Thursday 24 March 2016

INITIATIVE 17. Observatory
(Maha Sudassana SUTTANTA)

1. Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan stayed at Upavattana (Lake canvas knit) in Kusinara (Kosala) in the Sala Grove of the Malla clan, between two sala trees, but life, when he was about to enter Nirvana.
2. At that time, Venerable Ananda to the Exalted in place, pay homage to him sat to one side. Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Buddha, Bhagavan can not kill in this small municipality, in this desolate urban, urban dependencies. Buddha, there are other bigger cities like Campa (Ms. Zhan), Rajagaha (Rajgir) Savatthi (Xa-defense), Saketa (Sa period), Kosambi (di-winning Kieu), Baranasi (Benares) . Bhagavan go away at those places. In those places have mass Sat-imperial-town, with mass Brahmin, mass Homeowners can trust the Tathagata, the relative position will Xa-profit offerings Tathagata.
3. Ananda, do not have to say so. Ananda, do not have to say a small municipality, the municipality desolate, the municipality depends. Ananda, Oldtimer has king named Maha-Sudassana (Dai Thien Kien). This position is Dharmaraja as legal reign, is dharma kings, ruler of four Galaxies, upholding national conquer, full seven treasures. Ananda, this Kusinara municipality was the capital of Dai Thien Kien king, named Kusavati (Question-amnesty-she-threads), east and west by week twelve wide, wide north and south to seventeen by week. Ananda, the capital Kusavati very prosperous, prosperous, populous, Thien them prolific, rich real competence. Ananda, as well as the capital city of the gods Alakamanda very flourishing, prosperous, populous, Thien them prolific, rich food. Also this Ananda, capital Kusavati are also flourishing, prosperous, populous, Thien them prolific. Ananda, this Kusavati capital Peal day ten kinds language, ie English elephant, horse voice, the sound of cars, large drums, small drums, the sound of her spleen, the singing, the sound of crashing cymbals, bells and the sound of things ten is a call: "drink, eat it!".
4. Ananda, capital Kusavati wrapped seven walls, a gold, a silver, a kind of lapis, a glass, a type of coral, a pearl, a everything kind of treasure.
5. Ananda, capital Kusavati has four doors: a gold, a silver, a kind of lapis, a type of glass. At each day, up seven pillars, the height of about three or four times the body. A pillar of gold, a silver pillar, a pillar of lapis, a glass pillar, a pillar of coral, a pillar of nacre, a golden columns with everything.
6. Ananda, capital Kusavati has seven rows of trees enveloped the Ta-la, a row of gold, a silver line, a row with lapis, a row of glass, a row of coral, a restaurant by far pearl, a jewel made of everything. Ta-la golden tree, with the trunk with gold, with silver leaves and fruit. Ta-la tree trunk in silver with silver, with gold leaf and fruit. Ta-la trees in lapis, with trunk with lapis, with leaves and fruits glass. Ta-la tree made of glass, glass stems, leaves and fruit of lapis. Ta-la tree coral, coral stems, leaves and fruit of nacre. Ta-la trees with nacre, have stems with nacre, leaves and fruit of coral. Ta-la trees with all kinds of treasures, with all kinds of treasures in the trunk, leaves and fruit of all kinds of treasures. Ananda, when the Ta-la trees are wind rocked, a wonderful sound, lovable, pleasing, rapture arises, as well as five types of instruments, as is a skillful musician tunes, play sound a wonderful, lovable, pleasing, rapture. Also, Ananda, when the trees are wind Ta-la rocked, a wonderful sound, lovable, pleasing, rapture arises. Ananda, at that time, if they stay in the capital Kusavati have those gambling, alcoholism, they will dance to the rhythm of the trees Ta-la this when the wind blows.
7. Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien, enough for seven treasures and four merit as standard. What is seven?
Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien, on the full moon day Bodhisattva after bathing, boys climb to world power, the moral treasure God appears, the thousand stalks vehicle, with wheels, axles, all kinds of part. Seeing this, the king of Dai Thien Kien thinking: "I heard something like this: When a king Sat-insole-seat, did empowerment on the full moon day Bodhisattva, after bathing, boys climb world power, if God is the moral treasure, the thousand stalks vehicle, with wheels and axles, complete all parts, the king was Dharmaraja. so we can be Dharmaraja ".
8. Ananda, and the king Dai Thien Kien from the seat up, covering upper robe on one shoulder, left hand holding his right hand pitcher and sprinkled with precious car and say this car just rolled over treasure, treasure this car please conquer! ". and this Ananda, car treasure rolling eastward and king Dai Thien Kien along with four types of army in tow. and this Ananda, where treasures car stopped, it was the king of Great Compassion dwell ants with four kinds of arms.
