Friday 25 March 2016

26. ECONOMIC cakkavatti pink LION

Thus have I heard.
1. One time Bhagavan residing in Magadha (Ma-out-majority) at Matula (Ma du la). At that time the Blessed One called monks, monks: "Hey, monks!". The monks did Bach Bhagavan: "Yes, venerable sir." Exalted lecture as follows:
- Hey, monks, live on their own is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own, and not rely on someone else, take the Dhamma as a lamp, take the Dhamma as refuge, do not rely on a what else!
This, monks, how is one to live on their own monks is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own, and not rely on someone else, take the Dhamma as a lamp, take the Dhamma as refuge no one else to rely?
This, monks, monks lived here contemplating the body in itself, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, to be able to eradicate greed, in life, in the center of feeling ... on ... customary law on legal life, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness to eradicate greed in life. This, monks, such as monks living on their own is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own, and not rely on someone else, take the Dhamma as a lamp, take the Dhamma as refuge, no one else to rely.
This, monks, go back in your allowed limits, within the limits of your fathers passed on. This, monks, if thou walk in their permitted limits, within the limits of your ancestors handed down, then Mara will not have a chance to invade, no opportunity to target audiences . This, monks, is by photographer maintain good behavior as predestined that this merit is increased prosperity.
2. In ancient times, the monks, with King cakkavatti named Dalhanemi (Kien Try Mindfulness), is the dharma, dharma took the water, four Galaxies conquer, dominate the national level and full seven treasures sufficient. He had all seven treasures, ie car treasure, treasure elephants, horses treasures, jewels, female treasure, treasure and Saturday Homeowners Shogun is precious. He has more than a thousand Prince, baled, powerful, convince foreign enemy. This position ruled this earth until customs border, Chief of treatments using water, rod, not swords.
3. Hey, monks, after many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, King Dalhanemi to call someone and said:
- Hey secretary, secretary saw Thien rotation when diving into a little treasure there, have left the old location, then let me know.
- O Lord, yes!
This person, monks obey the teachings Dalhanemi king.
This, monks, after many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, he sees God treasure dive a little rotation, has left the position. Seeing this, he went to King Dalhanemi, when finished, immediately tell the king said:
- Great king also be aware that, heavenly treasure His car had set down a few, have left the old location?
This, monks, kings instant Dalhanemi to invite Crown Prince and said:
- Hey dear Prince, car treasure of heaven was diving down a little, has left the position. I heard the following: "If the vehicle wheel turning treasures of French heaven kingdom dive and leave the old location, the King was still alive much longer." I have enjoyed life species sensual person fully. Now it's time to seek the pleasures of the gods. Prince this dear, let the earth reigned until customs border. I'll shaved, covered robes, joined the family left, no family life.
This, monks, kings Dalhanemi after Prince cleverly placed the crown on your head, closely shaved, covered robes, renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. This, monks, after the hermit king ordained seven days, car treasure heaven disappeared.
4. Hey, monks, someone went to King Empowerments Sat-imperial-town, when done immediately before the king Empowerments Sat-imperial-town:
- O Lord, you know it the car treasure heaven is gone yet?
This, monks, the King-Emperor Empowerments Sat-seat car treasure hear heaven is gone, immediately unhappy, feeling melancholy. Then he came to King Hermit King in, when finished, the king said to the hermit:
- Great king also be aware that, car treasure heaven is gone!
This, monks, when they heard that, the king told the hermit king Empowerments Sat-imperial-town:
- Hey dear Prince, do not have no fun, do not be melancholy. Prince this dear, precious car heaven is not ancestral heirlooms. Prince this dear, let the Holy King Dharma practice. The situation will happen, when the Holy King Dharma practice on the fifteenth day of the Bodhisattva, the world shampoo boy, went upstairs high, the car will appear golden heaven full of thousands of toothpicks, wheels, axles complete vehicles and parts.
5. - O Lord, how is the Holy King Dharma?
