Saturday 26 March 2016



Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (America-did), his garden Anathapindika (Level-she-toxic). Then Janussoni Brahmin came to Bhagavan in, when finished, speak words of welcome to inquire with Bhagavan, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Brahmin Janussoni venerable sir:
 - Venerable Gotama, a man can have compassion, because trust Venerable Gotama, was ordained, abandoned the family, no family life. For this position, Venerable Gotama is the leader. For this position, Venerable Gotama helps a lot. For this position, Venerable Gotama is the encouragement of tons. The adoption of this position in view of the Venerable Gotama.
- Hey Brahmin, truly is. This Brahmin, truly is. This Brahmin, a man can have compassion, because trust me, have left home, abandoning the family, no family life. I am their leader. I have great help for them. I am encouraging you tons of them. And the acceptance of this position to follow my opinion.
- Venerable Gotama, it is hard endurance residence far away in the mountain wilderness! It's difficult renunciation life! It's hard to enjoy life in solitude! I think that mountainous pulled your mind no evidence monks meditation.
- Hey Brahmin, truly is. This Brahmin, truly is. This Brahmin, it was hard endurance residence far away in the mountain wilderness! It's difficult, renunciation life! It's hard to enjoy life in solitude! I think the mountain forests pulled your mind no evidence monks meditation.
- Hey Brahmin, I am not old when enlightened Enlightenment, as a Bodhisattva, I think as follows: "It is difficult endurance of abode far away, in the wild jungle! It's difficult, renunciation life! It's hard to enjoy life in solitude! I think the mountain forests pulled your mind no evidence monks meditation! "Hey Brahmin, then I thought:" These recluses or any Brahmin, now impure body , living in the abode far away, in the desolate mountain forests, caused by previous infections, bodily impure, the venerable recluse or Brahmin was definitely intimidated, frightened, evil arises. Now we do not have impure body, living in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. Now my body pure. I am one of the sages, with bodily purity, living in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I am now self-observation completely pure body, the self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests. This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "These recluses, or Brahmin does, there is not pure verbal ... (as above) ... there the impure now ... (as above) ... with impure lives lived at the residence far away, in the mountainous wilderness, prior infection caused impure life, the venerable Sa jelly or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. I have no life, not pure, to live in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. My life pure. I am one of the sages, the pure life, living in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I am self-observation completely pure life, the self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "The recluse or Brahmin any craving, craving has intensified, living in the abode far away, in the forest desolate mountains, caused by infection before greed, craving has intensified, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. I have no desire, craving intensified, living in the remote wilderness abode in the mountain wilderness. I have no desire, I am one of the sages, no desire, to live in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I am self-observation I have no such desire, self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "The recluse or Brahmin does anger with malice, living in the abode far away, in the wild jungle vu, due to prior infection with malicious anger, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. I have no anger, malice, living in the remote wilderness abode in the mountain wilderness. I have compassion. I am one of the sages have compassion, to live in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I am self-observation I have such compassion, I felt confidence was recognized more, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "The recluse or Brahmin yet more deep torpor was dominant, lives in the abode far away, in the mountain forest desolate, infections caused by drowsiness torpor before being dominant, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. We have little more deep torpor dominant, lives in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. I have no more deep torpor. I am one of the sages no more deep torpor, living in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I observe my self no torpor such dullness and self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "The recluse or Brahmin does fluctuate, the mind is not calm, live in the abode far away, in the mountain forest desolation, caused by infection before being swayed, the mind is not calm, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. I do not have oscillation, calm mind is not right, to live in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. I no oscillation, the mind is calm. I am one of the sages no oscillation, the mind is calm, live in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I am self-observation center so I was calm and self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "The recluse or Brahmin any doubt, hesitation, to live in the abode far away, in the mountainous wilderness , due to previous infection doubt, hesitation, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. I have no doubt, hesitation, to live in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. I was hesitant to eradicate. I am one of the sages eradicate doubt, living in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I mind my self-observation eradicate such doubts, self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "The recluse or Brahmin does his