Thursday 31 March 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (America-did), his garden Anathapindika (Level-she-toxic). At that time, Venerable Mahacunda, in the afternoon of solitude spot Meditation arose, and came in place Exalted, pay homage to him and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, venerable lord Mahacunda:
- Buddha, there is the basis of this kind arise in life, or in relation to self expression, or related to the world of expression. Buddha, for one, monks, have the intention at the outset, the time can eliminate the basis is he or not, can the facility is detachment from?
- Hey Cunda, this is the kind of facility start-up in the world, or in relation to self expression, or in relation to world opinion, - where the underlying basis of this is, and this is where the current facility, just realistic way to observe them with wisdom, saying, "this is not mine, this is not me, this one is not my self", with the exception that time there was the basis is there the detachment of his head is.
This Cunda, this event occurs when there a fitness monks cups, glasses immoral law, the first Zen residence certificate, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, with views to the quarterfinals. He may think: "I live with almond segment fell". This Cunda, the (performance control) did not reduce the segment called precepts of sages. They are called the current optimism in the legal residence of the saint.
This Cunda, this event occurs when here, a monks kill and reach the quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state because of the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, most provincial interest. He may think: "I live with almond segment fell". This Cunda, the (performance control) did not reduce the segment called precepts of sages. They are called the current optimism in the legal residence of the saint.
This Cunda, this event occurs when there, a resident monks cup discharge joy, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, Tuesday Meditation residence certificate. He could think of ... (as above) ... currently reside in the world of communications saint.
This Cunda, this event occurred, when a touch monks exhaust discharge line, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, neutral, exhaust purification concept. He may think: "I live with almond segment fell". This Cunda, the (performance control) did not reduce the segment called precepts of sages. They are called the current optimism in the legal residence of the saint.
This Cunda, this event occurred, when a bhikkhu overcoming great colors, great eradicate all obstacles, not the intention for a great horror. Monks thought: "Nowhere is boundless," boundless residence certificate of origin. He could think to myself: "I live with the unfortunate segment fell". This Cunda, the (performance control) did not reduce the segment called precepts of sages. We called the first President's residence in the rule saint. This Cunda, this event occurred, when the monks took a boundless land of all, think: "Consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin. He may think: "I live with almond segment fell". This Cunda ... (as above) ... we called the residence of the first President of the saint precepts.
This Cunda, this event occurred, when the monks took a boundless land of all, think: "There is something" owned residence certificate Unknown Origin. He may think: "I live with almond segment fell". This Cunda ... (as above) ... we called the residence of the first President of the saint precepts.
This Cunda, this event occurred, when a bhikkhu overcoming naught origin, residence certificate ideal non-perception Africa. He may think: "I live with almond segment fell". This Cunda ... (as above) ... we called the residence of the first President of the saint precepts.
This Cunda, here is the People section reduction made when the person thinks: "The other guys who might be harmed, we here are those who can not harm", thus reducing the implementation section. "The other guys can kill, we here will give up killing", thus reducing the implementation section. "The other guys can not get by, we here will give up taking what is not given", thus reducing the implementation section. "The other guys can not dignity, we are here to live the virtues", so ... (as above) ... done. "The other guys can lie, we here will give up telling lies", ... (as above) ... "The other guys can say two blades, we here will give up speaking two blades "... (as above) ..." The other guys can say cruel ", we here will give up harsh speech," ... (as above) ... "The guys others may say frivolous, we are here to abandon frivolous to say, "... (as above) ..." The other guys might desire, we here do not desire ",. .. (as above) ... "The other guys can pitch the mind, we here will not have the mind field", ... (as above) ... "The other guys might be wrong, here we will have the right view, ... (as above) ... "The other guys might have evil thoughts, we here will be right thinking", ... (as above) .. . "The other guys might be wrong speech, we here will be right speech," ... (as above) ... "The other guys might be wrong now, we will have the right action here ' , ... (as above) ... "The other guys can have deviant network, we here will have right livelihood", ... (as above) ... "The other guys might have evil crystal tons, we here will be