Friday 25 March 2016


Thus have I heard.
1. A time travel Exalted between ethnic Malla Mass with about five hundred monks away. He came in the name of the people Malla Pava and stay in there. Bhagavan residing in Pava in Cunda blacksmith mango forest.
2. At that time, a new hall called Ubbhataka people erected between Malla, residing at Pava, and this hall has no monks, Brahmin, or someone else abides. Malla people in Pava be heard: "Exalted travel between ethnic Malla, along with Mass monks about five hundred. He arrived at Pava, stay in there, in the woods of the blacksmith Cunda mango". Then the position Malla in Pava came to Bhagavan in, after arrival, pay homage to him and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, the position at Pava Malla venerable sir:
- Buddha, where a new hall called Ubbhataka people erected between Malla at Pava, and this hall has no monks, Brahmin, or someone else abides. Buddha, who wish to use the Exalted is the first hall. Thanks to Bhagavan used first, people in Pava Malla will be long-term happiness.
Bhagavan quietly accepted.
3. Then the position Malla in Pava, after knowing Bhagavan said yes, got up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body, from weightlifting to go to the hall. After arriving, then used cushions spread over all, prepare the seats, built a water flaked, hanging oil lamp, then came to Bhagavan in. After arriving, they have bowed to him and stood aside. After standing aside, the taste Malla in lord Pava:
- Buddha, the hall was mattress all, the seats were prepared, flaked available water has been set, oil lamps were hung up, Bhagavan do what he thinks is the right time.
4. Then Bhagavan robes, holding a bowl with their care, monks arrive at the hall. When he finished washing the feet and came into the hall. Bhagavan sat on the middle column, facing east. We monks after washing feet, into the hall, sitting on the west wall, facing to the east, behind Bhagavan. The Malla position in Pava also washed the feet, went into the hall, and sat down, based on the east wall, facing west, before the Exalted. Then Bhagavan, until very late night, preaching to them Malla in Pava, teaching, explaining, encouraging, inspiring and make sure he about:
- Hey Vasettha, the night was too late. The Thou shalt thou see what the time is right.
- Ladies and yes, lord!
The Malla in your obedience Pava Bhagavan, stood up from his seat, bowed his right hand toward his body and left.
5. Bhagavan, when people go Malla not how long, watching us, monks are silent, and told Venerable Sariputta:
- Hey Sariputta, we monks no more deep torpor. This Sariputta, go preach to them monks. I feel back pain! I want to lie down.
- Ladies and yes, lord! - Venerable Sariputta Exalted obedience.
Then Bhagavan, ranked y Sanghati (Sangha Chile) four and lie down like a lion lying, the organic body, two feet on each other, mindfulness and awareness, the mind thinks it's time to sit up.
6. At that time, just Nigantha Nathaputta died at Pava. After this you died, and you Nigantha split into two parties, divided, conflicting, debate each other and live together with the weapons destruction by mouth: "You do not know this law, we know the law this. How can you know this law? Followers misconduct, we follow right action. words that resonate, words that resonate thou not. As mentioned before, you say the following, it is significant that after, you say ago. the concept presented Thou has been turned upside down. the perception of people have been challenged. You have been defeated. Let's go relieve Thou views! Ask yourself if thou escape the impasse can be done " . Looks like the disciples of Nigantha Nathaputta want mutual destruction. Even the lay disciples of Nigantha wearing white Nathaputta well fed, the hostility and opposition of Nigantha position, because their laws were presented, declared clumsily, no performance guidelines, not towards peace, not declared by the Enlightenment theory, medical tower just broke down, he just has no place.
7. Then venerable Sariputta told the monks:
- Hey Sage, just Nigantha Nathaputta soon died. After this position from the ceiling, the Nigantha (Ni-devout-mail) divided into two camps ... and no medicine only.
But to us, this the sage, this method of teaching is Exalted clever, cleverly presented, a performance Dharma instruction, towards peace, by the Enlightenment presented. Here, everyone should jointly reciting, not a brawler, this virtue to be permanent, sustained long-term, for the welfare of all beings, for peace for all beings, because compassion for the world, for the good, because the happiness of gods and men.
Sage Hey, how is France is Bhagavan taught us smart, clever presentation, a performance measures to guide and towards peace by presenting the Enlightenment. Here, all together should recite not a brawler, this virtue to be permanent, sustained long-term, for the welfare of all beings, for peace for all beings, out of compassion for the world sake, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and men.
Hey Sage, has a legal right feet is Bhagavan taught, you know this already, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, people need to recite together, without debate, to this unfortunate permanent discounts, be maintained for a long time, for the welfare of all beings, for peace for all beings, because of compassion for the life, for the benefit, the happiness, because happiness of gods and men.
8. What is a law? All beings so dishes (ahara) that abides, all living beings by the operator (samkhārā) that abides. Hey Sage, which is a legal Exalted be, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment, preached a right feet. Here, people need to recite together, without debate, to this unfortunate permanent discounts, be maintained for a long time, for the welfare of all beings, for peace for all beings, because of compassion for the life, for the benefit, the happiness, because happiness of gods and men.
9. Hey Sage, there are two methods of teaching Exalted right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, people need to work together ... for the sake reciting, because happiness, because happiness of gods and men.
How are the two methods?
i) List and identity.
ii) Ignorance and bhava.
iii) Being organic is and wealth is.
iv) heartless and very precious.
v) Tam and wealth.
vi) Evil speech and evil.
vii) Universal Compassion and good friendship.
viii) Import and export crimes crime skilful skillful.
ix) Class and even skilful skillful production from the party.
x) About skilful and skilful volition.
xi) Parish origination skillful and skillful.
xii) Compassion and skillful craftsmanship of origin on non-originating.
xii) Direct Chon and the knife.
xiv) Kham patience and gentleness.
xv) words and need to be welcomed in net.
xvi) Harmless and kindness.
xvii) Seven tri concept and underhanded.
xvii) Mindfulness and mindfulness.
xix) The grounds are not tame and sober eating.
xx) The grounds are tame and eat with moderation.
xxi) Thinking and practice of human resources.
xxii) mindfulness and concentration power.
xxiii) Directive and consistent.
xxiv) The Minister and ardent minister.
xxv) Refined need and do not fluctuate.
xxvi) About the achievements and accomplishments is.
xxvii) About failure is failure defects and shortcomings.
xxxiii) About purity and pure.
xxix) Architecture crystalline purity and knowledge according to his need.
xxx) for legal oscillator oscillates ardent and chief of his people with oscillators.
XXXI) No basics with good behavior and should not degenerate in the crystal.
XXXII) Meiji and liberation.
xxxiii) Take the unborn prophet and location.
Hey Sage, the two measures are Bhagavan teaching right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, people need to work together ... for peace chants to gods and men.
10. Hey Sage, there are three methods of teaching Exalted right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, people need to work together ... for the sake reciting, because happiness, because happiness of gods and men. How is...
i) Three unwholesome root: Join immoral grounds, golf unwholesome root, root si immoral.
ii) The three friendly apartments: Unknown participate friendly apartments, very good roots courts, amoha friendly apartments.
iii) Three-virtue: Body evil deeds, evil deeds border, the evil deeds.
iv) The three virtues: Friendly happy, virtuous border, the virtuous.
v) Three unwholesome Games: Educational games, golf games, Games harm.
vi) Three friendly Games: Dispassion range, numerous golf range, harmless level.
vii) Three unwholesome thinking: Thinking Education, field thinking, thinking harm.
viii) Three good thinking: Dispassion thinking, adosa thinking, thinking harmless.
ix) Three great evil: Education concept, great golf, great harm.
x) Three good idea: Separated great sex, great adosa, harmless idea.
xi) Three immoral sex: Sex World, Golf World, harmful gender.
xii) Three good news: Separated sex education, adosa gender, gender harmless.
xiii) The three other world: Education gender, gender identity, formless.
xiv) Three other world: Lust, formless, killing world.
xv) Three other world: Erectile world, mediated, wins world.
xvi) Three charity: charity, bhava, bhava wealth.
xvii) Three other charity: charity, compassion identity, formless love.
xviii) Three other affinity: Matter charity, formless love, kill love.
xix) Three fetters: The body is suspected, prime precepts.
xx) Three contraband: Education contraband, illegal possession, ignorance.
xxi) Three Organic: Organic Education, excellent organic, organic ignorance.
xxii) Three bridges: Education needs, property needs, Pham almond demand.
xxiii) Three romance: Win chronic, chronic class, chronic paralysis company.
xxiv) three times: Past time, future time, the present time.
xxv) Three marginal: marginal Huu relatives, close friends set records, destroy property boundary itself.
xvi) Three Life: Celebrate Life, unpleasant, non-touch non-life suffering.
xvii) Three suffering nature: Suffering suffering, practice hard, suffering damage.
xxviii) Three convergence: the convergence Ta, focus concentration, uncertainty convergence.
xxix) Three suspected: For past issues of doubt, hesitation, no decisions, not satisfied; for the problems of the future, doubt, hesitation, no decisions, not satisfied; for the current issue of doubt, hesitation, no decision, no satisfaction.
xxx) Three things Tathagata without preserving: Hey Sage, Tathagata pure act of charity itself. Tathagata no evil deeds of the body that must be preserved Tathagata: "Do not let other people know this about me." This the sage, the Tathagata pure act of mouth good. Tathagata has no mouth-virtue of that Tathagata must preserve, "Do not let other people know this about me." This the sage, the Tathagata pure act of good reviews. Tathagata no evil deeds of what the Tathagata must preserve, "Do not let other people know this about me."
XXXI) Three obstacles: Join distention, bloating pitch, si karma.
XXXII) Three types of fire: The fire involved, fires, fire si.
xxxiii) Three different types of fire: The fire of Honor, The owner of the fire, the fire of the offering (parents, wife and children and monks).
