far grandchildren in the family, there are many good man. 2. Tu Duong Trung, the District Bank, Zhejiang Province, beginning as district, the heart of the capital merciful, righteous, righteous allowed to keep. At that time, the district was too strict, random part in the formation of blood filled prisoners to land that anger has not subsided. They Quy Duong please tolerance. The district office said prisoners were guilty of not respecting the law, morals do not know anymore, that we do so not to be angry. Hitting Yourself kowtow said: The error on religion, not as an example to follow should be under center displaced people from long ago, if you understand the above situation of illegal residents should pity them, not to see his trial was sentenced to quibble, but fun, fun was not so angry, let alone the stars! Quan district heard that awakened wrath subsided. The very poor, did not receive a little gift at all. Meet the prisoners at undernourished, often seek help. One day we prisoners to the new remote, along with food should not starving, but the lack of rice, bring to jail without eating all the pieces, so it's hard to eat a heartless, he negotiated with wife . The wife asked where the prisoners are from the Middle protection from Hangzhou to, along with not eating, hunger miserable, pale color as the ship leaves, it's watering down of rice porridge to eat prison support. The next time the two boys were born, the Prime Minister named Chen, the first sub-prime, are made ​​to the town hall again, one in Beijing, one in Nanjing; two grandchildren who, as head of marketing Figure lang, do things with integrity and constitutional (Monitoring Project Company) in Sichuan province, all children and grandchildren are the name of god. Currently, (ie at the time of first birth Willow Qualities) The Department of Family and Germany are also descendants of the family. 3. Orthodox dating back as Ming, Deng Mau revolt Unemployment in Fujian, according to Dr. invaders large population. Court shall appoint the accident scene in the district Period Bank, main male ejaculating, eradicate the enemy. After Admiral Zhang constitutional capital of their envoy Nicholas, chief henchmen father Fujian Province access monitoring company pursues the enemy in the eastern provinces. Nicholas Chengdu find the book lists the party's enemy; not according to the flesh are accompanied secret enemy be given a small flag with white cloth, engage the next day, the army attacked the flag in front of the house, the soldiers strict orders not kill indiscriminately, because How rescued ten thousand. After the son of Nicholas Tse's Do The pass poinsettias, as prime minister with grandson is African disaster. 4. Ms. Lin, the District Putian, on hard work with good old mother, often holding a visa Rice, who came immediately to the right and without seems troublesome, hate. A fairy costume directing staff, each morning to ask them claim to be six to seven years. Every day the same, for three years, day and that day so clearly comprehend the real heart of generosity that just does not wish anything. Human Therefore, Magi came saying I was eating three years of your house, do not know what took off. After the ground with you, so buried in that place, the descendants of the following officials, nobles truly endless as sesame contained in this league. The children went as far as to the grave marker that. New first phase saw the release even have published scientific nine elected, forever deprived of the zenith. In Hokkien saying there is no such person Lin list all academic subject. 5. Feng's father played using Trac Am also a baccalaureate in a winter morning sun is extremely bitter, taught school early to go to the district, along the road met a person is falling on snow-covered highway, the physical touch he saw his half was frozen, he took off his coat to wear and bring about relief for the province; God's dream that night and said you by devotion to save a life, and I will bring South America (a Chancellor of the Song Dynasty) reincarnated as a pupil, up until birth name came Trac Am America . 6. Consent letter the Minister upper Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, while also adult learning in the mountains, at night listening to the howling demons called gather together, howling often many creepy, but he was not afraid. One night she heard the devil told each other the husband and wife had not long to go away, at home parents forced to marry someone else, tomorrow night will be hanged here; so that we have the body then. He sells farm ground is four ounces of silver went author rhetoric husband wrote a letter accompanying the money sent home. Parents received a letter found in the writings unlike a bit skeptical but thought that the message may be fake, but the money did not author, said the news was hard to stop forced marriage anymore. The children then returned home, the couple happy together reunion saying, almost from the beginning. He heard the devil talking to each other: I'm going to be so close that the other guy baccalaureate ruin our stories. The other side says the devil: Why did not harm him? Other demons said: God saw very good hearted person, as much happiness, sounds good faith thick upper level directory, how bad do well. Whereupon they Ung self-healing takes effort, increasingly outsourcing charity, virtue increasingly more thick; having relatives have something to supply instant hearted tries to help them through difficult times, having to deal with cases of people probably do not know right and wrong, do not you understand the principle is the opposite he only blame themselves do not know how to behave with them, but cheerful equanimity not accepted, so as we made ​​mistakes. Descendants of academic park is actually achieved so far to no. 7. The district Enjoy, Jiangsu Province, they Waking From the name itself, Truc Phuong, his father is a wealthy landowner, having lost five seasons, before initiating the donation bowl, or vacant land rent anymore, then fell in rice Reserve the development standards for the poor. Night hear demons shouted at the door: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, their home baccalaureate degree from going into the hall, so on consecutive nights chanting constantly. Truly Truc Phuong Thi Huong year bachelor's degree. Truc Phuong's father saw it as part of public virtue, diligence, care little neglect doing good not tired; ordinary things that are very useful as conscientious as bridge repair, repair of roads, for boys actually increased, resupply the poor ... then heard chanting in front of the devil: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, bachelor them from city officials to close ups. Truc Phuong last week as the universe to the Bi Philosophy. 8. Ong Khanh Hy, the Government of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the original owner of the image held, usually in hell asked carefully examined the status of prisoners unjustly know many people are guilty. He does not take himself as to his merits, but written commentaries on the secret pathways, the upper house of the form letter. Later, the project was put on tidal volume are reviewed. Tang said the dials in questioning the status of prisoners absolve are dozens of people, leaving no one is available. At that time in the capital, all of them praised its chief true fair trial. He reports back to natural pathways: right in the capital city, but many people sentenced unfairly, then hundreds of millions of people from the four winds of water no stars from being unjustly quite up to five years in sending a reduction to investigate the formation of the project implementation review, or decreasing the felony, or absolve their release. Shanghai letter of the emperor, the solo form the offer immediately approved, and he is named in the list of those who were sent out to reduce the image. He dreamed that God's protection: the zero figure, reducing the formation of this proposal was very pleased with sun god should give you three boys wore gold belt cam cells. That night, the wife conceived after birth Huyen Ung, Kun Ying, Ying Tuan officials are glorious at all. 9. In the name Gia Hung Bang Bao, performance credits, his father made ​​fun attitude Tri Duong district were born seven children. By the youngest, send their roots in Vienna, Pinghu County with his father was assigned seats intensive, extensive learning resources, many times not graduate exam flavor so boring story but dedicated academic study Buddhism and Lao. One day trips Rabbit Lake in the eastern provinces, incidental to a temple in the village and that, see Avalokiteshvara statue was exposed beams patchy rain, he opened the bag is taken ten ounces of silver brought offerings to Air Upper Abbot revised from dilapidated temple statues to be wet, the monk's prospectus remodeling takes a lot of money, but not enough, e difficult to complete the work. How to open the chest cloudy By taking four cloth products Tung Giang, and seven double linen garments were new offerings bring to sell for extra money into renovating the temple. People do have regrets, to prevent the protection provided Covered By Bodhisattva statue being wet is, whether on earth we would not hurt anything. Abbot heard grateful tears saying, money, clothing, clothing detachment is not hard, just have such a sincere heart where there is not easy. Later, renovations completed, he led the father to go, night live at the temple, dreamed of the legal holder thanksgiving, said: Descendants you will receive a fortune in life. Later, his son and grandson are Sanh measures are published scientific method, passed the official glorious. 10. Lap Chi's father, the district Jiashan, made ​​at room criminal prisoners unjustly being unfairly braking function of a felony, he pitied want to save lives. Prisoners grateful to his wife that the Sub-hearted wish absolve us save lives, really ashamed that I did not have much in reward virtues are. Tomorrow, you go home offered to bring the body servant, or that he shall employ you, surely we can all live that way. The husband and wife cried that hear; Details coming up when they, themselves invited to hang down and show off her husband's wishes. Chi but they do not listen, but still helpful to transparency unjust sentence. The prisoner was spared, both husband and wife came home early stage thanksgiving sure: Payment of kindness so thick, rare in real life, now we have grown daughters want to progress as a business card leads to servant of the house, this is often the right thing. Chi shopping district birth to their offerings and do admit cards, new born Chi Lap twenty parked laureates to make the entries in official Confucian Academy. Making born Cao, Cao Loc are born to learn both broad and organizational unit. Loc born London University academics also recommended list. Ten stories on here, but the behavior, actions of different characters, but are provided to meet the healing goodness retribution. II-What friendly? 1. Discuss clearly improved. Considering a keen that said, they have good legs author, with upright with hidden track, with a positive tone, whether or not, or have legitimate differences, there is full with, a profile with modern, easy to difficult, obviously need to discuss. Doing good deeds without understanding the doctrine, feel free to do their job is doing good, he would not have created from industrial waste lose heart in vain. What is honorable and good fake? Xưa have some grapes Chinese Feng student audience monk (a high-rise Yuan Dynasty) that asks the evil nemesis rash follow the ball, which heals see the good, bad meets evil; There are good that person that children do not prosper, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as Buddha said about retributive really unfounded stars? Venerable said he was not ordinary sentiments clean, not pure, virgin Property labels, often receive good from evil, for evil is good; Such people are not rare, confused himself to the left, for evil is good, the good is evil, crazy crazy island without resentment or even blame God for the report is wrong, is not fair u . We scholar asked: Everyone is good to see the good, see evil for evil, why protection is confused, contradictory, so crazy? Monk said they tried examples see how the situation is good and what is evil. One of them said to curse the evil beating, reverent, respectful and good people. Venerable say not so certain. Some others are greedy, get the wrong person is evil, preserving the integrity transparent bar is good. Monk also told not to do so. Everyone in turn give examples of good and evil, but Chinese Feng monks were told not to do so. They are sometimes humanity monk lecturing. 2. Defines good teaching venerable Chinese performer that: Work is useful for people who are good, but only for their own benefit is evil. This is useful for people, whether they hit or verbally abused and called good, useful only for himself whether reverence, courtesy of the matter is evil. Therefore, the good deeds that benefit the public is just as invested in their favor, the truth is, there is a false investment. Again, do good that comes from the hearts of the leg, and superficial, perfunctory that make false charity. Furthermore, doing good without thinking of a reward at all is honorable, contrary hoping a return is false charity, which is the need to examine yourself carefully. What is right, hidden track? Now we see a careful docile but quickly sort out the good people can be tolerated. The saints who are different uses, rather use a Graduate crazy arrogant, officials said excavation intensity talented players than boldly forward. The careful docile, but in life who also preferred to be good, but no saints for the uplifting character, obedient labor not only understand morality should have no benefit for the customary ethical background. For these notions of good and evil qualities, good and bad really obvious differences, contrasts with that saint. By extension, any choice between good and evil, kept or let go of life are not the same with the saints, and place hell, demons regarded as being, improved graphics, sexual misconduct, are contrary to the standard contract with another saint, but apart from the mundane. Every good wish to accumulate all have come from space potential of the true mind has been purged of all the evil, decided not to make false entries atrial doing good for themselves self-interest investments. Of one heart to save life is right, even if there's little eyelashes, ingratiating to fame, fortune, it is the hidden track action, only of one heart revered person is upright, there bit of cynicism, contempt for people who are hidden track; should discuss thoroughly. What sounds good, positive good? Every good work that everyone is aware of the positive-called charity, good deeds which no one knows the negative virtue, actually had hell spirits knew, should have negative virtue will naturally be induced retribution; positively enjoying good reputation in the world, has a reputation that is already being reported then. Historically, people have a list, a voice often jealous jealous nature; so those lofty reputation that really does not have much merit worthy of that reputation, often encounter any more disasters occur. Those who have no sin, but suddenly suffered a bad reputation unjust, then their children will get in return, quickly prospered. Spot the difference of positive and negative charity charity should carefully consider carefully. What is right and not right? Water Hole Hole, there was no law redeem the captives as menials in the vassals of all Government agencies are bonuses. Tu Cong (Confucian virtues pupil named Tu) ransomed people for not getting a bonus. Khong said sorry to hear that bothers sure: Four working furniture and books. Oh, holy conduct single move correctable customs and habits change, as an example calculation for immediate follow, not just for the right to do things their own. Now the state of Lu, less rich, the poor, many, if received reward money is involved, is not incorruptible, while failing to reward the poor stars have continued to redeem the money? Henceforth sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another. Death Road (name Therefore, students Confucian virtues) save people from drowning, is eat a buffalo. Tu Lo received, Confucian ethics or something joyful sure that from now on there will be many water holes lo emergency drowning man. Just grab eyes earthy Cong Son, that should be no territorial or bonus, and Tu Lo donation buffalo is poor. But other interpretations of the holy flesh so contrary to Confucian ethics that cut Tu Do chosen. So know the good deeds should not only think about money interests mark whether the action should have nothing bad influence on later or not, should not discuss the most benefit in this life time to think about future distant future, nor should just think for themselves personally think that the whole world to mass again. The work now though ostensibly to improve in the future but to harm people, it really was not that good good, even though the current work was not good but the latter has benefits help people, but today was not good, but the fact is that good. Not over here just get a few things for the table what is good and not good only. However, in life there are many similar circumstances, such as the idea that the ceremony, to be faithful, from center to left ceremony that really means, not faithful or from the heart; must be determined carefully selected. What is bias and legitimate? Rococo, Mr. La Van Italy, while the new prime minister to resign, bug repatriation, four people welcome as Thai Son, the Légion d'. But there is a drunkard Sauna defamed him. La estate calmly told the servants: He who say do not accept, despite his closed door. Over a year later, that person is guilty of death and imprisoned. La aware of the new situation regret that the price we caught that day he gave his sanction, the dentist can only be punished sex with a minor crime that inevitably felony later. I then wanted to keep the goodness forgive him, unexpectedly turned out to nourish his folly to commit crimes such death today. It was a good job by virtue of which turned out to do evil. Again, when working with evil mind, as it encounters a wealthy businessmen bad year, poor daylight robberies in the right place grain market the quarter, reported the district to district untreated, poor people are more abuses. Particular family went behave themselves for arrest looters were detained punished stabilize the situation, if such action would rob disorder. The reason that everyone knows to do good and evil is plausible that bias, but the main interest is good but, as it turns out that the evil is so biased it is natural to call in the main; center but also evil that it turned out good work, it is the same in heaven. The reason for this could not clearly understand. What is full and with (selling and fulfillment)? Ching said that no good deed for the lot does not accumulate enough to be well-known fame, evil without excess many did not look close enough to reprisal. Scriptures have to say too much crime Shang like a broken dam so that Head kingdom destroyed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, and slothful shall not be built again with rather full. The story is full or with charity work, such as selling or chronic. Past a benefactor female Buddha in the temple, offerings but want no money, only two brass pocket and brought out to the offerings. Abbot himself Bai dedication ceremony for. After that female workers are employed in supply, money, wealth has in abundance, to bring a thousand Buddha temple silver offerings. Abbot sent his disciples to replace dedication ceremony only. The other female patron saw it and asked: Previously I only have two contracts offered by the staff personally Bai dedication ceremony for now offering thousands of silver that does not associate yourself why this ceremony ? Monk replied: Before money is meager results alms, but out of sincere heart, if you do not personally Bai increased dedication is not enough to repay her kindness. Now donations but it's way too much, but the mind is not sincere generosity as before, be sure to see you rise disciples celebrated enough. With sincerely pleased to donations only two contracts that the charity is fulfilled, and the generosity of thousands of silver, but the heart is not even necessarily the only merit is partial only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Keep up until the birth father of the family was the lack of gradual rather, impersonal god as a hermit that tells you that fathers have a negative virtue, children will be glorious wealth, should burial ground on which, he says buried in the grave site as instructed, that this is so grave Bach bowl. After birth-Bar, at the age of 20 have doctoral degree, as to the three public officials (ie lack of engineers, lack of response, lack of security, ergonomics professor, deputy state, state security), cleared organization, internal organization and father were also deprived of such access ordination. Descendants are glorious, prosperous, far grandchildren in the family, there are many good man. 2. Tu Duong Trung, the District Bank, Zhejiang Province, beginning as district, the heart of the capital merciful, righteous, righteous allowed to keep. At that time, the district was too strict, random part in the formation of blood filled prisoners to land that anger has not subsided. They Quy Duong please tolerance. The district office said prisoners were guilty of not respecting the law, morals do not know anymore, that we do so not to be angry. Hitting Yourself kowtow said: The error on religion, not as an example to follow should be under center displaced people from long ago, if you understand the above situation of illegal residents should pity them, not to see his trial was sentenced to quibble, but fun, fun was not so angry, let alone the stars! Quan district heard that awakened wrath subsided. The very poor, did not receive a little gift at all. Meet the prisoners at undernourished, often seek help. One day we prisoners to the new remote, along with food should not starving, but the lack of rice, bring to jail without eating all the pieces, so it's hard to eat a heartless, he negotiated with wife . The wife asked where the prisoners are from the Middle protection from Hangzhou to, along with not eating, hunger miserable, pale color as the ship leaves, it's watering down of rice porridge to eat prison support. The next time the two boys were born, the Prime Minister named Chen, the first sub-prime, are made ​​to the town hall again, one in Beijing, one in Nanjing; two grandchildren who, as head of marketing Figure lang, do things with integrity and constitutional (Monitoring Project Company) in Sichuan province, all children and grandchildren are the name of god. Currently, (ie at the time of first birth Willow Qualities) The Department of Family and Germany are also descendants of the family. 3. Orthodox dating back as Ming, Deng Mau revolt Unemployment in Fujian, according to Dr. invaders large population. Court shall appoint the accident scene in the district Period Bank, main male ejaculating, eradicate the enemy. After Admiral Zhang constitutional capital of their envoy Nicholas, chief henchmen father Fujian Province access monitoring company pursues the enemy in the eastern provinces. Nicholas Chengdu find the book lists the party's enemy; not according to the flesh are accompanied secret enemy be given a small flag with white cloth, engage the next day, the army attacked the flag in front of the house, the soldiers strict orders not kill indiscriminately, because How rescued ten thousand. After the son of Nicholas Tse's Do The pass poinsettias, as prime minister with grandson is African disaster. 4. Ms. Lin, the District Putian, on hard work with good old mother, often holding a visa Rice, who came immediately to the right and without seems troublesome, hate. A fairy costume directing staff, each morning to ask them claim to be six to seven years. Every day the same, for three years, day and that day so clearly comprehend the real heart of generosity that just does not wish anything. Human Therefore, Magi came saying I was eating three years of your house, do not know what took off. After the ground with you, so buried in that place, the descendants of the following officials, nobles truly endless as sesame contained in this league. The children went as far as to the grave marker that. New first phase saw the release even have published scientific nine elected, forever deprived of the zenith. In Hokkien saying there is no such person Lin list all academic subject. 5. Feng's father played using Trac Am also a baccalaureate in a winter morning sun is extremely bitter, taught school early to go to the district, along the road met a person is falling on snow-covered highway, the physical touch he saw his half was frozen, he took off his coat to wear and bring about relief for the province; God's dream that night and said you by devotion to save a life, and I will bring South America (a Chancellor of the Song Dynasty) reincarnated as a pupil, up until birth name came Trac Am America . 6. Consent letter the Minister upper Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, while also adult learning in the mountains, at night listening to the howling demons called gather together, howling often many creepy, but he was not afraid. One night she heard the devil told each other the husband and wife had not long to go away, at home parents forced to marry someone else, tomorrow night will be hanged here; so that we have the body then. He sells farm ground is four ounces of silver went author rhetoric husband wrote a letter accompanying the money sent home. Parents received a letter found in the writings unlike a bit skeptical but thought that the message may be fake, but the money did not author, said the news was hard to stop forced marriage anymore. The children then returned home, the couple happy together reunion saying, almost from the beginning. He heard the devil talking to each other: I'm going to be so close that the other guy baccalaureate ruin our stories. The other side says the devil: Why did not harm him? Other demons said: God saw very good hearted person, as much happiness, sounds good faith thick upper level directory, how bad do well. Whereupon they Ung self-healing takes effort, increasingly outsourcing charity, virtue increasingly more thick; having relatives have something to supply instant hearted tries to help them through difficult times, having to deal with cases of people probably do not know right and wrong, do not you understand the principle is the opposite he only blame themselves do not know how to behave with them, but cheerful equanimity not accepted, so as we made ​​mistakes. Descendants of academic park is actually achieved so far to no. 7. The district Enjoy, Jiangsu Province, they Waking From the name itself, Truc Phuong, his father is a wealthy landowner, having lost five seasons, before initiating the donation bowl, or vacant land rent anymore, then fell in rice Reserve the development standards for the poor. Night hear demons shouted at the door: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, their home baccalaureate degree from going into the hall, so on consecutive nights chanting constantly. Truly Truc Phuong Thi Huong year bachelor's degree. Truc Phuong's father saw it as part of public virtue, diligence, care little neglect doing good not tired; ordinary things that are very useful as conscientious as bridge repair, repair of roads, for boys actually increased, resupply the poor ... then heard chanting in front of the devil: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, bachelor them from city officials to close ups. Truc Phuong last week as the universe to the Bi Philosophy. 