Friday 25 March 2016

29. NET Bible

(Pasadika SUTTANTA)
Thus have I heard.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing between Sakya family tree (Sakyamuni) in mango orchards of a family named Vedhanna Sakyamuni.
At that time, just Nigantha Nathaputta died in Pava. After this you died, and you Nigantha split into two parties, divided, conflicting, debate each other and live together with the weapons destruction oral - "You do not know this law, we know the law this. How can you know this law? You follow misconduct, one under the right action. it is the appropriate words, words that resonate thou not. As mentioned before, you say the following, it is significant that follows, Thou said before. the concept presented thou, was turned upside down. the view of people have been challenged. You have been defeated. Let's go relieve Thou views! Ask yourself if thou escape the impasse can do torch." Looks like the disciples of Nigantha Nathaputta want mutual destruction. Even the lay disciples of Nigantha wearing white Nathaputta well fed, the hostility, and oppose the Nigantha position, because their laws were presented, declared clumsily, no performance guidelines, not towards peace, not declared by the Enlightenment theory, medical tower just broke down, he just has no place.
2. novice Cunda Then, after the rainy season retreat in PAVA visited Venerable Ananda in Samagama, after arrival, Venerable Ananda bowed and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side. Novice Cunda Venerable Ananda prospectus:
- Bach venerable, Nigantha Nathaputta died at Pava died after this position, the split into two parties Nigantha ... y Tower just broke down, he just has no place.
When they heard that, Venerable Ananda told the novice Cunda:
- Hey Sage Cunda, this is given to issues of Bhagavan audience. This Cunda Sage, let's go Exalted audience; after to finish, let's present this matter to Bhagavan said.
- Bach venerable, yes!
- Novice Cunda obedience Venerable Ananda.
3. Then Venerable Ananda with novice Cunda, go to Bhagavan audience, after arrival, pay homage to him and sat to one side. After sitting down on one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Buddha, novice Cunda said: "Nigantha pava Nathaputta died. After this position from the ceiling, the position was divided into two sects Nigantha ... y tower just broke down, no room y lead."
- Hey Cunda, so here the law was presented statement clumsily, no performance guidance, not toward peace, not declared by the Enlightenment theory.
4. Cunda Hey, here comes the master not the Enlightenment, which was presented legal claims clumsily, no performance guidance, not toward peace, not because of your righteousness uttered sense. And the disciples of this approach, achievements and abides not in law and custom law, not living up right action, not staying true Dhamma beyond the legal life. The disciple said he should be as follows: "Hey Sage, it is beneficial for You. It cleverly realized for You. Guru thou be the Enlightenment. France's You was presented, said clumsily announced, no performance guidance, not toward peace, not by the Enlightenment declared. and thou in this method, no achievements and take refuge in the Dhamma legal and not living up district Deeds, not staying true Dhamma beyond the law. this Cunda, so here, the guru reprehensible, reproachable legal here, but here disciples worthy of praise. this Cunda, with filing such particles, should say: "Hey Venerable, oil Venerable legal practice as the master taught and present, who have the interpolation range, range one failure, one has thought before such enforcement Games onions, all no good fortune. Why? Since the law was presented statement clumsily, no performance guidance, not toward peace, not by the Enlightenment uttered. "
5. Hey Cunda, here, the Guru is not the Enlightenment, and legal claims presented clumsily, no performance guidance, not toward peace, not declared by the Enlightenment theory, and the disciple in this method, live and Dhamma legal achievements, live right action, right living Dhamma, living in accordance with the law. This person should be said as follows: "Hey Sage, it is not beneficial to You, it's not smart to attain to You. The guru is not thou the Enlightenment and legal claims presented clumsily no performance guidance, not toward peace, not declared by the Enlightenment theory, those who live in this legal and legal achievements Dhamma live right action, right living Dhamma, living in accordance with law ". This Cunda, here guru reprehensible, reproachable legal here, here disciples also reprehensible. This Cunda, with such disciples, if anyone, should say the following: "Indeed, Venerable achievements under right action, right action diligent, people compliment, compliment the person who is complimented so even more diligent, all is not merit. " Why? This Cunda, because legal claims presented clumsily, no performance guidance, not toward peace, not declared by the Enlightenment theory.