compliments, criticism at the abode of people living far away, in the mountainous wilderness, previous infections caused by his compliments, criticism of people, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. I do not have my compliments, criticism of people, living in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. I do not have my compliments, no criticism of people, I am one of the sages are not praising me, no blame people, living in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I am self-observation I do not mind praising me, no blame such people, self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "The recluse or Brahmin does trembling, afraid to live in the abode far away, in the mountainous wilderness, previous infections caused by shaking, scared, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. I no trembling, fear, live in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. I do not have hair upside, lives in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I am self-observation I have no hair upside, I am one of the sages, no such hair upside, self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in Mountain forest.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "The recluse or Brahmin yet avaricious desire, respect, fame, lived in the remote desert abode, in the wild jungle, due to previous infection avaricious desire, respect, fame, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. I have no desire avaricious, respect, fame, lived at the residence far away, in the wild jungle. I had less education. I am one of the few fitness saint, lived in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I am self-observation I had so little education, self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "The recluse or Brahmin does idleness, lack of diligence, to live in the abode far away, in the wild jungle vu, due to previous infection causes laziness, lack of diligence, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. I do not have the lazy, less effort, to live in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. We painstaking, diligent. I am one of the sages of painstaking, diligent, living in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, Ta Ta diligent self-observation, so diligent, self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "The recluse or Brahmin any forgetfulness, not aware, living in the abode far away, in the wild jungle vu, due to previous infection causes forgetfulness, not aware, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. I no forgetfulness, not aware, living in residence far away, in the wild jungle. I dwell anniversary. I was one of the thoughts dwell saint, lived in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I contemplate such thoughts I dwell, self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "The recluse or Brahmin does not calm the mind was wandering, living in the abode far away, in the forest desolate mountains, due to previous infection is not calm, the mind was wandering, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. I was calm, the mind is not wandering away to live in the desert abode, in the wild jungle. Centering our achievements. I was one of the achievements of the mind saint, lived in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, I observe my self centering such achievements, from self-esteem feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "These recluses or any Brahmin intellectual paralysis, dumb, living in the abode far away, in the mountainous wilderness . Paralysis caused by previous infections wisdom, stupidity, the venerable recluse or Brahmin he certainly makes fear, terror, evil arises. Property have no paralysis, dumb, living in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. Our intellectual achievement. I was one of the intellectual achievement saint, lived in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. " This Brahmin, self-observation Ta Ta such intellectual achievement, self-confidence to feel better was recognized, while living in the mountain forests.
This Brahmin, depending issue, I think as follows: "During the night known, is determined, the night fourteenth, fifteenth night, the night eighth fortnightly, in the night as so, I come in at the frightening abode, hair upside, as the temple at the workshop members, the temple in the jungle, the temple in the trees, so I could see the fear terror Hey". This Brahmin, after a time, in the night known, is determined, the night fourteenth, fifteenth night, the night eighth fortnightly, in the same night, I came in at the residence Made frightening, so hair upside, as the temple at the workshop members, the temple in the jungle, the temple in the trees. This Brahmin, while he was at the place, an animal can be reached, or a drop of a tree, or the wind shook the leaves fall; I start up the thought: "Now the fear terror that has come!". This Brahmin, then I thought: "Why I'm here, so expect only the fear of terror and not something else? In any gesture acts of terror I fear that came, in its behavior and that, Let's eradicate terror fear it. " This Brahmin while walking back and forth I fear terror that he came, the Brahmin, I do not stand, I do not sit, I do not lie, but I fear eradicate terror while I was walking back and forth. This Brahmin, while I was standing that dreadful fear came, then the Brahmin, I am not doing issue back and forth, I do not sit, I do not lie, but I eradicate fear terrified him while I was standing. This Brahmin, while I was sitting that dreadful fear came, then the Brahmin, I will not lie, I did not stand, I do not trade practice back and forth, but I eradicate fear of terror ensure that while I was sitting. This Brahmin, while I was lying that dreadful fear came, then the Brahmin, I do not sit, I do not stand, I do not trade practice back and forth, but I eradicate fear of terror ensure that while I was lying.