8. Ong Khanh Hy, the Government of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the original owner of the image held, usually in hell asked carefully examined the status of prisoners unjustly know many people are guilty. He does not take himself as to his merits, but written commentaries on the secret pathways, the upper house of the form letter. Later, the project was put on tidal volume are reviewed. Tang said the dials in questioning the status of prisoners absolve are dozens of people, leaving no one is available. At that time in the capital, all of them praised its chief true fair trial. He reports back to natural pathways: right in the capital city, but many people sentenced unfairly, then hundreds of millions of people from the four winds of water no stars from being unjustly quite up to five years in sending a reduction to investigate the formation of the project implementation review, or decreasing the felony, or absolve their release. Shanghai letter of the emperor, the solo form the offer immediately approved, and he is named in the list of those who were sent out to reduce the image. He dreamed that God's protection: the zero figure, reducing the formation of this proposal was very pleased with sun god should give you three boys wore gold belt cam cells. That night, the wife conceived after birth Huyen Ung, Kun Ying, Ying Tuan officials are glorious at all. 9. In the name Gia Hung Bang Bao, performance credits, his father made ​​fun attitude Tri Duong district were born seven children. By the youngest, send their roots in Vienna, Pinghu County with his father was assigned seats intensive, extensive learning resources, many times not graduate exam flavor so boring story but dedicated academic study Buddhism and Lao. One day trips Rabbit Lake in the eastern provinces, incidental to a temple in the village and that, see Avalokiteshvara statue was exposed beams patchy rain, he opened the bag is taken ten ounces of silver brought offerings to Air Upper Abbot revised from dilapidated temple statues to be wet, the monk's prospectus remodeling takes a lot of money, but not enough, e difficult to complete the work. How to open the chest cloudy By taking four cloth products Tung Giang, and seven double linen garments were new offerings bring to sell for extra money into renovating the temple. People do have regrets, to prevent the protection provided Covered By Bodhisattva statue being wet is, whether on earth we would not hurt anything. Abbot heard grateful tears saying, money, clothing, clothing detachment is not hard, just have such a sincere heart where there is not easy. Later, renovations completed, he led the father to go, night live at the temple, dreamed of the legal holder thanksgiving, said: Descendants you will receive a fortune in life. Later, his son and grandson are Sanh measures are published scientific method, passed the official glorious. 10. Lap Chi's father, the district Jiashan, made ​​at room criminal prisoners unjustly being unfairly braking function of a felony, he pitied want to save lives. Prisoners grateful to his wife that the Sub-hearted wish absolve us save lives, really ashamed that I did not have much in reward virtues are. Tomorrow, you go home offered to bring the body servant, or that he shall employ you, surely we can all live that way. The husband and wife cried that hear; Details coming up when they, themselves invited to hang down and show off her husband's wishes. Chi but they do not listen, but still helpful to transparency unjust sentence. The prisoner was spared, both husband and wife came home early stage thanksgiving sure: Payment of kindness so thick, rare in real life, now we have grown daughters want to progress as a business card leads to servant of the house, this is often the right thing. Chi shopping district birth to their offerings and do admit cards, new born Chi Lap twenty parked laureates to make the entries in official Confucian Academy. Making born Cao, Cao Loc are born to learn both broad and organizational unit. Loc born London University academics also recommended list. Ten stories on here, but the behavior, actions of different characters, but are provided to meet the healing goodness retribution. II-What friendly? 1. Discuss clearly improved. Considering a keen that said, they have good legs author, with upright with hidden track, with a positive tone, whether or not, or have legitimate differences, there is full with, a profile with modern, easy to difficult, obviously need to discuss. Doing good deeds without understanding the doctrine, feel free to do their job is doing good, he would not have created from industrial waste lose heart in vain. What is honorable and good fake? Xưa have some grapes Chinese Feng student audience monk (a high-rise Yuan Dynasty) that asks the evil nemesis rash follow the ball, which heals see the good, bad meets evil; There are good that person that children do not prosper, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as Buddha said about retributive really unfounded stars? Venerable said he was not ordinary sentiments clean, not pure, virgin Property labels, often receive good from evil, for evil is good; Such people are not rare, confused himself to the left, for evil is good, the good is evil, crazy crazy island without resentment or even blame God for the report is wrong, is not fair u . We scholar asked: Everyone is good to see the good, see evil for evil, why protection is confused, contradictory, so crazy? Monk said they tried examples see how the situation is good and what is evil. One of them said to curse the evil beating, reverent, respectful and good people. Venerable say not so certain. Some others are greedy, get the wrong person is evil, preserving the integrity transparent bar is good. Monk also told not to do so. Everyone in turn give examples of good and evil, but Chinese Feng monks were told not to do so. They are sometimes humanity monk lecturing. 2. Defines good teaching venerable Chinese performer that: Work is useful for people who are good, but only for their own benefit is evil. This is useful for people, whether they hit or verbally abused and called good, useful only for himself whether reverence, courtesy of the matter is evil. Therefore, the good deeds that benefit the public is just as invested in their favor, the truth is, there is a false investment. Again, do good that comes from the hearts of the leg, and superficial, perfunctory that make false charity. Furthermore, doing good without thinking of a reward at all is honorable, contrary hoping a return is false charity, which is the need to examine yourself carefully. What is right, hidden track? Now we see a careful docile but quickly sort out the good people can be tolerated. The saints who are different uses, rather use a Graduate crazy arrogant, officials said excavation intensity talented players than boldly forward. The careful docile, but in life who also preferred to be good, but no saints for the uplifting character, obedient labor not only understand morality should have no benefit for the customary ethical background. For these notions of good and evil qualities, good and bad really obvious differences, contrasts with that saint. By extension, any choice between good and evil, kept or let go of life are not the same with the saints, and place hell, demons regarded as being, improved graphics, sexual misconduct, are contrary to the standard contract with another saint, but apart from the mundane. Every good wish to accumulate all have come from space potential of the true mind has been purged of all the evil, decided not to make false entries atrial doing good for themselves self-interest investments. Of one heart to save life is right, even if there's little eyelashes, ingratiating to fame, fortune, it is the hidden track action, only of one heart revered person is upright, there bit of cynicism, contempt for people who are hidden track; should discuss thoroughly. What sounds good, positive good? Every good work that everyone is aware of the positive-called charity, good deeds which no one knows the negative virtue, actually had hell spirits knew, should have negative virtue will naturally be induced retribution; positively enjoying good reputation in the world, has a reputation that is already being reported then. Historically, people have a list, a voice often jealous jealous nature; so those lofty reputation that really does not have much merit worthy of that reputation, often encounter any more disasters occur. Those who have no sin, but suddenly suffered a bad reputation unjust, then their children will get in return, quickly prospered. Spot the difference of positive and negative charity charity should carefully consider carefully. What is right and not right? Water Hole Hole, there was no law redeem the captives as menials in the vassals of all Government agencies are bonuses. Tu Cong (Confucian virtues pupil named Tu) ransomed people for not getting a bonus. Khong said sorry to hear that bothers sure: Four working furniture and books. Oh, holy conduct single move correctable customs and habits change, as an example calculation for immediate follow, not just for the right to do things their own. Now the state of Lu, less rich, the poor, many, if received reward money is involved, is not incorruptible, while failing to reward the poor stars have continued to redeem the money? Henceforth sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another. Death Road (name Therefore, students Confucian virtues) save people from drowning, is eat a buffalo. Tu Lo received, Confucian ethics or something joyful sure that from now on there will be many water holes lo emergency drowning man. Just grab eyes earthy Cong Son, that should be no territorial or bonus, and Tu Lo donation buffalo is poor. But other interpretations of the holy flesh so contrary to Confucian ethics that cut Tu Do chosen. So know the good deeds should not only think about money interests mark whether the action should have nothing bad influence on later or not, should not discuss the most benefit in this life time to think about future distant future, nor should just think for themselves personally think that the whole world to mass again. The work now though ostensibly to improve in the future but to harm people, it really was not that good good, even though the current work was not good but the latter has benefits help people, but today was not good, but the fact is that good. Not over here just get a few things for the table what is good and not good only. However, in life there are many similar circumstances, such as the idea that the ceremony, to be faithful, from center to left ceremony that really means, not faithful or from the heart; must be determined carefully selected. What is bias and legitimate? Rococo, Mr. La Van Italy, while the new prime minister to resign, bug repatriation, four people welcome as Thai Son, the Légion d'. But there is a drunkard Sauna defamed him. La estate calmly told the servants: He who say do not accept, despite his closed door. Over a year later, that person is guilty of death and imprisoned. La aware of the new situation regret that the price we caught that day he gave his sanction, the dentist can only be punished sex with a minor crime that inevitably felony later. I then wanted to keep the goodness forgive him, unexpectedly turned out to nourish his folly to commit crimes such death today. It was a good job by virtue of which turned out to do evil. Again, when working with evil mind, as it encounters a wealthy businessmen bad year, poor daylight robberies in the right place grain market the quarter, reported the district to district untreated, poor people are more abuses. Particular family went behave themselves for arrest looters were detained punished stabilize the situation, if such action would rob disorder. The reason that everyone knows to do good and evil is plausible that bias, but the main interest is good but, as it turns out that the evil is so biased it is natural to call in the main; center but also evil that it turned out good work, it is the same in heaven. The reason for this could not clearly understand. What is full and with (selling and fulfillment)? Ching said that no good deed for the lot does not accumulate enough to be well-known fame, evil without excess many did not look close enough to reprisal. Scriptures have to say too much crime Shang like a broken dam so that Head kingdom destroyed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, and slothful shall not be built again with rather full. The story is full or with charity work, such as selling or chronic. Past a benefactor female Buddha in the temple, offerings but want no money, only two brass pocket and brought out to the offerings. Abbot himself Bai dedication ceremony for. After that female workers are employed in supply, money, wealth has in abundance, to bring a thousand Buddha temple silver offerings. Abbot sent his disciples to replace dedication ceremony only. The other female patron saw it and asked: Previously I only have two contracts offered by the staff personally Bai dedication ceremony for now offering thousands of silver that does not associate yourself why this ceremony ? Monk replied: Before money is meager results alms, but out of sincere heart, if you do not personally Bai increased dedication is not enough to repay her kindness. Now donations but it's way too much, but the mind is not sincere generosity as before, be sure to see you rise disciples celebrated enough. With sincerely pleased to donations only two contracts that the charity is fulfilled, and the generosity of thousands of silver, but the heart is not even necessarily the only merit is partial only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Then Pluto said: Every thought is a crime since evil does not need to wait until there is actually committed or not. Gain key is to ask the little book stating what good deeds. Pluto said court has ever contemplated starting repair work great stone bridge in Tam Son, the scary expostulate. Number of documents that have recorded in this book. Weight Gain extra: The official yet scary, but the court did not care according to the rhythm, then what is the point where the job? Pluto then told said that: y according to court not solo, but it's a good idea to your house for the sake of the people, letting them from hard labor, from heavy taxation, if that word was instrumental court under the care of your merit to be so great. Keep up until the birth father of the family was the lack of gradual rather, impersonal god as a hermit that tells you that fathers have a negative virtue, children will be glorious wealth, should burial ground on which, he says buried in the grave site as instructed, that this is so grave Bach bowl. After birth-Bar, at the age of 20 have doctoral degree, as to the three public officials (ie lack of engineers, lack of response, lack of security, ergonomics professor, deputy state, state security), cleared organization, internal organization and father were also deprived of such access ordination. Descendants are glorious, prosperous, far grandchildren in the family, there are many good man. 2. Tu Duong Trung, the District Bank, Zhejiang Province, beginning as district, the heart of the capital merciful, righteous, righteous allowed to keep. At that time, the district was too strict, random part in the formation of blood filled prisoners to land that anger has not subsided. They Quy Duong please tolerance. The district office said prisoners were guilty of not respecting the law, morals do not know anymore, that we do so not to be angry. Hitting Yourself kowtow said: The error on religion, not as an example to follow should be under center displaced people from long ago, if you understand the above situation of illegal residents should pity them, not to see his trial was sentenced to quibble, but fun, fun was not so angry, let alone the stars! Quan district heard that awakened wrath subsided. The very poor, did not receive a little gift at all. Meet the prisoners at undernourished, often seek help. One day we prisoners to the new remote, along with food should not starving, but the lack of rice, bring to jail without eating all the pieces, so it's hard to eat a heartless, he negotiated with wife . The wife asked where the prisoners are from the Middle protection from Hangzhou to, along with not eating, hunger miserable, pale color as the ship leaves, it's watering down of rice porridge to eat prison support. The next time the two boys were born, the Prime Minister named Chen, the first sub-prime, are made ​​to the town hall again, one in Beijing, one in Nanjing; two grandchildren who, as head of marketing Figure lang, do things with integrity and constitutional (Monitoring Project Company) in Sichuan province, all children and grandchildren are the name of god. Currently, (ie at the time of first birth Willow Qualities) The Department of Family and Germany are also descendants of the family. 3. Orthodox dating back as Ming, Deng Mau revolt Unemployment in Fujian, according to Dr. invaders large population. Court shall appoint the accident scene in the district Period Bank, main male ejaculating, eradicate the enemy. After Admiral Zhang constitutional capital of their envoy Nicholas, chief henchmen father Fujian Province access monitoring company pursues the enemy in the eastern provinces. Nicholas Chengdu find the book lists the party's enemy; not according to the flesh are accompanied secret enemy be given a small flag with white cloth, engage the next day, the army attacked the flag in front of the house, the soldiers strict orders not kill indiscriminately, because How rescued ten thousand. After the son of Nicholas Tse's Do The pass poinsettias, as prime minister with grandson is African disaster. 4. Ms. Lin, the District Putian, on hard work with good old mother, often holding a visa Rice, who came immediately to the right and without seems troublesome, hate. A fairy costume directing staff, each morning to ask them claim to be six to seven years. Every day the same, for three years, day and that day so clearly comprehend the real heart of generosity that just does not wish anything. Human Therefore, Magi came saying I was eating three years of your house, do not know what took off. After the ground with you, so buried in that place, the descendants of the following officials, nobles truly endless as sesame contained in this league. The children went as far as to the grave marker that. New first phase saw the release even have published scientific nine elected, forever deprived of the zenith. In Hokkien saying there is no such person Lin list all academic subject. 5. Feng's father played using Trac Am also a baccalaureate in a winter morning sun is extremely bitter, taught school early to go to the district, along the road met a person is falling on snow-covered highway, the physical touch he saw his half was frozen, he took off his coat to wear and bring about relief for the province; God's dream that night and said you by devotion to save a life, and I will bring South America (a Chancellor of the Song Dynasty) reincarnated as a pupil, up until birth name came Trac Am America . 6. Consent letter the Minister upper Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, while also adult learning in the mountains, at night listening to the howling demons called gather together, howling often many creepy, but he was not afraid. One night she heard the devil told each other the husband and wife had not long to go away, at home parents forced to marry someone else, tomorrow night will be hanged here; so that we have the body then. He sells farm ground is four ounces of silver went author rhetoric husband wrote a letter accompanying the money sent home. Parents received a letter found in the writings unlike a bit skeptical but thought that the message may be fake, but the money did not author, said the news was hard to stop forced marriage anymore. The children then returned home, the couple happy together reunion saying, almost from the beginning. He heard the devil talking to each other: I'm going to be so close that the other guy baccalaureate ruin our stories. The other side says the devil: Why did not harm him? Other demons said: God saw very good hearted person, as much happiness, sounds good faith thick upper level directory, how bad do well. Whereupon they Ung self-healing takes effort, increasingly outsourcing charity, virtue increasingly more thick; having relatives have something to supply instant hearted tries to help them through difficult times, having to deal with cases of people probably do not know right and wrong, do not you understand the principle is the opposite he only blame themselves do not know how to behave with them, but cheerful equanimity not accepted, so as we made ​​mistakes. Descendants of academic park is actually achieved so far to no. 7. The district Enjoy, Jiangsu Province, they Waking From the name itself, Truc Phuong, his father is a wealthy landowner, having lost five seasons, before initiating the donation bowl, or vacant land rent anymore, then fell in rice Reserve the development standards for the poor. Night hear demons shouted at the door: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, their home baccalaureate degree from going into the hall, so on consecutive nights chanting constantly. Truly Truc Phuong Thi Huong year bachelor's degree. Truc Phuong's father saw it as part of public virtue, diligence, care little neglect doing good not tired; ordinary things that are very useful as conscientious as bridge repair, repair of roads, for boys actually increased, resupply the poor ... then heard chanting in front of the devil: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, bachelor them from city officials to close ups. Truc Phuong last week as the universe to the Bi Philosophy. 8. Ong Khanh Hy, the Government of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the original owner of the image held, usually in hell asked carefully examined the status of prisoners unjustly know many people are guilty. He does not take himself as to his merits, but written commentaries on the secret pathways, the upper house of the form letter. Later, the project was put on tidal volume are reviewed. Tang said the dials in questioning the status of prisoners absolve are dozens of people, leaving no one is available. At that time in the capital, all of them praised its chief true fair trial. He reports back to natural pathways: right in the capital city, but many people sentenced unfairly, then hundreds of millions of people from the four winds of water no stars from being unjustly quite up to five years in sending a reduction to investigate the formation of the project implementation review, or decreasing the felony, or absolve their release. Shanghai letter of the emperor, the solo form the offer immediately approved, and he is named in the list of those who were sent out to reduce the image. He dreamed that God's protection: the zero figure, reducing the formation of this proposal was very pleased with sun god should give you three boys wore gold belt cam cells. That night, the wife conceived after birth Huyen Ung, Kun Ying, Ying Tuan officials are glorious at all. 9. In the name Gia Hung Bang Bao, performance credits, his father made ​​fun attitude Tri Duong district were born seven children. By the youngest, send their roots in Vienna, Pinghu County with his father was assigned seats intensive, extensive learning resources, many times not graduate exam flavor so boring story but dedicated academic study Buddhism and Lao. One day trips Rabbit Lake in the eastern provinces, incidental to a temple in the village and that, see Avalokiteshvara statue was exposed beams patchy rain, he opened the bag is taken ten ounces of silver brought offerings to Air Upper Abbot revised from dilapidated temple statues to be wet, the monk's prospectus remodeling takes a lot of money, but not enough, e difficult to complete the work. How to open the chest cloudy By taking four cloth products Tung Giang, and seven double linen garments were new offerings bring to sell for extra money into renovating the temple. People do have regrets, to prevent the protection provided Covered By Bodhisattva statue being wet is, whether on earth we would not hurt anything. Abbot heard grateful tears saying, money, clothing, clothing detachment is not hard, just have such a sincere heart where there is not easy. Later, renovations completed, he led the father to go, night live at the temple, dreamed of the legal holder thanksgiving, said: Descendants you will receive a fortune in life. Later, his son and grandson are Sanh measures are published scientific method, passed the official glorious. 10. Lap Chi's father, the district Jiashan, made ​​at room criminal prisoners unjustly being unfairly braking function of a felony, he pitied want to save lives. Prisoners grateful to his wife that the Sub-hearted wish absolve us save lives, really ashamed that I did not have much in reward virtues are. Tomorrow, you go home offered to bring the body servant, or that he shall employ you, surely we can all live that way. The husband and wife cried that hear; Details coming up when they, themselves invited to hang down and show off her husband's wishes. Chi but they do not listen, but still helpful to transparency unjust sentence. The prisoner was spared, both husband and wife came home early stage thanksgiving sure: Payment of kindness so thick, rare in real life, now we have grown daughters want to progress as a business card leads to servant of the house, this is often the right thing. Chi shopping district birth to their offerings and do admit cards, new born Chi Lap twenty parked laureates to make the entries in official Confucian Academy. Making born Cao, Cao Loc are born to learn both broad and organizational unit. Loc born London University academics also recommended list. Ten stories on here, but the behavior, actions of different characters, but are provided to meet the healing goodness retribution. II-What friendly? 1. Discuss clearly improved. Considering a keen that said, they have good legs author, with upright with hidden track, with a positive tone, whether or not, or have legitimate differences, there is full with, a profile with modern, easy to difficult, obviously need to discuss. Doing good deeds without understanding the doctrine, feel free to do their job is doing good, he would not have created from industrial waste lose heart in vain. What is honorable and good fake? Xưa have some grapes Chinese Feng student audience monk (a high-rise Yuan Dynasty) that asks the evil nemesis rash follow the ball, which heals see the good, bad meets evil; There are good that person that children do not prosper, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as Buddha said about retributive really unfounded stars? Venerable said he was not ordinary sentiments clean, not pure, virgin Property labels, often receive good from evil, for evil is good; Such people are not rare, confused himself to the left, for evil is good, the good is evil, crazy crazy island without resentment or even blame God for the report is wrong, is not fair u . We scholar asked: Everyone is good to see the good, see evil for evil, why protection is confused, contradictory, so crazy? Monk said they tried examples see how the situation is good and what is evil. One of them said to curse the evil beating, reverent, respectful and good people. Venerable say not so certain. Some others are greedy, get the wrong person is evil, preserving the integrity transparent bar is good. Monk also told not to do so. Everyone in turn give examples of good and evil, but Chinese Feng monks were told not to do so. They are sometimes humanity monk lecturing. 