Friday 25 March 2016


 Thus have I heard.
1. One time, Bhagavan at Rajagaha (Rajgir), Mountain Gijjhakuta (United crossbar excavations). At the time wanderer Nigrodha (Ni sentences momentum) in the Queen's garden Udumbarika (Udumbara Ms. la) for wanderer Group, along with our congress wanderer, about three thousand people. Homeowners Sandhana (thawed na), in the afternoon to go out to an audience of Rajgir Bhagavan. The homeowner then Sandhana thinking: "Now is not the time for an audience with Bhagavan, Bhagavan is an apartment precipitator. Nor is it the time for us Increase audience, because they were practicing Meditation Increases. So let's go to queen's garden wanderer Udumbarika for delegations, to visit Nigrodha wanderer. " And Homeowners Sandhana go to the queen's garden Udumbarika for wanderer wanderer delegation to visit Nigrodha.
2. At the time wanderer sitting with congress Nigrodha we wanderer, all talking loudly, loudly raised his voice, arguing about the useless chatter, like the story of kings, stories about food theft, the story of the great god, the story of the soldiers, horror stories, war stories, the story of the food, the drinks story, the story of the fabric wear, the story of the bed, the story of the wreath, the story of aromatherapy, the story of her son, the story of the vehicles, the story of the village, the story of the towns, the story of the city, the story of the country, stories the woman, the story of the man, the story of the hero, the story roadside spot for water story, the story of the dead, the voice magazine story, a story about the current state of the world , the current state of the oceans, the story of existence and non-existence.
3. The homeowner found Du Nigrodha Sandhana officer from the far, immediately told his congregation:
- The venerable keep silent, the venerable Let no noisy! Disciple recluse Gotama, Sandhana Homeowners are going to. In the disciples recluse Gotama, the laity, dressed in white, residing in Rajgir, Homeowners Sandhana is a mass of them. The preferred serenity to this position, they have been trained in serenity, they have praised the serenity. If this congregation known peace, Sandhana can come here.
When they heard that, the wanderer you have to keep quiet.
4. Then Homeowners Sandhana to the wanderer Nigrodha site, upon arrival, they speak the words of praise, courtesy and sat with wanderer Nigrodha:
- It's the difference rather, when the venerable pagan, the Assembly reconvened this wanderer, gathered, noisy, loud voice rising, they live debate about the useless chatter as the story of the kings. .. story about the existence and nonexistence. It's the difference rather, Exalted dwell the origin of humanity, tranquil mountains, far away, less noise, wind blowing copper, away from the eyes of the lifetime, suitable for the retreat.
5. When they heard that, wanderer Nigrodha told Homeowners Sandhana:
- Homeowners know? Recluse Gotama talks with anyone comment? Dialogue with whom? Who gained wisdom? Intellectual recluse Gotama damaged because not living with the land, not good recluse Gotama control a congregation, not enough to dialogue, refers only to the peripheral issues. Like cows an eye, go circle and just went outside. Likewise, intellectual recluse Gotama damaged because not living with the land. Recluse Gotama is not good at controlling a congregation, not enough to dialogue, refers only to the peripheral issues. Homeowners this, if recluse Gotama to in this congregation, only one question we can stop now; we think we can roll recluse Gotama as not rolling a jar.
6. Bhagavan, with pure atrial God than people, hear about the conversation with the wanderer Sandhana Homeowners Nigrodha. Then Bhagavan Gijjhakuta step down from the mountain, come to cultivate garden giant bird stripped, waterfront Sumagadha, on arrival went back and forth between heaven. Wanderer Nigrodha see Bhagavan goes back and forth between heaven and, at the giant bird stripped nurtured garden, on the waterfront Sumagadha, at that instant when reminding the congregation:
- The venerable keep silent; the venerable shalt have made noise; Recluse Gotama is traveling between the sky, the birds in the garden nourished by the river Sumagadha not stripped. Popular taste this venerable peace, praising the peace, if this congregation know peace, we think, recluse Gotama can come here. If recluse Gotama to in this congregation, we would ask this question: "Buddha, France is France's what Bhagavan? With what Bhagavan France wanted to teach the disciples, with the French public's disciples Exalted be trained to teach, reach tranquility, and confirm the fundamental virtues? "
When saying this, the position Vacchagotta remain silent.
