Saturday 26 March 2016

5.  WITHOUT defiled.

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (America-did), his garden Anathapindika (Level-she-toxic). In here, venerable Sariputta (Sariputta) called monks. "Chu Hien monks". - "Dear Sage," was obedient monks Venerable Sariputta replied. The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
- Reverences, in life there are four categories of people. Which four? Chu Hien, here, there are people with defilements classes, but not realistic insight: "Internal body have defilements". Reverences Again, here, there are categories of people have defilements, and realistic insight: "Internal body have defilements". Reverences Again, there is no defilements of people, but not realistic insight: "Cabinet itself had no defilements". Again, reverences, here, who ranked no defilements and realistic insight: "Cabinet has no defilements our body." Chu Hien, here, of people have defilements but not realistic insight: "Internal body have defilements". In two classes of people have defilements, this category was so-called inferior class of people. Chu Hien, here, of people have defilements and realistic insight: "Internal body have defilements". In two classes of people have defilements, this category was so-called people-class ascendancy. Chu Hien, here, there are no defilements of people but not realistic insight: "Cabinet has no defilements our body." In two classes of people without defilements, this category was so-called inferior class of people. Chu Hien, here, of people without defilements and realistic insight: "Cabinet itself had no defilements". In two classes of people without defilements, this category was so-called people-class ascendancy.
Is say so, Venerable Mahamoggallana (General Category-devout-venture) told Venerable Sariputta as follows:
- Venerable Sariputta, what's due, conditioned by what, in two classes of people who have this defilements, one category is called inferior, a so-called class ascendancy? The venerable Sariputta, what's due, conditioned by what the two classes of people without these defilements, one category is called inferior, a so-called class ascendancy?
- Here, Sage, whose defilements class but not realistic insight: "Internal body have defilements". With this person, can wait as follows: "This man will not start to desires, will not try, will not diligently to eradicate his defilements. This person died, while there is greed, there is golf, there is ignorance, while remaining defilements, while the mind is polluted. " This sage, like a bowl of brass, brought from the market or brought from home blacksmith, covered with dust, and the owner does not use the bowl, not clean the bowl and toss him into the full dust. This sage, so the bowl, over time more and more pollution, more and more dusty.
- Hey Sage, the truth is.
- Hey Sage, so people have defilements class but not realistic insight: "Internal body have defilements". With this person, can wait as follows: "This man will not start to desires, will not try, will not diligently to eradicate his defilements. This person died, while there is greed, there is golf, there is ignorance, while remaining defilements, while the mind is infected. "
 Here, the Sage, whose defilements classes, and realistic insight: "Internal body have defilements". With this person, can wait as follows: "This person will start to desires, will try, will diligently to eradicate his defilements. This person died, while no longer involved, no golf, no delusion, while no defilements, while the heart is no longer contaminated. " This sage, like bowls of brass, brought from the market or brought from home blacksmith, covered with dust, and the owner was used to bowl, clean and not throw the bowl into the dusty . This sage, so the bowl, after a period of being more pure, more clean.
- Hey Sage, the truth is.
- Hey Sage, whose classes such as real defilements and insight: "Internal body have defilements". With this sort of person that can wait as follows: "This person will start to desires, will try, will be diligent, to eradicate his defilements. This person died, while no longer involved, no golf, no delusion, while no defilements, while the heart is no longer contaminated. "
Here, the Sage, who has no defilements class but not realistic insight: "Cabinet has no defilements our body." With this person, can wait as follows: "The minister will volition net. Because pure volition Minister, participated will pollute the mind of this person. This person died, while there is greed, there is golf, there is ignorance, while remaining defilements, while the mind is polluted. " This sage, like a bowl of brass, brought from the market or from the blacksmith bring about, pure and clean. And the owner does not use the bowl, not clean the bowl and toss him into the dusty place. This sage, so the bowl, over time, more and more pollution, more and more dust.
- Hey Sage, the truth is.
