Wednesday 23 March 2016

5. Kūṭadanta

1. Thus have I heard. One time the Buddha was traveling in Magadha (Ma-out-momentum) along with mass, monks about five hundred and arrives at a Brahmin village in Magadha named Khanumata (Round-recruiter-grandmother -for). And here, stay in the garden Buddha in Khanumata Ambalatthika. At that time the Brahmin Kūṭadanta at Khanumata, a densely populated place, trees, ponds, fertile rice, a local kingdom by King Bimbisara (Bimbisara) King of Magadha level , a gift of the king, a hamlet net. At that time, a large esplanade being set for Brahmin Kūṭadanta, seven hundred buffalo bulls, seven hundred male calf, and seven hundred big calf, seven hundred goats and seven hundred sheep office was led to sacrifice, for esplanade.
2. Brahmin and Homeowners in Khanumata be heard: "recluse Gotama, Sakyamuni family, joined the clan Sakyamuni, was traveling in the country with mass Magadha monks around the year hundred, had come in and stay in the garden Khanumata Khanumata Ambalatthika in. the word nice is transmitted following the Exalted Gotama: "This is the Buddha, Arhat level, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc , Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, ... Once that realization, he also declared his realization to others. He teaches good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, office ordination means, and introducing entirely celibate life full of purity. Rather nice, the admire an Arhat so. "Then the Brahmin and Homeowners in Khanumata, each group, each group, come out in droves and come in Ambalatthika Khanumata.
3. At that time, Brahmin Kūṭadanta went upstairs to take a nap. Kūṭadanta Brahmin saw the Brahmin and Khanumata Homeowners in each group, each group, come out in droves and come in Ambalatthika Khanumata. Seeing this (Brahmin Kūṭadanta) And he called the doorman:
- Hey doorman, why the Brahmin and Homeowners in Khanumata, each group, each group, come out in droves and come in Ambalatthika Khanumata?
- Venerable, recluse Gotama has, Sakyamuni family, joined the clan Sakyamuni, was traveling in the country with mass Magadha monks about five hundred, to at Khanumata, and at that residence in Ambalatthika. Nice following rumors transmissions of Bhagavan Gotama: "This is the Buddha, Arhat level, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article fisheries Phu Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ". Now he went to the Venerable Gotama audience.
4. Kūṭadanta Brahmin immediately following thoughts: "I heard:" recluse Gotama understands how three international legal order and international sixteen. "I do not know how the three and sixteen international legal order , and we want to celebrate the international agency. So we go to the recluse Gotama asked how three international legal order and international sixteen ".
Then Brahmin Kūṭadanta other concierge call:
- Hey gatekeepers, go to the Brahmin and Homeowners in Khanumata, on arrival, tell the Brahmin and Homeowners in Khanumata as follows: "Brahmin there Kūṭadanta say: "Hey Sage, wait, Brahmin Kūṭadanta will personally visited the recluse Gotama."
- Yes.
The doorman told him obey the Brahmin Kūṭadanta, go to the Brahmin and Homeowners in Khanumata, when done immediately told Brahmin and Homeowners in Khanumata: "three- la-half Kūṭadanta have said something like this: "Hey Sage, stay tuned Brahmin Kūṭadanta will personally visited the recluse Gotama."
5. At that time, about a few hundred Brahmin in Khanumata with intent: "We will attend the University of International Forum Kūṭadanta Brahmin". When the position of this Brahmin heard: "Brahmin Kūṭadanta will visited the recluse Gotama", the Brahmin came Brahmin Kūṭadanta, immediately upon arrival told Mrs. -la-subject Kūṭadanta:
- There must come up Kūṭadanta venerable recluse Gotama is?
- Hey Sage, it is my intention, I will visited the recluse Gotama.
6. - The venerable Kūṭadanta not have visited the recluse Gotama. It does not deserve the venerable Kūṭadanta visited the recluse Gotama. If the venerable Kūṭadanta visited the recluse Gotama, the reputation of the venerable Kūṭadanta are consumed, the reputation of the recluse Gotama is growing. Because Kūṭadanta venerable reputation and reputation are consumed recluse Gotama's growth, by this point it was not worth the venerable Kūṭadanta visited the recluse Gotama. In contrast to much deserved recluse Gotama visited the venerable Kūṭadanta.
