Saturday 26 March 2016

2. Funds all cankers
2. Funds all cankers.

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (America-did), his garden Anathapindika (Level-she-toxic). When staying at that place, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey, monks!" - "Revered sir," was obedient monks replied Bhagavan. Bhagavan said, "Monks, I will preach the teachings of The hedge all or contraband." Listen and smart volition. I would say ". - "Yes, venerable sir." Bhagavan said as follows:
- Hey, monks, I preach the cessation of contraband or for people who know, to see, not for people who do not know, for people do not see. And this, monks, what is the cessation of contraband or for people who know, to see: there is as reasonable as of volition and without volition. This, monks, is not as reasonable by the volition, the unborn are contraband or being run, and the bore is pirated or growth. This, monks, so as of volition, not the unborn defilements arise, and the cankers have been born to eradicate. This, monks, have due knowledge cankers have been the exception, there are illegal or have been protected by the exception, there are pirated or used to be the exception as life, there must be patience cankers get rid of, there are contraband or must be avoided is the exception, with the eradication of illegal or due to be rid of, there are pirated or practice due to be rid of.
This, monks, and how is the knowledge cankers due to be rid of? This, monks, there is little ordinary guys heard, not seen the sages, not legal maturity of the saint, not the legal practice of the sages, Chon levels not seen goodness, no legal maturity Chon multiplication levels, not levels Chon legal practice mercy, not the truth of Dharma should volition, not the truth of Dharma does not need to volition; This taste for the truth of Dharma not need attention, because there is no truth of Dharma need volition volition should not need legal volition and not legal entities must volition volition. This, monks, and how are these measures need not volition that he volition? This, monks, is the legal means by which he volition illegal sex unborn are being run, or the illegal sex have been born to growth; or property is being run illegally unborn, or organic growth contraband was born, or ignorance unborn are being run, or ignorance growth bore. These measures are legal does not need to volition that he volition. This, monks, and how is the need to approach that he is not volition volition? This, monks, is the legal means by which he volition unborn illegal sex does not arise, or illegal sex have been born to eradicate, or illegal possession unborn does not arise, or property have been born to eradicate illegal , unborn or ignorance does not arise, or ignorance have been born to eradicate. These measures are the measures that need to volition that he is not volition. Therefore he should not be legal volition volition, so he did not need legal volition volition, so the unborn cankers are being run, and the bore is pirated or growth. He does not like volition following reasons: "We are present in the past, or we are not present in the past tense? We are present in the past like? We are present in the past tense stature like? Before we are and we have been present like in the past? I will be present in the future, or we will not be present in the future? I will be present in the future look like? I will be present in the future, shaped physique like? Before we are and we will be like in the future? "Or now he has his doubts about the current time," I was not present or present? How we face? I have the stature like? This being come from? And then it will go? ". With the intention of people do not like this, this is one of the six evil arises: "We have the self", this arises wrong with him as real, as the feet; "I have no ego," This arises wrong with him as real as the feet; "Do yourself, we have a great knowledge of self," This arises wrong with him as real, as the feet; "Because personally, I thought no self knowledge", this arises wrong with him as real, as the feet. "Not by myself, I thought tri-self", this arises wrong with him as real, as the feet; This start-up or wrong with him: "It was my ego talking, feeling, now at the age of good and evil retribution did here, there, my own self that is permanent, permanent, always already, do not change, and will exist forever. " This, monks, the so called wrong, is destined forestry, is wild, is Coliseum opinion, is a dispute, is blessed fetters. 
This, monks, is bound by fetters, less heard no ordinary man is freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. I say this person was not free from suffering. This, monks, saints and disciples heard, seen the sages, the sages legal maturity, the sages legal practice; Chon levels seen in the Name, legal maturity levels mercy Chon, Chon levels practice multiplication method, the truth of Dharma need attention, the truth of Dharma does not need to volition. This position, because the truth of Dharma need attention, because the truth of Dharma does not need attention, it is not the intention of the law do not have to work and work reviews the legal standard should volition. And this, monks, are the legal entities do not have to work this to your attention and is not volition? This, monks, those resulting from the illegal sex volition unborn are being run, or the illegal sex have been born to growth; or possession of illegally unborn ... (as above) ... or ignorance unborn started, or ignorance growth bore. Those are not legal and he is not volition volition. And this, monks, what is the need to approach and he volition volition? This, monks, those resulting from the illegal sex volition unborn does not arise, or illegal sex have been born to eradicate, or illegal possession unborn ... (as above) ... or ignorance yet birth does not arise, or ignorance have been born to eradicate, those measures should volition and he volition. Thanks to the work he is neither the law does not need to volition, the intention of the law need to work taints the unborn should not arise and the cankers have been born to eradicate. As reasons he thought: "This is hard," as of volition: "This is the file format", as of volition: "It is hard kill", as of volition: "This is the way to suffering kill ". Thanks so he volition, three fetters are eradication: the body is suspected, prime precepts. This, monks, the law was called by the knowledge cankers have been the exception.
