Thursday 31 March 2016

14. PRIMARY  mass of ill.

Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan lived between Sakka clan (Sakyamuni), in the Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense) in the garden Nigrodha (Ni-member question-laws). Then, someone named Mahanama to where Sakka Exalted in, after to finish, pay homage to him and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, Mahanama, Sakka clan lord:
- Buddha, was a long time ago, I was out like this Bhagavan's teachings: "Join the defilements of mind, golf is mental defilements, the defilements of the mind si". Buddha, you have to understand how this teaching Exalted: "Join the defilements of the mind ... si is defilements of mind". However, sometimes the parameters and methods occupy your mind dwell, the law courts and police occupied the residence center, the heart of human ignorance and legal occupied dwell. Buddha, the self-reflection: "France does not rid itself of us are so invasive parameters and dwell our mind, the law courts and invade our minds dwell, the invasive si heart and we dwell? "
- Hey Mahanama, there has not been legal in the except He, therefore the participation invasive dwell mind ... He and the invasive si Mr. and dwell mind. And this Mahanama, he can approach it in the exception is, if he does not live in the family, if he is not the beneficiary of desires. And this Mahanama, because the law does not get rid He, so he lived in the family and enjoyment of desires.
The desire, funny little, suffering much, much brain, the danger here again more. This Mahanama, if a disciple saints so cleverly saw the district as intellectual truth, but if you have not yet been certified by the glass of sexual bliss, legal ly born evil evil, or a nobler other measures, such as so he is not from the dominant sex. This Mahanama, when the Saints disciples saw so clever with lifelike intelligence chief: "The sex, less fun, more suffering, more cerebral. The danger here again more ", and this position was evidence sexual bliss as glass, glass evil evil being or a legal approach nobler yet, so he is not the dominant sex. This Mahanama, Oldtimer, when I was a Bodhisattva, no evidence was Bodhi, the Awakened yet, I think that with such clever chief intellectual truth: "The less sexual pleasure, more suffering, more cerebral, the danger here again more, "We have seen oil-like district with such wisdom, but I have not been certified by the glass of sexual bliss, glass evil evil being or a legal method other than noble. And so I know that, I am not against the dominant sex. And this Mahanama, when I saw the lifelike district clever intellectual: "The sex, less fun, more suffering, more brains, the danger here again more", and I was witness sexual bliss as glass, glass evil evil being or a legal approach other more noble, so I from being the dominant sex.
And this Mahanama, how sweet is the sex? This Mahanama, with growth in the education law this: The awareness material from eyes, endearing, communication ability, the ability, the ability rapture, corresponds to sexual and attractive; the language by ear perception ...; the flavor perception by the nose ...; the tongue taste perception by ...; the contact by the body awareness, endearing, pleasurable, capable joy, corresponds to sexual and attractive. Mahanama this, there are five methods of education such growth. This Mahanama, legal medicine on year growth of this education, with optimism and joy arise, such as the sexual sweetness.
And this Mahanama, how are the dangers of sex? ... (Like page ... to page ..., with "Hey Mahanama" how to "Hey, monks." ...) Hey Mahanama , such as the dangers of sex leading to future suffering, is suffering aggregates, so do sex workers, sex work by grace, so as causal sex, sex work by the staff.
This Mahanama, one time I stay at Rajagaha (Rajagrha), on Mount Gijjhakuta (Vulture). At that time, a lot of input from Ni (Nigantha) at Isigili slopes, on Kalasila (Black Cliff), to stand, not sit and feel the sensations pathetic, suffering, fierce, sharp. Mahanama this, then I am in the afternoon, from solitude Meditation got up, went to the slopes Isigili, in place of Nigantha Kalasila was in, upon arrival I was told Nigantha:
"- Chu Hien, why the person to stand up straight, do not sit down and feel the sensations pathetic, suffering, fierce, sensitive way?
"- Hey Mahanama, said this was the answer I was Nigantha as follows:
"- Hey Sage, who is the all-knowing Nigantha Nataputta, the whole is, claiming to have a comprehensive knowledge as follows:" Though I have to go, there is standing, have sleep and wake, knowledge always exists in connection up where we ". He said as follows: "Hey Nigantha, if old people can do evil deeds, make that now consumed by this fierce austerity. The evil is not done in the future due to the upholding of the body, the holder of the words, the holder of the right in the present, in the here. Thus it is in the burn, the end of the past now, is not doing the new career, without continued in the future. Do not continue in the future, now is eradicated; by now been eradicated, suffering is eradicated; because suffering is eradicated, sensations are eradicated; because feelings are eradicated, all the suffering will be consumed. " And because we accept it, and we patiently enduring things, so we are happy.