- Hey dear prince, child care on the French, the French respect, reverence France, prostrate France, offering French, respected French, French became the colon itself, the French period, see France as he, himself became a legal guardian for the people, and for the army, for Sat-imperial-town, the courtiers, the Brahmin, for Homeowners, for the urban population, rural population, for recluses, three- la-keeper, for mammals and birds. Do not do anything illegal in the country of the child. Loved this child, if the child in the country, there are people who do not have money, take money for him. Loved this child, if the child in the country, there are recluses, Brahmin abandon desire, no distractions, practice patience kindness, regent for autism, an autism only, the escape autism, sometimes will come to me and asked me: "Hey venerable, how is good, what is evil, what is sinful, how is not guilty, how to practice, How not to practice, how to act to bring havoc and suffering for me a long time, how to act to benefit and happiness for me many days? " Listen to their children and prevent them from evil and do good to encourage them. Loved this child, so is the Holy King Dharma.
- Ladies and yes, O Lord!
This, monks, kings Empowerments Sat-imperial-town hermit answered the king and Holy King Dharma practice. When the Holy King Dharma practice on the fifteenth day of the Bodhisattva, King shampoo gender boys, go upstairs high, the vehicle Treasure heaven appeared full of thousands of toothpicks, wheels, axles and full of parts. Seeing King-Emperor-Sat Empowerments dysentery think: "I heard the following:" Sat-soles Empowerments-seat King public on the fifteenth day of clams Bodhisattva shampoo world, went upstairs and God told moral high full thousand toothpick out, wheels, axles and full of parts, the king was cakkavatti. "so we are cakkavatti."
6. Hey, monks, kings Empowerments Sat-insole-seat from the seat up, covering upper robe over one shoulder, left hand holding water bottle, hand watering rotation on security and said: "Let's roll, Sun told this rotation, please convince all, this moral Ton sure. And this treasure monks vehicle rolled eastward, cakkavatti followed with four kinds of arms. And this, monks, shelter What treasures car was stopped, he cakkavatti place to dwell, along with four types of strains of war. this, monks, kings were tributary to the east cakkavatti audience and said:
- Come here, Great King! Compassion hybrid. Lord! All belong to the Great King! Royal preach!
Cakkavatti then said:
- Do not be killing! Do not be taken by not! Do not live in sexual misconduct! Let no lie! Do not drink alcohol! And let's enjoy what life has to enjoy life!
This, monks, kings enemies in the east are becoming vassals of cakkavatti.
7. Hey, monks, car treasure that sank in the east, across the sea was, rolling toward the South ... become a vassal of cakkavatti. This, monks, and the car was submerged treasures huongNam, pass that sea, rolling westward ... become a vassal of cakkavatti. This, monks, and car treasure sank west, across the sea was, rolling toward the North and cakkavatti followed with four kinds of arms. And this, monks, where he stopped the car treasure, that place cakkavatti dwell with four kinds of arms. This, monks, kings were vassals to the north cakkavatti audience and said:
- Come here, Great King! Compassion hybrid, the Great King! All belong to the Great King! Royal preach!
Cakkavatti then said:
- Do not be killing! Do not be taken by not! Do not live in sexual misconduct! Let no lie! Do not drink alcohol! And please enjoy what life has to enjoy life!
This, monks, kings enemies in the north have become vassals of cakkavatti.
This, monks, when the car was conquered earth treasure to border customs, immediately returned to the capital, and stand back as the front electrical conjoined justice, internal supply cakkavatti and luminous internal supply barndoor.
8. Hey, monks, second, cakkavatti ... Hey, monks, for the third time ... Hey cakkavatti monks, Fourth cakkavatti .. . Hey, monks, fifth cakkavatti ... Hey, monks, sixth cakkavatti ... Hey, monks, seventh, cakkavatti after years , several hundred years, many thousands of years for a person called and said:
- Hey Khanh, Khanh see when the car has dived treasures heaven a few, have left the old location, then let us know.
- O Lord, yes!
This, monks, who did obey the teachings cakkavatti.
This, monks, after many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, he saw the car treasure dive a little heaven, has left the position. Seeing this, he went to cakkavatti, when done immediately to inform the king said:
- Great king also be aware that, car treasure of heaven he dived a little, have left the old location?
