Friday 25 March 2016


1. Thus have I heard.
 Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Prince Jeta forest, garden he Anathapindika (Anathapindika). At that time, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey, monks".
- "Revered sir," the monks responded to the Blessed One. Exalted lecture as follows:
- Hey, monks, who are full of thirty-two this macho generals, the he will choose two roads only, no other way. If living at home will make you cakkavatti, used water treatment Dharma, pacifying the four winds, bringing national safety level, a full seven treasures. Seven treasures become the property of this position, ie car treasure, treasure elephants, horses treasure, jewel, female treasure, treasure and Saturday Homeowners are treasures Shogun. You are more than a thousand Prince, the heroes, victory, mighty body condition, convince the enemy. This position conquered this earth to maritime boundary and water treatment with Dharma, not the staff, not executioners. If this position, abandoned the family, no family left home to live, the will to level Arhat, Enlightenment, lift the back cover away ignorance.
2. Hey, monks, and thirty-two general macho is what those who complete the macho minister will choose two paths to go, no other way? If living at home, will make you cakkavatti ... If he left home, leaving my family no family life, he will be a level Arhat, Enlightenment, pulls back curtain of ignorance life cover?
This, monks, the soles of the feet are flat. This minister is considered a good minister of the Great person.
This, monks, under the feet of this location is the wheel, with thousands of toothpicks car with wheel axle, with parts completely full. This minister is seen as the Great's generals.
This, monks, this position has an elongated heel ...
This position has fingers, toes long.
This position has soft hands and feet.
This position has limbs leather mesh screen.
This taste like scallops circular fisheye.
This position has legs like mountain goats.
This upright position, not shrink back down to the knee can touch with your hands.
Area codes are negative Minister museum.
This position copper color, the color is like gold.
This position silky smooth skin, causing dust can not stick to.
This position has a hairy fur sprouting from every pore with a feather.
This position has a direct spin up hair growth, hair of this, such as topical dark blue eyes, small vortices on each spin, and swung toward the sides.
This position has a high body straight.
This location has wonderful voice like birds Ca-steering-frequency-old.
This position has dark blue eyes.
This position cows eyelashes.
This position between the eyebrows, with white hairs sprouting, smooth as lightweight cotton.
This position protuberance on the head. This, monks, the protuberance on top of this. This minister is considered a good minister of the Great person.
This position has the front half as dear lion.
You do not have concave defects down between the shoulders.
This position proportioned body like eagle tree. The relative height of equal length arms wide span, the length of his arms wide span of relative equal height ...
You are selling yourself on the square circle.
This position of the jaw like a lion.
This position has forty teeth.
This position has teeth regularly.
This position does not have teeth with openings.
This position incisors smooth.
This position has long wide blade minister.
3. Hey, monks, who are full of thirty-two general this macho, he will choose the two roads only, no other way. If living at home, will make you cakkavatti, used water treatment Dharma, is dharma kings, pacifying the four winds, bringing national safety level, a full seven treasures. Seven treasures become the property of this position, ie car treasure, treasure elephants, horses treasure, jewel, female treasure, treasure and Saturday Homeowners are treasures Shogun. This position has come a thousand Prince, the heroes, victory, mighty body condition, convince the enemy. This position conquered this earth to maritime boundary and water treatment with Dharma, not the staff, not executioners. If your family would relinquish ordained, no family life, this position will be a level Arhat, Enlightenment, lift the back cover away ignorance. This, monks, the pagan hermit life over thirty-two general macho but did not know if it was karma that this is the Minister.
4. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata predecessor who persevere and do not fluctuate against the French charity, good physical practice, good practice in the mouth , improving the standard practice, delimitation alms, upholds the rule, observe the Bodhisattva ceremony, honor mother, honor father, recluses offerings, offerings Brahmin, veneration of predecessors in the family, and all the other supreme. With the impact, filled, accumulation and increased prosperity of his career, after the body damage the public network is being improved animal realm, heaven or earth. Here, he has ten points wins over the other gods, life-Heaven, God excellence, Thien optimistic, Empyrean names, powerful Empyrean, Heaven appearances, audio Heaven, God incense, Favoritism, Thien contact. He died from birth to this place and there was this macho minister, ie flat soles, set foot on the ground is flat, feet touch the ground with the whole foot at once.
