Friday 25 March 2016


1. Thus I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Rajgir, Mount Vulture. When the night was almost complacent, Pancasikha (Marble Plan), under the Qian-beaver clan-her (gandhabba), the radical right figure, brilliant full Vulture Mountains, to spot the Exalted, on arrival, having bowed He and stood aside. After standing aside, Pancasikha, Qian-clan of her beaver-lord:
- Buddha, the things I have heard and accepted themselves in front of the gods in heaven tam Tam cross, venerable sir I want transparency to Bhagavan.
- Pancasikha Hey, tell me hear! - Bhagavan said.
2. - Buddha, in the old days, the old days, the full moon night of the Bodhisattva (uposatha), immigration month rainy season, all the devas in the heavenly realms triangle sitting cross Three meetings in Compassion France road, around which Dai Thien sit around all sides; in four orientations have four great king seated. Royal Dhatarattha (Tri Nations Uranus), kings of the East, the West sat rotation, in the presence of them. Royal Virulhaka (Growth Uranus), the king of the south, the north sat rotation, in the presence of them. Royal Virupakkha (Square Section Uranus), the king in the West, sitting swing east side, in front of our God. Royal Vessavana (Pi-recluses Uranus), the king of the north, the south sat rotation, in the presence of them. Buddha, when all the gods in heaven realms Tam tam sitting cross Compassion France gathered in the street, surrounded by the Great God we sit around all sides and in four orientations have four great king sits, so th self the seat of this position, and then to our seats. Buddha, gods before celibate according to Bhagavan and birth date on the three heavenly realms Three decades, these people win away from other gods and reputation for excellence itself. Buddha, gods in celestial triangle Three decades pleasing, comfortable, happy birth: Heaven truly is increased prosperity, and Asura world being destroyed.
3. Buddha, the now God-like Home Truths (Sakka) see gods in heaven rejoice triangle Three decades he rejoice in verse as follows:
Chu Tam tam natural cross,
Along Empire-like joy,
Career bowed Tathagata,
Along wonderful Dharma.
Thien they see new birth,
Quang wins real identity,
The're celibate,
Born in this world today.
They won in optical excellence,
Life network and name.
The Great Disciple Tue,
Wins born this realm.
Chu Tam tam natural cross,
Along Empire-like joy,
Career bowed Tathagata,
And the wonderful Dharma.
Buddha, gods in celestial triangle Three decades pleasing comfort even more joy and said:
"- Heaven really is increased prosperity, and Asura world being destroyed".
4. Buddha, God knows all God-like gods in heaven rejoice Tam tam cross and said to the Gods in heaven triangle Three decades:
"- The approach you want to hear eight of Bhagavan not realistic?
"- We want to hear the truth of the eight measures As Bhagavan".
Buddha, Thien Tam topics-like celestial triangle cross on eight legal interpretation of Bhagavan As true as follows:
5. "- This low-level property devas celestial triangle of how you think? Tathagata commitment for the welfare of all beings, for peace for all beings, out of compassion for the world, for the happiness because happiness unto God and humanity. a University Professor commitment for the welfare of all beings, for peace for all beings, out of compassion for the world, for peace and happiness for humanity so God and man, a full ambassadors such qualities, it is hard to find in the past and in the present, except Bhagavan.
6. "Dharma is Exalted skillful preacher, a practical current chief, beyond time, to come and see, always upward, just who has himself awakened mind to understand. A docent lecture such measures upstream direction, a full masters such qualities, it is hard to find in the past and in the present, except Bhagavan.
7. "This is good," "this is evil" has been cleverly Bhagavan explains. "It is guilty," "not guilty here", "here need to follow", "here need to dodge", "this is inferior," "this is the sublime", "black and white this is peer" , Exalted is cleverly explained. A clever interpretation of the law, negative, guilty, not guilty, need to conform, to be avoided, inferior, superior, black and white peers, a full ambassador qualities such , it is hard to find in the past, as well as in the present, except Bhagavan.
8. "The path leading to Nirvana for the disciples, Nirvana and coordination of a road, has been cleverly explained Exalted Ganges water and the collaboration with water flowing Yamuna (Diem-contradiction -na). Also the path to Nirvana for the disciples, Nirvana and the road has been incorporated into a smart Bhagavan explains. a cleverly explains the path to Nirvana so , a full masters such qualities, it is hard to find in the past, as well as in the present, except Bhagavan.
9. "Bhagavan also has trained them Huu Thien school property are on the way of your religion and completed Gonorrhea take Noble. He did not evacuate us but a joy to live together in harmony stay optimistic. A live harmony together an optimistic belief residence, a full masters such qualities, it is hard to find in the past, as well as in the present, except Bhagavan.
10 - "Taking care offerings to Bhagavan was arranged sure, reputation has also been arranged to make sure, and I think the Sat-imperial-town location (Khattiya) lives with his adored face . But Bhagavan lived to enjoy the avaricious heart not pride. an avaricious enjoy longevity with such pride not interested, a full masters such qualities, it is hard to find in past, as well as in the present, except Bhagavan.