2. Defines good teaching venerable Chinese performer that: Work is useful for people who are good, but only for their own benefit is evil. This is useful for people, whether they hit or verbally abused and called good, useful only for himself whether reverence, courtesy of the matter is evil. Therefore, the good deeds that benefit the public is just as invested in their favor, the truth is, there is a false investment. Again, do good that comes from the hearts of the leg, and superficial, perfunctory that make false charity. Furthermore, doing good without thinking of a reward at all is honorable, contrary hoping a return is false charity, which is the need to examine yourself carefully. What is right, hidden track? Now we see a careful docile but quickly sort out the good people can be tolerated. The saints who are different uses, rather use a Graduate crazy arrogant, officials said excavation intensity talented players than boldly forward. The careful docile, but in life who also preferred to be good, but no saints for the uplifting character, obedient labor not only understand morality should have no benefit for the customary ethical background. For these notions of good and evil qualities, good and bad really obvious differences, contrasts with that saint. By extension, any choice between good and evil, kept or let go of life are not the same with the saints, and place hell, demons regarded as being, improved graphics, sexual misconduct, are contrary to the standard contract with another saint, but apart from the mundane. Every good wish to accumulate all have come from space potential of the true mind has been purged of all the evil, decided not to make false entries atrial doing good for themselves self-interest investments. Of one heart to save life is right, even if there's little eyelashes, ingratiating to fame, fortune, it is the hidden track action, only of one heart revered person is upright, there bit of cynicism, contempt for people who are hidden track; should discuss thoroughly. What sounds good, positive good? Every good work that everyone is aware of the positive-called charity, good deeds which no one knows the negative virtue, actually had hell spirits knew, should have negative virtue will naturally be induced retribution; positively enjoying good reputation in the world, has a reputation that is already being reported then. Historically, people have a list, a voice often jealous jealous nature; so those lofty reputation that really does not have much merit worthy of that reputation, often encounter any more disasters occur. Those who have no sin, but suddenly suffered a bad reputation unjust, then their children will get in return, quickly prospered. Spot the difference of positive and negative charity charity should carefully consider carefully. What is right and not right? Water Hole Hole, there was no law redeem the captives as menials in the vassals of all Government agencies are bonuses. Tu Cong (Confucian virtues pupil named Tu) ransomed people for not getting a bonus. Khong said sorry to hear that bothers sure: Four working furniture and books. Oh, holy conduct single move correctable customs and habits change, as an example calculation for immediate follow, not just for the right to do things their own. Now the state of Lu, less rich, the poor, many, if received reward money is involved, is not incorruptible, while failing to reward the poor stars have continued to redeem the money? Henceforth sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another. Death Road (name Therefore, students Confucian virtues) save people from drowning, is eat a buffalo. Tu Lo received, Confucian ethics or something joyful sure that from now on there will be many water holes lo emergency drowning man. Just grab eyes earthy Cong Son, that should be no territorial or bonus, and Tu Lo donation buffalo is poor. But other interpretations of the holy flesh so contrary to Confucian ethics that cut Tu Do chosen. So know the good deeds should not only think about money interests mark whether the action should have nothing bad influence on later or not, should not discuss the most benefit in this life time to think about future distant future, nor should just think for themselves personally think that the whole world to mass again. The work now though ostensibly to improve in the future but to harm people, it really was not that good good, even though the current work was not good but the latter has benefits help people, but today was not good, but the fact is that good. Not over here just get a few things for the table what is good and not good only. However, in life there are many similar circumstances, such as the idea that the ceremony, to be faithful, from center to left ceremony that really means, not faithful or from the heart; must be determined carefully selected. What is bias and legitimate? Rococo, Mr. La Van Italy, while the new prime minister to resign, bug repatriation, four people welcome as Thai Son, the Légion d'. But there is a drunkard Sauna defamed him. La estate calmly told the servants: He who say do not accept, despite his closed door. Over a year later, that person is guilty of death and imprisoned. La aware of the new situation regret that the price we caught that day he gave his sanction, the dentist can only be punished sex with a minor crime that inevitably felony later. I then wanted to keep the goodness forgive him, unexpectedly turned out to nourish his folly to commit crimes such death today. It was a good job by virtue of which turned out to do evil. Again, when working with evil mind, as it encounters a wealthy businessmen bad year, poor daylight robberies in the right place grain market the quarter, reported the district to district untreated, poor people are more abuses. Particular family went behave themselves for arrest looters were detained punished stabilize the situation, if such action would rob disorder. The reason that everyone knows to do good and evil is plausible that bias, but the main interest is good but, as it turns out that the evil is so biased it is natural to call in the main; center but also evil that it turned out good work, it is the same in heaven. The reason for this could not clearly understand. What is full and with (selling and fulfillment)? Ching said that no good deed for the lot does not accumulate enough to be well-known fame, evil without excess many did not look close enough to reprisal. Scriptures have to say too much crime Shang like a broken dam so that Head kingdom destroyed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, and slothful shall not be built again with rather full. The story is full or with charity work, such as selling or chronic. Past a benefactor female Buddha in the temple, offerings but want no money, only two brass pocket and brought out to the offerings. Abbot himself Bai dedication ceremony for. After that female workers are employed in supply, money, wealth has in abundance, to bring a thousand Buddha temple silver offerings. Abbot sent his disciples to replace dedication ceremony only. The other female patron saw it and asked: Previously I only have two contracts offered by the staff personally Bai dedication ceremony for now offering thousands of silver that does not associate yourself why this ceremony ? Monk replied: Before money is meager results alms, but out of sincere heart, if you do not personally Bai increased dedication is not enough to repay her kindness. Now donations but it's way too much, but the mind is not sincere generosity as before, be sure to see you rise disciples celebrated enough. With sincerely pleased to donations only two contracts that the charity is fulfilled, and the generosity of thousands of silver, but the heart is not even necessarily the only merit is partial only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Then Pluto said: Every thought is a crime since evil does not need to wait until there is actually committed or not. Gain key is to ask the little book stating what good deeds. Pluto said court has ever contemplated starting repair work great stone bridge in Tam Son, the scary expostulate. Number of documents that have recorded in this book. Weight Gain extra: The official yet scary, but the court did not care according to the rhythm, then what is the point where the job? Pluto then told said that: y according to court not solo, but it's a good idea to your house for the sake of the people, letting them from hard labor, from heavy taxation, if that word was instrumental court under the care of your merit to be so great. Quan district heard that awakened wrath subsided. The very poor, did not receive a little gift at all. Meet the prisoners at undernourished, often seek help. One day we prisoners to the new remote, along with food should not starving, but the lack of rice, bring to jail without eating all the pieces, so it's hard to eat a heartless, he negotiated with wife . The wife asked where the prisoners are from the Middle protection from Hangzhou to, along with not eating, hunger miserable, pale color as the ship leaves, it's watering down of rice porridge to eat prison support. The next time the two boys were born, the Prime Minister named Chen, the first sub-prime, are made ​​to the town hall again, one in Beijing, one in Nanjing; two grandchildren who, as head of marketing Figure lang, do things with integrity and constitutional (Monitoring Project Company) in Sichuan province, all children and grandchildren are the name of god. Currently, (ie at the time of first birth Willow Qualities) The Department of Family and Germany are also descendants of the family. 3. Orthodox dating back as Ming, Deng Mau revolt Unemployment in Fujian, according to Dr. invaders large population. Court shall appoint the accident scene in the district Period Bank, main male ejaculating, eradicate the enemy. After Admiral Zhang constitutional capital of their envoy Nicholas, chief henchmen father Fujian Province access monitoring company pursues the enemy in the eastern provinces. Nicholas Chengdu find the book lists the party's enemy; not according to the flesh are accompanied secret enemy be given a small flag with white cloth, engage the next day, the army attacked the flag in front of the house, the soldiers strict orders not kill indiscriminately, because How rescued ten thousand. After the son of Nicholas Tse's Do The pass poinsettias, as prime minister with grandson is African disaster. 4. Ms. Lin, the District Putian, on hard work with good old mother, often holding a visa Rice, who came immediately to the right and without seems troublesome, hate. A fairy costume directing staff, each morning to ask them claim to be six to seven years. Every day the same, for three years, day and that day so clearly comprehend the real heart of generosity that just does not wish anything. Human Therefore, Magi came saying I was eating three years of your house, do not know what took off. After the ground with you, so buried in that place, the descendants of the following officials, nobles truly endless as sesame contained in this league. The children went as far as to the grave marker that. New first phase saw the release even have published scientific nine elected, forever deprived of the zenith. In Hokkien saying there is no such person Lin list all academic subject. 5. Feng's father played using Trac Am also a baccalaureate in a winter morning sun is extremely bitter, taught school early to go to the district, along the road met a person is falling on snow-covered highway, the physical touch he saw his half was frozen, he took off his coat to wear and bring about relief for the province; God's dream that night and said you by devotion to save a life, and I will bring South America (a Chancellor of the Song Dynasty) reincarnated as a pupil, up until birth name came Trac Am America . 6. Consent letter the Minister upper Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, while also adult learning in the mountains, at night listening to the howling demons called gather together, howling often many creepy, but he was not afraid. One night she heard the devil told each other the husband and wife had not long to go away, at home parents forced to marry someone else, tomorrow night will be hanged here; so that we have the body then. He sells farm ground is four ounces of silver went author rhetoric husband wrote a letter accompanying the money sent home. Parents received a letter found in the writings unlike a bit skeptical but thought that the message may be fake, but the money did not author, said the news was hard to stop forced marriage anymore. The children then returned home, the couple happy together reunion saying, almost from the beginning. He heard the devil talking to each other: I'm going to be so close that the other guy baccalaureate ruin our stories. The other side says the devil: Why did not harm him? Other demons said: God saw very good hearted person, as much happiness, sounds good faith thick upper level directory, how bad do well. Whereupon they Ung self-healing takes effort, increasingly outsourcing charity, virtue increasingly more thick; having relatives have something to supply instant hearted tries to help them through difficult times, having to deal with cases of people probably do not know right and wrong, do not you understand the principle is the opposite he only blame themselves do not know how to behave with them, but cheerful equanimity not accepted, so as we made ​​mistakes. Descendants of academic park is actually achieved so far to no. 7. The district Enjoy, Jiangsu Province, they Waking From the name itself, Truc Phuong, his father is a wealthy landowner, having lost five seasons, before initiating the donation bowl, or vacant land rent anymore, then fell in rice Reserve the development standards for the poor. Night hear demons shouted at the door: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, their home baccalaureate degree from going into the hall, so on consecutive nights chanting constantly. Truly Truc Phuong Thi Huong year bachelor's degree. Truc Phuong's father saw it as part of public virtue, diligence, care little neglect doing good not tired; ordinary things that are very useful as conscientious as bridge repair, repair of roads, for boys actually increased, resupply the poor ... then heard chanting in front of the devil: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, bachelor them from city officials to close ups. Truc Phuong last week as the universe to the Bi Philosophy. 8. Ong Khanh Hy, the Government of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the original owner of the image held, usually in hell asked carefully examined the status of prisoners unjustly know many people are guilty. He does not take himself as to his merits, but written commentaries on the secret pathways, the upper house of the form letter. Later, the project was put on tidal volume are reviewed. Tang said the dials in questioning the status of prisoners absolve are dozens of people, leaving no one is available. At that time in the capital, all of them praised its chief true fair trial. He reports back to natural pathways: right in the capital city, but many people sentenced unfairly, then hundreds of millions of people from the four winds of water no stars from being unjustly quite up to five years in sending a reduction to investigate the formation of the project implementation review, or decreasing the felony, or absolve their release. Shanghai letter of the emperor, the solo form the offer immediately approved, and he is named in the list of those who were sent out to reduce the image. He dreamed that God's protection: the zero figure, reducing the formation of this proposal was very pleased with sun god should give you three boys wore gold belt cam cells. That night, the wife conceived after birth Huyen Ung, Kun Ying, Ying Tuan officials are glorious at all. 9. In the name Gia Hung Bang Bao, performance credits, his father made ​​fun attitude Tri Duong district were born seven children. By the youngest, send their roots in Vienna, Pinghu County with his father was assigned seats intensive, extensive learning resources, many times not graduate exam flavor so boring story but dedicated academic study Buddhism and Lao. One day trips Rabbit Lake in the eastern provinces, incidental to a temple in the village and that, see Avalokiteshvara statue was exposed beams patchy rain, he opened the bag is taken ten ounces of silver brought offerings to Air Upper Abbot revised from dilapidated temple statues to be wet, the monk's prospectus remodeling takes a lot of money, but not enough, e difficult to complete the work. How to open the chest cloudy By taking four cloth products Tung Giang, and seven double linen garments were new offerings bring to sell for extra money into renovating the temple. People do have regrets, to prevent the protection provided Covered By Bodhisattva statue being wet is, whether on earth we would not hurt anything. Abbot heard grateful tears saying, money, clothing, clothing detachment is not hard, just have such a sincere heart where there is not easy. Later, renovations completed, he led the father to go, night live at the temple, dreamed of the legal holder thanksgiving, said: Descendants you will receive a fortune in life. Later, his son and grandson are Sanh measures are published scientific method, passed the official glorious. 10. Lap Chi's father, the district Jiashan, made ​​at room criminal prisoners unjustly being unfairly braking function of a felony, he pitied want to save lives. Prisoners grateful to his wife that the Sub-hearted wish absolve us save lives, really ashamed that I did not have much in reward virtues are. Tomorrow, you go home offered to bring the body servant, or that he shall employ you, surely we can all live that way. The husband and wife cried that hear; Details coming up when they, themselves invited to hang down and show off her husband's wishes. Chi but they do not listen, but still helpful to transparency unjust sentence. The prisoner was spared, both husband and wife came home early stage thanksgiving sure: Payment of kindness so thick, rare in real life, now we have grown daughters want to progress as a business card leads to servant of the house, this is often the right thing. Chi shopping district birth to their offerings and do admit cards, new born Chi Lap twenty parked laureates to make the entries in official Confucian Academy. Making born Cao, Cao Loc are born to learn both broad and organizational unit. Loc born London University academics also recommended list. Ten stories on here, but the behavior, actions of different characters, but are provided to meet the healing goodness retribution. II-What friendly? 1. Discuss clearly improved. Considering a keen that said, they have good legs author, with upright with hidden track, with a positive tone, whether or not, or have legitimate differences, there is full with, a profile with modern, easy to difficult, obviously need to discuss. Doing good deeds without understanding the doctrine, feel free to do their job is doing good, he would not have created from industrial waste lose heart in vain. What is honorable and good fake? Xưa have some grapes Chinese Feng student audience monk (a high-rise Yuan Dynasty) that asks the evil nemesis rash follow the ball, which heals see the good, bad meets evil; There are good that person that children do not prosper, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as Buddha said about retributive really unfounded stars? Venerable said he was not ordinary sentiments clean, not pure, virgin Property labels, often receive good from evil, for evil is good; Such people are not rare, confused himself to the left, for evil is good, the good is evil, crazy crazy island without resentment or even blame God for the report is wrong, is not fair u . We scholar asked: Everyone is good to see the good, see evil for evil, why protection is confused, contradictory, so crazy? Monk said they tried examples see how the situation is good and what is evil. One of them said to curse the evil beating, reverent, respectful and good people. Venerable say not so certain. Some others are greedy, get the wrong person is evil, preserving the integrity transparent bar is good. Monk also told not to do so. Everyone in turn give examples of good and evil, but Chinese Feng monks were told not to do so. They are sometimes humanity monk lecturing. 2. Defines good teaching venerable Chinese performer that: Work is useful for people who are good, but only for their own benefit is evil. This is useful for people, whether they hit or verbally abused and called good, useful only for himself whether reverence, courtesy of the matter is evil. Therefore, the good deeds that benefit the public is just as invested in their favor, the truth is, there is a false investment. Again, do good that comes from the hearts of the leg, and superficial, perfunctory that make false charity. Furthermore, doing good without thinking of a reward at all is honorable, contrary hoping a return is false charity, which is the need to examine yourself carefully. What is right, hidden track? Now we see a careful docile but quickly sort out the good people can be tolerated. The saints who are different uses, rather use a Graduate crazy arrogant, officials said excavation intensity talented players than boldly forward. The careful docile, but in life who also preferred to be good, but no saints for the uplifting character, obedient labor not only understand morality should have no benefit for the customary ethical background. For these notions of good and evil qualities, good and bad really obvious differences, contrasts with that saint. By extension, any choice between good and evil, kept or let go of life are not the same with the saints, and place hell, demons regarded as being, improved graphics, sexual misconduct, are contrary to the standard contract with another saint, but apart from the mundane. Every good wish to accumulate all have come from space potential of the true mind has been purged of all the evil, decided not to make false entries atrial doing good for themselves self-interest investments. Of one heart to save life is right, even if there's little eyelashes, ingratiating to fame, fortune, it is the hidden track action, only of one heart revered person is upright, there bit of cynicism, contempt for people who are hidden track; should discuss thoroughly. What sounds good, positive good? Every good work that everyone is aware of the positive-called charity, good deeds which no one knows the negative virtue, actually had hell spirits knew, should have negative virtue will naturally be induced retribution; positively enjoying good reputation in the world, has a reputation that is already being reported then. Historically, people have a list, a voice often jealous jealous nature; so those lofty reputation that really does not have much merit worthy of that reputation, often encounter any more disasters occur. Those who have no sin, but suddenly suffered a bad reputation unjust, then their children will get in return, quickly prospered. Spot the difference of positive and negative charity charity should carefully consider carefully. What is right and not right? Water Hole Hole, there was no law redeem the captives as menials in the vassals of all Government agencies are bonuses. Tu Cong (Confucian virtues pupil named Tu) ransomed people for not getting a bonus. Khong said sorry to hear that bothers sure: Four working furniture and books. Oh, holy conduct single move correctable customs and habits change, as an example calculation for immediate follow, not just for the right to do things their own. Now the state of Lu, less rich, the poor, many, if received reward money is involved, is not incorruptible, while failing to reward the poor stars have continued to redeem the money? Henceforth sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another. Death Road (name Therefore, students Confucian virtues) save people from drowning, is eat a buffalo. Tu Lo received, Confucian ethics or something joyful sure that from now on there will be many water holes lo emergency drowning man. Just grab eyes earthy Cong Son, that should be no territorial or bonus, and Tu Lo donation buffalo is poor. But other interpretations of the holy flesh so contrary to Confucian ethics that cut Tu Do chosen. So know the good deeds should not only think about money interests mark whether the action should have nothing bad influence on later or not, should not discuss the most benefit in this life time to think about future distant future, nor should just think for themselves personally think that the whole world to mass again. The work now though ostensibly to improve in the future but to harm people, it really was not that good good, even though the current work was not good but the latter has benefits help people, but today was not good, but the fact is that good. Not over here just get a few things for the table what is good and not good only. However, in life there are many similar circumstances, such as the idea that the ceremony, to be faithful, from center to left ceremony that really means, not faithful or from the heart; must be determined carefully selected. What is bias and legitimate? Rococo, Mr. La Van Italy, while the new prime minister to resign, bug repatriation, four people welcome as Thai Son, the Légion d'. But there is a drunkard Sauna defamed him. La estate calmly told the servants: He who say do not accept, despite his closed door. Over a year later, that person is guilty of death and imprisoned. La aware of the new situation regret that the price we caught that day he gave his sanction, the dentist can only be punished sex with a minor crime that inevitably felony later. I then wanted to keep the goodness forgive him, unexpectedly turned out to nourish his folly to commit crimes such death today. It was a good job by virtue of which turned out to do evil. Again, when working with evil mind, as it encounters a wealthy businessmen bad year, poor daylight robberies in the right place grain market the quarter, reported the district to district untreated, poor people are more abuses. Particular family went behave themselves for arrest looters were detained punished stabilize the situation, if such action would rob disorder. The reason that everyone knows to do good and evil is plausible that bias, but the main interest is good but, as it turns out that the evil is so biased it is natural to call in the main; center but also evil that it turned out good work, it is the same in heaven. The reason for this could not clearly understand. What is full and with (selling and fulfillment)? Ching said that no good deed for the lot does not accumulate enough to be well-known fame, evil without excess many did not look close enough to reprisal. Scriptures have to say too much crime Shang like a broken dam so that Head kingdom destroyed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, and slothful shall not be built again with rather full. The story is full or with charity work, such as selling or chronic. Past a benefactor female Buddha in the temple, offerings but want no money, only two brass pocket and brought out to the offerings. Abbot himself Bai dedication ceremony for. After that female workers are employed in supply, money, wealth has in abundance, to bring a thousand Buddha temple silver offerings. Abbot sent his disciples to replace dedication ceremony only. The other female patron saw it and asked: Previously I only have two contracts offered by the staff personally Bai dedication ceremony for now offering thousands of silver that does not associate yourself why this ceremony ? Monk replied: Before money is meager results alms, but out of sincere heart, if you do not personally Bai increased dedication is not enough to repay her kindness. Now donations but it's way too much, but the mind is not sincere generosity as before, be sure to see you rise disciples celebrated enough. With sincerely pleased to donations only two contracts that the charity is fulfilled, and the generosity of thousands of silver, but the heart is not even necessarily the only merit is partial only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Then Pluto said: Every thought is a crime since evil does not need to wait until there is actually committed or not. Gain key is to ask the little book stating what good deeds. Pluto said court has ever contemplated starting repair work great stone bridge in Tam Son, the scary expostulate. Number of documents that have recorded in this book. Weight Gain extra: The official yet scary, but the court did not care according to the rhythm, then what is the point where the job? Pluto then told said that: y according to court not solo, but it's a good idea to your house for the sake of the people, letting them from hard labor, from heavy taxation, if that word was instrumental court under the care of your merit to be so great. So if you have aspirations to work for national interests galaxy, the public, despite the fact that there is little work that merits greater, even if the individual thinks only for himself, despite the fact that there is as much merit smaller so. What is difficult and easy? The old fairy grapes have said we want to overcome her, wants to win her heart, the place to start is difficult to overcome that commenced before. Confucius said kindness discuss starting place is difficult to implement before, ie from place to win their hearts, since it would be hard to do, then they will also easily done. As he Letters them in Jiangxi remove all wages collected in two years teaching to bring the payment of money owed ​​except to help the couple from house reunion abducted from his house as servants; it can be called that place hard to let go let go of it. Near them back as the old man in Zhenjiang advanced age, children are not descendants, phosphorus has brought home a young girl to do business cards loaded, but he is not heartless capture and bring refund. It is difficult to place the rings are rings. So rewarded for enjoying sun will be post. Ordinary people have money, so they have the right to want to do is actually being easy, but not as easy as his self-destructive, poor miserable people want to report it thật là khó, khó nhưng mà làm được, đó mới thực là đáng quý vậy. 3.