Friday 25 March 2016


So I hear.
1. One time Bhagavan lived in Rajagaha (Rajgir a), in Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), Kalandakanivapa (where to find food of squirrels). At that time, Singalaka (Thi-ca-la-Vietnam), Homeowners death, get up early, out of Rajgir, waterproof jacket, waterproof hair, hands in obeisance to the directions: east, direction south, west, north, towards Lower, Upper direction.
2. Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding a bowl in the Rajgir y alms. Bhagavan saw Singalaka, Homeowners death, get up early, out of Rajgir, waterproof jacket, waterproof hair, hands in obeisance to the directions: east, south, west, north, towards Lower , towards Shanghai. Seeing this, he told Singalaka, Homeowners mail:
- Hey Homeowners death, why You get up early, out of Rajgir, with wet clothes, wet your hair with hands in obeisance to the orientation and direction of Shanghai in the east ...?
- Buddha, nearly died when his father commanded the children: "Dear children! Hey, let's pay homage to the orientation". Buddha, followers respectfully, reverently, respect, pay homage to the father's words, get up early morning, out of Rajgir, with wet clothes, wet hair, hands in obeisance to the respective direction, east ... towards Shanghai.
- Hey Homeowners death, in the law of the sages, worship Hexagonal not so.
- Buddha, the saint-in-law, how is worship Hexagonal? Buddha, the saint-in-law, bowed Hexagonal to like? Instead! Bhagavan was just teaching children!
- Hey Homeowners mail, listen and ponder carefully, and I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Singalaka, Homeowners Exalted obedient to death. Exalted lecture as follows:
3. - Hey Homeowners death, for Saints disciples, four defilements are eradicated now, do not do evil in four reasons, not the cause for wasting six properties. This position, thanks to waive legal fourteen evil, became the shelter Hexagonal; You have to practice to win two away, this position has won this life and the next. After the body damage the public network, this location being in good fun, Empyrean.
What four negativity was now eradicated? The owner of this element, which is now killing negativity, negativity now stealing, adultery now negativity, negativity now lie. Four were now disturbing eradication.
Exalted such preaching.
4. Auspicious finished preaching, the instructor gurus added:
Killing and stealing,
Lying, married people,
The wise man does not praise,
The so happy now.
5. What is not to do evil in four reasons? Karma done by lust, evil doing by hatred, evil deeds done by ignorance, by fear evil doing. The owner of this death, because Saints disciples not greed, not hatred, not stupid, not fear, should not do evil according to four reasons.
Exalted such preaching.
6 Auspicious finished preaching, the instructor gurus added:
Who betrayed the Dharma,
Because of greed, hatred, father, si,
Reputation intact
As with moon night.
Who does not reflect the Dharma,
Because of greed, hatred, father, si,
Kudos are round enough,
As the full moon night.
7. What is not in accordance with the six causes wasting asset? The owner of this death, passion is wine causes wasting asset. Traveled street that causes non-time wasting asset. Hit theaters loitering causes wasting asset. Gambling enthusiasts is the cause wasting asset. Socializing evil is the cause wasting asset. Habitual laziness is the cause wasting asset.
8. Hey Homeowners electronic, wine enthusiasts have six dangerous: Current assets lost, struggling to grow, easy to penetrate illness, injury honor, revealing sound museum, and Friday is mental harm. The owner of this death, wine enthusiasts have six such dangers.
9. Hey Homeowners death, non-street travel time of six dangerous: Themselves unshielded holder, his wife and children unshielded holder, property unshielded holder, suspected of working the author of evil, victims of rumors, self procession into the body much suffering. The owner of this death, non-time traveled streets such dangerous six.
10. Hey Homeowners death, hanging out with six hit theaters dangerous: Always look to see where they can dance, where there are cases, where there is music, where there chanting, music anywhere with your hands, place that blank. The owner of this death, hanging out with six hit theaters so dangerous.
11. Hey Homeowners death, gambling enthusiasts have six dangerous: If a winner is born hatred, if lost, the mind being melancholy, current assets lost, in the hall (courtrooms) words are not effective power, friendship colleague contempt, issue credit to marry not for gambling enthusiasts are not fit to be his wife. The owner of this death, gambling enthusiasts have six such dangers.
12. Hey Homeowners mail, close the six dangerous evil: The gambler, operating disturbances, alcoholism, who disguised disguise, deception, violence were friends, are friends of him . The owner of this death, evil neighbor has six such dangers.
13. Hey Homeowners death, habitual lazy six dangerous: "too cold", does not work; "Overheating", does not work; "Too late" does not work; "Too early", does not work; "I'm hungry too," does not work; "I was too full", does not work. While these jobs do not have to do it again. Assets not build up no assets have already been targets Furniture. The owner of this death, habitual laziness has six such dangers. Exalted such preaching.
14. Auspicious finished preaching, the instructor gurus added:
Have you called your wine,
Yes, you in the mouth,
You're great at is,
Worthy new friends.
