Thursday 31 March 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Vesali (Pi-amnesty-ly), outside the city, in a wooded area west. At that time, Sunakkhatta Licchavi tribe, just abandon this law, saying the following words in the congregation in Vesali: "recluse Gotama's no upper legal, no prophet is worthy Noble wins ; Sermon recluse Gotama, he measures himself created, by inference into effect, depending upon the test, and theory for a particular target, likely upward, can lead people to practice cessation of suffering ". Then Venerable Sariputta in the morning, robes, bowls, into Vesali for alms. The venerable Sariputta heard Sunakkhatta Licchavi tribe say the following in the congregation in Vesali: "recluse Gotama's no upper legal, no prophet is worthy Noble wins; Sermon recluse Gotama, he measures himself created, by inference into effect, depending upon test and preach to a particular target, likely upward, can lead people to practice cessation of suffering ".
Then venerable Sariputta finished alms, after eating and went begging to return to the shelter Bhagavan, after to pay homage to him and sat to one side. After sitting down on one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
- Buddha, Sunakkhatta Licchavi tribe, just abandon this law, saying the following words in Vesali congregation: "recluse Gotama's no upper legal ... (as above) ... Removal of suffering ".
- Hey Sariputta, Sunakkhatta outrage and stupidity, so should speak to their indignation was. Sariputta this, he thought, "I will speak ill". Yet fools say Sunakkhatta-again praise the Tathagata. This Sariputta, who said after the praise Tathagata: "That sermon was preached to a particular target, potentially practical guide cessation of suffering."
This Sariputta, for Sunakkhatta foolish, would not have the option on my approach as follows: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Officers Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ". This Sariputta, for Sunakkhatta foolish, would not have this option in my approach as follows: "This is the Exalted, you've seen the kind of Kabbalah, a body out many bodies, many relatives out a body, current form, morphing, passing through the wall, through the wall, through the mountain passes like nothing, burrowed across mainland emerged as in the country, to walk on water as on land not submerged, sat-old fetters come out of nowhere like a bird; with hands, touch and touch the moon and the sun, the power plants have great dread, so compassionate era, can fly itself to the realm of Brahma ". This Sariputta, on the other foolish Sunakkhatta will not have this option in my approach as follows: "This is a natural atrial Exalted with superhuman purity can hear two types of known gods and men who, far and near." This Sariputta, on the other foolish Sunakkhatta will not have any legal option for me as follows: "This is the Exalted, after going into the center of being, mind to mind their own species, who, he said was as follows: "Tam said the center has involved participation. Or known heart opt ​​not to participate ... mind ... mind focused scattered mind ... great practitioner ... not great practitioner mind ... mind ... mind is not supreme supreme mind .. . mind Meditation ... Meditation ... mind is not freedom of mind ... the mind does not know the heart is not liberation liberation ". He said so.
This Sariputta, the Tathagata is full ten Tathagata force, ten major achievements thanks to this force, Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu Wang, a roaring lion roar in the congregation and moved Pham rotation. What are the ten? Here, this Sariputta, the Tathagata as true insight is the country of origin, is non-originating non-originating (non-origin origin Tri market forces). This Sariputta, the Tathagata as true insight is the land of origin, are non-originating non-originating. Such is the power of the Tathagata Tathagata. It is through this power Tathagata Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu Wang, roaring lion roar in the syndrome, and move Pham rotation. Again, Sariputta, the Tathagata as true knowledge the subject submitted by retribution, according to the head of the cruise industry's past, future, present (Tri triangle that forces of karma.) Hey Sariputta, the Tathagata as true insight ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation. Again, Sariputta, the Tathagata as true knowledge the path to all realms (mental Tri Nhut set direction). This Sariputta, the Tathagata as true insight ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation. Again, Sariputta, the Tathagata as real world insight to every realm, many types and many variations (Tri worldly force general nature). This Sariputta, the Tathagata as true insight ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation. Again, Sariputta, the Tathagata as true insight difference direction of the kind of charming (Tri tha Attorney Attorney sexual beings force). This Sariputta, the Tathagata as real moral insight ... transfer discounts. Again, Sariputta, the Tathagata as true knowledge the grounds of the upper and lower beings, species, The (Prophet forgiven beings human beings upper and lower base). This Sariputta, the Tathagata as true insight ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation. Again, Sariputta, the Tathagata as true insight