Thursday 31 March 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (America-did), his garden Anathapindika (Level-she-toxic). At that time the Blessed One called the monks: "Hey, monks". - "Revered sir," the monks did you answer yes Bhagavan. Bhagavan said as follows:
- Hey, monks, like a shroud defilements, dust, a cloth dyers dip it into dye or other dyes - or blue, or yellow, or red, or purple - the fabric that will be nice colored dye, the dye is not clean. Why? This, monks, because the cloth is not clean. Also, this, monks, waiting for a heart evil realms defilements. This, monks, as a pure cloth, clean, dip a cloth dyers was to dye or other dyes - or blue, or yellow, or red, or purple, it will be colored cloth good dye, the dye will be clean. Why? This, monks, because the cloth is clean. Also, this, monks, planes do not mind waiting for a friendly defilements.
And this, monks, how are the defilements of the mind? Greed, evil, greed is the defilements of mind, golf is mental defilements, the defilements of the mind indignation, anger is a mental defilements, camouflage damage, brain damage, jealousy, avarice, fraud, when the stalks, stubborn, level off, too romantic, pride, distractions are defilements of mind. This, monks, monks who thinks: "Greed, greed is evil defilements of the mind" and after knowing this, he rid lust, evil take defilements of the mind; think: "Golf is the defilements of the mind", and after knowing this, he cut through the field, the defilements of the mind; indignation ... hate ... ... brain damage caused puppet, jealousy, avarice, fraud, when stem ... remove stubborn ... ... chronic levels ... so romantic ... lovely ; think: "Reporters riches are defilements of mind" after knowing this, he rid of distractions, mental defilements. This, monks, when the monks learned: "Greed, greed is evil defilements of the mind", lust, evil involved mental defilements are eradicated, ... courts ... outrageous .. . hate ... brain damage caused puppet ... ... jealousy ... avarice ... fraud ... as stalk ... stubborn ... ... romance ... level off too romantic ... arrogant; when monks learned: "Reporters are defilements of mind riches", restlessness, mental defilements are eradicated, he accomplished monks absolute confidence, for Buddha: He is the Exalted level, Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Article Dwell macho, Supreme Master, God Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan; he accomplished absolute confidence for France: France is Exalted preached, current practical, no time, to come and see, likely upward, whose location is certified to understand; he achievement of absolute trust, for us Increase: Increase operating as they disciple Bhagavan; Increasing happiness is our direct, Exalted disciples; As well as their management Increase Exalted disciples; Increasing happiness is our chief, Exalted disciples. Ie four double eight. We Increase Exalted disciples, worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the unsurpassed field of merit in the world. At this stage, for he has a waiver, there is eradicated, there is liberation, there is the exception, with the detachment. He thought to himself: "I have absolute confidence achievements, for the Blessed One," and evidence that credit life, credit life legal evidence, evidence related to legal joy, from joy, joy of life, from the wedding itself was calm, calm yourself, feeling optimistic life; with pleasures, the mind is meditation. He thought to himself: "I have absolute confidence achievements for France", and evidence that credit life, credit life legal evidence, evidence related to legal rejoice; from joy, joy of life, from the wedding itself was calm; relative calm, the feeling of pleasures; with pleasures, the mind is meditation. He thought to himself: "I have absolute confidence achievements to Increase", and evidence that credit life, credit life legal evidence, evidence related to legal rejoice; joy born from joy; from the wedding, be calm yourself, calm yourself, feeling optimistic life; with pleasures, the mind is meditation. He thought to himself: "At this stage, for me, there is a waiver, there is eradicated, there is liberation, there is the exception, with the detachment," and evidence that credit life, evidence credit life measures, evidence related to legal rejoice; from joy, joy of birth; from joy, calm yourself; relative calm, the feeling of pleasures; with pleasures, the mind is meditation.
This, monks, the monks, such instructions, such measures, such wisdom, - if there eating alms with fragrant rice, black beans are discarded, with other dishes not so return an obstacle for him. This, monks, like a shroud defilements, dust, if dropped in water, become pure clean, as put in the furnace becomes pure clean. Also, this, monks, a monks, such instructions, such measures, such wisdom, - if there eating alms with fragrant rice, black beans are discarded, with the soup, with the other dishes, so do not become an obstacle for him.
He abides, a local variable with chronic heart with the word organic, so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus, the same around the world, on the lower horizontal surface, all of the parish, the border around the multitude, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with words, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger .. . turned complacent with an organic heart question with bi ... (as above) ... with organic heart with joy question ... (as above) ... turned complacent with an ownership interest with the discharge, too the second Tuesday so acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, on the lower horizontal surface, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides turn the organic content with the discharge center, boundless generosity, not hatred, not golf.
He said: "There is this one, with the inferior, there is something noble, there is a great liberation to overcome." Because he said so, that as a result, the mind is freed from illegal sex, the mind is freed from illegal possession, the mind is freed from ignorance. For liberated itself, position arises: "I have liberated, birth took advantage, dignity has, what to do have done, no longer come back to this state again." This, monks, monks was called monks were showered with the inner bathing.
At that time, Brahmin Sundarikabharadvaja sitting near Bhagavan. Then Brahmin Sundarikabharadvaja venerable sir:
- Venerable Gotama has come to the river to bathe Bahuka not?
- Hey Brahmin, Bahuka river is what? Bahuka River has done what benefits?
- Venerable Gotama, Bahuka River is considered by many as potentially liberating. Venerable Gotama, Bahuka River is considered by many to be capable of giving merit. And many people who wash the evil in Bahuka River.
 Then Bhagavan speaks the following poem for Brahmin Sundarikabharadvaja:
In Bahuka River
At Adhikakka,
At the river Gaya
And Sundarika,
at Sarassati
And in Payana,
At Bahumati,
Bath oils often fools,
Karma does not wash.
Song Sundarika
What can be done?
Payaga do?
Both Bahuka River?
Now can not wash the black
Of wicked crime.
For those who live pure,
Every day a good day,
With the living purity,
Good day every day,
The net purify industry,
Always achievements (good) well.
Of a Brahmin,
Only bathrooms here,
Makes all beings,
To live in peace.
If not a lie,
If not harm living beings,
Not taking what is not given,
There are beliefs, not greed,
What goes Gaya,
Gaya a water well?
When they heard that, Brahmin Sundarikabharadvaja venerable sir:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! Venerable Gotama, as the steep back what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions for those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness, to those who have eyes can see colors . Dharma was too venerable Gotama presented using various means. Now the venerable Gotama refuge, refuge in the Dharma and the Sangha. I look forward to be ordained to the venerable Gotama! May I be ordained!
Brahmin Sundarikabharadvaja be ordained to Bhagavan, is ordained. Shortly after ordination, he came to live in solitude Bharadvaja, no distractions, ardent zeal and soon after self realization with rooftop location, attainment and residing within the current, very rooftop salvage Pham happy that for this purpose the male Compassion-home, abandoned the family, no family life. He won the voters: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, what to do have done, no longer come back to this state again." Thus, Venerable Bharadvaja become a Arhat again.

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