Wednesday 23 March 2016

4. ECONOMIC Sonadanda

(Sonadanda Sutta)
1. Thus I heard. A time traveler in the land Exalted Anga (Central-old) together with mass, monks about five hundred, came at the Campa (Zhan-grandmother) and at Campa, Exalted above the lakeside Gaggara (Old-age inter-maintenance). At that time, Brahmin Sonadanda (Race Germany), residing at Campa, a populous place, trees, ponds, fertile rice, a local kingdom by King Bimbisara (Bimbisara ), the king of Magadha (Ma-out-momentum) grant, a gift of the king, a hamlet net.
2. The Brahmin and Homeowners in Campa heard rumors as follows: "recluse Gotama, Sakyamuni family, joined the clan Sakyamuni, was traveling in the country with mass Anga about five hundred monks have come at the Campa, and in Campa. recluse Gotama Gaggara on the bank. the word nice is transmitted following the Exalted Gotama: "This is the Buddha, grade A -la-drought, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. Position with wins, he enlightened the world itself, along with Heaven, Brahma world, along with them recluses, Brahmin, heaven and man species. - When was enlightened, he also claimed that he had discovered the theory, he preached good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, which means there is cultural. He taught the virtues quite enough clean. Rather nice, the admire an Arhat so ".
Then the Brahmin and Homeowners in Campa, each individual union group, come out in droves and come in a lake Campa Gaggara.
3. At that time the Brahmin Sonadanda went upstairs to take a nap, Brahmin Sonadanda saw the Brahmin and Homeowners in Campa each individual union group, come out in droves and come Campa at lake Gaggara. Seeing this, Brahmin Sonadanda he called the doorman:
- Hey doorman, why the Brahmin and Campa Homeowners in droves each group each group go out and come in clock Campa Gaggara so?
- Venerable Sir, there recluse Gotama, Sakyamuni family, joined the clan Sakyamuni, was traveling in the country with mass Anga monks about five hundred, came at the Campa, and in Campa recluse Gotama Gaggara on the bank. Nice following rumors transmissions of Bhagavan Gotama: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell macho , Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ". Now these people go to Sun Gotama audience.
- Hey gatekeepers, go to the Brahmin and Homeowners in Campa, on arrival, tell the Brahmin and Homeowners: "Brahmin Sonadanda said:" This the Sage, stay tuned! Brahmin Sonadanda will personally visited the recluse Gotama. "
- Yes!
Doorman was obeyed by Brahmin Sonadanda, go to the Brahmin and Homeowners in Campa. When it is finished, then said to the Brahmin and Homeowners in Campa:
- Brahmin Sonadanda have said: "Hey Sage, stay tuned! Brahmin Sonadanda will personally visited the recluse Gotama."
4. At that time, there were about five hundred Brahmin from many different local, coming in at Campa for duty. The Brahmin heard: "Brahmin Sonadanda will visited the recluse Gotama." The Brahmin came Sonadanda Brahmin, when finished, immediately said to the Brahmin Sonadanda:
- There must come up Sonadanda venerable recluse Gotama is?
- Hey Sage, that is my intention. I will visited the recluse Gotama.
- Venerable Canke, do not have visited the recluse Gotama. It does not deserve the venerable Sonadanda visited the recluse Gotama. If the venerable Sonadanda visited the recluse Gotama, the reputation of the venerable Sonadanda are consumed, the reputation of the recluse Gotama is growing. Because Sonadanda venerable reputation and reputation are consumed recluse Gotama's growth, by this point, it's not worth the venerable Sonadanda visited the recluse Gotama, it deserves to recluse Gotama Venerable Sonadanda audience.