contamination, the purity, the production launch of the Zen, Zen evidence, of liberation, of the (Prophet Samadhi Meditation human beings). This Sariputta, the Tathagata as true insight ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation. Again, Sariputta, the Tathagata lives remembered the past, such a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty-life, life thirty, forty died, fifty-life , a hundred lives, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives havoc, many lives, many lives havoc. He remembered that: "At the other place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, like this painful feeling optimistic, life expectancy to levels like this. Died on the spot after the other, and there I was born. At that place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. Died on the spot after another, I was born here. " Thus, the Tathagata remembers many past lives with the outline and details. This Sariputta, the Tathagata as true insight ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation. Again, Sariputta, the Tathagata with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. Tathagata clear insight that human beings inferior, noble man, a beautiful man, coarse man, who fortunately, are so unfortunate wretch their careers. This being the evil deeds of the body, the word and the attention, vilified the sages, according to TA, TA create now follow. These people share the network after damage itself must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. This being the good deeds of the body, the word and the attention, do not defame the saint, in the right view, create now follow the right view. These people, after the body damage the public network, is born to the animal charity, heaven, on earth. Thus, as with the pure divine eye, superhuman, seeing life and death of beings. Tathagata insight that living beings, who inferior, noble man, a beautiful man, coarse man, the luck, the unfortunate, are due to conduct their business. This Sariputta, the Tathagata as true insight ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation. Again, Sariputta, the Tathagata thanks to rid themselves of contraband or evidence tri, enlightenment, achievements and dwell within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight. This Sariputta, the Tathagata due rid of cankers, position yourself to win enlightenment, attainment and residing within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight. It is through this power Tathagata, the Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu Wang, roaring lion roar in the congregation and moved Pham rotation.
This Sariputta, the Tathagata is full ten Tathagata force. Thanks to the achievements of ten forces, Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu Wang, a roaring lion roar in the congregation and moved Pham rotation. This Sariputta if anyone knows I so, so, but I think that says: "recluse Gotama's no legal Shanghai, no specific knowledge saint worthy winner. Sermon recluse Gotama, he measures himself created, by inference into effect, depending upon the test, the sermon for a special target, likely upward, can guide practice cessation of suffering oil". This Sariputta, if he did not renounce his words; not abandon his mind, not the exception was wrong; he'd be in a hell of a burden as a party was thrown away. This Sariputta, monks achievements as morality, meditation accomplishment, intellectual achievements can be attained within the existing right knowledge. Sariputta this, I say that the achievements so. If he does not give up that statement did not give the mind, not the exception was wrong; he'd be in a hell of a burden as a party was thrown away.
This Sariputta, there are four main methods by legions of four legal achievements, the Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu Wang, a roaring lion roar in the congregation and moved Pham rotation. Which four? Sariputta this, I see no reason, a recluse, Brahmin, devas, Mara, Brahma or anyone in the world can I correct legal criticism that: "The law has not been fully enlightened, that you claimed to have fully realized ". Sariputta this, because I see no reason as such, should I live to achieve peace, to achieve fearless, fearless achieved. Sariputta this, I see no reason ... I can criticize lawful that: "The cankers are not yet rid of you claiming to have been the exception." Sariputta this, because I do not see ... achieve fearless. Sariputta this, I see no reason ... I can criticize lawful that: "The law is called the legal obstacles are practical when time no legal obstacle called both". Sariputta this, because I do not see ... achieve fearless. Sariputta this, I see no reason why a recluse Brahmin, devas, Mara, Brahma or anyone in the world can I correct legal criticism, saying "France because you do not preach taken to a special target, inability to raise up, can not lead to the cessation practitioners suffering ". Sariputta this, because I see no reason as such, should I live to achieve peace, to achieve fearless, fearless achieved.
This Sariputta, there are four very basis lieutenant, four major achievements thanks to this law, the Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu Wang ... move Pham rotation. This Sariputta if anyone knows I so ... he'd be in a hell of a burden as a party was thrown away.