- Hey Sage, so people do not have classes defilements but not realistic insight: "Cabinet has no defilements our body." With this person can expect the following: "The minister will volition net. Because pure volition Minister, participated will pollute the mind of this person. This person also died while participating, there are courts, there is ignorance, while remaining defilements, while the mind is polluted. "
 Here, the Sage, who has no defilements classes and realistic insight: "Cabinet has no defilements our body." With this person can wait as follows: "The concept of net investment will not minister. Do not pure volition Minister, participated will not pollute the mind of this person. This person died, while there is no greed, no courts, no delusion, while no defilements, while the heart is no longer contaminated. " This sage, like a bowl of brass, brought from the market or from the blacksmith bring about, pure and clean, and the owner was used to bowl, clean and not throw him into the bowl with dust Press. This sage, so the bowl, over time, increasingly more pure, more and more clean.
- Hey Sage, the truth is.
- Hey Sage, so people do not have classes defilements, and realistic insight: "Cabinet has no defilements our body." With this person can wait as follows: "The concept of net investment will not minister. Do not pure volition Minister, participated will not pollute the human mind. This person died, no greed, no courts, no ignorance, no defilements, the mind is no longer contaminated. "
Sage Moggallana this, because this person, because this coast, for two people with these defilements, a so-called inferior, a people called the ascendancy. Sage Moggallana this, because this person, because this coast, for two people without defilements, a so-called inferior, a people called the ascendancy.
This sage, defilements called defilements, what is synonymous nouns called defilements? - Hey Sage, evil evil law, sexual realm are synonymous so-called defilements.
This sage, the situation happens, here, a monks can start up the will as follows: "If I have committed any crime world, hoping that the monks do not know about me that is already transgression I". This sage, the situation may happen: the monks can know that monks had committed sex offenses. This monk thought: "The monks have learned we have committed the crime world." Therefore, this position became disgusted and frustrated. Indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, the situation happens, here, a monks can start up the will as follows: "If I have committed any crime world, hoping that the monks rebuke me in secret, in no Raise them right in the middle. " This sage, the situation may happen: the monks monks rebuked him in the midst of the Sangha, not that discreet. This monk thought: "The monks rebuked me in the middle of the Sangha, not that secret." This position became so disgusted and frustrated. This sage, anger, and resentment, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, the situation happens, here, a monks can start up the will as follows: "If I have committed any crime world, hoping that a peer monks rebuke us, not a non-peer ". This sage, the situation may occur: a non-peer monks, monks rebuked him, not a peer monks. This monk thought: "A peer monks not rebuke me, not a peer monks". This position became so disgusted and frustrated. This sage, indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, the situation happens, here, a monks can start up the will as follows: "We hope that our gurus ask several times while teaching them, monks! Hopefully no masters other monks asked several times while teaching them, monks! ". This sage, the situation may occur: gurus other monks asked a lot of time while teaching them monks, gurus, monks did not question many times while teaching them Monks. This monk thought: "Guru asked other monks repeatedly while teaching them monks. Masters do not ask me many times while teaching them monks ". Therefore, this position became disgusted and frustrated. This sage, indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, the situation happens, here, a monks can start up the will as follows: "We hope that the monks let us go ahead while in the village for a meal! We hope that the monks not to the other monks go ahead while in the village for a meal! "Hey Sage, the situation may happen: the monks to the other monks go ahead while into the village for a meal, the monks do not let him go ahead monks while entering the village to dine. This monk thought: "The monks to the other monks go ahead while in the village for a meal, the monks do not let me go ahead while in the village for dinner." This position became so disgusted and frustrated. This sage, indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, the situation happened, here, a start-up, monks desire as follows: "We hope that in place to eat, we get the best seat, the best water, the best food alms! We hope that other local monks to eat is not the best seat, the best water, the best food alms! "Hey Sage, the situation may occur: a spot other monks edible The best seat, the best water, the best food alms; Monks also spot food was not the best seat, the best water, the best food alms. This monk thinks: "One other spot monks eat the best seat, the best water, the best food alms. Spot to eat, we did not get the best seat, the best water, the best food alms ". Therefore, this position became disgusted and frustrated. This sage, indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, the situation happens, here, a monks can start up the will as follows: "We hope that in place after eating food, I will rejoice legal theory, not the other monks spot to eat, after eating, will lecture legal rejoicing! "Hey Sage, the situation may occur: a spot other monks eat, after eating, rejoicing legal theory; That local monks eating, after eating, do not