Venerable Sonadanda born again improved both from the matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers are a stain not yet, not yet been a problem detractors parentage born life. Since being both friendly venerable Sonadanda from matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, do not be a stain, not a criticism on the issue of birth and descent life, by this point, it's not worth the venerable Sonadanda visited the recluse Gotama, it deserves to recluse Gotama visited the Brahmin Sonadanda. Back venerable Sonadanda are rich, of great wealth, affluence ... Back venerable Sonadanda is the chant's wake, the mantras, understanding three sets with nominal Veda, ritual, natural language, glossary and history Thursday tradition, understand grammar and grammar, eloquence about Thuan world (naturalist) and personnel of the great generals. Venerable Sonadanda handsome, lovable, pleasing people, with handsome color wins handsome, elegant gestures, a noble gesture. Venerable Sonadanda language friendly, user friendly word to say elegant language, meaning transparency, not babbling voice weary, explained meaning clarified. Sonadanda is the One Ton Ton fake goods Professor of Religion Professor many, taught three hundred young Brahmin arts reciting notes, young Brahmin in many ways, from many countries, eager to attach to the arts the venerable Sonadanda to memorize the technical notes. Venerable Sonadanda high aged, large Greek, elders, elder age; recluse Gotama is still young, not yet ordained many years. Venerable Sonadanda Seniya King Bimbisara (Bimbisara) Magadha (Ma-out-momentum) respect, devotion, contemplation, homage, respected. Venerable Sonadanda are Brahmin cult Pokkharasadi respect, admire, homage, respected. Venerable Sonadanda living in Campa, a crowded local people, plants, pond fertility, affluence rice, a royal territory, an experimental translational field, a gift of the Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya. Due to this point, it's not worth the venerable Sonadanda visited the recluse Gotama, it deserves to recluse Gotama Sonadanda venerable audience.
6. Hearing this, Brahmin Sonadanda told the Brahmin that:
- The Sage, listen to me explain why it's worthy of us visited the recluse Gotama, whereas it is not worthy to recluse Gotama visited us. Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama born improve both matrilineal and patrilineal words, pure blood for up to seven life fathers are a stain not yet, not yet been a problem detractors blood sentient life; because this really does not deserve to recluse Gotama to our audience, it's contrary to our worthy visited the recluse Gotama.
Hey Sage, indeed, ordained recluse Gotama abandon family relatives.
Hey Sage, indeed, ordained recluse Gotama abandon much gold, leaving all kinds and types are buried in the ground.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama in adolescence, longer black hair, beautiful young age of boyhood, was ordained to abandon the family home living.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama the parents disagree oil, crying, tears wetting the surface, still shaved, wearing robes Asa ordained abandon family, living without family.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama handsome, lovable, pleasing people, with skin color wins, handsome handsome, elegant gestures, a noble gesture.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama virtue, morality preserve the saint, with good faith, good faith fully.
Hey Sage, indeed, improve language recluse Gotama, user-friendly language words, say elegant, meaningful transparency, not babbling voice, weary, explained meaning clarified.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama is the One Ton Ton professor in the master of many goods.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama eradicate greed, has eradicated all mental agitation.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama about industrial policy, advocated for action, focusing on improving the sermon to press them Brahmin.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama joined the noble race, from family-seat Sat-purity substrates.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama joined the race affluent, wealthy businessmen, mature assets.
Hey Sage, indeed, thousands of people cross the sea ice (ice through many local, state across multiple degrees) to the recluse Gotama asked director.
Hey Sage, indeed, there are thousands of God, Human to recluse Gotama refuge.
Hey Sage, indeed, nice following rumors begin recluse Gotama went on: "He is the Exalted level, Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League , Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ".
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama is full of thirty-two great being a good minister.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama say welcoming, friendly, elegant, formal, direct foot frank, words have cited.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama was four we respect, worship, admire, respect, great respect.
Hey Sage, indeed, a lot Thien Nhan recluse Gotama beliefs.
Hey Sage, indeed, in any village, any hamlet, residence recluse Gotama, in his village, in his hamlet, non-human species does not harm human beings.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama is a church home, all sects, cults professor, was regarded as the ultimate in religious organizations.
Sage is the reputation of a recluse, Brahmin based on where the evidence does not, the reputation of recluse Gotama is not so. The reputation of recluse Gotama based supreme virtue of his position.