9. Ananda, the enemy kingdom in the East to the Emperor Dai Thien Kien and said: "Come here, Great King! Welcome, welcome the Great King! O Lord, all his belonging. Dai Vuong please educate us! ".
King Dai Thien Kien said: "Do not kill. Do not take what is not given. Do not commit adultery. Do not lie. Do not drink. Keep eating to adapt".
Ananda, all the enemy kingdom in the East have become a vassal king Dai Thien Kien.
10. Ananda, diving and car treasure large rise in the East and to the South ... and roll, big sea diving in the South, then emerged and rolled on the West ..., diving big in the West, then emerged and rolled to the north and the king of great Compassion ants with four types of army in tow. Ananda, where the car stopped treasures that King Dai Thien Kien place to dwell with four kinds of arms.
Ananda, the enemy kingdom in the north to the Emperor Dai Thien Kien and said: "Come here, Great King! Welcome to celebrate the Great King! O Lord of all his belonging. Great kings make teaching them I!".
Ananda, all the enemy kingdom in the north have become a vassal of King Dai Thien Kien.
Ananda, his precious car after conquering the earth until the sea border, Kusavati instant return to the capital, and standing in front of a courtroom, on the inner bow door as a protected site for the contents of Dai Thien Kien king ".
Ananda, such as the arrival of the King car treasure Dai Thien Kien.
12. Again this Ananda, golden elephants appeared to King Dai Thien Kien, pure white, seven parish resilient, with the force, astronauts out of nowhere and called uposatha (Bodhisattva). Seeing elephants treasure, Dai Thien Kien king joyful consciousness and thought, "You instead are riding the elephant if it is subject to dwell." And this Ananda, as a phenomenon subject aristocratic long dwell, elephants come to treasure herself seated subject. Ananda, the ancient king of Great Compassion Ants to try this golden elephants, elephant ride throughout the early morning until the customs border of the earth and back in time Kusavati capital breakfast. Ananda, such as the appearance of the precious elephant king Dai Thien Kien.
13. Again this Ananda, golden horse appeared to King Dai Thien Kien, pure white, black as crows head, black horsehair, with powers, astronauts out of nowhere and called Valahaka. Seeing precious horse, born the king of Dai Thien Kien joy and think: "Nice rather be riding this horse if it is subject to the defense". And this Ananda, as a noble sage code, subject to a long dwell, that precious horse to subject themselves to defend. Ananda, the ancient king of Great Compassion Ants to try this golden horse, rode early morning, around the earth until the customs border of the capital Kusavati then in time for breakfast. Ananda, such as the appearance of the golden horse king Dai Thien Kien.
14. And again, Ananda, jewels appeared to King Dai Thien Kien. Treasure was lapis Europe, wise, pure, has eight sides, hard sanding, grinding hard, pure, clear, perfect in all aspects. Ananda, this treasure halo illumination around the same as a week. Ananda, the ancient king of Dai Thien Kien jewels to try this for staging the four armed services, military put on a period of high gem and can advance in the murky darkness. Ananda, people in the surrounding villages have started to work, and thought it was morning. Ananda such is the appearance of Treasures of King Dai Thien Kien.
15. Ananda, women treasure appeared to King Dai Thien Kien, beautiful, lovable, dapper gestures, beautiful color, not too high, not too low, not fat, not thin, not too dark, not too white, excess capacity The species identity, identity Devas am to capacity. Ananda, this precious female body contact as cotton soft smooth, velvety. Ananda, when it's cold, female golden limbs became warm, hot weather, cold becomes cool. Ananda, the female body fragrant golden sandal, fragrant lotus mouth. Ananda, this precious woman up front and go to bed after Ant King Dai Thien, every action as king delight, peace endearing. Ananda, this precious woman ideology does not have a no-confidence against the king alone that Dai Thien Kien physical. Ananda, such as the appearance of the female golden king Dai Thien Kien.
16. And again, Ananda, precious Homeowners appear to King Dai Thien Ants, label stock is God, by birth and now thanks God allergic Independent labels can find buried treasure with all or no one. Homeowners this treasure to the king Dai Thien Kien and said: "O Lord, do not be anxious Dai Vuong, god will handle assets Dai King adaptation".
Ananda, the ancient king of Dai Thien Kien Homeowners want to try this treasure, instant boat riding, rowing between the Ganges and told Homeowners treasures:
- Homeowners Hey, we need gold.
