Thursday 31 March 2016


 Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (America-did), his garden Anathapindika (Level-she-toxic). At that time, Venerable Sariputta (Sariputta) called the monks: "Hey, monks". - "Sage" was obedient monks Venerable Sariputta replied. The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
- Chu Hien, chief knowledge, pastor of knowledge, known as such. Chu Hien, until how, a chief disciple St. knowledge, knowledge with justice, have absolute confidence in France and achievements of this true Dhamma?
- We remotely come to be understood meaning of those words Venerable Sariputta. It's rather good, if the Venerable Sariputta the meaning preach his word. After hearing the venerable Sariputta, monks will maintain life.
- Chu Hien, so let's hear it, then cleverly volition. I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, Sage! - The monks Venerable Sariputta replied yes.
The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
- Chu Hien, St. disciples as being immoral insight and insight are the roots immoral, good and insight the insight the basis innate goodness, reverences, then chief disciple Bible knowledge, with knowledge uprightness, have absolute confidence in France and achievements of this true Dhamma. Chu Hien, how immoral, how are the roots immoral, what is good, how good are the roots? Chu Hien, killing is immoral, taking what is not said to be immoral, unchaste in education is immoral, lying is immoral, said two blades are immoral, evil is evil import, say frivolous as any good, greed is evil, anger is immoral, wrong view is unwholesome. Chu Hien, so called immoral. And reverences, how are the roots immoral? Participating are the roots immoral, courts are the roots immoral, evil and delusion are the roots. Chu Hien, so called base immoral obligation. And this reverences, is good? Abandoning killing is good, abandoning taking what is not said to be good, to give up the sexual misconduct of charity, to give lie is good, said two blades give up is good, is good export hatred, abandoned frivolous talk is good, greed is not good, not pitch as good, proper knowledge is good. Chu Hien, so called charity. Chu Hien, how good are the roots? Not participating are the roots facilities are the roots golf facilities are the roots si charity. Chu Hien, so called base innate goodness. Chu Hien, when St. disciples such unwholesome insight, insight the roots so evil, so good insight, insight basis such innate goodness, then, he participated rid of all custom newspapers , custom golf hypnosis cleansed, depending eradicate chronic hypnosis is "I am", except ignorance, makes intelligent arise, cessation of suffering right now. Chu Hien, so chief disciple St. knowledge, with knowledge upright, with absolute confidence and legal This outstanding achievement.
- You instead, Sage!
The monks then, after the happy, credit life and words venerable Sariputta Venerable Sariputta asked more questions like the following:
- Hey Sage, there may be other disciplines, thanks to this method Saints chief disciples have knowledge, knowledge with justice, have absolute confidence in France and achievements of this true Dhamma?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, St. disciples when food insight, knowledge the launch episode of food, knowledge the cessation of food, and knowledge the path to cessation of food, then the Holy reverences disciple Secretarial knowledge, knowledge with justice, have absolute confidence in France and achievements of this true Dhamma. Chu Hien, how is the food, how the food is set launch, how is cessation of food, how is the path to cessation of food? Chu Hien, there are four types of foods, making the living beings have been residing or living beings will be supported for the birth. Which four? Real union, or type of coarse, real contact is Monday, volition is the third, fourth practices. From the start of the charity collection launch episode of food, from the cessation of craving there is the cessation of food. Noble Eight this sector which led to the cessation of feeding, ie: politics is, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration. Chu Hien, St. disciples when food such insight, file insight originator of such food, knowledge the cessation of such food, knowledge the path to cessation of such food, while him, he was rid of all involved depending hypnosis, hypnosis cleansed custom field, custom eradicate chronic hypnosis is "I am", except ignorance, makes intelligent start-up, cessation of suffering right now. Chu Hien, so St. disciples have proper thoughts and viewpoints, which upright knowledge, have absolute confidence in France and achievements of this true Dhamma.
- You instead, Sage!