XXXIV) Three types of identity converge: Friendship is friendship for excellence, is very useful for excellence, infinite excellence is unmatched.
xxxv) Three acts: Phuoc practice, practice non-blessed, estate executive.
XXXVI) Three kinds of people: Being human study, uneducated people, uneducated non-human non-school property.
XXXVII) Three Elders: Birth elder, elder law, enter the elders.
XXXVIII) Three blessing is now: Execution of the now blessed, blessed gender issue now is, now the spiritual blessings.
xxxix) Three guilty of election: Seeing, hearing and Comfort.
xl) Three sex birth: Hey Sage, with the kind of sexual beings abides by. For education, they are subject to dwell, they are governed depends, like men, some gods, some born in deprivation. That's kind of the first birth sex. Hey Sage, with these types of beings have indulgence for those things because they created. They create things turned out and they dominated life depends in her desires, as the species-Rati Nimmana Devas (Chemistry optimistic bias). That kind of education being Monday. Hey Sage, there are types of sexual charming heart of things created by other species. They dominated dependent living in the desire for the material created by others. As the gods Para-nimmitava species-savatti (Tha Self in heaven). It was born fitness classes Tuesday.
xli) Three types of communications birth: Hey Sage, there are living beings (in the past) has always created (Meditation communication) or to live in peace, as the position Brahma - Kayika (Pham We Thien). It was first class being optimistic. Hey Sage, has instilled those charming, turn chronic, abundance, prosperity and peace. Sometimes they say things inspiration: "Oh bliss instead! O bliss instead!" As gods Abhassara (Thien Quang Music). That's being optimistic Monday classes. Hey Sage, has instilled those charming, turn chronic, abundance, prosperity and peace. They live peacefully with her fulfillment, feelings of peacefulness, as gods Subhakinna (denatured God). That kind of optimism born Tuesday.
XLII) Three Property: Friends School Property, Property uneducated, illiterate tuition fees intellectual property.
xliii) Property Type other three: From birth Property, Property Posted birth, birth cultivate wisdom.
xliv) The three types of weapons: Listen, detachment and wisdom.
XLV) Three apartment: Location apartment or tri, tri base course, base voters.
XLVI) Three labels: label Flesh, God labels, Property labels.
xlvii) Three School: Higher virtue school, increased upper psychoanalysis, mental increase school rooftop.
XLVIII) Three practice: Body religious, religious center, religious knowledge.
xlix) Three supreme: Ants supreme, supreme executive, supreme liberation.
1) The three provisions: Friendship Games quarterfinals of property, wealth quartet range of organic, no carefree specified range.
li) Back three other provisions: Not specified, the formless, infinite willingness to.
lii) Three pure: pure body, pure language, the purity.
III of) Three presidents wear: Body President of wear, wear term president, the president wore.
liv) Three skillful: Increase skillful utility, utility costs skilful, skillful means.
lv) Three supercilious: Unknown disease arrogant, supercilious coated young, arrogant network activity.
lvi) Three awarded: Falling rose rooftop, roof upward, rising upstream approach.
lvii) the conclusion Three: A discussion of past problems: "This incident happened in the past", discussion of future problems: "This incident happened in the future"; discussion of current problems: "This incident happened in the present."
lvii) Three Smart: Hotel Tuc intelligent networks, intelligent Being birth and death situation, Gonorrhea take intelligent place.
lix) Three resident: Tianjin resident, Pham residence, St. residence.
lx) Three Kabbalah: Kabbalah-sufficient Spirit, tri informed tha mental, psychic Catholic world.
Hey Sage, three measures are Bhagavan teaching right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. here, people need to work together, chants, no argument ... for the benefit of all beings, for the welfare of all beings, because the happiness of gods and men.
11. Hey Sage, there are four right feet is Bhagavan taught, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, people need to recite together, without debate, to Pham happy ... Which four?
i) four foundations of mindfulness: Hey Sage, here monks contemplating the body in the body, ardent, alert, mindful to convince greed in the world ... on the ... on the mind sensations ... on the legal, ardent, alert, mindful to convince greed in the world.
ii) The four primary needs: Here is the sage monks, with the aim of making the evil, unwholesome unborn measures previously not arise, arise desire, effort, diligence, books center, maintenance center. With the aim of making the legal evil evil has been born to eradicate, arises desire, effort, diligence, of care, maintenance center. With the aim of making good behavior prior to the date of birth not arise, arise desire, effort, diligence, of center, maintenance center. With the aim of making good behavior was being able to maintain, no obscure, growth, be generous, be practiced, fullness, start-up desire, effort, diligence, of the mind , maintenance center.
iii) The four-sufficient spirit: Hey Sage, here, the monks practice sufficient spirit, friendship with the diligent implementation Meditation Education. Organic cultivation with sufficient spirit sentence diligent implementation Meditation Center. Organic cultivation with sufficient spirit sentence Diligent diligently perform meditation. The organic cultivation with sufficient spirit diligently perform Thinking Meditation (PE as standard sufficient spirit, mind as the sufficient spirit, as standard Effort sufficient spirit, thinking like the gods are excluded).
iv) Four Meditation: Here, the monks sexual ly, ly evil Zen approach first residence certificate, a state of blissful isolation by birth sex, the Games, with the quarterfinals. Removal Games and quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, not reach, no quad, single-minded provincial cabinet. Hy Ly discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, the body feels the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, it abides Tuesday Meditation. Optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill joy superiority was feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts.
v) Four Meditation practice: Hey Sage, with the practice of meditation, through practice, through repeated practice leads to stay within the current optimism. Hey Sage, with the practice of meditation, through practice, through repeated practice, taken to attain knowledge. Hey Sage, with the practice of meditation, through practice, through repeated practice, leads to mindfulness and awareness. Hey Sage, with the practice of meditation, through practice, through repeated practice leading to the cessation of the taints.
Sage Hey, how is the practice of meditation, through practice, because practice repeatedly taken to the residence located right in the present? Here is the sage, taste education, monks glass, glass evil law, and the first permanent Zen ... Zen Meditation Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Meditation residence certificate. Hey Sage, such as the practice of meditation, through practice, through repeated practice leads to stay within the current optimism. Sage Hey, how is the practice of meditation, through practice, because practice repeatedly brought to the knowledge attained. Hey Sage, here, the monks, a great luminous volition, thought to dwell daytime, nighttime daytime so how, the night how the day so. And so with no interest to expand closed, creating a halo mind. Hey Sage, such as meditation practice, through practice, through repeated practice, taken to attain knowledge. Sage Hey, how is the practice of meditation, through practice, through repeated practice, toward mindfulness, awareness. Hey Sage, here, you know, monks start life, residence life know, know life away, know a great start, know a great stay, great knowing killing, learned Games start, knowing Games resident, knew killing range. Hey Sage, such as the practice of meditation, through practice, through repeated practice, leads to mindfulness and awareness. Sage Hey, how is the practice of meditation, through practice, through repeated practice, leading to the cessation of the taints. Sage Hey, here you dwell monks, customary nature being destroyed on the five aggregates - This is excellent, this is a collective identity, identity this is killing. This is a great feeling ... This is ... This is ... This is the official practice, this is the collective knowledge, this is the form of killing. This, monks, such is the practice of meditation, through practice, through repeated practice, leading to the cessation of the taints.
vi) The four immeasurable: Hey Sage, here you dwell monks, turned complacency with an ownership interest statement with the word, so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, on the lower horizontal surface, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with words, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger. With the organic mind with compassion ... with the heart with joy ... abides property, a local variable with chronic heart to discharge the property, so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides variation with organic content with the heart flush, generous, boundless, no hatred, no anger.
vii) The four formless: Hey Sage, here, the monks took the idea all the colors, ideal to eradicate all obstacles, not the intention for a great horror, the monks thought: "Nowhere is boundless "boundless residence certificate of origin. Beyond all the land of boundless, think: "Consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin. Beyond all the infinitude of knowledge, thinking, "There is no object", owned residence certificate Unknown Origin. Beyond all property Unknown origin, residence certificate ideal non-perception Africa.
viii) Four y only: Hey Sage, here monks after thinking, feeling used; after thinking, life rings; after thinking, renunciation; after thinking, except control.
ix) the Four Noble strain: Hey Sage, here, the monks himself with any kind of public health, praised the content with any kind of public health, not trying to find a way unworthy medical needs worth, no brain without medical coat, but when is he, this taste of suffering, no passion, no sin. This position uses y, see the danger and knew emancipation. Because content itself with any kind of public health, he does not blame people praising me. Here, this position skillfully, ardent, alert, mindful of this the Sage, the monks was called a race was faithful to Scripture, tradition past. This the sage, again, the monks himself with any public alms dish, praised the content with any alms dish, no attempt to seek alms dish in a way not worthy, no brain shirt without alms dish. But when alms dish, the taste of suffering, no passion, no sin. This person used the alms dish, see the danger and know salvation. Because content itself with any public alms dish, you do not blame people praising me. Here, this position skillfully, ardent, mindful. Hey Sage, the monks was called a race was faithful to Scripture, tradition past. This the sage, again, the monks himself with any public health prevention, praised the willingness for any room amnesty, no amnesty room trying to seek a way unworthy, no shirt brain without abode. But they are radioactive, you are not infected before, no passion, no sin. This person used the amnesty room, saw the dangers and know salvation. Because content itself with any public health prevention, the person does not compliment her cooking. Here, this position skillfully, ardent, awareness, mindfulness. Hey Sage, the monks was called a race was faithful to Scripture, tradition past. This the sage, again, the monks prefer rid, get rid happy, preferred practice, practice joy. Favorite thanks rid, get rid happy, preferred practice, practice should rejoice not blame people praising me. Here, the monks of this ingenious, ardent, awareness, mindfulness. Hey Sage, he is called a race was faithful to Scripture, tradition past.
