Wednesday 23 March 2016

1. Brahma Net Sutra.

1. Brahma Net Sutra
(Brahmajâla Sutta)
1. Thus have I heard. Another time, Bhagavan was traveling on the road between Rajagaha (Rajgir) and with mass Nalanda monks about five hundred. At that time there unbelieving Suppiya wanderer also go on the road between Rajagaha and Nalanda together with practitioners, youth Brahmadatta. Suppiya, pagan wanderer used numerous means defame the Buddha, the French commander libelous, defamatory Increase canceled, also a disciple of pagan Suppiya wanderer, youth Brahmadatta, re-used numerous means praise Buddha, praised France , praised Tang. Thus both Teachers and students say the words completely contrasting while walking behind the Buddha and their monks.
2. Then Bhagavan to stay one night at Ambalatthika, the resort of kings, with their monks. Suppiya, pagan wanderer also to stay one night at Ambalatthika, vacation home of the King, along with his disciples, youth Brahmadatta. Here, wanderer pagan Suppiya also used numerous means defame Buddhism, defame Falun, defame Increase, and the disciples of pagan Suppiya wanderer, youth Brahmadatta, the media used numerous praise Buddha , praised France, praised Tang. Thus both Teachers and students say the words contrasting while walking behind Bhagavan and we monks.
3. And when the night had just ended, a large number of monks, after waking up, meeting at a time sat round the following story and discussed among monks.
- Hey Sage, it miraculously! Sage Hey, it's rather rare! Bhagavan, god All-knowing, all ants, god Arhat, Career Enlightenment, have understood the differences trend of beings. Suppiya, this pagan wanderer who used numerous media Buddhist defame, defame Falun, defame Increase. Wanderer also pagan practitioners Suppiya, youth Brahmadatta again used numerous means, praise Buddha, praised France, praised Tang. Thus, students and teachers spoke both completely contrasting words while walking behind Bhagavan and we monks.
4. At that time Bhagavan known story among the monks in question, in time came to the circle and sat down on the seat was drafted. After sitting down, Bhagavan told the monks:
- Hey, monks, what the story is discussed in the meeting when you sit in this place? What issues have been left unfinished not finished?
Heard so, the monks venerable sir:
- Buddha! Here, just as brutal night, after we got up, sat in meetings where the circle and space between us, the following story in question: "Hey Sage, it miraculously! ... (see number 3) ... Bhagavan and we monks ". Venerable sir, that is the story in question, our halfway when Bhagavan coming!
5. - Hey, monks, if someone defame Me, defame or defame Increase France, the people do not have so being pleased indignant, furious, mind being bothered. This, monks, if someone defame Me, defame or defame Increase France, and if ye being pleased indignant, furious, mind being bothered, so time will be harmful to you. If someone defame Me, defame or defame Increase France, and if you indignant and sorrow, when ye may know that those words are true or false reasonable?
- Buddha, can not be!
- Hey, monks, when someone defame Me, defame or defame Falun Increase, you must specify the points are not true is not true: - "Like this, this is not true real; like this, this is incorrect; it does not have among us; it does not happen between us. "
6. Hey, monks, if someone praises me, praised France, or praise monks and time you should not be happy, excited, interested not so amused. This, monks, if someone praises me, praise or praise Increase France, but if you feel happy, excited and interested and will be harmful to you. This, monks, if someone praises me, praise or praise Increase France, when ye recognize what true is true: "Like this, this true, like this, precisely this point, it had between us, this has happened between us. "
7. Hey, monks, it belongs only unimportant matters, minor, under the rule that only the ordinary man praise the Tathagata. This, monks, is how unimportant issues, minor, under the rule that only the ordinary man praise the Tathagata?
8. recluse Gotama abandon killing, away from killing, ministers, aside the knife, is compassionate, merciful life to the happiness of all beings and beings. - Hey, monks, that praises the Tathagata of the ordinary man.
Recluse Gotama's waiver does not take away from the uptake of not only keep the items were for, just wish things were for, pure life without thieves. - Hey, monks, it is the Tathagata's praises ordinary man.
Recluse Gotama abandon misconduct, pure virtues, liberated life, despicable lewd abandon. This, monks, it is the Tathagata's praises ordinary man.
9. recluse Gotama lie abandoned, away lying, speak the word of truth, he just where the truth, sure, trustworthy, not cheat, do not betray the promise of life. This, monks, it is the Tathagata's praises ordinary man.
Recluse Gotama abandon said two blades, said two-edged away; hear something in this place, do not go talking to the other place for delivery split in these individuals; heard something in there, do not go talk to these people for delivery in the other divisions. Thus recluse Gotama harmony cockroach separatists, who have been growing in harmony, joy in harmony, said those words brought to harmony. This, monks, it is the Tathagata's praises ordinary man.
This, monks, recluse Gotama abandon evil talk, away from the cruel words, words no mistakes, good ears, cute, sympathetic to the heart, elegant and pleasing to many people, please many, the recluse Gotama say such words. This, monks, it is the Tathagata's praises ordinary man.
This, monks, recluse Gotama abandon dependence verbal language, away from dependence verbal language, say time, say the word of truth, speak the words mean, says the words of the Chief Justice, said the words of the Law, said the words should be kept, trendy words, rational, coherent system, with benefits. - Hey, monks, it is the Tathagata's praises ordinary man.
10. recluse Gotama does not harm the seeds and herbs; Recluse Gotama use one meal a day, do not eat at night, giving up not eating at night, eating at the same time not give up. Recluse Gotama abandon not go to the dance, singing, music, theater. Recluse Gotama waiver wreath jewelry, perfume, lotions and fashion. Recluse Gotama abandon not use high beds and large beds. Recluse Gotama abandon not get gold and silver. Recluse Gotama abandon not receive the seed. Recluse Gotama abandon not get raw meat. Recluse Gotama abandon does not recognize women and girls. Recluse Gotama abandon housemaids not get girls and boys. Recluse Gotama abandon not get sheep and goats. Recluse Gotama abandon poultry and pigs not receiving. Recluse Gotama abandon not get elephants, cows, horses and mares. Recluse Gotama abandon not get tilled land. Recluse Gotama abandon not brokers or broker yourself. Recluse Gotama waiver trade. Recluse Gotama abandon the fraud by weight, money and measurement. Recluse Gotama abandonment of misconduct, such as bribery, fraud, fraud. Recluse Gotama abandon not hurt, killed, bondage, picture winner, theft, looting.
- Hey, monks, it is the Tathagata's praises ordinary man.
Done Sub world.
11. While some recluses, Brahmin cuisine used oil donations by credit, surviving harmed seeds and trees. As the seeds from birth roots, seeds from trees branches birth, birth seeds from the soil, plant seeds from being extracted and fifth seed is the seed from birth. Recluse Gotama, it also does not hurt any seeds or plants. - Hey, monks, like this ordinary person praise the Tathagata.
12. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still life expectancy store and enjoy things. As stored food, beverages containing distilled, stored fabric, store traffic, the map is stored, contain flavoring distilled, stored the fine taste. Recluse Gotama is also abandon not stored on the objects. - Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
13. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, are still living under the righteous du theater not like dancing, singing, music, drama, recitation, beats hands, recite it, beat drums, played the fairy opera, martial arts forever, fights, fighting horses, buffalo fighting, bull fighting, fighting goats, sheep game, game of chicken, quail play, stroke play, match rights , wrestling, fight counterfeiting, arrayed, exercises, taking soldiers. Recluse Gotama also give up all kinds of travelers, the theater is not true as the above. - Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
14. While some recluses, Brahmin cuisine used oil donations by credit, are still living under the gambling and entertainment, including eight flag square, ten square flag, flags aerial, ground games, only have the right to step into the box step, toss games and capture cards but not to collapse the pile cards, dice, playing insisted, hands do write, play ball, play with leaves blowing trumpets , play cars, play small bow, play guess the writing lacks air or on the back, playing guessing thoughts, mimicking the melody played. Recluse Gotama is also abandoned gambling and other types of entertainment such. - Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
15. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, also still alive using a high bed and large beds armchairs, couches, mattresses, wool bedding , bedsheets many multicolored panels, white woolen blankets, woolen blankets embroidered cotton, cotton mattresses, cushions embroidered with animals, fur blankets on both sides, one side fur blanket, blanket with attached pearls, quilts by silk, large rug can hold sixteen dancers, elephants mattresses, mattress horse, car cushions, mattresses, leather chamois stitched together, the chamois leather cushions called kadali, floor mosaic with the top cover, benches with red knee. Recluse Gotama is also abandon not use high beds and large beds above. - Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
16. While some recluses, Brahmin cuisine used oil donations by credit, also still alive using jewelry and cosmetics. As an oiled, massage, bathing, beating limber limbs, mirror, cold cream, wreaths and makeup, face powder, waxy face, arms, wig on his head, sticks, pipe-smoking, sword , parasols, embroidered slippers, head scarf, pearls, whisk, white cloth trimmed with long tassels. Recluse Gotama is also abandon not used all kinds of jewelry and cosmetics above. This, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
17. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, are still alive told the story in vain, trivial as the story of the kings, the story of theft, the story of the great god, the story of the soldiers, horror stories, war stories, the story of the food, the drinks story, the story of the fabric wear, the story of the sleepers , the story of a wreath, the story of aromatherapy, the story of her son, the story of the vehicles, the story of the village, the story of the towns, the story of the city, the story of the national level, the story about a woman, the story of man, the story of the hero, the story roadside spot for water story, the story of the dead, the voice magazine story, a story about the current state of world, the current state of the oceans, the story about the existence and nonexistence. Recluse Gotama also abandon the story did not say useless, trivial above. - Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
18. While some recluses, Brahmin cuisine used oil donations by credit, are still alive to discuss the dispute, as saying: "You do not know the law and I know law and this law. How can you know the law and this? you have committed wrong, I was right right understanding; my words that resonate new, words that resonate ye not; you do not match words Falcon, the things worth saying before you say the following, it is significant that the later you said before, all you got is the condemned; saying you were challenged; you have struck unbeaten. come award fins that statement, if possible, to escape from the secret entrance. " Recluse Gotama, it also abandoned the dispute was argued above. - Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
19. While some recluses, Brahmin cuisine used oil donations by credit, are still alive to give information, or to stand as a broker, as for the king, for courtiers of the king, for you Sat-imperial-town, to taste Brahmin, for homeowners, for the youth and said: "Let's go to that place, let's go back to the other; bring this one again, bring this to the other place. " Recluse Gotama is also abandon not to take the stand as news and brokerage. So ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
20. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, fraud is still alive, saying Flattering, suggestions, detractors, took advantage needs benefit. Recluse Gotama is also abandon not scam and Flattering as on.
This, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
Central World is complete.
21. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still nourishing himself with the general view sexual misconduct as limbs, contemplate Minister, millions minister, romantic Minister, the form, sign rats, fire health, economic spoon, mouth spray etc .. mustard seed into the fire, rice crust fact, fact sheets, rice international, independent international automotive, oil and health, blood health, scientific view details faculty geographical view, watching romantic science, science god bless bridge, bridge devil science, science spells used indoors clay, solid science, science poison, science scorpions, birds Sciences, faculty of ravens, guess some network science, science against arrows, said the voice of the bird department. Recluse Gotama is also away from the aforementioned misconduct.
- Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
22. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still sustained himself on the wrong network as physiognomy of the stones, sticks Minister, Minister shirt pants, swords Minister, Minister arrows, bow Minister, Minister of weapons, a woman minister, minister men, youth minister, minister teenager, male servants, generals, wall female servant, minister of elephants, horses minister, Minister buffaloes, bulls Minister, Minister of cows, goats Minister, Minister of sheep, poultry Minister, Minister quail, Minister gecko, long eared animals Minister, Minister ghosts, animals minister. Recluse Gotama is also abandon the aforementioned network misconduct.
- Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
23. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still nourishing himself on the wrong network as predictable: The king will march, the king will retreat ; native king will attack, Gentile king will withdraw; Gentile king will attack the king of native will thoroughly rotten; native king wins, Gentile king will defeat; Gentile king wins, native will defeat the king. Thus there will be victory for the side of this party, there will be a failure for the other side. Recluse Gotama is also abandon the aforementioned network misconduct.
- Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
24. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still nourishing himself on the wrong network as anticipate will be a lunar eclipse, there will be real bloggers, will prove a real; the moon, the sun will go right path, the moon, the sun will go outside the district director, the stars will go right path, going beyond stellar path, there will be a meteor, will fire the direction, there will be an earthquake, there will be thunder and sun, the moon, the sun, the stars will grow, will dive, will blur, will light, lunar eclipse will have results like this, real bloggers will have the results as this, real crystals have results like this, the sun moon right path to have results like this, the sun moon go outside the path will have results like this, the stars come true the path will have results like this, the meteor would have results like this, the fire would have resulted directions like this, there will be an earthquake like this result, it will have results thunder like this, the moon, the sun, the stars appeared, diving, blur, brightness, will have results like this. Recluse Gotama Also, keep away, do not feed itself by the aforementioned network misconduct.
- Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
25. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still nourishing himself on the wrong network as predicting there will be more rain, there will be long term, will be the season, will lose the season, there will be peace, there will be threats, there will be sick, there will not be sick, or do the job like counting on fingers, accounting, plus a large number, do a, do that the provincial. Recluse Gotama also shun the aforementioned misconduct. - Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
26. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations credits, still nourishing himself on the wrong network. As arranged day to pick strawberries or fresh-law, look good to mediation date, look good to split the time and date, select the date and time well to recover the debt, look better to borrow the date and time or spend money, use spells to help who are lucky charms used to make people at risk, using spells to abortion, use spells nip blade, use a spell that caused the jaw did not move, use spells to make people have to put their hands down, using spells makes deaf ears, ask the mirror, ask accordance copper, girls, angels ask for blessings art, worship the sun, great local churches, the fire erupted, Siri needs mammon. Recluse Gotama also shun the aforementioned network misconduct.
- Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
27. While some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still nourishing himself with the evil magician uses the network as to keep the peace, not to annoy the promise, to be sheltered indoors land to ocean is prevalent, to make people impotence, to find good land for house construction, in order to bless the new house, mouth washing ceremony, sacrifice, make vomiting, making the lottery, excrete upward filthy, filthy secretion of the bottom, purified in the head, rub oil in the ear, eye drops, to drugs through the nostrils, eye drug anointed, anointed eye, eye pain healing, do dissections physician, a child's treatment, the medication made of roots, preventing the drug's effects. Recluse Gotama also shun the aforementioned network misconduct.
- Hey, monks, so ordinary people praise the Tathagata.
This, monks, these are not important issues, petty, just under the precept that ordinary people used to praise the Tathagata.
Done Great World.
28. Hey, monks, there are other, deep, difficult to comprehend, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle new location just people getting out. The law does Tathagata have intellectual insight, enlightenment and legends. And the law that those who rightly praised as truly new Tathagata comes.
This, monks, how deep is the law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, can not get out by mere logic, subtle, where only those who can get out. The law does Tathagata have intellectual insight, enlightenment and legend, and it is the law that those who rightly praised as truly new Tathagata comes.
29. Hey, monks have recluses, Brahmin, up discussion of past records, mortgage application is past dark, dark past medical preliminary basis, initiated many other establishments is wrong , with eighteen accept arguments. And what he was merely follow, based on nothing, the recluses, Brahmin was discussion about the past, I'm afraid, mortgage application is about the past night, he kept up page on the past, proponents of many other establishments with eighteen is wrong conclusion mortgage?
30. Hey, monks, there are some recluses, Brahmin, argument Resident undertakings, accepted that: "The ego of the world is permanent," with the four arguments accepted. And the recluses, this Brahmin, he was merely what, what grounds, advocated Resident speech, and serving self and the world is also with four arguments generally accepted?