The monks then, after the happy, credit life Venerable Sariputta words Venerable Sariputta asked more questions like the following:
- Hey Sage, with other disciplines, thanks to this method chief disciple St. knowledge, knowledge with justice, have absolute confidence in France and achievements of this true Dhamma?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, when St. disciples suffering insight, insight Episode originator of suffering, cessation of suffering insight, knowledge the path to cessation of suffering, reverences, then chief disciple Bible knowledge, have knowledge upright, with absolute confidence and achievements France this outstanding. Chu Hien, how hard it is, how is the episode's start suffering, how is cessation of suffering, how is the road to cessation of suffering? Birth is suffering, old age is suffering, disease is suffering, death is suffering, sorrow advantages suffering brain is suffering, who is not suffering, short of aggregates is suffering. Chu Hien, so called Suffering. Reverences, is set originator of suffering? It is the kindness to existence, starting with education and participation towards joy of rebirth, the start rapture and sexual desire, seek joy here and there, that is, charity, non-bhava. Chu Hien, the so-called Group of suffering departure. Chu Hien, how is cessation of suffering? It is the destruction of dispassion, no residue remains, the throw away, renunciation, liberation, the detachment was craving. Chu Hien, how is the road to cessation of suffering? Noble Eight branches are taken to destroy suffering, that is the chief knowledge ... Right Concentration. Chu Hien, St. disciples when suffering such insight, insight Episode originator of such suffering, cessation of suffering insight so, knowledge the path to cessation of such suffering, then he paragraph custom Hypnosis unless all involved, depending yard free cleansing, ... (as above) ... and outstanding achievements of this approach.
- You instead, Sage ... (as above) ... Hey Sage, there may be other disciplines, thanks to the practice of St. disciple ... (as above) ... This outstanding achievement ?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, when St. disciple died aged insight, knowledge the old collective originator of death, cessation of old knowledge the death, knowledge the path to cessation of the old die, reverences, when his disciple St. Secretarial knowledge, ... (as above) ... and outstanding achievements of this approach. Chu Hien, how old is dead, how is a collection of aging start to die, how old is the cessation of the dead, how is the path to cessation of the old die? Sexual of any gender, within each type of beings, the elderly, the old thinking, loss of teeth, wrinkled skin and silver hair, wear a life day, chipping away the senses; reverences, so called old. How is the current home to die? Of any gender sentient beings in each of each, the par one, death, destruction, death, mortality, common destiny, destroying the aggregates, dispose of shape; reverences, so called dead. So old and so death, reverences, so called old dead. From the start of the delivery file, with the departure of the old collective death, from the cessation of birth, with the destruction of the old dead. Noble Eight this sector is the path to cessation of the old die, ie: politics is ... (as above) ... Right Concentration. Chu Hien, when St. disciples such knowledge the dying elderly, collective insight of aging start to die like that, old knowledge the cessation of such death, knowledge the path to cessation of such old died when him, he was rid of all involved depending hypnosis, hypnosis cleansed custom golf ... (as above) ..., and outstanding achievements of this approach.
- You instead, Sage ... (as above) ... Hey Sage, there may be other disciplines ...?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, when St. insight born disciple, initiate collective insight of being, cessation of birth insight, knowledge the path to the cessation of birth, reverences, while his chief disciple saints knowledge ... (as above) ... and outstanding achievements of this approach. Chu Hien, how is born, how is the originator of the birth episode, how is cessation of being, how is the path to cessation of birth? Beings of any gender, within each type of property status, birth, current start, appearance, presence, current aggregates, favorable convergence of origin; Chu Hien, so called birth. Since the launch of the organic collection with the launch episode of birth, from the destruction of property, with the cessation of birth, and the Noble Eight this sector which led to the cessation of being, ie: politics is. .. Right Concentration. Chu Hien, when St. disciples were born such insight, insight the launch episode of being so, the insight the cessation of being so, the insight the path to cessation of birth and so on, when him, he was rid of all involved depending newspapers ... (as above) ... so ... (as above) ... and outstanding achievements of this approach.
- You instead, Sage ... (as above) ... Hey Sage, with other disciplines ...?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, St. disciples when organic insight, file insight originator of property, destruction of those useful insight, knowledge the path to cessation of existence, reverences, while his chief disciple saints knowledge ... and outstanding achievements of this legal. Chu Hien, how useful, how is a collection of useful start, how is cessation of existence, how is the path to cessation of existence? Chu Hien, this property has three: Exercise organic, organic colors, organic formless. From the start of the defense file, set start of the property there; from the cessation of prime property with cessation of this industry and the Noble Eight is the path to cessation of existence, ie: politics is ... Right Concentration. Chu Hien, St. disciple when such useful insight, file insight originator of such organic, organic insight of such cessation, knowledge the path to cessation of such property, then, he depending rid of all participating newspapers ... and outstanding achievements of this approach.
- You instead, Sage ... (as above) ... Hey Sage, there may be other disciplines ...?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, when St. disciples initiate collective insight of the opponent, the player cessation insight, knowledge the path to cessation of the player, then the Holy Prophet is the chief disciple ... and achievements Dhamma present. Reverences, is obvious, how is the set of prime launch, how is cessation of competition, how is the path to cessation of defense? Chu Hien, has four players this: sexual competition, is prime, prime precepts, self defense argument. From the start of the charity collection, starting with the player set; from the cessation of craving, there is cessation of craft; and the Noble Eight this sector which led to the cessation of competition, ie: politics is ... Right Concentration. Chu Hien, St. disciple when such obvious insight, knowledge the prime initiator of such training, knowledge the cessation of such craft, knowledge the path to cessation of such players, then, he depending rid of all participating newspapers and outstanding achievements of this approach.
