Thursday 31 March 2016


I heard something like this:
Another time, Bhagavan between your family life Sakka (Sakyamuni), in Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense), in Nigrodharama garden. Then Bhagavan in the morning, robes, holding a bowl into Kapilavatthu care for alms. After begging in Kapilavatthu, when eaten, begging on the way back, Bhagavan went to the Great Forest for lunch. After entering the Forest Forest University, he sat under a tree beluvalatthika lunch break. Hand-flavored sticks Sakka (Sakyamuni), pull the everywhere, traveling the galaxy, to the forest in the Great Forest, going into a forest, to the Exalted in Beluvalatthika place in, when finished speaking these words to ask friendly courtesy, and stood aside, based on the stick, stand aside. Hand sticks Sakka told Bhagavan: "Sa-how is of the opinion, preaching what?" - "Hey Sage, according to my teachings, in the world with devas, Mara, and Brahma, the of them recluses, Brahmin, gods and men, no one was debating a lifetime; the idea will not haunt you Brahmin living without sexual bondage, no doubt hesitant, with every exchange too cessation, no craving for organic and non-organic. This sage, so is my opinion, so is teaching my word. " When they heard that, portable sticks Sakka shook his head, licking tongue, forehead emerged with three lines, a cane and went.
Then in the afternoon Bhagavan from solitude Meditation got up, went to the garden Nigrodha, when finished, was prepared to sit on the seat. Once seated, the Blessed One called the monks:
- Chu, monks, here, I am in the morning, robes, holding a bowl into Kapilavatthu care for alms. After begging in Kapilavatthu, eating, begging on the way back, I went to the Great Forest for lunch. After entering the forest Great Forest, I sat under a tree beluvalatthika lunch break. Hand-flavored sticks of Sakka drag around, traveling the galaxy, to the forest in the Great Forest, going into a forest, to the place I am in now Beluvalatthika, when finished, speak words of courtesy to ask friends, then stood aside, based on the stick. Stand aside, portable sticks Sakka told me the following: "Sa-how is of the opinion, preaching what?" Chu monks, that being said, I answered handheld sticks Sakka: "Hey Hien author, said I taught in the world with devas, Mara, and Brahma, with them recluses, Brahmin, gods and men, no one in the world debate. The idea will not haunt you Brahmin living without sexual bondage, no doubt due to attend, with every exchange too cessation, no craving for organic and non-organic. This sage, so is my opinion, so is teaching my word. " When they heard that, portable sticks Sakka shook his head, licking tongue, forehead emerged with three lines, a cane and went.
When they heard that, a lord monks:
- But lord, that advice is what Bhagavan, in the world with devas, Mara, and Brahma, with them recluses, Brahmin, gods and men who, without debate someone in their life? The idea will not haunt Bhagavan, have lived without sexual bondage, no doubt hesitation, with all the annihilation exchange, no craving for organic and non-organic?
- Hey monks, nothing predestined by anyone, some obsessive delusions Coliseum Comment a. If there is nothing to rejoice, it is worth celebrating, worthy of clinging, so the time involved depends cessation hypnosis, hypnosis cessation custom field, the cessation hypnosis is customizable, depending Comfort cessation hypnosis, chronic depending cessation hypnosis, depending cessation hypnosis property involved, the cessation of ignorance depending newspapers, the cessation observance staff, approval for, fight, avoid controversy, speculative, anti-competitive, indirect ly terms, promising language . It is here, the evil, unwholesome this approach are destroyed, no surplus remains.