31. Hey, monks, fervent thanks, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center; when entering the center, he remembered many past lives, like a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, hundreds of lives, thousands of lives, hundreds of thousands of lives, countless hundreds of lives, wealth some thousand generations, countless hundreds of thousands of lives, remember: When was born in that place, I've lived with the name like this, your clan like this, like this class, eating like this, painful feeling optimistic life like this, like this life. From where he died, I was born to the other place. In there, I have lived like this name, clan like this, like this class, eating like this, feeling optimistic, unpleasant like this, like this life. From the other place I was born to die in this place. "Thus he remembered many past lives, with features and details. He said:" The ego and the world is permanent, regardless of birth, empowerment firm as mountains, as the pillar; there are other types of flows charming reincarnation, death is born again, though they remain permanent. Why so? Because of that I so ardently thanks, thanks to diligent, thanks to diligent, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection ... also the other types of flows charming reincarnation, death is born again, though we often minus".
The monks were the first stance, according to which only he, accordingly, a number of recluses, Brahmin, Resident undertakings comment, and accept that the ego and the world is permanent.
32. The second case, there are recluses, Brahmin y just what, what grounds, Resident policy speech, and accept that the ego and the world to be permanent?
This, monks, in this life there are recluses or Brahmin, the most by heart, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center, while import center for, he remembered many past lives, lives as a corrupt life, two lives into lives septic, septic lives three lives, ten lives a life septic remember: "When he was born on the spot, I have lived with names like this, your clan like this, like this class, eating like this, unpleasant pleasures like this ... there are other kinds of flows charming reincarnation, death is born again, although they remain permanent. "
This, monks, it was the second place, according to which only he, accordingly, a number of recluses, Brahmin, the policy and accept that argument Resident, the ego and the world Love you.
33. The third case, the recluse or Brahmin, he just what, what grounds, Resident policy speech, and said that the ego and the world to be permanent?
This, monks, in this life there are recluses or Brahmin, the most by heart, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. When entering the center, he remembered many past lives, as a lifetime ten lifetimes septic, septic twenty life into life, into life septic thirty lives, the lives septic forty lives, the lives of fifty lifetimes damage; Remember: "When you are born in that place, I've lived with the name like this, your clan like this, like this class, optimistic life expectancy suffering like this, like this life. From that place, die, I was born to other places. From that place, it dies, I was born to the other place. At the other place, I've lived with the name like this, like this clan, caste like this , eating like this, unpleasant pleasures like this, like this life. From the other die, I was born in this place. " So he remembered many past lives with the features and details. He said: "The ego and the world is permanent, regardless of birth, initiation solid as the mountains, as the pillar, while the other type, the flow beings reincarnation, death is born again, however, we often stay. Why? Because that I ardently ask ... should I enter the same mind. When the mind to such entry, I remember a lot of past life, like the lives of ten, corrupt life ... four damage to life fifty lifetimes ". Remember: "When he was born on the spot, I live with the name like this ... I was born in this place." So he remembered many past lives with the features and details. He said: "The ego and the world is permanent, regardless of birth, initiation solid as mountains, pillar ... there are other kinds of beings, the flow, reincarnation, death is born again, though they still Resident".
This, monks, that's stance Tuesday, according to which only he, accordingly, a number of recluses, Brahmin, Resident policy speech, the ego and the world accept permanent.
34. The fourth case, the recluses, Brahmin y just what, what grounds, Resident policy speech, and accept the world of ego and permanent?
This, monks, in life there recluse or Brahmin, is the inference, the police authority. Due to the split of inference, and depending upon under inspection, this position statement like this: "The ego and the world is permanent, regardless of birth, initiation solid as the mountains, as the pillar, and what kind of other beings of samsara flows, died born again, although they often are. "
This, monks, that stance Wednesday, according to which only he, accordingly, a number of recluses, Brahmin, Resident policy speech, accepted the ego and the world is permanent .
35. This, monks, the recluse, this Brahmin, argument Resident advocate, serving the ego and the world is permanent, with four serving argument. If there are recluses, Brahmin any comment Resident undertakings, accepted that: "The ego and the world is permanent", we will accept all four arguments mortgage on, or accept one of the above arguments besides, does not accept any other conclusion.
36. This, monks, the Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, such attachments, attachment so, will lead to such realms of animals, would work into the network so" . Tathagata knew it, he knew more than that, and he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to his knowledge no attachment base, inner witness was the first President. He said the training realistic start, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. By knowing this, this, monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging.
37. The law enforcement was, this, monks, is the deepest law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only those with possible new location distinguish. The law does, Tathagata won knowledge, enlightenment and legends; It was these measures that, those who rightly praised as real new Tathagata comes.
1. Hey, monks, there are recluses, Brahmin, advocated a conclusion Resident section, part Impermanence argument, accept the self and the world is usually longer for a charming Grade and impermanent for a charming Grade other, with four serving argument. And the recluse, her Brahmin, he was merely what, what policy grounds Resident part speech, part Impermanence argument, accept the self and the world is usually longer for a charming and Rating impermanent for a charming Grade other, with four serving argument?
2. Hey, monks, there is a time to a certain stage, after a very long duration, the world go septic. While the world go septic, the most charming kind realms birth through Abhassara (Quang Music heaven). Stay in there, what kind of beings due to the birth, nourishing joy, self-halo projector, astronauts in space, it lives in the glory, and live such a long time.
3. Hey, monks, there is a time to a certain stage, after a long-term, this translates into the world. While this world turned into Pham supply is out, but it was empty. At that time, a being, or life-took advantage, or good fortune took advantage, the public network from Quang Music disasters, birth through offering discounts emptiness. He in there, so the birth, nourishing joy, self-halo projector, astronauts in space, it lives in the glory, and live in such a long time.
4. This person, in that location, after living so long alone, start the depressed, not happy and expectations: "Hopefully there are other beings, also to this site!" At that time, the other living beings, or life-took advantage, or good fortune took advantage, and from relatives was common destiny Quang Music disasters, birth through offering discounts to make friends with other sentient status. What kind of beings are there as well as the birth, nourishing joy, self-halo projector, astronauts out of nowhere, in the glorious life, and live like that, in a long time.
5. At that time, the monks, the first sentient being over thought: "I am Brahma, the Great Brahma, Almighty, the Most wins, variable labels, Upper religion, God, Creation Home , turns being host, Dai religion, the Lord of all life, beings Liberation, fathers beings have and shall conceive. these beings are born that cause. Why? because we have a thought of by key: Hopefully other sentient species on this site - by the wish of my Government that these beings came to this site. " The following beings to think like this: "He is Brahma, the Great Brahma, Almighty, the Most wins, variable labels, Upper religion, God, Creative Home, turned born owner, Dai religion, Lord of all the networks, so re, fathers beings have and will give birth. we're a Brahman by birth turns. why? because we've seen this position before birth here. and we are after birth. "
6. Hey, monks, the first born beings that live longer, better and appearances are much more powerful. And these beings are born after a shorter life, appearances at better and be anything less. This, monks, the situation occurs. One of the beings that, after abandoning the other body to reincarnate this realm. Upon arrival to this world, he left home to leave home, no family life. After leaving my family left home, no family life, he, thanks to enthusiasm, due diligence, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. When entering the center, he remembered his past life, do not remember life beyond it. He said: "The other is Brahma, the Great Brahma, Almighty, the Most wins, variable labels, Upper religion, God, Creative Home, turned born owner, Dai religion, Lord melancholy destiny, god Independence, fathers beings have and will give birth. we're a Brahman by birth he turned. he is a permanent, solid, permanent, not change, so permanent as forever. and we Brahma was so turned're born to this site. We are impermanent, non-permanent, short-lived and subject to variable service life ".
This, monks, it is the first case, he was merely accordingly, pursuant to which, a number of recluses, Brahmin, Resident undertakings part of speech, a comment section Impermanence, acceptance the ego and the world is permanent for a charming and impermanence class for a grade other beings.
7. The second case, there are recluses, Brahmin, he is only what, what grounds, advocated a Resident section reasoning, reasoning impermanent part, accept the self and the world is often also for a charming and impermanence class for a grade other beings?
This, monks, have the gods called Khiddapadosika Rating (infected or by sensual). These men lived a long time, a passion for sensual goofy Coliseum. As long life, a passion for sensual goofy Coliseum, should be forgetfulness. Due to forgetfulness, the Devas reincarnate him, abandoning their bodies.