This Sariputta, has eight this congregation: Sat imperial capitals congregation, congregation Brahmin, we Homeowners Association, congregation recluses, four heavenly king congregation, congregation Tam tam natural gathering, congregation Mara , congregation Brahma. This Sariputta, has eight this congregation. This Sariputta, the Tathagata accomplished four legions of such measures, up close and in eight of this congregation. This Sariputta, I recall I have hundreds congregation Sat-imperial-town. However, before I sat down in his seat, before I speak and before I discourse; This Sariputta, we see no reason to think: "Surely the fear and trembling will come haunt me." Sariputta this, because I see no reason as such, should I live to achieve peace, to achieve fearless, fearless achieved. This Sariputta, I recall, I had hundreds congregation Brahmin ... (as above) ... ... Homeowners congregation congregation congregation Salmone ... Four Heavenly Kings. Three decades .. congregation congregation Mara triangle disaster ... ... congregation Brahma. However, before I sat down in his seat, before I speak and before I discourse, this Sariputta, I see there is no reason to think: "Surely the fear and trembling will come haunt me. " Sariputta this, because I see no reason as such, should I live to achieve peace, to achieve fearless, fearless achieved. This Sariputta if anyone knows I so ... he'd be in Hell, as a burden to be cast away aside.
This Sariputta, there are four types of birth. Which four? Ovule birth, fetal birth, low birth, birth goods. This Sariputta, how is ovule born? This Sariputta, what kind of beings does break the eggshell, born again, this so called ovum Sariputta birth. And this Sariputta, how birth is pregnant? This Sariputta, what kind of living being thin leather screen cover breaking secret that being, this Sariputta, the so-called fetal birth. And this Sariputta, how low is born? This Sariputta, what kind of living creature born from the fish rot, from corpses rot, rot rice porridge from, or in a lake or pond water filthy dirty. This Sariputta, so-called low-birth. And this Sariputta, how is being turned? Devas, the beings in hell, some people and some species of deprivation. This Sariputta, so called cultural life.
Sariputta there are four types of birth this way. This Sariputta if anyone knows I so ... he'd be in Hell, as a burden to be cast away aside.
This Sariputta, there are five types of birth is interesting. What is the year? Hell, animalzxy, ghosts, men, Devas. This Sariputta, Ta hell insight, the path to hell and take Highway leads to hell. Depending on the career, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell, this incident also insight. And this Sariputta, I animalzxy insight, the path to animalzxy. Depending on the career, after the body damage the public network, must be born on animalzxy, this incident I also insight. And this Sariputta, I preta insight, the path to ghosts, and brought to the hungry ghost highway operator. Depending on the issue now, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the hungry ghost, this incident I also insight. And this Sariputta, I also insight The species, the path to the world of men and onions highway leading to the human world. Depending on the cruise industry, the public network after damage itself, born on the species Man, this thing I also insight. And this Sariputta, I also insight Devas, the path to Heaven and taken to Heaven highway operator. Depending on the cruise industry, the public network after damage itself, being in good fun, Heaven, this world, this incident I also insight. And this Sariputta, I also insight Nirvana, the path to Nirvana and operating highway leading to Nirvana. Depending on the issue now, so get rid of cankers, after himself with the winning position, realization, attainment and residing within the current ways of the mind liberated, liberating insight, this incident, I also insight .
This Sariputta, here, with my mind, my knowledge the mind of some people. Because of this issue so now, such gestures, entered the path so, after the birth itself will damage the public network in the data plane, the Beast of deprivation, such hell. After some time, the pure divine eye, superhuman, I found him, after the birth itself into realms havoc general data networks, the Beast of deprivation, to hell, to the feeling of feeling miserable, miserable , fierce. This Sariputta, as well as a deeper pit coal body, heaping a flaming coal, no open flame, no smoke, and one goes to, was overwhelmingly hot, hot being tortured, tired dry throat , bitter mouth, thirst, and go straight to the coal pit was only by a road. A person who has sight, it can be said: "The business of such person, such gestures, so step on the path, the other will go to the coal pit." After a while, he'll fall into the pit coal man and we must sensations of feeling miserable, miserable, fierce. Sariputta this, too, here with my mind, my knowledge the mind of some people: "The career of this so, such gestures, entered the path so, after the body will damage the public network born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in such hell. " After some time, with superhero pure divine eye, I saw him after the body damage the public network, born into deprivation, the Beast of deprivation, to hell, to the feeling of feeling miserable, miserable, intense.