11. "Bhagavan said what time do so, so do the talking. A time do you say, do say this time, and depending on the legal achievements of such measures. A complete such qualities, it is hard to find in the past, as well as in the present, except Bhagavan.
12. "Bhagavan was beyond doubt, eliminate hesitation, all thoughts are satisfied about discounts preliminary wishes and happy evening. Some have beyond doubt, eliminate hesitation, all thoughts are satisfied Profile of wishes and dark almond Pham, a full masters such qualities, it is hard to find in the past, as well as in the present, except Bhagavan.
13. "Buddha, then some gods said as follows:
"- The gods exist, if there are four Enlightenment appears in the world, has lectured as Bhagavan Dharma. Such should bring happiness to all beings, peace for all beings, because of compassion for the life , for the happiness and peace for humans and God. "
"Some other Devas said as follows:
"- The gods exist, need what the Enlightenment had four. The gods exist, if there are three the Enlightenment appeared in life, such as Dharma lecture Bhagavan. Such should bring happiness to all beings , peace for all beings, out of compassion for the world, for the happiness and peace for humans and God.
"Some other Devas said as follows:
"- The gods exist, need what the Enlightenment had three. The gods exist, if there were two Enlightenment appears in the world, has lectured as Bhagavan Dharma. Such should bring happiness to all beings , peace for all beings, out of compassion for the world, for the happiness and peace for humans and God.
14. "The Buddha, it is said that, God tells all God-like gods in celestial triangle Three decades:
"- Chu Thien property, not a public place, not some time together a world where there are two Arhat, Enlightenment and the birth, not before, not after, never events this can happen. Chu Thien organic, such an Exalted level, no illness, no suffering, to live like this in a very long time period. such should bring happiness to all beings, peace beings, because of compassion for the life, for happiness and peace for humans and God.
"Buddha, then what purpose the three gods in heaven sitting cross Tam meeting in France Thien street, they have to reflect, discuss this purpose. And depending on that purpose, four great king preached: According to this purpose, four great king is recommended teachers, four are standing on one side of his seat.
The great king accepted,
Extension Catholic teachings,
Serene and calm,
Standing by her place.
15. "Buddha, then from the north, a wonderful light arise, a win away from the aura out of power dread gods. Buddha, and God all Sakka, told Devas in Three decades triangle neuter:
"- Hey Good is rewarded, according to the phenomena seen, light arises, halo appears. So Brahma signal will appear. So Brahma signaling phenomena appear as light arises and halo appears.
According phenomenon seen,
Brahma appears,
Career Brahma phenomenon,
Is a wonderful aura.
"Buddha, then the gods in heaven Three decades tam, sat down on his chair and said:
"- We will find out the results of this halo is how, after being said, we'll go see him.
 Likewise four great king sat down in his chair and said:
"- We will find out the results of this halo is how, after being said, we'll go see him.
"After hearing this, the devas in heaven triangle Three decades were of one heart and one mind:" We will find out the results of this halo is how, after being said, we will meet him ".
16. "Buddha, when Brahma Sanamkumara (Thuong Dong shape Brahma) appeared before the devas in heaven triangle Three decades, he appeared with a bad chemical raw minister. Buddha, because the existing natural Brahma goods, the minister is not enough wins to the gods in heaven admire Three decades triangle. Buddha, when Brahma appeared before the Devas Sanamkumara Tam tam bias cross this other gods win away appearances and reputation . Buddha, as a shining golden image than the human body, as well as venerable sir Sanamkumara Brahma appeared before the devas in heaven Three decades triangle, this taste of victory away from other gods and appearances reputation. Buddha, when Brahma Sanamkumara appeared before the devas in heaven Three decades triangle, not a God in this they bowed or invite Brahma sitting stood up. All are quiet, folded hands, not sitting on his seat and thought: "If this Sanamkumara Brahma does God want to do with you, then you sit on the seat of his God." Buddha, Brahma Sanamkumara're sitting on the seat of God yet, your God would immensely refreshing, will be extremely happy. Buddha, as King Sat-imperial-town just done up King empowerments and position, he will be extremely refreshing, will be extremely happy. Also, lord, Brahma Sanamkumara're sitting on the seat of God yet, you'd be deeply God refreshing, will be extremely happy.
17. "Buddha, then Brahma Sanamkumara know the comfort of gods rejoice in celestial triangle Three consecutive cross rejoicing hide the following verse says:
Chu Tam tam natural cross,
Along Empire-like joy,
Career bowed Tathagata,
And the wonderful Dharma.
Thien they see new birth,
Quang wins real identity,
The're celibate,
Born in this world today,
Superb wins optical far,
Life network and the name,
The Great Disciple Tue,
Wins born this realm.
Chu Tam tam natural cross,
Sakka same joy,
Career bowed Tathagata,
And the wonderful Dharma.
18. "Buddha, which is the content of Brahma Sanamkumara words. Bach Exalted Sanamkumara voice of Brahma following eight characteristics: Fluent, understandably, sweet, hear clearly, fullness, quibble, deep and loud. Buddha, Brahma Sanamkumara when explaining to the congregation with his voice, the voice does not go beyond mass. White Exalted one voice has eight such characteristics Pham called negative.