5. He fully Minister, if the house will make you cakkavatti, used water treatment Dharma, is dharma kings, pacify the four winds, bringing national safety level, a full seven treasures. Seven treasures become the property of the car he is golden, golden elephants, horses, golden, jewel, female treasure, treasure and Saturday Homeowners Shogun is precious. This position has come a thousand Prince, the heroes, victory, mighty body condition, convince the enemy. This position conquest and water treatment with Dharma, not the staff, not the executioner, who ruled this land until the sea border, not a desolate earth, no general danger, no thorns, prosperity, feng rich, secure, thankfully, there is no danger. What king? King no enemy or enemies with obstacles. Benefits such as king. If He left home, leaving my family no family life, his level of Arhat, Enlightenment, lift the back cover away ignorance. What benefit do the Buddha? He will not be enemy or enemies both inside and outside, not greed, hatred and delusion, not recluses, Brahmin, God, Ma, Brahma or any one in real life do trouble. Inflation is so beneficial.
Bhagavan means such presentation.
6. Here the words are spoken:
Living authentically French right,
Subdue and homemade,
Living with pure happiness,
World Day boys, Dad slapped.
Giving, not violent,
Do not harm anyone,
Permanent practice center,
Live truly comprehensive.
With so happy now,
He was born heaven,
Live in joy,
An endless optimism.
From the other public network,
This place is reborn again,
With flat feet,
Regular touch the ground truth.
The minister rank dream home,
Meeting and declared,
Nobody made obstacles,
Place feet flat.
Oil house, renunciation.
Minister clearly means,
If you live at home,
Not have any problems,
Winning all enemies.
Great break the enemy,
Nobody prevented,
Area such karma,
If sexual ly ordained,
Sexual minorities live wisely,
Saint is sublime,
No more being pregnant,
Supreme grade, right enlightenment,
France atrium is so.
7. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata previous life as people live for the welfare of all beings, eliminate all fear of terror, ordering the cover transportation, upholding and protecting the French right, giving alms to the entourage. With the impact, filled, accumulation and increased prosperity of his career, after the body damage the public network, improve animal is born, Heaven or this life ... He died from birth to this place and there are monuments this macho: Under foot, wheels out there, with a thousand dark car, the wheels, axles, parts completely full.
8. He fully Minister, if in your State cakkavatti ... Doing what king? There are those servants. A large number of servants, there lay, Brahmin, urban residents, rural residents, financial offices, judicial offices, bodyguards, the goalkeeper, the lords, vassals, the wide trench, the Prince. Such ruled. If He left home, abandoned the family, not family life, his level of Arhat, Enlightenment, tucked away back cover ignorance. Inflation is what?
He is a public servant, a large number of public, including monks, nuns, monks, laymen, laywomen, heavenly beings, species, people, Asura, snake species Shen, Qian -lose. Buddha do so.
Exalted such preaching.
9. Here the words are spoken:
In years past,
In past lives,
When he was made,
Made many people happy.
He eradicate terror,
Upholding and protection,
Through his career, being God,
Enjoy peace and happiness.
From the other public network,
This place is reborn again,
Under his feet,
Wheeled out,
With full wheel,
The thousand toothpick car.
The minister rank dream home,
Meeting and declared,
When you see this hundred virtues:
Surrounded by the population,
Convince the enemy is,
As the wheel spins,
With full rim.
If he is not ordained,
Live life like that,
He transported the wheel,
Reign over the earth.
Here Sat-imperial-town,
Are subject to surrender to Him,
Around His servant,
Career Pathways is the name.
If sexual ly ordained,
Fitness survived, lucid,
The gods and men,
Truths like and deleted,
Qian-beaver-grandmother, Long bar,
African birds, four-legged species,
All are bound him,
Career Pathways is the name,
Supreme grade, right enlightenment,
Be God, Nhon reverently.
10. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata life before making him give up killing, killing tame, Minister, Ministry for the knife, have compassion, mercy to the happy life of all beings and beings. With the impact, filled, accumulation and increased prosperity of his career, after the body was being friendly septic interesting public network, Heaven or this life ... He died from there, to the place of birth, the three generals this macho: elongated heel, fingers, toes and limbs long soft.
11. He fully three generals, if living at home will set you cakkavatti ... Doing what king? Long life span, are perennial, upholding the life span is long, no one in the form of an enemy or adversary could harm his life. King is so ... How Buddhism was what? Long life span, are perennial, are life-long holder, not an enemy, the enemy that can harm His life, in the form of recluses, Brahmin, Devas, Mara, Brahma, or anyone in my life. Buddha do so.