This Mahanama, said this when I told her Nigantha as follows:
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, the person has to know whether, in the past, the present or the person who is not present?
"- Dear Sage, we do not know.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, the person has to know whether, in the past, the person does not do evil or to do evil?
"- Dear Sage, we do not know.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, also be aware that the person, the person does not do business like this or like that.
"- Dear Sage, we do not know.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, the reasonable people know: The level of suffering like this was eradication, the degree of suffering like this need to eliminate? Or, when the degree of suffering like this was eradication, the latest will be to eradicate misery?
"- Dear Sage, we do not know.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, also be aware that the person, the right to get rid of evil in the present law and the achievement of dhamma?"
"- Dear Sage, we do not know.
"- Chu Hien, according to the speaker, the person Nigantha not know: In the past, the present or the person who is not present; the people do not know, in the past these people do not have to do the karma or bad karma; the people do not know the evil people do not like this or like that; the people do not know, the level of suffering like this was eradication, the degree of suffering like this need to eradicate; degree of suffering like this was the time to eradicate all suffering will be to eradicate; the people do not know, the right to get rid of evil in the present law and the achievement of dhamma. Nigantha reverences, as such events are those hunting in his life, with blood on his hands, as the aggressive now, been reborn in humans, the class had left home in the ranks of the non-Nigantha? "
"- Sage Gotama, happiness can not achieve happiness through. Happiness must be accomplished through suffering. Sage Gotama, if happiness can be accomplished by the king of Magadha Seniya happy Bimbisara (Frequency-she-do-la) can achieve happiness, and Magadha king Bimbisara happier Seniya Venerable Gotama. This speech really was the venerable Nigantha speak impulsively, without thinking. Sage Gotama, happiness can not achieve happiness through. Happiness must be accomplished through suffering. Sage Gotama, if happiness can be accomplished by happiness, the Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya can achieve happiness; Magadha king Bimbisara and live happier Seniya Venerable Gotama. And here we need to be asked as follows: "Between the venerable ranks, who live happier, Magadha king Bimbisara or venerable Gotama Seniya?" Sage Gotama, this speech really was we speak impulsively, without thinking: Sage Gotama, happiness can not achieve happiness by ... (as above) ... happier Venerable Gotama. Let the rest of the way. Now we ask Venerable Gotama: "Between you Venerable, who live happier, Magadha king Bimbisara or venerable Gotama Seniya?"
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, now I will ask him a question, this issue also. If the person please, please answer this question. Chu Hien Nigantha, how the people think? Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya cell can not the body, not to say a word, pure feeling optimistic life expectancy of seven days and seven nights always possible?
"- Hey Sage, impossible.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, how the people think? Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya cell can not the body, not to say a word, pure feeling optimistic life expectancy are six days six nights, five days five nights always, always four days and four nights, three days and three nights always, always two days and two nights, one night is not always a day?
"- Hey Sage, impossible.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, mobile I can not body, not to say a word, pure feeling optimistic life expectancy are in a day and a night. Nigantha reverences, I can not cell body, not to say a word, pure feeling optimistic life expectancy of two days and two nights always, always for three days and three nights, four days four nights always, always in day five nights, always in six days six nights, seven days and seven nights always. Chu Hien Nigantha, how the people think? The event is so, one can live happier, Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya or I?
"- The fact that so, Venerable Gotama happier life Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya."
Exalted such preaching. Mahanama Sakka clan of joy, credits the teachings of Bhagavan life.

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