- Tùy duyên hết sức tu thập thiện Tùy lúc gặp duyên lành cứu giúp người, hay tùy hỷ công đức mà hành thiện, nếu phân biệt ra từng loại thì thật rất nhiều, nhưng đại khái có 10 loại như sau: thứ nhất, trợ giúp người cùng làm thiện; Quan district heard that awakened wrath subsided. The very poor, did not receive a little gift at all. Meet the prisoners at undernourished, often seek help. One day we prisoners to the new remote, along with food should not starving, but the lack of rice, bring to jail without eating all the pieces, so it's hard to eat a heartless, he negotiated with wife . The wife asked where the prisoners are from the Middle protection from Hangzhou to, along with not eating, hunger miserable, pale color as the ship leaves, it's watering down of rice porridge to eat prison support. The next time the two boys were born, the Prime Minister named Chen, the first sub-prime, are made ​​to the town hall again, one in Beijing, one in Nanjing; two grandchildren who, as head of marketing Figure lang, do things with integrity and constitutional (Monitoring Project Company) in Sichuan province, all children and grandchildren are the name of god. Currently, (ie at the time of first birth Willow Qualities) The Department of Family and Germany are also descendants of the family. 3. Orthodox dating back as Ming, Deng Mau revolt Unemployment in Fujian, according to Dr. invaders large population. Court shall appoint the accident scene in the district Period Bank, main male ejaculating, eradicate the enemy. After Admiral Zhang constitutional capital of their envoy Nicholas, chief henchmen father Fujian Province access monitoring company pursues the enemy in the eastern provinces. Nicholas Chengdu find the book lists the party's enemy; not according to the flesh are accompanied secret enemy be given a small flag with white cloth, engage the next day, the army attacked the flag in front of the house, the soldiers strict orders not kill indiscriminately, because How rescued ten thousand. After the son of Nicholas Tse's Do The pass poinsettias, as prime minister with grandson is African disaster. 4. Ms. Lin, the District Putian, on hard work with good old mother, often holding a visa Rice, who came immediately to the right and without seems troublesome, hate. A fairy costume directing staff, each morning to ask them claim to be six to seven years. Every day the same, for three years, day and that day so clearly comprehend the real heart of generosity that just does not wish anything. Human Therefore, Magi came saying I was eating three years of your house, do not know what took off. After the ground with you, so buried in that place, the descendants of the following officials, nobles truly endless as sesame contained in this league. The children went as far as to the grave marker that. New first phase saw the release even have published scientific nine elected, forever deprived of the zenith. In Hokkien saying there is no such person Lin list all academic subject. 5. Feng's father played using Trac Am also a baccalaureate in a winter morning sun is extremely bitter, taught school early to go to the district, along the road met a person is falling on snow-covered highway, the physical touch he saw his half was frozen, he took off his coat to wear and bring about relief for the province; God's dream that night and said you by devotion to save a life, and I will bring South America (a Chancellor of the Song Dynasty) reincarnated as a pupil, up until birth name came Trac Am America . 6. Consent letter the Minister upper Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, while also adult learning in the mountains, at night listening to the howling demons called gather together, howling often many creepy, but he was not afraid. One night she heard the devil told each other the husband and wife had not long to go away, at home parents forced to marry someone else, tomorrow night will be hanged here; so that we have the body then. He sells farm ground is four ounces of silver went author rhetoric husband wrote a letter accompanying the money sent home. Parents received a letter found in the writings unlike a bit skeptical but thought that the message may be fake, but the money did not author, said the news was hard to stop forced marriage anymore. The children then returned home, the couple happy together reunion saying, almost from the beginning. He heard the devil talking to each other: I'm going to be so close that the other guy baccalaureate ruin our stories. The other side says the devil: Why did not harm him? Other demons said: God saw very good hearted person, as much happiness, sounds good faith thick upper level directory, how bad do well. Whereupon they Ung self-healing takes effort, increasingly outsourcing charity, virtue increasingly more thick; having relatives have something to supply instant hearted tries to help them through difficult times, having to deal with cases of people probably do not know right and wrong, do not you understand the principle is the opposite he only blame themselves do not know how to behave with them, but cheerful equanimity not accepted, so as we made ​​mistakes. Descendants of academic park is actually achieved so far to no. 7. The district Enjoy, Jiangsu Province, they Waking From the name itself, Truc Phuong, his father is a wealthy landowner, having lost five seasons, before initiating the donation bowl, or vacant land rent anymore, then fell in rice Reserve the development standards for the poor. Night hear demons shouted at the door: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, their home baccalaureate degree from going into the hall, so on consecutive nights chanting constantly. Truly Truc Phuong Thi Huong year bachelor's degree. Truc Phuong's father saw it as part of public virtue, diligence, care little neglect doing good not tired; ordinary things that are very useful as conscientious as bridge repair, repair of roads, for boys actually increased, resupply the poor ... then heard chanting in front of the devil: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, bachelor them from city officials to close ups. Truc Phuong last week as the universe to the Bi Philosophy. 8. Ong Khanh Hy, the Government of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the original owner of the image held, usually in hell asked carefully examined the status of prisoners unjustly know many people are guilty. He does not take himself as to his merits, but written commentaries on the secret pathways, the upper house of the form letter. Later, the project was put on tidal volume are reviewed. Tang said the dials in questioning the status of prisoners absolve are dozens of people, leaving no one is available. At that time in the capital, all of them praised its chief true fair trial. He reports back to natural pathways: right in the capital city, but many people sentenced unfairly, then hundreds of millions of people from the four winds of water no stars from being unjustly quite up to five years in sending a reduction to investigate the formation of the project implementation review, or decreasing the felony, or absolve their release. Shanghai letter of the emperor, the solo form the offer immediately approved, and he is named in the list of those who were sent out to reduce the image. He dreamed that God's protection: the zero figure, reducing the formation of this proposal was very pleased with sun god should give you three boys wore gold belt cam cells. That night, the wife conceived after birth Huyen Ung, Kun Ying, Ying Tuan officials are glorious at all. 9. In the name Gia Hung Bang Bao, performance credits, his father made ​​fun attitude Tri Duong district were born seven children. By the youngest, send their roots in Vienna, Pinghu County with his father was assigned seats intensive, extensive learning resources, many times not graduate exam flavor so boring story but dedicated academic study Buddhism and Lao. One day trips Rabbit Lake in the eastern provinces, incidental to a temple in the village and that, see Avalokiteshvara statue was exposed beams patchy rain, he opened the bag is taken ten ounces of silver brought offerings to Air Upper Abbot revised from dilapidated temple statues to be wet, the monk's prospectus remodeling takes a lot of money, but not enough, e difficult to complete the work. How to open the chest cloudy By taking four cloth products Tung Giang, and seven double linen garments were new offerings bring to sell for extra money into renovating the temple. People do have regrets, to prevent the protection provided Covered By Bodhisattva statue being wet is, whether on earth we would not hurt anything. Abbot heard grateful tears saying, money, clothing, clothing detachment is not hard, just have such a sincere heart where there is not easy. Later, renovations completed, he led the father to go, night live at the temple, dreamed of the legal holder thanksgiving, said: Descendants you will receive a fortune in life. Later, his son and grandson are Sanh measures are published scientific method, passed the official glorious. 10. Lap Chi's father, the district Jiashan, made ​​at room criminal prisoners unjustly being unfairly braking function of a felony, he pitied want to save lives. Prisoners grateful to his wife that the Sub-hearted wish absolve us save lives, really ashamed that I did not have much in reward virtues are. Tomorrow, you go home offered to bring the body servant, or that he shall employ you, surely we can all live that way. The husband and wife cried that hear; Details coming up when they, themselves invited to hang down and show off her husband's wishes. Chi but they do not listen, but still helpful to transparency unjust sentence. The prisoner was spared, both husband and wife came home early stage thanksgiving sure: Payment of kindness so thick, rare in real life, now we have grown daughters want to progress as a business card leads to servant of the house, this is often the right thing. Chi shopping district birth to their offerings and do admit cards, new born Chi Lap twenty parked laureates to make the entries in official Confucian Academy. Making born Cao, Cao Loc are born to learn both broad and organizational unit. Loc born London University academics also recommended list. Ten stories on here, but the behavior, actions of different characters, but are provided to meet the healing goodness retribution. II-What friendly? 1. Discuss clearly improved. Considering a keen that said, they have good legs author, with upright with hidden track, with a positive tone, whether or not, or have legitimate differences, there is full with, a profile with modern, easy to difficult, obviously need to discuss. Doing good deeds without understanding the doctrine, feel free to do their job is doing good, he would not have created from industrial waste lose heart in vain. What is honorable and good fake? Xưa have some grapes Chinese Feng student audience monk (a high-rise Yuan Dynasty) that asks the evil nemesis rash follow the ball, which heals see the good, bad meets evil; There are good that person that children do not prosper, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as Buddha said about retributive really unfounded stars? Venerable said he was not ordinary sentiments clean, not pure, virgin Property labels, often receive good from evil, for evil is good; Such people are not rare, confused himself to the left, for evil is good, the good is evil, crazy crazy island without resentment or even blame God for the report is wrong, is not fair u . We scholar asked: Everyone is good to see the good, see evil for evil, why protection is confused, contradictory, so crazy? Monk said they tried examples see how the situation is good and what is evil. One of them said to curse the evil beating, reverent, respectful and good people. Venerable say not so certain. Some others are greedy, get the wrong person is evil, preserving the integrity transparent bar is good. Monk also told not to do so. Everyone in turn give examples of good and evil, but Chinese Feng monks were told not to do so. They are sometimes humanity monk lecturing. 2. Defines good teaching venerable Chinese performer that: Work is useful for people who are good, but only for their own benefit is evil. This is useful for people, whether they hit or verbally abused and called good, useful only for himself whether reverence, courtesy of the matter is evil. Therefore, the good deeds that benefit the public is just as invested in their favor, the truth is, there is a false investment. Again, do good that comes from the hearts of the leg, and superficial, perfunctory that make false charity. Furthermore, doing good without thinking of a reward at all is honorable, contrary hoping a return is false charity, which is the need to examine yourself carefully. What is right, hidden track? Now we see a careful docile but quickly sort out the good people can be tolerated. The saints who are different uses, rather use a Graduate crazy arrogant, officials said excavation intensity talented players than boldly forward. The careful docile, but in life who also preferred to be good, but no saints for the uplifting character, obedient labor not only understand morality should have no benefit for the customary ethical background. For these notions of good and evil qualities, good and bad really obvious differences, contrasts with that saint. By extension, any choice between good and evil, kept or let go of life are not the same with the saints, and place hell, demons regarded as being, improved graphics, sexual misconduct, are contrary to the standard contract with another saint, but apart from the mundane. Every good wish to accumulate all have come from space potential of the true mind has been purged of all the evil, decided not to make false entries atrial doing good for themselves self-interest investments. Of one heart to save life is right, even if there's little eyelashes, ingratiating to fame, fortune, it is the hidden track action, only of one heart revered person is upright, there bit of cynicism, contempt for people who are hidden track; should discuss thoroughly. What sounds good, positive good? Every good work that everyone is aware of the positive-called charity, good deeds which no one knows the negative virtue, actually had hell spirits knew, should have negative virtue will naturally be induced retribution; positively enjoying good reputation in the world, has a reputation that is already being reported then. Historically, people have a list, a voice often jealous jealous nature; so those lofty reputation that really does not have much merit worthy of that reputation, often encounter any more disasters occur. Those who have no sin, but suddenly suffered a bad reputation unjust, then their children will get in return, quickly prospered. Spot the difference of positive and negative charity charity should carefully consider carefully. What is right and not right? Water Hole Hole, there was no law redeem the captives as menials in the vassals of all Government agencies are bonuses. Tu Cong (Confucian virtues pupil named Tu) ransomed people for not getting a bonus. Khong said sorry to hear that bothers sure: Four working furniture and books. Oh, holy conduct single move correctable customs and habits change, as an example calculation for immediate follow, not just for the right to do things their own. Now the state of Lu, less rich, the poor, many, if received reward money is involved, is not incorruptible, while failing to reward the poor stars have continued to redeem the money? Henceforth sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another. Death Road (name Therefore, students Confucian virtues) save people from drowning, is eat a buffalo. Tu Lo received, Confucian ethics or something joyful sure that from now on there will be many water holes lo emergency drowning man. Just grab eyes earthy Cong Son, that should be no territorial or bonus, and Tu Lo donation buffalo is poor. But other interpretations of the holy flesh so contrary to Confucian ethics that cut Tu Do chosen. So know the good deeds should not only think about money interests mark whether the action should have nothing bad influence on later or not, should not discuss the most benefit in this life time to think about future distant future, nor should just think for themselves personally think that the whole world to mass again. The work now though ostensibly to improve in the future but to harm people, it really was not that good good, even though the current work was not good but the latter has benefits help people, but today was not good, but the fact is that good. Not over here just get a few things for the table what is good and not good only. However, in life there are many similar circumstances, such as the idea that the ceremony, to be faithful, from center to left ceremony that really means, not faithful or from the heart; must be determined carefully selected. What is bias and legitimate? Rococo, Mr. La Van Italy, while the new prime minister to resign, bug repatriation, four people welcome as Thai Son, the Légion d'. But there is a drunkard Sauna defamed him. La estate calmly told the servants: He who say do not accept, despite his closed door. Over a year later, that person is guilty of death and imprisoned. La aware of the new situation regret that the price we caught that day he gave his sanction, the dentist can only be punished sex with a minor crime that inevitably felony later. I then wanted to keep the goodness forgive him, unexpectedly turned out to nourish his folly to commit crimes such death today. It was a good job by virtue of which turned out to do evil. Again, when working with evil mind, as it encounters a wealthy businessmen bad year, poor daylight robberies in the right place grain market the quarter, reported the district to district untreated, poor people are more abuses. Particular family went behave themselves for arrest looters were detained punished stabilize the situation, if such action would rob disorder. The reason that everyone knows to do good and evil is plausible that bias, but the main interest is good but, as it turns out that the evil is so biased it is natural to call in the main; center but also evil that it turned out good work, it is the same in heaven. The reason for this could not clearly understand. What is full and with (selling and fulfillment)? Ching said that no good deed for the lot does not accumulate enough to be well-known fame, evil without excess many did not look close enough to reprisal. Scriptures have to say too much crime Shang like a broken dam so that Head kingdom destroyed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, and slothful shall not be built again with rather full. The story is full or with charity work, such as selling or chronic. Past a benefactor female Buddha in the temple, offerings but want no money, only two brass pocket and brought out to the offerings. Abbot himself Bai dedication ceremony for. After that female workers are employed in supply, money, wealth has in abundance, to bring a thousand Buddha temple silver offerings. Abbot sent his disciples to replace dedication ceremony only. The other female patron saw it and asked: Previously I only have two contracts offered by the staff personally Bai dedication ceremony for now offering thousands of silver that does not associate yourself why this ceremony ? Monk replied: Before money is meager results alms, but out of sincere heart, if you do not personally Bai increased dedication is not enough to repay her kindness. Now donations but it's way too much, but the mind is not sincere generosity as before, be sure to see you rise disciples celebrated enough. With sincerely pleased to donations only two contracts that the charity is fulfilled, and the generosity of thousands of silver, but the heart is not even necessarily the only merit is partial only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Then Pluto said: Every thought is a crime since evil does not need to wait until there is actually committed or not. Gain key is to ask the little book stating what good deeds. Pluto said court has ever contemplated starting repair work great stone bridge in Tam Son, the scary expostulate. Number of documents that have recorded in this book. Weight Gain extra: The official yet scary, but the court did not care according to the rhythm, then what is the point where the job? Pluto then told said that: y according to court not solo, but it's a good idea to your house for the sake of the people, letting them from hard labor, from heavy taxation, if that word was instrumental court under the care of your merit to be so great. So if you have aspirations to work for national interests galaxy, the public, despite the fact that there is little work that merits greater, even if the individual thinks only for himself, despite the fact that there is as much merit smaller so. What is difficult and easy? The old fairy grapes have said we want to overcome her, wants to win her heart, the place to start is difficult to overcome that commenced before. Confucius said kindness discuss starting place is difficult to implement before, ie from place to win their hearts, since it would be hard to do, then they will also easily done. As he Letters them in Jiangxi remove all wages collected in two years teaching to bring the payment of money owed ​​except to help the couple from house reunion abducted from his house as servants; it can be called that place hard to let go let go of it. Near them back as the old man in Zhenjiang advanced age, children are not descendants, phosphorus has brought home a young girl to do business cards loaded, but he is not heartless capture and bring refund. It is difficult to place the rings are rings. So rewarded for enjoying sun will be post. Ordinary people have money, so they have the right to want to do is actually being easy, but not as easy as his self-destructive, poor miserable people want to report it it's hard, but that's hard to do, that's real is so precious. 3. Depending coast Pyramid very good at having affinity Depending help people, or rejoicing in the Lord that which is good, if a distinction each type is really a lot, but roughly 10 categories as follows: First, help people and do good; Monday, keeping the love people; Tuesday, a man full of good works; Wednesday, encouraging people to do good; Thursday, rescue of persons in danger; Friday, construction, renovations have great benefits; Saturday, exhaust resources alms; eighth, keeping protected Dharma; ninth, respected religious heads; tenth, mourn the lives of animals. What help do the same charity? Rococo King Shun, ie not your time, find people fishing in the lagoon rebuke, paintings are occupied deep water fish, while the elderly to find a place to shallow water rapids little fish that hit, should have compassion indignant, he is also to fishing; see also contested seats person, then he is silent silent vice to him, and see who has heart gave way, he praised that imitate it also gave way to others. A year later, the fish in the deep water, who have a heart to make room for each other without further struggle. Oh, King Shun really is wise, is it not take that advice instructive words are the stars ! But do not use words that use myself as an example for others to take their self-modification. This is where the clever use of mental suffering and that of King Shun. They're in this degenerate life should not find yourself with room facilities where people despise pinched, should not take place or that his good compared Review people; should not find themselves with the power of the forces that make people miserable; If you have talent there is no place to brag expression that should hide out inside his talent as a young, poor location as there is not really anything, and see who can fault tolerance hide it unnecessarily for, ie hidden evil that good positive. One is to let people wonder which fixes two bugs are letting them know that dare not afraid Captain cavalry raid liberals do. If you see a person or place may well learn to accept, even as small good deeds should also remember right, not only to earn a spot yourself or the people, but also praised the arts for everyone to know . All that work everyday, a word, an action should not be entirely due to his advantage by doing so set out principles and benefiting think heaven, Mass. This is where the quality of the gentleman who regarded the earth as they are private companies. What is keeping the love people? The gentleman and sub-human, if we only consider the shape of the surface is often confused with the difficult Regardless, there is only one point difference between good and evil exist far is that the mind knows to keep his heart, and therefore the judgment is clearly contrary to the ideals of black and white together; so says the reason the other gentleman who was so interested in that existed. It existed gentleman's mind is just reverence, love people. In general the people in life have relatives or application on man, someone intelligent or intellectual cretinism dense, with Virtue ethics or byproducts to death, thousands of thousands of people who do not like someone, but are My fellow, are the same as our physical, why did loves it? Saints, sages have always respected, loved their public benefit, if we also loving people is coinciding with the heart of the Sages, such as reverence we love them personally. If we are to understand the aspirations of the mass that is understood by the mind of the sages. Because life is the aspiration of people look forward to the benefit of peace, but the mind of sages is so inherently mass that makes them as you wish, elect any voluntary basis; our hearts if coincide with loving reverence of saints and sages that makes mass peaceful means we have saints and sages that benefited everybody so. What is the good of the whole person ? A stone in emerald if there will surely be cast as stone tiles shattered, but if you bring honed, chiseled into Khue will surely show, reap royal jewels. So that everyone saw people doing good, or will see the quality and progress, they can succeed, should induce, assist them; praise or encouragement, or keep them covered; or excuse for their household or shared with them so unjustly been the jealous that they falsely defamed graphics, reinforced stars help them succeed only. I've seen half frozen, he took off his coat to wear and bring about relief for the province; God's dream that night and said you by devotion to save a life, and I will bring South America (a Chancellor of the Song Dynasty) reincarnated as a pupil, up until birth name came Trac Am America . 