This, monks, instant cakkavatti to invite Crown Prince and said:
- Hey dear Prince, car treasure of heaven I have dived a little, has left the position. I heard the following: "If God told rotation of cakkavatti have dived a little, and left the old location, and the king was still alive much longer." I have enjoyed life species sensual person fully. Now it's time to seek the pleasures of the gods. Prince this dear, let the earth reigned until customs border. I'll shaved, covered robes, joined the family left, no family life.
This, monks, cakkavatti after Prince cleverly placed the crown on your head, closely shaved, covered robes, joined the family left, no family life.
This, monks, after cakkavatti ordained seven days, the car was gone treasure heaven.
9. Hey, monks, someone went to King Empowerments Sat-imperial-town, immediately upon arrival spoke to the king:
- Great king also be aware that, car treasure heaven is gone?
This, monks, the King-Emperor Empowerments Sat-seat car treasure hear heaven is gone, instant fun and not feel sorrow. King did not come to the king and asked about the Holy hermit kingdom Dharma. He ruled themselves according to their nations. Since the national rule at its disposal, should countries that are not flourishing as in ancient times, when kings ruled by the Holy King Dharma.
This, monks, and his courtiers, courtier, financial offices, the bodyguards, the goalkeeper concerned, the spell live by gathering together to King Empowerments Sat-imperial-town and said :
- O Lord, because the Great King ruled the country under the Great King, the country should not be flourishing, as in ancient times, kings ruled by the Holy King Dharma. There are courtiers, courtier, financial offices, the bodyguards, the goalkeeper concerned and live with spells, we and some others maintain life of the Holy King Dharma. O Lord, if the Great King asked us about the Holy King Dharma, is to ask, we will answer to the Great King clearly this approach.
10. Hey, monks, and King-Emperor-Sat Empowerments invitation dysentery for courtiers, courtier, financial offices, the bodyguards, the goalkeeper concerned and live by spells and ask about Holy King Dharma. And these people are asked, answered the Holy King Dharma. When he heard they had finished speaking, the king had arranged the holder, prevent, protect, but not for the poor people's money. And so, poverty is widespread. Because poverty is widespread, a character who does not take the others, and that action is called stealing. They arrested him and led to pre-Empire king Empowerments Sat-seat and said before the king:
- O Lord, this person does not remove the object of other people, this action is called stealing.
This, monks, when the king heard this, Sat-soles Empowerments-seat told him:
- Hey You, You have to remove the object not to the others, that is stealing?
- O Lord, true that.
- Why did you do that?
- O Lord, thou hast nothing to live!
This, monks, kings Empowerments Sat-imperial-town money immediately to him and said:
- Hey You, with this money thou self nurture, foster parents, foster children and wife, carried out the work, carried out the offering with the highest merit for the monks, which resulted is currently enjoying life and being optimistic Heaven in the future ...
This, monks, he obeyed the king Empowerments Sat-imperial-town and said before:
- Ladies and yes, the Great King!
11. Hey, monks, and another man taking what is not for other people, that is stealing. They arrested him and brought them to the King-Emperor-Sat Empowerments dysentery and said before the king:
- O Lord, this person does not remove the object of other people, that is stealing.
This, monks, upon hearing this, the King-Emperor-Sat Empowerments dysentery told him:
- Hey You, do not thou take of other people do not, that is stealing?
- O Lord, true that.
- Why did you do that?
- O Lord, thou hast nothing to live!
This, monks, kings Empowerments Sat-imperial-town money immediately to him and said:
- Hey You, with this money, thou self-nurture, foster parents, foster children and wife, carried out the work, carried out the offering with supreme merit to the monks, three- la-half, which resulted in the present life and being optimistic Empyrean future.
This, monks, he obeyed the king Empowerments Sat-imperial-town and said before:
- Ladies and yes, the Great King!
12. Hey, monks, many listeners: "Those who do not take objects of others, ie theft, king for his people's money." So they thought, "Let's not take animals for other people, that is stealing."
This, monks, the other person does not take the character of others, that is stealing. They arrested him and led to pre-Empire king Empowerments Sat-seat and said before the king:
- O Lord, this person does not remove the object of other people, that is stealing.