- You instead, Sage ... (as above) ... Hey Sage, with other disciplines ...?
- Chu Hien, possible. Reverences when St. disciples loving insight, file insight originator of love, of compassion cessation insight, knowledge the path to cessation of craving, then the Holy Prophet is the chief disciple ... and the this outstanding achievement. Chu Hien, how loving, how is the launch of the charity collection, how is cessation of craving, what is the path to cessation of craving? Chu Hien, has six this category: excellence loving, compassionate bar, incense love, your love, emotional love, charity law. From the start of life episode, there are episodes of love, from the cessation of life, there is cessation of craving, and the Noble Eight this sector is the way to cessation of craving, ie: politics is ... Right Concentration . Chu Hien, St. disciple when such insight loving, compassionate insight originator of such training, compassionate insight of such cessation, knowledge the path to such cessation of craving, then, he , rid of all involved depending newspapers ... and outstanding achievements of this legal.
- You instead, Sage ... (as above) ... Hey Sage, there may be other disciplines ...?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, St. disciples when life insight, file insight originator of life, of life annihilated insight, knowledge the path to cessation of life, when his chief disciple Bible knowledge and outstanding achievements it's France. Chu Hien, how is life, what is the originator of collective life, how is cessation of life, what is the path to cessation of life? Chu Hien, there are six types of this life: birth and life touched by the label, contact the ear-born life, emotional life due to birth rate, life touched by the loss of life, life itself touched by the birth, life touched by the birth. From the start of the contact file, set start of life there; from the cessation of contact, there is cessation of life; and the Noble Eight this sector which led to the cessation of life, ie: politics is ... Right Concentration. Chu Hien, St. disciples when life such insight, file insight originator of such life, life insight of such cessation, knowledge the path to such cessation of life, then, he depending rid of all participating newspapers ... and outstanding achievements of this approach.
- You instead, Sage ... (as above) ... Hey Sage, there may be other disciplines ...?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, St. disciples when touched insight, knowledge the launch episode of contact, cessation of emotional insight, knowledge the path to the cessation of contact, then chief disciple Bible knowledge and outstanding achievements it's France. Chu Hien, how is exposed, how is the set of contact start, how is cessation of exposure, how is the path to cessation of contact? Chu Hien, there follows this type of exposure: manual exposure, ear contact, reducing exposure, loss of contact, body contact, the contact. From the start of the six sets in, there sets starting from contact; from the cessation of the six in, there is cessation of exposure, and the Noble Eight this sector which led to the cessation of contact, ie: politics is ... Right Concentration. Chu Hien, St. disciple when such emotional insight, file insight originator of such exposure, emotional insight of such cessation, knowledge the path to cessation of such contact, then, he depending rid of all participating newspapers ... and outstanding achievements of this approach.
- You instead, Sage ... the question as follows: Sage, there may be other disciplines ...?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, St. disciples when six import insight, knowledge the launch of six set in, knowledge the cessation of the six in, knowledge the path to cessation of the six in, then chief disciple Bible knowledge ... and outstanding achievements of this legal. Chu Hien, how are the six in, how the launch of six set in, how is the cessation of the six in, how is the path to cessation of the six in? Chu Hien, has six this import: import brands, ear type, rate type, loss type, body type, standard type. From the start of the collective mentality of the six-episode start accession; from the cessation of mentality can enter the extinction of six; and the Noble Eight this sector which led to the cessation of the six in, ie: politics is ... Right Concentration. Chu Hien, only when the disciple saints such knowledge the six entry, collective knowledge the launch of six such import, knowledge the six cessation of such import, knowledge the path to enter the extinction of six such , meanwhile, he cut through all the arguments and achievements custom newspapers ... this parade.
- You instead, Sage ... (as above) ... Hey Sage, there may be other disciplines ...?
Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, when the disciple St. mentality insight, knowledge the launch episode of matter, knowledge the annihilation of matter, knowledge the path to annihilation of matter, then chief disciple St. knowledge ... and outstanding achievements of this legal. Chu Hien, how matter, how is the originator of the collective mentality, how is the annihilation of matter, how is the path to cessation of mentality? Feeling, perception, private, emotional, volitional, reverences, so called list; four modern and contemporary identity formed by four, reverences, so called excellence; so here's the list and here is excellent, Chu Hien, so called mentality. From the start of official practice, the mentality has set departure; from the cessation of consciousness, cessation of mentality there; and the Noble Eight this sector which led to the cessation of mentality, ie: politics is ... Right Concentration. Chu Hien, when St. mentality disciples such insight, insight collective originator of such mentality, knowledge the cessation of such mentality, knowledge the path to cessation of such mentality, when he, he, rid of all involved depending newspapers ... and outstanding achievements of this approach.