6. Consent letter the Minister upper Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, while also adult learning in the mountains, at night listening to the howling demons called gather together, howling often many creepy, but he was not afraid. One night she heard the devil told each other the husband and wife had not long to go away, at home parents forced to marry someone else, tomorrow night will be hanged here; so that we have the body then. He sells farm ground is four ounces of silver went author rhetoric husband wrote a letter accompanying the money sent home. Parents received a letter found in the writings unlike a bit skeptical but thought that the message may be fake, but the money did not author, said the news was hard to stop forced marriage anymore. The children then returned home, the couple happy together reunion saying, almost from the beginning. He heard the devil talking to each other: I'm going to be so close that the other guy baccalaureate ruin our stories. The other side says the devil: Why did not harm him? Other demons said: God saw very good hearted person, as much happiness, sounds good faith thick upper level directory, how bad do well. Whereupon they Ung self-healing takes effort, increasingly outsourcing charity, virtue increasingly more thick; having relatives have something to supply instant hearted tries to help them through difficult times, having to deal with cases of people probably do not know right and wrong, do not you understand the principle is the opposite he only blame themselves do not know how to behave with them, but cheerful equanimity not accepted, so as we made ​​mistakes. Descendants of academic park is actually achieved so far to no. 7. The district Enjoy, Jiangsu Province, they Waking From the name itself, Truc Phuong, his father is a wealthy landowner, having lost five seasons, before initiating the donation bowl, or vacant land rent anymore, then fell in rice Reserve the development standards for the poor. Night hear demons shouted at the door: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, their home baccalaureate degree from going into the hall, so on consecutive nights chanting constantly. Truly Truc Phuong Thi Huong year bachelor's degree. Truc Phuong's father saw it as part of public virtue, diligence, care little neglect doing good not tired; ordinary things that are very useful as conscientious as bridge repair, repair of roads, for boys actually increased, resupply the poor ... then heard chanting in front of the devil: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, bachelor them from city officials to close ups. Truc Phuong last week as the universe to the Bi Philosophy. 8. Ong Khanh Hy, the Government of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the original owner of the image held, usually in hell asked carefully examined the status of prisoners unjustly know many people are guilty. He does not take himself as to his merits, but written commentaries on the secret pathways, the upper house of the form letter. Later, the project was put on tidal volume are reviewed. Tang said the dials in questioning the status of prisoners absolve are dozens of people, leaving no one is available. At that time in the capital, all of them praised its chief true fair trial. He reports back to natural pathways: right in the capital city, but many people sentenced unfairly, then hundreds of millions of people from the four winds of water no stars from being unjustly quite up to five years in sending a reduction to investigate the formation of the project implementation review, or decreasing the felony, or absolve their release. Shanghai letter of the emperor, the solo form the offer immediately approved, and he is named in the list of those who were sent out to reduce the image. He dreamed that God's protection: the zero figure, reducing the formation of this proposal was very pleased with sun god should give you three boys wore gold belt cam cells. That night, the wife conceived after birth Huyen Ung, Kun Ying, Ying Tuan officials are glorious at all. 9. In the name Gia Hung Bang Bao, performance credits, his father made ​​fun attitude Tri Duong district were born seven children. By the youngest, send their roots in Vienna, Pinghu County with his father was assigned seats intensive, extensive learning resources, many times not graduate exam flavor so boring story but dedicated academic study Buddhism and Lao. One day trips Rabbit Lake in the eastern provinces, incidental to a temple in the village and that, see Avalokiteshvara statue was exposed beams patchy rain, he opened the bag is taken ten ounces of silver brought offerings to Air Upper Abbot revised from dilapidated temple statues to be wet, the monk's prospectus remodeling takes a lot of money, but not enough, e difficult to complete the work. How to open the chest cloudy By taking four cloth products Tung Giang, and seven double linen garments were new offerings bring to sell for extra money into renovating the temple. People do have regrets, to prevent the protection provided Covered By Bodhisattva statue being wet is, whether on earth we would not hurt anything. Abbot heard grateful tears saying, money, clothing, clothing detachment is not hard, just have such a sincere heart where there is not easy. Later, renovations completed, he led the father to go, night live at the temple, dreamed of the legal holder thanksgiving, said: Descendants you will receive a fortune in life. Later, his son and grandson are Sanh measures are published scientific method, passed the official glorious. 10. Lap Chi's father, the district Jiashan, made ​​at room criminal prisoners unjustly being unfairly braking function of a felony, he pitied want to save lives. Prisoners grateful to his wife that the Sub-hearted wish absolve us save lives, really ashamed that I did not have much in reward virtues are. Tomorrow, you go home offered to bring the body servant, or that he shall employ you, surely we can all live that way. The husband and wife cried that hear; Details coming up when they, themselves invited to hang down and show off her husband's wishes. Chi but they do not listen, but still helpful to transparency unjust sentence. The prisoner was spared, both husband and wife came home early stage thanksgiving sure: Payment of kindness so thick, rare in real life, now we have grown daughters want to progress as a business card leads to servant of the house, this is often the right thing. Chi shopping district birth to their offerings and do admit cards, new born Chi Lap twenty parked laureates to make the entries in official Confucian Academy. Making born Cao, Cao Loc are born to learn both broad and organizational unit. Loc born London University academics also recommended list. Ten stories on here, but the behavior, actions of different characters, but are provided to meet the healing goodness retribution. II-What friendly? 1. Discuss clearly improved. Considering a keen that said, they have good legs author, with upright with hidden track, with a positive tone, whether or not, or have legitimate differences, there is full with, a profile with modern, easy to difficult, obviously need to discuss. Doing good deeds without understanding the doctrine, feel free to do their job is doing good, he would not have created from industrial waste lose heart in vain. What is honorable and good fake? Xưa have some grapes Chinese Feng student audience monk (a high-rise Yuan Dynasty) that asks the evil nemesis rash follow the ball, which heals see the good, bad meets evil; There are good that person that children do not prosper, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as Buddha said about retributive really unfounded stars? Venerable said he was not ordinary sentiments clean, not pure, virgin Property labels, often receive good from evil, for evil is good; Such people are not rare, confused himself to the left, for evil is good, the good is evil, crazy crazy island without resentment or even blame God for the report is wrong, is not fair u . We scholar asked: Everyone is good to see the good, see evil for evil, why protection is confused, contradictory, so crazy? Monk said they tried examples see how the situation is good and what is evil. One of them said to curse the evil beating, reverent, respectful and good people. Venerable say not so certain. Some others are greedy, get the wrong person is evil, preserving the integrity transparent bar is good. Monk also told not to do so. Everyone in turn give examples of good and evil, but Chinese Feng monks were told not to do so. They are sometimes humanity monk lecturing. 2. Defines good teaching venerable Chinese performer that: Work is useful for people who are good, but only for their own benefit is evil. This is useful for people, whether they hit or verbally abused and called good, useful only for himself whether reverence, courtesy of the matter is evil. Therefore, the good deeds that benefit the public is just as invested in their favor, the truth is, there is a false investment. Again, do good that comes from the hearts of the leg, and superficial, perfunctory that make false charity. Furthermore, doing good without thinking of a reward at all is honorable, contrary hoping a return is false charity, which is the need to examine yourself carefully. What is right, hidden track? Now we see a careful docile but quickly sort out the good people can be tolerated. The saints who are different uses, rather use a Graduate crazy arrogant, officials said excavation intensity talented players than boldly forward. The careful docile, but in life who also preferred to be good, but no saints for the uplifting character, obedient labor not only understand morality should have no benefit for the customary ethical background. For these notions of good and evil qualities, good and bad really obvious differences, contrasts with that saint. By extension, any choice between good and evil, kept or let go of life are not the same with the saints, and place hell, demons regarded as being, improved graphics, sexual misconduct, are contrary to the standard contract with another saint, but apart from the mundane. Every good wish to accumulate all have come from space potential of the true mind has been purged of all the evil, decided not to make false entries atrial doing good for themselves self-interest investments. Of one heart to save life is right, even if there's little eyelashes, ingratiating to fame, fortune, it is the hidden track action, only of one heart revered person is upright, there bit of cynicism, contempt for people who are hidden track; should discuss thoroughly. What sounds good, positive good? Every good work that everyone is aware of the positive-called charity, good deeds which no one knows the negative virtue, actually had hell spirits knew, should have negative virtue will naturally be induced retribution; positively enjoying good reputation in the world, has a reputation that is already being reported then. Historically, people have a list, a voice often jealous jealous nature; so those lofty reputation that really does not have much merit worthy of that reputation, often encounter any more disasters occur. Those who have no sin, but suddenly suffered a bad reputation unjust, then their children will get in return, quickly prospered. Spot the difference of positive and negative charity charity should carefully consider carefully. What is right and not right? Water Hole Hole, there was no law redeem the captives as menials in the vassals of all Government agencies are bonuses. Tu Cong (Confucian virtues pupil named Tu) ransomed people for not getting a bonus. Khong said sorry to hear that bothers sure: Four working furniture and books. Oh, holy conduct single move correctable customs and habits change, as an example calculation for immediate follow, not just for the right to do things their own. Now the state of Lu, less rich, the poor, many, if received reward money is involved, is not incorruptible, while failing to reward the poor stars have continued to redeem the money? Henceforth sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another. Death Road (name Therefore, students Confucian virtues) save people from drowning, is eat a buffalo. Tu Lo received, Confucian ethics or something joyful sure that from now on there will be many water holes lo emergency drowning man. Just grab eyes earthy Cong Son, that should be no territorial or bonus, and Tu Lo donation buffalo is poor. But other interpretations of the holy flesh so contrary to Confucian ethics that cut Tu Do chosen. So know the good deeds should not only think about money interests mark whether the action should have nothing bad influence on later or not, should not discuss the most benefit in this life time to think about future distant future, nor should just think for themselves personally think that the whole world to mass again. The work now though ostensibly to improve in the future but to harm people, it really was not that good good, even though the current work was not good but the latter has benefits help people, but today was not good, but the fact is that good. Not over here just get a few things for the table what is good and not good only. However, in life there are many similar circumstances, such as the idea that the ceremony, to be faithful, from center to left ceremony that really means, not faithful or from the heart; must be determined carefully selected. What is bias and legitimate? Rococo, Mr. La Van Italy, while the new prime minister to resign, bug repatriation, four people welcome as Thai Son, the Légion d'. But there is a drunkard Sauna defamed him. La estate calmly told the servants: He who say do not accept, despite his closed door. Over a year later, that person is guilty of death and imprisoned. La aware of the new situation regret that the price we caught that day he gave his sanction, the dentist can only be punished sex with a minor crime that inevitably felony later. I then wanted to keep the goodness forgive him, unexpectedly turned out to nourish his folly to commit crimes such death today. It was a good job by virtue of which turned out to do evil. Again, when working with evil mind, as it encounters a wealthy businessmen bad year, poor daylight robberies in the right place grain market the quarter, reported the district to district untreated, poor people are more abuses. Particular family went behave themselves for arrest looters were detained punished stabilize the situation, if such action would rob disorder. The reason that everyone knows to do good and evil is plausible that bias, but the main interest is good but, as it turns out that the evil is so biased it is natural to call in the main; center but also evil that it turned out good work, it is the same in heaven. The reason for this could not clearly understand. What is full and with (selling and fulfillment)? Ching said that no good deed for the lot does not accumulate enough to be well-known fame, evil without excess many did not look close enough to reprisal. Scriptures have to say too much crime Shang like a broken dam so that Head kingdom destroyed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, and slothful shall not be built again with rather full. The story is full or with charity work, such as selling or chronic. Past a benefactor female Buddha in the temple, offerings but want no money, only two brass pocket and brought out to the offerings. Abbot himself Bai dedication ceremony for. After that female workers are employed in supply, money, wealth has in abundance, to bring a thousand Buddha temple silver offerings. Abbot sent his disciples to replace dedication ceremony only. The other female patron saw it and asked: Previously I only have two contracts offered by the staff personally Bai dedication ceremony for now offering thousands of silver that does not associate yourself why this ceremony ? Monk replied: Before money is meager results alms, but out of sincere heart, if you do not personally Bai increased dedication is not enough to repay her kindness. Now donations but it's way too much, but the mind is not sincere generosity as before, be sure to see you rise disciples celebrated enough. With sincerely pleased to donations only two contracts that the charity is fulfilled, and the generosity of thousands of silver, but the heart is not even necessarily the only merit is partial only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Then Pluto said: Every thought is a crime since evil does not need to wait until there is actually committed or not. Gain key is to ask the little book stating what good deeds. Pluto said court has ever contemplated starting repair work great stone bridge in Tam Son, the scary expostulate. Number of documents that have recorded in this book. Weight Gain extra: The official yet scary, but the court did not care according to the rhythm, then what is the point where the job? Pluto then told said that: y according to court not solo, but it's a good idea to your house for the sake of the people, letting them from hard labor, from heavy taxation, if that word was instrumental court under the care of your merit to be so great. So if you have aspirations to work for national interests galaxy, the public, despite the fact that there is little work that merits greater, even if the individual thinks only for himself, despite the fact that there is as much merit smaller so. What is difficult and easy? The old fairy grapes have said we want to overcome her, wants to win her heart, the place to start is difficult to overcome that commenced before. Confucius said kindness discuss starting place is difficult to implement before, ie from place to win their hearts, since it would be hard to do, then they will also easily done. As he Letters them in Jiangxi remove all wages collected in two years teaching to bring the payment of money owed ​​except to help the couple from house reunion abducted from his house as servants; it can be called that place hard to let go let go of it. Near them back as the old man in Zhenjiang advanced age, children are not descendants, phosphorus has brought home a young girl to do business cards loaded, but he is not heartless capture and bring refund. It is difficult to place the rings are rings. So rewarded for enjoying sun will be post. Ordinary people have money, so they have the right to want to do is actually being easy, but not as easy as his self-destructive, poor miserable people want to report it it's hard, but that's hard to do, that's real is so precious. 3. Depending coast Pyramid very good at having affinity Depending help people, or rejoicing in the Lord that which is good, if a distinction each type is really a lot, but roughly 10 categories as follows: First, help people and do good; Monday, keeping the love people; Tuesday, a man full of good works; Wednesday, encouraging people to do good; Thursday, rescue of persons in danger; Friday, construction, renovations have great benefits; Saturday, exhaust resources alms; eighth, keeping protected Dharma; ninth, respected religious heads; tenth, mourn the lives of animals. What help do the same charity? Rococo King Shun, ie not your time, find people fishing in the lagoon rebuke, paintings are occupied deep water fish, while the elderly to find a place to shallow water rapids little fish that hit, should have compassion indignant, he is also to fishing; see also contested seats person, then he is silent silent vice to him, and see who has heart gave way, he praised that imitate it also gave way to others. A year later, the fish in the deep water, who have a heart to make room for each other without further struggle. Oh, King Shun really is wise, is it not take that advice instructive words are the stars ! But do not use words that use myself as an example for others to take their self-modification. This is where the clever use of mental suffering and that of King Shun. They're in this degenerate life should not find yourself with room facilities where people despise pinched, should not take place or that his good compared Review people; should not find themselves with the power of the forces that make people miserable; If you have talent there is no place to brag expression that should hide out inside his talent as a young, poor location as there is not really anything, and see who can fault tolerance hide it unnecessarily for, ie hidden evil that good positive. One is to let people wonder which fixes two bugs are letting them know that dare not afraid Captain cavalry raid liberals do. If you see a person or place may well learn to accept, even as small good deeds should also remember right, not only to earn a spot yourself or the people, but also praised the arts for everyone to know . All that work everyday, a word, an action should not be entirely due to his advantage by doing so set out principles and benefiting think heaven, Mass. This is where the quality of the gentleman who regarded the earth as they are private companies. What is keeping the love people? The gentleman and sub-human, if we only consider the shape of the surface is often confused with the difficult Regardless, there is only one point difference between good and evil exist far is that the mind knows to keep his heart, and therefore the judgment is clearly contrary to the ideals of black and white together; so says the reason the other gentleman who was so interested in that existed. It existed gentleman's mind is just reverence, love people. In general the people in life have relatives or application on man, someone intelligent or intellectual cretinism dense, with Virtue ethics or byproducts to death, thousands of thousands of people who do not like someone, but are My fellow, are the same as our physical, why did loves it? Saints, sages have always respected, loved their public benefit, if we also loving people is coinciding with the heart of the Sages, such as reverence we love them personally. If we are to understand the aspirations of the mass that is understood by the mind of the sages. Because life is the aspiration of people look forward to the benefit of peace, but the mind of sages is so inherently mass that makes them as you wish, elect any voluntary basis; our hearts if coincide with loving reverence of saints and sages that makes mass peaceful means we have saints and sages that benefited everybody so. What is the good of the whole person ? A stone in emerald if there will surely be cast as stone tiles shattered, but if you bring honed, chiseled into Khue will surely show, reap royal jewels. So that everyone saw people doing good, or will see the quality and progress, they can succeed, should induce, assist them; praise or encouragement, or keep them covered; or excuse for their household or shared with them so unjustly been the jealous that they falsely defamed graphics, reinforced stars help them succeed only. I've seen half frozen, he took off his coat to wear and bring about relief for the province; God's dream that night and said you by devotion to save a life, and I will bring South America (a Chancellor of the Song Dynasty) reincarnated as a pupil, up until birth name came Trac Am America . 6. Consent letter the Minister upper Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, while also adult learning in the mountains, at night listening to the howling demons called gather together, howling often many creepy, but he was not afraid. One night she heard the devil told each other the husband and wife had not long to go away, at home parents forced to marry someone else, tomorrow night will be hanged here; so that we have the body then. He sells farm ground is four ounces of silver went author rhetoric husband wrote a letter accompanying the money sent home. Parents received a letter found in the writings unlike a bit skeptical but thought that the message may be fake, but the money did not author, said the news was hard to stop forced marriage anymore. The children then returned home, the couple happy together reunion saying, almost from the beginning. He heard the devil talking to each other: I'm going to be so close that the other guy baccalaureate ruin our stories. The other side says the devil: Why did not harm him? Other demons said: God saw very good hearted person, as much happiness, sounds good faith thick upper level directory, how bad do well. Whereupon they Ung self-healing takes effort, increasingly outsourcing charity, virtue increasingly more thick; having relatives have something to supply instant hearted tries to help them through difficult times, having to deal with cases of people probably do not know right and wrong, do not you understand the principle is the opposite he only blame themselves do not know how to behave with them, but cheerful equanimity not accepted, so as we made ​​mistakes. Descendants of academic park is actually achieved so far to no. 7. The district Enjoy, Jiangsu Province, they Waking From the name itself, Truc Phuong, his father is a wealthy landowner, having lost five seasons, before initiating the donation bowl, or vacant land rent anymore, then fell in rice Reserve the development standards for the poor. Night hear demons shouted at the door: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, their home baccalaureate degree from going into the hall, so on consecutive nights chanting constantly. Truly Truc Phuong Thi Huong year bachelor's degree. Truc Phuong's father saw it as part of public virtue, diligence, care little neglect doing good not tired; ordinary things that are very useful as conscientious as bridge repair, repair of roads, for boys actually increased, resupply the poor ... then heard chanting in front of the devil: a thousand times no wrong, ten thousand times no wrong, bachelor them from city officials to close ups. Truc Phuong last week as the universe to the Bi Philosophy. 