6. Hey Cunda, here the master is the Enlightenment, and the measures to be clever lecture seven, performance guidance, towards peace, declared by the Enlightenment theory. This disciple of living without legal achievements and Dhamma, living according to right action, right living Dhamma alive upon under the law. His disciples need to be said, "Sage, it's not beneficial to You, it's not smart to attain to You. The masters of the Enlightenment art thou, clever legal claims were presented, effective to guide, toward peace, declared by the Enlightenment theory. those who live in this legal no legal achievements, lived not in right action, right living Dhamma alive upon under the law. " This Cunda, here guru deserves praise, legal here deserves praise, here reprehensible disciples. If someone, tell her disciples as follows: "The faith should practice as legal by the Venerable guru statement presentation and lecture. Who has the investigation, who have been investigated, who have been investigation and enforcement as operator, are all blessings. " Why? This Cunda, this law is cleverly presented persuasive as such, performance guidance, towards peace, declared by the Enlightenment theory.
7. Hey Cunda here guru is Enlightenment, and measures are uttered smart, clever presentation, performance guidance, towards peace, declared by the Enlightenment theory, and the disciples in the legal this live and Dhamma legal achievements, life achievements right action, right living Dhamma, living in accordance with the law. If someone, say his disciples say: "Hey Sage, it is beneficial for You, for You realized very smart. This is your guru Thou Arhat Enlightenment, legal are cleverly uttered, is cleverly presented, performance guidance, towards peace, declared by the Enlightenment theory. and you live in this legal and legal achievements Dhamma achievements live right action, right living Dhamma, living in accordance with law ". This Cunda, so here guru deserves praise, legal here deserves praise, where the disciple also deserve praise. This Cunda, if anyone, tell her disciples as follows: "Indeed, Venerable achievements as legal, as legal diligently, who commended, who was commended, commended such persons even more diligent practice , all the more merit. " Why? This Cunda, because the law was uttered clever, cleverly presented as such, performance guidance, towards peace, declared by the Enlightenment theory.
8. Hey Cunda, here guru appears in the world, ranks Arhat, Enlightenment, and the cleverly measures are uttered, is cleverly presented, performance guidance, towards peace, because uttered the Enlightenment. And the disciples were no outstanding legal expertise, and Pham happy fulfilled yet to be revealed for this position, has not been clearly presented, with all contact hierarchical position, not yet become magic use, have not been well-presented unto him, and the master died. This Cunda, for such a guru, if passed, practitioners will concern a lot. Why? Because our masters appears in the world, and is well-said legal theory, cleverly presented, performance guidance, towards peace, declared by the Enlightenment theory. But we have not mastered the true Dhamma, and Pham happy fulfilled yet to be revealed to us with all hierarchy, contact position, not yet become magic, not skillfully presented unto him , and our guru died. This Cunda, such guru passed away, practitioners have anxiety.
9. Hey Cunda, here guru appears in the world, ranks Arhat, Enlightenment, is smart legal claims and is cleverly presented, performance guidance, towards peace, by position Enlightenment uttered. And the disciples were outstanding legal expertise, and discounts are happy fulfilled he revealed to the hierarchy for all contact locations, is becoming magic, is cleverly presented unto him, and the master of those he passed. This Cunda, such guru passed away, the disciples did not have concerns. Wherefore? Our guru appears in the world is the one Arhat, Enlightenment, is cleverly declared legal theory, is cleverly presented, performance guidance, towards peace, was declared the Enlightenment theory. And we are adept Dhamma, and Pham happy fulfilled is revealed to us with all contact hierarchical position, are becoming magic, is cleverly presented unto him, and Tao our engineers died. This Cunda, such guru passed away, the disciples did not have concerns.
10. Hey Cunda, if virtue is full of elements as such, without a guru is a highly experienced monk, ordained long day, has reached the age of roof, came to adulthood , a virtue so is considered not fulfilled, in such a case. This Cunda, if virtue is full of elements as such, and if the master monk is a highly experienced, long left home, went to elder age, has reached adulthood, a Scope such conduct is considered to be fulfilled, in such a case.