x) The four ardent: ardent Tame, except ardent, practicing ardent, ardent holder. Sage Hey, how ardent is tame? Sage Hey, here you monks, when the eye sees color does not hold general minister, who does not hold its own minister. These cause, because eyesense not be tamed, that craving, offers compassion, evil, immoral law arise, the monks self-control was the cause, the label holder base, the tamed practice eyesense. When the ear heard ... the nose ... the tongue tasting smelling incense ... emotions ... the body of legal awareness, he took not grasp the general minister, who does not hold its own minister. What causes because the apartment is not tame, that craving, offers compassion, evil, immoral law arise, the monks did overpower reason, upholding consciousness, practice the basis is tame . Sage is the so-called tame ardent. Sage Hey, how is the planet needs to get rid? Hey Sage, here, the monks do not reach sexual endure kicked up, abandoned, except, destroy, not to exist; with courtyard views have arises ... the Games began to hurt, abandoned, except, destroy, not to exist. Sage is the so-called need to rid planet. Sage Hey, how is the planet needs practice? Hey Sage, here, the monks practicing mindfulness enlightenment, this legal medical detachment, sexual ly y, y cessation, maturing in the exception; Sensory Trach detailed legal practice ... practice ... Diligent practice Hy Giac Giac chi chi ... Sense of calm chi practice ... practice ... practice Dinh Xa Giac Giac chi chi, legal this medical detachment, sexual ly y, y cessation, maturing in the exception. Sage is the so-called fine-needed practice. Sage Hey, how are upholding the essential need? Sage Hey, here you monks upholding the general good has arisen, remains great, great greed insect, great retention bar, great havoc section, opening a great arm. Sage is the so-called fine-holder need.
xi) The four location: France location, type of position, tha mind, secular mind.
xii) Back four different: Suffering location, file location, location kill, director position.
xiii) The flow direction Four chi: Compassion's neighbor, hearing the true Dhamma life, as of volition, depending on the practice legal.
xiv) Four Provision save detailed results: Here the disciples achievements absolute confidence with the Buddha - "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme officers, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan ". This position of absolute trust achievement for France - "France is Exalted preached ingenious, practical French was present, beyond time, to the show, a performance upward, only people with a new location feeling yourself out ". He accomplished great for our confidence up: "We Increase disciple of Bhagavan is fully operating, we Tang disciple of Bhagavan is full live well, we Tang disciple of Bhagavan is full as of happiness, we disciples of the Exalted rising is full right action, that is, four doubles, eight. we increased this disciple of Bhagavan worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of serving hands, the unsurpassed field of merit in life, "moral achievements are the sages admirers, not damaged, not flawless, continuous practice, not defective and the human self, the saint is spreading admiration, not polluted, towards meditation.
xv) Four fruit recluses: The saved results, future results Nhut, Real hybrid fruit, fruit Arhat.
xvi) Four world: borders, water world, fire world, style world.
xvii) Four real: real teams, gross or subtle; real contact is Monday; really is the third self-concept; Wednesday's practices.
xviii) Four official residence: Hey Sage, when fate identity, consciousness arises and abides, he took excellent ornamental form, taking identity as clinics, taking as a basis excellence enjoying life, growth, increased prosperity, increased advertising. Hey Sage, or predestined life, wake ... or thought ... Hey coastal sage, or grace, consciousness arises and abides, he took issue ornamental form, do take care facility operator, took issue enjoying life as a basis, growth, increased prosperity, increased advertising.
xix) any operating four almond Origin: Greed is no well-behaved, well-behaved golf estate, si no well-behaved, well-behaved announced Captain estate.
xx) Four affinity birth: Hey Sage, by the mercy of clothes, the monks craving arises. Hey Sage, food by begging mercy, the monks craving arises. Hey Sage, by multiplication amnesty room, the monks craving arises. Hey Sage, organic and non-organic multiplication, the monks craving arises.
xxi) The four acts: Suffering practice certificates, certificates of suffering operating speed, lost securities practice, practice speed touch control.
xxvii) other operating again four: Any endurance practice, practice patience, to subdue executive, executive chairman net.
xxiii) The four legal sufficiency: Unknown participated sufficient legal, legal adosa sufficiency, sufficient legal mindfulness, right concentration sufficient legal.
xxiv) The four legal Expectancy Hey Sage, which measures life expectancy, present and future suffering suffering retribution. Hey Sage, which measures life expectancy, present and future suffering lost retribution. Hey Sage, which measures life expectancy, current and future communications suffering retribution. This method of Sage with life, present and future optimism optimistic retribution.
 xxv) Four measures aggregates: About aggregates, the aggregates, aggregates merit, aggregates liberation.
xxvi) The four forces: Diligent force, power concept, concentration, mental power.
xxvii) Four wins Origin: Tue Origin wins, wins Origin, Origin wins discharge, ie just won Origin (Four chapel).
xxviii) answering four questions: Answer the question explicitly, answered questions by analyzing, answered questions by questioned, answered questions by pretending to ignore, ignore.
xxix) The four industries: Hey Sage, with dark black newspaper industry. Hey Sage, with transparent white newspaper industry. Hey Sage, now has black white, white black journalists. Hey Sage, with non-white non-professional black, non-white non-black newspapers, and led to the cessation of operations.
xxx) Four measures need to realize: Additional network should be realized by the concept. Birth and death should realize by labels. Eight liberation must realize by themselves. Gonorrhea should take enlightened by knowledge.
XXXI) Four express reservation: Education upsurge save, save property described, is described save, save express ignorance.
XXXII) Four yoke: Education ach, ach property, is the yoke, the yoke of ignorance.
xxxiii) Four cups yoke: Dispassion yoke, yoke organic glass, glass is the yoke, the yoke of ignorance cup.
XXXIV) Four knots: Join body system, pitch system itself, precepts defense system itself, try the mortgage system itself.
xxxv) Four players: Education obvious, is prime, prime precepts, self defense theory.
XXXVI) Four birth: Ovum birth, fetal birth, low-birth, birth products.
XXXVII) Four pregnant entry: sage Hey, here, there is no awareness species enter pregnancy samples, samples are not aware stay pregnant, not pregnant mindful sample production. It was the first type of entry pregnant. Again, the sage, here, have this kind of awareness enter pregnancy samples, samples do not stay alert pregnant, not pregnant mindful sample production. That kind of second twin enter. Again, the sage, here, have this kind of awareness enter pregnancy samples, samples Stay alert pregnant, not pregnant mindful sample production. That kind entered Tuesday pregnancy. Again, the sage, here, have this kind of awareness enter pregnancy samples, samples Stay alert thai, thai pattern made aware. That kind entered Wednesday pregnancy.
XXXVIII) Four new ways to be self: Hey Sage, with the new self, by their own will, not by the will of others. Hey Sage, with new self, by the will of others, not by their own will. Hey Sage, with new self, by his will and the will of others. Hey Sage, which itself is not new by his will, not by the will of others.
xxxix) Four pure offerings: Hey Sage, with the offerings, the purification offerings, offerings recipients impure. Hey Sage, with the offering, the receiver pure offerings, the offerings are not pure. Hey Sage, with the offering, both offerings and recipients are not pure donations. Hey Sage, with the offering, the offerings and recipients are pure donations.
xl) Four photographic approach: giving, loving, operating profit, colleagues.
xli) Four non Scripture quotations: Lying, bisexual damage, harsh, language dependence.
XLII) Four Sacred Motto: Separated term outlook, bisexual glass damage, harsh glasses, cups language dependence.
xliii) non Holy Four other language: There was no talk shows, heard not hear, do not think to say to think, do not speak know.
xliv) Four Sacred other languages: Do not think that said neither see nor hear nor hear, do not think to say do not think, do not speak do not know.
XLV) non Holy Four other languages: Seeing say not seen, heard not listen, think say do not think, speak do not know.
XLVI) Four Sacred other languages: Seeing say see, hear hear, think say think, speak know.
xlvii) The four types of people: Behold the sage, here, there are hard on themselves and their torment diligent. Hey Sage, here, have another kind tormentor, painstaking torment others. Hey Sage, here, with his tormentor kind, diligent hard on themselves; torment people, hardworking people who torment. Hey Sage, here, with his kind of people do not suffer, do not torment yourself diligently; people who do not suffer, do not torment people diligently. This position does not torment yourself, do not torment people right in the present celibate, the first President, youth wages, holy peace.
XLVIII) Back four other categories: Hey Sage, here, have that kind of self-interest who act, not act to benefit others. Hey Sage, here, with kind people act to benefit others, not self-interest issue. Hey Sage, here, have this kind of people, not the self interest and not take the benefit of others. Hey Sage, here, have this kind of self-interest and act doer benefit of others ".
xlix) Back four other categories: Living in the shadows and toward the dark, in the dark toward the light, living in the dark toward the light, living in the light toward the light.
l) The four other categories: Real recluse, recluse Red lotus, white lotus recluse, recluse goodness.
Hey Sage, four French were right feet Bhagavan taught, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, people need to work together, chants, no argument ... for the good, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and men.