- O Lord, the Great King let boating near the shore will do.
- Homeowners Hey, I need gold right here.
Ananda, when he shoved his hands Homeowners precious water down onto a stroller prompted both pure gold and I answered the king of Great Compassion Ants:
- O Lord, is this not enough. O Lord, have not done so already?
Dai Thien Kien king replied:
- Homeowners Hey, that's enough. Homeowners this, doing so is okay. Homeowners this, such offerings are okay.
Ananda, such as the arrival of the king Homeowners Dai Thien Kien treasures.
17. And again, Ananda, treasure Shogun appeared to King Dai Thien Kien, educated, intelligent, lucid, able to recommend. King Dai Thien Kien considerable progress as it advances, then retreat back to worthy, worthy stop when it stops.
This position came before the king Dai Thien Kien:
- O Lord, do not be anxious Dai Vuong, Spirit will mentor the Great King.
Ananda, such as the appearance of King Shogun Dai Thien Kien treasures.
Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien full seven treasures so.
18. And again, Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien, full four As the Lord. Which four? Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien handsome, lovable, elegant gestures, sublime countenance, see beyond people. Ananda, it is as the first virtue of King Dai Thien Kien.
19. Ananda, again, long live the king Dai Thien Kien, life away from the others win. Ananda, it is as the second Lord King Dai Thien Kien.
20. Again this Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien less disease, less disaster, can heat not too cold, not too hot, to be distributed to Air Force digestion, winning away from others. Ananda, that is as the third Lord King Dai Thien Kien.
21. And again, Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien is the Brahmin status and glasses Homeowners charity and love. Ananda, as the father of the child is loving and loved glass, so this Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien is the Brahmin status and glasses Homeowners charity and love. Ananda, as the children were loving father and loves glass, so this Ananda, the Brahmin status and Gia Dai Thien Kien king master glass charity and love. In ancient times, this Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien go to the garden along with four kinds of arms. Ananda, the Brahmin status and Homeowners to King Dai Thien Kien and said to him: "O Lord, let go slowly so we can admire the longer term ..." Hey Ananda, but Dai Thien Kien king again ordered the driver: "Hey, he hit a car, driving slowly so that we can see a number of Brahmin and longer Homeowners". This Ananda, is so virtuous as the fourth king of Dai Thien Kien.
22. And this Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien thinking: "Now I go to build the lotus pond amidst trees Ta-la, about a hundred every way bow range!".
Ananda, King built the Great Compassion Ants lotus pond amidst trees Ta-la, about a hundred every way bow range. Ananda, the lotus pond that is lined with four tiles, a gold, a silver, a kind of lapis, a type of glass. Ananda, in that there are four kinds of four kinds of lotus lake level range, a gold, a silver, a kind of lapis, a type of glass. Games with gold grade gold pillars, with head office barrier and silver. Games silver grade silver pillars, with head office barrier and gold. Degree range with columns with lapis lazuli, has started blocking and cylindrical glass. Level glass range with glass pillars, with head office by blocking and lapis. Ananda, the two lotus ponds that are surrounded railing. A row of gold, a silver line. Railings in gold with golden pillars, with head office barrier and silver. Railings silver with silver pillars, with head office barrier and gold.
23. And this Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien back thinking: "In this lotus pond going for planting all kinds of blue lotus, pink lotus, yellow lotus, white lotus over four seasons for those who want to work can corolla get used ". And this Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien for planting all kinds of blue lotus, pink lotus, yellow lotus, white lotus over four seasons to do with these garlands that cotton.
Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien re thinking: "On the shores of this lotus pond, we will put the servants to the bathroom at people." And this Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien for the servants put the lotus pond bath on the shore to bathe for at people.
Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien re thinking: "On the shores of this lotus pond, I will give alms place items, food for those who hunger and thirst for those who drink, clothes to those who need clothes , vehicles for those who need a car, furniture is for those who need to stay, for those women need women and silver for those who need silver and gold for those who need gold ". Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien, on the banks of the lotus pond was, to put things alms, food to those who hunger and thirst for those who drink, clothes to those who need clothes, vehicles for those who to vehicles, furniture is for those who need to stay, for those women need women and silver for those who need the silver, and gold for those who need gold.
24. Ananda, the Homeowners, Brahmin bring more money to the king and said before the king Dai Thien Ants:
- O Lord, we have brought more money to the Great King used. Great king Mong just admit it.
- Hey Khanh, we are fully taxed more money by bringing legal right. Keep Khanh money back, and bring more to the Khanh!