11. Hey Cunda, if virtue is full of elements as such, and with the master monk is highly experienced, long left home, went to elder age, has reached adulthood, but not with the monk monks, the disciples are you wise, self-serving, fearless, multiculturalism, have reached the peace, can convince Dhamma, with pagan teachings was started up can cleverly convince with his teachings, can convince any incredible true Dhamma; Such discounts can not be happy consummation by this detail.
12. Hey Cunda, when discounts are fully happy about this aspect, the Guru is the monk, has much experience, have long left home, went to elder age, has reached adulthood, and the monk monks, the disciples ... if there is no neutral position monks, the disciples ... Having the neutral position, monks, the disciples ... but without the taste Ha Greek monks, the disciples ... with the House of Greek monks, the disciples ... but without the Elder monks and nuns, the disciples ... but if there is no neutral position, monks and nuns, the disciples ... but without the taste Ha Greek monks and nuns, the disciple ... have the House of Greek position billion- nuns and disciples ... but without South lay disciples, even the house, dressed in white, live well ... there are Nam Pham lay disciples, even the house, wearing white shirt, live by virtues ... but without the South lay disciples, even the house, dressed in white, sensual ... have accepted the South lay disciples, even the house, dressed in white, sensual ... but accepted without the Female lay disciples, even the house, dressed in white, live well ... there are discounts Female lay disciples, even the house dressed in white, live by virtues ... but without the Female lay disciples, even the house, dressed in white ... with pleasure accept the Female lay disciples, even the house, dressed in white ... sensual accept such virtues without success, prosperity, development and widely popular, smart declared between people, but failed to achieve a title and avaricious supreme way, such virtues are not fulfilled in this regard.
13. Hey Cunda, when discounts are fully happy with this aspect, the Guru is highly experienced monk, ordained long day, has reached the age of roof, have reached adulthood, and even the Venerable is the level monks, the wise disciple, self-serving ... magic sermon, with neutral disciple monks, with the House of Greek disciple monks, nuns filed with Presbyterian Prince, have neutral Ni disciple, with Greek Ni Xia disciples, with the South lay disciples, even the house, dressed in white, live the virtues, with the South lay disciples, even the house, wearing white shirt, accept sensual, with Female lay disciples, even the house, dressed in white, live the virtues, there is even the Female lay disciples, even the house, dressed in white, fitness accepted shake; Such dignity is success, prosperity, development, and widely popular, among the smart statement, title and interest to achieve a supreme care, such discounts are happy about the fullness this area.
14. Cunda Hey, this is me now masters appears in the world, is the Arhat level, Enlightenment, and legal claims are clever, clever presentation, performance guidance, targeting police net, the Enlightenment was presented, and my disciples expertise Dhamma, and Pham happy fulfilled is revealed with all contact hierarchical position, are becoming magic, be smart the presentation for the species. This Cunda, this is the Guru Ta elders, have more experience, have long left home shortly, has reached the age of roof, came to adulthood.
15. Cunda Hey, now I have the monk disciples, monks insight, self-knowledge tame, fearless, multiculturalism, have reached the peace, can convince Dhamma, for pagan teachings is started up, can skillfully extract their uniforms teachings, can convince inconceivable Dhamma. This Cunda, I have the Middle Greek monks wisely. This Cunda, now I have even the House of Greek monks disciples. This Cunda, now I have the Elder disciple monks and nuns. This Cunda, now I have the neutral position disciples, monks and nuns. This Cunda, now I have even the House of Greek monks and nuns disciples. This Cunda, now I have even the layman Men, are you at home, dressed in white, live by virtues. This Cunda, now I have even the layman Men, are you at home dressed in white, sensual accepted. This Cunda, now I have even the layman Women, are you at home, dressed in white, live by virtues. This Cunda, now I have even the layman's Women're at home, wearing white ... sensual accepted Cunda Hey, this is my happy Pham success, prosperity, development, and universal way spacious, well-claims between people.