1. Hey Sage, there is Exalted in France teaching right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, people need to work together, chants, no argument ... for the good, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and men.
i) Five Aggregates: aggregate, sensations, thoughts karmic formations, consciousness.
ii) the five aggregates: Sac aggregates, aggregates life, perception aggregates, aggregates act, aggregates form.
iii) In Academic merit: Distinguished by label awareness. This excellent lovable, capable happy, pleasurable, capable attention, stimulate indulgence, attractive. Known by ear nose awareness ... awareness Perfume by ... The perception by the tongue ... Promotion by emotion itself is lovable, capable happy, pleasurable, capable attention, stimulate indulgence, attractive.
iv) In animals: Hell, animalzxy, peta, people, gods.
v) In avarice: Avarice of abode, for family avarice, avarice for crop plants, for excellence avarice, avarice, for legal.
vi) In hindrances: Greed hindrances, golf hindrances, hindrances torpor drowsiness, agitation repentance hindrances, hindrances facilities.
vii) In the lower part fetters: The body is suspected, precepts competition, greed, anger.
viii) In the upper part fetters: Sac involved, formless greed, romance, agitation, delusions.
ix) The academic year Origin: No killing, no stealing, no adultery, no prospects language, do not drink the wine.
x) In disability Origin: Hey Sage, an advantage monks Gonorrhea can not try to kill living beings life. An advantage monks Gonorrhea can not knowingly taken the non-for-called theft. An advantage monks Gonorrhea can not mean the harlot. An advantage monks Gonorrhea can not himself know that deliberately lie. An advantage monks Gonorrhea consumer can not store containers in sensual pleasures such as a layman.
xi) In the loss: Body of loss, property damage, loss disease, gender losses, is loss. Hey Sage, no sentient being, because familiarity losses because of damaged assets, or for disease losses, after relatives suffering damage public network born in the world, the Beast, deprivation, in hell . Hey Sage, has beings, because gender is loss or for loss or damage after the body corporate networks ... born into hell.
xii) In the achievement: Body of achievements, assets achievements, countless achievements disease, gender achievements, is achieved. Hey Sage, no sentient being, so familiar accomplishment, because assets or for myriad diseases achievements achievements, be born to good fun, Heaven, this life. Hey Sage, there are living beings, because gender achievement or for achievement arise is good fun, Heaven, this life.
xiii) In the danger of the evil world, transgression: Hey Sage, the evil world, for violating the rule, so many distractions property damage. It was the first dangerous world of evil, evil world scope. Again, the Sage, with the wicked world, commit evil world, notorious gossip around. It is dangerous world's second evil people. Again, the Sage, to the evil world, evil world committed, as in any congregation, the congregation Sat-imperial-town congregation Brahmin, assembly or congregation lay recluses, he in a frightened and fluctuate. It is dangerous third world's evil, evil world scope. Again, the sage, the evil world, commit evil world, when shared destiny, die frenzy. It is dangerous world's fourth evil people, evil world scope. Again, the sage, the evil world, commit evil world, when relatives suffering damage at birth and gender public network, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. It is dangerous world's fifth evil people, evil world scope.
xiv) In what world the benefit of all, keep the world: Hey Sage, here man enough sex, morality, undistracted by the property should be prosperous. That's the first benefit for the full instructions, precepts. Hey Sage, who all presented again, keep good gossip around the world are known. That is the second benefit for the full instructions, precepts. Hey Sage, with enough sex, morality, as in any congregation, the congregation Sat-imperial-town congregation Brahmins, lay congregation, the congregation recluse, he in a decent way Queen, do not fluctuate. That's what interests people Tuesday for full instructions, precepts. Hey Sage, who all presented again, the general precepts when destined to die without fear and without wavering. That's what interests people Wednesday for full instructions, precepts. Hey Sage, who all presented again, morality, common network damage after the body is born to animal charity, Heaven, this world. So Thursday is the benefit for the full instructions, precepts.
xv) Hey Sage, five inner approach monks a must if you want to criticize one another: "I tell the right time, not the non-time. I say true, not false. I speaking slowly, without speaking harsh. I say there is interest, not to say there is no benefit. I speak from the heart, not the words of hatred ". Hey Sage, such as an inner method of monks should have, if you want to criticize one another.
xvi) In need of: Hey Sage, where monks have faith, believe the enlightenment of the Tathagata - "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc , Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ". He minorities disease, disability brain, digestion is regulated, not too cold, not too hot, medium with diligence. He is not deluded, deceived, stating himself as the feet of masters, for you or for wisdom of dignity. He lived industrious, diligent, abandon the evil methods, achievement of dhamma, resolute, persevering effort, not ducking for good behavior. He has wisdom, intellectual achievements towards being destroyed by the French, St. decide achievements scouts, leading to the cessation of suffering right feet.
xvii) Year Net migration: Unknown Trouble God, Infinite Heat Thien Thien Thien time, Thien Kien Thien, Thien Canh Sac Rescue.
xviii) Full Year estate: Realtor Nirvana, Nirvana Sanh Bat, Bat Countless acts Nirvana, Nirvana Organic Bat Executive, Upstream interesting A-ca-ni-sa.
xix) Year desolate heart: Hey Sage, here monks doubt, indecision, indecisive, no satisfaction for the guru. Hey Sage, the monks any doubt, indecision, indecisive, no satisfaction for the master, the monks did not toward the effort, enthusiasm, perseverance and diligence. When his mind not toward the effort, enthusiasm, perseverance and diligence, so-called desolate heart first. This the sage, again monks suspected of France ... to Increase ... to learn French ... anger against the dignity, the same, not happy, fluctuating mind, become desolate. Hey Sage, when an angry monks for co Pham happy, not happy, fluctuating mind, become desolate, the monks did not toward the effort, enthusiasm, perseverance and diligent. So-called desolate Center Thursday.
xx) In the mind bondage: Sage Hey, here you do not mind, monks dispassion, not sexual ly, not loving cups, not glasses thirst, not cup enthusiastic, no cup attachment to desire . Hey Sage, the monks do not mind dispassion, not sexual ly, not loving cups, not glasses thirst, not cup enthusiastic, no cup attachment to evil desires, his mind is not working toward energy, enthusiasm, perseverance and diligence. You do not mind the direction of ... so first bondage center. This the sage, again're monks, the mind is not dispassion for the body ... So Monday bondage mind ... For excellence, not dispassion Center ... This is the mind slopes Tuesday blessed. This the sage, again monks do not eat too much the stomach can bear, at the age of sleeping rapture, rapture of touch, the pleasure of torpor ... This is the heart Wednesday bondage. This the sage, again monks celibate life with hope look forward to a kind of gods: "With this law, with this rule, with this austerity or with virtue, I will become this kind of gods or other types of gods. " Hey Sage, when the monks lived celibate lives with hope into a kind of gods: "With this law, with this rule, with this austerity or with discounts this well, I will become this kind of gods or other heavenly beings ". This is not the center of the direction of effort, enthusiasm, perseverance and diligence. ... Center of any such position is center Thursday bondage.
xxi) In units: Eyesense, ear-base, base rate, root damage, body-base.
xxii) again in other units: Lac apartment, apartment size, the wedding grounds, offers apartments, discharge units.
xxiii) other base year again: Faith based, effort based, concept-base, the base, knowledge base.
xxiv) In renunciation gender: Sage Hey, here you monks, with the intention of desire, the mind does not enter the user desires, no communication signal, do not dwell, not dominated by passions. When you have the intention of sexual ly, fitness center cup towards entry, signal communication, reside in and be governed by sexual ly, his mind ly clever, skillful practitioners, smart start, cleverly liberated generation smart glasses for sensual pleasures. And taints, the damage, the brain arises conditioned heat, the sensual, he for them to be liberated, no longer feeling sensations. So-called liberation for lust. This the sage, again, the monks must have the intention to anger, do not mind entering direction hatred, no credit optimistic, not to dwell, not dominated by anger. When you have the intention to countless golf, golf joins the center direction, believers and optimism, there to dwell, has been dominated by numerous courts, his mind is smart glass, smart convent, smart start, cleverly freed, smart relations with numerous golf cup. And cankers, necrosis lesions, the brain temperature arises conditioned by the pitch, he for them to be liberated, no longer feeling sensations. So-called liberation of anger. This the sage, again're monks, have harmful effects on the heart, the mind does not harm the direction enter the mind, does not signal optimism, not to dwell, not dominated by bad care. When you have the intention to harm glass heart, glass heart hurt enter center direction, communication signal, to dwell, is dominated by a glass of heart damage. His mind is smart glass, smart convent, smart start, cleverly freed, smart glass harm heart system. And taints, the damage, the brain temperature arises conditioned with heart damage, he for them to be freed, no longer feeling sensations. So-called liberation of heart damage. This the sage, again, the monks, with the intention of excellence, attention is not directed into the identity, no credit optimistic, not to dwell, not dominated by color. When you have the intention to formless, formless mind entering direction, lost signal, dwell, is dominated by immaterial. His mind is smart glass, smart convent, smart start, cleverly freed, smart glass for excellent system. And taints, the damage, the brain temperature arises due to excellent affinity with, for them he was freed, no longer feeling sensations. So-called liberation of color. This the sage, again, the monks have for themselves volition, the mind does not itself import direction, no credit optimistic, not to dwell, not governed by itself. When you have the intention to kill yourself, kill yourself mind towards entry, signal communication, dwell, is dominated by anti-bodies. His mind is smart glass, smart convent, smart start, cleverly freed, destroy friendships smart glasses. And taints, the damage, the brain temperature arises with itself conditioned, to them he was freed, no longer feeling sensations. So-called liberation for itself.
xxv) In liberated Origin: Sage Hey, here you monks, while listening to masters, or a well-respected co Committing any sermon. Hey Sage, when the monks listen to gurus or a well-respected co Committing any sermon, he, for his approach, understand cultural meanings and understand the goal. Thanks to understand the sense and understand all documents owls, being refreshed. Thanks to delight, joy of life. Thanks to Hy mind, body born calm. A relative calm, pleasures of life. Thanks to pleasures, is the provincial center. It was the first liberated origin.
