Thursday 31 March 2016

11. LION pink PRIMARY .

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (America-did), in his garden Anathapindika (Level-she-toxic). Here, Bhagavan called the monks:
- Hey, monks.
- Buddha,
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Exalted theory as follows:
- Hey, monks, only here is there first Salmone; Here is Monday Salmone; Here is Tuesday Salmone; Here is Wednesday Salmone; the other pagan no recluse. This, monks, the righteous He just roaring lions roar so. This, monks, the situation occurs when there are pagan wandering ascetic could say: "The Masters Authors have nothing to trust, what strength venerable monks declared:" Only here is Sa The first jelly; Here is Monday Salmone; Here is Tuesday Salmone; Here is Wednesday Salmone; the other pagan no recluse. " This, monks, if the wandering ascetic heathen say so, they need to be answered as follows: "Chu Hien, because we own four legal right view, is Bhagavan declared tell us, did rank see, know, rank Arhat, Enlightenment, we say: "Only here is the first recluses, here is Monday Salmone; Tuesday Salmone; Wednesday recluse ". Which four? Chu Hien, we have faith gurus, who believe the French, with the wonderful success of Precepts, and our Attorney, who lay and ordained persons, are we hurt, we love. Chu Hien, because we own four legal right view, is Bhagavan declared tell us, steps have seen, known, steps Arhat, Enlightenment, we say: "Only here is Sa jelly ... Wednesday recluse ". This, monks, the situation occurs, as here, the pagan wandering ascetic could say: "Chu Hien, we also have confidence gurus, he is our guru. We can trust the French, French was our French, we achieve fullness of Discipline, the Discipline Discipline was our. And our Attorney, who both lay and ordained persons, are we hurt, are we love. Chu Hien, so what difference there is, there is nothing specific, what the difference between you and us? ". Chu, monks, if the wandering ascetic heathen say so, they need to be answered as follows: "Chu Hien, salvage or salvage is a polyhedron?" If the answer is indecent, the wandering ascetic foreign directors must answer: "Chu Hien, a salvage, salvage not polyhedron" - "Chu Hien, whose cure was to participate, or for people who do not participate?" If the answer is indecent, the wandering ascetic heathen shall reply: - "Chu Hien, was finality to opt not to have participated" - "Chu Hien, for him this salvage yard, or for people who do not golf?" If the answer stands sound, the pagan wandering ascetic must answer: "Chu Hien, for him this is not a salvage yard, not to the courts" - "Chu Hien, was for salvage or for people who have no si si? If the answer is indecent ... must answer: "Chu Hien, her salvage for non si, si not for people" - "Chu Hien, was finality to the affinity, or for not loving? "If the answer is indecent ... must answer:" Chu Hien, no cure for him this love, not for people with love "-" Chu Hien, who can cure him of clinging to, or for people who do not clinging? "If the answer is indecent ... must answer:" Chu Hien, he salvage the non-attachment, the attachment is not. " - "Chu Hien, was finality to a location, or the location is not there?" If the answer is indecent ... must answer: "Save the wings for a location, not for people who have no place" . - "Chu Hien, end upon the application that, contrary to the unfavorable application or applications, do not play with them?" If the answer is indecent ... must answer: "Chu Hien, was finality to the unfavorable applications, no repugnance, not to agree to, repugnance ". - "Chu Hien, was finality to the Coliseum popular opinion, comment or like Coliseum Coliseum disliked the expression, not like Coliseum conclusion?" If the answer is indecent, the Du pagan officers need to answer: "Chu Hien , salvage Coliseum loathe him for comment, did not like Coliseum speech, preferred not to comment Coliseum, Coliseum proper conclusion. "
Chu  , monks, there are two types of this knowledge: organic and non-organic is is. Chu, monks, the recluse or Brahmin is any useful attachments, is close friendship, friendship is obstinate; he was the obstacle for non-organic is. Chu, monks, the recluse or Brahmin any attachments is non-organic, non-organic is friendly, non-organic bigotry is; these obstacles because he is useful. Chu, monks, the recluse or Brahmin does not like real insight and the collective start the destruction of those two types of this is, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation of them, these people have those involved, there is golf, there si, with love, with attachments, no position, upon application there, with repugnance, preferred Coliseum has a comment, a comment like Coliseum; these persons are not freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. I say he is not freed from suffering. Chu, monks, the recluse or Brahmin yet realistic insight set the start and the destruction of those two types of this is, the sweetness, the danger, and the renunciation of them; these people are not involved, no golf, no ignorance, no craving, no clinging, there where no agreement, and no repugnance, not like Coliseum argument, reasoning like Coliseum; these persons freed from birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. He said the liberation from suffering.