This Sariputta, here with my mind, my knowledge the mind of some people: "The career of this so, such gestures, entered the path so, after the body damage the public network, will be born in animalzxy ". After some time, with superhero pure divine eye, I saw him after relatives who damage public network, born in animalzxy, have sensation of feeling miserable, miserable, fierce. This Sariputta, as well as a manure pit, deeper trunk, filled with unclean portion, and a person to go to, was the overwhelming heat, the heat being tortured, fatigue, dry mouth, bitter mouth, thirst and he went straight to pit road with just one. One who has eyes can see that person said: "The business of such person, such gestures and steps on the path like that, he will go to the pit." After a while, he will see other people fall into that pit, and to the sense of feeling miserable, miserable, fierce. Sariputta this, too, here with my mind ... (as above) ... agony, fierce.
This Sariputta, here with my mind, my knowledge the heart of a number of "Executive of this person so now, the gesture so ... after the birth itself will damage the public network to the hungry ghosts, to feeling the feeling miserable, miserable, fierce ". This Sariputta, as well as a living tree on uneven land, with sparse leaves, with thin clumps of shade. And one goes to be overwhelming heat, heat is abuse, fatigue, dry mouth, bitter mouth, thirst, and he just went straight to the tree by a road. One who has eyes can see that person said: "The business of such person, such gestures and steps on the path like that, he will go to the tree." After a while, he will see other people sitting or lying under a tree and he had the sensation of feeling miserable, miserable, fierce. This Sariputta, so here with my mind ... (as above) ... agony, fierce.
This Sariputta, here with my mind, I know the mind of some people: "The career of this so, so ... gesture after the body damage the public network, will give birth to mankind". After a while ... I see him being in men, and feeling a lot of sense pleasures. This Sariputta, as well as a living tree on flat land with lush leaves, with dense shade. And a person go to, was overwhelming heat, heat was tortured, fatigue, dry mouth, bitter mouth, thirst, and he just went straight to the tree by a road. One who has eyes can see that person said: "The business of such person, the person's gestures such and such a step on the path, he will go to the tree." After a while, he'll see the other person, sitting or lying under the trees and feeling that sense pleasures are many. Sariputta this, too, here, with my heart ... feeling more optimistic life.
This Sariputta, here with my mind, my knowledge the mind of some people: "The career of this so, so ... gesture after the birth itself will damage the public network to the animal charity, Heaven, this world. " After a while ... I see him being in good fun, Heaven, this world and feeling the sense of bliss. This Sariputta, like a house upstairs, has hung up pointy, with both internal and external limestone bowl, wind sheltered, closed with a key and with the windows closed. There is a couch, mattress longhaired, white mattress, mattress cotton embroidered flowers, chamois leather mattress called kadali, has mattresses with colors hanging above the mold, with both long red pillow oil. And a person go to, was overwhelming heat, heat was tortured, fatigue, dry mouth, bitter mouth, thirst and went straight upstairs to his throne. One who has eyes can see that person said: "The business of such person, such a gesture, and stepped into the path like that, he would go to the house floor." After a while, he'll see the other person sitting or lying in her upstairs, in the attic was sharp, on her couch and feeling more blissful sensations. Sariputta this, too, here with my heart ... feeling more optimistic life.
This Sariputta, here with my mind, my knowledge the mind of some people: "The career of this so, such gestures, so step on the path, will get rid of cankers, himself with Hotel won realizations, attained and currently reside within the mind liberated outflows, thus liberating insight. " After some time, I think that he get rid of cankers, position yourself to win enlightenment, attainment and residing within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight, feeling the sense of bliss. This Sariputta, like a lotus pond with clear water, fresh water, cooling water, water in the morning, have cleverly arranged lake shore, beautiful, and not far from the lake there was dense forest. One person went to, was overwhelmingly hot, hot being tortured, fatigue, dry mouth, bitter mouth, thirst, and he went straight to the lotus pond. One who has eyes can see that person said: "The business of such person, such a gesture, and stepped into the path like that, he will go to the lotus pond". After a while, he'll see the other person, after he laced her into a lotus pond, after bathing, drinking and making ease any anxiety, fatigue, sorrow, immediately after the last out of the pool sitting or lying in thick forest and the sensations he feels ecstatic. Also, this Sariputta, here with my mind, my knowledge the mind of some people: "The career of this so, such gestures, so step on the path, will rid the cankers, position yourself to win enlightenment, attainment and residing within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight that ". After some time, I think that he get rid of cankers, position yourself to win enlightenment, attainment and residing within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight, feeling the sense of bliss.