16. Hey Cunda, for all the Taoist appears in the world today; This Cunda, I do not see any other guru I can in terms of support and benefit the ultimate title. This Cunda, for all the unions, the congregation now appears in the world; This Cunda, I do not see any other possible mass by mass, monks terms of avaricious and supreme title. If anyone, when Pham describe a happy, accomplished all the generals, no omissions, no exaggeration, is cleverly announced a fullness, if he correct transmission will announce the following statement: "The achievement of all Minister ... Committing all happy to be smart statement ". This Cunda, the son of Rama Uddaka often said: "Seeing without seeing". Find something that does not show? With a sharp knife, not only saw blades saw blades sharp aspect. This Cunda, that is the meaning of the sentence: "Seeing without seeing". This Cunda, the son of Rama here Uddaka mention something contemptible, inferior, of the ordinary, not worthy saint, no benefits, talk about the knife. This Cunda, if told properly sentence "Seeing without seeing", the time to say: "Seeing without seeing". He sees something that is not seen? A virtue, achievements and all generals, all the generals complete, not lacking, not too much, be smart declared fullness, is cleverly presented. Chinh Pham happy he found this. If he subtracts a way in somewhere, thinking that doing so will be more clear, he will not see anything. If he added a way in somewhere, thinking that doing so will be more clear, he will not see anything. If he added a way in anywhere, think doing so is more fulfilling, he will not see anything. So-called "Seeing without seeing". This Cunda, if anyone when Pham describes a well-accomplished all ... be smart minister declared a fullness, if anyone when Pham describes a well-accomplished all ... Pham well be clever minister claims , he will claim the right as follows: "this unfortunate achievements discounts all generals, all the generals ordination, no deprivation, no exaggeration, be smart declared fullness, is skillfully presented".
17. Therefore, this Cunda, the tri taken by my insight and declared for You, All You shall recite Meeting and again, do not quarrel with each other, but let's compare that to each other, the sentences together to give this unfortunate discounts are lasting, permanent peace is, for the welfare of all living beings, for the happiness of all beings, out of compassion for the world, for the good, for peace for the gods and humanity. This Cunda, how are taken by me insight and knowledge claims for thou, thou all meetings and recite back, do not quarrel with each other, but let's compare that to each other, the question together, let this unfortunate discounts are lasting, permanent peace is, for the welfare of all living beings, for the happiness of all beings, out of compassion for the world, for the good, because the happiness of gods the natural and species? The law was the four foundations of mindfulness, four chief needs, Four As the sufficiency, Nam Can, Five Forces, Seven Sense expenditure, the Noble Eight. This Cunda, the law was due to my self-certification statement for the voters and thou, thou all meetings and recite back, do not quarrel with each other, but let's compare that to each other, the question together , so that this unfortunate discounts are lasting, permanent peace is, for the happiness of all living beings, because peace for all beings, out of compassion for the world, for the good, because the happiness of gods and the species.
18. Hey Cunda, the Meeting thou together in a spirit of harmony and mutual respect, no other debates. There is talk of dignity between Sangha law. If you think "this lama holding means false or misleading wording," You should not praise these should not be dismissed. No praise is not dismissed, the You should tell he:
"Hey Sage, with this definition, wording or other wording, more appropriate way? In the midst of this wording, this means or other means, that is more appropriate?" If he replies: "Hey Sage, with this definition, this wording is more appropriate other wording. Between this wording, this means that other more appropriate," You should not reject the position he should not defame him. Not refuted, not vilified, and you shall explain to him carefully position both meaning and wording.
This Cunda 19. Again, there is more talk of dignity between Sangha law. If You think: "The Venerable was held but false sense of writing correctly," You should not praise these should not be dismissed. No praise, not dismissed, and he should tell You: Hey Sage, between the wording of this, that or the other sense, that is more appropriate? "If he replied:" Hey Sage , between this wording, this means that other more appropriate, "you should not dismiss these he should not defame him. no rejection, no libel, and thou shalt carefully explained proper meaning for him.
20. Hey Cunda, there are other well-co Pham says France between Sangha. If You think: "The Venerable This holds true sense, but the wording misleading" the people should not praise, not dismissed. No praise is not dismissed, the You should tell he: "Hey Sage, between the wording of this, that or the other sense, that is more appropriate?" If he answered: "Between this wording, this means that other more appropriate," You should not dismiss these he should not defame him. Not refuted, not vilified, and you shall explain carefully wording for him.