Exalted such preaching.
12. Here, the words are spoken:
Know thyself fear,
Fear devastating fear of death,
He abandoned the killing,
All beings.
Thanks to the legal life of doing good,
Be born to heaven,
Independent self-horror awarded,
Because with good offers.
From the other public network,
This place is reborn again,
Given in this place,
Three Great macho Minister:
Full heel and long,
Body straight like Brahma.
Endearing, beautiful stature,
Cleverly proportioned, well-being,
Fingers, toes,
Children are beautiful soft.
With three generals macho,
Always living longer young.
If you live at home,
Would long life span.
If the monastic life,
Life expectancy is longer,
Thus this excellent minister,
As Minister age longevity.
13. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata previous life as people, is alms dishes taste of solid sort of the soft, the kind of taste, the kind of licking, type drinks, delicacies. With the impact, filled, accumulation and increased prosperity of his career, after the body was being friendly septic interesting public network, Heaven or this life ... He died from there, to the place of birth, was Minister Dai this is a seven-seater macho wholeness. Seven seats are wholeness hands full circle, full circle legs, shoulders and body wholeness wholeness.
14. He fully Minister, if living at home, do you cakkavatti ... Doing what king? The dish, kind of hard, soft type, the kind of taste, kind of licking, oral, delicacy. King is so ... How Buddhism was what? Dishes are hard type, soft type, the kind of taste, kind of drink, delicacies. Buddha do so.
Exalted such preaching.
15. Here, the words are spoken:
Food handouts,
Epigastric of interest
Hard and soft type categories,
Type licking tasting category.
Thanks to the good of doing good,
Long Thien blissful living.
Born in this place,
With the full seven-seater.
With soft hands and feet,
Minister skilful astrologers,
His full statement,
The delicious dishes,
Hard and soft type categories.
Not only at home,
Such was excellent minister,
If living well-ordained,
Minister was also excellent.
Food really epigastric
Hard and soft type categories,
Severed the bind
All the laity.
16. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata previous life as people, are fully legal Four Photography: giving, loving, operating profit, colleagues. With the impact, filled, accumulation and increased prosperity of his career, after the body was being friendly septic interesting public network, Heaven, or the world. He died from there, born to this place with two generals macho: soft limbs, and skin mesh between fingers and toes.
17. He fully two generals, if living at home, do you cakkavatti ... Doing what king? Being clever photographic recording of your entourage. Photography is cleverly lay recording, Brahmin, urban population, rural population, financial offices, judicial offices, the goalkeeper, the lords, vassals, the wide trench, the prince. Such ruled. Inflation is what? Being clever photographic recording of your entourage, was clever photographic recording of your monks, monks-ni, the South layman, Female layman, gods, men, Asura, Long god, Qian -lose. Buddha do so.
Exalted such preaching.
18. Here, the words are spoken:
Acts of generosity and interest,
Kindly and colleagues,
Convince many entourage.
Due to this method of doing good,
Thanks to the vast amount of merit,
Be born to heaven.
The other died on the spot,
Reborn this site,
Due to his unfortunate limbs,
And soft grid.
Appearances are strictly radical,
US rules and endearing
Oil was a teenager,
Cement milk so children,
Depending upon the masses bear,
Photography for this earth.
Always use loving speech,
Mortal happiness.
So chastity,
With wins merit.
If he lived to give up,
All the sensual properties,
Declaration of Dhamma theory,
You win trousers birth,
They hear joy,
Well practice his word.
They lived good practice,
According to the Chief Justice, Legal Options.
19. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, previous life as The Tathagata, the Tathagata is a word related benefit beings, relate to legal, explain to the public, brings happiness for all beings, praised right action. With the impact, accumulation and increase contained's popular now ... He died from other places and reborn here with two generals macho: circular fisheye like oysters and ingrown hairs straight up spinning.
20. He fully with the Minister that, if living at home, the taste cakkavatti ... Doing what king. Resources are supreme sensual objects, optimum, and its greatest, most practitioners. King is so ... How Buddhism was what? He became the exalted rank, optimization, and its greatest, most practitioners for all beings. Buddha do so.
Exalted such preaching.
21. Here, the words are spoken:
Oldtimer words he said,
Mass preaches,
Related purposes,
Contact to the Dharma.
