Thursday 24 March 2016

14. Sutra

1. Thus I heard. One time, the Exalted in water at Savatthi (Xa-defense) Jeta 's Grove (United-momentum), garden he Anathapindika (Anathapindika), in the hermitage Kareri trees (Hoa Lam). At that time, the majority of monks seeking alms on, after finishing a meal, sit and gather States Forest Park Road, belongs to precursor Dharma started up: "This is the predecessor, this is precursor".
2. Bhagavan, with pure natural atrial exceed heard stories of men between the monks. Then Bhagavan, stood up from his seat, went to the US Forest Park Road. When it finished, he sat on the bench was drafted. Once seated, the Blessed One asked the monks:
- Hey, monks, what story, the person sitting table? What story was interrupted between people?
When saying this, the monks that venerable sir:
- Buddha, begging us to go back, after finishing a meal, sit and gather at United Forest Park Road, the legal predecessor dialogue is started up: "This is the precursor, which is the predecessor". Buddha, which is the story being discussed among us time to Bhagavan.
3. - This, monks, the people want to hear the dialog law does not belong to the predecessor?
- Buddha, it is the right time; Auspicious transparency, it is the right time to Bhagavan teaching precursor voice belongs. After hearing the Exalted, the monks will maintain life.
- So the monks, the people listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
- Yes, venerable sir.
This monks replied Bhagavan. Exalted lecture as follows:
4. - this, monks, ninety-one aeons ago, Bhagavan Vipassi (Pi-she-examination), grade Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This, monks, thirty-one aeons ago, Bhagavan Sikhi (Thi-air) level Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This, monks, also in his thirty-one life, Bhagavan Vessabhu (Pi-amnesty-grandmother) level Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This, monks also in her gentle life, Bhagavan Kakusandha (sentence-term-sheet) level Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This, monks, also in her gentle life, Bhagavan Konagamana (Question-na-function) level Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This, monks, also in her gentle life, the Blessed One Kassapa (Ca-lettuce) level Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This, monks, also in her gentle life, now I, level Arhat, the Enlightenment was born.
5. Hey, monks, Exalted Vipassi, Arhat level, being under strain Enlightenment Sat-imperial-town character, born of Sat-insole-class seat. This, monks, Exalted Sikhi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, under the strain of imperial-capital nature-Sat, Sat-born in the imperial-class seat. This, monks, Exalted Vessabhu, level Arhat, Enlightenment, under the strain of imperial-capital nature-Sat, Sat-born in the imperial-class seat. This, monks, Exalted Kakusandha, level Arhat, Enlightenment, under the strain of nature Brahmin, born in caste Brahmin. This, monks, Exalted Konagamana, level Arhat, Enlightenment genus Brahmin nature, born in caste Brahmin. This, monks, Exalted Kassapa, level Arhat, Enlightenment genus Brahmin nature, born in caste Brahmin. This, monks, now I am level Arhat, Enlightenment genus Sat-imperial-town character, born of Sat-insole-class seat.
6. Hey, monks, Exalted Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment of identity Kondanna (Question-ly-elegant). This, monks, Exalted Sikhi, level Arhat, Enlightenment under Kondanna identity. This, monks, Exalted Vessabhu, level Arhat, Enlightenment under Kondanna identity. This, monks, Exalted Kakusandha, level Arhat, Enlightenment under Kassapa identity. This, monks, Exalted Konagamara, level Arhat, Enlightenment under Kassapa identity. This, monks, Exalted Kassapa, level Arhat, Enlightenment under Kassapa identity. This, monks, now I am level Arhat, Enlightenment, under the name Gotama (Cu-talk).
7. Hey, monks, during Bhagavan Vipassi Arhat level, Enlightenment, human life is eighty years. This, monks, during Bhagavan Sikhi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, human life expectancy is seven thousand years. This, monks, during Bhagavan Vessabhu, level Arhat, Enlightenment, human life is six thousand years. This, monks, during Bhagavan Kakusandha, level Arhat, Enlightenment, human life is four thousand years. This, monks, during Bhagavan Konagamana, level Arhat, Enlightenment, human life is three thousand years. This, monks, during Bhagavan Kassapa, level Arhat, Enlightenment, human life is two thousand years. This, monks, now my life is not how much, at oi, human life a hundred years or a little more.
8. Hey, monks, Exalted Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree patali (she-she-la). This, monks, Exalted Sikhi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree Pundarika (stool-da-ly). This, monks, Exalted Vessabhu, level Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree sirisa (thi-profit-sa). This, monks, Exalted Konagamana, level Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree Udumbara (square-triangle-she-la). This, monks, Exalted Kassapa, level Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree nigrodha (ni-the-law-momentum). This, monks, now I am level Arhat, Enlightenment assattha enlightenment under a tree (bowl-multi-la).
9. Hey, monks, two gentle artist, disciple followers of Bhagavan Nhut Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, called Khanda (Kien-tea) and Tissa (Cartesian amnesty). This, monks, two gentle artist, disciple followers of Bhagavan Nhut Sikhi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, called Abhibhu (A-Pi-suite) and Sambhava (Tam-she-she) . This, monks, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Vessabhu, level Arhat, Enlightenment, named Sona (Match-du) and Uttara (Uat-multi-la). This, monks, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Kakusandha, level Arhat, named Vidhura Enlightenment (Pi-long) and Sanjiva (Tat-ni). This, monks, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Konagamana, level Arhat, named Bhiyyosa Enlightenment (Letter-table-na) and Uttara (Uat-multi-la). This, monks, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Kassapa, level Arhat, named Tissa Enlightenment (Cartesian amnesty) and Bharadvaja (Ba-la-grandmother). This, monks, two gentle artist, Junior is my disciple Sariputta (Sariputta) and Moggallana (Section-devout-venture).
10. Hey, monks, during Bhagavan Vipassi, Arhat level, there are three Increasing Enlightenment opportunity: a chance sixty eight million Increase monks, an Increase Assembly hundred thousand monks, a increased opportunity eighty monks.
This, monks, during Bhagavan Vipassi Arhat level, there are three Increasing Enlightenment such associations, all of which are take steps Gonorrhea.
This, monks, during Bhagavan Sikhi, Arhat level, there are three Increasing Enlightenment opportunity: a chance Increase hundred thousand monks, an Increase Assembly eighty monks, an association of seven thousand Increase Monks.
This, monks, during Bhagavan Sikhi, Arhat level, there are three Increasing Enlightenment such associations, all of which are take steps Gonorrhea.
This, monks, during Bhagavan Vessabhu, Arhat level, there are three Increasing Enlightenment opportunity: a chance Increase eighty monks, an ecclesiastical seven thousand monks, six thousand a chance Increase Monks.
This, monks, during Bhagavan Vessabhu, Arhat level, there are three Increasing Enlightenment such associations, all of which are take steps Gonorrhea.
This, monks, during Bhagavan Kakusandha, Arhat level, the Enlightenment had a four-thousand ecclesiastical monks.
This, monks, during Bhagavan Kakusandha, level Arhat, Enlightenment such a Boost Assembly, all of which are take steps Gonorrhea.
This, monks, during Bhagavan Konagamana, Arhat level, the Enlightenment had a chance Increase thirty thousand monks.
This, monks, during Bhagavan Konagamana, level Arhat, Enlightenment such a Boost Assembly, all of which are take steps Gonorrhea.
This, monks, during Bhagavan Kassapa, Arhat level, the Enlightenment had a chance Increase twenty thousand monks.
This, monks, during Bhagavan Kassapa, Arhat level, the Enlightenment had an opportunity such Boost, are all steps Arhat.
Brethren, this in my time there is a chance Increase fifty one thousand two hundred monks, all of which are take steps Gonorrhea.
11. Hey, monks, Exalted Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment, with attendant monks named Asoka (Ashoka), this location is the First attendant. This, monks, Exalted Sikhi Arhat level, Enlightenment with attendant monks named Khemankara (Rings Action), this location is the First attendant. This, monks, Exalted Vessabhu, level Arhat, Enlightenment with attendant monks named Upasannaka (passed away) This location is First attendant. This, monks, Exalted Kakusandha, level Arhat, Enlightenment with attendant monks named Buddhija (Good Sense), this location is the First attendant. This, monks, Exalted Konagamana, level Arhat, Enlightenment with attendant monks named Sotthija (Hoa), this location is the First attendant. This, monks, Kassapa Exalted level Arhat, Enlightenment with attendant monks named Sabbamitta (Good Friends), this location is the First attendant. This, monks, now I have the attendant monks called Ananda (Ananda), this location is the First attendant.