Exalted such preaching. After saying that, Auspicious from the seat up to enter his residence. After Bhagavan come soon, the monks was thinking: "Chu Hien says Bhagavan after this brief teaching for us, not widely explain the meaning, from the seat up and Fine amnesty went on: "Hey monks, by any karmic balance what ... no longer disabled." Who can explain this broad sense is Exalted teachings speak briefly, and did not clearly explain the meaning. " Then the monks was thinking: "Now there are venerable Mahakaccana (University than- fried-performing) is the Exalted be praised and to be the place of dignity with respect. Venerable Mahakaccana widely can explain the meaning of this teaching is Exalted speak briefly, and did not clearly explain the meaning. So let's come to the venerable Mahakaccana in, after arrival, ask Venerable Mahakaccana this sense. "
Then the monks came Mahakaccana venerable place in, on arrival, said to the praise, asked the venerable courtesy Mahakaccana and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, the monks he said to the venerable Mahakaccana:
- "Hey Sage, Bhagavan after talking to the teachings of this summary and does not clearly explain the meaning, stood up from his seat and went to remote provinces," Hey monks, nothing predestined by any ... no remnants left over. "
Sage Mahakaccana this, when Bhagavan went not long, we thought: "Chu Hien says Bhagavan after this brief teaching us ... went to Crystal amnesty:" Do any human what ... no residual charm remains. " Who can explain the widespread sense that Bhagavan teachings speak briefly ... do not clearly explain the meaning? "Hey Sage Mahakaccana, then we thought:" Now venerable Mahakaccana be Exalted praise and was the location of dignity with respect, venerable Mahakaccana widely can explain the meaning teaching is Exalted speak briefly and does not clearly explain the meaning. So let's come to the venerable Mahakaccana in, after arriving, we asked Venerable Mahakaccana this sense. Venerable Mahakaccana will explain. "
- Chu Hien, as well as a popular tree cores, tree core research, go everywhere looking for wood pulp, to a large tree, the tree upright and core. The man ignored the roots, ignoring the trunk, thought to find trees where leaves core. Likewise is the act of venerable monks, standing in front of Bhagavan, you ignore the Exalted, think need to ask me about the meaning. Chu Hien, Exalted knows what needs to know, see what needs to be seen, he became the eyes, has become the place, becoming Chief Justice, becomes Brahma, the false theory, the speaker, bring your goals, you give immortality, the French owner, Tathagata. You must customize the Exalted asked this sense. What Bhagavan explained to you, you make such a life over.
- Sage Mahakaccana, Bhagavan certainly know what needs to know, see what needs to be seen, he became the eyes, has become the place, becoming Chief Justice, becomes Brahma, the false theory, your speaker, giving you goals, you give immortality, the French owner, Tathagata. We must adapt to this significant asked Bhagavan. What Bhagavan explained to us, so we will maintain life. But the venerable Mahakaccana Exalted be praised, is the location of dignity with respect. Venerable Mahakaccana can broadly interpret the meaning teaching is Exalted speak briefly and does not clearly explain the meaning. Mong Ton author Mahakaccana explain what no disrespect.
- So listen and smart reverences volition, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks did meet venerable Mahakaccana yes. Venerable Mahakaccana lecture as follows:
- Chu Hien, Bhagavan speak briefly to this teaching ... and went on to Crystal amnesty: "Hey, monks whatever the conditions or anything ... no remnants left over." Chu Hien, the teachings are Bhagavan speak briefly, and did not clearly explain the meaning. I understand fully the meaning as follows:
Chu Hien, by multiplication and the material eye, eye-consciousness arises. The third meeting of this method is exposed. Conditioned by contact should be feeling. What feelings have a great time there, what a great time-range failure, what have thought there Coliseum reach conclusion. Due argument does multiplication Coliseum, some obsessive delusions Coliseum conclusion a person, for the phenomena perceived by the eye, past, future and present. Chu Hien, by multiplication ears and voice, ear consciousness arises, because goodness and flavor nostrils, reducing start-up mode, so goodness and your tongue, tongue consciousness arises, and touched by the kindness itself, consciousness launch on; by kindness and legal reviews, consciousness arises. The third meeting of this method is exposed. Conditioned by contact should have the sensations. What feelings have a great time there. What has a great range of failure. What temporary failure Coliseum comment. Due argument does multiplication Coliseum, some obsessive delusions Coliseum conclusion a person, for the law by the sense perceptions, past, future, present. Chu Hien, this event happens: when there eyes, when there is material, when there is consciousness, the competition for the contact time is manifest. This event happens: when there is competition for the