He was brought,
Happiness for all beings,
No regrets brighter,
Legal ceremony and feet above.
Thanks to practice good karma,
Live happy heaven.
Reborn in this place,
He was both excellent generals,
Ultimate happiness.
Rotating hair growing straight up,
Cleverly compact circular fisheye,
Under meat, with skin
On a beautiful shape.
If he lives at home,
Resources are the ultimate sex.
No one more than he wins.
Yan-line-conquer the problem.
If the well He left home,
More diligent people,
He is the supreme level,
In all beings.
So please do not get,
He won more idiots.
He lives and reigns,
All over the world together.
22. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata before making him, he diligently learning, professional, technical people, academics, posture or action "How do I quickly learned, how do I quickly said, how do I quickly recoverable, from having to toil long days?". With the impact, filled, accumulation and increased prosperity of his career ... He died from other places and reborn here, the minister macho, with legs like mountain goats.
23. He fully with this minister, if you live in a State cakkavatti ... Doing what king? All animals deserve the king, the king characteristics and properties of the king, the king owns, He has been fastly. Such ruled. Inflation is what? What all things worthy monks, recluses characteristics, assets recluses, owns recluse, He has been fastly. Buddha do so.
Exalted such preaching.
24. Here, the words are spoken:
In vocational and technical
In gestures, actions,
He wants how,
To learn quickly.
No one was hurt bad,
Learn quickly, not tired,
Do this now doing good,
Is good good results.
Gently rotating balance,
On the soft smooth skin,
Been sprouting fur stood up.
Such people are called,
Who sits on the mountain goats.
This minister, who was rumored,
Makes learning quickly.
If sexual ly ordained,
Live least enlightened education.
All things lawful,
He attained sequentially,
Living noble effort,
Certified true results quickly.
25. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata life before making him go to the monks or Brahmin, after arrival immediately asked: "Bach venerable, how is good? What is evil? What is guilty? What is not guilty? What should I do? Which should not? Which of us do will lead to unhappiness and long-term suffering? What if doing would lead to make us happy and lasting peace? With the impact, filled, accumulate, increasing prevalence of this now ... "He died from the spot after the other being reborn again here with this macho Minister: His skin smooth that dirt can not stick to the body.
26. He fully with this minister, if living at home do you cakkavatti ... Making King, is what? Great wisdom, no one with Him for wisdom. Or no one than his worldly assets. Such ruled.
Inflation is what? Is great wisdom, advertising wisdom, joy intellectual interest, intellectual acumen, intellectual elite communication, intellectual prop glasses, no one in his or intellectually without being any more than him. He was such a Buddha.
Exalted such preaching.
27. Here, the words are spoken:
In days past,
He dearly wanted to know,
He dearly wanted to ask,
Audience with the monks,
Skillful listening and learning.
Thanks to conduct his business,
His intellectual evidence.
Persons born in the species and,
He was smooth.
You see the home minister,
Meeting and declared,
This person knows and sees,
All the subtle meaning.
If the well is not ordained,
Living such practice,
He is the wheel turning,
This earth to reign.
Those who understand the meaning,
No one better by him.
If sexual ly ordained,
Unworldly wise living;
Bodhi direct evidence,
Optimal supreme wisdom.
28. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata previous life as people, not anger, not at all depressing, oil has not been talking much irritated, not outrage, not dislike, do not lose your temper, does not express anger, sorrow not anger. Instead, God giving the shield cover, bearing wear soft, gentle; raised fabric soft, soft cotton, soft silk fabric, soft woolen cloth. With Impact ... He died from other places, waterfalls born in this place, is this macho minister: golden color, same skin color, shiny.
29. He fully with this minister, if living at home, the taste cakkavatti. What king? The shield cover, bearing wear soft, gentle; raised fabric soft, soft cotton, soft silk fabric, soft woolen cloth. Inflation is what? The shield cover, bearing wear soft, gentle; raised fabric soft, soft cotton fabric, some soft silk, soft woolen cloth. A Buddha, he is the same.
Exalted such preaching.
30. Here, the words are spoken:
Determined not anger,
He is ready to give,
Soft fabrics,
The soft cover map.
In previous lives,
He decisively delivered,
As the rain gods let loose fabric,
Machines on the mainland.
Thanks so happy now,
The other died on the spot,
Be born to heaven,
Enjoying the fruit of virtue.
Enjoy with good finishing,
He was born in this place,
With golden body,
Shining like gold,
US rates more heroic,
De-liked nothing more.