7. At that time, Bhagavan to spot wanderer Nigrodha in. And wanderer Nigrodha told Bhagavan as follows:
- Buddha, Bhagavan come here; please welcome the Exalted; lord, have long Exalted have a chance to come here; lord, please Bhagavan sitting. This is the seat was drafted.
The seats sit Being drafted. Wanderer Nigrodha took a low seat and sat down on the other side. Bhagavan told wanderer Nigrodha sitting down on one side:
- Indeed, Nigrodha, You are sitting to discuss problems? What problem are talking between you shall be stopped?
When saying so, wanderer Nigrodha venerable sir:
- Buddha, here we see Bhagavan is going back and forth, nurtured garden bird in huge deprivation, on the waterfront Sumagadha. When I saw that, we say: "If recluse Gotama to in this assembly, we will ask the question:" Buddha, France is France's what Bhagavan? With Bhagavan Dharma teachings disciples? With France yet Exalted be disciples teachings, reach tranquility and confirmation is fundamental virtues? "Buddha, which is the issue being discussed between us, shall be stopped when the Exalted to .
- Indeed, Nigrodha, it's hard for you, when you follow the other false interpretations, the patience of the other wrong, wrong track other goals, to pursue the goals difference, trained under the wrong approach French to understand what other training I teach my disciples, reach tranquility and confirm the fundamental virtues. Indeed, Nigrodha, ask about the exalted ascetic tradition of Thou: "Buddha, how are the achievements of austerity, not what is the achievement?"
When they heard that, the wandering ascetic instant pagan loud, high voice is: "It is wonderful, it is rare, and great lords powerful force of recluse Gotama! He did not mention the teachings of his proposal to discuss the teachings of others. "
8. Du told the officer Nigrodha Vacchagotta silent and venerable sir:
- Buddha, we preach of ascetic life, austerity is the basic view, accept austerity maintenance. Venerable sir, how is the ascetic achievements? How is the accomplished ascetic not?
- Indeed, Nigrodha, here are ascetic, nude, live bohemian no ritual, licked clean hands, begging for food refused to step forward, not get food to bring, do not get special food cook for themselves, do not accept an invitation to eat, no place to receive food from pots and pans, not getting food in the doorway, do not get the food placed between the sticks, not getting food from two people are eating, not getting food from the pregnant woman, not get food from the women who are breastfeeding, do not get food from the woman having sexual intercourse, do not get away donated food, local food does not get dog stand , do not get the food in place with flies, do not eat fish, meat, not drinking cooking wine yeast. He only ate at home or only eat a piece, just getting to eat at home or only eating two two pieces, eating only at home or only eat seven seven pieces. He feeds with one bowl, with just two bowls feed, feed with seven bowls. He ate only one meal a day, a meal for two days, seven days a meal. Thus he lived under the almond diet abstinence until half months to eat once. You only eat rice grass to live, rules rice, brown rice, edible seeds nivara cloth, food parings, eat rice husk, rice flour water eat, eat sesame powder, herbivore dung, eat fruits, edible roots in the forest, eating fruits fall to live. He wore coarse linen, wearing coarse linen cloth and with others, even slingshot soaked cloth, worn fabric care chalk algae, wear bark cloth making tititaka shirt, wearing black leather chamois child, wearing braided the chamois leather pieces in black, dressed with sand grass wall, wearing a bark, wood dressed with small plates, dressed with braided hair into blankets, dressed with braided ponytail, dressed in fur owl. He was living off the hair, as the customary life living off the hair, according to the well often had standing, not sitting, who sat for them; live happy sitting them diligently, that user as a bed of thorns, often sleeping on a bed of nails, wooden planks used as a bed life, living on the ground to the ceiling, usually a side sleep, live to dust and filthy adhesive cover themselves, live and sleep outside; Where to cultivating contacts are filled, live feed on unclean things; according to eat the unclean animals happy, life is not to drink the cold water, do not drink cold water to cultivating, living bath three times a night, according to the well in the water bath. Indeed, Nigrodha, how do you think? Such achievements should be legal or not ascetic achievements?