This the sage, again, the monks do not listen to gurus or a well-respected co Committing any sermon. As he, as it is heard, according to the learned, widely preached to others. Hey Sage, when the monks under've heard, according to the learned, widely preached to others, he was legal entities, understand cultural meanings and understand the goal. Thanks to understand cultural meanings and understand the goal, being refreshed. Thanks to delight, joy of life. Through joy of birth, birth body calm. A relative calm, pleasures of life. Thanks to pleasures, is the provincial center. It was freed Monday origin. This the sage, again're monks, not heard gurus or a well-respected co Committing any sermon, nor under what was heard, it was legal doctrine widely for others . He as it is to hear, as it is learned, reciting a clearly legal. Hey Sage, the monks, as it is heard, according to the learned, reciting explicitly legal, so that legal entities, understand cultural meanings and understand the goal. Do understand cultural meanings and understand the goal, being calm yourself. A relative calm, pleasures of life. Thanks to pleasures, is the provincial center. It was freed Tuesday origin. This the sage, again, the monks, gurus do not listen or a well-respected co Pham sermon, nor under what was heard, it was legal doctrine widely to others, nor upon what has been heard, it was learned, reciting a clearly legal. He, as it is heard, according to the learned, used to seek attention, thinking, observing that law. Hey Sage, the monks, as it is heard, according to the learned, used to seek attention, thinking, observing that law. Hey Sage, the monks, as it is heard, according to the learned, used to seek attention, reflection, observation, for legal measures that he should know the meaning of justice, cultural understanding owl. Thanks to understand the meaning, understanding documents owls, being refreshed. Thanks to the delight of life, joy mind. Thanks to Hy mind, body born calm. Thanks to the calm, pleasures of life. Thanks to pleasures, is the provincial center. It was freed Wednesday origin. This the sage, again, the monks, gurus do not listen or a well-respected co Pham any sermon, nor under what was heard, according to the learned, widely preached for others, not according to what was heard, according to the center to seek user learned, reflect, contemplate that approach, the monks were smart to hold a public minister, volition clever, cleverly maintain life, be smart enter through wisdom. Hey Sage, the monks hold a minister to do, smart volition, smart life over, can enter through intellectual skill. Hey Sage, the monks according to cleverly hold a public minister, cleverly volition, smart life over, can enter through intellectual skill, so that legal entities, meaning understand, understand documents owl. Thanks to understand the meaning, understanding documents owl, so refreshing birth. Thanks to the delight of life, joy mind. Thanks to Hy mind, body born calm. A relative calm, pleasures of life. Thanks to pleasures, is the provincial center. It was freed Thursday origin.
xxvi) Five great liberating maturation: Impermanence great, great suffering in impermanence, selflessness idea of ​​suffering, except a great, great alobha.
Hey Sage, in this method of teaching Exalted right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here people need to work together, chants, no argument ... for the good, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and humanity.
2. Hey Sage, there are six legal Bhagavan teaching right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, people need to work together, chants, no argument ... for the good, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and humanity. What is six?
i) The six Origin: Brand Origin, atrial origin, reducing the land, damage the land, itself origin, the origin.
ii) Six foreign origin: Sac origin, bars origin, native parish, the parish, parish contacts, legal origin.
iii) the Six self: awareness, consciousness, olfactory consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness, consciousness.
iv) The six contact relatives: Labels contact, ear-contact, contact rate, loss of contact, body contact, the contact.
v) Six life itself: life Label departments being in contact, ear-contact basis being expectancy, birth rate basis Life contact, head contact being lost life, life itself being emotional basis, feeling the emotional birth facility.
vi) Six pro-: Sac great, great bars, great flavor, great taste, great touch, a great approach.
vii) Six investment itself: Sac investment, private bar, private incense, the investment, investment promotion, investment approach.
viii) Six loving yourself: Sac loving, compassionate bar, incense love, your love, emotional love, charity law.
ix) does not respect the legal Six: Hey Sage, here you monks, living not reverent, not depending upon gurus; live it reverently, not depending upon France; live it reverently, not depending upon Increase; live it reverently, not depending upon the French school; living without any distractions respect, not depending upon any distractions; live it reverently, not depending upon the ceremony etiquette.
x) Six reverently approach: Hey Sage, where monks live reverently, depending upon gurus; live reverently, depending upon France; live reverently, depending upon Increase; depending upon live reverently studying law; live reverently, depending upon any distractions; live reverently, depending upon ceremony etiquette.
xi) Six reflection to joy: When the eye sees color, joy arises, he was thinking sharp. When the ear heard ... When smelling incense nose ... When tasting tongue ... When the body touch ... When the receiving legal exposure, joy arises, he is thinking approach.
xii) The six reflection to advantage: When the eyes see colors, offers start-up, her identity was thinking ... like on ... when receiving legal reviews, offers start-up, he was thinking approach.
xiii) The six thinking to discharge: When the eye sees color, discharge arises, he was thinking ... sharp ear heard ... When smelling incense nose ... When tasting ... When tongue contact when the body touches ... When receiving legal standard, discharge arises, he is thinking approach.
xiv) Six glasses legal harmony: Hey Sage, here when the monks achievements from professional bodies, front or back towards the dignity, the same, such as an air-glass method, created Benevolent , generate respect, leading to unity, no debate, harmony, concentric, congenial. This the sage, again when the monks achievements from front gate or the back now ... from the front or the back now, for the dignity, the same, such a conciliatory approach glass, create compassionate, respectful created, leading to unity, no debate, integration, concentric, congenial. This the sage, again, the monks, for the objects being offered legally until things get in the bowl, divide them evenly between the monks have morality, as Air law is a glass, creating loving, respectful created, leading to unity, no debate, integration, concentric, congenial. This the sage, again, the monks, when the rules of this position is not undermined, not violated, by persevering comply, without defect, as people are liberated, is the wise praise, not impure, towards meditation, the monks did precepts such recluses, living in front or behind with the same dignity, the same diameter as a conciliatory approach, creating kindness , generate respect, leading to unity, no debate, harmony, concentric, congenial. This the sage, again, the monks lived life is Right manuals, right feet, cessation of suffering, he lived with the chief achievements is that, living with dignity, the same, in front or back, such a conciliatory approach glass, creating loving, respectful created, leading to unity, no debate, integration, concentric, congenial.
xv) Six avoid root: Sage Hey, here you monks anger, resentment. Hey Sage, this location anger, resentment, not reverence life, not depending upon the master, living without reverence, without depending upon the French, not reverent, not depending upon Increase, not fully accomplished law school. Hey Sage, the monks live without reverence not depending upon masters, not reverent, not depending upon the French, not reverent, not depending upon Increase, not fully accomplished legal practitioners, he start up debate among the monks. Such debate makes unhappy beings, beings made no peace, no benefits being made, and that gods and men who are not happy, but miserable. Hey Sage, Sage see if he avoided between your base or out of position, Sage must try to get rid evil root avoid it. Sage Hey, if Sage was not found with the other units avoid or out of position, and you do not keep all the evil he has the chance to avoid root damage in the future. So as to prevent hazardous evil root avoid it in the future. This the sage, again monks hide and lie ... Jealousy and avarice ... deceit and deception ... ... evil and wrong sexual attachment is basis, perseverance preserve difficult to leave. Hey Sage, the monks head is attached, keep persevering, very difficult to leave, he lived not reverent, not depending upon masters, not reverent, not depending upon the French, not reverence , not depending upon Increase, not fulfillment of legal practitioners. Hey Sage, the monks do not respect, not depending upon gurus ... France ... Increase ... do not achieve full legal practitioners, he kicked up debate among the monks. Such debate makes unhappy beings, beings made no peace, no benefits being made, that the gods on the species who is not happy, but miserable. Hey Sage, Sage see if he avoided between your base or out of position, Sage must try to get rid evil root avoid it. Sage Hey, if Sage was not found with the other units avoid or out of position, and you do not keep all the evil he has the chance to avoid root damage in the future. Such is the evil avoided rid his apartment, so as to stop the evil avoided harm her future apartment.
xvi) Six world: borders, water world, fire world, style sex, not gender, gender.
xvii) Six world renunciation: Hey Sage, here monks say: "I have to practice compassion freed, make prolific, as the chariot, forming bases, dwell, quality and craftsmanship should contain. Yet still dominate golf center our minds. " He needs to be said as follows: "Do not be like that, do not say so, Venerable! Do not be misunderstood Bhagavan, Bhagavan such slander is not good. Bhagavan does not say so." Hey Sage, events not so, the case is not so. Who practice deliverance from the center, making the fullness, as a chariot, forming bases, dwell, and cleverly contains essential need, which still dominate the center courtyard, dwell, the event could not have happened so. Hey Sage, from liberating the mind is capable of liberating the mind field. Sage Hey, here you monks say: "I have compassion liberation practice, make prolific, made into the carriage, made into bases, dwell, filled and craftsmanship required . Yet still reigns heart damage our mind. " He needs to be said as follows: "Do not be like that, do not say so, Venerable! Do not be misunderstood Bhagavan, Bhagavan such slander is not good. Bhagavan does not say so." Hey Sage, events not so. Such was not the case. If practicing compassion freed, make prolific, as the chariot, forming bases, dwell, and cleverly contains essential need, which still reigns harm dwell Center, the event does not happen that way . Hey Sage, compassionate liberation liberating potentially harmful care. Sage Hey, here you monks say: "I have the freedom of mind to practice the wedding, make prolific, as the chariot, made into bases, dwell, filled and craftsmanship required . Yet still reigns unpleasant mind our mind. " He needs to be said as follows: "Do not be like that, do not say so, Venerable! Do not be misunderstood Bhagavan, Bhagavan such slander is not good". Hey Sage, events not so. Such was not the case. If the wedding practice freedom of mind, make prolific, as the chariot, forming bases, dwell, filled and craftsmanship required, any optimism still reigns dwell Center, the event does not happen that way . Hey Sage, joy liberating the mind is capable of liberating any optimism about. Sage Hey, here you monks say: "I have the freedom of mind to practice discharge, making fullness, made into the carriage, made into bases, dwell, filled and craftsmanship required . But take heart still dominate our minds. " He should be told as follows: "Do not be like that, do not say so, Reverend! Do not be misunderstood Bhagavan, Bhagavan such slander is not good. Bhagavan does not say so." Hey Sage, events not so. Such was not the case. If the discharge practice freedom of mind, make prolific, made into the carriage, made into bases, dwell, filled and craftsmanship should take heart that abides still reigns, events do not happen that way. Hey Sage, discharge liberated mind, capable of liberating take heart. This the sage, again here you monks say: "I was practicing formless freedom of mind, make prolific, made chariots, made into bases, dwell, and cleverly contained fine craftsmanship required. However my understanding is still running after the minister ". He needs to be said as follows: "Do not be like that, do not say so, Reverend! Do not be misunderstood Bhagavan, Bhagavan such slander is not good. Bhagavan does not say so." Hey Sage, events not so. Such was not the case. If formless practice freedom of mind, make prolific, as the chariot, forming bases, dwell, and cleverly contains essential need, which is still running in the general formula, the event does not happen that way . If formless practice freedom of mind, make prolific, as the chariot, forming bases, dwell, and cleverly contains essential need, which is still running in the general formula, the event does not happen that way . Hey Sage, formless mind freed capable liberate all generals. This the sage, again, here you monks say: "The" I am "was I refused. The" I am this "is not acceptable to me. But the arrow Comfort unexpected hesitation dwell haunt me. " He needs to be said as follows: "Do not be like that, do not say so, Reverend! Do not be misunderstood Bhagavan, Bhagavan such slander is not good. Bhagavan does not say so." Hey Sage, events not so. Such was not the case. "The" I am "was I refused. The" I am this "is not approved by me. However doubts, hesitation still haunts where I dwell." Events do not happen like that. This sage, it is by rejecting the arrogant "I am", that arrow indecision doubt be liberated.