If not ordained,
He ruled this land,
Thanks to past strength,
He was very full,
Soft and delicate,
Cover shield bearing wear.
If he lived life,
Left home, no family,
His perseverance enjoy,
Retribution past now,
What he did,
Never disable.
31. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata previous life as him, he makes reunion back the people trusted friends are not met for a long time, been prolonged suffering, makes the mother with child reunion, the mother, the father makes reunion with the child, with the father, makes reunion between the brothers together, make the reunion between him and sister, between you and me, make peace together, live happily together. With Impact ... He died in there, this site reincarnate with macho minister is minister museum audio code.
32. He fully Minister, if living at home, do you cakkavatti. What king? More children, more than a thousand children are heroes, victories rank, baled, convince the enemy. As king, he was so ... inflation is what? Many children, there will be thousands of children (home and home) are all heroes, the unmatched, baled levels, convince the enemy. A Buddha, he is the same.
Exalted such preaching.
33. Here, the words are spoken:
Long ago in the past,
In the predecessor generations,
He makes the reunion,
Relative, friend, confidant.
Have suffered a long time,
Was wandering a long time,
He made them in harmony,
Live happy together.
He was born this happy God,
Blissful happiness,
The other death, birth place,
His museum is sound code.
He has a lot of children,
Over to the thousands of you,
Are heroes,
Winning photography enemy,
Honor your word welcome,
Making home happy.
If export from religion,
Win more power.
No. I have more,
Obedient only teachers.
Oil house, ordained,
Hao Minister is clear.
1. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata previous life as an observer and clear understanding of the whole Mass, know yourself, know the people, know the wrong between people: "this man deserves like this, such people deserve this," and he acts according to the difference between his people. Due to the impact ... He died from reborn here and there with two generals macho: circular shape as Nigrodha tree (tree eagle) and not curved back upright, he can touch and rub his knees with two Palm.
2. His full so the minister, if you live in a State cakkavatti ... Do what king? Do you millionaires, millionaires contemporary, with gold and silver treasure, full of material resources, full amount of rice, filled with treasure. King is so ... How Buddhism was what? Do you millionaires, millionaires college. His wealth was credit financing, finance world, centered at, precious resources, multicultural resources, for financing, intellectual property. Buddha do so.
Exalted such preaching.
3. Here, words are spoken:
Consider, looking, thinking,
He observes Mass,
Stay here and there,
This value this person.
He matched action,
The discrepancies species.
Not bent backs straightened,
Hands touch the knee,
Body as high wooden poles,
As with good special.
Tier superhuman skillful,
Are stated as follows:
The child was all,
What value lay,
As laymen, he was,
All the sensual properties,
Rich and relevant,
The king of this earth.
If found abandoned heart,
All the sensual properties,
His character will be financed,
Supreme and good evening.
4. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata previous life as people, eager for the benefits of the Mass, eager to happiness, earnestly with comfort, consolation earnest with the Mass: "How to trust their growth, world growth, multicultural growth, growth alms, legal growth, intellectual growth, growth financing plants and rice, growing lands, species grow legs and four legs, his wife and child growth, growth and labor servant, relative growth, growth friends, relatives growth. With cooperation dynamic, filled, accumulation, and increasing prosperity of his career, after the body damage the public network, which is being improved animal realms, Heaven or this life. He died from there, being in this spot, three generals University macho: torso like a lion body, there is no concave defects shoulders down, and rounded body.
5. Him to minister like this, if you live in a household will cakkavatti. What king? He did not fail and loss. He did not lose assets rice, land, legs quadrupedal species, wives, children, servants, public workers, friends, relatives. He accomplished all, not defeat something ... How Buddhism, he is what? He did not fail and loss. He does not take credit, gender, cultural, and intellectual town. He accomplished it all, do not fail something.
Exalted such preaching.
6. Here, words are spoken:
Tin, gender, cultural, intellectual,
Candidates or legal, the more friendly.
Assets, rice, land,
His wife and children, four-legged species.
Relatives, friends, relatives,
Rice, excellence and happiness.
His desire to seek,
No one hurt.
Upper body like a lion,
Round square shoulders regularly.
As well the old, unspoilt,
Home is growing,
Rice, property, wives and children,
Along with the four-legged species.
Renunciation is not something,
Evidence supreme Bodhi,
Never destroy,
France atrium is so.
7. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata previous life as people, not do anything harmful to living beings, or by hand, stone, with sticks , or by the executioner. With the impact of container, accumulation and increased prosperity of his career, after the body damage the public network, was born to improve animal realms, Heaven, this world ... He passed away from there, being in this spot Minister macho this: thank you very sensitive, when something touches the fingers of the tongue, the feeling was started up in the throat and travels everywhere.
He fully with this minister, if living at home, it makes you cakkavatti. What king? Minority patients, dolefully, good digestion, temperature balance, not too cold, not too hot. Such ruled. Inflation is what? Minority patients, dolefully, good digestion, temperature balance, not too cold, not too hot, medium, can patience, diligence. Buddha do so.
Exalted such preaching.
9. Here, spoken words:
He did not hurt anyone,
With hands, sticks, rocks, swords,
No tie, no threat drift,
No killing harmful network.
So he was born God,
Enjoying the fruit of peace,
Reborn in this place,
Thank you very sensitive,
Smart dwell throat,
Epigastric sensitive transmissions.
Minister skilful dream home,
His statement about that:
This person will be entitled,
Much happiness,
Oil monastic house,
Hao Minister is clear.
10. This, monks, the Tathagata ... old time as him, have a habit of not looking glance, not cockeye, do not leer, but with the extended upright heart, noble, he saw Mass with heart graciously. With the impact, filled, accumulation, increase prosperity of his career, after the body damage the public network, was born to improve animal realms, Heaven, this world ... After died from there, he was born again this site with two macho minister: very blue eyes and eyelashes like a cow.
11. He fully with this minister, if living at home do you cakkavatti. What king? His good-looking mass. The layman, Brahmin, urban population, rural population, financial offices, judicial offices, guards, and the goalkeeper, the lords, vassals, additives, welcomed the prince, respectful The throne. Such ruled. Inflation is what? His popular favorite. The monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen, heavenly beings, species, people, Asura, Long bar, Qian-that-she welcomed and injured his glasses. Buddha do so.
Exalted such preaching.
12. Here, the words are spoken:
Do not look glance, cockeye,
Nor leer,
But the justice center,
Open and sublime,
He looked around the Mass,
With his compassion.
Here he enjoyed,
Management peaceful deities,
Here his eyelashes,
As mi cows,
Very blue eyes,
It's beautiful looking.
Chiem Minister adept,
Excellent expertise minister,
He's a Good Job.
With delicate eyes,
Everyone is welcome,
He preferred watching.
His good-looking laymen,
Beloved by everyone.
At home or recluses,
He was respected and praised,
As people were cured,
Mass sorrow for suffering.
13. This, monks, the Tathagata ... ancient times as a leader is Mass on good behavior, is the pioneer of good practice Mass of body, speech and mind, distributing alms, manual protection rules, attend the Bodhisattva ceremony, Honor your father and mother, feast recluses, reverence for elders in the family and on other special dhamma. With the impact, contain substances, accumulation, increase the height of his career, after the body damage the public network, was born to improve animal realms, Heaven, this world ... He died after from there, being this site is for general macho with protuberance on the head.
14. He fully with this minister, if living at home, going into your cakkavatti. As king, he was what? He is the loyalty of the Mass, the Layman, Brahmin, urban population, rural population, the important financial, chief investment office, bodyguards, the goalkeeper, lords, viceroy, additives, the princes are faithful to him. As king, he is the same. He is what makes Buddhism? He is the loyalty of the Mass. The monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen, devas, men, rows Asura, Long bar species, Qian-that-she will be loyal to him. A Buddha, he is the same.
Exalted such preaching.
15. Here, the words are spoken:
Leaders of right action,
Rejoice in the fresh measures,
Mass is loyal,
Devas awarded merit.
Finished enjoying the good results,
Protuberance was born here.
Family Chiem skillful generals,
At the same claims about him:
He led Mass,
Money's been dedicated,
Past, present, too,
People to serve Him.
If the Sat-imperial-town,
He ruled the country level,
The majority of the masses,
Prayerfully serve Him.
If his monastic life,
Shanghai's position this time,
Adept and skillful,
For good behavior.
The masses are loyal,
Get people to serve,
For being so happy,
His teaching merit.
16. This, monks, the Tathagata ... make him abandon the old time lie, away lying, speak the truth, he just truth, certainly reliable, no one promises. With the impact, filled, accumulation, increase prosperity of his career after he ... died from there, being in this spot with two generals macho: every pore is sprouting hairs each and between the eyebrows with white trench minister born, white, cotton-like softness.