8. Ong Khanh Hy, the Government of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the original owner of the image held, usually in hell asked carefully examined the status of prisoners unjustly know many people are guilty. He does not take himself as to his merits, but written commentaries on the secret pathways, the upper house of the form letter. Later, the project was put on tidal volume are reviewed. Tang said the dials in questioning the status of prisoners absolve are dozens of people, leaving no one is available. At that time in the capital, all of them praised its chief true fair trial. He reports back to natural pathways: right in the capital city, but many people sentenced unfairly, then hundreds of millions of people from the four winds of water no stars from being unjustly quite up to five years in sending a reduction to investigate the formation of the project implementation review, or decreasing the felony, or absolve their release. Shanghai letter of the emperor, the solo form the offer immediately approved, and he is named in the list of those who were sent out to reduce the image. He dreamed that God's protection: the zero figure, reducing the formation of this proposal was very pleased with sun god should give you three boys wore gold belt cam cells. That night, the wife conceived after birth Huyen Ung, Kun Ying, Ying Tuan officials are glorious at all. 9. In the name Gia Hung Bang Bao, performance credits, his father made ​​fun attitude Tri Duong district were born seven children. By the youngest, send their roots in Vienna, Pinghu County with his father was assigned seats intensive, extensive learning resources, many times not graduate exam flavor so boring story but dedicated academic study Buddhism and Lao. One day trips Rabbit Lake in the eastern provinces, incidental to a temple in the village and that, see Avalokiteshvara statue was exposed beams patchy rain, he opened the bag is taken ten ounces of silver brought offerings to Air Upper Abbot revised from dilapidated temple statues to be wet, the monk's prospectus remodeling takes a lot of money, but not enough, e difficult to complete the work. How to open the chest cloudy By taking four cloth products Tung Giang, and seven double linen garments were new offerings bring to sell for extra money into renovating the temple. People do have regrets, to prevent the protection provided Covered By Bodhisattva statue being wet is, whether on earth we would not hurt anything. Abbot heard grateful tears saying, money, clothing, clothing detachment is not hard, just have such a sincere heart where there is not easy. Later, renovations completed, he led the father to go, night live at the temple, dreamed of the legal holder thanksgiving, said: Descendants you will receive a fortune in life. Later, his son and grandson are Sanh measures are published scientific method, passed the official glorious. 10. Lap Chi's father, the district Jiashan, made ​​at room criminal prisoners unjustly being unfairly braking function of a felony, he pitied want to save lives. Prisoners grateful to his wife that the Sub-hearted wish absolve us save lives, really ashamed that I did not have much in reward virtues are. Tomorrow, you go home offered to bring the body servant, or that he shall employ you, surely we can all live that way. The husband and wife cried that hear; Details coming up when they, themselves invited to hang down and show off her husband's wishes. Chi but they do not listen, but still helpful to transparency unjust sentence. The prisoner was spared, both husband and wife came home early stage thanksgiving sure: Payment of kindness so thick, rare in real life, now we have grown daughters want to progress as a business card leads to servant of the house, this is often the right thing. Chi shopping district birth to their offerings and do admit cards, new born Chi Lap twenty parked laureates to make the entries in official Confucian Academy. Making born Cao, Cao Loc are born to learn both broad and organizational unit. Loc born London University academics also recommended list. Ten stories on here, but the behavior, actions of different characters, but are provided to meet the healing goodness retribution. II-What friendly? 1. Discuss clearly improved. Considering a keen that said, they have good legs author, with upright with hidden track, with a positive tone, whether or not, or have legitimate differences, there is full with, a profile with modern, easy to difficult, obviously need to discuss. Doing good deeds without understanding the doctrine, feel free to do their job is doing good, he would not have created from industrial waste lose heart in vain. What is honorable and good fake? Xưa have some grapes Chinese Feng student audience monk (a high-rise Yuan Dynasty) that asks the evil nemesis rash follow the ball, which heals see the good, bad meets evil; There are good that person that children do not prosper, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as Buddha said about retributive really unfounded stars? Venerable said he was not ordinary sentiments clean, not pure, virgin Property labels, often receive good from evil, for evil is good; Such people are not rare, confused himself to the left, for evil is good, the good is evil, crazy crazy island without resentment or even blame God for the report is wrong, is not fair u . We scholar asked: Everyone is good to see the good, see evil for evil, why protection is confused, contradictory, so crazy? Monk said they tried examples see how the situation is good and what is evil. One of them said to curse the evil beating, reverent, respectful and good people. Venerable say not so certain. Some others are greedy, get the wrong person is evil, preserving the integrity transparent bar is good. Monk also told not to do so. Everyone in turn give examples of good and evil, but Chinese Feng monks were told not to do so. They are sometimes humanity monk lecturing. 2. Defines good teaching venerable Chinese performer that: Work is useful for people who are good, but only for their own benefit is evil. This is useful for people, whether they hit or verbally abused and called good, useful only for himself whether reverence, courtesy of the matter is evil. Therefore, the good deeds that benefit the public is just as invested in their favor, the truth is, there is a false investment. Again, do good that comes from the hearts of the leg, and superficial, perfunctory that make false charity. Furthermore, doing good without thinking of a reward at all is honorable, contrary hoping a return is false charity, which is the need to examine yourself carefully. What is right, hidden track? Now we see a careful docile but quickly sort out the good people can be tolerated. The saints who are different uses, rather use a Graduate crazy arrogant, officials said excavation intensity talented players than boldly forward. The careful docile, but in life who also preferred to be good, but no saints for the uplifting character, obedient labor not only understand morality should have no benefit for the customary ethical background. For these notions of good and evil qualities, good and bad really obvious differences, contrasts with that saint. By extension, any choice between good and evil, kept or let go of life are not the same with the saints, and place hell, demons regarded as being, improved graphics, sexual misconduct, are contrary to the standard contract with another saint, but apart from the mundane. Every good wish to accumulate all have come from space potential of the true mind has been purged of all the evil, decided not to make false entries atrial doing good for themselves self-interest investments. Of one heart to save life is right, even if there's little eyelashes, ingratiating to fame, fortune, it is the hidden track action, only of one heart revered person is upright, there bit of cynicism, contempt for people who are hidden track; should discuss thoroughly. What sounds good, positive good? Every good work that everyone is aware of the positive-called charity, good deeds which no one knows the negative virtue, actually had hell spirits knew, should have negative virtue will naturally be induced retribution; positively enjoying good reputation in the world, has a reputation that is already being reported then. Historically, people have a list, a voice often jealous jealous nature; so those lofty reputation that really does not have much merit worthy of that reputation, often encounter any more disasters occur. Those who have no sin, but suddenly suffered a bad reputation unjust, then their children will get in return, quickly prospered. Spot the difference of positive and negative charity charity should carefully consider carefully. What is right and not right? Water Hole Hole, there was no law redeem the captives as menials in the vassals of all Government agencies are bonuses. Tu Cong (Confucian virtues pupil named Tu) ransomed people for not getting a bonus. Khong said sorry to hear that bothers sure: Four working furniture and books. Oh, holy conduct single move correctable customs and habits change, as an example calculation for immediate follow, not just for the right to do things their own. Now the state of Lu, less rich, the poor, many, if received reward money is involved, is not incorruptible, while failing to reward the poor stars have continued to redeem the money? Henceforth sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another. Death Road (name Therefore, students Confucian virtues) save people from drowning, is eat a buffalo. Tu Lo received, Confucian ethics or something joyful sure that from now on there will be many water holes lo emergency drowning man. Just grab eyes earthy Cong Son, that should be no territorial or bonus, and Tu Lo donation buffalo is poor. But other interpretations of the holy flesh so contrary to Confucian ethics that cut Tu Do chosen. So know the good deeds should not only think about money interests mark whether the action should have nothing bad influence on later or not, should not discuss the most benefit in this life time to think about future distant future, nor should just think for themselves personally think that the whole world to mass again. The work now though ostensibly to improve in the future but to harm people, it really was not that good good, even though the current work was not good but the latter has benefits help people, but today was not good, but the fact is that good. Not over here just get a few things for the table what is good and not good only. However, in life there are many similar circumstances, such as the idea that the ceremony, to be faithful, from center to left ceremony that really means, not faithful or from the heart; must be determined carefully selected. What is bias and legitimate? Rococo, Mr. La Van Italy, while the new prime minister to resign, bug repatriation, four people welcome as Thai Son, the Légion d'. But there is a drunkard Sauna defamed him. La estate calmly told the servants: He who say do not accept, despite his closed door. Over a year later, that person is guilty of death and imprisoned. La aware of the new situation regret that the price we caught that day he gave his sanction, the dentist can only be punished sex with a minor crime that inevitably felony later. I then wanted to keep the goodness forgive him, unexpectedly turned out to nourish his folly to commit crimes such death today. It was a good job by virtue of which turned out to do evil. Again, when working with evil mind, as it encounters a wealthy businessmen bad year, poor daylight robberies in the right place grain market the quarter, reported the district to district untreated, poor people are more abuses. Particular family went behave themselves for arrest looters were detained punished stabilize the situation, if such action would rob disorder. The reason that everyone knows to do good and evil is plausible that bias, but the main interest is good but, as it turns out that the evil is so biased it is natural to call in the main; center but also evil that it turned out good work, it is the same in heaven. The reason for this could not clearly understand. What is full and with (selling and fulfillment)? Ching said that no good deed for the lot does not accumulate enough to be well-known fame, evil without excess many did not look close enough to reprisal. Scriptures have to say too much crime Shang like a broken dam so that Head kingdom destroyed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, and slothful shall not be built again with rather full. The story is full or with charity work, such as selling or chronic. Past a benefactor female Buddha in the temple, offerings but want no money, only two brass pocket and brought out to the offerings. Abbot himself Bai dedication ceremony for. After that female workers are employed in supply, money, wealth has in abundance, to bring a thousand Buddha temple silver offerings. Abbot sent his disciples to replace dedication ceremony only. The other female patron saw it and asked: Previously I only have two contracts offered by the staff personally Bai dedication ceremony for now offering thousands of silver that does not associate yourself why this ceremony ? Monk replied: Before money is meager results alms, but out of sincere heart, if you do not personally Bai increased dedication is not enough to repay her kindness. Now donations but it's way too much, but the mind is not sincere generosity as before, be sure to see you rise disciples celebrated enough. With sincerely pleased to donations only two contracts that the charity is fulfilled, and the generosity of thousands of silver, but the heart is not even necessarily the only merit is partial only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Then Pluto said: Every thought is a crime since evil does not need to wait until there is actually committed or not. Gain key is to ask the little book stating what good deeds. Pluto said court has ever contemplated starting repair work great stone bridge in Tam Son, the scary expostulate. Number of documents that have recorded in this book. Weight Gain extra: The official yet scary, but the court did not care according to the rhythm, then what is the point where the job? Pluto then told said that: y according to court not solo, but it's a good idea to your house for the sake of the people, letting them from hard labor, from heavy taxation, if that word was instrumental court under the care of your merit to be so great. So if you have aspirations to work for national interests galaxy, the public, despite the fact that there is little work that merits greater, even if the individual thinks only for himself, despite the fact that there is as much merit smaller so. What is difficult and easy? The old fairy grapes have said we want to overcome her, wants to win her heart, the place to start is difficult to overcome that commenced before. Confucius said kindness discuss starting place is difficult to implement before, ie from place to win their hearts, since it would be hard to do, then they will also easily done. As he Letters them in Jiangxi remove all wages collected in two years teaching to bring the payment of money owed ​​except to help the couple from house reunion abducted from his house as servants; it can be called that place hard to let go let go of it. Near them back as the old man in Zhenjiang advanced age, children are not descendants, phosphorus has brought home a young girl to do business cards loaded, but he is not heartless capture and bring refund. It is difficult to place the rings are rings. So rewarded for enjoying sun will be post. Ordinary people have money, so they have the right to want to do is actually being easy, but not as easy as his self-destructive, poor miserable people want to report it it's hard, but that's hard to do, that's real is so precious. 3. Depending coast Pyramid very good at having affinity Depending help people, or rejoicing in the Lord that which is good, if a distinction each type is really a lot, but roughly 10 categories as follows: First, help people and do good; Monday, keeping the love people; Tuesday, a man full of good works; Wednesday, encouraging people to do good; Thursday, rescue of persons in danger; Friday, construction, renovations have great benefits; Saturday, exhaust resources alms; eighth, keeping protected Dharma; ninth, respected religious heads; tenth, mourn the lives of animals. What help do the same charity? Rococo King Shun, ie not your time, find people fishing in the lagoon rebuke, paintings are occupied deep water fish, while the elderly to find a place to shallow water rapids little fish that hit, should have compassion indignant, he is also to fishing; see also contested seats person, then he is silent silent vice to him, and see who has heart gave way, he praised that imitate it also gave way to others. A year later, the fish in the deep water, who have a heart to make room for each other without further struggle. Oh, King Shun really is wise, is it not take that advice instructive words are the stars ! But do not use words that use myself as an example for others to take their self-modification. This is where the clever use of mental suffering and that of King Shun. They're in this degenerate life should not find yourself with room facilities where people despise pinched, should not take place or that his good compared Review people; should not find themselves with the power of the forces that make people miserable; If you have talent there is no place to brag expression that should hide out inside his talent as a young, poor location as there is not really anything, and see who can fault tolerance hide it unnecessarily for, ie hidden evil that good positive. One is to let people wonder which fixes two bugs are letting them know that dare not afraid Captain cavalry raid liberals do. If you see a person or place may well learn to accept, even as small good deeds should also remember right, not only to earn a spot yourself or the people, but also praised the arts for everyone to know . All that work everyday, a word, an action should not be entirely due to his advantage by doing so set out principles and benefiting think heaven, Mass. This is where the quality of the gentleman who regarded the earth as they are private companies. What is keeping the love people? The gentleman and sub-human, if we only consider the shape of the surface is often confused with the difficult Regardless, there is only one point difference between good and evil exist far is that the mind knows to keep his heart, and therefore the judgment is clearly contrary to the ideals of black and white together; Jiashan the district, making the room in criminal prisoners unjustly being unfairly braking function of a felony, he pitied want to save lives. Prisoners grateful to his wife that the Sub-hearted wish absolve us save lives, really ashamed that I did not have much in reward virtues are. Tomorrow, you go home offered to bring the body servant, or that he shall employ you, surely we can all live that way. The husband and wife cried that hear; Details coming up when they, themselves invited to hang down and show off her husband's wishes. Chi but they do not listen, but still helpful to transparency unjust sentence. The prisoner was spared, both husband and wife came home early stage thanksgiving sure: Payment of kindness so thick, rare in real life, now we have grown daughters want to progress as a business card leads to servant of the house, this is often the right thing. Chi shopping district birth to their offerings and do admit cards, new born Chi Lap twenty parked laureates to make the entries in official Confucian Academy. Making born Cao, Cao Loc are born to learn both broad and organizational unit. Loc born London University academics also recommended list. Ten stories on here, but the behavior, actions of different characters, but are provided to meet the healing goodness retribution. II-What friendly? 1. Discuss clearly improved. Considering a keen that said, they have good legs author, with upright with hidden track, with a positive tone, whether or not, or have legitimate differences, there is full with, a profile with modern, easy to difficult, obviously need to discuss. Doing good deeds without understanding the doctrine, feel free to do their job is doing good, he would not have created from industrial waste lose heart in vain. What is honorable and good fake? Xưa have some grapes Chinese Feng student audience monk (a high-rise Yuan Dynasty) that asks the evil nemesis rash follow the ball, which heals see the good, bad meets evil; There are good that person that children do not prosper, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as Buddha said about retributive really unfounded stars? Venerable said he was not ordinary sentiments clean, not pure, virgin Property labels, often receive good from evil, for evil is good; Such people are not rare, confused himself to the left, for evil is good, the good is evil, crazy crazy island without resentment or even blame God for the report is wrong, is not fair u . We scholar asked: Everyone is good to see the good, see evil for evil, why protection is confused, contradictory, so crazy? Monk said they tried examples see how the situation is good and what is evil. One of them said to curse the evil beating, reverent, respectful and good people. Venerable say not so certain. Some others are greedy, get the wrong person is evil, preserving the integrity transparent bar is good. Monk also told not to do so. Everyone in turn give examples of good and evil, but Chinese Feng monks were told not to do so. They are sometimes humanity monk lecturing. 2. Defines good teaching venerable Chinese performer that: Work is useful for people who are good, but only for their own benefit is evil. This is useful for people, whether they hit or verbally abused and called good, useful only for himself whether reverence, courtesy of the matter is evil. Therefore, the good deeds that benefit the public is just as invested in their favor, the truth is, there is a false investment. Again, do good that comes from the hearts of the leg, and superficial, perfunctory that make false charity. Furthermore, doing good without thinking of a reward at all is honorable, contrary hoping a return is false charity, which is the need to examine yourself carefully. What is right, hidden track? Now we see a careful docile but quickly sort out the good people can be tolerated. The saints who are different uses, rather use a Graduate crazy arrogant, officials said excavation intensity talented players than boldly forward. The careful docile, but in life who also preferred to be good, but no saints for the uplifting character, obedient labor not only understand morality should have no benefit for the customary ethical background. For these notions of good and evil qualities, good and bad really obvious differences, contrasts with that saint. By extension, any choice between good and evil, kept or let go of life are not the same with the saints, and place hell, demons regarded as being, improved graphics, sexual misconduct, are contrary to the standard contract with another saint, but apart from the mundane. Every good wish to accumulate all have come from space potential of the true mind has been purged of all the evil, decided not to make false entries atrial doing good for themselves self-interest investments. Of one heart to save life is right, even if there's little eyelashes, ingratiating to fame, fortune, it is the hidden track action, only of one heart revered person is upright, there bit of cynicism, contempt for people who are hidden track; should discuss thoroughly. What sounds good, positive good? Every good work that everyone is aware of the positive-called charity, good deeds which no one knows the negative virtue, actually had hell spirits knew, should have negative virtue will naturally be induced retribution; positively enjoying good reputation in the world, has a reputation that is already being reported then. Historically, people have a list, a voice often jealous jealous nature; so those lofty reputation that really does not have much merit worthy of that reputation, often encounter any more disasters occur. Those who have no sin, but suddenly suffered a bad reputation unjust, then their children will get in return, quickly prospered. Spot the difference of positive and negative charity charity should carefully consider carefully. What is right and not right? Water Hole Hole, there was no law redeem the captives as menials in the vassals of all Government agencies are bonuses. Tu Cong (Confucian virtues pupil named Tu) ransomed people for not getting a bonus. Khong said sorry to hear that bothers sure: Four working furniture and books. Oh, holy conduct single move correctable customs and habits change, as an example calculation for immediate follow, not just for the right to do things their own. Now the state of Lu, less rich, the poor, many, if received reward money is involved, is not incorruptible, while failing to reward the poor stars have continued to redeem the money? Henceforth sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another. Death Road (name Therefore, students Confucian virtues) save people from drowning, is eat a buffalo. Tu Lo received, Confucian ethics or something joyful sure that from now on there will be many water holes lo emergency drowning man. Just grab eyes earthy Cong Son, that should be no territorial or bonus, and Tu Lo donation buffalo is poor. But other interpretations of the holy flesh so contrary to Confucian ethics that cut Tu Do chosen. So know the good deeds should not only think about money interests mark whether the action should have nothing bad influence on later or not, should not discuss the most benefit in this life time to think about future distant future, nor should just think for themselves personally think that the whole world to mass again. The work now though ostensibly to improve in the future but to harm people, it really was not that good good, even though the current work was not good but the latter has benefits help people, but today was not good, but the fact is that good. Not over here just get a few things for the table what is good and not good only. However, in life there are many similar circumstances, such as the idea that the ceremony, to be faithful, from center to left ceremony that really means, not faithful or from the heart; must be determined carefully selected. What is bias and legitimate? Rococo, Mr. La Van Italy, while the new prime minister to resign, bug repatriation, four people welcome as Thai Son, the Légion d'. But there is a drunkard Sauna defamed him. La estate calmly told the servants: He who say do not accept, despite his closed door. Over a year later, that person is guilty of death and imprisoned. La aware of the new situation regret that the price we caught that day he gave his sanction, the dentist can only be punished sex with a minor crime that inevitably felony later. I then wanted to keep the goodness forgive him, unexpectedly turned out to nourish his folly to commit crimes such death today. It was a good job by virtue of which turned out to do evil. Again, when working with evil mind, as it encounters a wealthy businessmen bad year, poor daylight robberies in the right place grain market the quarter, reported the district to district untreated, poor people are more abuses. Particular family went behave themselves for arrest looters were detained punished stabilize the situation, if such action would rob disorder. The reason that everyone knows to do good and evil is plausible that bias, but the main interest is good but, as it turns out that the evil is so biased it is natural to call in the main; center but also evil that it turned out good work, it is the same in heaven. The reason for this could not clearly understand. What is full and with (selling and fulfillment)? Ching said that no good deed for the lot does not accumulate enough to be well-known fame, evil without excess many did not look close enough to reprisal. Scriptures have to say too much crime Shang like a broken dam so that Head kingdom destroyed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, and slothful shall not be built again with rather full. The story is full or with charity work, such as selling or chronic. Past a benefactor female Buddha in the temple, offerings but want no money, only two brass pocket and brought out to the offerings. Abbot himself Bai dedication ceremony for. After that female workers are employed in supply, money, wealth has in abundance, to bring a thousand Buddha temple silver offerings. Abbot sent his disciples to replace dedication ceremony only. The other female patron saw it and asked: Previously I only have two contracts offered by the staff personally Bai dedication ceremony for now offering thousands of silver that does not associate yourself why this ceremony ? Monk replied: Before money is meager results alms, but out of sincere heart, if you do not personally Bai increased dedication is not enough to repay her kindness. Now donations but it's way too much, but the mind is not sincere generosity as before, be sure to see you rise disciples celebrated enough. With sincerely pleased to donations only two contracts that the charity is fulfilled, and the generosity of thousands of silver, but the heart is not even necessarily the only merit is partial only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Then Pluto said: Every thought is a crime since evil does not need to wait until there is actually committed or not. Gain key is to ask the little book stating what good deeds. Pluto said court has ever contemplated starting repair work great stone bridge in Tam Son, the scary expostulate. Number of documents that have recorded in this book. Weight Gain extra: The official yet scary, but the court did not care according to the rhythm, then what is the point where the job? Pluto then told said that: y according to court not solo, but it's a good idea to your house for the sake of the people, letting them from hard labor, from heavy taxation, if that word was instrumental court under the care of your merit to be so great. So if you have aspirations to work for national interests galaxy, the public, despite the fact that there is little work that merits greater, even if the individual thinks only for himself, despite the fact that there is as much merit smaller so. What is difficult and easy? The old fairy grapes have said we want to overcome her, wants to win her heart, the place to start is difficult to overcome that commenced before. Confucius said kindness discuss starting place is difficult to implement before, ie from place to win their hearts, since it would be hard to do, then they will also easily done. As he Letters them in Jiangxi remove all wages collected in two years teaching to bring the payment of money owed ​​except to help the couple from house reunion abducted from his house as servants; it can be called that place hard to let go let go of it. Near them back as the old man in Zhenjiang advanced age, children are not descendants, phosphorus has brought home a young girl to do business cards loaded, but he is not heartless capture and bring refund. It is difficult to place the rings are rings. So rewarded for enjoying sun will be post. Ordinary people have money, so they have the right to want to do is actually being easy, but not as easy as his self-destructive, poor miserable people want to report it it's hard, but that's hard to do, that's real is so precious. 