- Buddha, such as achievement of austerity measures, not without accomplishments.
- Indeed, Nigrodha, the achievements so ascetic, I say that will lead to many kinds of defilements?
Indeed, Nigrodha, here an industrious ascetic austerity. Through this asceticism, he satisfied happy thoughts. Indeed, Nigrodha, you austere ascetic due diligence arises happy, satisfied mind. Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, you austere ascetic, suffering due to this issue, this position who compliment her cooking. Indeed, Nigrodha, you austere ascetic yet, so he commended his ascetic belittle people. Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, your ascetic austerity, because austerity became a passion, previous infection, distractions. Indeed, Nigrodha, yet you ascetic, thanks to his austere fascination, previous infection, distractions. Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
10. Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, you austere ascetic. Because of this ascetic, territorial ordination offerings, respect, fame. Due to be offered, reverently, fame, become happy, satisfied mind. Indeed, Nigrodha, you austere ascetic public; He was ordained by the territorial austerity offerings, respect, fame, become happy, satisfied mind. Indeed, Nigrodha, so that the austerity defilements.
 Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic ascetic. Due to this austerity, it is offered, reverently, fame. Because it is offered respect, fame, people should compliment her cooking. Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic ascetic yet, so he was offered austerity, respect, fame. Due to be offered, reverently, this fame, should compliment her cooking people. Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic ascetic. Due to this austerity, it is offered, reverently, fame. Due to be offered, reverently, fame, became a passion, attachment, distractions. Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic ascetic yet, so he was offered austerity, respect, fame. Due to be offered, reverently, this fame, became a passion, attachment, distractions. Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic ascetic, distinguish the food: "This dish is suitable for us, this dish is not suitable for us." For food not suitable then deliberately abandoned. For proper food it holds, craving, attachment, do not see the danger, regardless they are not liberated, enjoying their life ... Indeed, Nigrodha, such as for people suffering defilements well.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, you austere ascetic, inasmuch longed reverently offerings fame, thinks: "The kings will bow my glasses, so the courtiers, the Sat-imperial status -ly, the Brahmin status, the status Homeowners, the cardinal of cult status. " Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
11. Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, you austerity spoken against a recluse or other Brahmin as follows: "This person lives eating everything. As seeds from birth roots, seeds from birth branch seeds from being burned, extracted seeds from trees and fifth birth is the birth of seeds from seed, chewed crushed them all with no wheels lightning called the jaw and he called he was a Salmone ... Indeed, Nigrodha, as such, is the ascetic defilements.
Again Indeed, Nigrodha, you see an ascetic recluse or Brahmin family was the reverence, respect, worship, offerings. Seeing that he thought: "The family reverence, respect, worship, offerings to people living eating everything. The family did not reverence, respect, worship, offerings to me, a person ascetic. Thus jealousy envy birth for family ... Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic became public sitting. Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic, when traveling between families (for alms) does not make people feel: "That is my asceticism, such as our austerity." ... Hey Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, pretended ascetic looks secrets. When asked: "Having accepted this job?", But did not accept, but answered: "Yes to accept"; although acceptable, but answered: "Not acceptable." Thus, this position deliberately lied ... Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
12. Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, when the Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples preached and used a method should be accepted, not accepted ascetic. Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic and anger and resentment and revenge hug. Indeed, Nigrodha, pro-austerity and anger and resentment and revenge hug. Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, people often falsely ascetic fraud, jealousy and avarice, and disguise disguised forensic work, stubbornness and the romantic, malice and ill-will be dominant, with viewpoints and ideas extreme, attachment experience in itself, stubborn and difficult to extricate. Indeed, Nigrodha, as an attachment ascetic experience itself, stubborn and difficult to extricate. Indeed, Nigrodha, such as the ascetic defilements.
Indeed, Nigrodha, how do you think? The truth is so then the ascetic Is defilements or defilements?