Sariputta this year is the year of birth of this type of animal. Sariputta this, so if anyone knows me, see me like that, and said: "The recluse Gotama Shanghai's legal no, no prophet is worthy Noble wins. Sermon recluse Gotama, he measures himself created, by inference into effect, depending test ". This Sariputta, if he did not renounce his words, did not abandon his mind, not the exception was wrong, then he'd be in a hell of a burden as a party was thrown away. This Sariputta, monks morality accomplishment, achievement meditation, intellectual achievement, the district can be attained even in the current location. Sariputta this, I say that the achievements so. If he does not give up that statement, did not give up her mind, not the exception was wrong, then he'd be in a hell of a burden as a party was thrown away.
This Sariputta, I won the holy prophet, full four virtues: the austere, ascetic First I; about Hospice unclean, unclean My First Hospice; the cover glass, glass cover First I; in solitude, in solitude I First.
This Sariputta, here, my ascetic as follows: We live naked, bohemian, bohemian, licked clean hands, begging for food refused to step forward, not get food to bring, not get food especially cooking for yourself, do not get invited for a meal, not get food from the pots and pans, not getting food in the doorway, do not get the food placed between the sticks, not getting food placed between the rice mortar, not getting food from two people are eating, do not get food from the pregnant woman, not get food from the women who are breastfeeding, do not get food from the woman having sexual intercourse, do not get food go suicidal, do not get the food in place with the dog standing, not get food on site with flies, do not eat fish, meat, no alcohol cooking, wine yeast. I only get food at a home, only eat a piece, or just get to eat in two, only eat two pieces, or only eat at seven, only eat seven pieces. Feed me with a cup, with just two cups of feed, feed with seven bowls. I only eat one meal a day, two days a dinner, seven days a meal. So happy I live by eating abstinence until half months to eat once. I only eat rice grass to live, rice switches, brown rice, mustard seed nivara eat, food parings, eat the husks, rice powder drink, eat sesame powder, herbivore dung, eat fruit, eat roots in forest, eating fruits fall to live. I wore coarse linen, wearing coarse linen cloth and with others, wearing a linen cloth soaked and thrown away, dressed in medical algae powder, wore bark clothes tititaka do, wearing black leather chamois child, wearing braided leather pieces blackbuck child, dressed with sand grass wall, wearing a bark, wood dressed with small plates, dressed with braided hair into blankets, dressed with braided ponytail, dressed in fur owl. I live pluck the hair, I live spit customary beard, I often stand not used to cultivating the seat, I had to sit for them, according to well-lived effort to sit for them. We use hemp as a bed, often sleeping on a bed of nails, wooden planks used as a bed life, living on the ground to the ceiling, usually a side sleep, live to dust and filthy sticky cover themselves, live and sleep outside, under where registration is happy there, eat the unclean animals live, not live to drink cold water, do not drink cold water to cultivating, living a bath three times a night, according to the well in the water bath. So I live by virtues tortured, tormented body in many ways. This Sariputta, so is my asceticism.
This Sariputta, here's my unfortunate UE Hospice as follows: On my body, filled with dust cover many years, plays a piece, into pieces. As tinduka tree laden dust cover many years, plays a piece, the pieces; also, this Sariputta, on my body underwent dust filled the years, close to the plate, into pieces. This Sariputta, I do not think: "With my hand, I shake off the dust cleaned off, or others to clean their hands shake off the dust of this going for me." This Sariputta, I do not think so. This Sariputta, such as unclean my indigence.
Sariputta this, as this is the cup of my cover. This Sariputta, awareness, I go to; awakening I go back and forth, I dwell in a heart from water drops until the mind: "Hopefully I will not harm a small living beings in their evil!" Hey Sariputta, such as the cover glass My.
This Sariputta, like this is my solitude. This Sariputta, I go into a forest and stayed at that place. When I see people Cowherd, the cattle section, the lawn, or woodcutter lumberjack, I ran through the woods from the forest, from the grove after grove of trees, from the valley through another valley , from this high hill through other high hills. Why? I thought: "I hope they do not see Me, and I do not expect to see them!" Hey Sariputta, like a wild animal show people ran through the woods from the forest, from the grove after grove of trees, from the valley this rift valley, from this high hill through other high hills. Also, this Sariputta, when I see people Cowherd, the cattle section, the lawn, the cut wood, or woodcutter, I ran through the woods from the forest, from the grove after grove of trees, from this valley through another valley, from this high hill through other high hills. Why? I thought: "I hope they do not see Me, and I do not expect to see them!" Hey Sariputta, is so happy my solitude.