This, monks, when they heard that the king Empowerments Sat-imperial-town told him:
- Hey You, You have to remove the object not to the others, that is stealing?
- O Lord, the truth about?
- Why did you do that?
- O Lord, thou hast nothing to live!
This, monks, kings Empowerments Sat-imperial-town thinking: "If anyone does not remove the object of other people and that is stealing the money we give them, they were not for such organisms to grow. Now I must prevent him thoroughly, and appropriate punishment beheaded it! "
This, monks, kings Empowerments Sat-imperial-town ordered the people:
- Hey Khanh, grab rope tightly, tied his hands behind the knots tightly, shaved his head, took it away with harsh drumbeat from this line to other lines, from this intersection to another intersection, took it out of the south door, preventing him thoroughly, and appropriate punishment beheaded it.
- O Lord, yes sir!
This, monks, he obeyed the command of King Empowerments Sat-insole-seat, grab the rope firmly behind pinion with tight knots, shaved his head and took him away with harsh drumbeat , from this line to other lines, from this intersection to another intersection, driving him out of the south door, preventing him thoroughly, appropriate punishment and beheaded him.
13. Hey, monks, many listeners: "Those who do not take objects of others, ie theft, thoroughly prevent their king, appropriate punishment and behead them."
Hearing that, the man thinks: "Let us give very sharp swords, with this sharp sword, we will take their animals ie not for theft, will prevent them thoroughly, they appropriate punishment and behead them. "
Who was forging a sharp sword, sharp sword after forging finished, they went to rob the village, they went to rob the village, they went to rob the city, they went to rob the way, they did not remove the object that is stealing, they prevent radical those they steal, appropriate punishment and beheaded them.
14. Hey, monks, so as not to poor people's money, poverty increased prosperity; because rising poverty so prevalent theft increased prosperity; because theft increased prosperity should be increased prevalence swords; and swords are rising prosperity, should increase the prosperity of killing; because killing increasing prevalence increased prosperity should lie; because of increased prosperity should lie lifespan of beings minimize, mitigate beauty; For longevity and beauty minimize minimized, so species The lifespan to eighty years and their children life four thousand years.
This, monks, as four thousand species of life in him, someone who does not take material that is stealing. They arrested people, leading to pre-Empire king Empowerments Sat-seat and said:
- O Lord, this person does not remove the object of other people, that is stealing.
This, monks, when they heard that the king Empowerments Sat-imperial-town told him:
- Hey You, You remove the object is not true for the others, that is stealing it?
- O Lord, no!
Says he deliberately unreal.
15. Hey, monks, so as not to money of the poor, poverty increased prosperity; because rising poverty so prevalent theft increased prosperity; because theft increased prosperity should swords increase prosperity; because of increased prosperity should swords killing increased prosperity; because killing increasing prevalence increased prosperity should lie, because lying to increase the lifespan of species flourishing person should minimize, mitigate beauty; For longevity and beauty minimize reduction, so species The four thousand year life expectancy and their children two thousand-year life.
This, monks, when the species The two thousand-year lifespan, another person does not take the character of others, that is stealing. Another man told the king Empowerments Sat-imperial-town about him:
- O Lord, who took the animals not for other people, that is stealing.
So he had been defamatory.
16. Hey, monks, so as not to money of the poor, poverty increased prosperity; because rising poverty so prevalent theft defamatory increased prosperity ... because life expectancy is increasing so species mitigation and Beauty The minimized. Because of their longevity and beauty minimize minimized, so the life of thousands of species The only two years and their children only a thousand years.
This, monks, when the life of thousands of species to another person, some beings have beauty, some of no beauty. These beings have no craving beauty beings with beauty and with sexual misconduct with the wife of another.
17. Hey, monks, so as not to money of the poor, poverty increased prosperity; because rising poverty so prevalent theft increased prosperity ... adultery should increase prosperity; because of increased prevalence of sexual misconduct should lifespan The species mitigation and mitigation beauty. Because of their longevity mitigation, and beauty should minimize life The only one of thousands of species and their children in only five thousand years.