- Back venerable Kūṭadanta born improve both matrilineal and patrilineal words, pure blood for life and seven fathers, do not be a stain, not a vilification on the issue of birth blood life. Since being both friendly venerable Kūṭadanta from matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, do not be a stain, not a vilification of the matter is re-born parentage; by this point, it's not worth the venerable Kūṭadanta visited the recluse Gotama, whereas the truth deserves to recluse Gotama visited the venerable Kūṭadanta.
Back venerable Kūṭadanta are rich, of great wealth and prosperity ...
Back venerable Kūṭadanta's wake is a chant, as the mantras, understanding three sets with nominal Veda, ritual, etymology, historical exegesis and tradition is the fifth, grammar comprehension and grammar, talent about Thuan world (naturalist) and personnel of the great generals.
Back venerable Kūṭadanta handsome, lovable, pleasing people, with skin color wins, handsome, handsome, elegant gestures, a noble gesture.
Back venerable Kūṭadanta virtue, merit high thick, thick full of high morality.
Back venerable Kūṭadanta language friendly, user-friendly language words, say elegant, meaningful transparency, not babbling voice weary, explained meaning clarified.
Venerable Kūṭadanta back is level in the rows Ton Ton associate professor of many, taught three hundred young Brahmin arts reciting notes, young Brahmin in many ways, from many countries, eager to notes arts, to the venerable Kūṭadanta to memorize the technical notes.
The venerable Greek Kūṭadanta high-aged adults, elders, elder age, recluse Gotama is still young, not yet ordained many years.
Venerable Kūṭadanta Seniya King Bimbisara (Bimbisara) Origin Mangadha (Magadha) respect, devotion, contemplation, homage, respected.
Venerable Kūṭadanta are Brahmin Pokkhatasadi respect, adoration, contemplation, homage, respected.
Venerable Kūṭadanta Khanumata living in a crowded local people, plants, pond fertility, affluence rice, a royal territory, an experimental translational field, a gift of the Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya. Since he came to live in Khanumata Kūṭadanta, a crowded local people, plants, pond fertility, affluence rice, a royal territory, an experimental translational field, a gift of the Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya, due this point really does not deserve to venerable Kūṭadanta visited the recluse Gotama, contrary to much deserved recluse Gotama visited the venerable Kūṭadanta.
7. Hearing this, Brahmin Kūṭadanta speak with the Brahmin was:
- The Sage, listen to me explain why it's worthy of us visited the recluse Gotama, whereas it is not worthy to recluse Gotama to our audience. Hey Sage, really recluse Gotama being good both matrilineal and patrilineal words, pure blood for life and seven fathers, do not be a stain, not a vilification about blood issues sentient life. Hey Sage, because recluse Gotama born improve both matrilineal and patrilineal words, pure blood for life and seven fathers, do not be a stain, not a vilification about life blood problems Hall. As this point, it does not deserve to recluse Gotama to our audience, it's contrary to our worthy visited the recluse Gotama.
Hey Sage, recluse Gotama left home and spent a lot of gold and silver are buried category and type on the ground.
Hey Sage, recluse Gotama in adolescence longer black hair, beautiful young age of boyhood, was ordained to abandon the family home living.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama, the parents disagree oil, crying tears soaked his face, still shaved, wearing robes Asa ordained abandon family, living without family.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama handsome, lovable, pleasing people, with skin color wins, handsome handsome, elegant gestures, a noble gesture.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama virtue, observe the saint's, has good faith, good faith taught enough.
Hey Sage, indeed, improve language recluse Gotama, user-friendly language words, say elegant, meaningful transparency, not babbling voice weary, explained meaning clarified.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama is the One Ton Ton associate professor rows of many.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama eradicate greed, has rid all mental agitation.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama about industrial policy, advocated for action, focusing on improving the sermon to press them Brahmin.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama joined the noble race, from family-seat Sat-purity substrates.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama joined the race affluent, wealthy businessmen, mature assets.
Hey Sage, indeed, thousands of people cross the sea ice (ice through many local, state across multiple degrees) to the recluse Gotama asked director.
Hey Sage, indeed, there are thousands of people to seek refuge disasters recluse Gotama.
Hey Sage, indeed, nice following rumors spread recluse Gotama went on: "He is the Exalted level, Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, EARTH League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama is full of thirty-two great being a good minister.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama say welcoming, friendly, elegant, formal, honest, frank, words have evidence (?)