Sariputta this, then I cows to the barn fours, when the cows were leaving, when the cowboy is not present, then I eat feces of calves and young cows, the cows are big. When the urine and feces of I exist, I nourishing himself with his kind. This Sariputta, such as almond My real age is impure.
 This Sariputta, I go into a terrifying dense forests and dwell in that place. This Sariputta, in the dense forests of this terror, those who are craving to go into that dense forest, he built the hair backwards. Sariputta this, then I am in the cold winter night, between the eighth day, when there is snow, in the same night, I live between heaven, and daytime live in dense forests. We live in the last days of summer months, daytime, living between heaven, even at night in dense forests. This then Sariputta, the magic from the previous stanza never heard following arises:
This burning, stinging cold,
Living alone in the woods horror,
Naked, I sat not warm fire,
Hermit, in ideal mused.
This Sariputta, I slept in the graveyard, based on a skeleton. This Sariputta, the shepherd boy approached me, spit on me, urinated on me, sprinkle dust on me and get stabbed in the ear rods. Sariputta this, and I know I will not start to their malice. This Sariputta, such as my conduct discharge residence.
This Sariputta, there are some recluses, Brahmin with the following theory, there is the following: "The purity is achieved through food." They said: "We live on an apple," and they eat apples, apple meal they eat, they drink apple juice forms. This Sariputta, claiming I live I only ate an apple. This Sariputta, can these people think like this: "big apples that time." This Sariputta, do not have this understanding. Because apples with apples that time existing varieties. This Sariputta, while I live only to eat an apple, my body became very ill.
Because I eat too little, my limbs became like the grass or burning withered vines. Because I eat too little, I became roundtable as camel pedicures. Because I eat too little, the display of my spine like a ball chain. Because I eat too little, emaciated ribs of rafters I like corruptible stilts. Because we eat too little, so my pupils glitter lies deep within the eye holes, just like light sparkling water located deep in a deep water well. Because I eat too little, my scalp becomes dry wrinkled white pumpkin and bitter as cut before nine, were hot wind to dry wrinkled. Sariputta this, if I thought: "Let's abdominal skin touch" the backbone was I grabbed. If I thought: "Let's touch spine", then the abdominal skin was I grabbed. Because I eat too little, this should Sariputta, my belly skin clung backbone. Sariputta this, if I thought, "I defecated or urinated," then I collapsed face down on the ground, because I eat too little. This Sariputta, if I want my body dissipates, hand massage limbs, this is Sariputta, while I hand massage limbs, loss of hair from the body decay Me, for I eat too little.
This Sariputta, there are some recluses, Brahmin with the doctrine as follows, with the following insight: "The purification achieved through food." They said: "We live on chickpeas ... (as above) ... we live on Sesame Sesame ... (as above) ... we live on rice grain", and they eat rice seeds, they eat pulverized rice seeds, they drink rice water, and they eat rice seeds in many forms. This Sariputta, claiming I live I only eat a grain of rice. This Sariputta, can these people think like this: "The grain of rice was great time." This Sariputta, do not have this understanding. Since that time the rice seed varieties for rice seeds present. This Sariputta, while I live only to eat a grain of rice, my body became very ill. Because I eat too little, my limbs became like the grass or burning withered vines. Because I eat too little, I became roundtable as camel pedicures. Because I eat too little, exposing my spine like a ball chain. Because I eat too little of my emaciated ribs like rafters of a stilt columns decay. Because I eat too little, my eyeballs glitter lies deep within the eye holes, just like light sparkling water located deep in a deep water well. Because I eat too little, my scalp became wrinkled, dry and bitter as white pumpkin cut before nine, were hot wind for wrinkled, dry. Sariputta this, if I thought: "Let's abdominal skin touch", the very backbone was I grabbed. If I thought: "Let's touch spine", then the abdominal skin was I grabbed. Because I eat too little, this should Sariputta, my belly skin clung backbone. Sariputta this, if I thought, "I defecated or urinated," then I collapsed, face down on the ground, because I eat too little. This Sariputta, if I want to appease my body, hands to massage the limbs, this time Sariputta, while I hand massage limbs, loss of hair from the body decay Me, for I eat too little. Sariputta this, I have followed oil such gestures, according to reveal such acts, according to the ascetic so, I did not witness the rooftop's legal, no specific knowledge saint worthy winner. Why? As to the means that, not legal evidence Upper St. intellectual workers. Intellectual Main St. This is evidence of the saint, capable of upward, can lead people to practice cessation of suffering.