- Buddha, the fact that such austerity defilements, not without defilements. The situation may occur, with full ascetic all defilements on, let alone sentence defilements or other defilements.
13. - Indeed, Nigrodha, here industrious ascetic hermits. Thanks to this ascetic, he is not happy, not satisfied mind. This Nigrodha ascetic, asceticism, since this ascetic, he is not happy, not satisfied mind. Thus he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, industrious ascetic hermits. Thanks to this ascetic, he did not compliment her cooking ... Thus he who is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, industrious ascetic hermits. Thanks to this ascetic, he is neither a passion, not infected before, no distractions ... Thus, he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, industrious ascetic hermits. Through this asceticism, he was offered, respect, fame. Oil is offered, reverently, fame, he did not rejoice; the mind is not satisfied. Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic ... As such, he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, industrious ascetic hermits. Because of this ascetic, he was offered, reverently, fame. Oil is offered, reverently, fame, he does not blame people praising me. Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic ... As such, he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, industrious ascetic hermits. Because of this ascetic, he was offered, reverently, fame. Oil is offered, reverently, fame, he is neither a passion, previous infection, distractions. Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic ... As such, he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, industrious ascetic hermits, irrespective of the feed: "This dish is suitable for us, this dish did not suit me." For the unfit food, he did not deliberately abandon. For proper food, he does not hold, craving, attachment, saw the danger, distinguishes them is not liberation, life is not entitled to them. Thus, he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, industrious ascetic hermits. He did not think: "Because they longed for offerings, respect, honor, reverence kings will do; so the courtiers, the Sat-imperial-town location, the Brahmin status , the Homeowners position, the cardinal of cult status. " Thus, he is pure in this case.
14. Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, you not spoken against an ascetic monk or Brahmin other: "Does this person live to eat everything. As seeds from birth roots, seeds from the branches of the tree of life, seeds from being burned, extracted seeds from trees and fifth birth is the birth of seeds from seed, chewed crushed them all, with no wheels lightning jaw bone is called. and they call he is the Salmone. As such, he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, you see an ascetic recluse or Brahmin family was the reverence, respect, worship, offerings. Seeing this, he does not think: "The family reverence, respect, worship, offerings to people living eating everything. The family did not reverence, respect, worship, offerings to me, an ascetic. " So he is not being jealousy, envy for the family. Thus, he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, you do not become ascetic who sat among the public. Thus, he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, you austerity, when going between families (for alms, do not hide, but to make people feel: "That is my asceticism, such as our austerity." Thus, he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, you do not do the ascetic looks secrets. When asked: "Having accepted this?" If not accepted, then replied: "Not accepted."; if accepted, answered: "Yes to accept." Thus, he is pure in this case.
15. Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, when the Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples preached and used a method should be accepted, then accept your austerity. Thus, he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, you austerity anger and resentment and revenge hug. Indeed, Nigrodha, pro-austerity anger and hatred do not hug heart, so he is pure in this case.
Again, Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic taste of deceit and fraud, no jealousy and avarice, not forensic work and disguise disguised, not too tough and romantic, without malice, and malice are dominant, no wrong and extremist ideology, no attachment experience in itself, not stubborn and difficult to extricate. Because no attachments ascetic experience itself and not difficult to extricate stubborn, so he is pure in this case.
Indeed, Nigrodha, how do you think? The event is so, then the austerity that is pure or impure?
- Buddha, the event is so, then that is pure asceticism, not pure; the ascetic he reaches the ultimate, basic reached.
- Indeed, Nigrodha, the ascetic so have not reached the ultimate, yet reached the basics, we have only just reached the outer shell only.
16. - Buddha, how to reach the ultimate ascetic and reached basic?
Venerable sir, it's rather nice, if Bhagavan made for our ascetic reaches the ultimate, basic reached.