The taste of this when the king refused, stood aside and think: "If today we bring this money home we really do not have time. Let us build homes for King Dai Thien Ants".
The instant he came and said before the king of Great Compassion Ants:
- Great king, we plan to build homes for the Great King.
Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien silence accepted.
25. Ananda, God knows all thoughts Sakka king of Great Compassion Ants with his thoughts, he called Emperor e Vissakamma (Pi-player-up-ma) and says:
- Vissakamma Hey, come here and build a palace for King Dai Thien Kien, named Dhamma (France).
- Fiat, Venerable.
Ananda, Thien Thien all obedient to death Vissakamma Sakka, like arms outstretched athlete is shrinking, or shrinking arm extensor, Emperor e Vissakamma disappeared from gods in Tavatimsa Heaven and appeared before the king Dai Thien Kien . This then Ananda, God spoke to the king to death Vissakamma Dai Thien Kien:
- Great king, I will build a castle called Dhamma for the Great King!
Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien silence accepted. And this Ananda, Emperor e Vissakamma build castles for king named Great Compassion Knowledge Dhamma.
26. Ananda, the Dhamma castle, to the east and west due to a week in length, and to the north and the south, the width to half by the week.
Ananda, the floor of the castle until the third high Dhamma body and made of three types of bricks, a gold, a kind of lapis, a type of glass.
Ananda, castle Dhamma has to eighty-four thousand columns with four kinds, a gold, a silver, a kind of lapis, a type of glass.
Ananda, Dhamma castle has twenty-four degree range four categories, a gold, a silver, a kind of lapis, a type of glass. Games with gold grade gold pillars, with head office barrier and silver. Games silver grade silver pillars, with head office barrier and gold. Degree range with columns with lapis lazuli, has started blocking and cylindrical glass. Level glass range with glass pillars, with head office by blocking and lapis.
Ananda, castle Dhamma has eighty-four thousand rooms in four categories, a gold, a silver, a kind of lapis, a type of glass. In place of premises situated in gold and silver is spread out. In the premises of silver, with gold spot lies are spread out. In rooms with no room located lapis ivory is spread out. In the glass rooms, no place is situated in coral is spread out. At the door of premises in gold, has erected a Ta-la silver tree, with the trunk of silver, with gold leaf and fruit. At the door of premises silver, has erected a Ta-la golden tree, with the trunk with gold, with silver leaves and fruit. At the door of premises with lapis, have erected a Ta-la tree made of glass, with glass stem, the leaves and fruit of lapis. At the premises of glass doors, has set up a plant in Ta-la lapis, with a trunk with lapis, with leaves and fruits glass.
27. Ananda, then king of Great Compassion Learning to think: "Before stately mansion door, we let up a Ta-la woods full of gold, and we will be sitting here during the day.
Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien front door stately mansion, to erect a Ta-la woods full of gold and where the king sat seated daytime.
28. Ananda, Dhamma is two blocks castle surrounded railings, a series of gold, a silver range. Golden railing pillars of gold, has started blocking and silver cylinder. Railing silver silver pillars, with head office barrier and gold.
29. Ananda, Dhamma castle has two screens on flexible ring, a curtain of gold, a silver screen. Nets spiritual gold and silver bells, silver bells nets gold components. Ananda, when the flexible screens are wind bells shake, the sound of a wonderful, lovable, pleasing, rapture arises. As well as five types of instruments, as is a skillful musician tunes, emits sounds wonderful, lovable, pleasing, rapture. Also this Ananda, when the flexible screens are wind bells shake, the sound of a wonderful, lovable, pleasing, rapture arises. Ananda, then if in the capital have guys Kusavati gambling, alcoholism, they will dance to the rhythm of this flexible ring nets when the wind blows.
30. Ananda, the Dhamma castle built, it was hard to watch, two blinding eye (because too magnificent). Ananda, as in the last months of the rainy season, when the skies are clear, no cloud cover, the sun rises over the middle of nowhere, hard to watch because both eyes are shining. Also, this Ananda, it was hard to watch, eyes shining when the castle was built Dhamma.
31. Ananda, then king of Great Compassion Learning to think: "In front of the castle Dhamma, let the building called Dhamma lotus pond!".
And this Ananda, King Dai Thien Ants built a lotus lake called Dhamma Dhamma front mansion.
Ananda, a shower Dhamma, to the east and west due to a week in length, and to the north and south by the width to half weeks.
Ananda, a shower with four tiles Dhamma, a gold, a silver, a kind of lapis, a type of glass.