19. "Buddha, gods in celestial triangle Three decades Sanamkumara Brahma told as follows:
"- Hey Brahma, we really happy with what we have been paying attention. Moreover God said to Sakka all eight of Bhagavan realistic approach; and we rejoice with eight this approach.
"Buddha, then told God Brahma Sanamkumara-liked topics:
"- It's rather good, God all, if we are to hear eight of Bhagavan realistic approach.
"- Well, the Great Brahma.
Buddha, God-like theme, explaining eight of Bhagavan realistic approach to Brahma Sanamkumara:
20. "- Hey Good is rewarded with the Great Brahma, how do you think? Tathagata commitment for the welfare of all beings, for peace for all beings, out of compassion for life, for happiness, for peace for mankind sun, People species. a guru commitment for the welfare of all beings, for peace for all beings, because of compassion for the life, for happiness, for the happiness of heaven species, species such person, a full masters such qualities hard to find us in the past and in the present, except Bhagavan.
21. "- Dharma is Exalted skillful preacher, a practical current chief, beyond time, to come and see, always good, just who has himself awakened mind to understand. A docent such upward sermon, a full masters such qualities, it is hard to find in the past and in the present, except Bhagavan.
22. "This is good," "this is evil", has been cleverly Bhagavan explains. "This was a crime", "this is not guilty," "It should follow", "here need to dodge", "this is inferior," "this is the sublime", "it is black and white co College ", was cleverly Bhagavan explains. A clever interpretation of the law, negative, guilty, not guilty, need to conform, to be avoided, inferior, superior, black and white peers, a full masters such qualities , it is hard to find in the past, as well as in the present, except Bhagavan.
23. "The path leading to Nirvana for the disciples, Nirvana and coordination of a road, has been cleverly Bhagavan explains. Like the Ganges water flowing along with coordination and Yamuna river water, well so the path to Nirvana for the disciples, Nirvana and the road has been incorporated into a smart Bhagavan explains. a cleverly explains the path to Nirvana so, a guru such full virtue, it is hard to find in the past, as well as in the present, except Bhagavan.
24. "Bhagavan also has trained them Huu Thien school property are on the way of your religion and completed Gonorrhea take Noble. He did not evacuate them, but a joy to live together in harmony stay optimistic. A a joy to live together in harmony permanent communication, a full masters such qualities, it is hard to find in the past, as well as in the present, except Bhagavan.
25. "Taking care offerings to Bhagavan was arranged sure, reputation has also been arranged to make sure, and I thought the Sat-imperial-town living with his face very endearing. But Bhagavan avaricious enjoy living life to the heart not pride. an avaricious enjoy longevity with such pride not interested, a full masters such qualities, it is hard to find in the past, also as in the present, except Bhagavan.
26. "Exalted say whatever you do, do what the say, a say whatever you do, do, say, law and custom achievements of such measures, it is hard to find in the past as well as in the present, except Bhagavan.
27. "Bhagavan was beyond doubt, eliminate hesitation, all thoughts are satisfied about discounts preliminary wishes and happy evening. Some have beyond doubt, eliminate hesitation, all thoughts are satisfied Profile of wishes and dark almond Pham, a full masters such qualities, it is hard to find in the past, as well as in the present, except Bhagavan.
"Buddha, God Sakka explain all eight of Bhagavan realistic approach to the gods in heaven Three decades triangle. Buddha, gods in celestial triangle Three decades even happy, even excited, joy sung browser chronic hear eight of Bhagavan realistic approach.
28. "Buddha, Brahma appeared with form Sanamkumara bad crude, currently a pupil named Pancasikha (Five Ke) in front of the gods in heaven tam Tam decade, soaring to the sky, this position, sit with both legs -Price middle of nowhere. Buddha, as a dysentery-old athlete sitting on a seat was spread flat on the ground a balance, too venerable sir, soaring Sanamkumara Brahma heaven, sitting fetters -Price out of nowhere and told gods in heaven Three decades triangle:
29. "- Chu Thien Tam gather useful in thinking how celestial triangle? Bhagavan was great wisdom for how long?
"The gods exist, Oldtimer has king named Disampati (The owners). King Disampati international lawyers tastes name Govinda (Sweden Ton), and Prince named Renu (Le-slave). Brahmin Govinda had sons named Jotipala (Ho Ming pupil). Prince Renu, with six pupils Jotipala Sat-imperial-town again, eight people are friendly. After a while, Brahmin Govinda common destiny. When he heard Govinda Brahmin common destiny, king Disampati mourn as follows:
"- Unfortunately, when we communicate all the work for Brahmin Govinda so we can be full of dishes and enjoy sexual life increased the popularity then Brahmin general clauses.
"Hearing this, Prince Renu Disampati answered the king:
"- O Lord, do not be too grief mourning Govinda Brahmin died. O Lord, the Brahmin of Govinda, youth Jotipala father was wiser, know how to plan lucrative than his father. the responsibility assigned to father Dai Vuong, now go over to the youth Jotipala.
"- That's right, Prince.
"- Fiat, O Lord.