right effort, "... (as above) ..." The other guys might have evil thoughts, we here will be mindful, "... (as above) ... "The other guys might have the wrong view, we will have the right concentration here", ... (as above) ... "The other guys might have evil mind, we here will have a primary location ", ... (as above) ..." The other guys might have evil liberation, we here will have Secretarial liberation ", ... (as above) ..." The other guys sloth dullness can be dominant, we here will no more deep torpor dominated ", ... (as above) ..." The other guys might have Trao exchange, we here will not She gave currencies ", ... (as above) ..." The other guys can doubt, we here will eliminate doubt, "... (as above) ..." The other guys be disgusted, we here will not be indignant, "... (as above) ..." The other guys might resentment, we here will no resentment "... (as on) ... "The other guys can damage the camouflage, we here will not damage the puppet", ... (as above) ... "The brain can harm others, we here will not brain harmful ", ... (as above) ..." The other guys might jealousy, we here will not jealousy ", ... (as above) ..." The other guys can avarice we here will not avarice ", ... (as above) ..." The other guys might fraudulent, we will no fraud here ... (as above) ... " while others may stem, we here will never stalk ", ... (as above) ..." the other guys can stubbornness, we here can not stubborn ", ... (as above) ... remove ... chronic levels ... "The other guys might be too romantic, we here will not be too romantic," ... (as above) ... "The other guys be difficult to say (nan theory), we here will easily say, "... (as above) ..." the other guys might be evil, we will be good is here ", ... (as above) ... "the other guys might distractions, we here will no distractions," ... (as above) ... "the other guys can be no confidence, we are here will have faith ", ... (as above) ..." The other guys can not embarrassed, we here will be embarrassed, "... (as above) ..." The other guys can not fear, we here will be scared, "... (as above) ..." The other guys can hear little, we are here to hear more "... (as above) ... "The other guys can slothful, we here will diligently" ... (as above) ... "The other guys can forgetfulness, we will dwell here recite" ... (as above) ... "The other guys can list IP, we are here in intellectual achievement," ... (as above) ... "The other guys can infect secular, bigotry investment is, nature is difficult to discharge, we here will not be infected with the secular, not bigotry is private, easy discharge nature "such reduction segment is performed.
This Cunda, I say that the most likely starting center for the friendly French interests, but said nothing bodily, verbal conformity (with the mind). Therefore, this Cunda: "The other guys can hurt, we here will not harm", should initiate such a center. "The other guys can kill, we here will give up killing", such interest should start ... (as above) ... "The other guys can infect secular, obstinate opinionated , nature is difficult to discharge, we here will not be infected with the secular, not bigotry is private, easy discharge nature ", should give rise to such.
This Cunda, like an uneven path, there is a flat road other antidotes. This Cunda, like a water station is not flat, the other a flat water station for treatment. Also this Cunda, harm to humans, there is no harm for treatment. For killing people, killing with abandon antidote. For people taking what is not given, it's taken not to give up on treatment ..., no dignity, with dignity ...; lie, lie ... with abandon; said two blades, said two blades have abandoned ...; say harsh, harsh talk with abandon; say frivolous, frivolous talk with abandon ...; ... lust, greed can not ...; ... golf center with golf not mind ...; ... wrong, there is right is ...; ... wrong application, with right thought ...; ... wrong speech, there is right speech ...; ... wrong now, there is right now ...; ... evil network, with right livelihood ...; ... wrong effort, with right effort ...; ... evil thoughts, mindfulness ...; ... evil and have the right concentration ...; ... wrong place, there is right knowledge ...; ... evil liberation, liberation there is right ...; ... to be governed sloth dullness, dullness can not be governed torpor .. .; ... Trao exchange, has no foreign Trao ...; ... doubt that eliminate doubt ...; ... outrage, there is no outrage ...; ... resentment , there is no resentment ...; ... nowhere disguise, camouflage unspoilt ...; ... brain damage, there is no brain damage ...; ... jealousy, there is no jealousy ... ; ... avarice, have not avarice ...; ... falsehoods, there is no fraud ...; ... the stalks, there is not the stalk ...; ... stubborn, there not removing stubborn ... ... chronic levels; ... so not too romantic chronic ...; ... difficult theory, theory can not be hard ...; ... evil, there is good will be rewarded. ..; ... distraction, with no distractions ...; ... no confidence, with faith ...; ... no shame, shame there ...; ... do not fear , no fear ...; ... listen less, listen more ...; ... idleness, had diligently ...; ... forgetfulness, thoughts dwell there ...; .. . Listing Property, Property achievement ...; for humans infected with the secular, private bigotry is, nature is difficult to discharge, there is no secular infection, not bigotry is private, easy to discharge antidote nature.