21. Hey Cunda, have another talk of dignity between Sangha law, if You think: "This Venerable and this holds true sense of writing correctly," You should all agreed and he praised the sentence: "It is nice". When agreed and praised the sentence: "It is nice," You shall tell the he: "Hey Sage is actually beneficial for us, this sage, luckily for us, when we I saw one of dignity as Sage, meaning such mastery, mastery of such enactments ".
22. Hey Cunda, a new approach, I preached to prevent the illegal or even in the present. This Cunda, I do not preach, just to eradicate the illegal or in the future only. This Cunda, I preached just to stop the contraband or even in the present but also for the eradication of illegal or in the future. Therefore, this Cunda, robes that I allow the wearer, so just enough to prevent cold Thou, stop heating, stop the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun and species solid, and to hide the shame. The alms dish that I allow the users, so just enough to nourish the body, helps the body to live longer, avoid hazards and help Pham happy life with hope: "So we eliminate the old feelings and not give rise to new sensations. Thanks to this new life of mine from my mistakes and live peacefully. "The door that I allow You to dwell, so just enough for you to stop cold, stop heating, stop touching the mosquito flies, wind, solar and snakes, just for the purpose of escaping the dangers of the weather, and residents to enjoy pure life. The Pharmaceutical and healing that I allow the users, so just enough to prevent the ill feelings arise and to preserve health.
23. Hey Cunda, this event may occur, the pagan wanderer might say: "The death Salmone Like passionate blissful life". This Cunda, if it is to say so, the pagan wanderer must be answered as follows: "Hey Sage, how blissful passion? Passion bliss have many kinds, there are ways." This Cunda, four kinds of passionate bliss is lowly, inferior, of the ordinary, unworthy St. almond, no benefits, no cover glass towards, alobha, passed away, peacefully, win position, sense enlightenment and Nirvana.
Which four? This Cunda, here are foolish people, after killing, yourself happy happy, that first blissful. Again, this Cunda, here's someone after taking no for, yourself happy, joy, joy which is Monday. Again, this Cunda, here are the after lie, himself happy, joy, joy which is Tuesday. Again this Cunda, here are a passionate people, passionate about life surrounded with gifts in sensual, Wednesday it's bliss. This Cunda, four kinds of bliss is lowly, inferior, of the ordinary, unworthy St. almond, no benefits, no cover glass towards, alobha, passed away, peacefully, win position, enlightenment and Nirvana.
24. Hey Cunda, this event may occur, the heathen may ask: "These recluses have to live like from four types of blissful passion it?" They need to be answered: "Do not say that. The so he said the right to say no. Say so that he distorted, untrue, not really there." This Cunda, there are four kinds of bliss brought to cover certain ly, very involved, passed away, peacefully, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana. Which four? This Cunda, here you monks, sexual ly, ly committed evil, it abides Profile Zen, a blissful state of being sexual as glass, with a range, with the quarterfinals. It was the first joy. Again this Cunda, the monks kill and reach the quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, not reach, no quad, single-minded provincial cabinet. It was blissful Monday. Again this Cunda, the monks cup joy joy ... It's Tuesday. Again this Cunda, the monks discharge ... It was blissful optimism Wednesday. This Cunda, four kinds of bliss brought to cover certain ly, very involved, passed away, peacefully, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana. This Cunda, this event may occur. The pagan wanderer might say: "The monk Thich living death four types of blissful passion this." They need to be answered: "Saying so is right; and he said so to speak properly. Say so that he did not misrepresent, true, and real."