30. "The king Disampati to call someone and said:
"- Khanh Jotipala go to youth, and said as follows:" We hope that the good people go to youth Jotipala! King had to call young Disampati Jotipala! King wants to see young Disampati Jotipala! ".
"- O Lord, yes!
"He obeyed Disampati king, to place youth Jotipata in, when to finish telling the youth immediately Jotipala:
"- We hope that the good people go to youth Jotipala! King Disampati for youth called Jotipala! King Disampati rods Jotipala want to meet!
"- Fiat, this Good is rewarded!
"Qing course Jotipala obey him, come to the king Disampati in, when to speak these words immediately finished the visit, and the social praise, then sat down on one side. King told young Disampati Jotipala am sitting as follows:
"- This young man Jotipala! Now we want Secretary principalities! Youth Jotipala, nor principalities refuse! I will put Khanh in father's position. I will front for Govinda Khanh's Attorney office!
"- O Lord, yes!
"Youth Jotipala obey the teachings of King Disampati.
31. "The king Disampati style youth's attorney Jotipala Govinda officials and placed in the position of father. Youth Jotipala ordained so, what parts of the body operating side, the part that was youth Jotipala operating, what the father does not share the operator, the youth section Jotipala things not operating. the father what work done, the work was done Jotipala youth; what the father does not work real currently, the work was not done Jotipala youth. Therefore, people talk about Jotipala:
"- The Brahmin really Govinda! The Brahmin really Maha Govinda! Because this omen, youth Jotipala called Maha Govinda and reputation is Maha Govinda!
32. "Then Maha Govinda to spot six Sat-insole-dysentery in, when to finish, immediately told the six-seat Sat-soles as follows:
"- King Disampati now old, aged, elderly, arrived in time, came to the end of his life term. Hey Good is rewarded, who can tell the king's life span? This incident may occur, if the king Disampati common destiny, the customs are responsible for the king, let feng Prince Renu to kingship. the gods exist, you should go to Prince Renu place to dwell, when finished just said to Prince Renu:
"- We are dear friends, cordial, Zeba organic union with Renu Compassion! We are happy to Compassion happy existence, we suffer when Good is rewarded with pain. Now the king Disampati old, weight old, older, has to date, which are due to last a lifetime. Hey Good is rewarded, one can know the king's life span. this incident may occur. If the king Disampati common destiny, of those who are responsible for customs king, Prince Renu make room on your kingdom. If Good is rewarded Renu up your kingdom, please share with us your king!
33. "-Please yes, Good is rewarded!
"Six-imperial-town location this Sat, obeyed by Brahmin Maha Govinda, came in place of Prince Renu, when done immediately said to Prince Renu:
- We are dear friends, cordial, congenial with Renu Good is rewarded, we happy happy Good is rewarded, we suffer when Good is rewarded with pain. King Disampati now old, aged, elderly, arrived in time, came to the end of his life term. Good is rewarded with this, one can know the life span of the king. This incident may occur. If King Disampati common destiny, the customs are responsible for the king, let feng Prince Renu to kingship. If Good is rewarded Renu up your kingdom, please share with us your King!
- The gods exist, no one else is entitled to peace in my country the addition You? If I were to kingship, I will share your kingdom for you.
34. "Divine Good is rewarded, after a period of shared destiny Disampati king. When the king Disampati common destiny, are responsible for the style king, Prince Renu instant style to royal position. When your crowned king, Prince Renu full life adequate legal and educational expectancy increased prosperity enjoyed years. when he Brahmin Maha Govinda come to six-seat Sat-soles in, when to finish immediately said:
"- Chu Thien organic, King Disampati have shared destiny. Good is rewarded Renu was crowned king reposition full life expectancy and enjoy increased prosperity in legal education. The gods exist, who can know it? Desire makes people delusion disorder. Chu Thien property, go to the site at king Renu, when finished, talk to king Renu as follows: "- Good is rewarded, king Disampati have shared destiny. Renu deeds will be crowned king position. Deeds will remember my promise? "
"- Fiat, this Good is rewarded.
"Six Sat-imperial-town location is obeyed by Brahmin Maha Govinda come to King Renu in, when to finish, went before the king Renu as follows:
"- Good is rewarded, King Disampati have shared destiny, Good is rewarded Renu was crowned king position. Good is rewarded with his promise not remember?
"- Chu Thien useful, I remembered my promise. The gods exist, one can cleverly divided into seven great this place evenly. Great location, the north, the wide, southern front of the engine parts vehicles?
"- Hey Good is rewarded, anyone can do, except Brahmin Maha Govinda?
35 "Then the King Renu to call someone and say:
"- Hey Khanh, Khanh go towards Brahmin Maha Govinda, when done tell Brahmin Govinda:" Hey Good is rewarded, King Renu for organic called Compassion. "
"- Fiat, O great king!
"He's the king obey Renu, to spot the Brahmin Maha Govinda in, when to finish immediately told Brahmin Maha Govinda:" - Good is rewarded, King Renu for Compassion called organic.
"- Fiat, Good is rewarded!
"Brahmin Maha Govinda's words to obey him, to spot Renu King in, when to speak these words immediately finished the visit and courtesy compliments to King Renu and sat down on one side. And king Renu told the Brahmin Govinda sitting down one side as follows:
"- Hey Good is rewarded with Govinda, go to this address and age divides equally into seven sections, this great earth north of the large, southern front of the chariot parts.