- Indeed, Nigrodha, here, there are four legal status religious ascetic tame. And Indeed, Nigrodha, how are four methods to tame? Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic taste without killing themselves, others not covered killing, no killing rejoicing; without taking what is not given, without making other people taking what is not given, no rejoicing taking what is not given, no lying, no make others lie, no lie praise; sex no ambition, no other ambition that sex, no sex praise ambitions. Thus, this was Nigrodha ascetic practice four methods to tame. Indeed, Nigrodha, by the four legal practice austerity so tame, the four legal practice austerity so tame, he carried on, not falling demeaning. He look a quiet place, solitary, like a forest, a tree, on a ravine in the cave, graveyard, arbor, outdoor, or straw. After eating seeking alms on, he sat fetters-old, back straight and mindfulness front. He abandoned craving in life, dwell with craving escapism heart, cleanse the mind of all craving to abandon the field of mind, dwell with escapism heart center field, starting a great compassion for all beings, cleanse the mind all hatred. Abandoning sloth dullness, dwell with escapism heart dullness torpor, Monument to light, mindfulness, awareness, cleanse the mind of all dullness torpor. Abandoning exchange Trao, dwell exchange center Trao escapism, inner calm, cleanse the mind of all foreign Trao. Abandoning doubt, abides with suspected heart escapism, no doubt, cleanse the mind there is no doubt for good behavior.
17. Abandoning his five hindrances, the mental defilements make the relief center, he abides, a local variable with chronic organic heart with the word sentence; so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides with the organic mind with words, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger. He abides with the organic mind with compassion ... with organic heart with joy ... the chronic variable with an ownership interest to the discharge; so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides turn the organic content with the discharge center, boundless generosity, not hatred, not golf. Indeed, Nigrodha, how do you think? The event is so, the ascetic is pure or impure?
- Buddha, the event is so, the pure austerity is not impure, reaches the supreme and fundamental reached.
- Indeed, Nigrodha, the ascetic so have not reached the ultimate, yet reached the basics, just reached the outer shell only.
18. - Buddha, the ascetic how to reach the ultimate new and fundamental reached? You instead, if Bhagavan made for our ascetic reaches reaches supreme and fundamental.
- Indeed, Nigrodha, here an ascetic life by four legal tame tame. And how ... so, Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic life position by four legal tame tame. Indeed, Nigrodha, due to your religious ascetic four tame such measures, the austerity of he is so, he fell forward and not demeaning. He look a secluded spot ... Abandoning his five hindrances, the mental defilements make the mitigation center, he abides with the organic mind with boundless generosity from ..., not hatred, no yard. He leads the mind toward proving Additional network. He remembered the past life, like a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty died, thirty-life, life forty, fifty life, a hundred lives, two hundred life, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives havoc, many lives, and the lives much damage. He remembered that: "In other places, we called like this, like this clan, caste like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. After the other died on the spot I was born in that place. at that place, we have names like this, like this clan, caste like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. After his death in that place, I was born here. " Thus he remembers many past lives with the outline and details.
Indeed, Nigrodha, how do you think? The event is so, the ascetic is pure or impure?
- Buddha, the event is so, then the pure austerity is not impure, and attain the ultimate, basic reached.
- Indeed, Nigrodha, the ascetic so have not reached the ultimate, basic yet reached, they only reached the wood around the core only.
19. - Buddha, the ascetic how to reach the ultimate new and fundamental reached? Buddha, Bhagavan good replacement if the ascetic makes us reach the ultimate and fundamental reached.
- Indeed, Nigrodha, here you live austerity measures dominated by four tame. And how ... Thus, Indeed, Nigrodha, ascetic life position by four legal tame tame. Indeed, Nigrodha, due to your religious ascetic four tame such measures, he fell forward, not demeaning. He look a secluded spot ... Abandoning his five hindrances, the mental defilements make mitigation mind, he abides with the organic mind with the word ... He abides with heart complications of chronic sentences exhaust friendly, generous, boundless, no hatred, no anger. He leads the mind towards intelligent network Tuc, he remembered the past life as a life, two lives ... Thus he remembered many past lives together with the outline and details. He Thien label with pure, superheroes, see life and death of beings. He knew that all beings, the inferior man noble, beautiful people, rough guys bad luck, unfortunate wretch because their careers are. "Hey Sage, those beings doing evil deeds of body, speech and mind, criticizing the sages, according to TA, TA create now follow. These people, after the body damage the public network, must be born into the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Hey Sage, there are certain beings to do the deeds of body, speech and mind, do not defame the saint, in the right view, create now under chief is. These people, after relatives are born to share the network septic animal charity, heaven, on earth. " Thus he Thien label with pure, superheroes, see life and death of beings. He knew that all beings, the inferior, noble man, a beautiful man, coarse man, the luck, the unfortunate, are due to conduct their business.
