Thursday 24 March 2016


 1. Thus have I heard. Another time, Bhagavan at the tribal office Kuru (sentence-long), in Kuru village named Kammassadhamma (Make-ma-iron-talk). Venerable Ananda (Ananda) to spot the Exalted in, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Hopeful instead, venerable sir! Miraculously, venerable sir! Buddha, Dharma this profound Origination, truly profound, and this teaching to the utmost clarity.
- Hey Ananda, do not say that! This Ananda has not said so! Ananda, this Dharma profound Origination, truly profound. Ananda, because no enlightenment, no deep understanding this teaching that beings disorders present as a cocoon drive, such as a spool confusion, like grass and reeds munja babaja (ba-ba-la) can not be out of the land of suffering, evil beasts, deprivation, in birth and death.
2. Ananda, if someone asked: "Aging and death do not have the charm?" Please respond: "Yes". If you ask: "Aging and death conditioned by what?" Please respond: "Aging and death conditioned by birth".
Ananda, if someone asks: "Does birth predestined?" Please respond: "Yes". If you ask: "What conditioned Sanh?" Please respond: "Birth conditioned existence."
Ananda, if someone asked: "Friends do not have predestined? Please respond:" Yes ". If you have to ask:" Being conditioned by what? "Let's answered," Being conditioned defense. "
Ananda, if someone asked: "Does the Prime predestined?" Please answer: "Yes". If you have to ask: "What Prime conditioned?" Please answer, "Prime conditioned by love".
Ananda, if someone asked: "Love does not predestined?" Please respond: "Yes". If you ask: "What conditioned Ai?" Please respond: "Ai conditioned life."
Ananda, if someone asked: "Life does not have the charm?" Please respond: "Yes". If you ask: "What conditioned Tho?" Please respond: "Tho conditioned emotional."
Ananda, if someone asked: "Promotion does not predestined?" Please respond: "Yes". If you ask: "What conditioned Promotion?" Please respond: "Promotion conditioned mentality".
Ananda, if someone asks, "Does Mentality charming?" Please respond: "Yes". If you ask: "What conditioned Mentality? Please respond:" Name-conditioned form. "
Ananda, if someone asks, "Does Consciousness conditioned by?" Please respond: "Yes". If you ask: "What conditioned consciousness?" Please respond: "Waking conditioned mentality".
3. Ananda, so conditioned by knowledge, birth mentality; conditioned by matter, enter the birth record, record by conditions, contact the birth; conditioned by contact, feeling born; conditioned by life; Sincerely birth; conditioned by affinity, the birth; conditioned defense, being organic; conditioned property, birth and birth; conditioned by birth, old age and death being, conditioned by aging and death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief born brain. Such is the entire mass of ill practice start.
4. Prior said: "Due to the charm of birth, old age and death-birth". Ananda, to understand how saying "Conditioned by birth; laozi born?" Ananda, if born without any kind, anywhere, as gods or Heaven, Qian-Qian-that-she or beaver-she-gender, Yakshis or Yakshis world. World spirits or spirits, or Ningenkai The species, quadruped kind fours or gender, gender birds or bird, or insect species of the same bar soap world. Ananda, without being for all, due to old age and death and extinction time can exist?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of old age and death, which is birth.
5. Prior said: "Due to the organic charm, being born". Ananda, to understand how the saying: "Do charming property, birth born?" Ananda, if the property does not have any kind of gender, wherever origin, such as organic education, formless identity or property ownership. Without useful for all, by the time of birth can mortal existence?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of birth, which is useful.
6. Prior said: "Due to the obvious charm, being organic." Ananda, to understand how the question: "Do coast defense, property birth?" Ananda, if the player does not have any kind, anywhere, as sexual competition, is prime, prime precepts or ego defense. Without obvious to all, so players can kill the property exist?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of existence, that is obvious.
7. Prior said: "Do predestined affinity, the birth". Ananda, to understand how the saying: "Do predestined affinity, the birth". Ananda, if the charity does not have any kind, anywhere, as sharp loving, compassionate bar, incense love, your love, emotional or legal affinity charity. Without charity for all, so the player can kill charity exist?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of defense, that is love.
