Thursday 31 March 2016

13. UNIVERSITY mass of ill

I heard something like this:
One time, the Exalted in Savatthi, at Jetavana (America-did), in his garden Anathapindika (Level-she-toxic). Then many monks robes morning, he took the bowl, into Savatthi for alms. Then the monks was thinking: "Now it is too soon to beg for alms in Savatthi. Let's go to the garden of pagan wandering ascetic. " The monks went to the garden of pagan wandering ascetic, speak words of praise courtesy asked and sat down on one side. The Du pagan officer told the monks were sitting down one side.
- Chu Hien stated recluse Gotama complete understanding about education, we also stated understanding about sex altogether. Chu Hien stated recluse Gotama fully understanding of the material, we also stated understanding of the material completely. Chu Hien stated recluse Gotama fully understanding the feelings, we also stated understanding sensations completely. Chu Hien, here the unique identification, any difference, any difference between the recluse Gotama and we regard the sermon or teaching problem?
The monks did not rejoice nor criticized the words of Du pagan officer, no joy, no criticism, the monks from the seat up, bid farewell to the idea: "We will learn meaningful words from Bhagavan ".
Then his monks, after begging in Savatthi, while begging for food eaten and returned, went to where the Blessed One in, pay homage to him and sat to one side. After sitting down on one side, his monks venerable sir:
- Buddha, here our morning robes, took care to Savatthi for alms bowl. Buddha, then we thought: "Now it is too soon to beg for alms in Savatthi. Let's think of the wandering ascetic garden heathen ". Buddha, then we go to the garden of pagan wandering ascetic, after to finish, to say the praise of courtesy asked and sat down on one side, Buddha, the pagan officer Du told we were sitting on one side: "Chu Hien, recluse Gotama specify completely understanding about sex, we also stated understanding about sex altogether. Chu Hien stated recluse Gotama fully understanding of the material, we also stated understanding of the material completely. Chu Hien stated recluse Gotama fully understanding the feelings, we also stated understanding sensations completely. Chu Hien here the unique identification, any difference, any difference between the recluse Gotama and we regard the sermon or teaching problem? "Buddha, we are not happy, not criticized the words of pagan wandering ascetic. No joy, no criticism, we got up from his seat, farewell to the idea: "We will learn the meaning of this word from Bhagavan".
- Hey, monks, the pagan Du said such officers should be answered as follows: "Chu Hien, how sweet is the sex? What is the danger, how is the renunciation? How sweet is the material, what is the danger, how is the renunciation? How sweet is the feeling, how is the danger, how is the renunciation? "This, monks, when asked so, the pagan wandering ascetic could not answer and would be caught in other difficulties. Why? This, monks, because this issue does not belong to their ability to understand. This, monks, I see no one in this world with the devas, Mara, Brahma, with them recluses, Brahmin, with gods and men, that answers the question be accepted, unless the Tathagata, the Tathagata and disciples who heard these two men.
And this, monks, how sweet is the sex? This, monks, with growth in education law this: The base material because the label awareness, endearing, communication ability, the ability, the ability rapture, corresponding to sex, attractive, known as the Atrium of awareness ... the flavor base rate due to your awareness ... the awareness due to injury ... the contact base by base body awareness, endearing, communication ability, the ability, the ability rapture, corresponding to education, attractive . This, monks, with growth in education such measures. This, monks, y growth on education law this year, has lost joy arises, such as the sexual sweetness.