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama is the four respectful devotion, contemplation, respected homage.
Hey Sage, many heavenly religious recluse Gotama.
Hey Sage, indeed in any village, hamlet yet, recluse Gotama residence, in his village, in his hamlet, inhuman species do not harm human beings.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama is a church home, all sects, cults professor, was regarded as the ultimate in religious organizations.
Sage is the reputation of a recluse, Brahmin based on where the evidence does not, the reputation of recluse Gotama based supreme virtue of his position.
Hey Sage, indeed, king Bimbisara Seniya Magadha country, along with Prince, concubines, widget marketing, lords are taking refuge recluse Gotama.
Hey Sage, indeed, King Pasenadi Kosala with princes, concubines, widget marketing, courtiers are refuge recluse Gotama.
Hey Sage, indeed, Brahmin Pokkharasadi along with Prince, concubines, widget marketing, courtiers are refuge recluse Gotama.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama water Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya respect, adoration, contemplation, homage, respected.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama is king Pasenadi Kosala respect, adoration, contemplation, homage, respected.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama is Brahmin Pokkharasadi respect, adoration, contemplation, respected homage.
Hey Sage, indeed, recluse Gotama has arrived and are staying at Ambalatthika Khanumata. These recluses, the Brahmin come our village fields are our guests. For guests, we have to respect, adoration, contemplation, homage, respected.
Hey Sage, Gotama has arrived today in Ambalatthika Khanumata are so recluse Gotama is our guest. And was a guest, we must respect, adoration, contemplation, homage, respected. Due to this point, it's not worth the Venerable Gotama to our audience, it is worthy for us visited the recluse Gotama. Sage Hey, it's advantages, but we are aware of Venerable Gotama. Venerable Gotama does not have some advantages only. Venerable Gotama have to immeasurable advantages.
8. When they heard that, the Brahmin told Brahmin Kūṭadanta:
- Venerable Kūṭadanta praised recluse Gotama thus far nobody oil venerable Gotama to a hundred by the week is enough for the son of the clan went visited the recluse Gotama, to bring food oil . So all of us will go to the recluse Gotama audience.
At that time the Brahmin Kūṭadanta mass with Brahmin went to Ambalatthika, to spot the Buddha in, when to go to, immediately say cordial, welcoming, blessing and sat down on one side . The Brahmin and Homeowners in Khanumata, some recluse Gotama bowed and sat down on one side, there are people who speak cordially welcome, praise the recluse Gotama, then sat down on one side, there who accept the hand recluse Gotama bowed in greeting and sat down on one side, some say the name and family and sat down on one side, there are people who quietly sat to one side.
9. After sitting down on one side, Brahmin Kūṭadanta white Buddha:
- Venerable Gotama, I heard the following: "Sa-knowledgeable three ways sixteen sacrifices and sacrifices". I did not know until three and sixteen sacrifices sacrifices great and I want to celebrate sacrifices. Rather nice if Venerable Gotama preach to me three ways sixteen sacrifices and sacrifices.
- Hey Brahmin, so people listen and think carefully, I will say:
- Yes.
Kūṭadanta Brahmin answered Buddha. Blessed One theory as follows:
10. - Hey Brahmin, Oldtimer has king named Mahavijita, rich, wealthy businessmen, property prolific, with more gold and silver, have more widgets, there are many grains of material resources, supplemented treasure screen. This Brahmin, one day, when he was sitting quietly Mahavijita in a pure origin, the following reflections arise: "We currently are immeasurable assets belonging to the human world, to conquer the planet and live contemporary dwell so. let herd health organization, and so we will enjoy happiness for a long time. " This Brahmin king to invite to your instant Mahavijita Brahmin celebrant and say: "Hey Brahmin, while I was sitting quietly in a pure origin, the following reflections arise "I told this unto boundless resources of the human world, to conquer the planet and live contemporary dwell so. Let us above international organization, and so we will enjoy happiness for a long time. "This Brahmin, I wish above international organization, Secretary please advise us how to enjoy our happy long day being at peace? "
11. Hey Brahmin, when they heard that, the Brahmin Mahavijita celebrant spoke to the king as follows: "The kingdom, the kingdom of (this) under the disaster, victims bear the yoke, full of robbers villages, hamlets full of bandits, robbers rife urban, street robbers abound. In the national disaster resistance, bear the yoke such victims, if Sun King hit new taxes, so Sun King had the thought: "let us eradicate this grass enemy, either by death or by pledge, or by a fine, or reprimand, or by frequency". But they will not be the enemy of grass completely eradicate . the remaining four penalties being continued raging kingdom. But if according to the following method, we like she will be to eradicate completely. the position in the international efforts of the king agricultural and livestock items, Sun king, please give these persons and vegetable seeds; even the king's degree in international business efforts, please give the Sun king he invested; even the public in the king's country of official efforts, Sun king, please give the object he carried and wages. And these people concentrate on his own career would not harm national level interference king. And funds will be plentiful king and national level will be peace industry, there is no disaster, victims and the public yoke happy cheerful, child dancing on the chest, life is like with housing extensions " . - "Yes, venerable".