8. Prior said: "Because life charming, loving being". Ananda, if life does not have any kind, anywhere, living life as label head contact, head contact atrial life birth, birth rate basis Life contact, head contact being lost life, life itself being touched base, the contact life birth facility. If there is no life for all, if the charity can destroy life exist?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of charity, that is life.
9. Ananda, so conditioned by life, being compassionate; conditioned by love, seek birth; conditioned sought, taking advantage of being; conditioned benefits, decisions (establishment of beneficial use) birth; conditioned decisions, greed born; conditioned by greed, passion antenatal; Checkers conditioned before, clinging birth; conditioned by grasping, miserly birth; conditioned by avarice, upholds birth; conditioned upholds arises some evil, evil things as serving staff, serving for, fight, argue, sparring, border war, harsh, prospects language.
10. Prior said: "Due upholds coast, arises some evil, immoral methods, such as serving staff, approval for, fight, argue, sparring, border war, harsh, disappointed expression". Ananda, to understand how the saying: "Do upholds coast, arises some evil, immoral law, as approved staff, serving for, fight, argue, sparring, border war, harsh, outlook sleep"? Ananda, if the guardian does not have any kind, anywhere, without a guardian for all, if players kill time some households evil, unwholesome things as serving staff, approval for, fight, controversy Comments, sparring, border war, harsh, can expect existing language is not?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of some evil, evil things as serving staff, approval for, fight, argue, play import, export war, harsh, expected term, ie guardian.
11. Prior said: "Conditioned by avarice, upholds birth". Ananda, to understand how saying "miserly defense Conditioned by birth status." Ananda, if miserly without any kind, anywhere, without avarice, for all, if miserly guardian can kill time exist?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of guardian, which means miserly.
12. Prior said: "Conditioned by grasping, miserly birth". Ananda, to understand how saying "Conditioned by grasping, miserly born?" Ananda, if the attachment does not have any kind, anywhere, without clinging to all, if the attachment can destroy the existing miserly okay?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of miserly, ie attachment.
13. Prior said: "Because the man predestined before, clinging to birth". Ananda, to understand how saying "Conditioned by Adam before, clinging birth"? Ananda, if the man before without any kind, anywhere, without the prior Checkers for all, if the man before killing the existing attachment may be not?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of attachment, that is passion.
14. Prior said: "Conditioned by lust, passion before birth". Ananda, to understand how saying "Conditioned by lust, passion prenatal"? Ananda, if the desire is not there any kind, anywhere, without craving for all, if greed can kill time before existing Checkers okay?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of the man before, ie greed.
15. Prior said: "Due to the decision coast, craving birth". Ananda, to understand how saying "Conditioned by craving decision birth"? Ananda, if the decision does not have any kind, anywhere, without a decision for all, if the decision could destroy the existing greed is not?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of greed that is decided.
16. Prior said: "Conditioned by profit, decided birth". Ananda, to understand how saying "Conditioned by birth beneficial decisions"? Ananda, if there is no benefit of any kind, anywhere, if benefits are not available to all, if profit can destroy the existing decisions are not?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of decisions, ie benefits.
17. Prior said: "Due to seek coast, taking advantage of being". Ananda, to understand how the saying: "Do seek coast, taking advantage of being"? Ananda, if sought without any kind, anywhere, if you seek is not available for all, if you seek may destroy the existing interests are not?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of interests, that is to seek.
18. Prior said: "Do predestined love, seek birth". Ananda, to understand how the saying: "Do predestined love, seek the living"? Ananda, without any kind, anywhere, if the charity does not have to all, if compassion can destroy the existing range of players are not? - Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, so as to seek the mercy of fate, that is love.
Ananda, so two aspects (of charity) but the two but harmony into one, thanks to the life (as charm of birth).
19. Prior said: "Conditioned by contact, feeling born". Ananda, to understand how saying "Conditioned by contact, feeling born"? Ananda, if there is no contact of any kind, anywhere, as the label contact, ear-contact, contact rate, loss of contact, body contact, the contact, if contact is not available for all, if there is contact kill time life can exist?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of life, which is in contact.