Hey Sage, indeed, king Bimbisara Seniya Magadha country, along with Prince, concubines, and spare them refuge market recluse Gotama.
Hey Sage, indeed, King Pasenadi Kosala, with princes, concubines, and spare them refuge market recluse Gotama.
Hey Sage, indeed, Brahmin Pokkharasadi with children, wives, attendants, are taking refuge recluse Gotama.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama water Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya respect, adoration, contemplation, homage, respected.
This sage, indeed, recluse Gotama, is Brahmin Pokkharasadi respect, adoration, contemplation, homage, respected.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama is king Pasenadi Kosala respect, adoration, contemplation, respected homage.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama came Campa, currently at Campa, on the banks of the pond Gaggara. These recluses, Brahmin come our village fields are our guests. For guests, we have to respect, adoration, contemplation, homage, respected. This the sage, this recluse Gotama came Campa, currently on the lakeshore in Campa Gaggara, so recluse Gotama is our guest. And was a guest, we must respect, adoration, contemplation, homage, respected. Due to this point, it's not worth the Venerable Gotama to our audience, it is worthy for us visited the Venerable Gotama. Sage Hey, that's the advantage that we are aware of Venerable Gotama. Venerable Gotama does not have some advantages only. Venerable Gotama have to immeasurable advantages.
7. When they heard that, the Brahmin told Brahmin Sonadanda:
- Venerable Sonadanda praised recluse Gotama for someone so remote oil Venerable Gotama and one hundred by the week is enough for man's family went to the recluse Gotama audience, to bring food oil . Therefore, all of us would go to the recluse Gotama audience.
At that time, Brahmin Sonadanda mass with Brahmin went to the lakeside Gaggara.
8. The following anxiety arises in the minds of Brahmin Sonadanda, passing through the woods: "If I ask a question recluse Gotama and if recluse Gotama answered me as follows: "Hey Brahmin, do not ask questions like this." such time, the congregation will scorn me: "Brahmin Sonadanda foolish, incompetent, unable to ask a question for mature ". If this congregation I despise my time diminished reputation. And who was renowned reduce admission time offerings are reduced. Because our offerings depend to honor us with . If recluse Gotama asked me a question, my answer to that question can not make the mind to be satisfied; and if recluse Gotama told us the following: "this Brahmin , that question should be answered like this ", so the congregation will scorn me:" Brahmin Sonadanda foolish incompetence can not make the mind recluse Gotama satisfied with sentence Answer the question. "If this congregation I despise it diminished our reputation and who was renowned ease, offering admission time was minimized, because our offerings depend to honor them I was there. If we go to this close encounter which I returned no recluse Gotama, the congregation will scorn me: "Brahmin Sonadanda cretin is incompetent, arrogant, stubborn, frightened , dare not visited the recluse Gotama, how went to close like this that do not meet the return recluse Gotama. " If our congregation contempt, the honor had been reduced, and one was honorary reduce admission time offerings are reduced. Because our offerings depending with honor we are there ".
9. At that time the Brahmin Sonadanda towards Buddha. After arriving he say cordial, welcoming, blessing and sat down on one side. The Brahmin and Homeowners in Campa, some recluse Gotama bowed and sat down on one side, there are people who speak cordially welcome praise recluse Gotama with and sat down on one side, there are people who clasped hand recluse Gotama bowed in greeting and sat down on one side, some say the name and family and sat down on one side, there are people who quietly sat to one side.