This Sariputta, there are some recluses, Brahmin with the doctrine as follows, with the following insight: "The purity attained through reincarnation". This Sariputta, it is not easy to find old reincarnation that I did not experience in a long time, except for the natural migration Computers (Suddhavasa). This Sariputta, if I rebirth in the Pure heaven, then I have not settled back to earth again. This Sariputta, there are some recluses, Brahmin with the doctrine as follows, with the following insight: "The purity certification achieved by being run." This Sariputta, it is not easy to find an old arise that I am not experienced in a long time, except for the natural migration Computers. This Sariputta, if I arise at Pure natural migration, then I did not come back to this life again. This Sariputta, there are some recluses, Brahmin with the doctrine as follows, with the following insight: "The purity attained thanks to dwell". This Sariputta, it is not easy to find a permanent peace that I have not experienced formerly in a long time, except for the natural migration Computers. This Sariputta, if I dwell in the Pure natural migration, then I did not come back to this life again. This Sariputta, there are some recluses, Brahmin with the doctrine as follows, with the following insight: "The purity certification achieved through sacrifices." This Sariputta, it is not easy to find the ancient sacrifices that I had not done in a long time when I was the king Sat-imperial-town has made the empowerment or Brahmin're rich. This Sariputta, there are some recluses, Brahmin with the doctrine as follows, with the following insight: "The certification achieved by the pure worship of fire". This Sariputta, it is not easy to find the ancient Church of the fire that I had not done in a long time, when I am king Sat-imperial-town has made the empowerment, or make you rich Brahmin neck.
This Sariputta, there are some recluses, Brahmin with the doctrine as follows, with the following insight: "As a teenager he is young, black hair, blood gases fullness, in the age youth, intellectual achievements him supreme eloquence. But as he aged, high-aged, large Greek, has reached the age of roof, went to the end of his life, when she was eighty, ninety or a hundred years old, when his ultimate intellectual eloquence that is paragraph minus". This Sariputta, do not have such a concept. This Sariputta, now I am old, high-aged, large Greek, has reached the age of roof, went to the end of his life, the age I am now eighty. This Sariputta, here I had four disciples, longevity to a hundred, had lived a hundred years old, the most accomplished practitioners of mindfulness, a dedicated Junior Achievement, Achievement First ardent intellectual and adequate measures the ultimate resource. This Sariputta, such as a skillful archer, trained, skilled, mature, with an arrow light, can easily shoot a ball through my tree-la. Also, these people with such mindfulness First, intellectual achievement supreme eloquence so, if these people repeatedly asked me a question about the four foundations of mindfulness, and if I was asked many times as such, must be explained to them and if they are explained so I can understand as explained, and if they do not ask me about these issues depends and other issues, except when eating, drinking , chewing, tasting, unless defecation, urination, except when sleeping to regain health. This Sariputta, although, the sermon of the Tathagata is not complete, the syntactic interpretation of the Tathagata is not completed, the answers to the questions of the Tathagata is not completed, when the four disciples me and longevity to a hundred years old, have lived a hundred years old, died after a hundred years old. This Sariputta, if he can carry me out of bed to go here and there, the true wisdom of the Tathagata eloquence nothing changes. This Sariputta, who said in a righteous way will say the following: "A charming si not dominant, was born in the world for the benefit, for the welfare of all beings, out of compassion for the world, because benefits, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and men ". He will say to Me in a righteous way as follows: "A charming not dominated ... (as above) ... The gods and men."
At that time the venerable Nagasamala behind Bhagavan and fan him! Nagasamala venerable lord:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! After listening to this method, human hair upside. Buddha, the practice is called what?
- Hey Nagasamala, so this method is called dharma hair upside. He let such a life over.
Such preaching Exalted, venerable Nagasamala happy, credit life Exalted teachings.

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