8. This, monks, the situation occurs. One of the other living beings reincarnate abandoned when that body, back to the place of birth. Upon arrival at this place, he left home, abandoned the family, no family life. Once ordained, abandoned the family, not family life, because he single-mindedly, through diligence, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. When entering the center, he remembered his past life, do not remember life beyond it.
9. He said: "The gods are not infected or by pleasure, they do not live long day in the Coliseum goofy fascination sensual. So do not live long day in the Coliseum goofy passion for sensual, should not forgetfulness . by not forgetfulness, so the gods did not reincarnate abandon their bodies, permanent living, solid, permanent, not change, so permanent as forever. as we have been infected or by sensual, long life fascination of sensual goofy Coliseum. since we live long day in the Coliseum goofy passion for sensual, should be forgetfulness. Do forgetfulness, we give up this body, life is impermanent, not permanent, life prematurely, subject to change and the birth falls this site ".
This, monks, it is the second case, in which only y, accordingly, a number of recluses, Brahmin, Resident undertakings part of speech, a comment section Impermanence, acceptance the ego and the world is permanent for a charming Grade, and impermanent for a class other sentient.
10. The third case, there are recluses, Brahmin, he just what, what grounds, advocated a Resident section reasoning, reasoning impermanent part, accept the self and the world is often also with a charming Grade, and impermanent for a charming Grade else?
This, monks, have the gods called Manopadosika Rating (infected or by mind). We lived day by simmering mutual jealousy. As long lived tempered by mutual jealousy, our minds mutual hatred. Because mutual hatred mind, should themselves tired, tired mind them. Grades that gods reincarnate abandon our physical body.
11. This, monks, the situation occurs. One of the other charming position, when the body falls to abandon her birth, born to this world again. Upon arrival at this place, he left home to leave home, no family life. After leaving my family left home, no family life, he single-mindedly through, thanks to diligence, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. When entering the center, he remembered his past life, but do not remember life beyond it.
12. He said: "Those who the gods are not infected or by the mind, they do not live long day tempered by mutual jealousy. For long life is not tempered by mutual jealousy, mind they do not hate each other. so they do not mind hated each other, so they do not get tired body, our mind is not tired. the restaurant does not reincarnate gods abandoned their bodies, permanent life solidly, resident, not change, so permanent forever ". And we are infected or by the mind, long life tempered by mutual jealousy, should mind our mutual hatred. Because our minds hated each other, so tired body and mind fatigue. We reincarnate, abandoning this body, impermanent life is not permanent, life prematurely, subject to change and the birth falls this site ".
This, monks, it is the third case, in which only y, accordingly, a number of recluses, Brahmin undertakings Resident part speech, part Impermanence argument, accept the self and the world is permanent for a charming and impermanence class for a grade other beings.
13. The fourth case, there are recluses, Brahmin, he just what, what policy grounds Resident part speech, part Impermanence argument, accept the self and the world is permanent for a charming and impermanence class for a grade other beings.
This, monks, there are recluses, or Brahmin is the inference, the police authority. Because of the split refutable inference and the subject under inspection, this position statement like this: "The so-called eyes, the ears, the nose, the tongue, the body, his ego is impermanent, non-permanent, non-resident, are changing. the so-called mind, the mind, the knowledge, the self that is permanent, immutable, permanent, not be changed, so constant forever ".
This, monks, that was the case Wednesday, according to which only he, accordingly, a number of recluses, Brahmin, Resident undertakings part of speech, a comment section Impermanence, acceptance the ego and the world is permanent for a charming Grade, and impermanent for a class other sentient.
14. This, monks, the monks, this Brahmin Resident advocated partial conclusion, partial conclusion Impermanence, accept the self and the world is also with four arguments generally accepted. If there is the recluse or Brahmin Resident undertakings speech, accept the self and the world is permanent, we will accept all four arguments mortgage on, or one approved comment on, in addition to no conclusion any other mortgage.
15. This, monks, the Tathagata knows that: "The basis is that, such attachments, attachment so, will lead to such realms of animals, would work into the same network." Tathagata insight so, he left more insight, and he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to him not to claim intellectual, introspective be the first President. He said the training realistic start, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. By knowing this, this, monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging.
The law does, this, monks, is the innermost subtle approach, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only those with the new location can be identified. The law does, those who rightly praised as truly new Tathagata comes.
16. Hey, monks, there are recluses, Brahmin advocates Huu Boundless border, accept the world as Boundless Being margin with four arguments accepted. And the recluses, this Brahmin, he was merely what, what grounds, advocates Huu Boundless marginal comment, accept finite world is boundless with four arguments accepted?
17. Hey, monks, there recluse or Brahmin, thanks to enthusiasm, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. When entering the center, he lived life to the world of thought is finite. He said: "This world is finite, there is a detour around. Why? For me, the most by heart, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the mind. When the mind samadhi, I live with the thought world is finite. so I know that this world is finite, there is a detour around ".
This, monks, it is the first case, he was merely accordingly, pursuant to which, a number of recluses, Brahmin Boundless border advocates Huu argument, accept the world is finite and very sea.
18. The second case, there are recluses, Brahmin, he just what, what grounds, advocates Huu Boundless marginal comment, serving the world is finite and infinite?
This, monks, there recluses, Brahmin, the most by heart, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. When entering the center, he lived life to the world of thought is boundless. He said: "This world is infinite, there is no limit." The monks, Brahmin who has said: "This world is finite, there is a detour around", he said the untrue. This world is infinite, there is no limit. Why so? As I asked one heart, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. When entering the center, I thought living with the boundless world. So I said: "This world is infinite, there is no limit."
This, monks, it is the latter case, only such care, such bases, there are some recluses, Brahmin Boundless border advocates Huu opinion, accept finite world is very sea.
19. The third case, there are recluses, Brahmin, he just what, what grounds, advocates Huu Boundless marginal comment, accept finite world is boundless?
This, monks, there recluse or Brahmin, the most by heart, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. When entering the center, he lived life to the world of thought is finite on the top, bottom and the boundless world about the breadth. He said: "This world is finite and infinite." These recluses, Brahmin who has said: "This world is finite, there is a detour around, then what he says is not true." These recluses, Brahmin who has said: "This world is infinite without limits, those he said are not true. This world is both finite, just as infinite. Why so? so that, I asked one heart, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the mind. When the mind samadhi, I lived with the thought in my life, the world is finite on top, bottom, and the world is boundless toward broadness. so I said: "this world is both finite medium is boundless."
This, monks, it is the third case, he just so, so base, some recluses, Brahmin Boundless border advocates Huu opinion, accept finite world is boundless .
20. The fourth case, there are recluses, Brahmin, he just what, what grounds, advocates Huu Boundless marginal comment, accept finite world is boundless?
This, monks, there recluse or Brahmin is the inference, the police authority. Due to the split of inference and refutable depending upon according to the inspection, this position made the following statement: "This world is neither finite nor as infinite. These recluses, Ba-La- what subjects said: "this world is finite limits around," he said of not true. Again these recluses, Brahmin who has said: "the world is boundless no limits, "he also said the untrue. Again the monk, Brahmin who has said:" this world is both finite medium is boundless ", he also said the not true. this world is not finite, nor infinite.
21. This, monks, the recluse, this Brahmin advocates Huu Boundless border with four arguments accept arguments. If there is the recluse or Brahmin does Boundless border advocates Huu opinion, accept finite world is infinite, they will accept all four arguments mortgage on, or accept one of the above conclusion, in addition to not compliance with any other conclusion.
22. This, monks, the Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, such attachments, attachment so, will lead to such realms of animals, would work into the network so" . Tathagata such insight. He more insight, and he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to her knowledge base is not attached, the inner being first President. His realistic insight launch the file, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. Through this insight, the monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging.
The law does, this, monks, is the deepest law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only the new location can be identified. The self-certification approach voters that Tathagata, enlightened and legends; and that those who own the realistic approach rightly praised new Tathagata comes.