Ananda, a shower Dhamma are twenty-four degree range four categories, a gold, a silver, a kind of lapis, a type of glass. Games with gold grade gold pillars, with head office barrier and silver. Games silver grade silver pillars, with head office barrier and gold. Degree range with columns with lapis lazuli, has started blocking and cylindrical glass. Level glass range with glass pillars, with head office by blocking and lapis!
Ananda, there are two kinds of lotus pond Dhamma surrounded railing, a gold, a silver. Golden railing pillars of gold, has started blocking and silver cylinder. Railing silver silver pillars, with head office barrier and gold.
32. Ananda, a shower Dhamma has seven rows of trees enveloped the Ta-la, a line of trees with gold, a silver trees, trees with a glass store, a glass trees, a coral trees , a row of trees by nacre, a row of trees by everything golden. Ta-la tree trunk gold with gold, with silver leaves and fruit. Ta-la tree trunk in silver with silver, with gold leaf and fruit. By Ta-la trees have trunks with lapis lazuli, with leaves and fruits glass. Ta-la tree made of glass, glass stems, leaves and fruit of lapis. Ta-la tree coral by coral stems, leaves and fruit of nacre. Ta-la trees have trunks with nacre pearl, leaves and fruit of coral. Ta-la trees with precious things have treasure trunk with everything, with the leaves and fruit of precious things. Ananda, when the trees are wind Ta-la rocked, the sound of a wonderful, lovable, pleasing, rapture arises. As well as five types of instruments, as is a skillful musician tunes, emitting a wonderful sound, lovable, pleasing, rapture. Also this Ananda, when the trees are wind Ta-la sound rocked the wonderful, lovable, pleasing, rapture arises. Ananda, at that time in the capital if the gambler Kusavati have alcohol, we will dance to the rhythm of the trees when the wind blows this.
33. Ananda, when the castle and lotus ponds Dhamma Dhamma is completed, then the king of Dai Thien Kien offerings to the monks are revered and the Brahmin status is revered all things sensual and the king needed to castle Dhamma.
1. Ananda, and the king Dai Thien Kien thinking: "It's what we by now, this message of what we are by now currently have such powers, so its power is there?".
Ananda, and the king Dai Thien Kien thought: "It is due to three types of industry, this report is due to the current three categories that now have such powers. It is generosity, Self, Self mode".
2. Great Compassion Ananda and the king went to high sugar ants Dai Trang Nghiem, standing at the door and said loudly in high spirits following terms:
Please stop, thoughts of desire!
Please stop, ideological hatred!
Please stop, thinking brain damage!
Come alone, thoughts of desire!
Come alone, ideological hatred!
Come alone, thinking brain damage!
3. Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien entered Dai Trang Nghiem high, sitting on the couch with gold, glass of educational, legal ly evil abides in the first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, with reach the quarterfinals. Then kill range and extremities, it abides in Meditation Monday, due to a blissful state of being, not reach, no quad, single-minded provincial cabinet. Then the wedding cup discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, it abides on Tuesday Meditation. Then touch exhaust discharge line, kill joy pros were feeling before, it abides on Wednesday Meditation is not suffering, not optimistic, discharging pure thoughts.
4. Ananda, and the king Dai Thien Kien high road out of the Great Adornment, gold entered the high road, sitting on the couch silver, variable dwell with complacency an ownership interest statement with the word, so the Monday , so the Tuesday, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides with heart complications of chronic sentence with the word organic, boundless generosity, not hatred not pitch ... with the organic mind with compassion ... with organic heart with joy ... the heart of the property with the discharge; so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with equanimity, not hatred boundless generosity did not pitch.
5. Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien has eighty-four thousand of the city, and the capital Kusavati (Question-amnesty-she-subject) is the First.
Eighty-four thousand castles, castle and the First Dhamma. Eighty-four thousand high-sugar, high street and the First Great Adornment.
Eighty-four thousand couch, gold, silver, ivory, wood solidly paved with long feather mattress, with flowers embroidered fabrics, and the white pelts of baby animals covered chamois by the high canopy and two red pillows.
Eighty-four thousand elephants, with gold jewelry, gold or covered with netting, and King statue uposatha (Bo-work-momentum) is the most followers.
Eighty-four thousand horse, with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh, and United code Valahaka (Van Mara) is the First.
Eighty-four thousand chariots, with the lion rug, leather, leather tiger, with leopard, cloth of gold, with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh and rover named Vejayanta (Music radio remote or victory period) is Junior.
Eighty-four thousand pearls and gem is Junior.
Eighty-four thousand women and Queen Subhadda (Thien Hien phi) is the most followers.