20. Prior said: "Conditioned by mentality, being touched." Ananda, to understand how saying "Conditioned by mentality, being exposed"? Ananda, if the shape, the color, the minister, the article, whereby the name of relatives and relatives competition for excellence; if the shape, the color, the generals, the appearance was not there, the list can contact the physical body is not present?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, the form, the color, the minister, was forged whereby the body is competition for excellence, if the shape, the color, the generals, the appearance was not there, to contact the property in the name of the body can existence is not?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, the form, the color, the generals, the face and body by which identity itself is competition for excellence, if the shape, the color, the minister, the article does not have, or contact the property portfolio for contact may exist are not?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, the form, the color, the generals, the appearance whereby Competition mentality is, if the shape, the color, the minister, the article does not have existing contact is not possible?
- Buddha, no!
Therefore, this Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of exposure, ie mentality.
21. Prior said: "Conditioned by consciousness, mentality-birth". Ananda, to understand how saying "Conditioned by consciousness, mentality-born"? Ananda, if the formula does not go into the belly of the mother, time and matter can be formed in the stomach mothers?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, if put into the belly of the mother and then killed, time and matter can form this state, other states?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, if the formula is destroyed in the kid, either copper or copper men and women, the mentality can grow, mature and not to be complacent?
- Buddha, no!
- So, this Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of matter, ie consciousness.
22. Prior said: "Conditioned by mentality, mode of delivery". Ananda, to understand how saying "Conditioned by mentality mode of delivery"? Ananda, if the formula does not dwell in the matter, the future, there may exist the formation of birth, aging, death, suffering, practice it?
- Buddha, no!
- So, this Ananda, such as multiplication, so charming, so start training, such as multiplication coast of knowledge, ie mentality.
- Hey Ananda, in limited human being, man is elderly, people are dying, people are killed, or child who is born again, he is limited in directing category, in that the language limits religion, within the limits that are set direct competition, the intellectual world was limited, the flow limitation was present reincarnation this state another state mentality and informal means.
23. Ananda, how many statements of self? Ananda, or is declared to be down and limit the amount of color in the sentence: "My Fall term excellence and quality." Ananda, or falls is claimed to have excellent and immeasurable in the sentence: "My Fall colors and immeasurable". Ananda, or falls is claimed that there is no amount outstanding and term of the sentence: "My Nga no amount outstanding and due". Ananda, or falls is claimed that there is no identity and immeasurable in the sentence: "My Self has no identity and immeasurable".
24. Ananda, there are people down there are outstanding claims and the amount of the current term, this person claims or fall with a limited amount of color and in the future. Or like this: "My Self is not the case, I will rectify the same." Ananda, the work is so the wrong statement of identity and ego have such limited quantity is enough.
Ananda, there are people with outstanding claims and countless falls, this person claimed or down with countless colors and in the present, or self-colored and boundless future. Or like this: "My Self is not the case, I will rectify the same." Ananda, the work is so the wrong statement of identity and ego have such immeasurable is enough.
Ananda, who claimed to have no sharp falls and limited quantity, this person does not represent or down the amount outstanding and the current limited or no self identity and a limited amount in the future ... or fall not with excellence and boundless future. Or like this: "My Self is not the case, I will rectify the same." Ananda, the work is so the wrong statement of identity and ego have such immeasurable is enough. Ananda, as such, is there that much of a self declaration.
 25. Ananda, how many words are not declared on down? Ananda, or falls is not declared to be sharp and limited quantities in question: "Is my Self and the limited amount of color." Ananda, or falls is not declared to be excellent and immeasurable in the sentence: "My Fall colors and immeasurable". Ananda, or falls not been declared a no-term excellence and quality in the sentence: "My Nga no amount outstanding and due". Ananda, or falls not been declared a no form and immeasurable in the sentence: "My Self has no identity and immeasurable".
26. Ananda, there are people down there do not declare the amount outstanding and term, this person does not claim, or have sharp fall in the quantity and the current limit, or down with the limited amount of color and in the future. Or like this: "My Self is not so, I will rectify the same." Ananda, the fact that such a statement of words not wrong down there are limited amounts outstanding and so is enough.
Ananda, there are people who do not have outstanding claims and countless falls, this person does not represent or down with countless colors and in the present, or self-colored and boundless future. Or like this: "My Self is not so, I will rectify the same." Ananda, the fact that such a statement of words does not have the identity wrong and boundless ego is too enough.