23. Hey, monks, there are some recluses, Brahmin advocate Wei argued. When asked this problem or other problems using the fallacy slithered like eels bending with four arguments accepted. And the recluse, her Brahmin, he was merely what, what grounds, advocates argue puppet, when asked this problem or other problems using the fallacy slithered like eels bending with four arguments challenge?
24. Hey, monks, there recluse or Brahmin is not realistic to know "This is good" is not realistic to know "This is immoral." He thought: I do not like really said: "This is good," as it's said: "This is immoral," and if I answered: "This is good," or I answered: "This is evil" Exercise time, greed, anger or hatred arises in me. If sex, greed, anger or hatred arises in me, so I may be wrong. If I'm wrong, I was bothered. If I was bothered would be a hindrance to me - Thus, for fear of mistakes, because mistakes disgusted, so he did not answer: "This is good", nor answered: "It is immoral ". When asked about this issue or other issues, he used words such sophistry bending slithering eel: "I would not say so. I'm not saying the other is like. I'm not saying other like that. I'm not saying not like that. I'm not saying it's not like that. "
This, monks, it is the first case, only such care, such bases, a number of recluses, Brahmin advocate Wei argued, when asked this problem or other problems using the fallacy slithered like eels bending.
 25. The second case, there are recluses, Brahmin, he just what, what policy grounds Wei argued, when asked this problem or other problems using the fallacy slithered bending as an eel? (first)
This, monks, there recluse or Brahmin, not as they really know, "This is good," as it's said, "This is immoral." He thought: I do not like really said: "This is good," as it's said: "This is immoral." Since I do not like really said: "This is good," as it's said, "This is immoral." And if I answered: "This is good," or I answered: "It is immoral", the sex, greed, anger or hatred arises in me. If sex, greed, anger or hatred arises in me, so I can cling. If I cling, I was bothered. If I are depressed, when an obstacle for me.
- Thus, for fear of clinging, clinging so disgusted, so he did not answer: "This is good", nor answered: "This is immoral." When asked about this issue or other issues, he used words such sophistry bending slithering eel: "I would not say so. I'm not saying the other is like. I'm not saying other like that. I'm not saying is not like that. I'm not saying it's not like that. " This, monks, it is the latter case, only such care, such bases, a number of recluses, Brahmin advocate Wei argued, when asked about this issue or problem other Sophists used words such as eel slithering bending.
26. The third case, there are recluses, Brahmin, he just what, what policy grounds sophistry speech, when asked this problem or other problems using the fallacy slithered bending as an eel?
- Hey, monks, there recluse or Brahmin is not realistic to know "This is good," as it's said, "This is immoral." He thought: I do not like really said: "This is good," as it's said: "This is immoral." Since I do not like really know, "This is good," as it's said, "This is immoral," and if I answered: "This is good" or reply: "This is evil", there are recluses, Brahmin, erudite, sensitive, discursive eloquence, refutable as split hairs, these people go here and there, as if demolishing the intellectual wrong with them, they can offloading, and hard questioning my victims. If we measured at, question, kidney distress me, I can not answer for them. If I do not answer for them, I was bothered. If I was bothered when an obstacle for me - Thus, for fear of being challenged, so disgusted challenge, so he did not answer: "This is good", nor answered: "This is Real neuter". When asked about this issue or other issues, he used words such sophistry bending slithering eel: "I would not say so. I'm not saying the other is like. I'm not saying other like that. I'm not saying is not like that. I'm not saying it's not like that. " - Hey, monks, it is the third case, he just so, so base, some recluses, pseudo advocates argued, when asked this problem or other problems using words disguise as an eel slithering bending action.
27. The fourth case, there are recluses, Brahmin, he just what, what policy grounds Wei argued, when asked this problem or other problems using the fallacy slithered bending as an eel?
- Hey, monks, there recluses, Brahmin stupidity stupidity. This position, as dull stupidity, when asked this problem or other problems, then used the bending fallacy slithered like eels: "He asked me to have a different world or not?" If I think, "There's a different world," I can answer him: "There's a different world." But I would not say so. I'm not saying that as the other. I'm not saying the other is like. I'm not saying it is not so. I'm not saying do not not like. If he asked me: "There is no other world is not it?" If I thought: "There is no other world", I could reply to him: "There is a different world." But I would not say so. I'm not saying that as the other. I'm not saying the other is like. I'm not saying it is not so. I'm not saying do not not like. If you ask me, "Do not have a different world, right?" (... As above ...) "There and there is no other world?" "Well no, nor no other world?", "Is there a chemical sentient being?", "No kind of chemical sentient being?" "There and no type of chemical being charming?" "Well no, nor no type of chemical sentient being?", "Have the results of the independent horror and evil now?", "No results of the independent horror and evil now?", "Just nor have the results of the independent horror and evil now? "" well no, nor no results of the independent horror and evil now? "," Tathagata exist after death? "," Tathagata does not exist after death? "," Tathagata with and without exist after death? "," Tathagata no nor not exist after death? "he asked me so. If I thought: "Tathagata does not nor does not exist after death." I can answer: "Tathagata does not have nor not exist after death '. But I do not say so. I'm not saying that as the other. I would not say like that. I'm not saying it is not so. I'm not saying it's not like that.
- Hey, monks, that was the case Wednesday, just such care, such bases, a number of recluses, Brahmin advocate Wei argued, when asked this question or problem other uses fallacy slithered like eels bending.
28. This, monks, the recluse, Brahmin advocate Wei argued. When asked this problem or other problems, the fallacy used as an eel slithering bending with four arguments accepted. If there is the recluse or Brahmin does advocate Wei argued, when asked this problem or other problems using the fallacy slithered like eels bending, we will accept all four arguments accepted on or a acceptance of the arguments above, in addition to no accept any other conclusion.
29. This, monks, the Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, such attachments, attachment so, will result in interesting realms such, will work into the same network." Tathagata such insight. He more insight. And he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to her knowledge base is not attached, the inner being first President. His realistic insight launch the file, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. Through this insight, the monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging.
The law does, this, monks, is the deepest law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only those who can distinguish the new location. The law does Tathagata have intellectual insight, enlightenment and legends. And the law that those who rightly praised as truly new Tathagata comes.
30. Hey, monks, there are some recluses, Brahmin Infinite's policy speech, accepted the ego and the world due to inhumane living with two arguments accepted. And the recluse, her Brahmin, he was merely what, what grounds, Infinite's policy speech, accepted the ego and the world due to inhumane living?
31. Hey, monks, there are gods called Anonymous charming idea. When a start-up memorial, the waterfall was born gods, gods abandon his body. This, monks, is this situation happening. One of the beings that, when reincarnate abandon gods that his body, regeneration to this realm. Upon arrival at this place, he left home, abandoned the family, no family life. Once ordained, abandoned the family, not family life, he thanks enthusiasm, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. He remembered when the memorial arises, not further remember. He said: "The ego and the world due to inhumane living. Why? Because that I previously did not have, now I have. From where states do not have, I became beings".
This, monks, it is the first case, only such care, such bases, a number of recluses, Brahmin Infinite's policy speech, accepted the ego and the world due to inhumane living .
32. The second case, the recluses, Brahmin, he just what, given what's advocate argument Wuxi, serving the ego and the world due to inhumane living?
This, monks, there recluse or Brahmin is argued, is the police authority. Due to the split of inference and refutable depending upon according to the inspection, he declared: "The ego and inhumane living world."
This, monks, it is the latter case, only such care, such bases, a number of recluses, Brahmin Infinite's policy speech, accepted the ego and the world due to inhumane living .
33. This, monks, the recluse, Brahmin Infinite's policy speech, accepted the ego and the world due to inhumane living with two arguments accepted. If there are recluses or any Brahmin Infinite's policy speech, accepted the ego and the world due to inhumane living, we will accept both accept comment on or one of the mortgage on the conclusion, in addition to no accept any other conclusion.
34. This, monks, the Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, such attachments, attachment so, will result in interesting realms such, will work into the same network." Tathagata insight so, he left more insight, and he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to her knowledge base is not attached, the inner being first President. His realistic insight launch the file, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. Through such insight, the monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging. The law does, this, monks, is the deepest law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only those who can distinguish the new location. The law does Tathagata have intellectual insight, enlightenment and legends. And the law that those who rightly praised as truly new Tathagata comes.