25. Hey Cunda, this event may occur. The pagan wanderer might say: "Hey Sage, who live in four categories passionate bliss can he expect results, what benefits?" So to speak, must answer to the pagan wanderer as follows: "Hey Sage, who lived passion that four kinds of bliss, can expect four results, four of the benefit. What four? this sage, here, the monks eradicated three fetters, are entered into the church, no longer oppressed and communication, will definitely be enlightened. it is the first result. again the sage, the monks eradicated three fetters, as soot strategic greed, hatred and delusion, most hybrid securities, fell back to earth again before the cessation of suffering. it is the second result, the second benefit . again, this sage, the monks to eradicate five lower fetters, was born in that place goods that enter Nirvana, no longer have to return to this life again. so the results Tuesday, Tuesday interests. again, this sage, the monks to eradicate the cankers, for themselves intellectual, enlightened and reside within the current outflow liberated mind, Tue liberation. so the Wednesday results. Hey Sage, who live your passion this four kinds of bliss, can look forward to four outputs, four such benefits. "
26. Hey Cunda, this event may occur. The pagan wanderer might say: "The death Salmone Like not stand up for life." This Cunda, the travelers say pagan officers need to be answered as follows: "Hey Sage, Bhagavan, you know, have seen, the Arhat level, prevailed Enlightenment, has submitted the legal presentation to practitioners for the rest of my life. Hey Sage, like pillars of stone or iron, vacuum column cleverly buried deep into the ground, do not shake back and forth, with no vibration. Also this Sage , Bhagavan, you know, have seen the level Arhat, Enlightenment gave lectures, presented the law to practitioners for the rest of my life. Hey Sage, the monks are grade A- Lohans, was to eradicate the cankers, Pham well succeeded, the work to be done was done, laid down the burden, the objective was achieved, was to eradicate organic fetters, right knowledge of liberation, not cooked the following: Hey Sage, the monks were the eradication of illegal or can not be intentionally deprived of life of beings; monks had eradicate illegal or can not take what is not given, ie steal; you monks have eradicated the illegal or can not play the harlot; monks had eradicate the cankers, which lie can not know; You monks have eradicated the storage is not possible contraband or money to enjoy the pleasures of life, such as a house; You monks have cessation of illegal or can not go the way of practice involved; You monks have cessation of illegal or can not go the way of practice courts; You monks have gonorrhea or cessation of, can not go the way of practice si; You monks have cessation of defilements, the road can not go out in fear. This sage, a monks, the Arhat level, Enlightenment, were smuggled or cessation of, (virtue) succeeded, the work to be done was done, laid down the burden, items achieved, organic fetters were eradicated, right knowledge of liberation, not cooked the same. "
27. Hey Cunda, this event may occur. The pagan wanderer can say the following: "For the past, recluse Gotama has super Vietnam knowledge. But for the future, recluse Gotama no super Vietnam knowledge; as such things happen How and why it happened? " Thus, the travelers this pagan officer held that knowledge of this issue can be highlighted by the presentation of knowledge another problem, such as the clever fool no more. This Cunda, the past problems, the Tathagata has informal remember past lives. How he wished he could remember so far. Regarding the future, the Tathagata has wisdom sentient mind: "This is life in the end, this is no longer any other life."
Cunda 28. Hey, if things of the past as falsehoods, not really, no benefits, no replies Tathagata. This Cunda, if things of the past is the right feet, as truth, but not benefits, Tathagata does not answer. This Cunda, if things of the past is the right feet, as they are, have benefits, Tathagata knows the answer to this question. This Cunda, if what is the hope of the future, not really, no benefits, no replies Tathagata. This Cunda, if what is the future of right feet, as truth, but not benefits, Tathagata does not answer. This Cunda, if what is the future of right feet, as they are, have benefits, Tathagata knows the answer to this question briefly. This Cunda, if what is currently a delusion, not truth, not benefits, Tathagata does not answer. This Cunda, if what is currently right feet, as truth, but not benefits, Tathagata does not answer. This Cunda, if what is currently right feet, as they are, have benefits, Tathagata knows the answer to this question. Thus, this Cunda, for legal past, future, present, the Tathagata is the right time to say, to say right feet, saying as true, said the benefit, strictly speaking French, said compliance with the Law. So-called new Tathagata.
29. Hey Cunda, in this world with the devas, Mara, Brahma, with them recluses and Brahmin, with gods and men, what to see, to hear, to be alert, distinguished, is reached, is sought, is failure to reach the standard, all Tathagata knows. So-called new Tathagata. This Cunda, during the night the Tathagata enlightenment Supreme Enlightenment and night Tathagata enter Nirvana Forever y gender balance, in the meantime, what the Tathagata said while preaching, talk or presentation all the same, not anything else. So-called new Tathagata. This Cunda, Tathagata say the time to do so, so do the talking. What says the time to do so, do the talking so called Tathagata. For the world with devas, Mara, Brahma, with them recluses and Brahmin, with gods and men, the Tathagata is the One Toan Thang, no one can win, Career Full reviews and grades of Independence.