17. He fully Minister, if living at home will set you cakkavatti. What king? Mass obey His will. The layman, Brahmin, urban population, rural population, the important financial, chief investment office, the guards, the goalkeeper, lords, viceroy, additives, Prince is subject to the will of The throne. As king, he is the same. Inflation, he was what? Mass will follow His will. The monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen, Thien Nhan Tu-la, Long bar, Qian-that-she obey His will. He was such a Buddha.
Exalted such preaching.
18. Here, the words are spoken:
In past lives,
He kept true happiness,
Not to say the two blades,
Avoid words falsehoods.
For all general,
No one who renege,
He lived in joy,
Right feet and lifelike.
He has white trench minister,
Grows between the eyebrows,
White, bright and smooth,
As Top-la-free cotton.
His feathers grow,
No two feathers in one place.
When many dreams minister,
Meeting together.
Those who mastered this,
At the same claims about him:
Ten-looking white trench,
And eyebrows grow smart,
He should be everyone,
Well according to his purpose.
As Lay, Mass,
Obey his will,
Because of past actions,
Too noble clearly.
Quit all, renunciation,
He was the Mass,
Enlightened follow,
Unsurpassable evening, the first President.
19. This, monks, the Tathagata in any previous life ... life before making him give up speaking two blade, double-edged away from talking, listening to what this place is not going to say the other place for delivery split in these people, listen to what the other that is not going to say to these people living in the other divisions. He lived in harmony cockroach separatists, who have been growing in harmony, joy in harmony, say lead to harmony. Due to the impact, contain substances, accumulation, increase the height of his career, after the body damage the public network, was born to improve animal realms, Heaven, this world ... He died after being left at the other spot this place with two generals macho: forty teeth, and the gap between the teeth no.
20. His full generals, if living at home would be the universal monarch. King, is what? His entourage They have no divisions. The layman, Brahmin, urban residents, rural residents, financial offices, chief investment office, bodyguards, the keeper, the great god, viceroy, household wealth, the Prince will not split. As king, he was so ... inflation, is what? The entourage is no split. The monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen, devas, human beings, the taste Asura, the Long bar, the Qian-that-she will not split. Buddha do so.
Exalted such preaching.
21. Here, the words are spoken:
Not to say the two blades,
Causing divisions harmony,
Making arises struggle,
Making growth divisions.
Do not say useless,
Making growth debate,
Birth divisive speech
Harmony among people.
He just said these words,
Increase long-term peaceful,
Word arises link,
Between those divisions.
The words have the ability,
Unless everyone dispute,
His relaxed joy,
In harmony solidarity.
Due to mature casual karma,
Friendly animals born realms,
He enjoys happy life,
Realms of gods blessings.
Here his teeth,
Regular, not the gap,
There are forty-all,
Grows in smart mouth presentation.
If Sat-imperial-town living,
He ruled the country level,
The people he ruled,
Net salary is the people.
Career live as recluses,
Pure without defilements,
The people accompanying him,
Discipline, unwavering.
22. Hey, monks, Exalted ... in his previous life as him, he abandoned harsh speech, avoid harsh speech, to say the words no mistakes, good ears, cute, sympathy to Center , elegant and pleasing to many people, please many. He said such words. With the impact, filled, accumulation, increase prosperity of his career, after the body damage the public network, was born to heaven animal charity, Heaven, this world ... after passed away from there, born again this site, he was two generals macho: long tongue and sweet voice like birds Karavika (Ca-steering-frequency-old).
23. He was full of generals, if living at home do you cakkavatti. What king? Messages are accepted. The layman, Brahmin, urban residents, rural residents, financial offices, chief investment office, boxers, the goalkeeper, lords, viceroy, household wealth, the prince will accept the words of The throne. His king is so ... How Buddhism was what? His words are acceptable. The monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen, heavenly beings, species, people, Asura, Long bar, Qian-that-she accepted his word. Buddha do so.
Exalted such preaching.
24. Here, the words are spoken:
No harsh speech,
Cause harmful debate,
Brusquely dismissive words,
Brain damage, rape Mass.
He exclaimed,
Appeasement and cordial,
Pleased pleasing words,
Go inward.