Eighty-four thousand Homeowners and Homeowners treasure most is filed.
Eighty-four thousand people stream Sat-military imperial treasure-seat and the First Minister.
Eighty-four thousand glosses ox with cloth tree ornaments here (Dukula), with a tip of copper horns.
Eighty-four thousand fabric Koti (Cu-chi) with a sophisticated color quality, such as linen, cotton, silk and velvet.
Eighty-four thousand kinds of milk porridge (Thalipaka), morning or afternoon with lunch offerings.
6. At that time, this Ananda, with eighty-four thousand elephants bright afternoon to serve the king Dai Thien Kien. Then King Dai Thien Kien thinking: "Now eighty-four thousand elephants this morning to serve my way. Now I let them come, just the way a hundred years time forty and two thousand children to".
Ananda, and the king Dai Thien Kien sure Shogun treasures:
- Hey Sage, now eighty-four thousand elephants, the morning and evening to serve us. Now let us come every way a hundred years, each time for four to twelve thousand children.
- O Lord, yes!
Ananda, obedience General's Treasure King Dai Thien Kien. Ananda, from then on, every hundred years, forty and two thousand elephants turn to King Dai Thien Kien.
7. Ananda, after many years, many hundreds of years, several hundred thousand years, the Empress Subhadda thinking: "Long ago, we can see the Great Compassion Ants king. So now we go to visit the king of Great Compassion Ants" .
Ananda, then Queen Subhadda told the women:
- The shampoo thou, wearing the yellow jersey. Long ago, we have seen the King Dai Thien Kien. So now we'll go Emperor Dai Thien Kien.
- Queen O Prince, yes!
- Hey Ananda, the women obey Empress Subhadda (non Hien Thien), shampoo, wearing the yellow jersey and go to Queen Subhadda.
Ananda, then Queen Subhadda for treasure called Shogun:
- Hey Khanh, go for the four types of army installations. Long ago we have seen the King Dai Thien Kien. So now we'll go Emperor Dai Thien Kien.
- Queen O Prince, yes!
Ananda, Shogun Subhadda treasures Empress obeyed, for ordering four kinds of arms and answered the Empress:
- Queen O Prince, four types of arms were about to set. What do think is the right time Queen.
8. Ananda, Empress Subhadda with four types of arms and all the women went to the Dhamma castle, climbing castles, to the High Street in Great Adornment and leaned against the door of the high street.
Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien thinking: "Now what voice so loud, as both a large crowds?" The king stepped off the high street and saw Dai Trang Nghiem Empress Subhadda is leaning on the door. Seeing this, the King immediately told Queen Subhadda:
- Queen to stand here, do not have to!
9. Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien immediately told a servant:
- You remind golden bed high off the road and put in Dai Trang Nghiem Sala grove of trees with gold.
- O Lord, yes!
Ananda, who was taught to obey the king Dai Thien Kien, prompted gold couch out of the high street and the Great Adornment Sala put in the golden woods.
Ananda, and the king Dai Thien Kien lay down, in the lion posture, on the right side, put a foot on the other foot long, mindfulness and awareness.
10. Ananda, Empress Subhadda thinking: "The root of it is the king of Great Compassion Ants wise, true color is pure, innocent. We hope that King Dai Thien Kien has not shared destiny!".
Then the queen spoke to the king Dai Thien Kien:
- O Lord, eighty-four thousand of the capital city with the most Kusavati is filed, are under the Great King. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand castles castle with the First Dhamma, are under the Great King. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand high street with the high street is the First University Dignified, the Great King belongs. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand this couch, gold, silver, ivory, wood solidly paved with long feather mattress, with cloth embroidered with flowers and pelts of baby wins chamois, covered with high canopy and two red pillows, this is the screening of the Great King belongs. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand elephant, with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh, and the First object uposatha kingdom, elephants are part of the Great King. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand horse, with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh, and the code is king Valahaka First, the horses are part of the Great King. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand this chariot, with the lion rug, leather, leather tiger, with leopard, golden fabric with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh, and chariot Vejayanta name is Junior. These carts are part of the Great King. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand rubies gem with the First, all of the University kingdom. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand women and women treasure the First, King of the Great belongs. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand Homeowners and Homeowners treasure most is filed, are under the Great King. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand persons Sat-imperial clan-town treasures and the First Admiral, all under the Great King. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four glosses ox with cloth tree ornaments here, with the tip of copper horns are part of the Great King. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand excellent quality fabric with a sophisticated Koti like linen, cotton, silk and velvet are under the Great King. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand kinds of milk porridge, and the afternoon with lunch offerings are part of the Great King. Royal just start craving attention to them. Please loving attachment great king lives!