10. Then Brahmin Sonadanda sitting, worried mind: "If I ask a question recluse Gotama and if recluse Gotama answered me as follows:" This Brahmin, not should ask questions like that, should ask questions like this. "such time would scorn our congregation:" Brahmin Sonadanda foolish, incompetent, unable to ask a question to mature. " If this congregation I shall despise my reputation diminished. And who was renowned reduce admission time offerings are reduced. Because our offerings depending on the reputation we have. If Sa it is a question asked Gotama goal and my answer to that question can not make the mind to be satisfied, and if recluse Gotama tell me like this: "Hey Brahmin, questions he should not answer that. "Hey Brahmin, he should answer questions like this, so the congregation will scorn me:" Brahmin Sonadanda was foolish, no financial, do not mind recluse Gotama satisfied with the answer (that). "If this congregation I despise my time diminished reputation. And who's reputation is diminished admitted diminished offerings. Because our offerings depending reputation we have. Hopefully recluse Gotama ask us questions about the spread of three books Veda. So we can make sure his mind is satisfied with my answer to that question. "
11. At that time, the Buddha is said the puzzled anxiety Sonadanda Brahmin with his perception, immediately thought to myself: "Brahmin this Sonadanda are wondering worried. I ask Brahmin Sonadanda the question of the transfer of three books Veda ".
Buddha then asked Brahmin Sonadanda:
- Hey Brahmin, the Brahmin You must complete as many new qualities to be called Brahmin, and to be able to say "I am Brahmin", words he is right feet, not a lie?
12. At that time the Brahmin Sonadanda thinking: "Indeed, what we wish, hope, requirements and expectations. Looking forward recluse Gotama ask us questions about the three volumes of the TV Veda. so we can make sure his mind is satisfied with the answer to this question, this recluse Gotama and ask me questions about the three books of the Veda TV. surely we can do His mind is satisfied with the answer to that question. "
13. Then Brahmin Sonadanda sit up straight, looked around the congregation and white Buddha:
- There are five qualities, even the Brahmin to the new full-called Brahmin and to be able to say: "I am a Brahmin," that statement right feet, not is a lie. What is the year? Here, this venerable, the good Brahmin born both from matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, do not be a stain, not a vilification of the matter birth blood life. He was the chant's wake, the mantras, understanding three sets with nominal Veda, ritual, etymology, historical exegesis and tradition is Thursday, understand grammar and grammar, that knack of Thuan (naturalist) and personnel of the great generals. He handsome, lovable, pleasing people, with skin color wins, handsome handsome, elegant gestures, a noble gesture. He has virtue, merit high thick, thick full of high morality. And he was well educated, wise, was the First or the Second in the spoon holder (to pour butter as sacrifice). This venerable Gotama, it is in virtue, even the Brahmin to the new full-called Brahmin and to be able, when he said, "I am Brahmin", words he is right feet, not a lie.
14. - Hey Brahmin, in virtue of this, can skip a public virtue, only four qualities alone, which still could be called Brahmin and to be able to say: "I am a Brahmin," that statement is the word right feet, not a lie.
- Venerable Gotama, may be. The venerable Gotama, in this virtue, we can give excellent solution. Indeed, identity solution do? When a venerable Brahmin born improve maternal and paternal system, blood purification to seventh fathers, do not be a stain, not a vilification on the issue of birth blood life. He was the chant's wake, the mantras, understanding three sets with nominal Veda, ritual, natural language, glossary, and traditional history is Thursday, understand grammar and grammar, a knack for Thuan world (naturalist) and personnel of the great generals. He has virtue, merit high thick, thick full of high morality. And he was well educated, wise, was the First or the Second of the spoon handle. This venerable Gotama, the virtue of this, even the Brahmin to the new full-called Brahmin and to be able, when he said, "I am Brahmin", that statement the right feet, not a lie.
15. - Hey Brahmin, these four qualities, can skip a public virtue, only three qualities alone, which still could be called Brahmin and to be able to say: "I am a Brahmin," that statement is the word right feet, not a lie.
- Venerable Gotama, may be. Venerable Gotama, the four virtues, we can quit paying arts. Indeed, uncle arts do? When a venerable Brahmin born improve maternal and paternal system, blood purification to seventh fathers, do not be a stain, not a vilification on the issue of birth blood life. He was the chant's wake, the mantras, understanding three sets with nominal Veda, ritual, natural language, glossary, and traditional history is Thursday, understand grammar and grammar, a knack for Thuan world (naturalist) and personnel of the great generals, he has virtue, merit high thick, thick full of high morality, he is well educated man, wise, was the First or the Second for those in the spoon. - This venerable Gotama, these virtues, even the Brahmin must complete a new called Brahmin and to be able, when he said, "I am Brahmin", words he is right feet, not a lie.