12. Hey, monks, his father's Exalted level Vipassi Arhat, named Bandhuma Enlightenment (table-top); Weather named Bandhumati samples (table-top-Mrs-threads). Citadel of King Bandhuma named Bandhumati.
This, monks, Exalted Sikhi his father, steps Arhat, named Aruna Enlightenment (Ming General); Weather patterns called Pabhavati (Quang Huy); city ​​of King Aruna named Pabhavati.
This, monks, Exalted Vessabhu his father, steps Arhat, named Suppatita Enlightenment (heaven), post-named Yasavati samples (Worthy About); Citadel of King Suppatita named Anopama (Unknown Du).
This, monks, father's Brahmin Kakusandha Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, called Aggidatta (Self-Dac); his mother Brahmin named Visakha (goodwill). This, monks, then-reigning king named Khema (An Hoa); Citadel king named Khema Khemavati (Hoa).
This, monks, father's Brahmin Konagamana Exalted, level Arhat, named Yannadatta Enlightenment (Dat Duc) hull form Brahmin named Uttara (Thien Thang); This, monks, at that time, the reigning king named Sobha (Purity); Sobha city of King named Sobhavati (Purity).
This, monks, father's Brahmin Exalted Kassapa, level Arhat, named Brahmadatta Enlightenment (Pham Thi) hull form Brahmin named Dhanavati (Financial Institution). This, monks, then-reigning king named Kiki (Steamed Pi); Citadel King Kiki is Baranasi (Balaam complaints).
This, monks, now his father's name was Suddhodana Ta (Suddhodana); My Weather patterns named Maya (Ma-da); Citadel named Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense).
Exalted such preaching. Auspicious finished faculty from the seat up, go to remote provinces.
13. Exalted go out shortly after this conversation arose between the monks did:
- Hey Sage, it's rather rare! Hey Sage, it miraculously, its lords, its great dread of the Tathagata! Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered Nirvana, was passage of obstacles, these obstacles have direct segment, the cycle has ended, has escape all suffering. Tathagata also remember that your true nature of this strain, also remember to identity, ethnic identity also remember, remember also to longevity, also remembered two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Career Bhagavan was, born nature is such, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so unfortunate, so unfortunate position, liberation is like dress". Sage Hey, how you think? Are smart Tathagata attained such legal world, and by attaining the legal world, the Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered Nirvana, was passage of obstacles, these obstacles have direct segment, has termination of reincarnation, were escapism all suffering. Tathagata also remember strains nature of this position, remember to also remember the ethnic identity of nature, also remembered the life, well remember the two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Exalted Career he, born nature is such, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so unfortunate, so unfortunate position, liberation is so? or Devas told Tathagata and through this told, Tathagata Buddha to remember the past, they have entered Nirvana has obstacles segment, has direct passage of obstacles, ended the cycle back, was escapism all suffering. Tathagata also remembered the taste qualities of this strain, also remember to identity, ethnic identity is remembered, also remembered the life, also remembered two disciples, also remembered the increase Assembly as follows: "The Exalted rank them, such is the nature of birth, identity is thus clan nature is such, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so happy, happy place is thus liberated like this? "
Such was the conversation is starting up between the monks did.
Bhagavan 14. Then, in the evening, after the publication of, came to the United Forest Park Road, was prepared to sit on the seat. After sitting finished, Bhagavan told the monks:
- Hey, monks, now the discussion sit thou problem? What was the subject of discussion between Thou?
When asked this, he Monks venerable sir:
- Buddha, Bhagavan comes out soon, following the conversation has arisen among us: "Hey Sage, it's rather bizarre! Behold the true sage lords miraculously force, great dread power of the Tathagata! Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered Nirvana, was passage of obstacles, these obstacles have direct segment, the cycle has ended, has escape all suffering. As Lai also remember that your true nature of this strain, also remember to identity, ethnic identity also remember, remember also to longevity, also remembered two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "the Career World Religion was, born nature is such, that such identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so unfortunate, so unfortunate position, as such liberation ". this, Sage, how you think? does the Tathagata smart attained such legal world, and by attaining the legal world, the Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered Nirvana , was passage of obstacles, these obstacles have direct segment, the cycle has ended, has escape all suffering. Tathagata also remember strains nature of this position, remember to identity, ethnic identity also remember, remember also to longevity, also remembered two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Career World Religion was, born nature is such, that such identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so unfortunate, so unfortunate position, as such liberation ? " Or Devas told Tathagata and through this told, Tathagata Buddha to remember the past, they have entered Nirvana has obstacles segment, has direct passage of obstacles, ended the cycle back, was escapism all suffering. Tathagata also remember strains nature of this position, remember to identity, ethnic identity also remember, remember also to longevity, also remembered two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Career World Religion was, born nature is such, that such identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so unfortunate, so unfortunate position, liberated like this ? "
Buddha, such as discussing issues between us, when Bhagavan came.
15. - Hey, monks, so that the legal world is cleverly attained by the Tathagata, and by attaining the legal world, the Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered Nirvana, has passage of obstacles, had directed segment of karma, reincarnation has terminated, have escape all suffering. Tathagata also remember that your true nature of this strain, also remember to identity, ethnic identity also remember, remember also to longevity, also remembered two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Career Bhagavan was, born nature is such, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so unfortunate, so unfortunate position, liberation is like dress". Sage Hey, how you think? Are smart Tathagata attained such legal world, and by attaining the legal world, the Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered Nirvana, was passage of obstacles, these obstacles have direct segment, has termination of reincarnation, were escapism all suffering. Tathagata also remember strains nature of this position, remember to identity, ethnic identity also remember, remember also to longevity, also remembered two disciples, also remember to Increase Assembly as follows: "The Exalted Career he, born nature is such, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so unfortunate, so unfortunate position, liberation is so " .
This, monks, so please listen carefully and ponder, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, revered sir.
The monks did obey Bhagavan, Bhagavan lecture as follows:
16. - Hey, monks, ninety-one lifetime ago ago, Bhagavan Vipassi Arhat level, the Enlightenment was born. This, monks, Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment genus Sat-substrate-glass nature, being in class Sat-substrate-isolation. Brethren, Exalted Vipassi, Arahat, Enlightenment under Kondanna identity. This, monks, Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, to the eighty-year lifespan. This, monks, Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree Patali (Ba-ba-la). This, monks, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment called Khanda (Kien-tea) and Tissa (Cartesian amnesty). This, monks, during Bhagavan Vipassi, Arhat level, there are three Increasing Enlightenment Association: an Increase Assembly sixty eighty monks, an Increase Assembly hundred thousand monks, an Increase Assembly eighty monks. This, monks, Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment with attendant monks named Asoka (Ashoka), this location is the First attendant. This, monks, Accessories United Exalted Vipassi (Pi-she-examination), grade Arhat, named Bandhuma Enlightenment (table-top), post-named Bandhumati samples (table-top-three- threads), the capital of Bandhuma named Bandhumati.
17. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach, Bodhisattva Vipassi, after farewell Top-rate heavenly realms, mindful awareness into fetal samples. This, monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva Vipassi farewell Top-rate heavenly realms, mindful awareness into the fetal sample, then a halo immeasurable, miraculous, far from imposing its goal of gods appeared to all over the world, including the gods above the world, the world of the Mara and Brahma and the world below, including monks, Brahmin, the prince and the people. (first). Until the middle of the realm in the world, no background, darkness, gloom, the realm where the moon the sun with great powers, virtues such great dread projection lens can not, in the realm an aura that countless, far from imposing victory of gods appeared force. And the beings that live in these places, thanks to his aura see each other and said: "There are other beings living here." And ten thousand worlds motion, vibration, motion sharply. And boundless aura, her magic, its power is far from winning the gods appeared in the world. France atrium is so.
This, monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva enter pregnancy samples, four stood guard Thien death four winds and said: "Not for anyone, human or not human, was killed Bodhisattva. France atrium is so".
18. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva enter pregnancy pattern, mother Bodhisattva keep an innocent world, no killing, no stealing, no adultery, do not lie, do not drink the wine yeast, cooking wine. France atrium is so.
19. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva enter pregnancy samples, Bodhisattva parent education does not start for a male mind does, and does not violate any virtuous man who had a heart oil attachment to her. What is France's ear.
20. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva enter pregnancy samples, Bodhisattva mother has been in full sensual dishes, enjoy, full-year effect was sensual dishes. France atrium is so.
21. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva enter pregnancy pattern, mother Bodhisattva do not suffer from the disease. She lived with joy, with the body refreshed. She found in her womb full Bodhisattva all parts and limbs.
This, monks, such as lapis gem, pure, homogeneous, eight-sided, well-cut, well-filing, innocent, blameless, perfect in every way. Then a rope are strung through her jewel, blue wire, yellow, red, white or pale yellow. If there are people who have eyes to pearls in his hand, he will see clearly: "This is the jewel lapis, pure homogeneous, with octagonal, cleverly cutting filings smart, bright, spotless, perfect in every way. This is the last string rope, rope blue, yellow, red, white or yellow crackers ". Also, the monks, the Bodhisattva enter pregnancy samples, mother Bodhisattva no apparent illness. She lived with joy, with the body refreshed. She found in her womb full Bodhisattva all parts and limbs. France atrium is so.
22. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. After being Bodhisattva seven days, Bodhisattva mother shared destiny and heavenly Where interest arise. France atrium is so.
23. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. While the other pregnant woman nine months pregnant belly or ten months before birth, birth mother Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is not the case. Mother Bodhisattva Bodhisattva brought in ten months belly birth. France atrium is so.
24. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. While the other women, or sit, or lie childbirth, mother born Bodhisattva Bodhisattva not so. Mother standing Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is born. France atrium is so.
25. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, the gods grabbed him first, then new to mankind. France atrium is so.
26. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, Bodhisattva not touch the ground. Thien death four grabbed him, put him before her mother and said, "The queen just happy. The queen bore a great man." France atrium is so.
27. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, He was born pure, not stained by water yet slimy, not stained by any type of latex, not stained by blood type, not stained by any yet every impure animals, popular bar, clean. France atrium is so.
This, monks, as Romanian gem gem set on a cloth Balaam complaints. Pearl is not polluted cloth Balaam complaints, cloth Balaam complaints nor polluting pearl. Why? Because both are pure. Also, the monks. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, He was born pure, not stained by water yet slimy, not stained by any type of latex, not stained by blood type, not stained by any What kind of impure material, pure, clean. France atrium is so.
28. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, two water lines from out of nowhere, a cold stream, a hot line. Two line that clean wash water for Bodhisattva and mothers. France atrium is so.
29. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. Bodhisattva when born, he stood, balanced on two legs, facing north, walking seven steps, covered in a white parasol. He looked across all respects, as the ox loudly king, uttered the following words: "I am the highest grade in the world! I am the religious Job in life. I am the highest grade in the world. Now the the last life, no longer to be reborn in this world again. " France atrium is so.
30. Hey, monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, then a magical aura immeasurable, its power is far from winning the gods appeared to all over the world, including the world on the gods, the world of the Mara and Brahma, and the world below, including monks, Brahmin, the prince and the people. Until the middle of the realm in the world, no background, darkness, gloom, the realm of the moon, the sun with the great powers, virtues such great dread projection lens can not, in scenes Precepts, a boundless aura, winning its power is far out of the gods. And the beings that live in these places, thanks to his aura see each other and say: "There are other beings living here." And ten thousand worlds motion, vibration, motion sharply. And countless magical aura that won its dread of gods far out in the world. France atrium is so.
31. Hey, monks, when Prince Vipassi born king Bandhuma was informed: "The king was born a prince". This, monks, seeing Prince finished, the king immediately summoned Bandhuma you guessed Brahmin minister and said: "Hey Sage, see Minister Prince". This, monks, when watching Prince Vipassi minister finished, the Brahmin status guess Bandhuma Minister spoke to the king: "Great King out with joy; the Great King was born a great man! Fortunately for the Great King , contemporary Unfortunately for Great King was a prince born in the family so. O Lord, the Prince has full thirty-two of the Great General's good. Who has enough good thirty two generals will choose this two roads only, no other way. If you live in the family, you will become king cakkavatti, used water treatment Dharma, pacifying the four winds, bringing national safety level, filled seven treasures enough. the seven treasures become the property of this position, ie car treasure, treasure elephants, horses treasure, jewel, female treasure, treasure Homeowners and Saturday is general treasure. the presence of more than a thousand Prince, the heroes, athletes, conquered the enemy. the conquest of the earth this until border and sea water treated with Dharma, not the staff, not executioners. If this position abandons Home, family-home living, this position will be a level Arhat, Enlightenment, pulls back curtain ignorance of life. "
32. "Great king, thirty-two general good of the Great Prince's is what if this full well the minister will choose to go two roads, there is no other way. If you live at home, you will become king cakkavatti Dharma used water treatment, pacifying the four winds, bringing national safety level, a full seven treasures. Seven treasures become the property of this position, ie car treasure, treasure elephants, horses treasure, jewel, female treasure, treasure and Saturday lay the golden generals. You are more than a thousand Prince, the heroes, athletes, conquer enemies. This position conquered this earth to maritime boundary and water treatment with Dharma, not the staff, not executioners. If you abandon the family, no family left home to live, you will be the Arhat level. Enlightenment, lift the back cover away ignorance.
"Great King, this Prince had flat soles, this minister is considered a good minister of the Great person.
"The king, under two feet of the prince, there appeared wheels, with thousands of toothpicks car, with axles, wheels, with parts completely full, this is considered the general minister of the Great ring.
"Great King, Prince has an elongated heel ... (as before)
"Great King, the Prince has fingers, toes long ...
"Great King, the Prince has soft hands and feet ...
"Great King, the Prince has limbs with leather mesh screen ...
"Great King, this Prince circular fisheye like scallops ...
"Great King, the Prince has legs like mountain goats ...
"Great King, this Prince upright, not shrink back down can be felt from the knee with both hands ...
"Great King, this Prince sounds code minister Museum ...
"Great King, the Prince has color such as copper, gold color as ...
"Great King, the Prince has made smooth slippery dirt can not stick to ...
"Great King, the Prince has a fur coat grow skin, every pore with a feather ...
"Great King, this Prince upright spin hair growth, hair of this, such as topical dark blue eyes, small vortices on each spin, and swung toward the ...
"Great King, the Prince has high body straight ...
"Great King, the Prince has the full seven-seater ...
"Great King, the Prince has the front half like a lion ...
"Great king, there is no concave Prince alternates between the two roles ...
"Great King, this Prince proportioned body like eagle tree (nigrodha: ni-v-law.) High surface of the body of equal length arms wide span, the length of his arms wide wingspan equal height body ...
"Great King, Prince has sold itself on the round square ...
"Great king, Prince are very sharp taste ...
"Great King, the Prince has jaws like a lion ...
"Great King, the Prince has forty teeth ...
"Great King, the Prince has teeth regularly ...
"Great King, the Prince has teeth with an open ...
"Great King, the Prince has incisors (Status slag) smooth ...
"Great King, the Prince has long wide blade Minister ...
"Great King, Prince has great voice as the sound of birds singing steering-frequency-old (Karavika) ...
"Great King, the Prince has two dark blue eyes ...
"Great King, this Prince cow eyelashes ...
"Great King, this Prince between the eyebrows, with white hairs sprouting, smooth as lightweight cotton.
"Great King, the Prince has protuberance on the head, this minister is considered a good minister of the Great Human ...
33. "Great king, Prince are full of thirty-two of the Great's general good, with thirty-two good generals, the prince will choose two streets away, there is no other way. If you live in the family, the Prince will become the Holy King Dharmaraja, providing security for the country, a full seven treasures. Seven treasures become his property, ie car golden, golden elephants, horses, golden, jewel, female treasure, treasure lay, and Saturday is general treasure. You are more than a thousand Prince, the heroes, athletes, conquer enemies. This position conquered this earth to maritime boundary and water treatment with Dharma, not the staff, not executioners. If Prince abandon family, ordained celibate life, the Prince will become Arhat level, Enlightenment, pulls back curtain ignorance of life. "
This, monks, the king ordered Bandhuma offerings to the Brahmin minister guessed it, the new cloth and satisfy all the demanding desires.