Indeed, Nigrodha, how do you think? If the event is so, the ascetic is pure or impure?
- Buddha, the event is so, the pure austerity is not impure, reaches the ultimate, basic reached.
- Indeed, Nigrodha, so the ascetic reaches reaches supreme and fundamental. Indeed, Nigrodha, as you ask me: "Buddha, France is France's what Bhagavan? With France yet, Bhagavan wanted to teach the disciples? With France yet disciples of Bhagavan are teachings, reach tranquility and confirm the fundamental virtues? " Indeed, Nigrodha, I said it was a matter of pure nobler and more that I am training his students, to reach tranquility and confirm the fundamental virtues.
When they heard that, the pagan wanderer raised his voice was loud loud loud:
- Here, our Sun engineers completely helpless. What we do not know better and higher than their teachings.
20. When Homeowners Sandhana know: "Now the pagan wanderer had begun to listen, has begun to ear, began to focus on teaching the word Exalted" and said the wanderer Nigrodha:
- Nigrodha this venerable, Venerable told me the following: "The owner know? Recluse Gotama talks with one conclusion. Dialogue with whom? With whom gain wisdom? The wisdom of the recluse Gotama is disintegrates because not living with the land, not good recluse Gotama to control a congregation, not enough to dialogue, refers only to the peripheral issues. like cows an eye, just go round and round go outside. Likewise, intellectual recluse Gotama damaged because not living with the land, not good recluse Gotama to control a congregation, not enough to dialogue, refers only to matters peripheral threads. Hey Homeowners, if recluse Gotama to in this congregation, just have a question, we can stop now; we think we can roll recluse Gotama as rolling a jar does not. " This venerable, now Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment came here. Please specify Exalted Assembly can not control them, Bhagavan proved as cows with one eye, just walking around the ring, with a question, please stop Bhagavan again, and make Exalted roll, as he came to think, not like a vase.
When they heard that, wanderer Nigrodha sat silent, sullen, shoulders slumped, head down, anxious, shut up.
21. Exalted knowing the wanderer Nigrodha silent, sullen, shoulders slumped, head down, anxious, so shut up and said to the wanderer Nigrodha:
- Indeed, Nigrodha, whether you say so reasonable?
- Buddha, the true figure may say so, it is stupid, ignorant and immoral implied.
- Indeed, Nigrodha, how do you think? You have never heard the young wanderer high position, elders, traditional tier-Sensei said as follows: "You Arhat, Enlightenment in the past, this position when Bhagavan Meeting again, gathered together, noisy, high voice, loud, live debate about the useless chatter, like the story of kings, the story of the theft ... a story about existence and non-existence , as Thou and Thou Master chief is currently doing? Or is the Exalted level of humanity he abides origin, tranquil mountains, far away, less known, less dynamic, co-blowing wind, away from the eyes of human life, suitable for the retreat, as currently I'm alive?
- Buddha, I heard the young wanderer high position, elders, traditional tier-Sensei said as follows: "You Arhat, Enlightenment, in the past, the Exalted status when public meeting, the gathered, the noiseless, high voice, loud, live debate about the useless chatter, like the story of kings ... a story about existence and non-existence " , as my son and Master chief is doing. Exalted beings that dwell the origin of humanity, tranquil mountains, far away, less known, less dynamic, co-blowing wind, away from the eyes of the lifetime, suitable for the retreat, as the current Exalted wave.
- Indeed, Nigrodha, and where are you have senior level, has never Thou thoughts as follows: "Buddha, the Enlightened One, preach the doctrine to enlightenment; the Exalted are You have to subdue, preaching the measures taken to subdue; Exalted An only ranks, preaching the teachings brought to An Only; Exalted is the One the other side, preaching the teachings brought to the other side; Exalted Lac Tinh ranks, preaching measures taken to the tranquility.