"Brahmin Maha Govinda obey the king's words this great earth Renu divided into seven equal, this great earth wide northern, southern parts of the carriage before, all as shown in the previous section of the carriage.
36. "And the King Renu keep the central part of the country.
"Dantapura (Nai-multi-published-la) to the people of Kalinga (Ca-steering-gender) and Potana (Bao-static-noa) for people Assaka (Ma-ka-na-low).
"Mahissati (ma-sa-ma-hey) for people Avanti (Central-Empire-na) and Roruka (Lao-hole-ca) for people Sovira (Su-latitude-la).
"Mithila (Di-so-la) for Videha population (micro-threads-hey) and Campa (Thiem-three) was created for people Anga (Central-old),
"Baranasi (Balaam complaints) for people Kasi (Ca-examination).
"It all depends on the creation Govinda.
"And six-seat Sat-soles are happy to share their areas and the achievements of wishes:
"- But what we want, what do we want, what we aim to do, what do we hope, we are out.
"Sattabhu (Oan Lagoon King) and Brahmadatta (Pham Tho King), Vessabhu (Win Sun King) and Bharata (Ming Ai King), Renu (Le-slave king) and two Dhatarattha (Tri Sultan). All of the seven Bharata (Ba-la-majority kingdom).
37. "Then six-seat Sat-soles that come on site Brahmin Maha Govinda in, when to finish immediately told Brahmin Maha Govinda (representing Sun)
"- As Good is rewarded with Govinda as intimate friends, cordial, Zeba union with King Renu, too Shan Maha Govinda friendship and intimate friends, cordial, Zeba agreements with us. Good is rewarded with Govinda please our teaching, compassion can not useful Govinda refused instructive.
"- Fiat, organic gods.
"Good is rewarded Maha Govinda answers to six this Sat-imperial-town. And Compassion property of King Maha Govinda primary teaching for seven Sat-Empire-style town was king, and Maha Govinda uncle taught for seven arts millionaire Brahmin and seven hundred moral purification.
38. "After some time, following good reputation begin proceedings on Brahmin Maha Govinda:
"- Brahmin Maha Brahma saw Govinda itself; Brahmin Maha Govinda self talk discussion, argument with Brahma conference.
"Then Brahmin Maha Govinda thought:" good reputation following storied mine: Brahmin Maha Brahma Govinda find themselves; Brahmin Maha Govinda self talk, discuss, comment proposals to Brahma. But I do not see Brahma, do not talk to Brahma, do not discuss with Brahma, no discourse with Brahma. You have heard the Brahmin elders, elders, both teachers, and practitioners say: Those who live in the four-month rainy net migration, the practice of compassion meditation, he will see Brahma , will talk, discussion and discourse with Brahma. So let's live in the four-month rainy net migration and practice of compassion meditation ".
39. "Good is rewarded Then Brahmin Maha Govinda went to King Renu, when instant completion Renu answered the king:
"Good reputation following the Spirit begin proceedings:" Brahmin Maha Govinda saw itself Brahma, self talk, discuss and comment conference with Brahma ". But the Spirit did not see Brahma , do not talk to Brahma, not to be discussed with Brahma, no argument with Brahma offered to. Than you have heard the Brahmin elders, elders, the teachers, and students say : those who live in the four-month rainy net migration, the practice of compassion meditation are Brahma will see, will talk, discuss and comment conference with Brahma ". Spirit wants to live this pure rain settled in four months, and practicing meditation on compassion. No one is to see god, except only one who brought food.
"- Hey Good is rewarded with Govinda, do what Khanh think is trendy.
40. "Then the Brahmin Maha Govinda to spot six Sat-insole-dysentery in, when to complete six consecutive told Sat-imperial-town:
"- Following good reputation was handed to me:" Brahmin Maha Govinda see Brahma itself, self-talk, discuss and comment with Brahma asked. "I do not see Brahma , not to talk, discuss and comment proposals to Brahma. But I have heard of you Brahmin elders, teachers and elders both disciples saying: "Those who live in the four-month rainy net migration, meditate on compassion will see Brahma, will talk, discussion and discourse with Brahma. "Now I want to live pure rain settled in four months, to meditate on compassion. No one was came to me, except for one who brought food.
"- Hey Good is rewarded with Govinda, what do think is trendy organic Compassion.
41. "Then the Brahmin Maha Govinda come to seven millionaires Brahmin and seven hundred practicing chastity in, when to finish immediately told this position as follows:
"- Chu Thien organic, following good reputation was handed to me:" Brahmin Maha Govinda see Brahma itself, self-talk, discuss, comment conference with Brahma ". But I Brahma did not see, do not talk, discuss, comment proposals to Brahma. I have heard of you Brahmin elders, both teachers and older students are saying: "Those who live net migration within four months of rain, meditate on compassion, will see Brahma, will talk, discuss and comment conference with Brahma. "Now I want to live pure rain settled in four months, to meditate on compassion heart, no one gets to see me, except for one who brought food.