rejoice legal theory. This monk thinks: "One other spot monks eating, after eating, rejoicing legal theory. I spot eating, after eating, do not rejoice legal theory ". Therefore, this position became disgusted and frustrated. This sage, indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, the situation happens, here, a monks can start up the will as follows: "Hopefully, we will preach to the monks gathered at the Vihara, not a other monks sermon for the monks gathered at the Vihara! "Hey Sage, the situation may occur: a sermon the other monks for monks gathered at the Vihara; Monks also did not preach to the monks gathered at Vihara This monks thought: "One other monks preach to the monks gathered at the Vihara, but do not lecture measures for the monks gathered at the Vihara ". This position became so disgusted and frustrated. This sage, indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, the situation happens, here, a monks can start up the will as follows: "Hopefully, we will preach to the monks gathered in Sydney Vihara, .. . (as above) ... and I will preach to cacNam layman ... I will preach to the layman Women gathered at Vihara, not a sermon the other monks to the laity Women gathered at the Vihara! "Hey Sage, the situation may occur: a sermon the other monks to the laity Women gathered at Vihara; Monks also did not preach to the layman Women gathered at the Vihara. This monk thinks: "One other monks preach to the layman Women gathered at Vihara; also do not preach to the layman Women gathered at Vihara ". Therefore, this position became disgusted and frustrated. This sage, indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, the situation happens, here, a monks can start up the will as follows: "We hope that the monks reverence, respect, worship, offerings to me; the monks do not have reverence, respect, worship and offerings to a different monks! "Hey Sage, the situation may happen: the monks reverence, respect and worship, also appears the other monks, the monks do not reverence, respect, worship, offerings to monks did. This monk thought: "The monks reverence, respect, worship, offerings to the other monks and not reverence, respect, worship, offerings," he said. This position became so disgusted and frustrated. This sage, indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, the situation happens, here, a start-up, monks desire as follows: "We hope that the monks-ni ... (as above) ... the South lay ... (as above) ... the Female lay reverence, respect, worship, offerings to us. The Female lay not reverence, respect, worship, offering a different monks! "Hey Sage, the situation may happen: the Female lay reverence, respect, worship, offerings the other monks, the Female lay not reverence, respect, worship, offerings to monks did. This monk thought: "The Female lay reverence, respect, worship, offering a different monks; the Female lay not reverence, respect, worship, offerings, "he said. This position became so disgusted and frustrated. This sage, indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, the situation happens, here, a monks may arise following wish: "I hope that I get the clothes at winning, the other monks did not receive the supreme clothing "Hey Sage, the situation may happen: an other monks get up winning costumes, monks did not get the win dark clothing. This monk thinks: "One other monks get up winning costume; I do not get the clothes at winning ". This position became so disgusted and frustrated. This sage, indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage of this situation happens, here, the monks can start up the will as follows: "We hope that we get the supreme alms food ... (as above) ... the ready is supreme, the supreme healing medicines. Other monks did not receive the healing pharmaceutical supreme! "Hey Sage, the situation may happen: an other monks received the supreme healing drug, also did not receive monks is the supreme healing medicines ". This monk thinks: "One other monks received the supreme healing pharmaceuticals; still do not receive the healing pharmaceutical supreme ". This position became so disgusted and frustrated. This sage, indignation and discontent, both belong to the defilements.
This sage, evil evil law, sexual realm is synonymous called defilements.
This sage, for the monks do, the evil, immoral law, this sexual realm are seeing and hearing is yet to be eradicated, if the monks that live in the jungle, in the abode far away, lived well alms, alms class stuff every single house, carrying pollen to cultivating algae y, dressed in coarse, not the time the respect of dignity, respect, worship, offerings to monks that . Why? As the venerable ranks also seen and also heard the evil, immoral law, the sexual realm, monks have not been eradicated. This sage, such as a bowl of brass, brought from the market or from the blacksmith in bowls was pure and clean. But the owner of the bowl was filled bowls with solid determination, dogs or corpses determined, cover the bowl with a different co-market goods and take them home again. Someone saw it he asked: "You bring something beautiful looks so delicious?" When I picked the bowl up, open up and look at, is with him, not fancy arise, arise disgust, and the stained overalls arises. These people are not hungry want to eat those things, much less those who have had enough. This sage, for the monks do, the evil, immoral law, this sexual realm are seeing and hearing is yet to be eradicated, if the monks that live in the jungle, in the residence origin far away and become successful begging, begging grade stuff every single house, carrying pollen to cultivating algae y, dressed in coarse, not the time the respect of dignity, respect, worship, offerings to monks Hey. Why? As the venerable ranks also seen and also heard the evil, immoral law, this is the realm of education have not been eradicated.