- Hey Brahmin king Mahavijita obey your advice Brahmin celebrant; even the king's degree in international efforts on agricultural and livestock items, Sun King Mahavijita he gives the seeds and plants; even the king's degree in international business efforts, Sun King Mahavijita he granted to the investment; even the king of any country on official efforts, Sun King Mahavijita he granted to the real material and wages. And these people are dedicated to their craft is no longer the country of the king harmful interference; King funding is abundant and national level was at an area of ​​no yoke disaster victims and people happy cheerful, child dancing on the chest, life is like for housing expansion.
12. Then the Brahmin, the king invited Mahavijita for Brahmin celebrant and say: "Hey secretary, we have to eradicate them by applying lawn enemy this method, our funds are plentiful , the country is at an area level, no yoke disaster victims, and the people happy, cheerful, child dancing on the chest, life is like for housing expansion. this Brahmin, I want herd health organization, Secretary please advise us how to enjoy our long-term happiness? " - "So let's Sun King invited all the Sat-imperial-town status in the country of the king with vassals both in cities and outside cities, and said:" Behold the Secretary, I want to hold the International Forum . The secretary agreed to let us enjoy peace and happiness for a long time. "For all the lords in the country of the king, along with relatives of both in cities and outside cities ... all Homeowners and rich both in cities and outside cities, invite the Sun King and he said, "the secretary, I want to hold the International Forum. The secretary agreed to let us enjoy lasting peace and happiness. "
This Brahmin king listen to your Mahavijita Brahmin celebrant invited all the Sat-imperial-town status in the country of the king with vassals both in cities and outside cities and said "Behold the Secretary, I want to hold the International Forum. the Secretary agreed to let us enjoy peace and happiness for a long time." - "Sun King just above international organizations. Great king, this is the right time of sacrifice."
For all the lords in the country of the king with relatives both in cities and outside cities ... all Brahmin status and age Homeowners in cities and outside the province .. . all the Homeowners and rich both in cities and outside cities, he invited Mahavijita king and said: "Hey, the secretary of world we want to hold the Forum. the Secretary agreed to let us enjoy a happy and long lost ". - "The king just above international organizations, the Great King, this is where the International Forum".
Thus four mass admitted in principle altar sacrifice facilitate this forum.
13. King Mahavijita following eight virtues: compassion born from both matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, not a stain upon it, a problem of stigmatization regarding parentage born life. Handsome, lovable, pleasing people, with skin color wins, handsome handsome, elegant gestures, a noble gesture. As a wealthy, wealthy businessmen, wealthy property, full of gold and silver, full financial security, full inheritance, cereal, commercial prolific archives. Powerful, full four types of military services, conquered the enemy as the dread name of (his). Some have faith, philanthropist, a benefactor, door extensions, a deep well for recluses, Brahmin indigent poor, mendicant, a work of merit. A scholar in all matters. Understanding the meaning of words: "This is the meaning of this word, it is the thought of this speech." One scientist, refined, wise and can reflect on past problems, future, present. King Mahavijita full eight this characteristic. This makes eight key characteristics of the weak economic conditions for his herd.
14. The Brahmin celebrant full four virtues: compassion born from both matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, do not be a stain, a public detractors, on the issue of parentage born life - is the procedure's wake, are the mantras, understanding three sets with nominal Veda, ritual, etymology, historical exegesis and tradition is the fifth, grammar and cultural understanding committed, that knack of Thuan (naturalist) and Minister of the great human, virtue, moral elevation thick, thick full high morality - an erudite, refined, wise, is holding spoon the first or the second one. You Brahmin celebrant full four virtues, the four main qualities do these weak economic conditions for his herd.