"- Hey Good is rewarded with Govinda, what do think is trendy organic Compassion.
42. "Then the Brahmin Maha Govinda went to forty lady his peers, when done immediately told the lady forty peer as follows:
"- Chu Thien organic, following good reputation was handed to me:" Brahmin Maha Govinda see Brahma itself, self-talk, discuss, comment conference with Brahma ". But I Brahma is not seen, I do not talk, discuss, comment proposals to Brahma. I have heard of you Brahmin elders, elders, both teachers and students are saying: "Those who live net migration in the four months of rain, practice of compassion meditation are Brahma will see, will talk, discuss and comment conference with Brahma. "Now I want to live pure rain settled in four months, to meditate on compassion, no one gets to see me, except for one who brought food.
"- Hey Good is rewarded with Govinda, what do think is trendy organic Compassion.
43. "Then Maha Govinda Good is rewarded for doing a new synagogue in the East of the city, residents of the four-month rainy net and practicing meditation on compassion, no one came, but they brought food. After four months , frustration and fear arises following the Brahmin Maha Govinda: "We have heard of you Brahmin elders, elders, both teachers and students are saying: who lived net migration in the four months of rain, meditate on compassion, will see Brahma, will talk, discussion and discourse with Brahma. But now we do not see Brahma, do not talk to Brahma, do not discuss with Brahma, no argument with Brahma Conference ".
44. "Then Brahma Sanamkumara with your mind knows the mind of the Brahmin Maha Govinda, like an outstretched arm athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched arm, too Brahma disappeared Brahma in the world and appeared in front of Brahmin Maha Govinda. then Brahmin Maha Govinda panic, trembling, hair upside, uttered the following verse with Brahma Sanamkumara (Standing at picture Brahma):
Oh glorious presentable minister,
Who is good is truth?
He did not know to ask.
For we know Him!
Brahma world know me,
The pupil is permanent!
I am the ranks Uranus,
Please know that I am so,
Bring to the couch,
Water washing of the feet, mature honey.
Sage wants to get something,
Let us know!
We accept worship animals,
You just mentioned that.
Since the present happiness,
Because the future peace,
This chance has come,
Ask what do you want.
45. "Then the Brahmin Maha Govinda thought:" This is a chance for our Sanamkumara Brahma. I now ask Brahma Sanamkumara what was the good of present and future? ".
"Then Brahmin Maha Govinda thought:" I was big on existing benefits. Other key people ask me about these current benefits. So I ask Brahma Sanamkumara future benefits. "
"Then Brahmin Maha Govinda said the following poem with Brahma Samamkumara:
Now we asked Brahma,
We ask that doubt,
Other people want to know!
Dwelling in place,
Practice in place,
To attained immortality?
It was at Brahma world:
Hey You Brahmin.
Who dropped down, head down,
Tam Nhut focused scene,
Cultivate love and compassion,
Escape any inert valve,
Shun any sexual misconduct,
Dwelling here!
To attained immortality,
It was in the Brahma world.
46. ​​"- To give up self and self possessed, Venerable sir, I understand this statement. In life there are people abandoned property assets small or large abandoned, abandoned small round or round retinue large retinue, shaved remove hair, covering robe, joined the family left, no family life. Venerable Sir, I understand that such abandoned property falls and falls.
"Mind the most specialized scene, venerable sir, I understand this statement. In life there are people who look to dwell a quiet place, a forest, a tree, a mountain, a cave cup, a graveyard, a paint forest, between heaven and not a pile of straw. Excellencies, Venerable, so I understand that the most specialized center scene.
"The practice of compassion, venerable sir, I understand this statement. In life there are people dwell, turned complacency with an organic heart with compassion sentence, so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth . Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides, the mind turns complacent generous friendship with boundless compassion, not hatred, not golf. Venerable sir, I understand that such a practice of compassion.
"Venerable Sir, inert valve own statements about me are not understood.
"Hey Brahma, in what The species is inert valve?
"That's what I do not understand here. Religious authors say go!
- Man is nothing covered,
What bound?
Suffered birth of deprivation,
Brahma was closed.
Language indignation and hope,
Deceptive and fraudulent,
Miserly and too romantic,
Sexual jealousy and bridges,
Doubts and bad people,
Greed, arrogance and delusion.
The binding of this nature,
Makes people inert valve,
Suffered birth of deprivation,
Brahma was closed.
"- As I understand the venerable explanation of inert valve, which is what they are not easy to subdue, if I had to live at home. Now I want to give up the family left home, no family life.
"- Sage Govinda, please do Sage considered trendy.
47. "Then the Brahmin Maha Govinda come to King Renu in, when to finish Renu immediately spoke to the king:
"- This venerable, find another assistant, you will control the venerable national affairs. I wanted to give up the family home, no family life. I was listening to Brahma explained the inert valve, we I enjoy what is subdued, if I had to live at home. now I want to renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life.
- King Renu sovereign,
He answered the unknown god please.
Be aware of his country,
Spirit does not set position.
- If Khanh lack of pleasure,
I give full Khanh!
If anyone harm Khanh,
National home, we stop.
Khanh is the father, one son,
Khanh're not leaving.