34. Hey, monks, and the king Bandhuma for breast feeding for the Prince Vipassi. Feeding people, who worry bath, holding the person concerned, who carries on his arm. This, monks, a white canopy covered day and night on Prince Vipassi, and word spread out: "Do not be so cold or hot, grass, dust, or fog bothered Prince". Prince Vipassi is everyone affectionately. This, monks, as well as the blue lotus, lotus pink, or white lotus is everyone's favorite. Also, this, monks, Prince Vipassi are people cuddling, holding almost from armpit armpit person to another person.
35. Hey, monks, when Prince Vipassi was born, Prince pronunciation is very wonderful, phonological conditioning, sweet and attractive. This, monks, like birds singing steering-frequency-old born in Mountain Hy-code-Himalayan, birds are just wonderful voice, rhyming conditioning, sweet and attractive. This too, monks, Prince Vipassi pronounced really is wonderful, phonological conditioning, sweet and attractive.
36. Hey, monks, when Prince Vipassi born, God labels appear with him, because karma born, and thanks God that mark, he can look all around to one by the week, day and ban night.
37. Hey, monks, when Prince Vipassi born, he looked at things in the eyes not blinking, as every low-level gods celestial triangle. Since Prince Vipassi look no blinking, this should monks, Prince Vipassi was called "Vipassi Vipassi", "This has seen". This, monks, when the king sat treat conditions Bandhuma king for Prince put his arm sitting Vipassi to handle events. This, monks, Prince Vipassi father sitting armpit so and observe closely the method of realization that events themselves can also treat conditions judgment. This, monks, led by Prince Vipassi "can observe and treat lawful conditions" and the noun "Vipassi Vipassi" has been used to name him.
38. Hey, monks, and the king Bandhuma for three castles built for Prince Vipassi, one for the rainy season, one for winter, one for the cold season, and in sensual dishes are fully prepared. This, monks, Prince Vipassi four months living in the castle for the rainy season, is servant to entertain with female musicians, and not once did he step down from upstairs.
1 - Hey, monks, Prince Vipassi, after a period of many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, to call the driver: "Hey secretary, tell the rover wins wins, we will go royal park to the garden to see the landscape "-" yes, Prince. " This, monks, the driver obeyed Vipassi Prince, to win the chariot and white wins Prince Vipassi: "O Prince Prince, the chariot wins won over. Do what Prince considered fashionable".
This, monks, Prince Vipassi then climb the chariot along with wins and wins another carriage, royal park towards the garden.
2. Hey, monks, Prince en route to the garden Vipassi royal park, an old saw, back còm as rooftops, cane, walking and trembling, suffering, no where is youth. On seeing that the Prince asked the driver: "Hey secretary, who is that person? Why is not the same body of another person?" - "O Prince Prince, he is a so-called old age." - "Hey secretary, so he called an old man?" - "O Prince Prince, he called him old because this is not much longer to live." - "Hey secretary, so then I had been older, a man not yet old age?" - "O Prince Prince, Prince and both children again, we will all be old, though we are not through old age!" - "Hey secretary, come visit this garden is so royal park just then. Tell the driver returned to the supply." - "Yes, Prince."
This, monks, the driver obeyed the Prince, the driver returned to the supply. This, monks, Prince Vipassi on the bow, suffering, sorrow, and thought: "Insulting rather, the so-called birth. And who is born old age must also be so! "
3. Hey, monks, then king Bandhuma to call the driver and asked: "Hey secretary, Prince not having fun, royal park in the garden? Hey secretary, Prince has not rejoice at royal park garden ? "-" O Lord, the Prince did not have fun at the royal park garden. O Lord, the Prince is no joy, royal park in the garden "-" Hey secretary, royal park garden when Prince saw what? "-" O Lord, the Prince went to the garden while the royal park, an old saw, back còm as rooftops, a cane walking and trembling, where suffering is no longer young. Seeing this, the Prince asked me: "Hey secretary, who is that person? Why human hair that unlike other people? Why is not the same body of another person?" - "O Prince Prince, he called that old." - "Hey secretary, so he called the elderly? -" O Prince Prince, who was called old, because now he does not much longer to live. "-" Hey secretary, so then I do not have to be old , a man not yet old age? "-" O Prince Prince, Prince and both children again, we will all be old, though we are not through old age "-" Hey secretary, come visit this royal park garden so just then. Tell the driver returned to the supply. "-" Yes, Prince! "O Lord, the Prince Vipassi obedience, for the driver returned to the supply. O Lord, the Prince returned to the supply, suffering, sorrow late and think: "Insulting rather, the so-called life. and who is born old age must also be the same."
4. Hey, monks, kings Bandhuma then thought: "Can not let Prince Vipassi refused to reign. Unable to give Prince Vipassi ordained. Unable to let the words of the Ba-la jelly guess generals come true ".
This, monks, and the king Bandhuma Prince again arranged for the full year Vipassi more sensual dishes, to Prince Vipassi may reign, to Prince Vipassi exiting part, to the words of taste Ba -la-diving disciplines minister guess the truth. And, this, monks, Prince Vipassi fully enjoy living in affluence sensual dishes.
5. Hey, monks Prince Vipassi, after a period of many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years to call the driver ... (as before).
6. Hey, monks, Prince Vipassi, while walking to the royal park garden, see a sick, suffering, critical, crawled in urination, defecation her, others need support, others need guidance. Seeing this, the Prince asked the driver: "Hey secretary, who has done this, but it is not the same eyes of other people's eyes, his voice is not the same voice of the others?" - "O Prince Hoang mail, which is a disease called such a person. "-" Hey secretary, so he called a sick person? "-" O Prince Prince, who was known as a patient because he is not free from his disease "-" Hey secretary, so then we do not get sick, someone who is not sick? "-" O Prince Prince, Prince and more children, all of us will succumb to disease, though they It is not a disease. "-" Hey secretary, come visit this garden last such royal park. Tell the driver returned to the supply. "-" Yes, Prince. "
This, monks, the driver obeyed the Prince for the driver returned to the supply. This, monks, Prince Vipassi on the bow, suffering, sorrow, and thought: "Insulting rather, the so-called birth! And who are born, must also elderly, patients must also!"
7. Hey, monks, then king Bandhuma to call the driver and asked: "Hey secretary, Prince has happily not in royal park garden? Prince has not rejoice at royal park garden?" - "O Lord, the Prince did not have fun at the royal park garden. O Lord, the Prince is no joy in the royal park garden" - "Hey secretary, went to the garden when the royal park, the Prince saw what? " - "O Lord, the Prince went to the garden while the royal park saw a sick, suffering, critical, crawled in urination, defecation their other needs support, others need guidance driving. Seeing this, the Prince asked me: "Hey secretary, he did what his eyes unlike other people's eyes, his voice unlike the voice of others?" - "O Prince Prince, that is, a person called a patient "so: -" Hey secretary, so he called a sick person? "-" O Prince Prince, who was known as the sick person, because he is not from illness her! "-" Hey secretary, so then we do not get sick, someone who is not sick? "-" O Prince Prince, Prince and more children, all of us will succumb to disease, though we have not illness ". -" Hey secretary, come visit this garden last such royal park! Tell the driver returned to the supply. "-" Yes, Prince. "The Prince obeyed the driver returned to the supply. O Lord, prince of the palace, suffering, sorrow and thoughts: "Insulting rather, the so-called birth! And who was born, and to elderly, sick must! "
- Hey, monks, kings Bandhuma then thought: "I can not let the Prince Vipassi refused to reign! Can not let the Prince Vipassi ordained! Can not let the words of the Ba-La- Minister goal come true guess. " This, monks, and the king Bandhuma, re-arranged for the full year Prince Vipassi more sensual dishes, to Prince Vipassi may reign, to Prince Vipassi can not ordained, let the words of taste Brahmin minister keeper guessed the truth. And this, monks, Prince Vipassi enjoy life, full, sensual dishes prosperous year.
9. Hey, monks, Prince Vipassi, after a period of many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, to call the driver: "Hey secretary, tell the rover wins wins, we will go to royal park garden to landscape view. " - "Yes, Prince."
This, monks, the driver obeyed Vipassi Prince, to win the chariot and white wins Prince Vipassi: "O Prince Prince, the chariot wins won over. Do what Prince considered fashionable".
This, monks, Prince Vipassi then climb the chariot along with wins and wins another carriage, royal park towards the garden.
10. - Hey, monks, Prince en route to the garden Vipassi royal park, the large number of people, different uniform, and is building a cremation unit. Seeing this, the Prince asked the driver: "Hey secretary, why crowd him various uniformed and are staging up a cremation?" - "O Prince Prince, as there just a common destiny" - "Hey secretary, so the driver approached ye who just shared destiny!" - "Yes, O Prince."