3. Depending coast Pyramid very good at having affinity Depending help people, or rejoicing in the Lord that which is good, if a distinction each type is really a lot, but roughly 10 categories as follows: First, help people and do good; Monday, keeping the love people; Tuesday, a man full of good works; Wednesday, encouraging people to do good; Thursday, rescue of persons in danger; Friday, construction, renovations have great benefits; Saturday, exhaust resources alms; eighth, keeping protected Dharma; ninth, respected religious heads; tenth, mourn the lives of animals. What help do the same charity? Rococo King Shun, ie not your time, find people fishing in the lagoon rebuke, paintings are occupied deep water fish, while the elderly to find a place to shallow water rapids little fish that hit, should have compassion indignant, he is also to fishing; see also contested seats person, then he is silent silent vice to him, and see who has heart gave way, he praised that imitate it also gave way to others. A year later, the fish in the deep water, who have a heart to make room for each other without further struggle. Oh, King Shun really is wise, is it not take that advice instructive words are the stars ! But do not use words that use myself as an example for others to take their self-modification. This is where the clever use of mental suffering and that of King Shun. They're in this degenerate life should not find yourself with room facilities where people despise pinched, should not take place or that his good compared Review people; should not find themselves with the power of the forces that make people miserable; If you have talent there is no place to brag expression that should hide out inside his talent as a young, poor location as there is not really anything, and see who can fault tolerance hide it unnecessarily for, ie hidden evil that good positive. One is to let people wonder which fixes two bugs are letting them know that dare not afraid Captain cavalry raid liberals do. If you see a person or place may well learn to accept, even as small good deeds should also remember right, not only to earn a spot yourself or the people, but also praised the arts for everyone to know . All that work everyday, a word, an action should not be entirely due to his advantage by doing so set out principles and benefiting think heaven, Mass. This is where the quality of the gentleman who regarded the earth as they are private companies. What is keeping the love people? The gentleman and sub-human, if we only consider the shape of the surface is often confused with the difficult Regardless, there is only one point difference between good and evil exist far is that the mind knows to keep his heart, and therefore the judgment is clearly contrary to the ideals of black and white together; so says the reason the other gentleman who was so interested in that existed. It existed gentleman's mind is just reverence, love people. In general the people in life have relatives or application on man, someone intelligent or intellectual cretinism dense, with Virtue ethics or byproducts to death, thousands of thousands of people who do not like someone, but are My fellow, are the same as our physical, why did loves it? Saints, sages have always respected, loved their public benefit, if we also loving people is coinciding with the heart of the Sages, such as reverence we love them personally. If we are to understand the aspirations of the mass that is understood by the mind of the sages. Because life is the aspiration of people look forward to the benefit of peace, but the mind of sages is so inherently mass that makes them as you wish, elect any voluntary basis; our hearts if coincide with loving reverence of saints and sages that makes mass peaceful means we have saints and sages that benefited everybody so. What is the good of the whole person ? A stone in emerald if there will surely be cast as stone tiles shattered, but if you bring honed, chiseled into Khue will surely show, reap royal jewels. So that everyone saw people doing good, or will see the quality and progress, they can succeed, should induce, assist them; praise or encouragement, or keep them covered; or excuse for their household or shared with them so unjustly been the jealous that they falsely defamed graphics, reinforced stars help them succeed only. Jiashan the district, making the room in criminal prisoners unjustly being unfairly braking function of a felony, he pitied want to save lives. Prisoners grateful to his wife that the Sub-hearted wish absolve us save lives, really ashamed that I did not have much in reward virtues are. Tomorrow, you go home offered to bring the body servant, or that he shall employ you, surely we can all live that way. The husband and wife cried that hear; Details coming up when they, themselves invited to hang down and show off her husband's wishes. Chi but they do not listen, but still helpful to transparency unjust sentence. The prisoner was spared, both husband and wife came home early stage thanksgiving sure: Payment of kindness so thick, rare in real life, now we have grown daughters want to progress as a business card leads to servant of the house, this is often the right thing. Chi shopping district birth to their offerings and do admit cards, new born Chi Lap twenty parked laureates to make the entries in official Confucian Academy. Making born Cao, Cao Loc are born to learn both broad and organizational unit. Loc born London University academics also recommended list. Ten stories on here, but the behavior, actions of different characters, but are provided to meet the healing goodness retribution. II-What friendly? 1. Discuss clearly improved. Considering a keen that said, they have good legs author, with upright with hidden track, with a positive tone, whether or not, or have legitimate differences, there is full with, a profile with modern, easy to difficult, obviously need to discuss. Doing good deeds without understanding the doctrine, feel free to do their job is doing good, he would not have created from industrial waste lose heart in vain. What is honorable and good fake? Xưa have some grapes Chinese Feng student audience monk (a high-rise Yuan Dynasty) that asks the evil nemesis rash follow the ball, which heals see the good, bad meets evil; There are good that person that children do not prosper, but the other guys are evil family to thrive, such as Buddha said about retributive really unfounded stars? Venerable said he was not ordinary sentiments clean, not pure, virgin Property labels, often receive good from evil, for evil is good; Such people are not rare, confused himself to the left, for evil is good, the good is evil, crazy crazy island without resentment or even blame God for the report is wrong, is not fair u . We scholar asked: Everyone is good to see the good, see evil for evil, why protection is confused, contradictory, so crazy? Monk said they tried examples see how the situation is good and what is evil. One of them said to curse the evil beating, reverent, respectful and good people. Venerable say not so certain. Some others are greedy, get the wrong person is evil, preserving the integrity transparent bar is good. Monk also told not to do so. Everyone in turn give examples of good and evil, but Chinese Feng monks were told not to do so. They are sometimes humanity monk lecturing. 2. Defines good   teaching venerable Chinese performer that: Work is useful for people who are good, but only for their own benefit is evil. This is useful for people, whether they hit or verbally abused and called good, useful only for himself whether reverence, courtesy of the matter is evil. Therefore, the good deeds that benefit the public is just as invested in their favor, the truth is, there is a false investment. Again, do good that comes from the hearts of the leg, and superficial, perfunctory that make false charity. Furthermore, doing good without thinking of a reward at all is honorable, contrary hoping a return is false charity, which is the need to examine yourself carefully. What is right, hidden track? Now we see a careful docile but quickly sort out the good people can be tolerated. The saints who are different uses, rather use a Graduate crazy arrogant, officials said excavation intensity talented players than boldly forward. The careful docile, but in life who also preferred to be good, but no saints for the uplifting character, obedient labor not only understand morality should have no benefit for the customary ethical background. For these notions of good and evil qualities, good and bad really obvious differences, contrasts with that saint. By extension, any choice between good and evil, kept or let go of life are not the same with the saints, and place hell, demons regarded as being, improved graphics, sexual misconduct, are contrary to the standard contract with another saint, but apart from the mundane. Every good wish to accumulate all have come from space potential of the true mind has been purged of all the evil, decided not to make false entries atrial doing good for themselves self-interest investments. Of one heart to save life is right, even if there's little eyelashes, ingratiating to fame, fortune, it is the hidden track action, only of one heart revered person is upright, there bit of cynicism, contempt for people who are hidden track; should discuss thoroughly. What sounds good, positive good? Every good work that everyone is aware of the positive-called charity, good deeds which no one knows the negative virtue, actually had hell spirits knew, should have negative virtue will naturally be induced retribution; positively enjoying good reputation in the world, has a reputation that is already being reported then. Historically, people have a list, a voice often jealous jealous nature; so those lofty reputation that really does not have much merit worthy of that reputation, often encounter any more disasters occur. Those who have no sin, but suddenly suffered a bad reputation unjust, then their children will get in return, quickly prospered. Spot the difference of positive and negative charity charity should carefully consider carefully. What is right and not right? Water Hole Hole, there was no law redeem the captives as menials in the vassals of all Government agencies are bonuses. Tu Cong (Confucian virtues pupil named Tu) ransomed people for not getting a bonus. Khong said sorry to hear that bothers sure: Four working furniture and books. Oh, holy conduct single move correctable customs and habits change, as an example calculation for immediate follow, not just for the right to do things their own. Now the state of Lu, less rich, the poor, many, if received reward money is involved, is not incorruptible, while failing to reward the poor stars have continued to redeem the money? Henceforth sure no one redeemed people in the vassal of another. Death Road (name Therefore, students Confucian virtues) save people from drowning, is eat a buffalo. Tu Lo received, Confucian ethics or something joyful sure that from now on there will be many water holes lo emergency drowning man. Just grab eyes earthy Cong Son, that should be no territorial or bonus, and Tu Lo donation buffalo is poor. But other interpretations of the holy flesh so contrary to Confucian ethics that cut Tu Do chosen. So know the good deeds should not only think about money interests mark whether the action should have nothing bad influence on later or not, should not discuss the most benefit in this life time to think about future distant future, nor should just think for themselves personally think that the whole world to mass again. The work now though ostensibly to improve in the future but to harm people, it really was not that good good, even though the current work was not good but the latter has benefits help people, but today was not good, but the fact is that good. Not over here just get a few things for the table what is good and not good only. However, in life there are many similar circumstances, such as the idea that the ceremony, to be faithful, from center to left ceremony that really means, not faithful or from the heart; must be determined carefully selected. What is bias and legitimate? Rococo, Mr. La Van Italy, while the new prime minister to resign, bug repatriation, four people welcome as Thai Son, the Légion d'. But there is a drunkard Sauna defamed him. La estate calmly told the servants: He who say do not accept, despite his closed door. Over a year later, that person is guilty of death and imprisoned. La aware of the new situation regret that the price we caught that day he gave his sanction, the dentist can only be punished sex with a minor crime that inevitably felony later. I then wanted to keep the goodness forgive him, unexpectedly turned out to nourish his folly to commit crimes such death today. It was a good job by virtue of which turned out to do evil. Again, when working with evil mind, as it encounters a wealthy businessmen bad year, poor daylight robberies in the right place grain market the quarter, reported the district to district untreated, poor people are more abuses. Particular family went behave themselves for arrest looters were detained punished stabilize the situation, if such action would rob disorder. The reason that everyone knows to do good and evil is plausible that bias, but the main interest is good but, as it turns out that the evil is so biased it is natural to call in the main; center but also evil that it turned out good work, it is the same in heaven. The reason for this could not clearly understand. What is full and with (selling and fulfillment)? Ching said that no good deed for the lot does not accumulate enough to be well-known fame, evil without excess many did not look close enough to reprisal. Scriptures have to say too much crime Shang like a broken dam so that Head kingdom destroyed. The storage area as well as good things, if hard work will surely complete warehouse storage, and slothful shall not be built again with rather full. The story is full or with charity work, such as selling or chronic. Past a benefactor female Buddha in the temple, offerings but want no money, only two brass pocket and brought out to the offerings. Abbot himself Bai dedication ceremony for. After that female workers are employed in supply, money, wealth has in abundance, to bring a thousand Buddha temple silver offerings. Abbot sent his disciples to replace dedication ceremony only. The other female patron saw it and asked: Previously I only have two contracts offered by the staff personally Bai dedication ceremony for now offering thousands of silver that does not associate yourself why this ceremony ? Monk replied: Before money is meager results alms, but out of sincere heart, if you do not personally Bai increased dedication is not enough to repay her kindness. Now donations but it's way too much, but the mind is not sincere generosity as before, be sure to see you rise disciples celebrated enough. With sincerely pleased to donations only two contracts that the charity is fulfilled, and the generosity of thousands of silver, but the heart is not even necessarily the only merit is partial only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Then Pluto said: Every thought is a crime since evil does not need to wait until there is actually committed or not. Gain key is to ask the little book stating what good deeds. Pluto said court has ever contemplated starting repair work great stone bridge in Tam Son, the scary expostulate. Number of documents that have recorded in this book. Weight Gain extra: The official yet scary, but the court did not care according to the rhythm, then what is the point where the job? Pluto then told said that: y according to court not solo, but it's a good idea to your house for the sake of the people, letting them from hard labor, from heavy taxation, if that word was instrumental court under the care of your merit to be so great. So if you have aspirations to work for national interests galaxy, the public, despite the fact that there is little work that merits greater, even if the individual thinks only for himself, despite the fact that there is as much merit smaller so. What is difficult and easy? The old fairy grapes have said we want to overcome her, wants to win her heart, the place to start is difficult to overcome that commenced before. Confucius said kindness discuss starting place is difficult to implement before, ie from place to win their hearts, since it would be hard to do, then they will also easily done. As he Letters them in Jiangxi remove all wages collected in two years teaching to bring the payment of money owed ​​except to help the couple from house reunion abducted from his house as servants; it can be called that place hard to let go let go of it. Near them back as the old man in Zhenjiang advanced age, children are not descendants, phosphorus has brought home a young girl to do business cards loaded, but he is not heartless capture and bring refund. It is difficult to place the rings are rings. So rewarded for enjoying sun will be post. Ordinary people have money, so they have the right to want to do is actually being easy, but not as easy as his self-destructive, poor miserable people want to report it it's hard, but that's hard to do, that's real is so precious. 3. Depending coast Pyramid very good at having affinity Depending help people, or rejoicing in the Lord that which is good, if a distinction each type is really a lot, but roughly 10 categories as follows: First, help people and do good; Monday, keeping the love people; Tuesday, a man full of good works; Wednesday, encouraging people to do good; Thursday, rescue of persons in danger; Friday, construction, renovations have great benefits; Saturday, exhaust resources alms; eighth, keeping protected Dharma; ninth, respected religious heads; tenth, mourn the lives of animals. What help do the same charity? Rococo King Shun, ie not your time, find people fishing in the lagoon rebuke, paintings are occupied deep water fish, while the elderly to find a place to shallow water rapids little fish that hit, should have compassion indignant, he is also to fishing; see also contested seats person, then he is silent silent vice to him, and see who has heart gave way, he praised that imitate it also gave way to others. A year later, the fish in the deep water, who have a heart to make room for each other without further struggle. Oh, King Shun really is wise, is it not take that advice instructive words are the stars ! But do not use words that use myself as an example for others to take their self-modification. This is where the clever use of mental suffering and that of King Shun. They're in this degenerate life should not find yourself with room facilities where people despise pinched, should not take place or that his good compared Review people; should not find themselves with the power of the forces that make people miserable; If you have talent there is no place to brag expression that should hide out inside his talent as a young, poor location as there is not really anything, and see who can fault tolerance hide it unnecessarily for, ie hidden evil that good positive. One is to let people wonder which fixes two bugs are letting them know that dare not afraid Captain cavalry raid liberals do. If you see a person or place may well learn to accept, even as small good deeds should also remember right, not only to earn a spot yourself or the people, but also praised the arts for everyone to know . All that work everyday, a word, an action should not be entirely due to his advantage by doing so set out principles and benefiting think heaven, Mass. This is where the quality of the gentleman who regarded the earth as they are private companies. What is keeping the love people? The gentleman and sub-human, if we only consider the shape of the surface is often confused with the difficult Regardless, there is only one point difference between good and evil exist far is that the mind knows to keep his heart, and therefore the judgment is clearly contrary to the ideals of black and white together; so says the reason the other gentleman who was so interested in that existed. It existed gentleman's mind is just reverence, love people. In general the people in life have relatives or application on man, someone intelligent or intellectual cretinism dense, with Virtue ethics or byproducts to death, thousands of thousands of people who do not like someone, but are My fellow, are the same as our physical, why did loves it? Saints, sages have always respected, loved their public benefit, if we also loving people is coinciding with the heart of the Sages, such as reverence we love them personally. If we are to understand the aspirations of the mass that is understood by the mind of the sages. Because life is the aspiration of people look forward to the benefit of peace, but the mind of sages is so inherently mass that makes them as you wish, elect any voluntary basis; our hearts if coincide with loving reverence of saints and sages that makes mass peaceful means we have saints and sages that benefited everybody so. What is the good of the whole person ? A stone in emerald if there will surely be cast as stone tiles shattered, but if you bring honed, chiseled into Khue will surely show, reap royal jewels. So that everyone saw people doing good, or will see the quality and progress, they can succeed, should induce, assist them; praise or encouragement, or keep them covered; or excuse for their household or shared with them so unjustly been the jealous that they falsely defamed graphics, reinforced stars help them succeed only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Then Pluto said: Every thought is a crime since evil does not need to wait until there is actually committed or not. Gain key is to ask the little book stating what good deeds. Pluto said court has ever contemplated starting repair work great stone bridge in Tam Son, the scary expostulate. Number of documents that have recorded in this book. Weight Gain extra: The official yet scary, but the court did not care according to the rhythm, then what is the point where the job? Pluto then told said that: y according to court not solo, but it's a good idea to your house for the sake of the people, letting them from hard labor, from heavy taxation, if that word was instrumental court under the care of your merit to be so great. So if you have aspirations to work for national interests galaxy, the public, despite the fact that there is little work that merits greater, even if the individual thinks only for himself, despite the fact that there is as much merit smaller so. What is difficult and easy? The old fairy grapes have said we want to overcome her, wants to win her heart, the place to start is difficult to overcome that commenced before. Confucius said kindness discuss starting place is difficult to implement before, ie from place to win their hearts, since it would be hard to do, then they will also easily done. As he Letters them in Jiangxi remove all wages collected in two years teaching to bring the payment of money owed ​​except to help the couple from house reunion abducted from his house as servants; it can be called that place hard to let go let go of it. Near them back as the old man in Zhenjiang advanced age, children are not descendants, phosphorus has brought home a young girl to do business cards loaded, but he is not heartless capture and bring refund. It is difficult to place the rings are rings. So rewarded for enjoying sun will be post. Ordinary people have money, so they have the right to want to do is actually being easy, but not as easy as his self-destructive, poor miserable people want to report it it's hard, but that's hard to do, that's real is so precious. 