This sage, for which the monks evil, immoral law, sexual realm are seeing and hearing is already eradicate, if his monks living nearby villages, sometimes really special acceptance, bearing homeowners who care offerings, when the veneration of dignity, respect, worship, offerings to monks taste it. Why? As the venerable ranks are seen and heard the evil, immoral law, the sexual realm that monks were eradicated. This sage, such as a copper bowl, carrying goods from the marketplace or from the blacksmith in bowls was pure and clean. The owner was a bowl filled up with delicious rice, fresh rice, the black diamonds were retrieved, the type of food, cover the bowl with a different co-market goods and take them home again. The people who saw it asked: "You bring something beautiful looks so delicious?" When I picked the bowl up, open up and look at, then for him, preferred start up, the start-up does not disgust , the stained coveralls not arise. People no longer want to eat things that are much less hungry. This sage, too, for any position, monks, whose wicked, immoral law, sexual realm are seen and heard as were eradicated, if the monks living in the villages close to the border , accept real time to differentiate, providing homeowners who care offerings, the time the respect of dignity, respect and worship him, monks offerings. Why? As the venerable ranks are seen and heard the evil, unwholesome realm of education measures have been eradicated.
Heard this, he came to say to venerable Sariputta Mahamoggallana:
- Sage Sariputta, a start-up example for me!
- Sage Moggallana, let's say for example that.
- Sage, one time I was in the United-amnesty, in Giribbaja. This sage, then I robes in the morning, carrying medical bowl, into Rajagrha for alms. At that time, Samiti, the one who made the car, is roughly a rim, and evil pagan Panduputta network, before the child of an employee car, standing aside. Then Panduputta previous deviant pagan network is the one who makes the car, start up the idea as follows: "We hope that the Samiti, the car mechanic, be trimmed curves, lines and knots this distortion of this, so this car rims no curve, no path distortion, no knots, was smooth and placed in the main axis ". This sage, pagan deviant Panduputta network, before making a car is the thought of how, when it does, Samiti, man-made vehicle, trimmed curves, lines and knots this distortion of the rim this her car. This sage, pagan deviant Panduputta network before the car is human, joy speechless joy as follows: "It looks like people are hewn (rim was) as to his mind, he knows the mind do so ". This sage, who had no faith, for the purpose of living, not because of the trust that renunciation, countless families live life, even the pseudo space, cunning, when stalks, agitation, arrogance, oscillators, loquacious, voice magazine, not upholding the grounds, not moderation in eating, not focused alert, not earnest with almond recluses, not fervent Buddhism respected, preferred to live prosperous, lazy, rotten leading communications, deny responsibility renunciation life, the details are not diligent, do not forget to be mindful, not the heart, mind wandering, mental paralysis, cretinism. The venerable Sariputta with this method, as the heart of the venerable, he came to know the mind of the person class. Good men to death those who, by faith, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life; public space that your disguise, not cunning, not to stalk, no agitation, no pride, no variation, not talkative, not complicated dialogue, upholding the base, temperance in eating, attentive vigilance , earnestly with unfortunate recluse, fervent respect Buddhism, do not live in affluence, not lazy, leaving the burden to fall optimistic, leading renunciation, ardent, diligent, effort, notes alert mind, the most interested, with wisdom, not mindless. These men, after listening to the practice of the venerable Sariputta, apparently taking, seemed to taste the word and the mind. It's rather good, a venerable position of dignity made beyond evil and good to dwell on the district! This sage, such as a woman or a man, still young, popular jewelry nature, after washing your hair, after a round or a round green lotus flower born dancer, or a good round flower investment, with both hands grabbed him and placed a wreath on the head. This sage, as well as the confidence-mail Good men were ordained, not to abandon the family home to live, space disguise ... (as above) ... It's rather a venerable healing of dignity made for beyond evil and good to dwell on the district!
So two good high theoretical virtues together, rejoice together.

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