This Brahmin, there are some recluses, Brahmin thought days like nights, thought the night like day. Thus, I say that these recluses, Brahmin living in the delusion that implies. This Brahmin, I think that the night is the night, think the date is the date. This Brahmin, who said right feet will say: "This does not give si beings possessed, born in life for the welfare of all living beings, for the happiness of all beings, out of compassion for life, for the good, for happiness, for the happiness of God and man species. When he said in a righteous way and I will talk about as follows: "As you have no delusion possessed beings, born of life for the welfare of all living beings, for the happiness of all beings, out of compassion for the world, sake, for happiness, for the happiness of Heaven and species the species ". This Brahmin, I am ardent, diligent, not lazy. Mindfulness us, no chaos, itself was calm, with no oscillation, the mind is calm, the most specialized. This Brahmin, I ly education, legal segregation of evil, the first Zen residence certificate, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, with views to the quarterfinals. Killing Games, killing quarterfinals, I second residence certificate meditation, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, single-minded provincial cabinet. Hy Ly discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, the body feels the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, I abides Tuesday Meditation. Peanuts and discharging exhaust suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, I abides Meditation Wednesday, neutral, exhaust purification concept.
With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, I led care, sufficient radial network to location. Reminiscent of the past life, like a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty died, thirty-life, life forty, fifty life, a hundred lives, two hundred life, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives havoc, many lives, and the lives much damage. I remember saying, "At the other place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, the dish like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. After dying in there, I was born in this place. At this place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, dishes like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. After his death in this place, I was born here. " I remember so many past lives with the outline and details. This Brahmin, the first watch in the night I first witness is intelligent, ignorance away, proving birth; Removal darkness, the light of life, while I live no distractions, zealous, ardent.
With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, I lead the mind, afferent to the birth and death of beings location. I and the pure divine eye superheroes, see life and death of beings. Us insight that human beings inferior, noble man, a beautiful man, coarse man, lucky, wretch, are now due to their virtues. These beings do evil deeds of body, speech evil deeds, evil deeds of attention, vilified the sages, according to TA, TA create now follow. These people, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. And yet these beings attain the physical virtuous, virtuous achievements of speech, good deeds achievements of attention, not defame the saint, in the right view, create now follow the right view, the this, after the body damage the public network, is born to the animal charity, heaven, on earth. Thus with superhuman pure divine eye, I see the life and death of beings. Us insight that living beings, inferior people, who noble, beautiful people, ugly rough guys, lucky, wretch, are now due to their unfortunate. This Brahmin, the night centered, evidence proving I second kill ignorance, intelligent being; Removal darkness, the light of life, while I live no distractions, zealous, ardent.
With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, I lead the mind, to illegally take place radially. We won the tri-like, "This is suffering," tri-like victory: "This is the cause of suffering," tri-like victory: "It is hard kill", wins tri realistic: "This is the path to Removal suffering ", wins tri realistic:" these are illegal or "tri-like victory:" This is the cause of gonorrhea or "tri-like victory:" This is the anti-contraband or "tri-like victory "This is the way to destroy the defilements." Thanks to know that, thanks to shows like that, my heart rid of illegal sex, property illegally escape, escape from ignorance. For itself has freed so, start up position of understanding: I have liberated. I have overcome the prophet: "Sanh took advantage, dignity has, to-do was made, no longer come back to this state again." This Brahmin third watch of the night, I was intelligent witness Tuesday, ignorance away, proving birth; Removal darkness, the light of life, while I live no distractions ardent zeal.
This Brahmin, he might have thought as follows: "Now recluse Gotama not eradicate greed, not eradicate the pitch, not eradicate si, should live in the abode far away, in the wild jungle breast". This Brahmin, do not have this understanding. Do I observe two purposes that I live in the abode far away, in the wild jungle. See the current self and stay optimistic beings of compassion in the future.
- Beings in the future is a great venerable Gotama injured, because he came to the Arhat level, Enlightenment. It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! ... As people stood up to what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions to the lost direction, to bring light into the darkness to those who with sharp eyes can see. Likewise, the Dharma was venerable Gotama presented using various means explained. I take refuge Venerable Gotama, French refuge and refuge monks Increase. Mong Ton Gotama adoption as his disciple; From now until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.

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