3. Depending coast Pyramid very good at having affinity Depending help people, or rejoicing in the Lord that which is good, if a distinction each type is really a lot, but roughly 10 categories as follows: First, help people and do good; Monday, keeping the love people; Tuesday, a man full of good works; Wednesday, encouraging people to do good; Thursday, rescue of persons in danger; Friday, construction, renovations have great benefits; Saturday, exhaust resources alms; eighth, keeping protected Dharma; ninth, respected religious heads; tenth, mourn the lives of animals. What help do the same charity? Rococo King Shun, ie not your time, find people fishing in the lagoon rebuke, paintings are occupied deep water fish, while the elderly to find a place to shallow water rapids little fish that hit, should have compassion indignant, he is also to fishing; see also contested seats person, then he is silent silent vice to him, and see who has heart gave way, he praised that imitate it also gave way to others. A year later, the fish in the deep water, who have a heart to make room for each other without further struggle. Oh, King Shun really is wise, is it not take that advice instructive words are the stars ! But do not use words that use myself as an example for others to take their self-modification. This is where the clever use of mental suffering and that of King Shun. They're in this degenerate life should not find yourself with room facilities where people despise pinched, should not take place or that his good compared Review people; should not find themselves with the power of the forces that make people miserable; If you have talent there is no place to brag expression that should hide out inside his talent as a young, poor location as there is not really anything, and see who can fault tolerance hide it unnecessarily for, ie hidden evil that good positive. One is to let people wonder which fixes two bugs are letting them know that dare not afraid Captain cavalry raid liberals do. If you see a person or place may well learn to accept, even as small good deeds should also remember right, not only to earn a spot yourself or the people, but also praised the arts for everyone to know . All that work everyday, a word, an action should not be entirely due to his advantage by doing so set out principles and benefiting think heaven, Mass. This is where the quality of the gentleman who regarded the earth as they are private companies. What is keeping the love people? The gentleman and sub-human, if we only consider the shape of the surface is often confused with the difficult Regardless, there is only one point difference between good and evil exist far is that the mind knows to keep his heart, and therefore the judgment is clearly contrary to the ideals of black and white together; so says the reason the other gentleman who was so interested in that existed. It existed gentleman's mind is just reverence, love people. In general the people in life have relatives or application on man, someone intelligent or intellectual cretinism dense, with Virtue ethics or byproducts to death, thousands of thousands of people who do not like someone, but are My fellow, are the same as our physical, why did loves it? Saints, sages have always respected, loved their public benefit, if we also loving people is coinciding with the heart of the Sages, such as reverence we love them personally. If we are to understand the aspirations of the mass that is understood by the mind of the sages. Because life is the aspiration of people look forward to the benefit of peace, but the mind of sages is so inherently mass that makes them as you wish, elect any voluntary basis; our hearts if coincide with loving reverence of saints and sages that makes mass peaceful means we have saints and sages that benefited everybody so. What is the good of the whole person ? A stone in emerald if there will surely be cast as stone tiles shattered, but if you bring honed, chiseled into Khue will surely show, reap royal jewels. So that everyone saw people doing good, or will see the quality and progress, they can succeed, should induce, assist them; praise or encouragement, or keep them covered; or excuse for their household or shared with them so unjustly been the jealous that they falsely defamed graphics, reinforced stars help them succeed only. Above is a theory about doing good and meets or sold and filled with that. Right Ly Chung Dong Tan La teach how to spot iron into gold alchemists can bring life to help people. At La Tan asked that gold can later metamorphosed or not? Separated Rights Chung said five hundred years after gold was going back to the old original substance is safe, then they are saying: That will be part caused to life 500 years later, we do not allow him to learn what to do. Separated Rights Chung said: To cultivate first need to integrate the accumulated merit 3000 thing, but only one of the words that you speak well enough to merit and Chronic 3000. This is yet another theory about more than satisfied with, or sell it. Moreover, doing good but never mind its attachments is as good, depending on how you do the job that is accomplished, the action is called chronic . If you do mind also serving as the good life even harder action is only good sale only. Suppose bring money to save people, not to think about his inner man is giving, the surface does not need to know who the recipient is, in the intermediate range of financial and material help but think how much alms, which called triangle can not be rotated, generosity with such a pure heart is a game of rice can grow into infinite mercy, although a trend can also be poor by destroying thousands of lives ago. If the surviving his mind was the thought of doing good, of generosity and material resources to bring the character who, despite the thousands of silver give, is not being fulfilled. This is one more theory about selling or chronic friendly, full or with good. What is great and small? Rococo into the land, an official at the Academy was brought down to the grave spirit photography. Pluto judge sent the log book of the good and evil in order to comment. In comparison, the log of the real evil too much, but the log book only a small improvement as thin as sticks chopsticks only. Pluto north wrong weight, test weight is the first book to record deeds weighs more than all the evil log book together. Dat's so important new questions: This year, the office less than 40 years of age that sin could be so much to like? Then Pluto said: Every thought is a crime since evil does not need to wait until there is actually committed or not. Gain key is to ask the little book stating what good deeds. Pluto said court has ever contemplated starting repair work great stone bridge in Tam Son, the scary expostulate. Number of documents that have recorded in this book. Weight Gain extra: The official yet scary, but the court did not care according to the rhythm, then what is the point where the job? Pluto then told said that: y according to court not solo, but it's a good idea to your house for the sake of the people, letting them from hard labor, from heavy taxation, if that word was instrumental court under the care of your merit to be so great. So if you have aspirations to work for national interests galaxy, the public, despite the fact that there is little work that merits greater, even if the individual thinks only for himself, despite the fact that there is as much merit smaller so. What is difficult and easy? The old fairy grapes have said we want to overcome her, wants to win her heart, the place to start is difficult to overcome that commenced before. Confucius said kindness discuss starting place is difficult to implement before, ie from place to win their hearts, since it would be hard to do, then they will also easily done. As he Letters them in Jiangxi remove all wages collected in two years teaching to bring the payment of money owed ​​except to help the couple from house reunion abducted from his house as servants; it can be called that place hard to let go let go of it. Near them back as the old man in Zhenjiang advanced age, children are not descendants, phosphorus has brought home a young girl to do business cards loaded, but he is not heartless capture and bring refund. It is difficult to place the rings are rings. So rewarded for enjoying sun will be post. Ordinary people have money, so they have the right to want to do is actually being easy, but not as easy as his self-destructive, poor miserable people want to report it it's hard, but that's hard to do, that's real is so precious. 3. Depending coast Pyramid very good     at having affinity Depending help people, or rejoicing in the Lord that which is good, if a distinction each type is really a lot, but roughly 10 categories as follows: First, help people and do good; Monday, keeping the love people; Tuesday, a man full of good works; Wednesday, encouraging people to do good; Thursday, rescue of persons in danger; Friday, construction, renovations have great benefits; Saturday, exhaust resources alms; eighth, keeping protected Dharma; ninth, respected religious heads; tenth, mourn the lives of animals. What help do the same charity? Rococo King Shun, ie not your time, find people fishing in the lagoon rebuke, paintings are occupied deep water fish, while the elderly to find a place to shallow water rapids little fish that hit, should have compassion indignant, he is also to fishing; see also contested seats person, then he is silent silent vice to him, and see who has heart gave way, he praised that imitate it also gave way to others. A year later, the fish in the deep water, who have a heart to make room for each other without further struggle. Oh, King Shun really is wise, is it not take that advice instructive words are the stars ! But do not use words that use myself as an example for others to take their self-modification. This is where the clever use of mental suffering and that of King Shun. They're in this degenerate life should not find yourself with room facilities where people despise pinched, should not take place or that his good compared Review people; should not find themselves with the power of the forces that make people miserable; If you have talent there is no place to brag expression that should hide out inside his talent as a young, poor location as there is not really anything, and see who can fault tolerance hide it unnecessarily for, ie hidden evil that good positive. One is to let people wonder which fixes two bugs are letting them know that dare not afraid Captain cavalry raid liberals do. If you see a person or place may well learn to accept, even as small good deeds should also remember right, not only to earn a spot yourself or the people, but also praised the arts for everyone to know . All that work everyday, a word, an action should not be entirely due to his advantage by doing so set out principles and benefiting think heaven, Mass. This is where the quality of the gentleman who regarded the earth as they are private companies. What is keeping the love people? The gentleman and sub-human, if we only consider the shape of the surface is often confused with the difficult Regardless, there is only one point difference between good and evil exist far is that the mind knows to keep his heart, and therefore the judgment is clearly contrary to the ideals of black and white together; so says the reason the other gentleman who was so interested in that existed. It existed gentleman's mind is just reverence, love people. In general the people in life have relatives or application on man, someone intelligent or intellectual cretinism dense, with Virtue ethics or byproducts to death, thousands of thousands of people who do not like someone, but are My fellow, are the same as our physical, why did loves it? Saints, sages have always respected, loved their public benefit, if we also loving people is coinciding with the heart of the Sages, such as reverence we love them personally. If we are to understand the aspirations of the mass that is understood by the mind of the sages. Because life is the aspiration of people look forward to the benefit of peace, but the mind of sages is so inherently mass that makes them as you wish, elect any voluntary basis; our hearts if coincide with loving reverence of saints and sages that makes mass peaceful means we have saints and sages that benefited everybody so. What is the good of the whole person ? A stone in emerald if there will surely be cast as stone tiles shattered, but if you bring honed, chiseled into Khue will surely show, reap royal jewels. So that everyone saw people doing good, or will see the quality and progress, they can succeed, should induce, assist them; praise or encouragement, or keep them covered; or excuse for their household or shared with them so unjustly been the jealous that they falsely defamed graphics, reinforced stars help them succeed only.









In general, people do not like the pros do not like her, not evil advantages such as good, not like the gentleman's cottage. People in a village, the charity that evil is much less, so the good in life is less so hard to be strong independent. Moreover, the martial artists, smart financial officer, upright character outwardly insignificant, minor details should not favor one or misunderstanding that criticism; so so good deeds are more likely to be damaged by the charity often ridiculed, laughed at, only have the new bourgeois lenient understand the love that line help them be successful. Payment to the real merit is extremely great. What is encouraging people to do good? People have been born as humans, who have no conscience. Immense dark road of life are vulnerable to degeneration sunk sake list. For those who are engrossed greed, taking advantage, creating bad karma, we should try to alert them to escape the fascination, just as they are going through a big dream in the night that makes they are awake, or like they were fixing to Round negativity from a long accumulation that we help them to get rid of white, all failed except the fact that the infinite grace immeasurable. Ham Du, Tang said : Bending three-inch blade verbally advised that doing good is only temporary method by ear can hear it passes through the other ear and then forget, also want to have a long term effect until a hundred years later, the writer uses letter to the books that recommend people avoid evil life healing. However, verbal or recommend books is like having the disease was discovered medications for patients after effective but also left behind traces, even using himself as acting as the model , an example for people to see that they naturally awaken know mistakes which modify the effect was not bad, but not to the formation of what area; both vehicles are not to be missed. Want to help people who need advice cleverness, said depending on the time, depending on the fee income not to take his words that people do not listen, nor to lose people, ie people can suggest improvements to meet is that I do not miss the opportunity to take action to heal, such as lack of knowledge, such a no-brainer. What is the time to save endangered?     People who have encountered at the tribulation occurs. Incidentally we come across cases where the victims are considered the suffering of his people as well as relief of pain, but hurry; or saying anything to alleviate that frustration unjust to them, or find ways to help them from the constant agony. Well Tzu says: Do not need grace to the next is small or big, just when people encounter danger, but to rescue and help as soon as is. It's true that words have compassion, morality so. What is necessary, repair the major benefits? Small as a village, such as in a district that everyone is necessarily merit the public interest communities need to be helped, contributed, as residents open waterway, such as repair of dykes flood prevention, such as repairing bridges the transportation facilities or alms meals to hunger relief rescue thirsty; as grace and depending opportunity to encourage people together to build, not hit hard, management was not jealousy, hostility comfortable, resentment, every conscientious, dedicated force that act. What is being discharged resources do? According to the Buddha, the good deeds have thousands of things to do but boiled generosity is immediate need, want alms just have a discharge letters only. The clear understanding of this argument is the discharge bases (eye, ear, the nose, tongue, body and mind), in addition to the sense-discharge (color, sound, smell, taste, touch, legal), necessarily what they ownership does not exhaust it. If you do not reach the level can let go of all, they first start using the money that generosity. The life get enough food and work lives, so it is valued for money, now we can let go get rid of that is in the heart of stinginess, ostensibly to save is the time to fold; in the beginning it may seem reluctant to do that, but eventually abandon the familiar and an order in action, can be washed privacy heart, selfish, unless leave is calculated Miserere. What is holding Protective guard Dharma? France is the eyes and ears have vivid premonition and thousands of ancient life retransmission. If there is no dharma, how can participate and support the virtue of Heaven and Earth, how can financial compensation things, how can we break out the urging of the sense, how can the business Vietnamese Dictionary super time and space to show us the path that made ​​escape samsara. So if you see the temple shrine of saint or sage see the classics, we should respect preservation and refurbishment , also said the failure to appoint, spreading the Dharma to repay kindness of the Buddha, we need to encourage and popular. What is respect for religious growth? For the chief religious position, as at home there Parents, in the country, with kings, the flesh society who advanced age, high ethics and dignity are so special to the revered serve. In the worship of all parents to be extremely loving devotion, attitude to treat mild-mannered gentle, the voice said to eat courteous, temperate, get used to the good character, create a new carburetor is the basic method sensitivity heart heaven. When working to serve the king, any do something even though the king did not know to be cautious and not arbitrarily interfere, when the court as well, can not themselves work that needs to splurge for a fair trial and transparency. The ancients often referred to exemplary service of the king as well as sun worship reverently wholeheartedly. It was a dark place to share negative relationship virtue. Let us see what the family tastes well enough, their descendants for many generations are prosper, suppose should carefully note. What a pity animal life? Every man born, called the only person that can show compassion only. Want to have some compassion for, want merit, so that must have had compassion. According to Zhou ritual, in the first month of spring, three students priests used as cattle, pigs, but not killing animals feminine. Strong wife said the gentleman remote electronic kitchen place, trim want to preserve heart rambling, so compassionate, ie not want to hear the cries of the wounded animals being slaughtered; so the elders hold real estate world, four things not to eat; hear the cries of animals being slaughtered, butchered people saw it, feed it yourself, or do it for yourself, but it's meat, four cases that are not eaten. Imitate the heart of the elders, if we can not be completely quit the meat, it is also quite keep the real estate world. Slowly progressive, growing compassion, not the keep the world no longer sees that killing small animals moving stupid or hunches are there all his life without killing, as the pull of silk cocoons taken as silk, plowed land dead insect beetle, Natural as well as enough food and that caused them to nourish themselves, it not pathetic or what, so destroying things consumers are guilty of killing such as; such as not to accidentally noticed that the wear caused hitter does not know how tiny little creatures, it is worthwhile to find out how to prevent it. Poetry can say love rats fed rice spends, trade ephemera are not burning lamp, to them from the dead. It is merciful goodness knows how! Enforcement actually extremely good deeds, not so technical it all. By ten things that can be generalized to surely be perfected thousands of merit. KHIEM GERMANY I- Man (smug) harmful, modest beneficial natural Ching says director and tunnels do not favor joint (joint fulfillment) that modest benefit (moderate damage) is transformed want people to know the correct order your files, so In everything that smug arrogance (business) will're taking a loss, even humble (modest) considered themselves as otherwise the benefits, such as mountain too high, prone to landslides, water hollows often to fill; spirits are often harmful to human pride, and modest benefits for modest. Well nowhere is that heaven and earth, spirits and people are important. In the I Ching hexagram with great humility as a hexagram sand was better for both continents. Scriptures say asking for damages smug, self modest benefits. According to the Scriptures, the humble service and the best thing. I repeatedly tested with electronic artist, every time that officers found a weld appearance, optical solution expressed their pride humbled explicitly as radiating a halo can catch it right away he would pass gain. Year of the Hare, examinations Assembly in the capital city, we include our fellow District 10 Jiashan go, only just Dinh Vu Glass, New name, the youngest age that we are extremely modest. I told Africa Cam Pha, a companion, this is the guy they Nails course of this year's election. They ask how is it that Africa is known, then we are told that only modest damage are reported. Parents as we see in the 10 of us who are not faithful and frank, honest, and make concessions to people, not to offend people like Glass Vu all; none of respect, harmony careful note of humility as glass Vu all, no one is ridiculed, laughed at, criticized, but never to meet, debate, persistently suffered as glass Vu all. Humans are like the devil hell are supporting, or why not you prosper! Keep up the table up until they Ding indeed be elected. In the Ox, in our experience with Khai Phung Chi, see their man Feng extremely modest damage, serious, respectful, be due to habit from time turned into childhood. Opening Chi Feng had a good friend named Li Yan Bad honest, outspoken, but everyone see what is left Opening Chi do speak out, blame right-to-face declaration that Chi has calmed peaceful, not a word is subject to agreement protest, not to stomach upset. I have told to report all symptoms painter, who is blessed by certain is available on the root causes of happiness then, there are also paintings by the prodrome that; just really humble heart failure if the sky will surely assistance. Parent certain level for this year. After actually indeed true. Du Feng Zhao, Optical Telecommunication name, the restaurant district, Shandong Province, when the child does not pass the exam flavor forever. Du Feng's father was named as Tam Doan district should Jiashan y escort. In Glasses Ngo Tien district who have writing talent, extensive knowledge. Provision admired bring all your documents thanks to teachers only. Wu glass and tile view, edit and delete leave much room. Du Feng is not only sad but also magnificent, change to the wording should immediately take the exam the following year was elected. That was so humble, modest, fix up his achievement. Year of the Dragon, on the occasion of the business audience with the emperor, we see the House of Architecture Department, see who is extremely respectful, humble, humility nowhere more obvious that everyone must respect; when I tell you about the property is that everyone who is helping the sun without being discovered, first of all wisdom will be opened; While intellectual expansion, the floating vanity, uncertainty will naturally turn into practical, the bohemian nature minimized. Architecture Department is moderate, so certain Virtue will be heaven for being discovered. Indeed up until matriculation board. Captain Zhang Yan, the District Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, is the extensive study, read, text or famous, taste tested Horse Armor year in Nanjing The other lives in a temple ; While not on the table up so loud insults not see the eye contact, do not know who. There were a hermit in the next hearing went smile. Captain Cliff instant right to vent anger hermit hermit debts, saying: Make certain documents his post or not. The words this makes more defy Captain Yan large: You can read my office where I known or not? Magi said: I heard that most precious prose average center, air conditioning, now that he defamed the word of the survey, please discontent was so worth it arrogant writer or how? Captain Yan suddenly hear rehabilitation, it's time to apply the Taoist teachings that. Taoist saying: won election or the list entirely by fate to, though some have not been passed, the text or is futile, so transformed himself amendment. Captain Cliff said: Has fatalistic as amended so how? Magi said: Innovation is due to face the sun, so I made ​​par is, exertion of doing good, true negative for deep faith, it does not need to be happy. Captain Yan asked: Why is lowered poor student, how do? Magi said: Do good deeds, negative virtues are created by the mind, often to maintain good heart out this great merit, such as only a modest humble shall not charge anything, why are you not self-reflection, self-blame themselves, but the slander see it? Therefore, Captain Cliff humbled himself to preserve remodeling, worked out a lot of good days, one day spiritual exertion thick; to the top of the head in a dream that goes to building high rooms, a book and a list of candidates to be admitted for examination, found many new empty row at the next question: Please consult the list of courses and examinations this, why have so many vacant restaurant name? Then he said to them in the afterlife for the candidate list of the examinations every three years to review once, who practice, what sin does not merit the name of the book, while the goods leave Available are related to the former contestants were supposed to register but as being silver, mistakes should be excluded; then only one line that said the next three years you should keep careful tu province, graphic apparel can be filled name on it, hoping that your home should be mindful not to make mistakes. Course exam that year, Captain Cliff elected to list a hundred and five people. II- humility, modesty, being the source of the following, at, only three feet tall continually surely has divine scrutiny, wish to avoid the danger hung ears, or want to look forward to good things, all by itself certainly know where we keep the good heart, a good ink avoid evil, not at all have sinned against Heaven and Earth spirits, again modest humility, not pride, egotism, hell demons that often have mercy blessed to have any effect. Whom full pride, self-satisfied, given the narrow air quality, although there is also a thriving alone, there are long-lasting and would not be happy. Who have little knowledge there must be widespread generosity, stomach does not narrow yourself not miss a new opportunity to be blessed, how much more humble humbled himself often been the advent please direct or perhaps to the interests really endless. This is something that the study could not understand and thus indispensable. Word of the ancients have said minded people as well as the new tree roots grow flowers, fruit. Who have the will to establish the list will be given the title, you surely want to be rich you would be rich. Established media should remind ourselves often have nowhere humble humble no matter very little, for everyone to pay attention to behave modest touch with the new heavens and the earth, and also should understand that making yourself happy is because the mind that created, such as if there must needs be passed the sincere will to maintain the original, not only the inspiration for today, not tomorrow, then the only inspiration. Strong Lady death of King Xuan of Qi said: The king is popular music that delights, great to be able to make the country prosperous Qi. That is the quote in the book Mencius, Thien Hue Wang Liang, the shot down, the agency said that the king's favorite musical delight, it was fun for yourself, by knowing how to bring the music please enjoy it conversion to make critical properties are also happy with the king, the king because the people will surely serve its best, there must Qi vogue. I for scientific rationale for such titles as well, meaning that also brought sincere intention with the name that practically dedicated to paddle doing good and helping others in order to get some new changes were intended to be blessed by a destiny created by themselves.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/3/2015.

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