This, monks, how are the dangers of sex? Here, the monks, have lived with men e farming occupations, such as counting the fingers, as calculated, such as estimates, as a farmer, like trade, like cowboys, such as archery, as do the king, as do any other job. He must fend off the cold, hot to resist, to endure the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, sun, reptiles, starve to die of thirst. This, monks, such as the dangers of sex, current practical, of suffering aggregates, taken as sex workers, taking coy education, a source of education, is the cause of education. This, monks, if his death devotees such efforts, so ardent, so diligently, but those assets are not his arms, he laments, lamenting mourn, mourn, coma: "Oh! Our effort is truly useless, need our expertise truly fruitless ". This, monks, as such, is the danger of sexual ... (as above) ... is the cause of education. This, monks, if his death devotees such efforts, so ardent, so diligent, and that fortune was on his hands, as holder of the property to him, he was feeling the distressed, anxious: "How did the kings from despoiling them, how thieves from robbing us, how the fire from burning, water washed out, or the unworthy heirs from despoiling them ? "Though he thus upholding, preserving thus kings still plundered his assets, robbers still rob, the fire still burns, water still swept away or unworthy heir has robbery winning them. He laments, sadness, crying, beating their breasts, coma: "What belongs to us, we do not have any more of this." This, monks, such as the dangers of sexual ... (as above) ... is the cause of education. Again, monks, so do sex workers, sex work by grace, by making education cause, cause as private education, King won the competition with the king, Sat-competitive sole-seat win with Sat-imperial-town , Brahmin dispute with Brahmin, householders dispute with the landlord, she won the competition for me, I won the competition with her mother, father won the competition with me, I won the competition with his father, brother paintings brothers won, he won the competition with her, she won the competition with his friends won the competition with friends. When they were engaged in a dispute, debate, dispute; They attack each other by hand; They attack each other with stones; They attack each other with sticks; They attack each other with swords. Here they come to die, go to the suffering almost fatal. This, monks, such as the dangers of sexual ... (as above) ... is the cause of education. Again, monks, so do sex workers as sex workers ... cause they handle conflicts and contradictions, they wear a bow and arrow, they arrayed two-sided, and the name was aimed fire, the executioner is thrown thrown together, each earned a guillotine region. They collided shot by name, they threw each other with knives stabbed, beheaded them together with swords. Here they come to die, go to the suffering almost fatal. This, monks, such as the dangers of sexual ... (as above) ... is the cause of education. Again, monks, so do sex workers as sex workers ... cause they handle conflicts and contradictions, they wear a bow and arrow, they attack the new palaces and plaster mortar was fired towards the same name, executioners were throwing each other, cutting each region earn. Here, they shot another stab by name, they threw stabbing each other with knives, they poured boiling water distribution, they crush each other with stones, decapitating them with swords together. Here they come to die, go to the suffering almost fatal. This, monks, such as the dangers of sexual ... (as above) ... is the cause of education. Again, monks, so do sex workers as sex workers ... cause they broke into their homes, their belongings robbery, they act like bandits, they ambushed the main road, they go to wife. The kings catching such a penalty immediately apply many differences. They flagellation, they beat with sticks, they hit with alcohol, their hands, their feet tightly, they cut the limbs, ears their luck, they cut the nose and ears cut off their nose luck, they use punishment oil cauldron, they given punishment hill shape (slicing off a scalloped top), so they use punishment la ... fire gate the display picture (taken into wreaths fire) ... good prime form (burning hands) .. . zone executed (taken back and tighten braided straw) ... y shaped packaging (bark taken as shirt) ... antelope picture (mountain goat penalty) ... the punishment (grab hook on meat) ... sum of (meat cut into coin shaped) ... blocks ... humor formation of high bike transformation ... radio ... they irrigated with boiling oil, they feed the dog, they pile the people live, they behead sword. Here they come to die, go to the suffering almost fatal. This, monks, such as the dangers of sexual ... (as above) ... is the cause of education. Again, monks, so do sex workers as sex workers ... cause they live do these evil deeds of the body, doing evil deeds to words, do these evil deeds of attention. Do they live do these evil deeds of the body, as the evil deeds in speech, do the evil deeds of the mind, body damage public network when they born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell. This, monks, such as the dangers of sex, leading to future suffering, is suffering aggregates, so do sex workers, sex work by grace, so as causal sex, sex work by the staff.
This, monks, how is the renunciation of sex. This, monks, this is the thing to lust for sex, the sexual rid involved, such as the renunciation of sex.
This, monks, the recluse, Brahmin any realistic insight sweetness of sweetness such as education, the danger is the danger so, the renunciation is the renunciation as Thus, these people will definitely not realistic insight of their education, they will not be able to put others in a similar position, that is as true insight of fitness, such events can not happen . This, monks, the recluse, Brahmin yet realistic insight sweet taste of sweetness such as education, the danger is the danger so, the renunciation is the renunciation so , these people will definitely like the real insight of their education, they can also put other people in a similar position, that is as true insight of fitness, such events have occurred.
And this, monks, how sweet is the material? This, monks, as the girls Sat-imperial-town, girls Brahmin or Homeowners girl, about the age of fifteen or sixteen years old, not too big, not too low, not too thin , not too fat, not too dark, not too white, this, monks, is in that time, they reached the supreme aesthetic wonders, the ultimate beauty?
- Buddha, right.
- Hey, monks, beauty care cosmetics on her magic and joy arises optimistic life expectancy, such as the sweetness of the material.
And this, monks, what is the danger of the material? This, monks, here one could see her grandmother in a different time, about eighty, ninety or a hundred years old, decrepit, curved like the roof, back còm, must rely sticks to fight support, walking and shaking, sick, youth took advantage, beard loss, white hair, damaged or loss, bald, wrinkled, dry limbs sallow Bangladesh. This, monks, how the people think? Does the aesthetic beauty of the ancient wonders of that person has disappeared and the danger appeared?