This, monks, the driver obeyed the Prince, for the charioteer to people recently shared destiny. This, monks, seeing dead bodies, Prince Vipassi asked: "Hey secretary, so he called the deceased?" - "O Prince Prince, he called people died today mothers, fathers, siblings and other relatives did not see him again; and he did not see the mother, father or relatives other human blood! " - "Hey secretary, so I was not dead, then there is death? The King, Model post or other blood relatives will not find me attractive, and I will not see The King, Miss or Mrs. Sample biological son meat reasonable? " - "O Prince Prince, Prince and more children, we who are not dead but will now also died. The King, Model post or other blood relatives will not see the prince, and the prince will not the King saw. Sample post or other blood relatives. " - "Hey secretary, come visit this garden last such royal park. Give the driver returned to the supply." - "Yes, Prince."
This, monks, the driver obeyed the Prince, the driver returned to the supply. This, monks, Prince Vipassi on the bow, suffering, sorrow, and thought: "Insulting replace the so-called birth! And who is born old age must also have the disease, and to die like that!"
11. Hey, monks, kings Bandhuma then to call the driver and asked: "Hey secretary, Prince not having fun, royal park in the garden? Prince has not rejoice, royal park in the garden?" - "O Lord, the Prince not having fun at the royal park garden. Prince is no joy in the royal park garden". - "Hey secretary went to the royal park gardens, the Prince has found nothing?" - "Great king, prince while traveling to the royal park garden, the large number of people, different uniform and are building a cremation unit. Seeing the Prince asked me:" Hey secretary, why cloud was crowded, various uniformed and are staging up a cremation? "-" O Prince Prince, because there is a new common destiny ". -" Hey secretary, so close ye driver who just shared destiny . "-" yes, O Prince. "the Prince obeyed, for the charioteer approached recently shared destiny. When you see a dead body, the Prince asked me:" Hey secretary, so he called who died? "-" O Prince Prince, he called the deceased, because now mothers, fathers or other relatives siblings do not see him again! And he did not see the mother, father or other blood relatives. "-" Hey secretary, so I have to be dead not to die? Father, Form post or other blood relatives will not find me attractive? And I will not see The King, Model post or blood relatives who else? "-" O Prince Prince, Prince and more children, we who are now dead but will not die. Father, Form post or other blood relatives will not see the prince, and the prince will not see The King, Model post or other blood relatives "-" Hey secretary, come visit this royal park garden so just then. Tell the driver returned to the supply. "-" Yes, Prince. "The Prince Vipassi obey the driver returned to the supply. The prince of the palace suffering, melancholy and thought:" Insulting replacement the so-called birth! And who is born old must also have the disease, and to die like that! "
12. Hey, monks, kings Bandhuma then thought: "Can not let Prince Vipassi refused to reign! Can not let the Prince Vipassi ordained. Unable to let the words of taste Ba-La- Minister goal come true guess. "
- Hey, monks, and the king Bandhuma Prince again arranged for the full year Vipassi more sensual dishes, to Prince Vipassi may reign, to Prince Vipassi can not ordained, let the words of taste Brahmin minister guess not true. And this, monks, Prince Vipassi enjoy life, full, sensual dishes prosperous year.
13. Hey, monks, Prince Vipassi, after a period of many years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years to call the driver: "Hey secretary, tell the rover wins wins, we will go to the garden royal park to see the landscape ". - "Yes, Prince."
This, monks, the driver obeyed Vipassi Prince, to win the chariot and white wins Prince Vipassi: "O Prince Prince, the chariot wins won over. Do what Prince considered fashionable".
This, monks, Prince Vipassi then climb the chariot along with wins and wins another carriage, royal park towards the garden.
14. Hey, monks, Prince Vipassi royal park on the way to see a monks, bald, robe-covered desert. Seeing this, the Prince asked the driver: "Hey secretary, this person was doing, but he was different head ends of others, and also other person's shirt worn by others?" - "O Prince Prince, he was called home person!" - "Hey secretary, so he called home person?" - "O Prince Prince, ie smart-home virtues, virtues magnetic smart, act smart karma, merit smart business practice, cleverly keeping harmful beings, have compassion for the well-being!" - "Hey Secretary, check your vehicle approaches ordained". - "Yes, Prince."
This, monks, the driver obeyed the Prince Vipassi, drove to near-home person. This, monks, then Prince Vipassi monks asked: "Dear Sage, what he did, but his head is not the same to others, and his clothes not like the others?" - "Dear Prince, I am a home person!" - "Dear Sage, how called home person?" - "Dear Prince, I was called renunciation, because I'm smart virtues, virtues magnetic smart, act smart karma, merit smart business practice, cleverly keeping harmful beings have compassion for smart with beings ". - "Dear Sage, healing instead of his monastic virtues, the virtues healing rather clever, well-magnetic smart, clever karma acts, acts of merit clever now, cleverly keeping harmful beings have compassion for smart beings ".
15. Hey, monks, then Prince Vipassi told the driver: "Hey secretary, take this car and for the driver to deliver. And I am here, will be shaved, covering robe-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life ". - "Yes, Prince." Coachman obeyed Prince Vipassi take the car and drove to the palace. Prince also Vipassi, was the main spot, shaved, covered robes Asa ordained leave home, no family life.
16. Hey, monks, at that time, in the capital has a mass Bandhumati eighty-four thousand people heard the news: "Prince Vipassi were shaved, covered robes Asa ordained leave home , no family life ". Upon hearing the news, and he thought: "Such legislation is not trivial, such renunciation is not trivial, because Prince Vipassi in law was shaved, covered robes Asa made abandoned family home, no family life ". Prince Vipassi has now shaved, covered robes Asa ordained leave home, no family life why should we not? "This, monks, and mass eighty-four thousand person shaved, covering robe-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life, under the leadership of the Bodhisattva Vipassi. Then Bodhisattva Vipassi with our map, travel, passing villages, towns and cities.
17. Hey, monks, while net migration quiet, Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Why I live surrounded by them this map. Preferably, I live alone, away from them this map!"
This, monks, after a period of Bodhisattva Vipassi live alone, away from their maps, eighty-four thousand monks this go their separate ways, the Bodhisattva Vipassi go their separate ways.
18. Hey, monks, while net migration quiet secluded spot, Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "This world really fell into sorrow, must arise and old, and die, then abandon the world this rebirth to another world. No one knows one way to get rid of this suffering, free from old age and death. "
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What is present, old new face death? Do nothing charming, elderly living dead?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, after such management thinking, through intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due to present birth, grow old, to die there. Conditioned by birth, born to die old. "
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What is there, present new birth? Do what grace, birth arise?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, through wisdom, intelligence arises is the following: "Since the new ownership took up living there. Do charming property, birth should arise" .
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What is there, a new property there? Do what grace, friendship arises?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Since the new prime property there should be present. Due to obvious affinity, friendship arisen".
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What have the new players there? Do what grace, Prime arise?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after investment only, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due loving presence, the new arises."
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What is there, a new charity is present. Do what grace, compassion arises?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Because life is present, a new loving presence. Do predestined life, craving arises."
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What is there, a new life there. Do what grace, new life arise?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due to the contact with the face, new life is present. Due charming touch, new life arises".
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What is there, a new contact is present. Due to the new contact arises what fate?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due to the presence of contents entry, the new contact is present. Due to the continental coast, contact arises new ".
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What is present, activated continent face. Do nothing predestined, enter new continent arises?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, by being intelligent mind is the following method: "Because of mentality is present, the mainland activated. Conditioned by mentality, a new import record arisen ".
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What is there, present a new mentality? Do what grace, arises a new mentality?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, by being intelligent mind is the following method: "Due to be available, with a new mentality is present. Due to coast mode, new mentality Hall".
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What is there, a new form of presence. Because nothing charming, new knowledge arises?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due to the present mentality, a new form of presence. Do predestined matter, new information arises ".
19. Hey, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking as follows: "This consciousness turning back again, from where the matter, and matter is not beyond. Just like this, people are born or become old, or die, or farewell to this world, or born again in another realm, that is conditioned by matter, mode of delivery, conditioned by knowledge, birth mentality; conditioned by matter, enter the birth record; enter conditioned continent , promotion of birth; conditioned contact, feeling born; so charming feeling, loving being, conditioned by love, born players; players conditioned, being organic; conditioned by organic, sentient being, conditioned by birth, aging, death, sorrow, superiority born of suffering brain. so the departure of the entire collective aggregates suffering ".