11. Ananda, King Dai Thien Kien said that hearing Empress Subhadda instant reply:
- The queen has long told me with words of comfort, peaceful and gentle. Yet today, in this last time, the Queen said to me with the words unpleasant, not gently, not gently!
- O Lord, I must for the Great King like?
- Hey Empress, Empress to tell us like this:
"All the characters endearing, are pleasurable change, no entity, subject to evolution. Great kingdom shall have no attachment par with their heart. Suffering instead, the remaining par with loving heart attachment . Ironically instead, the common destiny still loving attachment.
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand of this city and the capital city is Kusavati First, all of the Great King. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand castle to castle is Dhamma First, all of the University of King. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand high street with high street is the First University Dignified, the Great King belongs. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand this couch, gold, silver, ivory, wood solidly paved with long feather mattress, with flowers embroidered cloth, pelts and with wins of the chamois, sheltered by the high canopy and two red pillows, these are part of the couch Great King. Great King to abandon craving mind for us. Great kingdom shall have no lifetime loving attachment wave!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand elephant, with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh and subjects the First King uposatha, elephants are part of the Great King. Dai Vuong please feel free to abandon craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand horses with gold jewelry, unshielded with gold mesh and code Valahaka the First King, the horses are part of the Great King. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand chariots, with the lion skin rug by, leather tiger, with leopard, with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh and carriage First name is Vejayanta. These carts are part of the Great King. Great comfortable king abandon craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand rubies is this gem with the most followers, all of the Great King. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand women and women treasure the First, King of the Great belongs. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand homeowners and homeowners treasure the First, King of the Great belongs. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand people in clan Sat-imperial-town treasures and the First Admiral, all under the Great King. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no compassion attachment to life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand glosses ox with cloth tree ornaments here, with the tip of copper horns are part of the Great King. Great king give up the craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no lifetime loving attachment wave!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand excellent quality fabric with a sophisticated Koti like linen, cotton, silk and velvet are part of the Great King. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great square affinity attachment to life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand kinds of milk porridge, morning and afternoon with lunch offerings are part of the Great King. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
12. Ananda, when they heard that, Empress Subhadda sad tears, tears and spoke to the king Dai Thien Kien:
- O Lord of all things lovable, lost all ability to change, no entity, really changed. Royal shalt have no attachment par with their heart. Suffering instead, the remaining par with loving heart attachment! Blame instead, the remaining par with loving heart attachment!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand of this city and the capital city is Kusavati First, all of the Great King. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand castle to castle is Dhamma First, all of the University of King. Royal abandon craving heart for them. Let no affinity attachment Royal life!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand high street with the high street is the First University Dignified, the Great King belongs. Royal abandon craving heart for them. Let no affinity attachment Royal life!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand this couch, gold, silver, ivory, wood solidly paved with long feather mattress, with cloth embroidered with flowers and pelts of baby wins chamois, covered with high canopy and two red pillows, this is the screening of the Great King belongs. Royal abandon craving heart for them. Let no affinity attachment Royal life!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand elephant, with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh and subjects the First King uposatha. These elephants are part of the Great King. Royal abandon craving heart for them. Let no affinity attachment Royal life!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand horse, with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh and code Valahaka the First King. The horses are part of the Great King. Abandon heart Royal craving for them. Let no affinity attachment Royal life!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand this chariot, with the lion rug, leather, leather tiger, with leopard, with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh and carriage Vejayanta name is Junior. These carts are part of the Great King. Royal abandon craving heart for them. Let no affinity attachment Royal life!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand rubies gem with the First, King of the Great belongs. Royal abandon craving heart for them. Let no affinity attachment Royal life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand women and women who belong to the First treasures of the Great King. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no attachment loving life!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand Homeowners and Homeowners treasures belong to the First of the Great King. Royal abandon craving for their hearts. Let no affinity attachment Royal life!
"O Lord, eighty-four thousand persons Sat-imperial clan-town treasures with the First Admiral, all under the Great King. Great king to give up heart craving for them. Great kingdom shall have no affinity attachment life!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand glosses ox with cloth tree ornaments here, with the tip of copper horns are part of the Great King. Royal abandon craving heart for them. Let no affinity attachment Royal life!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand excellent quality fabric with a sophisticated Koti, such as linen, cotton, silk, velvet, all of the Great King. Royal abandon craving heart for them. Let no affinity attachment Royal life!