35. This, monks, the recluse, Brahmin up discussion of past records, mortgage application is past dark, dark past medical preliminary basis, proposed many ideas differences with Comments accepted on eighteen. This, monks, if there is the recluse or Brahmin dark past discussion of documents, mortgage documents is past dark, dark past medical preliminary basis, initiated many other false opinions, we will accept the arguments accepted eighteen on or one of the mortgage on the conclusion, in addition to no accept any other conclusion.
36. This, monks, the Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, such attachments, attachment so, will result in interesting realms such, will work into the same network." Tathagata such insight. He more insight. And he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to her knowledge base is not attached, the inner being first President. His realistic insight launch the file, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. Through this insight, the monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging.
The law does, this, monks, is the deepest law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only those who can distinguish the new location. The law does Tathagata have intellectual insight, enlightenment and legends. And it was the law, those who rightly praised as real new Tathagata comes.
37. Hey, monks, there are some recluses, Brahmin discussion about the future, mortgage is about the future, about the future of medicine itself, proposed many different opinions with forty-four wrong conclusion challenge. And the monks, this Brahmin, he just what, what grounds, discussion about the future, mortgage is about the future, about the future health initiatives on many other false opinions with forty-four Comments accepted?
38. Hey, monks, there are recluses, Brahmin organic advocates thought after death, accept with great ego after death with a comment approved sixteen. And the recluses, this Brahmin, he was merely what, what grounds, arguments advocates Huu idea after death, with sixteen accept arguments?
These men advocate: "The ego has color, no disease, after the death had thought." We advocate: "The ego has no identity and identity ...", "The ego has no identity and no identity nor ...", "The ego is finite ...", "The falls are boundless ... "," the ego is finite and the infinite "," the ego is not finite nor infinite ... "," the ego is the least idea ... "," the fall is a great horror ... "." the ego is the least idea ... "," the ego is immeasurable idea ... "," the ego is pure optimism ... "," the ego is pure suffering. .. "," the ego is suffering optimistic. "We advocate:" self is neutral, there is no disease, after the death had thought. "
39. This, monks, the recluse, this Brahmin organic advocates thought after death, accept with great ego after death with a comment approved sixteen. This, monks, the recluse or Brahmin thought this argument advocates Huu after death, we will accept the argument accepted on the sixteenth, or one of the mortgage on the conclusion, in addition to no conclusion accepted any other.
40. This, monks, the Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, before such approval, would lead to such realms of animals, would work into the same network." Tathagata insight so, he left more insight, and he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to her knowledge base is not attached, the inner being first President. His realistic insight launch the file, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. Through this insight, the monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging. The law does, this, monks, is the deepest law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only those who can distinguish the new location. The law does Tathagata have intellectual insight, enlightenment and legends. And it was the law, those who rightly praised as real new Tathagata comes.
1. Hey, monks, there are some recluses, Brahmin, a great advocate Countless arguments after death, accept no great ego after death with eight arguments accept. And the recluses, this Brahmin, he was merely what, what grounds, a great advocate Countless arguments after death, accept no great ego after death with eight arguments accept?
2. These men advocate: "The ego has color, no disease, no idea after death", "The ego has no identity ...", "The ego has excellent color and no ... "" The ego has no identity and no identity nor ... "," ... is finite, "" A boundless ... "" As finite and infinite ... ". This predicates accept non-ego is finite and non-infinite, no disease, no idea after death.
3. This, monks, the recluse, this Brahmin idea advocated Countless arguments after death, accept no great ego after death with eight arguments accept. - Hey, monks, if there are recluse or Brahmin any idea advocated Countless arguments after death, accept no great ego after death, we will accept all eight serving on the conclusion, or a acceptance of the arguments above, in addition to no accept any other conclusion.
4. Hey monks. Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, such attachments, attachment so, will lead to such realms of animals, would work into the same network." Tathagata such insight. He more insight, and he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to her knowledge base is not attached, the inner being first President. His realistic insight launch the file, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. Through this insight, the monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging.
The law does, this, monks, is the deepest law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only those with the new location can be identified. The self-certification approach voters that Tathagata, enlightened and legends; and the very realistic approach but who was rightly praised new Tathagata comes.
5. Hey, monks, there are some recluses, Brahmin idea advocated Phi Phi Vo Huu great posthumous comment, approved non-organic ego with eight heresies mindless acceptance conclusion. And the recluses, this Brahmin, he was merely what, what grounds, a great advocate Phi Phi Vo Huu great posthumous comment, approved non-organic ego with eight heresies mindless acceptance conclusion?
6. These men accepted: "The ego has color, no disease, non-existence after death heresies mindless ...", "The ego is immaterial ...", "Ego identity nor has excellent ... "," ego is non-organic and non formless identity ... "," the ego is finite ... "," the ego is boundless ... "," the ego is finite and infinite ... ".
7. These men accept that. The ego is non-finite and non-infinite, no disease, non-existence after death heresies mindless, with eight arguments accept. This, monks, if any recluses or any Brahmin, non-organic advocates non mindless thoughts, we will accept the argument accepted on eight, or one of the mortgage on the conclusion, in addition to no conclusion any other mortgage.
8. This, monks, the Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, before such approval, would lead to such realms of animals, would work into the same network." Tathagata such insight. His more insight, and he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to her knowledge base is not attached, the inner being first President. His realistic insight launch the file, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. Through this insight, the monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging. The law does, this, monks, is the deepest law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only those with the new location can be identified. The self-certification approach voters that Tathagata, enlightened and legends; and that those who own the realistic approach rightly praised new Tathagata comes.
9. Hey, monks, there are some recluses, Brahmin, advocated killing conclusion paragraph, the attachment of the destruction, the loss goal, the destruction of living beings with seven arguments accepted. And the recluses, this Brahmin, he was merely what, what grounds, attached the destruction, the loss goal, the destruction of reasoning beings with seven mortgage?
10. Hey, monks, have recluse or Brahmin theoretical guidelines and comments: "Because of this ego identity, formed by four elements, so parents are born, when the body is corrupt crushed destroy destroyed after death no longer exists, so this ego so completely annihilated. " So some people advocate the destruction, the loss and destruction standards of living beings.
11. The other said: "Sir, it's no self as he said. I'm not saying he has no ego, but ego was like being completely eradicated. Again there was a different ego disasters nature, corporeality, of sexuality, actually eat the food groups. the ego that he does not know, he did not see. the ego that I know, I see. the ego does when the body damage, destroy discarded pieces, after death no longer exists, so the ego was like totally annihilated ". So there are some who advocate the destruction, loss and destruction of targets beings.
12. The other said: "Sir, it's his ego as he said. I'm not saying he has no ego. But like his ego is not completely eradicated. Again there was a different ego nature disasters, with sharp, so the form, every detail, large and small limbs are full, not with a public base. the ego that he does not know, he did not see. the ego that I know, I see. ego damage was canceled when the body to pieces, destroy, after death no longer exists, so the ego was like totally annihilated ". So there are some who advocate the destruction, loss and destruction of targets beings.
13. The other said: "Sir, it's his ego as he said. I'm not saying he has no ego. But like his ego is not completely eradicated. Then there a different ego beyond in addition to all the great colors, ideal to eradicate the opposition, no recollection of great horror, getting out of nowhere is boundless. Reached origin is not boundless. the ego that he does not know, he did not see. the ego that I know, I see. the ego does when the body damage, destroy discarded pieces, after death no longer exists, so the ego was like totally annihilated ". So there are some who advocate the destruction, loss and destruction of targets beings.
14. The other said: "Sir, it's his ego as he said. I'm not saying he has no ego. But like his ego is not completely eradicated. Then there a different ego beyond apart from all the land of boundless not, check out: Soul is infinite. Reached boundless land. the ego that he does not know, he did not see. the ego that I know, I see. the ego that when the havoc, discarded broken, destroyed, after death no longer exists, so the ego was like totally annihilated ". So there are some who advocate the destruction, loss and destruction of targets beings.