15. Hey Brahmin, the Brahmin celebrant before the ceremony three French colonies with the king Mahavijita lecture: "Before you want to do great feast of sacrifice, if Sun King with regret:" Indeed , a large portion of our assets will be consumed "Sun King should not have this regret. while doing great feast of sacrifice, if Sun King with regret:" Indeed, a large portion of assets it's consumed. "Sun King should not have this regret. When did college ceremony altar, if the Sun King with regret:" Indeed, a big part of my property is lost. "Ton King should not have this regret. "
This Brahmin, the Brahmin celebrant before the ceremony three French colonies with the king Mahavijita faculty.
16. Hey Brahmin, the Brahmin rituals presided before the board to prevent regrets in eleven ways can arise for attendees (feast of sacrifice) told King Mahavijita: "Sun King, with the killing in sacrifice to the herd and no killing. here, for those who kill, let them rest. here, for those who do not kill, please International Forum organized in a way that their inner peace, joy, joy. Sun King, there's people who do not get to the ceremony at the Forum and there's people who do not take no for ... there are people who commit adultery and there are people who do not commit adultery, lie, and there are people there who do not lie, there are people who speak two tongues, and there are people who do not speak the two blades, there are those who say cruel and there are people who do not say cruel, there are those who say frivolous and there are people who say not frivolous, there are people who are greedy and greedy people who can not, there are people with anger and with those who have no anger, there are those who have wrong views and those with the right view. Here, for those who have let them saddle wrong. For those who have the right view, organize an international forum that our inner peace, joy, joy. "
This Brahmin, the Brahmin rituals presided before herd regret blocked under ten ways can arise for the participants (male rituals).
17. Hey Brahmin, the Brahmin celebrant ceremony when the king is doing above, has advised teachers, great rate, ... stimulating and mind (the king) happy with sixteen local Strategy: "while the Sun King is above international organization, if someone says:" King Mahavijita international organization but do not invite your herd Sat-imperial-town, kinship in provinces and outside the province; Sun King held a ceremony of sacrifice so great. "The words of the Sun King so not true; Sun King had invited the Sat-imperial-town kinship in cities and outside cities. Therefore, Religion King should know: "Let's organize an international forum that inner peace, joy, joy." while the Sun King is above international organization, if someone says: "King Mahavijita herd health organization, but did not invite courtiers and relatives in the provinces outside the province ... Brahmin giants in the province and outside the province ... lay and rich in cities and outside cities. Sun King held a ceremony of sacrifice so great. "The words of the Sun King so not true; Sun King had invited the layman and rich in the province and outside the province; therefore Sun King should know "Let's celebrate that fact above an inner peace, joy, joy." while the Sun King is above international organization when someone says: "King Mahavijita herd health organization, but being both friendly from matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, do not be a stigma, a problem of stigmatization regarding parentage born life. "so Sun King should know:" Let international organizations herd in a way that inner peace, joy, joy. "while the Sun King is above international organization, if someone says:" King Mahavijita international organization but not handsome male lovable, pleasing everyone , with color wins, handsome, handsome, elegant gestures, a noble gesture ... not the rich, of great wealth, affluence property, full of gold and silver, full financial protection , full of the cereal industry, trade prolific archives ... no power, full four types of military services, conquered the enemy with dread as their identity ... without faith, no compassion, not a benefactor, door extensions, a deep well for recluses, Brahmin, destitute, poor, mendicant, a work of merit ... not a specialist in the study every issue ... does not know the meaning of the words: "this is the meaning of this word, this is the meaning of this word ... not a refined scholar, lucid and able reflections on past problems, future, present ... Sun King held a ceremony of sacrifice so great. " Speech on Religion King so not true. Sun King is a scientist, refined, wise, and can reflect on past problems, future, present ... Therefore, the Sun King should know: "Let international organizations above a cabinet making is full of peace, joy ". While Sun King are above international organization, if someone says: "King Mahavijita herd health organization, but the Brahmin king's health is not good all born both from matriarchal and patriarchal, blood bar net until seventh fathers, do not be a stigma, a problem of stigmatization regarding parentage born life. Sun King held a ceremony of sacrifice so great. "the words of the Sun King so not true . the Brahmin king presided by being both friendly from generation and paternity samples, blood purification to seventh fathers, do not be a stain, a public vilification of life birth blood problems ". Therefore, the Sun King should know: "Let's organize an international forum that inner peace, joy, joy" ... While the Sun King is above international organization ... But the Brahmin Home king's health is not the procedure's wake, are the mantras, understanding three sets with nominal Veda, ritual, etymology, historical exegesis and tradition is the fifth, grammar comprehension and grammar, special financing of Thuan's (naturalist) and personnel of the great generals ... But the Brahmin king presided's no virtue, no moral high thick, full of high morality thick ... but the Brahmin king's health was not all scholarly taste, refined, wise, is the first scoop or poultry Monday, Sun king held a ceremony of sacrifice so great. "the words of the Sun king so not true. the Brahmin king was presided by scholar, refined, wise, is holding the first spoonful or two. so Sun king should know: "Let international organizations herd in a way that inner peace, joy, joy. "
This Brahmin, the Brahmin celebrant, when the king was doing religious rituals have recommended above, distinctions, stimulating and mind (the king) is happy with sixteen methods.