This, monks, the life expectancy of only five thousand species The five, two flourishing law, that is to say harsh and frivolous. It flourished as two, the longevity of living beings minimize, mitigate beauty. Because of their longevity and beauty mitigation should reduce lifespan The species only five thousand years and their children who lived some two thousand five hundred years, some people lived two thousand years.
This, monks, when life species The only two thousand five hundred years, craving and aversion increased prosperity. Since taking up the prosperity and longevity increases pitch sentient beings and Beauty minimize minimized. Because of their longevity and beauty minimize minimized, so life species The only two thousand five hundred years, and the children only a thousand years.
This, monks, when the species The only life a thousand years, the increasing prevalence wrong. As prosperity increases wrong, so the life of sentient beings and Beauty minimize minimized. Because of their longevity and beauty minimize minimized, so species The only life a thousand years, and the only five hundred years.
This, monks, the life expectancy of only five hundred species of person years, the three measures increased prosperity: education illegal, illogical and wrong involved. When the three measures increased prosperity, the life of the beings minimize, mitigate beauty, longevity species The only five hundred years, and the children, some live to two hundred and fifty years, some live to two hundred years.
This, monks, when life species The only two hundred and fifty years, the increasing popularity of this method follows: Lack of filial to parents, lack of homage to the monk, Ba-la jelly, lack of respect for the head of household status.
18. Hey, monks, so as not to money of the poor, poverty increased prosperity; because poverty increased prosperity, increased prosperity should steal; because theft increased prosperity should swords increase prosperity; because of increased prosperity should swords killing increased prosperity; because killing increasing prevalence increased prosperity should lie; because of increased prosperity should lie defamatory increase prosperity; because rising prosperity defamatory misconduct should increase prosperity; because of sexual misconduct should increase two measures increasing vogue popular and that is harsh to say frivolous; because the two measures should increase popular participation, increase prosperity pitch; because of greed, anger rising popularity should increase popular viewpoints; because the wrong legal increasing prosperity should increase popular three: sex illegal, illogical and wrong involved. Since the three measures increased prosperity to the increasing prevalence of the following measures: a lack of filial to parents ... the lack of respect for the head of household status. Since the increased popularity of this approach should be life this charming species mitigation, mitigation beauty, because life and beauty mitigation should reduce The species lives only two hundred and fifty years, and the only son a hundred years.
19. Hey, monks, a time will come when the sons of men who lived only ten years old. This, monks, when life expectancy is only ten species The year-old daughter and five-year-old will marry. This, monks, when life expectancy is only ten years old The species, the following categories will disappear, ie automotive, peanuts, oil, sugar and salt. This, monks, when life expectancy is only ten years old The species, nuts food Kudrusa become paramount. This, monks, the current meat porridge is the ultimate food, too this, monks, when life species The ten-year-old, nuts food Kudrusa become paramount. When life The ten-year-old species, ten virtues completely disappeared and ten evil conduct increase the maximum prosperity. This, monks, when life expectancy was ten species of Man comes, will also no longer good word, let alone who do good? This, monks, when life species The ten-year-old, who lack filial to their parents, lack of Honor for recluses, Brahmin, lack of respect for the bird head of the family, who would be one worship, praise. This, monks, as at present with those who honor their parents, homage to the monk, Brahmin, reverence for the head of the family, these people are people praise and worship me. This too, monks, when life species The ten-year-old, who lack filial to their parents, lack of homage to the monk, Brahmin, lack of respect for the leader position in the family, that is people who worship praise.
20. Hey, monks, when life expectancy is only ten years old The species, without distinction or promoting maternal sample or sample finish, the wife of Master Chief, father's sister. The world fell into adultery as goats, chickens, pigs, dogs and jackals. This, monks, when life expectancy is only ten years old The species, these beings to one another, the mind harm very intense, very intense pitch, malice very intense, very intense police attention. Mother to child, child to mother, father against son, son against father, brother against brother, brother against brother, sister against brother, sister against brother, caused very intense interest, courts very strong heart paralysis, malice very intense, very intense police attention. This, monks, like the hunter to see the animals, caused very intense interest arises, courts very intense interest, malice very intense, very intense police interest arises. This too, monks, when life expectancy is only ten years old The species, these beings to one another, the mind harm very intense, very intense golf center, malice very intense, very intense police attention.