Ananda, there are no undeclared ego identity and limited quantity, this person claimed, or down no form and amount of the current term, or down and there is no limit of excellence in the future. Or like this: "My Self is not so, I will rectify the same." Ananda, the fact that such a statement of words not wrong down no amount outstanding and so is limited enough.
Ananda, there are no outstanding claims fell and immeasurable no, people are not declared down no form and immeasurable in the present, there is no identity or ego and boundless future. Or like this: "My Self is not so, I will rectify the same." Ananda, the fact that such a statement of words is not wrong and immeasurable ego with such excellence is enough.
Ananda, so that there is not that much word statement of self.
27. Ananda, under many forms, self conceived? Ananda, self conceived as life in the sentence: "My Cross is life". Or on the contrary: "Falling is not my life, my ego does not have feelings." Ananda, or ego conceived as in the sentence: "My Self is not life, nor is no feeling; down my feelings, my ego is capable of feeling." Thus, this Ananda, self conceived.
28. Ananda, who said: "My ego is life". He needs to be answered: "Hey Sage, there are three types of sensations, pleasant feeling, unpleasant, unpleasant feeling any pain. In three kinds, the kind he considered down?"
Ananda, when feeling a pleasant feeling, we do not feel an unpleasant feeling, not feeling any pain an unpleasant feeling, when he feels a pleasant feeling just alone. Ananda, when an unpleasant feeling, we do not feel a pleasant feeling, not feeling any pain an unpleasant feeling, then only an unpleasant feeling alone. Ananda, when feeling a pleasant feeling any real suffering, we do not feel a pleasant feeling, not an unpleasant sensation, then just feeling a pleasant feeling any pain any severance.
29. And again, Ananda, optimistic life is impermanent, compounded, is interdependent measures, is a legal septic paragraph, the cessation measures, the legal education, the legal cessation. Ananda, unpleasant as impermanent, compounded, is interdependent measures, is a legal septic paragraph, the cessation measures, the legal education, the legal cessation. Ananda, any unpleasant suffering life is impermanent, compounded, is interdependent measures, is a legal septic paragraph, the cessation measures, the legal education, the legal cessation. When feeling a pleasant feeling, saying, "That's my ego," he time when pleasures consumed him and thought: "My Nga kill". When an unpleasant feeling, saying, "That's my ego," he unpleasant time consumed when he also thought: "My Nga kill". When feeling a pleasant feeling any real pain, saying, "That's my ego," the time when the real suffering that consumed the life unpleasant, he also thought: "My Nga kill".
So those who say: "Fall is my life", he will see his ego as something in the present, something that is impermanent, suffering mixed peanuts, are measures being destroyed. Therefore, this Ananda, unacceptable notions "Fall is my life."
30. Ananda, who says as follows: "My Self is not life, my ego has no feelings", he needs to be answered: "Hey Sage, where there is no feeling at all, that place can be considered as "I" is not?
- Buddha, no!
- So, this Ananda, can not accept the concept of "My Cross is not life, my ego does not have feelings."
31. Ananda, who says as follows: "My Self is not life, my ego is not without feeling, feeling my ego, my ego is capable of feeling", he should be Answer: "Hey Sage if all kinds of feelings are completely eradicated, while no longer a kind of feeling at all, when life was eradicated, the time at that place, we can say:" I am like Thus, "reasonable?"
- Buddha, no!
- So, this Ananda, can not accept the concept of "My Cross is not life, my ego is not without feeling, feeling my ego, my ego is capable of feeling."
32. Ananda, when there is a notion monks self is not life, not the life conceived not fall, not the concept: "Fall is my life, my ego is capable of feeling", then this position will not be accepted before something in the world, because no attachment should not fear; because there is fear itself so completely passed away. He said the birth took advantage, Pham well succeeded, what to do did, after this life no other way.