"Warm, set start". This, monks, from where the Bodhisattva Vipassi, arising from the previous manual method has never been heard, place of birth, born intellectual, intelligent being, the light of life.
20. Hey, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something absent, absent the old dead? What kill, kill the old die?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due to being absent, absent the old die, so kill, kill old dead" .
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something not present, being absent? Something kill, kill?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, after such management thinking, through intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Since property is not present, being absent, so mortal, kill".
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something not present, not present ownership? What killed, mortal?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, after such management thinking, through intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do not be present players, ownership is not present, by manually killing, mortal".
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do what is not present, the absent? What killed, the killing?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do not loving presence, the absence, so compassionate killing, the killing".
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something absent, affinity is not present? Something kill, kill kindness?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Because life is not present, loving absent, due destroy life, loving kill".
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something not present, life is not present? Something kill, destroy life?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do not present contact, life is not present, so contact kill, destroy life."
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something not present is not present contact? What Removal, contact kill?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do not enter the continental presence, emotional absence, by the death record, contact kill" .
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do what is present, absent enter continent? What killed, continents away." This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do not present mentality, record entry is not present, so kill mentality, record entry kill ".
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something not present, and matter are not present? What mentality kill kill?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, by being intelligent mind is the following method: "Do not present form, and matter is not present, so wake kill, kill mentality" .
This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What is not present, not present form? Do something kill, kill mode?" This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, by being intelligent mind is the following method: "Do not present mentality, knowledge is not present, because rupa kill, kill mode" .
21. Hey, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Oh, I've seen is the path to Bodhi, thanks to consistent practice. That is, by and matter destroy, kill mode; by killing formula , continental death; death by continent, contact kill; by contact killing, destroy life, because life away, killing kindness; kindness by killing, the killing, by manually killing, mortal, as mortal, being destroyed; by birth Removal, old age, death, grief and lamentation, pain, grief, destroy the brain. Thus, the entire mass of ill kill ".
"Kill, kill". This, monks, from where the Bodhisattva Vipassi, legal departure from the previous label never heard, place of birth, born intellectual, intelligent being, the light of life.
22. Hey, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, after a lifetime of being destroyed shops in the five aggregates: "This is excellent, this is the start collective identity, identity this is killing. This is life, this is the life set start, this is anti-life. This is great, this is a great warm up, this is a great kill. This is the issue, this is the episode start, this is the kill! This is knowledge, this is the official launch episode, this is Removal mode ".
And for him, living customary law after being defeated in aggregates, soon taints was destroyed and he was freed.
1. Hey, monks, Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, instant Enlightenment thinking: "Now Let sermon".
This, monks, Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment thinking: "France is certified by me, it is deep, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, noble, super reasonable reasoning, subtle, only people understood the position. but this popular masses craving, craving pleasure, appetite craving. for popular masses craving, craving pleasure, appetite craving, it is difficult to Ida-theorem see paccayata Paticca-samuppāda: Y origination legal nature; it was hard to see all operating theorem is the first President, all care is being put away, charity is annihilation, sexual ly, compassionate killing, Nirvana. If now I preach that the others do not understand me, so it's time for my suffering! "
2. This, monks, the Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, verses incredible, never heard before, is starting up:
Why I say this on the Dhamma that I have a hard realization.
It is difficult to realize the greed of those who are governed.
Those who are ignorant of attachment and covered very difficult to see this law.
A contrary approach lines, subtle, profound, subtle, subtle.
This, monks, with such words, thoughts on the matter, the Exalted Vipassi center, steps Arhat, Enlightenment, towards the unconditioned, passive, do not want to preach. When that time, one of the great Brahma, knowing the thoughts of Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, through his thoughts, immediately thought: "Alas, the world will destroyed, the world would be fatal damage, if Vipassi heart of Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment, towards the unconditioned, passive, do not want the sermon! "
3. Hey, monks, the Great Brahma does, like an outstretched arm athlete has to shrink, or shrink an outstretched arm, so he disappeared from the Brahma world and appeared before Exalted Vipassi face, steps Arhat, Enlightenment. This, monks, then cover your upper Great Brahma y on one shoulder, right knee kneeling on the ground, his hands toward the Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment and transparency that: "Buddha, please sermon! White Auspicious, please sermon! they are beings less dust cover will be hazardous if not heard the Dharma. (If you are listening to), these people can dig understand dharma ".
4. Hey, monks, heard this, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment told the Great Brahma: "Hey Brahma, I was thinking as follows:" France by I witness it, really deep, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, noble, super reasoning, subtle, wise people just finally understood. This is also popular masses craving, craving pleasure, appetite craving. For the popular masses craving, craving pleasure, appetite craving, it's hard to see the interdependent nature of the legal medical reasons; it was hard to see all operating theorem is the first President, all care is being put away, charity is annihilation, sexual ly, compassionate killing, Nirvana. If now I preach that the others do not understand me, so it's time for my tired, so it's time for my suffering. "Hey Brahma, then the verse incredible, never before I listen to arise where:
Why I say this on the Dhamma that I have realized so difficult?
It is difficult to realize the greed of those who are governed.
Those who are ignorant of attachment and covered very hard to see this law.
A contrary approach lines, subtle, profound, subtle, subtle.
This Brahma, with such words, thoughts on the matter, my heart toward passive inaction, do not want to preach.
5. This, monks, the second position was the Great Brahma ... (as above) ...
6. Hey, monks, for the third time, the University was lord Brahma Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment: "Buddha, please sermon! Bach Thien The, let's sermon! they are beings less dust cover will be hazardous if not heard the Dharma. (If you are listening to), these people can dig out the Dharma! "
This, monks, Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment's time to know your advice Brahma, out of compassion for all beings, looking at life with the Buddha label. This, monks, Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment view the world with Buddha eyes, saw dust classes of infection at birth, many street infected with padded base classes benefit grounds, with classes by nature against nature, has taught classes docile difficult, and few saw the danger to other world reborn and the danger of mistakes actions. As in the lake blue lotus, pink lotus or white lotus, there are some blue lotus, white lotus pink lotus or water born, grew up in the water, do not pass out of the water, underwater nourished; there are some blue lotus, white lotus pink lotus or water born grown up underwater, living rise to the surface; there are some blue lotus, white lotus pink lotus or water born underwater raised themselves out of the water, not water wet. This too, monks, Exalted Vipassi, Arhat level, the Enlightenment, the Buddha looked around the world for the label. He saw little dust contamination classes of life, a lot of dust contaminated with padded base classes benefit grounds, ranked by nature against nature, it is difficult to teach classes docile, few saw the danger to other world reborn and the danger of mistakes actions.
7. Then the Great Brahma, the mind knows the mind of the Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment and said to Him, the following verse:
As people stood on the mountaintop looked around the people below.
Also upstairs Sumedha His Dhamma, variable label level, escapism melancholy.
Looking down the masses, anxiety melancholy oppression was born old.
Stand up, heroes, victory in battle rank!
The leader or the traveler, god debt escapism!
Bhagavan go around the world preaching the Dhamma.
Some people ask to hear, will mean intense magic!
This, monks, then Bhagavan Vipassi, Arhat level, your Enlightenment Great Brahma replied with the following verse:
Doors immortal has been extended,
You who are listening, give up their wrong views.
Because fatigue futile thinking, this Brahma.
I do not want to preach Dharma magic for mankind!
This, monks, then taste the Great Brahma with the thought: "I was a pioneer of the Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment sermon", then bowed, right hand body He and disappeared towards the spot.
8. Hey, monks, then Bhagavan Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment thinking: "I preach to someone first? Who will quickly understand this Dhamma?"
This, monks, then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment thinking: "Now Prince Khanda (Kien-tea) and the United Professor Tissa (Cartesian amnesty) residing in the capital Bandhumati ( desk-top-her-problem) is the order intercultural knowledge, wisdom, had long lived less polluted by dust life. Now we just preach to the royal prince Khanda and Tissa first monks, these two men will early this intense Dharma ".
Then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment as an outstretched arm athlete has to shrink, or shrink an outstretched arm, disappeared from the Bodhi tree, out in the Deer Park Khenma , capital Bhadhumati.