21. Hey, monks, when the species lifespan The chiefs only ten years old existence arises in seven days, in that time they see each other like animals, sharp knives out of their hands. With a sharp knife make him devastating their networks together, see each other like animals. This, monks, between living beings that, some thoughts: "We do not murder; do not expect anyone to kill us. Let's go to the forest grass, jungles, caves trees, rivers devilish or crevasse and live with roots and fruits ". They went into the forest grass, jungles, caves trees, rivers, devilish, or crevasse and live with roots and fruits. After a period of seven days, they forest jungle grass, tree caves, rivers or crevasse devilish go out, hugging each other, comforting each other, talk to each other delight: "Blessed be seen you alive ! Blessed be see you alive! " This, monks, and the living beings was thinking: "Since we created unwholesome workers should approach people we killed many of them. So let us do good. We do good as How? we can not kill. that's what we can improve. " "We will not kill," it is good they do. Do good deeds as human law, their life expectancy is increasing prosperity, beauty is increased prosperity. Because life expectancy is increasing prosperity, beauty is increased prosperity, longevity species should only ten years old but who their child, twenty-year-old life.
22. Hey, monks, and the living beings was thinking: "We ask people of doing good deeds, so longevity is increasing vogue, vogue beauty is increased. So let's do more good deeds . let's not keep not get to, do not keep the misconduct, to preserve not lie, do not say two-edged preserve, preserve not harsh, keep not say frivolous, abandoned , abandoning the field to abandon wrong view, ie give up three illegal methods education, participation irrational and wrong. let us honor mothers, Honour thy father, the feast of the monks, she-the busi- professional, respectful of the leading characters in the family. let him up good practice. "
Honor their mother, Honor your father, the feast of the monks, Brahmin, reverently holding the top position in the family, they will practice this dhamma. Do good deeds as human law, prosperity and increased life expectancy, increased prosperity beauty. Since their life expectancy increased prosperity and increased prosperity beauty, longevity and twenty species The age and the children will reach age forty. The species life span of up to forty years old, and the children will be up to eighty. The species life span of up to eighty years old, and the children will be up to a hundred and sixty years old. The species life span of up to one hundred and sixty years old, and the children will be up to three hundred and twenty years old. The species life span up to three hundred and twenty years old, and the children will be up to six hundred and forty years old. The species life span of up to six hundred and forty years old and children up to two-thousand-year-old would. The species life span of up to two thousand years old and children up to four-thousand-year-old would. The species life span of up to four thousand years old and children up to eight-thousand-year-old would. The species life span of up to eight thousand years old and children up to two-thousand-year-old would. The species life span of up to twenty thousand years old the children will be up to four thousand years old. The life span of up to four thousand species, age and the children will go eighty years old.
23. Hey, monks, when life expectancy of up to eighty species The old, the daughter and five hundred years old may establish a family. This, monks, the life expectancy of up to eighty species The age, condition following three aspects: the indulgence, greediness and old. This, monks, the life expectancy of up to eighty species The age, this Jambudipa water (Jambudvipa) will be very powerful and rich. The villages, provinces, adjacent to the capital in the famous chicken-raising party, the other party can hear! This, monks, the life expectancy of up to eighty species age people, this country will Jambudipa very prosperous with Avidi (A billion Hell), like reed cane forest or forest. This, monks, the life expectancy of up to eighty species The old city this Baranasi (Benares) is the capital called Ketumati, it is powerful, rich, populous and eating well. This, monks, the life expectancy of up to eighty species The age at Jambudipa water, there will be eighty-four thousand cities and capitals Ketumati will be paramount.
24. Hey, monks, when life expectancy of up to eighty species The old, in the capital Ketumati, flavored cakkavatti named Sankha was born, is the dharma, dharma took the water, conquered four galaxy, the rule states, and full seven treasures, ie car treasure, treasure elephants, horses treasures, jewels, precious woman, Homeowners and Saturday precious treasure is shogun. He has more than a thousand Prince, baled, powerful, convince foreign enemy, this position ruled this earth until the customs border, using state of the Dharma, no rod, no sword.