- Buddha, the truth is.
- Hey, monks, such as the danger of the material. This again, monks, one could see her she was suffering sickness, depression treatment, is immersed in its primary assignment, have someone lift up, to have mentors are. This, monks, how the people think? Does the aesthetic beauty of the ancient wonders of that person has disappeared and the danger appeared?
- Buddha, the truth is.
- Hey, monks, such as the danger of the material. Again, monks, people saw the girl, whose body was thrown into the cemetery, a day or two days or three days, the body was swelling up, dark blue back, ragged rot out. This, monks, how the people think? Does the aesthetic wonders of the ancient beauty girl disappeared and the danger appeared?
- Buddha, the truth is.
- Hey, monks, such as the danger of the material. Again, monks, people saw the girl, whose body was thrown into the cemetery, the crows are eating, or eating hawk species, or is the vulture feeding birds, or dogs eating, or eating species can assume, or eating insects. This, monks, how the people think? Does the aesthetic beauty of the ancient wonders of the girl has disappeared and the danger appeared?
- Buddha, the truth is.
- Hey, monks, such as the danger of the material. Again, monks, people saw the girl, whose body was thrown in the cemetery, with the skeletons are linked together, and sticky flesh and blood, the veins also tied ... with the skeletons are linked together, no longer stick but bloody meat, there is the skeleton column veins, no flesh, no blood, also tied tendons, bones not only sticking to several, scattered here and there, here is the hand bones, foot bones here is, here is the bone pipe, here's thigh bone, here is the butt bone, here is the backbone, here is the bone oil. This, monks, how the people think? Does the aesthetic beauty of the ancient wonders of the girl has disappeared, and the danger was out?
- Buddha, the truth is.
- Hey, monks, such as the danger of the material. Again, monks, people saw the girl, whose body was thrown into the cemetery, only the white bones whole shells ... only a pile of bones longer than one year ... only the powdered bones become rotten. This, monks, how the people think? Does the aesthetic beauty of the ancient wonders of the girl has disappeared, and the dangers out?
- Buddha, the truth is.
- Hey, monks, such as the danger of the material.
This, monks, and how is the renunciation of material? This, monks, this is the thing to lust for material, the fitness rid involved, such as the renunciation of material.
This, monks, the recluse, Brahmin does not like the sweetness of true knowledge the material is so sweet, the danger is the danger so, the renunciation is the renunciation so, these people will definitely not realistic insight of their material, they will not be able to put others in a similar position, that is as true insight of material, such events do not happening. This, monks, the recluse, Brahmin yet realistic insight sweetness of the sweet material is so, the danger is the danger so, the renunciation is the renunciation as Thus, given these people as true insight of their material, they can also put other people in a similar position, that is as true insight of material, such events have occurred.
And this, monks, how sweet the sensation? Here the monks cup of fitness, self-isolation of evil abides in the first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range with quad. This, monks, while monks sexual isolation, isolating the causes of evil, it abides first Meditation ... it can reach the quarterfinals, in the meanwhile, if he does not think of self-harm, not thinking to harm people, do not think about the harm of both, while he was feeling a sensation harmless. This, monks, was the ultimate innocent, I say that the sweet taste sensations. Again, monks, monks and anti reach the quarterfinals, Zen residence certificate on Monday, due to a blissful state of being, not reach, no quad, most provincial ... Meditation Center Tuesday. .. Meditation residence certificate on Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. This, monks, while optimism exhaust discharge monks suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts, while her if he did not think to self-harm, not harm people think, do not think about the harm of both, while he was feeling a sensation harmless. This, monks, was the ultimate innocent, I say that the sweet taste sensations.
And this, monks, how dangerous is the feeling? This, monks, the feeling is impermanent, suffering, damage variables, such as the danger of feeling.
And this, monks, how is the renunciation of feeling? This, monks, is to subdue the lust for sensation, the lust rid of, so called the renunciation of sensations.
This, monks, the recluse, Brahmin does not like real insight sweet taste sensations such as sweetness, the danger is the danger so, the renunciation is the renunciation so, these people will definitely not like real insight to their feelings, they will not be able to put others in a similar position, that is as true insight sensations, such events do not happening. This, monks, the recluse, Brahmin yet realistic insight sweet taste sensations such as sweetness, the danger is the danger so, the renunciation is the renunciation as Thus, given these people as real insight to their feelings, they can put the other person in a similar position, that is as true insight sensations, such events have occurred.
Exalted such preaching. Monks was happy, credit life Bhagavan's teachings.

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