- You instead, Sage ... (as above) ... Hey Sage, there may be other disciplines ...?
Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, when St. knowledge intellectual disciple, initiate collective insight of knowledge, insight cessation of consciousness, knowledge the path to cessation of consciousness, when his chief disciple St. knowledge ... and this outstanding achievement. Chu Hien, how is consciousness, what is the set of official launch, how is cessation of consciousness, how is the path to cessation of the formula? Chu Hien, there are six types of these: eye consciousness, ear consciousness, olfactory consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness, consciousness. From the start of operator training, has set the official launch; from the cessation of the practice of informal with eradicated; and the Noble Eight this sector which led to the cessation of consciousness, ie: politics is ... Right Concentration. Chu Hien, when St. Property disciples such knowledge, insight of the official launch such training, informal knowledge the cessation of such knowledge the path to cessation of such knowledge, then, he depending rid of all participating newspapers ... and outstanding achievements of this approach.
- You instead, Sage ... (as above) ... Hey Sage, there may be other disciplines ...?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, St. disciples when operating insight, knowledge the launch of the operating practice, cessation of operating insight, knowledge the path to cessation of the act, the chief disciple was St. knowledge ... and this outstanding achievement. Reverences, is operating, how is the set of operating start, how is cessation of the practice, how is the path to cessation of the act? Chu Hien, there are three types of administration: mental, language practice, mental formations. From the start of collective ignorance, may set the initiator of force; from the cessation of ignorance, there is cessation of practice; and the Noble Eight this sector which led to the cessation of the act, ie: politics is ... Right Concentration. Chu Hien, St. disciple when such operating insight, file insight originator of such act, practice insight of such cessation, knowledge the path to cessation of such acts, then, he depending rid of all participating newspapers ... and outstanding achievements of this approach.
- You instead, Sage ... (as above) ... Hey Sage, there may be other disciplines ...?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, when St. disciples ignorance insight, knowledge the launch of collective ignorance, knowledge the cessation of ignorance, knowledge the path to the cessation of ignorance, meanwhile, chief disciple St. tri is ... (as above) ... and outstanding achievements of this approach. Chu Hien, how is ignorance, what is the originator of collective ignorance, how is cessation of ignorance, what is the path to cessation of ignorance? No insight about the suffering, not enlightened wisdom of collective suffering, not enlightened wisdom of suffering killing, no insight on the way to destroy suffering, Chu Hien, so called ignorance. From the start of the pirated files or, with set departure of ignorance; from the cessation of the taints, with cessation of ignorance; and the Noble Eight this sector which led to the cessation of ignorance, ie: politics is ... Right Concentration. Chu Hien, when St. disciples such ignorance insight, file insight originator of such ignorance, knowledge the cessation of such ignorance, knowledge the path to cessation of such ignorance, while him, he was rid of all involved depending newspapers ... and outstanding achievements of this approach.
- You instead, Sage!
The monks did, after joyful, life signal words venerable Sariputta, Venerable Sariputta asked more questions like the following:
- Hey Sage, there may be other disciplines, thanks to this method chief disciple St. knowledge, with knowledge upright, with absolute confidence and legal achievements this true Dhamma?
- Chu Hien, possible. Chu Hien, St. disciples when pirated or insight, knowledge the departure of illegal collection or, insight or cessation of contraband, knowledge the path to cessation of defilements. Chu Hien, then chief disciple St. knowledge, with knowledge upright, with absolute confidence and legal This outstanding achievement. Reverences, is illegal or, how is the set of defilements launch, how is cessation of defilements, what is the path to cessation of defilements? Chu Hien, three defilements this: illegal sex, property illegally smuggled ignorance. From the start of collective ignorance of pirated files or boot; from the cessation of ignorance there is the cessation of the Noble Eight cankers and this sector is the way to cessation of defilements, ie: politics is, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration. Chu Hien, St. disciples when cankers such insight, knowledge the start of pirated files or so, insight or cessation of such contraband, knowledge the path to cessation of contraband or so, when him, he was rid of all involved depending hypnosis, hypnosis cleansed custom field, custom eradicate chronic hypnosis is "I am", except ignorance, makes intelligent start-up, cessation of suffering right now. Chu Hien, so chief disciple St. knowledge, with knowledge upright, with absolute confidence and legal This outstanding achievement.
The venerable Sariputta such preaching. Monks was happy, credit life of Venerable Sariputta teachings.

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