Chu  , monks, has four attachments. Which four? Sexual prime, is prime, prime precepts, self defense argument. Chu, monks, there are recluses, Brahmin while claiming full understanding all players, but not a true show full understanding of all players; they show the full understanding of sexual prime, but does not show the full understanding of the defense is, the prime precepts, the self defense argument. Why? The Sage recluses, Brahmin was not realistic insight three. Therefore, the Sage recluses, Brahmin claiming that although all players full understanding, but not a true show full understanding of all players. They show a full understanding of craft education, but does not show the full understanding of is prime, the prime precepts, the self defense argument. Chu, monks, some recluse or Brahmin while claiming full understanding all players, but not a true show full understanding of all players. They show a full understanding of sexual incidents, the full understanding of the defense, but is not showing the full understanding of the precepts defense, the full understanding of self defense argument. Why? The Sage recluses, Brahmin was not realistic insight two. Therefore, the Sage recluses, Brahmin claiming that although all players full understanding, but not right feet show the full understanding all players. They show a full understanding of sexual competition, is the full understanding of the craft; but do not show the full understanding of the precepts defense, the full understanding of self defense argument. Chu, monks, there are recluses, Brahmin while claiming full understanding all players, but not right feet show the full understanding all players. They show a full understanding of sexual competition, is the full understanding of the craft, the full understanding of the precepts obvious, but do not show the full understanding of self defense argument. Why? The Sage recluses, Brahmin was not a realistic insight. Therefore, the Sage recluses, Brahmin claiming that although all players full understanding, but not a true show full understanding of all players. They show a full understanding of sexual competition, is the full understanding of the craft, the full understanding of the precepts obvious, but do not show the full understanding of self defense argument. Chu, monks, in such laws, if any net credit to the Master, he has had a net credit is not completely; if any credit for the French net, was a net credit is considered incomplete; if any wonderful success of Discipline, the achievement was not fully considered; if there is affection for compounded, compassion was not fully considered. Why? Chu, monks, the situation is such, in a law does not preached, artless display, no upward, not leading to the first President, Career Enlightenment is not displayed.
And as monks, Career Tathagata, Arhat, Enlightenment claiming full understanding all players, a true show full understanding of all players. Tathagata show a full understanding of sexual competition, is the full understanding of the opponent, the player full understanding of precepts, the full understanding of self defense argument. Chu, monks, in such a law, if there is a net credit to the masters, he is considered a net credit altogether; if any credit for the French net, net of credits that are considered absolutely; if any wonderful success of Discipline, the achievements that are considered absolutely; if there is affection for the tangible, the affection that is considered completely. Why? Chu, monks, the situation is such, in a law preached, smart displays, with upward, leading to the first President, Career Enlightenment is displayed.
Chu  , monks, four types of attachment are, get any grace, get any collective boots, get any strains, what do people get? Four types of attachment are taken as predestined affinity, for charity makes collective boots, grab anyone to testify, taking the charity's work. ChuTy-pretentious, this affinity get any grace, get any collective boots, get any strains, what do people get? Chu, monks, this craving sensation as charming, collective sensation as starting, having sensation as race, taken as human life. Chu, monks, this life get any grace, get any collective boots, get any strains, what do people get? Chu, monks, this life do get emotional conditions, as set start taking contact, get in contact as race, taken as human contact. Chu, monks, this promotion get any grace ... what do people get? Chu, monks, this contact took six entry posturing ... enter as workers get six. Chu, monks, six entered this get any grace ... what do people get? Chu, monks, six this entry posturing in the name ... the name identity as human identity. Chu, monks, this mentality get any grace ... what do people get? Chu, monks, this mentality took form as charming ... taking human form to do. Chu, monks, this informal get any grace ... what do people get? Chu, monks, this formula acts as a charm ... grab taken as human acts. Chu, monks, this issue get any grace ... what do people get? Chu, monks, this act coy grab ignorance ... ignorance makes people take. And Chu, monks, when a bhikkhu has cut through ignorance, did intelligence arises, due to ignorance he is the exception, being run by the league, players should not sexual attachment, non-attachment is obvious, not clinging obvious precepts, not clinging self defense argument. Thanks to non-attachment should not remove the dynamic, by not removing the dynamic, self-certification should be Nirvana; he insight: "Sanh took advantage, has a dignity, work to do have done, no longer come back to this state again."
Exalted such preaching. Monks was happy, credit life teachings of Bhagavan.

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