Speech makes headphones,
Feeling peaceful heart,
He enjoyed life retribution,
Due to export good practice,
Merit awarded retribution,
In the realm of the gods.
After enjoying the fresh fruit,
Do bring good practice,
He is reborn here,
With wins negative range,
Minister blades are good,
Medium broad and long.
His words emit,
Get people to accept.
If you do layman,
Messages are successful.
If his monastic life,
Messages are accepted,
His words as much,
As many people believe.
25. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata predecessor made him abandon dependence verbal language, away from dependence verbal language, say time, say the word of truth, speak the words mean, says the words of the Chief justice, said the words of the Law, said the words should be kept, trendy words, rational, coherent, system, benefit . With the impact, filled, accumulation, increase prosperity of his career, after the body damage the public network is born to improve animal realms, Heaven, this world ... He died after from there, born again at this place is macho general functions such as lions.
26. He fully with this minister, if living at home, it makes you cakkavatti. What king? He never conquered by anyone, enemies or enemy, kind person. As king, he is the same. Inflation, which is what? He is not the enemy who conquered by internal or external enemies, internal or external resentment resentment, by greed, hatred or delusion, by monks, Brahmin, devas, Mara, Brahma or any anyone in the world. A Buddha, he is the same.
Exalted such preaching.
27. Here, the words are spoken:
Do not say dependence terms,
Stupidity and oscillation,
Abandoning harmful words,
Say only benefit.
The words brought peace,
For all Mass.
He died doing so,
Be born to Heaven,
And at the age of retribution,
Do good deeds bring.
After he died,
Born again here,
He was made supreme,
All kinds of animals Princess.
King, the God-like,
Conquering all mankind,
Ruler over the world,
There are many great power,
Is God-like reign,
Devas stronghold realms,
Career wins super dark ups,
On both the gods.
Qian-beaver-regent for her,
Asura, God-like,
Yakshis and Devas,
Nobody wins his photography.
If a family lives,
He will be so,
Same across the four winds,
Four only lower and upper.
28. Hey, monks, in any previous life, of existence, yet abode, Tathagata predecessor made him give up the evil network, the network wants to live according to the district, away from the weight of fraud by money silver measure, bribery, fraud, phishing, not hurt, killed, bondage, picture winner, theft, looting. With the impact, filled, accumulation, increase prosperity of his career ... After died from there, born again in this place, the two generals macho is the steady and bright teeth.
 29. He fully Minister, if you live in a State cakkavatti, used water treatment dharma, dharma is the pacification of the four directions, providing for national safety level, a full seven treasures. Seven treasures become the property of his position, ie car treasure, treasure elephants, horses treasure, jewel, female treasure, treasure Homeowners, and Saturday is the precious Shogun. You are more than a thousand Prince, the heroes, victory, mighty body condition, convince the enemy. This position conquered this earth until the customs border, and water treatment with Dharma, not the staff, not executioners. What king? His entourage was pure heart. The related financial position, the main investment, bodyguards, the keeper, the great god, the viceroy, additives, the prince have a calm mind. He was such a king.
30. If He left home, abandoned the family, he was the Arhat, Enlightenment, lift the back cover away ignorance. Inflation is what? His entourage is the pure mind. The monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen, devas, human beings, the Asura, the Long bar, Qian-that-she was pure heart. A Buddha, he is the same.
Exalted such preaching.
31. Here, the words are spoken:
Abandoning wrong network alive,
French true chastity,
Abandoning harmful conduct,
Just as well be beneficial.
The unfortunate bring peace,
For all beings,
His Human awarded,
Peace in Heaven.
So his life,
Enjoy bliss, joy,
As dark lord religion,
In the capital city of the gods.
From there to do him,
Thanks to the results of virtuous,
His teeth regularly,
Pure and innocent.
Many see a good General,
To gather statement:
The ruler His species,
Respected supreme,
The entourage map them,
Is the pure taste.
Pure teeth in the morning,
White transparency are like birds.
King, with the masses,
Entourage are pure,
Nations ruled every level.
The masses will not be,
Oppressed by the power.
Seek their life,
Happily for everyone.
If his monastic life,
Abandoning the evil law,
Attachment is cleansing,
Ignorance is lifted,
Anxiety and fatigue,
Were all but destroyed,
Seeing this life, afterlife,
Many lay, ordained,
Teaching practice followed him,
Shun impure life,
And cruel mistake.
His entourage our map,
Are grade purity,
Unless every unclean obstacles,

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