And this, monks, how is the protection due to contraband or must be the exception? Here, as monks sense of observation, life protection with eye protection. This, monks, if monks did not live with the protective eye protection, and destruction of pirated or brain temperature may arise. If life protection with eye protection, and destruction of pirated or brain temperature was no more. He like sense of observation, life protection with ear protection ... (as above) ... live with the protective hedge nostrils ... (as above) ... live with the hedge blade protection ... (as above) ... feeling of living as close to the hedge hedge bodysense ... (as above) ... feeling of living as close to the hedge of protection base. This, monks, if monks did not live with the hedge-base protection, and destruction of pirated or brain temperature that may arise. If life-base protection, the devastating and illegal or brain temperature was no more. This, monks, the law was called illegally or have been protected by the exception.
And this, monks, is how life taints advantage due to the exception? This, monks, here, monks like sense of observation, life used clothing, just to prevent the cold, preventing heat, preventing the insult of flies, mosquitoes, wind, solar heat, the reptiles, solely for the purpose of covering up the naked. He like sense of observation, life use alms dish is not for fun, not for passion, not for jewelry, not for their beauty itself, but only to this body may be long and covered nursing, for (this body) from being pitied, to support the virtues, think: "Thus, we eliminate the old feelings and not to start up the new feeling, and I will not have faults, to live in peace ". Watching him as reasonable sense, life is a screen, just to prevent the cold, preventing heat, preventing the insult of flies, mosquitoes, wind, solar heat, the reptiles, only to dissolve dangerous the weather, only for the purpose of living in solitude peace; watching him as sensation of life medication treatment, only to stop the feeling of agony was born, to be completely cup size. This, monks, if he does not use such life, the destruction and the illegal or brain temperature may arise. If he used the same life, the destruction and the illegal or brain temperature was no more. This, monks, the law was called illegally or have been used by the life end.
And this, monks, how is the illegal or endurance due to be rid of? This, monks, here, there, monks like sense of observation, patience cold, heat, hunger, thirst, insult of flies, mosquitoes, wind, solar heat, reptiles; said patience ways to defame, libel. He has endurance qualities of body sensations, feelings anguish, intense, throbbing, aching, not happy, not amused, was dumbfounded. This, monks, if he can not afford such rings, and taints the devastating brain temperature may arise. If he endurance thus taints devastating and brain temperature was no more. This, monks, the law was called illegally or patience due to be rid of.
And this, monks, how is the illegal or avoided due to be rid of? This, monks, here, monks like elephants avoid damage of sensory data, avoiding data horses, cattle avoid evil, to avoid an angry dog, snake, stick, thorns, deep pits, gorges, filthy water ponds, puddles. There are not worthy of sitting seats, the abode should not stick around, the friends that if socializing evil shall be the place of dignity with suspicion, contempt; sensation of watching him as ducking his seat unworthy, loitering abode should not he and his evil friends. This, monks, if he did not avoid thus taints her devastating and brain temperature may arise. If he avoided thus taints devastating and brain temperature was no more. This, monks, the law was called the contraband or to avoid being the exception due.
And this, monks, how is the eradication of illegal or due to be rid of? This, monks, here, monks like watching no sense of sexual accepted notion has arisen, abandon, eliminate, eradicate, does not exist (that conception sex); no accepted notion has arisen yard, abandoned, eliminate, eradicate, not to exist (field that concept); no harm accepted notion has arisen, abandon, eliminate, eradicate, not to exist (that harmful thoughts); does not accept legal evil evil always arises, abandon, eliminate, eradicate, not to exist (that measures evil evil). This, monks, if he does not eradicate such devastating taints her brain and heat can arise. If he eradicate such devastating taints and brain temperature was no more. This, monks, the law was called due to eradicate contraband or must be eradicated.
And this, monks, how is the practice due to contraband or must be the exception? This, monks, here, monks as police practice of sensory enlightenment concept, this concept of medical enlightenment renunciation, dispassion y, y annihilation, direction to abandon; like sense of scouts watching legal practice enlightenment ... (as above) ... enlightenment diligent practice ... practice ... practice rapture enlightenment enlightenment equanimity ... cultivate the sense chi ... discharge practice enlightenment; Enlightenment medical discharge this renunciation, dispassion y, y annihilation, towards abandon. This, monks, if he does not practice thus taints her devastating and brain temperature may arise. If he practiced it, the devastating and illegal or brain temperature was no more. This, monks, the law was called the practice illegal or due to be rid of.
This, monks, the monks for contraband or public knowledge due to be rid of knowledge has been the exception, the contraband or public should be protected by the exception has been the exception protection, these cankers what used to be the exception because life expectancy has been using the exception, the contraband or any endurance due to be rid of endurance was the exception, the contraband or public should be avoided due to have been avoided rid rid , the public must be contraband or eradication is to eradicate the exception has been the exception, the contraband or any practice due to be rid of the practice was the exception; This, monks, monks lived was known as a protective hedge with all defilements, eradicated craving, were escapism fetters, was chief customary arrogance, has cessation of suffering.

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