Sleeping during the day, the man's wife,
Popular struggle, hurt,
Body evil, avarice,
Six harm the brain.
Evil, evil you travel,
Evil deeds, evil in the land,
This lifetime after lifetime,
Two died, the victim.
Gambling and women,
Drinking, dancing and singing
Sleeping during the day, non-time travel
Body evil, avarice,
Six harm the brain.
Dice, drink
Pursued the woman who,
Maybe other people's lives,
Close outcast,
Wise does not close,
He himself wither,
As with the moon in the season.
No amount of alcohol,
Longing, looking wine whore,
Sunk in debt,
As submerged in water tanks,
Quickly to hurt yourself,
As those who lost their families.
Who habitual nap,
Full all night awake,
Always say schmaltzy,
Can not live with the family.
Here one or coal:
Oh too cold, too hot,
Too afternoon, too late,
Will neglect the work.
Benefits, good things,
Drifted to one side.
Who look cold and hot,
Softer reeds,
Doing anything that was his,
Happiness is not abandoned.
15. Hey Homeowners mail, there are four categories of people should not see you, invest in you: The object has to be seen not grab you, invest in you; only say good people must be viewed not you, invest in you; smarmy smart people must be viewed not you, invest in you; luxury spender must be viewed not you, invest in you.
16. Hey Homeowners mail, there are four cases where the object has to be seen not grab you, invest in you: The object has taken, for much less ask, fearing that do, do for the sake of benefit themselves. The owner of this element, such as the four cases where the object has to be seen not grab you, invest in you.
17. Hey Homeowners mail, there are four cases, people only say good must be viewed not you, invest in you: Be friendly route was over; reveals the less intimate; bribed sympathy with cliches; when there is work, reveals his impotence. The owner of this element, such as the four cases, people only say good must be viewed not you, invest in you.
18. Hey Homeowners mail, there are four cases to be considered Sycophants not you, invest in you: Agree to the evil; disagree the good deeds; in front of praise; behind the criticism. The owner of this element, such as the four cases to be considered Sycophants not you, invest in you.
19. Hey Homeowners mail, there are four cases, the extravagant must be viewed not you, invest in you: As you while your passion for wine; are you, when I traveled non-time street; when I hang you hit theaters; when his passion is gambling. The owner of this death, so there are four cases, the extravagant must be viewed not you, invest in you.
Exalted such preaching.
20. Auspicious finished preaching, the instructor gurus added:
What you people get well,
Good friend just said,
The speaker taffy,
Luxury spender.
All four, not you,
Knowing this, the bypass and
As the road is full of fear.
21. Hey Homeowners death, four kinds you see is that you have to be honest: who you help must be considered true friendship; faithful friend in the fun as well as hard to be considered true friendship; Friend advised that the benefits must be considered true friendship; Friend had a great love for you to be considered genuine.
22. Hey Homeowners mail, there are four cases, the person you help should be considered true friendship: Sheltered for you when you unintentionally distractions, sheltered wealth when you unintentionally distractions, the place refuge when you fear, when you work will help to double the wealth you what you lack. The owner of this death, so there are four cases, help you to be seen as true friends.
23. Hey Homeowners mail, there are four cases, the faithful friend in the fun as well as hard to be considered true friends: Tell you what your secret; keep your secrets secret; not abandon you when you're in trouble; dare to sacrifice my life for you. The owner of this death, so there are four cases, the faithful friend in the fun as well as hard to be seen as true friends.
       24. Hey Homeowners mail, there are four cases, the friend suggested that benefits should be considered true friends: Deterrence you do no evil; encourage you to do good; you hear things you have not heard; you know the way to the realm of the gods. The owner of this death, so there are four cases, the friend suggested that benefits should be considered a true friend.
       25. Hey Homeowners mail, there are four cases, you must be seen as a great commercial real friend: Do not rejoice when your in need; happy when you get lucky; prevent those who speak ill of you; encourage those who praise you. The owner of this death, there are four cases, you must be seen as a great commercial real friend.
Exalted such preaching.
26. Auspicious finished preaching, the instructor gurus added:
You are willing to help,
Suffering faithful friend happy,
You encourage benefits,
You have great compassion.
Know the four friends,
Recreational who serve them,
As the mother of her own child.
Wise man keeps the precepts,
High hill of fire.
Property stockists,
Gestures as bees.
Assets are piling up,
As high extrusion termite mounds,
Persons treated as such,
Contains the property,
Enough to benefits
For their own families.
Assets need quaternary
To incorporate your friends:
Enjoyed his part,
Two sections devoted work,
Quarters, to take part,
Rooms difficult tribulation.
27. Hey Homeowners death, Saint holder Hexagonal disciples like? The owner of this death, Hexagonal should be understood as follows: the Orient should be interpreted as a parent. Southern should be interpreted as Master Chief. The West needs to be understood as his wife and children. The North should be interpreted as a friend. Under method should be interpreted as servants, laborers. Method On the need to be understood as recluses, Brahmin.