18. Hey Brahmin, in the above ceremony, no cattle are killed, no goat was killed, no pigs chickens killed, no other types of organisms are damaged, there is no trees are cut to make sacrifices pillars, no grasses dabbha (auspicious grass) cut to be spread around the esplanade. And those who bring home upsurge or ... believe it or not the employees are threatened by punishment, not being threatened by fear and do not work in mourning with her face full of tears. We want to, we do, we do what we want. International Forum is now complete with oil, bowl birth, maturity bowl, honey and sugar pieces.
19. Hey Brahmin, the Sat-imperial-town kinship in cities and outside cities, the lords relatives in cities and outside cities, the Brahmin giants in provinces and outside the province, and rich lay in outer provinces and cities bring a lot of wealth to Mahavijita money and said, "Great king, money, a lot of improvements were brought to the Great King used, the Great King please get used ". - "Behold the Secretary, a lot of money wealth are concise a legitimate way to have enough. The secretary keep these things can give the secretary, the secretary can bring a lot more! ".
The taste is king refused so stood aside and discussed as follows: "This property of ours, if we take home back, it's not. King Mahavijita herd health organization. Let's hold health officials a forum post ".
20. Hey Brahmin, when the Sat-imperial-town location kinship in the province and outside the province to put the experimental animal herd health eastern pit; retinue of courtiers in the province and outside the province to set the south pit experimental animal herd health; the Brahmin giants in the outer provinces and cities placed the western pilot hole animal herd health; lay and rich in provinces and cities placed outside the northern pilot hole animal herd health. This Brahmin, in fact of the herd this position too, no cattle are killed, no goat was killed, no other creatures are damaged, no trees are cut to make sacrifice pillar, no grasses dabbha (auspicious grass) cut to be spread around the esplanade. And the outbreak or part messenger, or the employees are not threatened by punishment, not being threatened by fear and do not work in mourning with her face full of tears. We want to, we do, we do not want, they do not do, we do what we want, we do not do what they do not want. The fact this board is complete with oil, bowl birth, maturity bowl, honey and sugar pieces.
Such approval is four king Mahavijita eight legal achievements, Brahmin all four economic achievements and the three international legal measures. Brahmin this so called three legal and sixteen international animal health.
21. When we hear so these Brahmin shouted he shouted: "Noble instead ceremony above, instead of the glorious achievements of the Forum sacrifice!". But Brahmin Kūṭadanta sit quietly. The location was Brahmin Brahmin asked Kūṭadanta: "Why not venerable Kūṭadanta words of praise are good theoretical doctrine of charity recluse Gotama?" - "It is not good do not praise the good word theory theory of recluse Gotama. If someone does not praise the good friendly word theory theory of recluse Gotama, the first one will be destroyed. But I am currently thinking think: recluse Gotama does not say: "so I hear," or "that is so good." But he just said: "When such things happen?" "Then it happened like that" . And I thought: Surely then, recluse Gotama is king master of ceremonies Mahavijita above, or is the owner Brahmin sacrificial altar ". Venerable Gotama with his recognition as organized ceremony that organizers herd or flock and after the ceremony itself being corrupt public network is good fun in heaven, in this life? "
This Brahmin, I recognized myself organized ceremony that organizers herd or herd ceremony, and after the body damage the public network was born in good fun, heaven in this life. At that time I was the Brahmin celebrant stood out above all this sacrifice.