16. - Hey Brahmin, these three qualities, can skip a public virtue, only two qualities alone, which still could be called Brahmin and to be able to say: "I am a Brahmin," it's done right feet, not a lie.
- Venerable Gotama, may be. Venerable Gotama, the three virtues, we can give birth and life. Indeed, life being done? When a venerable Brahmin virtue, merit high thick, thick full of high morality, he is well educated man, wise, was the First or the Second of the spoon handle. The virtue of this, even the Brahmin to the new full-called Brahmin and to be able, when he said, "I am Brahmin" it's done right feet, not is a lie.
17. When they heard that, even the other Brahmin told Brahmin Sonadanda:
- Venerable Sonadanda Hey, do not say so! This venerable Sonadanda, do not have to say so! Venerable Sonadanda excellent solution disrespect, contempt technical uncle, born disrespect life. Truly venerable Sonadanda has fallen under the concept of recluse Gotama.
18. At that time the Buddha said to the Brahmin position that:
- If the person Brahmin thought: "Brahmin Sonadanda level is not multicultural, Brahmin Sonadanda not a good orator, Brahmin is not a physician Sonadanda school and Sonadanda Brahmin can not argue with the recluse Gotama about this issue ", the Brahmin Sonadanda stand still and let you argue with me. If the person Brahmin thought: "Brahmin Sonadanda level is multicultural, Brahmin Sonadanda is good orator, Brahmin scholar Sonadanda is, and she-the busi- Sonadanda subjects can argue with the recluse Gotama about this issue, "the time you stand still and to Brahmin Sonadanda argue with me.
19. When they heard that, Brahmin Sonadanda prospectus with the Buddha:
- Venerable Gotama stand still. Venerable Gotama please keep quiet. I'll answer for you Brahmin was right with the Dharma.
Then Brahmin Sonadanda speak with the Brahmin was:
- Hey Sage, do not have to say so: "Illustration Sonadanda excellent solution disrespect, contempt technical uncle, born disrespect life. Actually venerable Sonadanda has fallen under the concept of the recluse Gotama." Sage Hey, I do not have sharp or defamatory content or life being a technical note.
20. At that time, young people are the descendants of Angaka Brahmin Sonadanda sitting in his congregation. Brahmin Sonadanda speak with the other Brahmin:
- Hey Sage, the Sage can see my nephew, not youth Angaka?
- Venerable Sir, you see.
- The Sage, handsome youth Angaka lovable, pleasing people, with skin color wins, handsome handsome, elegant gestures, noble posture, none of them may be in is the excellent solution, except recluse Gotama. Hey Sage, youth are the mantras Angaka, three collective understanding Veda, with nominal, rituals, language resources, glossary, and traditional history is Thursday, understand grammar and grammar, special financing of Thuan's (naturalist) and personnel of the great generals. I teach its main technical notes. Hey Sage, being both friendly youth Angaka from matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, do not be a criticism of life birth and parentage issues. I know his father and mother. If this the young sage Angaka killing sentient kind, taking what is not given, go on from communion with his wife, lie, drink, so this the sage, this excellent solution to do something, life birth what to do? Hey Sage, when a Brahmin there is virtue, moral elevation thick, thick full of high morality, was well educated man, wise, was the First or the Second in the spoon holder . Hey Sage, the Brahmin complete any nature that two new stand called Brahmin and to be able, when he said, "I am the Brahmin," his word for foot chief, not a lie.
21. - Hey Brahmin in his two qualities, can skip a virtue, and the Brahmin complete a public virtue, to be able to say: "I'm Mrs. Mon" , that statement is the word right feet, not a lie.