O Lord, eighty-four thousand kinds of milk porridge, morning and afternoon with lunch offerings are part of the Great King. Royal abandon craving heart for them. Let no affinity attachment Royal life!
13. Ananda, soon, King Dai Thien Kien common destiny. Ananda, like a child or a person Homeowners Homeowners, after a hearty meal becomes sleepy, also similar feeling when King Dai Thien Kien common destiny. Ananda, after the common destiny, born to King Dai Thien Kien Thien interesting Brahma World. Ananda, eighty-four thousand years gone, King Dai Thien Ants live a happy life of the Prince, gone eighty-four thousand years as a viceroy, gone eighty-four thousand years as a monarch, spent eighty Homeowners four thousand years, the castle celibate Dhamma. He practiced four Spirit-sufficiency so, after the body damage the public network. He was born in the Brahma World.
14. Ananda, the You might think: "At that time, the king of Great Compassion is a different ants". Ananda, do not have such a concept. At that time I, the king of Dai Thien Kien.
Eighty-four thousand of the capital city with the First Kusavati My belongs.
Eighty-four thousand castles castle with his Dhamma is filed under My most.
Eighty-four thousand high high road with Dai Trang Nghiem is that of My First.
Eighty-four thousand couch was in gold and silver, ivory, wood solidly paved with long feather mattress, with flowers embroidered cloth, and with wins pelts of the chamois, is cover with high canopy and two red pillows, the couch was my belongs.
Eighty-four thousand elephant, with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh, and the First object uposatha kingdom. These elephants are part of us.
Eighty-four thousand horses with gold jewelry, gold unshielded flag with gold mesh and code Valahaka the First King. The horses are part of us.
Eighty-four thousand this chariot, with the lion rug, leather, leather tiger, with leopard, with gold jewelry, gold flag, unshielded with gold mesh, and the carriage is filed Vejayanta name Best. These carts are part of me.
Eighty-four thousand pearls, gem this is my First belong.
Eighty-four thousand women women's treasure our Junior belong.
Eighty-four thousand Homeowners Homeowners with treasures that belong My First.
Eighty-four thousand persons Sat-imperial clan-town treasures with the First Shogun My belong.
Eighty-four thousand glosses ox with cloth tree ornaments here, with pointed horns covered under my uniform.
Eighty-four thousand excellent quality fabric with a sophisticated Koti like linen, cotton, silk and velvet are part of me.
Eighty-four thousand kinds of milk porridge, morning and afternoon with lunch offerings are part of me.
15. Ananda, in the eighty-four thousand of her city, the only one in the city that I at that time, which is the capital city Kusavati.
Ananda, in the eighty-four thousand castles, castle only one that I at that time, the castle that is Dhamma.
Ananda, in the eighty-four thousand high street, which is only one way that I at high time, it is highly Dai Trang Nghiem.
Ananda, in the eighty-four thousand that is ready, only a couch that I used at that time, it was prepared to coordinate with gold, or silver, or ivory, or solid wood.
Ananda, in the eighty-four thousand elephants that, only that I rode an elephant at that time, it was monarch uposatha object.
Ananda, in the eighty-four thousand horses that, only one horse that I rode at that time, it was the king Valahaka code.
Ananda, in the eighty-four thousand chariots that, only one carriage that I rode at that time, it was the chariot Vejayanta.
Ananda, in the eighty-four thousand woman, only one woman stood before me at that time, it was women's Sat-insole-stream or stream Velamikani dysentery.
Ananda, in the eighty-four thousand fabrics that Koti, only one color of delicate fabrics that I wore at that time, that is, linen, cotton, silk or velvet.
Ananda, in the eighty-four thousand kinds of milk porridge it, only one kind of milk porridge that I used at that time, it's rice and food.
16. Ananda, all this was compounded in the past have, decay and metamorphosis. Ananda, compounded, impermanent is thus not permanent is thus not credible is such; For that, this Ananda, all compounded need boring, need to escape, need liberation.
17. Ananda, now I recall, how this site I have relatives buried all six times; and when I lived as a king Zhuan Falun, used water treatment Dharma, a dharma kings, reigning four Galaxies, the conquest, mass shelter, complete the seven treasures, it is the seventh. Ananda, I do not see a local, in the world of men and gods, in the world of Mara or Brahma world, the clan recluse or Brahmin, but in his locality, As Lai will give this body the eighth.
Exalted such preaching. After the presentation is finished, luminaries, gurus say the verse as follows:
All compounded,
It is impermanent,
Arises and passes away,
Nature is so often.
They are being run up,
Then they pass away.
Blessed are they

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