- God does not lack sensual
God no one harm.
Because non-level hearing,
Spirit is not necessarily the family.
- Non-that is,
He did say,
Khanh heard, leaving the family,
Give me, give up everything?
- In the past here,
Heart just pray god
The Sacred Fire burning compressed Lo,
Grass and sand spreader wall.
Brahma appeared today,
The time from the Brahma world,
Answering the question god,
After hearing the god left home.
- Hey Govinda Khanh,
Khanh said I believed!
Non-level hearing,
How to do otherwise?
I will follow the example Khanh,
Our master.
As stone lapis lazuli,
Blameless, defilements,
It's so clean,
The teachings we follow!
"- If Good is rewarded Govinda joined the family left, no family life, when I left home, abandoned the family, no family life. It does Compassion property go, we'll go to that place.
48. "Then the Brahmin Maha Govinda come to six-seat Sat-soles in, when to finish with six he started to say as follows:
"- Chu Sage, find a different assistants. The state will control the sage to you. I'd left home, abandoned the family, no family life. I was listening to an explanation of Brahma the inert valve. We can not easily be subdued, if I had to live at home. now I'd left home, abandoned the family, no family life.
"Then six-seat Sat-soles go aside and discussed as follows:
"- People Brahmin property is very involved. Let's take the property to seduce this Brahmin.
"You come in place of the Brahmin Maha Govinda and said:
"- Good property and assets of the seven states of this very rich, organic wanted much compassion, benevolence on taking this much property.
"- Yes yes, organic gods! My property is very rich, thanks to your help. Now I have left everything to his fame or renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. I was Brahma heard explanations of the inert valve, they can not easily be subdued, if I had to live at home. now I'd left home, abandoned the family, no family life.
49. "Then six Sat-imperial-town, went aside and discussed as follows:
"The Brahmin who is very involved woman. Let us take a woman to seduce this Brahmin.
"You come in place of the Brahmin Maha Govinda and said:
"- Good is rewarded, women in seven states this level a lot. Good is rewarded want much, just get this much compassion property.
"- Yes yes, the gods exist, I have to forty lady, are all peers. I now want to give up all he so ordained, abandoned the family, no family life. I was listening Brahma explanation of inert valve. We can not easily be subdued, if living at home. now I'd left home, abandoned the family, no family life.
50. "- If Good is rewarded with Govinda will ordained, abandoned the family, not family life, then we will also left home, abandoned the family, no family life. It does Compassion property go, that place us will go.
If renunciation of desire,
Which captivated mere mortal.
Ardent and resolute,
Rings firmly in power,
That is the right way,
The road towards the supreme,
Thien's been upholding,
Born to Brahma World.
51. "Therefore, Govinda Organic Compassion wait seven years, seven years after we left home, abandoned the family, no family life. It does Compassion property go, that place we go.
"- Chu Thien organic, seven years is too long. I can not wait for the sage to seven years. Who can know about life? We have to walk, look to the future. We must learn through insight . the improvement we need to do. virtues we need to practice. no one from death when it was born. I was listening to an explanation of the Brahma inert valve. we can not easily be subdued if live house. now I want to renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life.
52. "- So Good is rewarded with Govinda, wait for six years ... five years wait ... wait for four more years ... wait for three years ... wait two years more ... wait for another year. After one year we will ordained, abandoned the family, no family life. it does Compassion property go, we'll go to that place.
53. "- The gods exist, one year too long. I can not wait for the sage to a year. Who can know about life? We have to move towards the future. We have to learn through wisdom tri. the improvement we need to do. Pham happy, we need to practice. no one from death when it was born. I was listening to an explanation of the Brahma inert valve. it is not easy but is it for, if living at home. now I want to renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life.
"- So Good is rewarded with Govinda, wait for seven months. After seven months we will be ordained, abandoned the family, no family life. It does Compassion property go, we'll go to that place.
54. "- Chu Thien organic, seven months too long. I can not wait for the sage to seven months. Who can know about life? We have to walk, look to the future. We have to learn through insight. the improvement we need to do. virtues we need to practice. no one from death when it was born. I was listening to an explanation of the Brahma inert valve. they are not easily subdue if living at home. now I want to renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life.
"- So Good is rewarded with Govinda, wait six more months ... wait ... wait five months for four months, and ... wait ... wait three months to two months ... wait a months ... wait half months. After half a month, we will come home, abandoned the family, not family life, where Good is rewarded go, we'll go to that place.
55. "- Chu Thien organic, half a month too long, I can not wait for the sage to half a month. Who can know about life? We have to walk, look to the future. We have to learn through insight. the improvement we need to do. virtues we need to practice. no one from death when it was born. I was listening to an explanation of the Brahma inert valve. they are not easily subdue if living at home. now I want to renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life.
"- So Good is rewarded with Govinda, wait for seven days until we deliver the national level for children and our brothers. After seven days, we will be ordained, abandoned the family, not family life . it does Compassion property go, we'll go to that place.
"- Chu Thien organic, seven days did not take that long. I'll wait until organic gods seven days.