xviii) Six supreme: Ants supreme, supreme document, obtained the supreme interests, gender learning supreme, supreme executive, unsurpassable recollection.
xix) Six Mindfulness Origin: Recitation, French conception, conception Increase About anniversary, anniversary Candidates, reciting God.
xx) Six every resident: Sage Hey, here you see the sharp eye monks, no joy, no sorrow, dwell discharge, mindfulness, awareness provinces; ear heard ... the nose ... the tongue tasting smelling incense ... emotional body ... the legal awareness, no joy, no sorrow, discharge residence, awareness, awareness.
xxi) Six birth Category: Hey Sage, here are people born and living tar tar create legal. Hey Sage, here, with people born and living tar create transparency measures. Hey Sage, here, with people born and living tar created Nirvana, black non-transparent legal fees. Here, there are people born and living to create transparency transparency measures. Here, there are people born and living transparency created legal black. Here, there are people born and living transparency created Nirvana, black non-transparent legal fees.
xxii) from investigating six great decision: Impermanence great, great suffering on the impermanent, selfless thoughts on suffering, a great piece, very involved great, great kill.
Hey Sage, six Exalted legal right feet are teaching, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, people need to work together ... to your interests, chants, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and men.
8. Hey Sage, there are seven measures Bhagavan teaching right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, everyone must work together for the benefit reciting ... because happiness, because happiness of gods and men. What is seven?
i) The seven assets: Credit financing, financial world, centered at, precious resources, cultural resources, for financing, intellectual property.
ii) Seven enlightenment: Mindfulness Enlightenment expenses, legal Giac Trach chi, chi Sensory Effort, Giac Hy chi, chi Sense of calm, The Sense chi, chi Drain Sense.
iii) Seven specify: chief knowledge, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness.
iv) non-Dhamma Seven: Hey Sage, here, have you no confidence monks, heartless, very precious, minority writers, laxity, forgetfulness, paralysis hue.
v) Seven Dhamma: Hey Sage, here, there are monks who believe, with the knife, with you, multicultural, effort, mindfulness is to dwell, there is wisdom.
vi) legal traders Seven: Hey Sage, here with legal status, monks tri, tri meaning, self-knowledge, knowledge of, knowledge of, and tri's tri them.
vii) The seven wonders of the enemy: Sage Hey, here you monks earnestly studying legal practice and the desire to learn to practice law in the future; earnest desire to shop shop and legal measures in the future; earnestly to subdue the passions and desires to subdue the passions in the future; live earnestly desire peace and tranquility in the future life; diligently and earnestly desire to live lives diligent in the future; earnestly observe self-concept and self-concept contemplate aspirations in the future; earnestly with insight and understanding of base desire is in the future.
viii) The seven ideas: Impermanence thought, selfless thoughts, impure thoughts, a great tribulation, a great piece, great dispassion, killing idea.
ix) Seven power: Tin force, diligent force, mind power, its wealth, its concept, concentration, mental power.
x) Seven official residence: Hey Sage, have the kind of charming, and a great difference relative difference, as men, some gods and some of deprivation. That's kind of the first residence. Hey Sage, there are discrepancies beings but great at the same body type, such as breaking them God had just become the first (or primary due tu Meditation). That kind of official residence Monday. Hey Sage, with these types of charming, dear fellow, but a great difference, as Yin Thien Quang beings. It's kind of residence Tuesday. Hey Sage, there are types of body charming fellow and a great fellow, like gods denatured God. It's kind of stay fourth. Hey Sage, with these types of beings, beyond any idea of ​​identity, to subdue any idea about golf, is not volition to the difference phase, boundless evidence of origin: "Nowhere is boundless." That kind of official residence Thursday. Hey Sage, with these types of charming, completely beyond the infinite nothingness of origin, certificate of origin form boundless: "Consciousness is infinite". That kind of official residence Friday. This type of sage have absolutely charming beyond boundless origin, certificate of ownership Origin Unknown: "There is no nothing." It's kind of residence Saturday.
xi) Seven types honorable man: Questions section liberation, liberation Tue, My witness, Knowledge Press, Tin liberation, depending practice, practice Depending credit.
xii) Seven Custom Hypnosis: Hypnosis charity custom, custom golf hypnosis, hypnosis is customizable, depending complimentary amenities, custom hypnosis chronic, depending organic participating newspapers, ignorance depending newspapers.
xiii) Seven fetters: Ai fetters, golf fetter, fetter is suspected fetters, chronic fetters, fetters property involved, ignorance fetters.
xiv) Removal avoid legal Seven: Having the ability to suspend, eliminate the measures are starting to avoid: Ung data spleen Currencies ni, ni sufficient recollection Pi, Pi si ni Falcon estate data, self-satisfied expression data value, most Minister indebted crimes, crimes most indebted goodness, as various local seminars.
This the sage, Bhagavan seven this was taught right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here people need to recite together ... for the benefit, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and men.
1. "Hey Sage, there are eight measures Bhagavan teaching right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here people need to recite together ... sake, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and men. What is eight?
i) Eight wrong: Ta knowledge, wrong thinking, wrong speech, wrong now, wrong livelihood, wrong effort, wrong mindfulness, wrong set.
ii) Eight chief: chief knowledge ... Right Concentration.
iii) Eight persons worthy of respect: a Stream class, and the classes have achieved results evidence a Stream; First Class hybrid, has class achievements and future stock Nhat results; Any hybrid classes, and classes have achieved certification Any future results; Arhat Rating and Rating accomplished Arhat fruit.
iv) the preferential Eight solutions: Sage Hey, here comes the monks do. They think: "There are going to do the job. If we work, our body will be tired of. So I should lie down." He lay down, no effort to achieve this has not been achieved, in order to accomplish what no achievements, to realize things were not realized, such as the first prize incentives. This the sage, again, a position that has been made monks. They think: "I have a job to do. Do we do a job so tired my body. So I should lie down." He lay down, no effort ... so is the treatment of the latter. This the sage, again, with the way you have to go monks. They think: "This is the way that we would have to go. When we go this path, our body will get tired. So I should lie down." He lay down, no effort ... That laxity of Tuesday. This the sage, again, the way you went monks. They think: "I went to the road, so we had to go the way of our own fatigue. So I should lie down." He lay down, no effort ... Such laxity is the fourth. Hey Sage, the monks seeking alms in the villages or in urban areas do not receive food or food type of the soft hard, full as desired. He thought, "I went begging in villages or urban, are not getting the kind of hard foods or food categories complete software as desired. This body does not get tired of us benefit. So, one should lie bone". He lay down, no effort ... That laxity of Thursday. This the sage, again, the monks, while begging for food in the village or town received the hard type of food or food type full software as desired. He thought, "I wake in the village or go begging in town, getting hard foods or food categories of the soft, full as desired. This my body heavy, can not do anything, such as a group beans. so I should lie down. " He lay down, no effort ... That laxity of Friday. This the sage, again, the monks suffered slight illness. They think: "Now I suffer mild, have to rest. So I should lie down." He lay down, no effort ... That laxity of Saturday. This the sage, again, the new sick monks get up, the new cured soon. He thought: "I am sick up new, new cured soon. My weakness is of me, not do anything, so let's lie down." He lay down, no effort to achieve this has not been achieved, to achieve what has not been accomplished, to realize it is not yet realized. Such is the laxity of the eighth.
v) the diligent Eight: Sage Hey, here comes the monks to do, he thought, "There is work, we will have to do, if we work, we can not easily decline assistance to the Buddhas teachings. so we try diligently to achieve what has not been achieved, in order to accomplish what has not been accomplished, to realize what has not been realized ". And he diligently to achieve what has not been achieved, to achieve what has not been accomplished, to realize what has not been realized. Such is the first effort. This the sage, again, the monks have finished the job, he thought, "I've done the work. When we work, we can not reflect on the teachings of the Buddha. So we have tried diligently ... "he diligently ... so the effort Monday. This the sage, again, with the way you have to go monks. They think: "This is the way that we would have to go. When we go this path, we can not easily reflect on the teachings of the Buddha. So we try to be diligent ..." He ... such diligent effort is the third party. This the sage, again, the monks have gone the way. They think: "I have to go that road. When we walk the path, we will not be able to reflect on the teachings of the Buddha. So we try to be diligent ..." He diligently ... As that effort is fourth. This the sage, again, the monks while begging for food in the village or in urban areas, do not get the kind of hard foods or food categories as desired soft full. They think: "I am begging for food while in villages or in urban areas, do not get the kind of hard foods or food categories of the soft, full as you like. The body so we can work quietly. so let's try to be diligent ... "And he was diligent ... that effort is Thursday. This the sage, again, the monks while begging for food in the village or urban in the kind of hard foods or foods of the soft, full as desired. They think: "I am begging for food while in villages or in urban areas is the hard foods or food categories of the soft, full as you want. So our body strong, able to work, so I just try diligently ... "And he diligently ... so the effort Friday. This the sage, again, the monks suffered slight illness. He thought, "I was sick this light, this event may occur, the disease can be more serious. So we try to be diligent ..." And he was diligent ... That the effort Saturday. This the sage, again, the new sick monks get up, the new cured soon. He thought: "I am sick up new, new cured soon. The event can occur, the disease might return. So we try diligently to achieve what has not been achieved, what accomplishments are not achieved, realizing what was not realized. " And he diligently to achieve what has not been achieved, accomplished what no achievement, and realize what has not been realized. It was the eighth effort.