22. - This venerable Gotama, there are other less troublesome altar complex, less noise more costly, than retribution, more benefits for third world economic forum and sixteen international law this character?
- Hey Brahmin, the other a little annoying altar complex, less noise more costly, than retribution, more benefits for third world economic forum and sixteen international legal character.
- Venerable Gotama, another fact that is what herd less bothered more complex, less noise more costly, retribution, many health benefits over and above the three sixteen international economic law this character?
- Hey Brahmin, is the regular alms, the favorable altar, offerings to the monks have virtue. He International Forum, this Brahmin less bothered more complex, less noise than harm, more results, more benefits altar with three and sixteen international economic law this character.
23. Venerable Gotama, what's due, conditioned by what the regular alms, the above favorable global offerings to the monks have moral, less troubling fact that Forum magazine, less noise than harm, more results, more benefits, international law and international board with three international sixteen character?
- Hey Brahmin, the Arhat status or have entered the path of Arhat not go to the altar so. Wherefore?
This Brahmin, because in it you see the beatings with sticks whips, have grabbed the lure. Thus the Arhat status or have entered the path of Arhat not go to the altar so. The regular alms, the favorable altar, offerings to the monks have virtue, the Brahmin, the Arhat status or have entered the path of Arhat go to the altar so. Wherefore? This Brahmin because now it does not see the beatings with sticks whips, no nab a draw. Thus the Arhat status or have entered the path of Arhat go to such a herd health. This Brahmin, because he's so charming that, the regular alms, the above favorable global offerings to the monks have moral, less troubling fact that more complex herd, less noise than harm, more results, more benefits for third world economic forum and sixteen international legal character.
24. - The venerable Gotama, there are other less troublesome altar complex, less noise and worse, more results, more benefits for third world economic forum law, animal health and sixteen regular alms of health this favorable herd?
- Hey Brahmin has a different herd health, less troublesome impurities less noise than harm, more results, more benefits for third world economic forum law, animal health and sixteen regular alms, advantages of this altar.
- This venerable Gotama, another fact that is what herd, but few bothered more complex, less noise than harm, more results, more economic benefits to the three international legal forum, animal health and sixteen regular alms , the advantages of sacrifice?
- Hey Brahmin, is the construction of the Tang Tinh amnesty for four. International Forum magazine was less troubling, less noise and worse, more results, more economic benefits to the three international legal forum, sixteen animal health, and the regular alms, the favorable economic forum.
25. Venerable Gotama, there are other male health, less troublesome impurities less noise than harm, more results, more benefits for third world economic forum sixteen international legal materials, the regular alms, the International and the above advantages offered this amnesty Essential?
- Hey Brahmin, had a different herd health, less troublesome impurities less noise than harm, more results, more benefits for third world economic forum law, animal health sixteen, the regular alms , the altar and the offerings to facilitate this remote provinces.
- Venerable Gotama, another fact that is what herd, but few bothered more complex, less noise more costly, than retribution, more benefits for third world economic forum law, animal health sixteen, the regular alms, the favorable economic and male Essential offerings this amnesty?
- Hey Brahmin, someone with the heart of the Buddha, the refuge in the Dharma, the Sangha, the Brahmin, was less bothered International Forum magazine, less noise more costly, than retribution, more benefits for third world economic forum law, animal health sixteen, regular charity, and the herd candidates offering favorable Tinh this amnesty.
26. Venerable Gotama, there are other male health, less troublesome impurities less noise than harm, more results, more economic benefits to the three international legal forum, sixteen votive alms frequently, the favorable economic forum, the Essential offering amnesty and Refuges?
- Hey Brahmin, had a different herd health, less troublesome impurities less noise than harm, more results, more economic benefits to the three international legal forum, sixteen votive regular alms , the favorable economic forum, the Essential offering amnesty and Refuges.
- Venerable Gotama, another fact that is what herd, but few bothered more complex, less noise more costly, retribution, more than economic benefits to the three international legal forum, was sixteen animal health, regular charity , the favorable economic forum, the Essential offering amnesty and his refuge?