- Venerable Gotama, impossible. Venerable Gotama, intellectual make pure morality, morality is making pure intellect. Where there is virtue, wisdom that place; brainer place, that place with morality; people with certain virtues brainer; persons with certain intellectual virtues. Virtue and wisdom are considered supreme in the world. Venerable Gotama, as well as washing hands hand, grab the foot to wash the feet; too, Venerable Gotama, intellectual make pure morality, morality is making pure intellect. Where there is virtue, wisdom that place; brainer place, that place with morality. People with certain virtues brainer; persons with certain intellectual virtues. Virtue and wisdom are considered supreme in the world.
22. - It is so, this Brahmin. This Brahmin, is wisdom makes pure morality, morality is making pure intellect. Where there is virtue, wisdom that place; brainer place, that place with morality. People with certain virtues brainer; persons with certain intellectual virtues. Virtue and wisdom are considered supreme in the world. But the Brahmin, what is morality, what is wisdom?
- Venerable Gotama, we only know there is so paramount in this regard. You instead, if Venerable Gotama explains the meaning of such a statement!
23. - Hey Brahmin, so listen and think carefully, we'll talk.
- Venerable, yes. Sonadanda Brahmin answered Buddha.
Blessed One theory as follows:
- Hey Brahmin, where the Buddha was born, the Arhat level, Enlightenment ... (like Beijing Samana Fruit, chapter 40) ... this Brahmin , so taste fully monks morality. This Brahmin, which is morality.
... He meditation residence certificate ... residence certificate II Zen meditation ... third ... Fourth meditation residence certificate ... mind towards knowledge ... Hey Ba-La- such is the goal of wisdom [as of Samannaphala (Salmone fruit), from chapter 40 to 63, and from chapter 75 to chapter 98].
24. When I heard this, Brahmin Sonadanda told Buddha:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! Venerable Gotama, as the steep back what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions for those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Dharma was too venerable Gotama presented using various means explained. So far the Exalted Gotama for refuge, refuge in France and refuge monks Increase. Mong Ton Gotama adoption as his disciple, from today onwards until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold. And forward Venerable Gotama, tomorrow and we monks accepted an invitation to dine by the invitation.
Blessed silence accepted. At that time the Brahmin Sonadanda known Exalted said yes, immediately stood up from his seat, bowed to the Buddha, the organic body towards the Buddha and farewell. Then Brahmin chronic Sonadanda instant when night has made available in the epigastric dishes, kind of hard and soft type, then press time for the Buddha: "The time has come, Venerable Gotama, the rice was available bright".
25. Then the Blessed One morning robes, carrying a bowl, and together they went to the monks living quarters of Sonadanda Brahmin, went to sit on the seat was immediately drafted. Brahmin Sonadanda manually make them monks with the Buddha is the leader, satisfaction with epigastric dish, kind of hard and soft types. At that time the Brahmin Sonadanda, after learning that the Buddha had finished dinner, have washed your hands and bowl, and he took a low chair sat to one side. After sitting down on one side, Brahmin Sonadanda white Buddha:
26. - The venerable Gotama, when I am in the assembly if the child got up from his seat and bowed Gotama the congregation will defame you. Who was this congregation defamation, loss of reputation will be reduced, and nobody's reputation suffered reduced, the admission donations diminished. Since offerings depending on the reputation we have. Venerable Gotama, if in the hands congregation bowed in salute child, eager to receive that venerable Gotama as you rise up. Venerable Gotama, if the congregation that the towel off his head, Venerable Gotama wish to receive it was the first hello to my vow. Venerable Gotama, when you go on the bus, if you got down and bowed Gotama, the congregation will defame you. Who was this congregation defamation, reducing the reputation suffers, and who was renowned harm reduction, offering admission time was minimized. Because the offering depends on our reputation there. Venerable Gotama, if during the ride, the officer lowered the whip down, expecting to receive that venerable Gotama is the alight. Venerable Gotama, if during the ride, I waved, hoping to receive that venerable Gotama is the first hello to my vow.
27. Then the Buddha with a sermon, teaching, encouraging, stimulating and making Brahmin Sonadanda happy, then got up from his seat and farewell.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/3/2016.MHDT.

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