30. Hey Cunda, this event may occur. The pagan wanderer might say: "What sage, the Tathagata exists after death. Such is true, in addition is wrong?" This Cunda, that is to say, You have to answer the pagan wanderer as follows: "As not have said:" Tathagata exists after death. Such is true, moreover is wrong! "Hey Cunda, this event can occur. The pagan wanderer might say:" What sage, the Tathagata does not exist after death, Is not it? Such is true, in addition to be false? "Hey Cunda, that is to say, You have to answer the pagan wanderer as follows:" As not have said: "Tathagata does not exist after death . such is true, moreover is wrong! " This Cunda, this event may occur. The pagan wanderer might say: "What sage, the Tathagata exists and does not exist after death ... The Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death ... As hybrid does not exist at and not not exist after death? that is true, in addition is wrong? " Cunda said this was so, thou must answer the pagan wanderer as follows: "As not have said:" Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death. Such is true, moreover is wrong! ".
31. Hey Cunda, this event may occur. The pagan wanderer might say: "Hey Sage, why recluse Gotama does not say?" This Cunda, that is to say, You have to answer the pagan wanderer like this: "Hey Sage, because no relation to the benefits, do not refer to France, unrelated to the fundamental virtues, not toward glass cover, very involved, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment and Nirvana. Therefore Bhagavan did not answer. "
32. Hey Cunda, this event may occur. The pagan wanderer might say: "Hey Sage, recluse Gotama say something?" This Cunda, that is to say, You have to answer the pagan wanderer as follows: "This is suffering, the Sage, which is what Bhagavan said. This is Suffering, the Sage, which is what Bhagavan says . this is the Cessation of Suffering, the Sage, which is what Bhagavan said. this is the path leading to the Cessation of Suffering, the Sage, which is what Bhagavan said. "
33. Hey Cunda, this event may occur. The pagan wanderer might say: "Hey Sage, why Bhagavan say that?" This Cunda, are saying so, thou must answer to the pagan wanderer as follows: "Hey Sage, for related benefits, linked to France, in relation to the fundamental virtues, because certain directions to cover glasses, very involved, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment and Nirvana. Therefore, new Bhagavan said. "
34. Hey Cunda, all of the wrong arguments relate to the past at preliminary, these arguments are worth telling you, I have said unto you. Those arguments are not worth talking to you, so I will speak to you? This Cunda, all of the wrong arguments relate to the future, these arguments are worth telling you, I have said unto you. Those measures are not worth talking to you, so I will speak to you?
This Cunda, how is the wrong argument to relate to the past at preliminary, these arguments are worth telling you, I have to tell you, and not worth mentioning arguments for You? This Cunda, there are some recluses, Brahmin has the following opinion, with the following knowledge: "The ego and the world is permanent, so is true, addition is wrong do". There are some recluses, Brahmin has the following opinion, with the following knowledge:
"The ego and the world is not permanent ...
"The ego and the world is permanent and non-permanent ...
"The ego and the world is not permanent and non-permanent ...
"The ego and the world are self-created ...
"The ego and the world was created by someone else ...
"The ego and the world was created by themselves and by others to create ...
"The ego and the world is not created by themselves and also not because he was created ..." The ego and the natural world are born, not created by themselves, not by others create . Such is true, moreover mistakes.
"Us, suffering permanent ...
"Us, suffering is impermanent ...
"Us, suffering permanent and impermanent ...
"Us, suffering is not permanent and impermanent ...
"Us, suffering is created by himself ...
"Us, suffering is caused by others to create ...
"Us, suffering is caused by natural birth, not because he was created, not by others create. Such is true, moreover are wrong."
35. Hey Cunda, the monks, Brahmin that opinion as follows, have the following knowledge: "The ego and the world is permanent, is so true, in addition are mistake". He and I to say: "Hey Sage Sage has to say:" The ego and the world is permanent "no?" If he answered: "That is true, in addition are wrong," then I do not accept that. Why so? There are some thoughts charming differences. I do not see that viewpoint par My opinion, do not say more. So here I place higher on the rooftop.
36. Hey Cunda, the recluses, Brahmin that opinion as follows, have the following knowledge:
"The ego and the world is permanent ...
"The ego and the world is impermanent ...