- Hey Brahmin, someone with a heart of life over the precepts of not killing, not exhaustive, do not commit adultery, do not expect language, no alcohol.
This Brahmin was less bothered altar complex, less noise and worse, more results, more economic benefits to the three international legal forum, sixteen votive regular charity, upon the altar benefits, donations and other remote provinces Refuges.
27. - This venerable Gotama, there are other male health, less troublesome impurities less noise than harm, more results, more economic benefits to the three international legal forum, sixteen votive regular alms , the favorable economic forum, the Essential offering amnesty, the refuge and these rules?
- Hey Brahmin, there are a few other male health magazine disturb less noise than harm, more results, more economic benefits to the three international legal forum, sixteen votive regular charity, the favorable economic forum, the Essential offering amnesty, the refuge, these rules.
- Venerable Gotama, that is what herd fact that few bothered more complex, less noise and worse, more results, more benefits for third world economic forum legal, economic sixteenth lap, regular charity, the International above advantages, the Essential offering amnesty, the refuge and these rules?
- Hey Brahmin, here Tathagata being born, Arhat, Enlightenment ... (as of Samanaphala, recluses fruit). Thus, this Brahmin monks achievements you happier.
... Abides meditation. This Brahmin this board less troublesome fact more complex, less noise and worse, more results, more economic benefits than the previous Forum.
... Second meditation ... triangle ... abides meditation charity. This Brahmin, this board less troublesome fact more complex, less noise and worse, more results, more economic benefits than the previous forum ... not another life. He said so. This Brahmin, this board less troublesome fact more complex, less harmful interference, more results, more economic benefits than the previous Forum. This Brahmin, no one else above ceremony nobler, more wins this member's sacrifice.
28. When they heard that, Brahmin Kūṭadanta said to Buddha:
- It's rather wonderful venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful venerable Gotama! Venerable Gotama, as the steep back what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions for those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Dharma was too venerable Gotama used vehicle explanation presented. So far the Exalted Gotama for refuge, refuge in France and refuge monks Increase. Mong Ton Gotama adoption as his disciple, from today onwards until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold Venerable Gotama, I am committed to free and life to seven hundred bullocks, seven hundred heifers, seven hundred goats and seven hundred sheep. Looking forward we are eating grass and drinking water cooler, wish we enjoy the cool breeze.
29. At that time, the Buddha gave a sermon to the sequence immediately Brahmin theory Kūṭadanta as generosity, morality theory, theory of the heavens, presenting the danger, the inferior, the defilement of sensual pleasures and the benefits of renunciation. When the Buddha knew the heart of Brahmin Kutadanda ready, was acquiescent, there are no obstacles, be excited, be faithful, instant lecture enlightened Buddhas, which is suffering, collective, Removal, religion. Like pure white cloth, was washed sunspots will very permeable dye, the seat is too far from the legal label glass ceiling structure in the mind Brahmin Kūṭadanta: "What is collective unlawful departure up will be destroyed ".
30. Then the Brahmin Kūṭadanta see law, evidence law, compensation law, can enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation cessation, evidence is self-confidence, no matter where people care for the director of Lord Duty counsel, instant white Buddha: "May the Venerable Gotama tomorrow we monks accepted an invitation to dine by the invitation".
Blessed silence accepted. At that time the Brahmin Kūṭadanta known Buddha said yes, immediately stood up from his seat, bowed to the Buddha, the organic body towards the Buddha and farewell ... Then Brahmin Kūṭadanta when just brutal night, immediately made available in the epigastric dishes and kind of soft hard type, then press time for the Buddha: "the time has come, Venerable Gotama, the rice is ready."
Then Buddha morning robes, take care with their bowls and monks went to the dormitory of the Brahmin Kūṭadanta, when going to sit on the seat was immediately drafted. Brahmin Kūṭadanta manually make them monks with the Buddha is the leader, satisfaction with epigastric dishes, hard type and soft type. At that time the Brahmin Kūṭadanta, after learning that the Buddha had finished dinner, have washed your hands and bowl, and he took a low seat and sat down on the other side. After Brahmin Kūṭadanta sat to one side, with a time Buddha sermon teaching, encouraging, stimulating and making Brahmin Kūṭadanta happy then got up from his seat and farewell.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/3/2016.MHDT.

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