vi) the alms Eight: Have people come up alms. For fear of giving up. Because "that person for me", so giving. Because "he would tell me," so giving. Because thinking: "Giving is good," so giving. Because thinking: "I cook, they do not cook. It's not, if what we cook without for those who do not cook," so giving. Because thinking: "Am I giving, good rumors will begin to go", so giving. Because they want to support dignified and private interest should center alms.
vii) The eight candidates being: Hey Sage, people give to recluses or Brahmin, food, beverages, fabrics, cars, flowers, man, burst flavor, fragrance lather, couch, room amnesty, lights. This position objects alms, this're looking forward to giving back. This person shows Sat-imperial-town people have more assets, the Brahmins have many assets, or who Homeowners have many assets, are prolific, ordination, sensual enjoyment of food. They think: "I hope that, after the body damage the public network, we will be born is one of the Sat-imperial-town has many assets, the Brahmin with multiple assets or people Homeowners have many asset". This position was master mind, his heart reside, cultivate his mind. This center was freed in inferior level, no higher practice, should lead to rebirth in that range. And I confirm, this is the case a full precepts, not you break the rule. Hey Sage, wishes of a precept is achieved thanks to the purity. This the sage, again, here, there and give people recluses or Brahmin, food, beverage, cloth, vehicles, flower man, flavor burst, apply perfume, couch, room amnesty, lights. This position objects Bell, looking forward to return to this position. This're listening: "Four Heavenly Kings long-life, handsome and more peaceful." They think: "I hope that after the body damage the public network, we are born into one of the four heavenly kings row". This position was master mind, his heart reside, cultivate his mind. This center was freed in inferior level, no higher practice, should lead to rebirth in that range. And I confirm this is the case a full precepts, not you break the rule. Hey Sage, wishes of a precept is achieved thanks to the purity.
This the sage, again, here, there and give people recluses or Brahmin, food, beverage, cloth, vehicles, flower man, flavor burst, apply perfume, couch, room amnesty, lights. This position objects Bell, looking forward to return to this position. This status hearing: "Three decades devas celestial triangle ... Devas Da Devas ma ... Where Hoa Lac interest ... gods ... gods alienation in a long life, good looking, a lot peace ". They think: "I hope that after the body damage the public network, we are born into one of the gods alienation goods in". This position was master mind, his heart reside, cultivate his mind. This center was freed in inferior level, no higher practice, should lead to rebirth in that range. And I confirm, this is the case a full precepts, not you break the rule. Hey Sage, wishes of a precept is achieved thanks to the purity. This the sage, again, here, there is the father, then the recluse or Brahmin, food, beverages, fabrics, cars, flowers, man, burst flavor, fragrance lather, couch, room amnesty, lights. This position objects Bell, looking forward to return to this position. This position hear: "They devas discounts long-life, good-looking and more peace." They think: "I hope that, after the body damage the public network, we are born into a restaurant discounts We Thien". This position was master mind, his heart reside, cultivate his mind. This center was freed in inferior level, no higher practice, should lead to rebirth in that range. And I confirmed that this is ... a full case precept, precept not you destroy. Hey Sage, wishes of a precept is achieved thanks to the purity.
viii) Eight them: They Sat-imperial-town, we Brahmin, we Homeowners, we Salmone, we Four Heavenly Kings, we Tam tam natural gathering, we (God) Ma, we Brahma.
ix) that legal Eight: Dac, sudden, identity documents, documents evil, defamatory, praise, happiness and unhappiness.
x) The eight wins Origin: An internal color visualization, see the limited amount of foreign identity, pretty bad. He perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see," was the first win of origin.
An internal color visualization, see the countless foreign identity, pretty bad. He perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see," was won Monday origin.
A visualization of the inner formless see a limited amount of foreign identity, pretty bad. He perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see," was won Tuesday origin.
A visualization of the inner formless see the countless foreign identity, pretty bad. He perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see," was won Wednesday origin.
A visualization of the inner formless find the identity of foreign blue, blue color, the green minister, the green color, light blue - as blue cotton thorns, sharp blue, green minister, the green image , light blue - as Benares silk, both sides covered with smooth, blue, green colors, green minister, the green, blue light. Thus this position visualize in inner formless, see the identity of foreign blue, blue color, the green minister, the green, blue light. He perceived that: "After winning our photography, we know, we see", it is winning Thursday origin.
A formless contemplation in interior color that foreign gold, golden generals, every form yellow, light yellow - yellow cotton kanikara, Minister golden, golden image, light yellow - like silk Three la complaints both sides smooth glossy yellow, gold color, golden generals, every form of gold, golden light. Thus this position visualize in inner formless, colorful show of foreign gold, golden generals, every form of gold, light gold, he perceived that: "After winning photographer them, we know, we see ", it is winning Friday origin.
A visualization of the inner formless see foreign colors red, color red, generals red, form red, light red - red cotton bandhujivaka. Colors of red, red generals, the red, red light - as Benares silk smooth both sides slippery red, color red, red generals, the red, red light. Thus this position visualize in inner formless, see the excellent foreign red, red color, red generals, the red, red light, he perceived that: "After winning our photographers, we know, I see, "was won Saturday origin.
A visualization of the inner formless see the foreign white colors, white color, white minister, the white, white light - such as Daystar osadhi white, white color, a white minister, every form white, white light, such as Benares silk smooth momentum both white, white color, white minister, the white, white light. Thus this position visualize in inner formless see the foreign white colors, white color, white minister, the white, white light, he perceived that: "After winning our photographers, we know tells us that "it was the eighth win of origin.
xi) The eight freed:
Themselves have excellent, excellent show; First it was liberated.
Internal visualization is formless identity, see the foreign matter; Monday it was liberated.
Contemplation is pure excellence, focus on thinking; Tuesday it was liberated.
Full identity beyond thought, to eliminate the organic idea, not a great reflection on the difference, with reflections "Nowhere is boundless" boundless residence certificate of origin; Wednesday were freed.
Completely beyond infinitude of Nowhere, with reflections "Consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin; Thursday it was liberated.
Beyond absolutely boundless origin, to reflect "no object" is naught residence certificate of origin; Friday it was liberated.
Beyond absolutely naught origin, residence certificate Non ideal non-perception, which is freed Saturday.
Full Africa beyond ideal non-perception, sensations and perceptions residence certificate Extinction, which is the eighth liberation.
Hey Sage, eight legal right feet is Bhagavan taught, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, everyone must work together, chants, no argument ... for the benefit, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and men.
2. Hey Sage, has nine legal right feet is Bhagavan taught, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, everyone must work together for the benefit reciting ... because happiness, because happiness of gods and men. What is nine?
i) Conflict of Nine: "He has hurt me", conflicts arise. "He is hurt me", conflicts arise. "He'll hurt me", conflicts arise. "He has hurt people I love, who I love" ... "... he was hurt that person will harm ...", a conflict arises. "He did good for my body does not hurt, not love ... he is ... he benefit will benefit ...", a conflict arises.
ii) Nine subdue the conflict: "He has hurt me. There is nothing useful that you think so?" Thus the conflict is subdued. "He was doing me harm. What benefits can you think so?". Thus the conflict is subdued. "He'll hurt me. Yes benefit that you think so?" Thus, the conflict is subdued. "He has hurt people I love, who I love, he was hurt ... he would hurt people I love, who I love. There is nothing useful that you think so?" Thus the conflict is subdued. "He did good for my body does not hurt, not love ... he is ... he benefit will benefit ... What benefits can you think so?" Thus the conflict is subdued.
iii) Nine residing place of beings: Hey Sage, there are living beings, relatives difference, a great difference, as men, some gods, some in the deprivation. It is the first charming abode. Hey Sage, there are living beings, relatives difference, heterogeneous ideas, such as when new discounts We Thien reborn. It's Monday charming abode. Hey Sage, has beings, homogeneous body, like it had a great difference Thien Quang Music. It is a charming residence Tuesday. Hey Sage, which beings Tuesday abode. Hey Sage, has beings, homogeneous body, homogeneous concept as monks Retreat God. It's Wednesday charming abode. Hey Sage, there are no great beings, no life, like monks formless God. It was Thursday charming abode. Hey Sage, there are beings beyond excellent idea completely, eliminate the great golf, no great difference volition, evidence infinitude of Nowhere: "Nowhere is boundless." It's Friday charming abode. Hey Sage, there are beings beyond the infinitude of Nowhere completely, boundless evidence of origin: "Consciousness is infinite". It was Saturday charming abode. Hey Sage, there are beings beyond the infinitude of consciousness completely, proof of ownership Origin Unknown: "Nothing at all." It was the eighth charming abode. Hey Sage, there are beings beyond Unknown Origin ownership completely, proving ideal non-perception Africa. It was the ninth charming abode.