 15. The other said: "Sir, it's his ego as he said. I'm not saying he has no ego. But like his ego is not completely eradicated. Then there a different ego beyond apart from all the land of boundless, get understanding: no ownership. Reached unknown origin ownership. the ego that he does not know, he did not see. the ego that I know, I see. the ego is that when the body damage cancellation crushed, destroyed, after death no longer exists, so the ego was like totally annihilated ". So there are some who advocate the destruction, loss and destruction of targets beings.
16. The other said: "Sir, it's his ego as he said. I'm not saying he has no ego. But like his ego is not completely eradicated. Then there a different ego beyond unknown outside all parish property, check out: This is the first President, this is a fine photo. Reached Phi Phi non-perception idea. the ego that he does not know, he did not see. the ego that I know, I see. the ego does when the body damage, destroy discarded pieces, after death no longer exists, so the ego was like totally annihilated ". So there are some who advocate the destruction, loss and destruction of targets beings.
17. This, monks, the recluse, her Brahmin, advocated killing conclusion paragraph, the attachment of the destruction, loss targets, destruction of living beings with seven arguments accepted. This, monks, if there are monks or Brahmin kill any policy conclusion paragraph, the attachment of the destruction, loss targets, destruction of living beings, we accept the argument accepted seven out, or one of the mortgage on the conclusion, in addition to no accept any other conclusion.
18. Hey monks. Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, before such approval, would lead to such realms of animals, would work into the same network." Tathagata insight thus more insight Him, and He does not accept that knowledge base. Thanks to her knowledge base is not attached, the inner being first President. His realistic insight launch the file, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. Through such insight, the monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging. The law does, this, monks, is the deepest law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only those with the new location can be identified. The self-certification approach voters that Tathagata, enlightened and legend: the legal and the fact that those who rightly praised as Tathagata new question.
19. Hey, monks, there are some recluses, Brahmin undertakings currently conclusion Nirvana, the ultimate attachment Nirvana current of reasoning beings year mortgage. And the recluses, this Brahmin, he was merely what, what grounds, the policy now Nirvana conclusion, despite the current supremacy of Nirvana reasoning beings year mortgage?
20. Hey, monks, have recluse or Brahmin undertakings and concept: "When will this ego enjoy, sensual fullness of dishes, like the self that reaches the ultimate demise table of living beings ".
21. The other said: "Sir, it's his ego as he said. I'm not saying he has no ego. But like his ego, not fully reached the ultimate Nirvana. Because why? Because that's calculated sensual and impermanence, suffering, epidemic. Because our nature is to make translation, transformation, excellence, compassion, suffering, late, brain arises. When her cup of sexual ego communications, legal segregation of evil, reached and dwell on the First meditation, meditation has a range, with the quarterfinals, with joy and optimism, because sexual ly being. Thus, the ego that current reaches ultimate nirvana -you". Such advocates of the current supreme Nirvana of beings.
22. The other said: "Sir, it's his ego as he said. I'm not saying he has no ego. But like his ego, not fully reached the current supreme Nirvana . wherefore? Because here he is of meditation, there are so-called quartet gross. When he is of the ego and the quarterfinals, reached and dwell II meditation. meditation is inner quietness, location the most specialized scene, no range, no quad, joy by the birth. Thus, the self that reaches the current supreme Nirvana ". Such advocates of the current supreme Nirvana of beings.
23. The other said: "Sir, it's his ego as he said. I'm not saying he has no ego. But like his ego, not fully reached the current supreme Nirvana . wherefore? Because here the mind with joy and agitated so-called gross. When the ego does not take joy, discharge residence, mindfulness, mind, body, pleasure that the sages called Hy stay optimistic concept - reaching third reside and meditation ". Thus, the self that reaches the current supreme Nirvana. Thus, we advocate the current supreme Nirvana. Thus, we advocate the current supremacy of Nirvana beings.
24. The other said: "Sir, it's his ego as he said. I'm not saying he has no ego. But like his ego, not fully reached the current supreme Nirvana . wherefore? Because here the so-called mind pleasant feeling gross. When that discharge ego happiness and equanimity suffering, eradicate pleasure and displeasure ago, reached and dwell on the Fourth of meditation. meditation is not suffering , not optimistic, discharging pure concept. Thus, the self that reaches the current supreme Nirvana ". Such advocates of the current supreme Nirvana of beings.
25. This, monks, the recluse, Brahmin was advocated Currently comment Nirvana, the ultimate attachment Nirvana current of reasoning beings year mortgage. This, monks, if there are recluses, Brahmin public policy now Nirvana conclusion, despite the current supremacy of Nirvana beings, even the whole year will accept comment mortgage on, or a mortgage on the conclusion of the year, but there are a mortgage any other conclusion.
26. This, monks, the Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, before such approval would lead to such realms of animals, would work into the same network." Tathagata such insight. His more insight, and he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to her knowledge base is not attached, the inner being first President. His realistic insight launch the file, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. Through such insight, the monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely without attachments. The law does, this, monks, is the deepest law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only those with the new location can be identified. The self-certification approach voters that Tathagata, enlightened and legends; and that those who own the realistic approach rightly praised new Tathagata comes.
27. This, monks, the recluse, Brahmin was discussion about the future, about the future is accepted, any future health will promote many different departments is wrong with forty four law challenge. This, monks, the recluse or Brahmin any, discussion about the future, mortgage is about the future, about the future of medicine itself, is wrong to initiate many other establishments. We will accept arguments accepted in forty-four, or one of the mortgage on the conclusion, in addition to no accept any other conclusion.
28. This, monks, the Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, before such approval, would lead to such realms of animals, would work into the same network." Tathagata such insight. His more insight, and he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to her knowledge base is not attached, the inner being first President. His realistic insight launch master file, the eradication of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. Through such insight, the monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging.
29. This, monks, the recluse, her Brahmin evening discussion about the past and the preliminary discussion about the future, about the past discussion at future application and observance of the past is dark and future documents, medical documents on the dark past and the future, initiated many other establishments is wrong with sixty two arguments accepted. This, monks, the recluse or Brahmin any, discussion about the past, I'm afraid, discussion about the future, the evening discussion about the past and future documents, mortgage documents is the dark past and the future, he kept dark past and future documents, proposed many other establishments is wrong. He would accept the sixty-two on the conclusion accept, or accept one argument above, in addition to no accept any other conclusion.
30. This, monks, the Tathagata insight like this: "The basis is that, before such approval, would lead to such realms of animals, would work to the same fate." Tathagata such insight. His more insight, and he did not accept tri basis. Thanks to her knowledge base is not attached, the inner being first President. His realistic insight eradicate the collective start of life, the sweetness, the dangers and the renunciation of them. Through such insight, the monks, the Tathagata is liberated completely, without clinging.
31. The law does, this, monks, is the deepest law, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, only those who can receive location know. The self-certification approach voters that Tathagata, enlightened and legend, and it is the law that those who rightly praised as truly new Tathagata comes.
32. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin Resident undertakings argument, accept the self and the world is permanent with four arguments accepted. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, oscillating, distorted by the dominant position was craving .
33. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin undertakings Resident part speech, part Impermanence argument, accept the self and the world is usually longer for a charming Grade and impermanent for a class with four other beings accept arguments. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, oscillating, distorted by the dominant position was craving .
34. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin Boundless border advocates Huu opinion, accept finite world is boundless with four arguments accepted. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the stimulation oscillation, distortions of the dominant position was craving.
35. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin advocate Wei argued. When asked this problem or other problems using the fallacy slithered like eels bending with four arguments accepted. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, oscillating, distorted by the dominant position was craving .
36. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, Infinite's policy speech, accepted the ego and the world due to inhumane living with two arguments accepted. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown do not see, the sensation of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, oscillating, distorted by the dominant position was craving.
37. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, evening discussion of past records, mortgage application is past dark, dark past medical preliminary basis, initiated several reviews another is wrong with the argument accepted eighteen. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, oscillating, distorted by the dominant position was craving .
38. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin thought advocates Huu conclusion after death, accept with great ego after death with a comment approved sixteen. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, distorting oscillations of the dominant position was craving.
39. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin idea advocated Countless arguments after death, accept no great ego after death with eight arguments accept. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, oscillating, distorted by the dominant position was craving .
40. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin idea advocated Phi Phi Vo Huu idea after death, non-organic ego accept non mindless idea after death with eight arguments accept. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, oscillating, distorted by the dominant position was craving .
41. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin advocated killing comment section, attached the destruction, annihilate, destroy the seven beings to accept arguments. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, oscillating, distorted by the dominant position was craving .
42. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin advocates now Nirvana conclusion, the current attachment Nirvana beings with years of arguments accepted. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, oscillating, distorted by the dominant position was craving .
43. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, discussion about the future, mortgage is about the future, about the future of medicine itself, is wrong to initiate several other departments with forty Comments accepted four. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, oscillating, distorted by the dominant position was craving .
44. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, evening discussion of past records, discussion about the future, about the past evening discussion and future application, acceptance is about dark past and future documents, medical documents on the dark past and the future, initiated many other establishments is wrong with sixty two arguments accepted. The policy is that personal experience, is the unknown, not seen, the feelings of the recluses, Brahmin, is the excitement, oscillating, distorted by the dominant position was craving .
45. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, argument Resident advocate, accept the self and the world is permanent with four arguments accepted. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
46. ​​Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin undertakings Resident part speech, part Impermanence argument, accept the self and the world is usually longer for a charming Grade and impermanent for a class with four other beings accept arguments. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
47. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin Boundless border advocates Huu opinion, accept finite world is boundless with four arguments accepted. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
48. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin advocate Wei argued. When asked this problem or other problems using the fallacy slithered like eels bending with four arguments accepted. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
49. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, Infinite's policy speech, accepted the ego and the world due to inhumane living with two arguments accepted. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
50. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, evening discussion of past records, mortgage application is past dark, dark past he only preliminary, proposed more reviews another is wrong with the argument accepted eighteen. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
51. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin thought advocates Huu conclusion after death, accept with great ego after death with a comment approved sixteen. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
52. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin idea advocated Countless arguments after death, accept no great ego after death with eight arguments accept. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
53. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin idea advocated Phi Phi Vo Huu great posthumous comment, approved non-organic ego non mindless thoughts after death with eight arguments accept . Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
54. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin advocated killing comment section, attached the destruction, annihilate, destroy the seven beings to accept arguments. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
55. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin advocates now Nirvana conclusion, the current attachment Nirvana beings with years of arguments accepted. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
56. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, discussion about the future, mortgage is about the future, about the future of medicine itself, is wrong to initiate several other departments with forty Comments accepted four. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
57. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, evening discussion of past records, discussion about the future, about the past evening discussion and future application, acceptance is about dark past and future documents, medical documents on the dark past and the future, initiated many other establishments is wrong with sixty two arguments accepted. Undertakings that arise due to the touching (of the base).
58. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, argument Resident advocate, accept the self and the world is also with four arguments generally accepted. These men can not feelings these initiatives, without emotion.
59. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin undertakings Resident part speech, part Impermanence argument, accept the self and the world, is often useful also for a class and impermanent situation for a class with four other beings accept arguments. These men can not feelings these initiatives, without emotion.
60. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin Boundless border advocates Huu opinion, accept finite world is boundless with four arguments accepted. These men can not feelings these initiatives, without emotion.
61. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin advocate Wei argued. When asked this problem or other problems using the fallacy slithered like eels bending with four arguments accepted. These men can not feelings these initiatives, without emotion.
62. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, Infinite's policy speech, accepted the ego and the world due to inhumane living with two arguments accepted. The taste sensations can not these initiatives, without emotion.
63. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, evening discussion of past records, mortgage application is past dark, dark past he only preliminary, proposed more reviews another is wrong with the argument accepted eighteen. These men can not feelings these initiatives, without emotion.
64. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin thought advocates Huu conclusion after death, accept with great ego after death with a comment approved sixteen. The taste sensations can not these initiatives, without emotion.
65. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin idea advocated Countless arguments after death, accept no great ego after death with eight arguments accept. The taste sensations can not these initiatives, without emotion.
66. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin idea advocated Phi Phi Vo Huu idea after death, non-organic ego accept non mindless thoughts after death with eight arguments accept. The taste sensations can not these initiatives, without emotion.
67. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin advocated killing comment section, attached the destruction, annihilate, destroy the seven beings to accept arguments. The taste sensations can not these initiatives, without emotion.
68. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin advocates now Nirvana conclusion, the present attachment Nirvana beings with years of arguments accepted. The taste sensations can not these initiatives, without emotion.
69. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, discussion about the future, mortgage is about the future, about the future of medicine itself, is wrong to initiate several other departments with forty Comments accepted four. The taste sensations can not these initiatives, without emotion.
70. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, evening discussion of past records, discussion about the future, about the past evening discussion and future application, acceptance is about dark past and future documents, medical documents on the dark past and the future, initiated many other establishments is wrong with sixty two arguments accepted. These men can not feelings these initiatives, without emotion.
71. Hey, monks, here comes the recluse, Brahmin, argument Resident advocate, accept the self and the world is also with four arguments generally accepted; the recluses, Brahmin undertakings Resident part speech, part conclusion impermanence; the recluses, Brahmin, advocates argue Wei; the recluses, Brahmin, Infinite's policy discussions; the recluses, Brahmin, rotating primary goals past dark, the recluses, Brahmin idea advocated Friends conclusion after death, the recluses, Brahmin undertakings Comments mindless after death; the recluses, Brahmin idea advocated Phi Phi Vo Huu idea after death; the recluses, Brahmin argument advocated killing paragraph; the recluses, Brahmin current policy arguments Nirvana; the recluses, Brahmin evening discussion about the past record; the recluses, Brahmin discussion about the future, about the past is dark acceptance and future documents, medical documents on the dark past and the future, initiated many other establishments is wrong with sixty two arguments challenge. All these people have these feelings (these initiatives) by touching through six emotional origin. Conditioned by the feeling that craving arises; conditioned craving, defense arises; conditioned players, ownership arises; conditioned property, birth arises, conditioned by birth, old age, death, grief, lamentation, pain, grief and distress arises. This, monks, the monks as they really know the starting set, the elimination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation of the six places of origin, he will have an understanding beyond what on.
72. Hey, monks, there are recluses, Brahmin any evening discussion about the past records, or discussion about the future, or discussion about the past and the future at application, acceptance is about dark past and future documents, medical documents on the dark past and the future, the facility is proposed many differences all these people were covered by a grid of sixty-two accept this argument, though they jumped to we still limit the coverage here.
This, monks, also likened skilled fisherman or fishing learners brandishing small lake on the grid with narrow eyes. He thought: "The big fish in the small lake, all of them are covered in this net, we have jumped to oil, we still limit the coverage here". Likewise the monks, the recluse, Brahmin any, discussion about the dark past records, or discussion about the future, or discussion about the past and the future at application, approval is dark past and future documents, proposed several other basis is wrong, all of these are covered in the grid of sixty-two accepted this argument; Oil has jumped to, these people are still restricted the coverage here.
73. This, monks, the body of the Tathagata exist, the ones that give life to others has been terminated. When the body of this position exists when gods and men who can find her body. When the body damage the public network, the gods and men who can not see.
This, monks, like a branch with one cluster severed mango, mango all branches that were sticking with the same fate with the other arm. Likewise the monks, the Tathagata body exists, but the cause leading to another life was severed. When the body of this position exists when gods and men who might see her relatives. When relatives of corrupt public network gods and men who can not see.
74. When they heard that, Venerable Ananda Buddha prospectus:
- Miraculously, venerable sir! Rather rare, venerable sir! This training method called what, venerable sir?
- Hey Ananda, this method called "Loi Hammock", be such that the service maintenance; called "French Nets", be such that the service maintenance; called "Brahma Net Sutra", be such that the service maintenance; called "Make the Nets", be such that the service value; called "Supreme Victory", be such that the service maintenance;
Exalted such theory. The monks said that happy life Bhagavan teaches believers. While this business was legend, a world of thousands of vibrations.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/3/2016.MHDT.

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