22. When they heard that, wanderer Nigrodha, venerable sir:
- Buddha, I have sinned a foolish, wicked, immoral, when you talk about such Bhagavan. Buddha, Bhagavan approved desire for such crimes is a crime, to prevent future child.
- Indeed, Nigrodha, truly You have sinned a foolish, wicked, immoral, when you talking about me like that. Indeed, Nigrodha, when thou have seen crime is a crime and reveal the right to take action, I accept sin thou. Indeed, Nigrodha, so as usual precepts of sages, who found guilty of a crime and reveal the right to act, the future will be prevented. Indeed, Nigrodha, I say unto you as follows: "Those who come to this place, honestly, do not cheat, legs directly, I will teachings, I will preach." If he practiced as it was taught, he will self-knowledge and enlightenment within the present virtues and supreme goal, which is ideal for the Good men to death, abandoned direct export from family . He takes seven years. Indeed, Nigrodha, where have seven years! If he practiced as it was taught, he will self-knowledge and enlightenment within the current discounts supreme happiness and goals for this ideal that the electronic Good men abandon their families, direct export from, just six years, five years, four years, three years, two years, one year ... just seven months, a month, half a month. Indeed, Nigrodha, where needed half a month! Who have come to this place, honestly, not deceptive, the feet directly, I will teachings, I will preach. If he practiced as it was taught, he will self-knowledge and enlightenment even now, virtue and supreme goal, which is ideal for men e abandon the family, export from religion, he just had seven days.
23. Indeed, Nigrodha, You may think: "recluse Gotama said this is like to have disciples." Indeed, Nigrodha, Thou shalt have no such understanding. Duty counsel Who are you, please keep it to You're Duty counsel. Indeed, Nigrodha, You may think: "recluse Gotama say is wish us to abandon our legal business." Indeed, Nigrodha, Thou shalt have no such understanding. Beijing each person is, please keep chanting by him for You. Indeed, Nigrodha, You may think: "recluse Gotama say so want us to abandon our life career." Indeed, Nigrodha, do not be understood as such. What profession are you living, please keep her alive for Thou profession. Indeed, Nigrodha, You may think: "recluse Gotama say this is our wish conviction for which traditional legal immoral Patriarch we have seen as immoral." Indeed, Nigrodha, do not be understood as such. What's the evil thou legal and considered immoral by Patriarch tradition, keep them the same. Indeed, Nigrodha, You may think: "recluse Gotama say this is our wish to abandon the traditional friendly France that our Patriarch has considered friendly France". Indeed, Nigrodha, do not be understood as such. Those of You and the friendly France is considered by Patriarch friendly French tradition, keep them the same. Indeed, Nigrodha, I say this not because I want to have disciples; I say this not because I want to make the experience Thou abandon the proceedings, I say that not because I want to make the lives thou abandon the profession; We say so not because they want certainty for Thou unwholesome for which traditional methods Sensei was considered immoral; I say this not because I want to improve Thou abandon traditional methods that were considered Patriarch dhamma. And Indeed, Nigrodha, there are immoral law must not give up, make defilements, to existence, bringing suffering, take kickbacks suffering, bring old age, sickness, death in the future. The law does, I preached to eradicate them. If You practice the teachings in accordance with, the legal entities you are defilements of eradication, the purity law is growing, and the self-certification and you shall know, enlightenment, reached within the current dwell, specific intellectual sufficiency, fullness.
24. When this was said, the wanderer he sat silent, sullen, shoulders slumped, head bowed, concerns, shut up, like their heart Mara dominant.
At that time, the Blessed One thought: "All this fool was evil intrusion, no one would have thought:" Come, let us live the holy life under the direction of Salmone Gotama. "And say to the period of seven days!"
Then Bhagavan roaring lion roar in the queen's garden Udumbarika for every wanderer, flying out of nowhere, and lowered Vulture Peak. Homeowners also Sandhana back into Rajgir.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/3/2016.MHDT.

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