9. Hey, monks, then Bhagavan Vipassi, Arhat level, who holds Enlightenment garden called: "Hey you, go to the capital Bandhumati, Khanda and private with the royal prince that Professor Tissa World Ton Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment came Bandhumati capital, currently residing in the Deer Khema and wanted to see two! " - "Yes, venerable sir."
This, monks, who kept garden obey the teachings of Bhagavan Vipassi, Arhat level, the Enlightenment, the capital Bandhumati and said to the prince and the king Khanda Professor Tissa: "Ladies and gentlemen, Exalted Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment came to the capital and at the Deer Bandhumati Khema. He wants to meet you! "
10. Hey, monks, and the United Kingdom Prince Khanda Professor Tissa to win the chariot wins, himself climbing a chariot along with wins and wins another carriage, the car out of the city Bandhumati , go to the Deer Khema, ride to spot longer ride, then walk to the front of the car Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Upon arrival, these two men pay homage to him and sat to one side.
11. Then Bhagavan Vipassi, Arhat level, things Enlightenment upon sermon, lecture on generosity, morality theory, theory of the heavens, presenting the danger, the inferior, the infection the box of desire, and the benefits of renunciation. When Bhagavan knows the mind of these two mature, acquiescent, escapism hindrances, noble and calm, and he brought the sermon to which the Buddhas uphold, ie suffering, Set, Kill, Religion . Like pure cloth without defect, very permeable dye, too, the king prince Khanda and Professor Tissa, the seats in this remote controls were French label structural glass ceiling: "What crime did arise and also to kill ".
12. The two were found law, evidence law, compensation law, can enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation cessation, evidence is self-confidence, do not care for any other person's religion professor faith, instant Vipassi venerable sir, rank Arhat, Enlightenment: "It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! As people stood up to what was thrown down, exposing the what is covered, directions to the lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Also Bhagavan Dharma was used many means to present explanations. White Exalted now our refuge and refuge in France Bhagavan. Buddha, Bhagavan for our desire to be ordained to Bhagavan, Bhagavan to our desire to be ordained. "
13. This, monks, the royal prince Khanda and Tissa were ordained monk Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, was ordained. Then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment teaching these two men, encouraged to make exciting, make happy with telephony solutions, highlighting the dangers, the inferior, the pollution of compounded and the interests of Nirvana. And this thanks to Bhagavan two Vipassi, Arhat level, taught Enlightenment, encourage, make exciting, make happy with Dharma, not how long it is no longer clinging mind, be escaped the defilements.
14. Hey, monks, while the city has a public Bandhumati about eighty-four thousand were heard: "Exalted Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment came to the capital city and in Deer Park Bandhumati Khema. United death and the kingdom Khanda Professor Tissa were shaved, covered robes Asa ordained leave home, no family life with Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment ". Upon hearing this, they have thought to himself: "Surely, this law can not be trivial, the renunciation can not be trivial, because the royal prince Khanda and Tissa engineers have shaved, up shirt than- lay, ordained to abandon family, no family life. Wang death and the kingdom Khanda Professor Tissa were shaved, covered robes-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life with Bhagavan Vipassi and grades Arhat, Enlightenment. Why do not we do that? "
This, monks, and the mass was composed of about eighty-four thousand you go out of the city to the Deer Bandhumati Khema, Exalted Vipassi place, level Arhat, Enlightenment in. Upon arrival, they have bowed to him and sat to one side.
15. Exalted Vipassi, Arhat level, things Enlightenment upon sermon, lecture on generosity, morality theory, theory of the heavens, presenting the danger, the inferior, the pollution of desire and the benefits of renunciation. When Bhagavan knows the mind of the mature taste, acquiescent, escapism hindrances, noble and calm, and he brought the sermon to which the Buddhas have been raised that is suffering, Set, Kill, Religion . Like pure cloth, no defect very permeable dye, so this eighty thousand tub, main seat, the evidence is far from bare glass label structural measures: "What crime did arise and must also kill ".
16. These men have seen the law, evidence law, compensation law, can enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation cessation, evidence is self-confidence, do not care for any other person's religion professor faith, instant Vipassi venerable sir, rank Arhat, Enlightenment: "It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir. As they stood back, what was thrown down, exposing what is covered, directions to the lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Also, the Chief Justice has been using various means Bhagavan presented, explained. Buddha, now our refuge and refuge in France Bhagavan. Buddha, Bhagavan for our desire to be ordained to Bhagavan, Bhagavan to our desire to be ordained! "
17. Hey, monks, eighty-four thousand This Exalted ordained Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, was ordained. Then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment teaching these people, encourage, make exciting, make happy with telephony solutions, highlighting the dangers, the inferior, the pollution and compounded by the interests of Nirvana. And these people, thanks to Bhagavan Vipassi Arhat level, taught Enlightenment, encourage, make exciting, make happy with Dharma, not how long the master mind no longer accept, is the escaped the defilements.
18. Hey, monks, now eighty-four thousand of monks before, was heard: "Exalted Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment came to the city Bandhumati, Khema and in Deer Park preach". This, monks, eighty-four thousand monks this, go to the Deer Khema, Exalted Vipassi place, level Arhat, Enlightenment in. Upon arrival, they have bowed to him and sat to one side.
19. Exalted Vipassi, Arhat level, things Enlightenment upon sermon, lecture on generosity, morality theory, theory of the heavens, presenting the danger, the inferior, the pollution of desire and the benefits of renunciation. When Bhagavan knows the mind of the mature taste, acquiescent, escapism hindrances, noble and calm, and he brought the sermon to which the Buddhas have been raised that is suffering, Set, Kill, Religion . Like pure cloth, no defect, very permeable dye, so eighty-four thousand monks, the main seat at this evidence is far from bare glass label structural measures: "What crime have borne out and also to kill ". @
20. These men have seen the law, evidence law, compensation law, can enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation cessation, evidence is self-confidence, do not care for any other person's religion professor faith, instant Vipassi venerable sir, rank Arhat, Enlightenment: "It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, revered sir! As people stood up to what was thrown down, exposing the what is covered, directions to the lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Also Bhagavan Dharma was used many means to present explanations. White Exalted now our refuge Exalted, French refuge and the Sangha. Buddha, Bhagavan for our desire to be ordained to Bhagavan, Bhagavan for our desire to be ordained! "
21. Hey, monks, eighty-four thousand monks with Bhagavan Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment was ordained. Then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment teaching these people, encourage, make exciting, make happy with telephony solutions, highlighting the dangers, the inferior, the pollution and compounded by the interests of Nirvana. And these people by Bhagavan Vipassi, Arhat level, taught Enlightenment, encourage, make exciting, make happy with Dharma, not how long the master mind no longer accept, is the escaped the defilements.
22. Hey, monks, at that time, monks mass about six hundred eighty thousand Bandhumati you stay in the capital. This, monks, Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, while net migration silence was thinking as follows: "Now, monks mass about six hundred eighty thousand you stay in business the Bandhumati. Why I do not recommend you monks taught him: "Hey, monks, go along throughout, for the welfare of the public, because the public peace, for compassion for the world, because happy, sake, for peace unto him hath species. Do not take two people have the same place. This, monks, please preach the Dhamma, good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, meaning full text, document integrity owl. Please specify celibate life completely pure. They are beings born less dust, if not heard the Dharma will be in jeopardy. (If you are listening to), will dig out the Dharma. Every six years, come in the capital Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule ".
23. This, monks, the other a University Brahma, with his mind knows the mind of the Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment. As an outstretched arm athlete shrink or retract the arm was stretched out, this position in the plane disappeared and Brahma appeared before Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Brethren, then taste the Great Brahma, covering upper robe on one shoulder, his hands toward the Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment and him and said, "That is right, white Exalted! so yes, white Auspicious! Buddha, Bhagavan please encourage mass monks taught about six hundred eighty thousand in the capital Bandhumati position: "Hey, monks go along throughout, because happiness for the masses, for the masses of peacefulness, because compassion for the life, for happiness, for the sake, because peace unto him hath species. Do not take two people have the same place. This, monks, please preach the Dhamma, good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, meaning full text, document integrity owl. Please specify completely pure virtue. They are beings born less dust, if not heard the Dharma will be in jeopardy. (If you are listening to), will dig out the dharma ". Buddha, we will do as the monks. After six years, they have the capital to Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule".
This, monks, the Great Brahma such theory. After saying that, this position Vipassi bowed, steps Arhat, Enlightenment, back toward his right hand and disappeared in place.