contact time of the competition for life is revealed. This event happens: when there is competition for the life time of the Competition is a great manifestation. This event happens: when there is a set of ideas competition, the competition for the range of failure is manifest. This event happens: when there is competition for the failure of the implementation level of obsession set some arguments Coliseum is manifest delusions. This event occurs: when an ear, when there is the sound, when there is consciousness ... This event happens: when there nostrils, when there is the taste, when there are billions of form .. . the event occurred, when a blade, when there is the taste, when there is loss formula ... this event happens: when there are relatives, when there is the exposure, when the body-consciousness .. . the event occurs: when mean, when has the law, when there is a sense of competition for the contact time is manifest. Chu Hien, this event does not happen: when no eyes, no identity when, when no consciousness, the implementation of touch set manifest. This event does not happen: when there is no competition for the contact, the device's performance, life is manifest. This event does not happen: when there is no competition for the life, the competition for the idea is manifest. This event does not happen: when there is no competition for the idea, the competition for the Games are manifest failure. This event does not happen: when there is no competition for the failure range, when the competition for the obsession of some delusion Coliseum argument is manifest. Chu Hien, this event does not happen: when no ears, no sound when ... when no nose, no aromas when ... when no tongue, when no the taste ... when no relatives, when no contact ... this event does not happen: when no attention, when no law, when there is no sense, the competition the contact is manifest ... Chu Hien, Bhagavan, after talking to the teachings briefly ... went to Crystal amnesty: "Hey monks, nothing predestined by anyone ... not balance new". Chu Hien, for teaching Bhagavan say this briefly, and meaning is not explained extensively, I understood the meaning so widely. If you wish, please come to Bhagavan in, after arrival, ask the meaning. Bhagavan how to answer, so please maintain life.
Then the monks did, rejoice, rejoice Mahakaccana venerable words said, standing up from his seat, went over to the Exalted in, after to pay homage to him and sat to one side. After sitting down on one side, his monks venerable sir:
- Buddha, Bhagavan says this teaching briefly for us ... was in his residence. "Hey monks, nothing predestined by anyone ... not leftover remnants". When Bhagavan come soon, we thought as follows: "Chu Hien, Bhagavan after talking to us this brief teachings, does not explain the meaning broadly, stood up from his seat and was Fine amnesty went on: "Hey monks, nothing predestined by anyone, some obsessive delusions Coliseum conclusion a person, if there is nothing to rejoice, it is worth celebrating, worth grasping, such time is the cessation involved depending newspapers, custom golf cessation hypnosis, the cessation hypnosis is customizable, depending Comfort cessation hypnosis, depending cessation hypnosis chronic, depending cessation hypnosis organic participate, depending on the cessation of ignorance Hypnosis, the cessation observance staff, serving for, fight, avoid controversy, speculative, anti-competitive, cup indirect speech, language expectations. It is here, the evil, unwholesome this approach are destroyed, no remnants left over. " Who can explain this broad meaning of this teaching is Exalted speak briefly and clearly explained the meaning? "Buddha, and we thought:" Now there is venerable Mahakaccana Bhagavan were praised and the position of dignity with respect. Venerable Mahakaccana widely can explain the meaning of this teaching is Exalted speak briefly and does not clearly explain the meaning. So let's come to the venerable Mahakaccana in, after to ask Venerable Mahakaccana this sense. " Buddha, then we come to the venerable Mahakaccana in, after arriving, we asked Venerable Mahakaccana this sense. Buddha, venerable Mahakaccana explained to us the sense that with this approach, with the goal of this document, with the text of this document.
- Chu, monks, Venerable Mahakaccana the location wise. Chu, monks, Venerable Mahakaccana is the Great insight. Chu, monks, if you ask me the meaning of this, I will answer as Mahakaccana answered. Such is justice teachings, so please maintain life.
When they heard that, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Buddha, as a person is starving and tired, find a honey cake, every piece he was tasting, every piece he is enjoying pure sweetness. Buddha, too, monks have special knowledge resource, every part reflection on the meaning of this method with wisdom, for every part he is enjoying the happy, comfortable enjoying the attention Tri. Buddha, the practice is called what?
- So, this Ananda, this method is called dharma honey (Honey finish). Let such a life over!
Exalted such preaching. Venerable Ananda happy, credit life Bhagavan's teachings.

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