Ananda, with the monks with such freedom of mind, if someone told you that there are evil monks is as follows: "The Tathagata exists after death" totally unjustified real time. Or have the wrong view as follows: "The Tathagata does not exist after death", the truth completely unjustified. Or have the wrong view as follows: "The Tathagata exists and does not exist after death", the truth completely unjustified. Or have the wrong view as follows: "The Tathagata does not exist and not exist after no death", the truth completely unjustified. Why so? Ananda, for how much oil portfolio, leading many categories, though how many languages, how many languages ​​religion, how much competition for oil, how much direct competition for oil has many intellectual, world intellectual how much, how much oil rotation, how many operators, with the goal of understanding every position, the monks were liberated. When you are winning, monks freed position such that said that the monks did not know, did not see, the truth is an absurdity.
33. Ananda, there are seven full and two abode of origin. What is seven? Ananda, there are these types of charming, a great body and heterologous heterologous, like men, some gods and some in hell. It was the first abode of consciousness.
Ananda, there are these types of charming, the perfect body type heterologous but, as breaking them natural born into that realm, thanks to Zen application. It is the second official residence.
Ananda, there are these types of beings, but the ideal body type heterologous least, as your heavenly Optical Audio (Abhassara). That's official residence Tuesday.
Ananda, there are these types of charming, well thought dearest and most types of categories, such as denatured natural position (Subhakinna). That's official residence Wednesday.
Ananda, there are these types of beings, beyond all excellent idea, except all for a great property, not thinking to all heterologous idea, thought only "Nowhere is boundless", was born in the realm of Nowhere origin is not boundless. It is the fifth of the official residence.
Ananda, there are absolutely charming kind of beyond boundless origin, only the idea of ​​"Consciousness is infinite", was born in a land of boundless realms. That is the official residence Friday.
Ananda, there are these types of charming, completely beyond the infinitude of consciousness, thought only "naught", was born in the parish realm naught. It's official residence Saturday.
These two countries is Unknown Origin charming idea and ideal non-perception Africa.
34. Ananda, in the first official residence Friendly heterologous heterologous and this idea, like men, some devas, and some beings in hell. Ananda if anyone understands this abode, understand the collective start, understand the destruction, understand the sweetness, understand the danger and understand the renunciation of this abode, such a can also preferred abode joy it?
- Buddha, no!
... (as before)...
- Hey Ananda, in the form of Saturday abode, completely beyond the infinitude of consciousness, thought only "naught", was born in the parish realm naught. Ananda if anyone understands this abode, understand the collective start, understand the destruction, understand the sweetness, understand the danger and understand the renunciation of this abode, such a can also preferred abode joy it?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, with Origin Unknown charming idea this is Ananda, if anyone understands this abode, understand the collective start, understand the destruction, understand the sweetness, understand the danger and understand the this renunciation of residence, such a joy may also prefer this abode?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, with ideal non-perception Africa this is Ananda if anyone understands this abode, understand the collective start, understand the destruction, understand the sweetness, understand the danger and understand the this renunciation of residence, such a joy may also prefer this abode?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Ananda, by seven official residence and two of this origin, if you like feet, monks were starting to understand the collective, the exclusion, the sweetness, the danger, their renunciation, through no clinging, location this is liberation. Ananda, the monks so-called wisdom of liberation.
35. Ananda, eight freed. What are the eight?
Yourself with excellence, see the material. It is the first liberation.
Do not know himself with identity, that identity itself apart. It was freed Monday.
Sharply toward pure heart. It was freed Tuesday.
Completely beyond any idea excellent, useful for cessation of all thoughts, not thinking to every heresy, with the thought: "Nowhere is boundless", abides boundless Nowhere origin. It was freed Wednesday.
Completely beyond the infinitude of Nowhere, with the thought: "Consciousness is infinite", abides boundless land. It was freed Thursday.
Completely beyond the infinitude of consciousness, with the thought: "naught" abides Infinite owned land. It was freed Friday.
Countless completely beyond owning the land, it abides ideal non-perception Africa. It was freed Saturday.
Full Africa beyond ideal non-perception, it abides to exterminate life thought. It is the eighth liberation. Ananda, such as the eight freed.
36. Ananda, when a second agreement monks freed eight can enter this may enter and can come from any of liberation when we want, where they want and how long you want - and with contraband or be rid of, the monks abides in eight liberated and liberating insight, no contraband or even in the present time, personally and through achieving enlightenment. This Ananda, is no longer a sentence higher other liberation and deliverance wins than this sentence.

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