56. "Then the Brahmin Maha Govinda come to seven millionaires Brahmin and seven hundred practicing chastity in, when to finish with seven consecutive says millionaire Brahmin and seven hundred net well as the following:
"- Hey Good is rewarded, find an other teachers, he will teach the mantra for organic gods, now I'd left home, abandoned the family, no family life. I was listening to Brahma explained on inert valve. We not easily subdue, if living at home. now I want to renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life.
"- Good is rewarded with Govinda Brahmin, do not be ordained, abandoned the family, no family life. Hey Good is rewarded, ordained less powerful, and less avaricious. Being a Brahmin have more power and are more avaricious.
"- Chu Thien property can not say the same:" Renunciation less powerful and less avaricious. Being a Brahmin have more power and are more avaricious. "The gods exist, no one more powerful than I am and more avaricious. I am now the king of kings, is Brahma for your three- la-keeper, and the gods for homeowners, and all this, I want to throw it away, left home, abandoned the family, no family life. I was listening to an explanation of the Brahma inert valve. We not easily subdued if living at home. now I want to renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life!
"- If Govinda Shan monastic property, abandoned the family, not family life, we will also ordained, abandoned the family, no family life. It does Compassion property go, we'll go to that place.
57. "Then the Brahmin Maha Govinda went to forty peer lady, when done immediately told the lady forty peer as follows:
"- The Lady, if you want to go back to his family or relatives of the family to find a husband and others. I now wish to retire, leave home, no family life. I was listening to Brahma explained on inert valve. They are not easily subdue, if living at home. now I want to renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life.
"- He is our relatives, the relatives that we desire. He is our husband, the husband that we desire. If Govinda ordained Venerable, abandoned the family, no home life Home, we will also ordained, abandoned the family, no family life. Where does the venerable go, we'll go to that place.
58. "Then the Brahmin Maha Govinda, after seven days shaved, covered robes, renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. After Brahmin Maha Govinda ordained , the seven-seat Sat-sole is made up kingship empowerments, seven Brahmin millionaire, seven hundred practicing chastity, forty peer lady, a few thousand Sat-imperial-town, several thousand Brahmin, several thousand laymen, and some young women from the dorm woman, these people are shaved, renunciation, abandon families, families living under Mrs. Maha Govinda -la-subject. And being surrounded by such assembly, Brahmin Maha traveled Govinda go through the village, across the county, through the municipality. And in any village, or any county, or capital discrimination, Brahmin Maha Govinda is considered the king of kings, is Brahma for the Brahmin, the gods for the laity. In the meantime if someone sneezes or slip , he then said: "bowed Brahmin Maha Govinda! Aide bowed seven national level! "
59. "Brahmin Maha dwell Govinda, turned complacency with an ownership interest statement with the word, so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, on up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides, turning the organic content with the word heart, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger. Brahmin Maha Govinda , meet a local variable with the organic mind with compassion ... with organic heart with joy ... the question centered existence to discharge, so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. so and around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, the boundless world around, turning the organic content with the discharge center, boundless generosity, not hatred, not the field. And he teaches practitioners electronic path to the friendship with world Brahma.
60. "And all you do, while he is a disciple of the Brahmin Maha Govinda are comprehensively understand the teachings of Brahmin Maha Govinda. These men, the body will damage the public network be born to good fun, Brahma world. Those who do not understand in a comprehensive way all the teachings, after the body damage, common networks, some are born as friendship with the gods in Tha self in heaven, a some are born as friendship with the gods in heaven turned optimistic, some are born as friendship with Da-ma deities in heaven, some are born as gods in friendship with celestial triangle Three decades, some are born make friends with the Four Heavenly kings Thien. until the body must achieve the lowest, also achievement-that-her neighbor.
Thus all the good men have ordained death was not disabled, not empty, whereas truly effective, there is progress.
61. Exalted remember?
- Pancasikha Hey, I remember. I was the Maha Govinda childhood. I teach my disciples the way to the national fellowship in Brahma. But this Pancasikha, the path does not lead to happiness discounts cover glass, glass of Education, passed away, peacefully, win position, enlightenment and Nirvana. The road was just given birth to Brahma World. Pancasikha this, my path completely discounts unfortunate led to disenchantment education, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment and Nirvana. That's eight branches Noble Path chief ie the knowledge, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration. This Pancasikha, this unfortunate path completely discounts led to disenchantment education, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment and Nirvana.
62. Hey Pancasikha, yet the disciples understood comprehensively all my teachings, he eradicate the taints, outflow, position yourself to win is proof of enlightenment, freedom of mind to dwell live, liberating insight. In do not understand the comprehensive all my teachings, among they, eliminate five lower fetters, are being turned (to Heaven) and in the spot he entered Nirvana, not born into this world. In do not understand the comprehensive all my teachings, one he eradicated three fetters, alleviate greed, hatred and delusion, most of hybrid, only to be reborn in this world again and cessation of suffering. In this position do not understand the comprehensive all my teachings, some of the words he kill three fetters, into a Stream, no longer have to be born into deprivation, in certain attained Bodhi. This Pancasikha, so all good men have ordained death, not disabled, not empty, whereas truly effective, there is progress.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/3/2016.MHDT.

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