This Cunda, such as the causes of evil, all facing down, and good behavior, all facing terrace. Also, this Cunda, do not harm humans, upward to the harm, having renounced killing, upward to the killing of human beings does not give up taking, towards the upper earners grab of not to ... (as above) ... humans are not infected with the secular, not bigotry is private, easy discharge nature, for people with HIV upward secular, private bigotry is, nature is difficult to discharge.
This Cunda, man himself falling into the mud could pull up a person fell into the mud, the situation did not happen. This Cunda, people themselves do not fall into the mud, can pull up a person fell into the mud, the situation that may occur. Cunda this man not convince yourself, not trained, are not completely liberated, can convince themselves, trained and completely liberating others, the situation did not occur. Convince a person who is trained, is completely freed, can convince yourself, coaching, completely liberating others, the situation that occurred. Also, this Cunda, for the harm, not harm brought to completely liberated; for humans to kill, abandon completely killing leads to liberation; to people taking what is not given, did not give up the lead to get completely liberated; for man is not holy, holy life ...; for humans lie, lie abandoned ...; for people speaking two blades, said two blades give up ...; for exporting human evil, speak evil abandon export ...; for people to say frivolous, frivolous abandon say ...; for human greed, not greed ...; for people with heart golf, golf does not mind ...; for the wrong man, right view ...; for people with deviant thought, right thought ...; for people with wrong speech, right speech ...; for the evil man now, right action ...; for people with deviant network, right livelihood ...; for people with wrong effort, right effort ...; to people with evil thoughts, mindfulness ...; for the evil man, right concentration ...; for people with deviant position, right knowledge ...; for evil human liberation, liberation ... Secretarial; for the human being hypnotic dominant dullness, dullness torpor being dominated ...; exchange for Trao people, not foreign Trao ...; for humans doubt, no doubt ...; for human anger, no outrage ...; to man hatred, not hatred ...; for humans vain disguise, camouflage unspoilt ...; harmful to human brain, no brain damage ...; for human jealousy, no jealousy ...; for human avarice, not avarice ...; for humans fraudulent, no fraud ...; for humans to stalk, stalk ... not when; for humans recalcitrant, not perverse ... ... romance ... level off; for humans too romantic, not so romantic ...; for humans is difficult to say, is easy to say ...; for human evil, good is rewarded ...; for human restlessness, not spontaneous ...; to people of no confidence, faith ...; to people without shame, with shame ...; to people without fear, no fear ...; for humans to hear less, listen more ...; to people lazy, diligent ...; for human forgetfulness, thoughts dwell ...; Property for human paralysis, intellectual achievement ...; for humans infected with the secular, private bigotry is, nature is difficult to discharge, not secular infection, not bigotry is private, easy nature discharge, leading to complete liberation.
This Cunda, so I went through the practice segment fell, went through practice starting center, has a goal of teaching, practice upward preached, preached liberation practice completely. This Cunda, what gurus do, for happiness, for love disciple thought, what did I have to do, because a great compassion for the people. This Cunda, this is the tree, this is not the net. This Cunda, let meditation, do not be heedless, do not have regrets later. That's my teachings to him.
Exalted such preaching. Venerable Mahacunda happy, credit life teachings of Bhagavan.

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