25. Hey, monks, when life expectancy of up to eighty species The old, Bhagavan called Metteyya will launch, is the Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, EARTH League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan; like this I was born in this life, as Career Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan. You know this yourself, witness, and uttered this earth, including Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, this world with recluses, Brahmin, Heaven species, species Person; as I know myself now, evidence and declared this earth theory, including Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, this world with recluses, Brahmin, God and man species. This position will lecture, improving primary, intermediate good, good logistics, with adequate means of written and uttered entirely celibate life full purity; as I now preach, improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, with adequate means of written and uttered entirely celibate life full purity. This position will be several thousand monks increased sales fins; as I now have a few hundred monks fins that increase sales.
26. Hey, monks, King Sankha will set the palace that King Maha Panada established. After setup, the king residing in it. After giving the king his palace, offering to the monks, Brahmin, the rows impoverished, gangster, beggars, shaved, dressed in robes, abandoned the family, no family life under the direction of the Exalted Metteyya, level Arhat, Enlightenment. This position thus ordained, living alone, isolated, effort, keeping notes, dedicated, soon attained the supreme virtue, but for this purpose the good men have ordained death, abandoned the family , no family life. With this supreme virtue, in the present, this self-knowledge, insight, and dwell reached.
27. Hey, monks, live on their own is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own, and not rely on someone else, take the Dhamma as a lamp, taking refuge in the Dharma, no one else to rely . This, monks, how is one to live on their own monks is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own, and not rely on someone else, take the Dhamma as a lamp, taking refuge in the Dharma, not shifting what a different title? This, monks, here monks live contemplating the body in itself, ardent, ardent, mindfulness, mindful, to eradicate greed in life, on the feeling ... on the heart. .. bar on the legal measures, zealous, ardent, mindfulness, mindful, to be able to eradicate craving in life. Thus the monks, the monks living on their own is a lamp unto yourself, rely on their own, and not rely on someone else, take the Dhamma as a lamp, taking refuge in the Dharma, no refuge one else.
28. Hey, monks, go back in your allowed limits, within the limits of your fathers passed on. This, monks, if thou walk in their permitted limits, within the limits of your ancestors handed down the life expectancy will increase prosperity, beauty will increase prosperity, peace and prosperity will be increased, assets will be increased vogue, vogue forces will be increased.
This, monks, how your life monks increased prosperity? This, monks, here, the monks practice sufficient spirit, full of ardent meditation Executive Education, Effort ... Mind Meditation practice sufficient spirit to ... Full Thinking crystal Meditation should act. This position four legal practice is a way sufficient spirit ardent, if you want to live long lives, or in the rest of a lifetime. This, monks, so I tell you, monks longevity is increased prosperity.
This, monks, how is the beauty monks increased prosperity? This, monks, here, the monks keep the precepts live, tame the world with responsibility Patimokkha tame, full majesty right action, seeing danger in the slightest fault, and life practice leader in the legal world. This, monks, so your beauty monks increased prosperity.
This, monks, how is the peaceful monks increased prosperity? This, monks, here, the sexual monks glasses, cups committed evil, the first Zen residence certificate, a blissful state of being with a range of fitness due to isolation, with the quartet; Removal range, killing Quartet, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad ... Tuesday ... Meditation Meditation Wednesday residence certificate. This, monks, so your peaceful monks increased prosperity.
 This, monks, how was the monks assets increased prosperity? This, monks, here, the monks reside, turning a means to meet the organic mind with the word, so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides with heart complications of chronic sentence with the word organic, boundless generosity, no hatred, no anger, with the organic mind with compassion ... with organic heart with joy ... the question he abides turn the organic content with the discharge center, boundless generosity, not hatred, not golf. This, monks, so you monks, assets increased prosperity.
This, monks, how is the powerful monks increased prosperity? This, monks, monks here, with the cessation of the taints, and the witness himself said, reaching the current dwell within the mind liberated, liberating insight no longer taints. This, monks, such is the force monks increased prosperity.
This, monks, I observed and saw no one else's hard power than the power of photography for Mara. This, monks, thanks to accept and practice the law was good but this merit is increased prosperity!

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