"The ego and the world is permanent and impermanent ...
"The ego and the world is not permanent and non-permanent ...
"The ego and the world are self-created ...
"The ego and the world was created by someone else ...
"The ego and the world was created by himself and by others to create ..."
"The ego and the world is not created by themselves and not by others create.
"The ego and the world by natural birth, not self-made, not by others create ...
"Us, suffering permanent ...
"Us, suffering is impermanent ...
"Us, suffering permanent and impermanent ...
"Us, suffering is not permanent and not ephemeral ...
"Us, suffering is itself created ...
"Us, suffering is self-created others ...
"Us, suffering itself is self-generated and created others ...
"Us, suffering is natural birth, not by themselves create and is not created by others.
Such is true, moreover, all is wrong. "
I have come to them personally and says: Hey Sage, Sage has to say: "Us, suffering is natural birth, not by themselves create and is not created by someone else?" If he answered: "That is true, in addition are wrong," then I do not accept that. Why so? There are some charming other wrong ideas. I also do not see this Cunda that viewpoint par My opinion, do not say more. So here I place higher on the rooftop. This Cunda, the argument about the wrong contact at this page on the past, argued that merit tell you, I have said unto you. Those arguments are not worth talking to you, so I will speak to you?
Cunda 37. Hey, how are the wrong arguments relate to the future, these arguments are worth telling you, I have to tell you; and the arguments are not worth mentioning for You?
This Cunda, there are some recluses, Brahmin has the following opinion, with the following knowledge: "The ego is excellent, not the disease, after death. So true, besides that mistake. "
This Cunda Again, there are some recluses, Brahmin has the following opinion, with the following knowledge:
"Ego is formless ...
"The ego is not outstanding, not formless ...
"Ego is a great ...
"Ego is mindless ...
"The ego is no idea, not mindless ...
"The ego is annihilated, turn septic, after death does not exist, so in addition to true to be false."
38. Hey Cunda, the monks, Brahmin that opinion as follows, have the following knowledge: "The ego is excellent, not the disease after death. So true, beyond out to be false, "he and I to say:" Hey Sage Sage has to say: "the ego is excellent, no disease after death?" If he replied, "so is true, in addition to be false, "then I do not accept that. Why? Hey Cunda, because there are some thoughts charming differences. this Cunda, I do not see that viewpoint My opinion is equal, do not say more. so here, I place higher on the rooftop.
39. Hey Cunda, there are recluses, Brahmin has the following opinion, with the following knowledge:
"Ego is formless ...
"The ego is formless identity and ...
"The ego is no identity and no identity ...
"Ego is a great ...
"Ego is unthinkable ...
"The ego is no thought and no idea no ...
"The ego is annihilated, turn septic, after death does not exist. So true, in addition to be false."
He and I to say: "Hey Sage, Sage have said:" The ego is annihilated turn septic, after death does not exist? "Hey Cunda if he said:" That true, in addition to be false, "then I do not accept that. Why? Because there are some thoughts charming differences. this Cunda, I do not see that viewpoint par views I do not speak of the higher. so here, I place higher on the rooftop. this Cunda, the argument about the wrong relate to the future, these arguments are worth telling you, I was telling the thou. and yet the argument is not worth talking to you, so I will speak to you?
40. Hey Cunda, which aims to cut through and overcome the arguments of the false views related to the past at this page and on the wrong arguments relate to the future, and that is our four meditative approach legend, presented. Which four? This Cunda, here monks live contemplating the body in the body, ardent, alert, mindful, to convince the purpose of greed, hatred of life, life expectancy on the sensations shop ... shop on the heart center ... shop on the legal measures, ardent, awareness, mindfulness, for the purpose of photography for greed, anger in his life. This Cunda, which aims to cut through and pass on the wrong arguments relate to the past at this page and on the wrong arguments relating to this future is that the four meditative methods I declared presentations seven.
41. At that time, Venerable Upavana standing behind most Exalted fan. Upavana venerable lord:
- It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! It miraculously, venerable sir! Buddha, Dharma this is pure truth! Buddha, Dharma This truth is absolute purity! Buddha, Dharma name What is this?
- Hey Upavana, this phone is the purification method (Pasadika), be such that the service maintenance.

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