iv) conduct permanent discounts, regardless of any weather-nine: Hey Sage, with Tathagata appears in the world, ranks Arhat, Enlightenment, France is preached, to tranquility, toward Niet- table, towards enlightenment, revelation is Auspicious. And him being in hell. It is unfortunate resident discounts, regardless of any first information. This the sage, again, has the Tathagata appears in the world, ranks Arhat, Enlightenment, France is preached, to tranquility, toward Nirvana, towards enlightenment, is Compassion sworn open market. And he was born in the animalzxy. It is unfortunate resident discounts, regardless of any second lesson ... ... being born in the hungry ghost on every asura ... gods were born to every long-life ... born in the border field, between species savages no mind, the restaurant where the monks, monks and nuns, laymen, laywomen landless stand. It is unfortunate resident discounts, any time any information Friday. This the sage, again, has the Tathagata appears in the world, ranks Arhat, Enlightenment, France is preached, to tranquility, toward Nirvana, towards enlightenment, is Compassion sworn open market. And he was born in China, but according crazy wrong: "There is no generosity, no offering, no sacrifice, no retribution for evil acts, neither this world, not there afterlife, no mother, no father, no chemical species being, no monks, Brahmin has attained right feet, made the right feet, was himself witness tri, realize this world and the world after the theoretical propaganda. it is unfortunate resident discounts, any time any information Saturday. Hey Sage, again, Bhagavan appears in the world, ranks Arhat, chief equity enlightenment, France is preached, to tranquility, toward Nirvana, towards enlightenment, is Auspicious revelation. And who was born in China in the country, but favored evil, stupid, deaf, lisp , do not know the meaning of being clever or clumsy say say. It's unfortunate resident discounts, regardless of any weather eighth time. this, sage, Bhagavan again appears in the world, ranks Arhat, Enlightenment, but France is not preaching, to tranquility, toward Nirvana, towards enlightenment, is Auspicious open market, and he was born in the state but in the country for wisdom, not stupid, not deaf lisp, said to be well-meaning talk or say awkward. It is unfortunate resident discounts, regardless of any weather ninth.
v) filed nine permanent things: Hey Sage, there're monks, evil evil separatist law, evidence and residence in the first meditation, which can reach the quarterfinals with joy by being sexual ly. Removal Removal reach the quarterfinals ... Monday ... Meditation Meditation Tuesday ... Zen residence certificate on Wednesday. After crossing the great identity completely, after eradication of the great organic, no volition with a great difference, residence certificate infinitude of Nowhere: "Nowhere is boundless." After crossing the infinitude of Nowhere completely, residence certificate of ownership Origin Unknown: "There is something all". After passing completely naught origin, residence certificate ideal non-perception Africa. After crossing Africa ideal non-perception completely, residence certificate to exterminate life thought.
vi) The nine minutes to kill: Achievement Profile Zen, the idea being annihilated education; Meditation II's achievements, the compassion cessation; Third Meditation achievement, joy was annihilated; Achievements To Charity, breathing in exhaled breath were annihilated; Nowhere boundless achievements origin, thought to be eradicated excellence, achievement Forever owns the land, boundless thought of being eradicated, African achievements ideal non-perception, a great Origin Unknown property was annihilated; great achievements Life Kills (set), the idea and the life was eradicated.
Hey Sage, nine measures were Bhagavan teaching right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, everyone must work together for the benefit reciting ... because happiness, because happiness of gods and men.
3. Hey Sage, there are ten measures Bhagavan teaching right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, everyone must work together for the benefit reciting ... because happiness, because happiness of gods and men. What are the ten?
i) the holder's legal Ten: Hey Sage, here, the monks have morality, with the tame life of the monastic rule Patimokkha tame, full majesty, right action, the danger of error small, life and practice leader in the legal world. Hey Sage, the monks do with morality, with the tame life of the monastic rule Patimokkha tame, full majesty right action, seeing danger in the slightest fault, life and practice leader in the legal world . Such measures are upholding human. This the sage, again, the monks heard, keep what was heard, contained what was heard. The law does, good profile, medium-good, good logistics, cultural meaning owl ordination, promote the holy life, completely sufficient purity; the law does, you've heard a lot, already held, was remembered by repeatedly reciting, specializing in the observation, cleverly accomplished by right view. Hey Sage, the monks do, multicultural ... clever achievements by right view, such measures are upholding human. This the sage, again, the monks are useful Compassion, charity you travel, your party is good, is upholding human. Hey Sage, the monks do is Good is rewarded and good you travel, your party is good. Such measures are upholding human. This the sage, again discourse friendly monks, full of gentleness and humility, patience and receiving criticism reverently. Hey Sage, the monks do ... good speech received criticism reverently. Such measures are upholding human. Hey Sage, when there are responsibilities to be done for the well-aged Greek co higher discounts, he cleverly, no idleness, fully reflect the means, just enough to make , just enough to hold. Hey Sage, a certain monks, for the dignity, the same ... just enough to hold. Such measures are upholding human. This the sage, again preferred flavored French monks, loving attachment says France, themselves extremely happy to win the legal, law win. Sage Hey, do you prefer the French monks ... so happy to win legal, Thang law. Such measures are upholding human. This the sage, again, the monks themselves satisfied with the received items as clothing, food, couch, pharmaceutical disease. Hey Sage, the monks do is satisfied ... France is so private holders. This the sage, again live monks diligent effort to get rid of the evil law, achievement of dhamma, resolute, persevering effort, not to dismiss the prime ring dhamma. Hey Sage, a monks who live diligent effort ... not to dismiss the prime ring dhamma. Such measures are upholding human. This the sage, again, the monks mindfully, fully sovereign and awareness concept, remember and remember the things said and done long ago. Hey Sage, the monks do mindfulness, remember what was said and done it long ago. Such measures are upholding human. This the sage, again, the monks have favored location, complete birth and death place, towards the sages decided scouts, right feet eradicate all suffering. Hey Sage, the monks do have favored location ... right feet eradicate all suffering. Such measures are upholding human.
ii) Ten origin variables: A variable knowing place of origin: up, down, horizontal, duality, immeasurable. A hydro transformer know ... A fire turned know ... One ... You know the style variable transformer A bar will know ... A superb know know turn ... A chain ... A variable vitiligo know ... A turn vanity know ... you know the formula variable A, on the lower level, duality, immeasurable.
iii) Ten unwholesome direction: Killing, thorough, sexual misconduct, promising language, bisexual damage, harsh, dependence terminology, greed, wrong.
iv) Ten leading karma: Separated killing, thorough ly, ly adultery, divorce discourse expectations, bisexual glass damage, harsh cups, glasses term dependence, dispassion, field glasses, cups si.
v) Ten Holy residents: Hey Sage, here, the monks spend rid year, full six-chi, a holder, he made four, remove the dogma, the total extinction of the expectation, the mind shall not delay blessed, calm body, mind freed friendly, good knowledge of liberation. Sage Hey, how are you, monks spent rid year? Hey Sage, here, the monks rid of greed, except golf, except drowsiness torpor, except foreign Trao, except suspected. Hey Sage, so is the exception in spending. Sage Hey, how was the full six monks spend? Hey Sage, here, the monks saw sharp eye, without proper notice, without vexatious, dwell discharge, mindfulness, awareness, ear heard ... the nose ... the tongue tasting smelling incense Friendly feelings ... you ... the legal awareness, without proper notice, without vexatious, discharge residence, awareness, awareness. Hey Sage, so is the full six monks spend. Sage Hey, how was the monks a holder? Hey Sage, here, the monks achievements in upholding the concept. Sage Hey, so was the monks a holder. Sage Hey, how was the monks have made four y? Hey Sage, the monks after reflection, use a legal life; after reflection, ring a legal life; after reflection, except a law; away after a legal reflection. Sage Hey, so are you, monks perform four foundations. Sage Hey, how was the monks removed the dogma? Hey Sage, here, all the conventional dogma that normal monk undertakings, the monks were removed, put aside, not acceptable, frequency, abandoned, reporter far. Sage is the so-called monks removed the dogma. Sage Hey, how was the monks seek the total annihilation? Hey Sage, here, the monks seek to rid the desire, the desire to get rid of the existing bridge, make peace the expectation of virtue. Hey Sage, so is the total annihilation of monks seek. Sage Hey, how was the monks, the mind does not slow blessed? Hey Sage, here, the monks rid the mind desires, except the feelings of anger, rid the mind brain damage. Hey Sage, so is the monks, the mind does not slow blessed. Sage Hey, how are you, monks, corms be calm? Hey Sage, here, the monks except the peanuts, get rid of suffering, kill the joy given earlier, it abides Wednesday Meditation, no peanuts, no pain, discharge pure thoughts. Hey Sage, so you personally be pretentious billion- contempt. Sage Hey, how are you billion- monks, the moral consciousness of liberation? Hey Sage, here, the parade billion- freedom from mind, mind liberated from the game, mind liberated from ignorance. Hey Sage, so you monks freed of moral consciousness. Sage Hey, how are you good insight monks freed? Sage Hey, here you billion- pretentious know: "Take my heart has been cut through, cutting the roots, as trees are cut ta-la, go to the site does not exist, there is no possibility arises Future". He said that "our golf center was the exception, cutting roots, as trees are cut ta-la, go to the site does not exist, is not likely arise in the future." He said that: "Si our mind was the exception, cutting roots, as trees are cut ta-la, go to the site does not exist, is not likely arise in the future. This, Sage, such is the wisdom monks freed friendly.
vi) legal uneducated Ten: Infinite knowledge School District, uneducated Right Thought, Right Speech uneducated, illiterate Right Action, Right Livelihood uneducated, illiterate Right Effort, Right Mindfulness uneducated. Right Concentration uneducated, illiterate chief position, uneducated chief freed.
Hey Sage, ten This is Exalted taught right feet, you know, saw, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Here, everyone must work together, chants, without debate, to this unfortunate permanent discounts, be sustained, for the welfare of all species, for the happiness of all beings, out of compassion for the world sake, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and men.
4. Then Bhagavan got up and told Venerable Sariputta:
- You instead, heal rather Sariputta! This Sariputta, have you preach clever, smart chanting for them monks.

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