28. Hey Homeowners mail, there are four cases, the children have to take care of their parents as the East: "Having been raised, I will foster parents again; I will do duty for the parents; I will preserve family and tradition; I protect legacy assets, I will do the funeral when his parents died. " The owner of this death, is taking care of children as the East, so in five ways, parents have a great compassion to the children under five ways: Deterrence children do evil; encourage them to do good; professional parenting, children deserve a wife; given time of the child's heirs. The owner of this death, so that parents are taking care of such children under five from Eastern and parents have great compassion for children under five ways.
Thus the East unshielded, to become peace and escape the fear.
29. Hey Homeowners death, there are five ways, practitioners take care of Master Chief as the Southern tier: Standing up to salute, stood before him, eagerly learning, self-service teachers, focused professional learning. The owner of this death, is taking care practitioners such as South by year the same way, the Master Chief rank with great compassion to the disciples in five ways: Training his disciples what was well-trained; Maintenance teach what they are cleverly maintenance; mature teach professions; Merit students with familiar friends; safeguard jobs for students in all aspects. The owner of this death, so is the One Master Chief is taking care practitioners such as South by year Master Chief way and with great compassion to students in five ways. Thus the South are sheltered, to become peace and get rid of the fear.
30. Hey Homeowners death, there are five ways, the husband should treat his wife as the West: Regards wife, no disrespect to the wife; faithful to his wife; over power to his wife; jewelery shopping with his wife. The owner of this death, was the husband treated like Western Yearly such a way, she thought her husband had compassion in five ways: Execution nice our duties; reception clever people; faithful to her husband; well-kept property of the husband; dexterity and agility to do all the work. This Homeowners, who are husband and wife treated as the West in five ways and wife have a great love for her husband in five ways. Thus Western unshielded, to become peace and get rid of the fear.
31. Homeowners death, there are five ways to treat your men e with friends as the North: giving, loving, operating profit, colleagues, not deception. The owner of this death, are your men e treated as Northern Yearly such a way, you're friends with compassion men e glass in five ways: Sheltered if your lecherous men e; Maintenance of your property if your devotees the bohemian element; became a refuge when the men e danger; not stay away when the good men are baffled; You respected family men e. So your friends were treated like good men to death in the North under way and your friends with men e compassion in five ways. Thus the North unshielded, to become peace and get rid of the fear.
32. Hey Homeowners death, there are five ways an employer Saints treated as the serf class Below: Assign accordance with their strength; care of their diet and wages; treating them when sick; share their special aesthetic taste; occasionally let them leave. The owner of this death, the Holy restaurant owners servant be treated as such by the other under a year, have compassion for the employer in accordance with the following five ways: Wake up before all; bedtime after all; is satisfied with the given objects; skilled jobs; bring good reputation for all. The owner of this death, the saint every serf be treated as the employer for the year under way, with compassion for the Holy Year by the employer. Under such a sheltered way, to become peace and get rid of the fear.
33. Hey Homeowners death, there are five men e way you treat the monks, Brahmin as the Above: Have compassion in action on the body; there is compassion in action on export; there is compassion in action on the mind; open to welcome them personally; he donated the necessary items. The owner of this death, the Brahmin status, status Salmone men e treated as the Year On such a way, with compassion that you follow good men to death following five ways: Prevent them not to do evil; encourage them to do good; mercy on them with compassion, teach them things not heard; makes pure what they have heard; display only path to heaven. The owner of this death, the monk, Brahmin devotees death was treated as the year On the way, with compassion in five ways men e. Thus the On unshielded, are becoming tranquility and escape the fear.
Exalted such preaching.
34. Auspicious finished preaching, the instructor gurus added:
Parents are oriental,
The chief of the South,
Spouses are the West,
Friendship is the North,
Below is the servant,
Recluses, Brahmin,
Means the Above.
Layman for families,
He bowed direction.
The wise man keeps Gender, Law,
Slowly and eloquence,
Humble and acquiescent,
So is the name.
Get up early is not idleness,
Estate between danger,
The gentle, no transgression,
So is the name.
Photographer them make up you,
Loving, generous heart,
Pilot, cultural promotion director,
So is the name.
Generosity and loving kindness,
Operating profit anyone,
Colleagues in every way,
According to the case processing.
This is the main photographer,
Make the world around,
As the wheel turns rolling,
Round main vehicle axis.
Photography is the absence,
No mother lived,
Whether the father lived,
Honor the child.
So there rank position,
For photographers this approach,
As prime mortgage observe,
Thanks to this great city,
Be praised, the name.
35. When hearing this, Singalaka, Homeowners lord death: "It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! As people stand up to what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions to the lost direction, to bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Also, Dharma was Bhagavan used various means to present, explain. Buddha, I take refuge in this World Religion, refuge and our French monks. Blessed One child received a disciple, from this onward to the public network, the lifetime specified threshold.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/3/2016.MHDT.

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