24. Hey, monks, then Bhagavan Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment, in the afternoon made to stand up and say to you, monks:
- Hey, monks, while I quietly pure quiet residential spot, following the thought arises: "Nay, monks mass about six hundred eighty thousand Bandhamati're residing in the city. Why I did not promotion monks taught him: "Hey, monks, go along throughout the mass of happiness, because happiness for the masses, because of compassion for the life, for happiness, for the sake, as an the optimism for the species, species of Heaven. Do not take two people have the same place. This, monks, please preach the Dhamma, good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, full meaning, cultural integrity owl. Please specify celibate life completely pure. They are beings born less dust, if not heard the Dharma will be in jeopardy. (If you are listening to), will dig out the Dharma. Just six years later, in the capital Bandhumati come to recite the monastic rule ".
25. Hey, monks, a Great Brahma is different from your mind, know my thoughts. As an athlete stretching arms have shrunk or shrinks the arm was stretched out, you disappear in the Brahma World and appeared before my eyes. This, monks, the Great Brahma, covering upper robe on one shoulder, with hands towards me and said to me: "That is right, revered sir! That is right. White Auspicious! White World Ton! Exalted please encourage mass monks taught about six hundred eighty thousand in the capital Bandhumati position: "Hey, monks, go along throughout, for the welfare of the public, because the public peace, because compassion for the life, for happiness, for the sake, for peace unto him hath species. Do not take two people have the same place. This, monks, please preach the Dhamma, good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, full meaning, cultural integrity owl. Please specify completely pure virtue. They are beings born less dust, if not heard the Dharma, will be in jeopardy. (If you are listening to), will dig out the Dharma. Venerable sir, we'll do the monks. After six years the position will go to the capital Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule. "This, monks, the Great Brahma such theory. After saying that, I pay homage to this location, at the right hand back toward me and disappeared in place.
26. Hey, monks, I recommend teach you: "Hey, monks, go along throughout, for the welfare of the public, because the public peace, for compassion for the life, for happiness sake, for peace unto him, species of God. let no one place to go two. Hey, monks, please preach the Dhamma, good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, the full sense, Posted owl integrity. Please specify celibate life completely pure. they are beings born less dust, if not the Dharma lecture will be in jeopardy. (If you are listening to), will dig out the Dharma. just six years later, in the capital Bandhumati come to recite the monastic rule ".
This, monks, the monks did, a large part of the day was sailed around the national level.
27. Hey, monks, at that time in Jambudipa (Jambudvipa) has eighty-four thousand residences. Once a year just completed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, a chronic last year, this year the remaining years. After five years, come in the capital Bandhamati to recite the monastic rule!"
Two years has elapsed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, who finished two years, the remaining four years now. After four years, in the capital Bandhumati come to recite the monastic rule!".
Three years has elapsed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, three years has elapsed, this remaining three years. After three years, in the capital Bandhumati come to recite the monastic rule!".
Four years has elapsed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, four years has elapsed, this was two years. After two years, let's go to the capital Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule!"
Five years has elapsed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, five years has elapsed, the rest of this year. After a year, go to the capital in order to recite the monastic rule Bandhumati!"
Six years has elapsed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, six years has elapsed. Now have to go to the capital Bandhumati day to recite the monastic rule".
This, monks, the monks did, some of you with his powers, some of the powers of the gods of the day went to the capital Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule.
28. Hey, monks, Exalted Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment, among them monks, the monastic chants this:
"The Buddhas teach the First Nirvana.
"Patience, asceticism, endurance, as most followers.
"The monastic renunciation harm other people.
"Two other people so unworthy called recluses.
"People do not do evil, the good karma radial.
"Keep pure mind, the words Buddhas.
"No criticism, not beaten, kept himself in the monastic rule.
"Eat and drink with moderation, sleeping alone.
"How about the ethereal, the words Buddhas".
29. Hey, monks, one time, one in Ukkhattha (Australia-old-la), in the woods Subhaga, under the tree Ta-la king. This, monks, police silence while I settled net, following thought arose: "There is an abode, a very easy to kind of beings that I previously did not come in a long time! It's Devas Suddhavasa (Retreat disasters). So now I go to the gods in heaven Retreat! "
This, monks, like a stretched arm athlete has to shrink, or shrink the arm was stretched out, I disappeared in Ukkattha, Subhaga forest, under a tree Ta-la king and appeared before the devas in natural Retreat. In his public Devas some few thousand gods to where I am at, I bowed and stood aside, his gods told me the following:
"Hey Sage, has been ninety-one lives, since Bhagavan Vipassi, Arhat level, the Enlightenment was born. This sage, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment Sat-born nature of imperial race-seat. Hey Sage, Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment of identity Kondanna (Question-ly-elegant). Hey Sage, during Bhagavan Vipassi, Arhat level, enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree Patali (Ba-ba-la). Hey sage, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment called Khanda (Kien-tea) and Tissa (Cartesian amnesty). Hey Sage, during Bhagavan Vipassi, Arhat level, there are three Increasing Enlightenment Association, an association of six hundred and eighty Increase hundred thousand monks, a thousand ecclesiastical ten monks, an Increase Assembly eighty monks. Hey Sage, Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, with attendant monks Asoka name (Ashoka), this position is the steward Junior. Hey Sage, Exalted Vipassi his father, steps Arhat, Enlightenment, called Bandhuma, post-named Bandhumati samples (desk- beginning-she-threads). Citadel of King Bandhuma named Bandhumati. This sage, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, secular Enlightenment production like this, like this renunciation, effort like this, like this enlightenment, turning of the wheel like this. This sage, we who have the virtues with Bhagavan Vipassi, steps Arhat, Enlightenment has eradicated lust and born in this place. "
30. Hey, monks, in his public gods, some several thousand gods (... ...) a few hundred gods to where I am at, I bowed and stood aside. This, monks, after standing to one side, his gods told me: "Hey Sage, in this lifetime sage, Bhagavan, Arhat level, this Enlightenment was born. Hey Sage , Exalted, Sat-imperial nature of race-seat, Sat-imperial clan of-town. Hey Sage, Exalted identity of Gotama (Cu-talk). Hey Sage, Bhagavan is not how much longevity, littleness, human life a hundred years or more for a while. Hey sage, Exalted assattha enlightenment under a tree (bowl-multi-la). this sage, Bhagavan has two gentle artist, Junior disciple named Sariputta and Mahamoggallana (Sariputta and Moggallana-venture). Hey Sage, Bhagavan has an ecclesiastical one thousand two hundred and fifty. Hey Sage, this association of Bhagavan Increase composed entirely eradicate the cankers have. Hey Sage, Exalted with attendant monks called Ananda (Ananda), the First attendant is. Hey Sage, his father's name was Suddhodana Exalted (Suddhodana), Queen Maya (Ma-Sale) capital is Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense). this sage, Bhagavan secular production like this, like this renunciation, effort as this, like this enlightenment, turning of the wheel like this. This sage, we are happy with who initiates discounts Exalted, has eradicate lust and born in this place. "
31. Hey, monks, then I along with Devas Aviha (Unknown negativity bias) to Devas Atappa (Unknown Heat disasters). This, monks, and with gods and gods Atappa Aviha to Devas Sudassa (natural bias). This, monks, then I along with Aviha gods, deities and gods Sudassa Atappa to Devas Sudassi (Thien time bias).
This, monks, then I along with Devas Aviha, Atappa gods, deities and gods Sudassi Sudassa to Devas Akanittha (Sac Rescue Telescope). This, monks, in his Mass Devas, some several thousand gods to where I am at, I bowed and stood aside. This, monks, after standing to one side, his gods told me the following: "Hey Sage, has been ninety-one lives, since Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Right College sensory birth ... (as of 29) ".
32. Hey, monks, in his public gods, some several thousand gods (as before) a few hundred gods to where I am at, I bowed and stood aside. This, monks, after standing to one side, his gods told me the following: "Hey Sage, in this lifetime Hien Buddha, Arhat level, this Enlightenment was born .. . (as No. 30) ".
33. Hey, monks, such as Lai skillfully attained the legal world, the Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered Nirvana, has directed segment of karma, reincarnation has been terminated, has escape from all suffering. Tathagata also remember to strain the nature of this position have been reminded of identity, ethnic identity also remember, remember also to longevity, also remembered two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Exalted Career this birth is such emptiness, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so unfortunate, so unfortunate position, liberation is so " .

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