Friday 25 March 2016


Thus have I heard.
1. One time, Exalted in Nalanda, in the woods Pavarikambavana. At that time, Venerable Sariputta to spot Exalted in, bowed and sat down on one side. Once sat to one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir!
- Buddha, the Exalted believe that children think in the past, in the future as in the present, can not be a monk, a Brahmin can other great than Bhagavan, Bhagavan wiser, in terms of enlightenment.
- Hey Sariputta, his words are true is modern language, it is brave, thou truth is roaring lions roar when you say: "Buddha, the Exalted believe that you think that, in the past , in the future as in the present, can not be a monk, a Brahmin can grander Bhagavan, Bhagavan wiser, in terms of enlightenment. " This Sariputta, do you have gotten to know, in the past, the position Arhat, the Enlightenment, the heart of You know your heart of all Bhagavan - Bhagavan virtue you so France is so ... so ... wisdom is residing is so ... liberating you Bhagavan is so?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Sariputta, do you have gotten to know, in the future, the position Arhat, the Enlightenment, the heart of You know your heart of all Bhagavan - Bhagavan you virtue is like Thus, France is so ... so ... wisdom is residing is so ... liberating you Bhagavan is so?
- Buddha, no!
- Hey Sariputta, do you have gotten to know, in the present I was the Arhat, the Enlightenment, the heart of the heart You know Bhagavan - Buddha world is so, France is so ... abides is so ... liberating Bhagavan is so?
- Buddha, no!
- Sariputta Hey, look! You do not have wisdom to know the minds of you Arhat, Enlightenment in the past, at present and in the future! Why, this Sariputta, thou words of contemporary language statement is true, it is brave, You really did a roaring lion roar when you say: "Buddha, the Exalted believe that children think , in the past, in the future as in the present, can not be a monk, the other Brahmin can grander Bhagavan, Bhagavan wiser, in terms of enlightenment . "
2. Buddha, I do not have the wisdom to know the mind of you Arhat, Enlightenment in the past, present and future. Venerable sir, but I know about the Dharma traditions. Buddha, as the king had a stronghold in the border, with trench fortified with watchtowers fortified citadel and only one door to exit. Gates Concierge smart taste, talent and experience, prevent strangers, only to those who know. This person, while on patrol around the city, can not see the end of the piece together and crevices of the wall, a small to a cat can go through. But he just knew that the bigger creatures want to go into or come out of this, all must go into or come out of this door. Buddha, so I know about the Dharma traditions. All you Arhat, Enlightenment in the past, all grades Bhagavan has eradicated five hindrances, the intellectual infections caused weak heart, was clever mind dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness , was as unfortunate truth Seven Sense tu chi, enlightened supreme enlightenment. All you Arhat, Enlightenment in the future, all these steps will eliminate Exalted five hindrances, the intellectual infections caused feeble heart, wont dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness Center , will cultivate virtues like truth Seven enlightenment expenses and will realize supreme enlightenment. Buddha, and this Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment has eradicated five hindrances, the intellectual infections caused feeble heart, wont dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness mind, was very religious as well seven Sense expenses, realized supreme enlightenment. And now here the audience time to take legal Bhagavan. Buddha, the Blessed One preach to you, every approach to the noble, profound than the previous method, black and white legal measures are mentioned, for comparison. Buddha, by Bhagavan Lecture child, every noble legal again, profound than previous methods, black and white legal measures are mentioned, such reference, intense should the Dhamma, a law was I understand fully penetrate, it is my belief on where Duty Counsel - Exalted is Career Enlightenment, are legal Exalted they preached and practiced Increase cleverly.
3. Buddha, again, this is the supreme truth: Exalted lectures on good behavior. Here are the four foundations of mindfulness-friendly France, four chief needs, Four As the sufficiency, Nam Can, Five Forces, Seven Sense GMT, Noble eight branches. Buddha, monks here eradicate the cankers, can for themselves and enlightened voters, reach and dwell right now, mind liberated and liberating knowledge this outflows. Venerable sir, it is unsurpassed for good behavior. All this, Bhagavan has said and out of his understanding, there is nothing left to further understanding. No one, not a recluse or a Brahmin else could see Bhagavan know more about good behavior problems.
4. Buddha, again, this is the supreme truth: Exalted sermon about the presentation of Import origin. Buddha, six domestic and foreign origin origin, ie sharp eye, ear and sound, nose and smells, tongue and taste, body and emotional, and legal reviews. Venerable sir, it is infinitely superior to the presentation of Import origin. All this, Bhagavan has said and out of his understanding, there is nothing left to further understanding. No one, not a recluse or a Brahmin else could see Bhagavan know more about the issue presented the Import origin.
5. Buddha, again, this is the supreme truth: Exalted enter sermon about pregnancy issues. Buddha, there are four types of entering pregnancy. Buddha, here, did not know his kind hearted mother enter, reside in the stomach do not know and do not know their mother out of the mother's abdomen. It was the first type of entry pregnant. Again lord, others know her mother entered the abdomen, but do not know if I dwell in the womb, and did not know his mother out of the abdomen. That type of contraception such as the two entered. Again venerable sir, there is kind of knew he enter the womb, said her mother reside in the stomach, and the stomach does not know her mother out. That kind entered Tuesday pregnancy. Again Buddha, there is kind of knew he enter the womb, said her mother reside in the stomach and know that out of the womb. That kind entered Wednesday pregnancy. Here are four types of pregnancy. Venerable sir, it is infinitely superior to enter pregnancy problems.
6. Buddha, again, this is the supreme truth: Exalted sermon about problems differences in heart sign. Lord has four different types of sign like this eccentricity. Buddha, ranked manifested itself with form: "You mean, like this, are you such disposal, You are like the heart of this. If you have reveals much away, it is revealed that so, not anything else. " Such is the kind of attention the first sign. Again venerable sir, there is no self-manifested types with form, but revealed after heard emitted by humans, non-human, or the gods: "You mean, like this, are you disposal so, are you like the heart of this. If you have reveals much away, it is revealed as such, not anything else. " Such is the kind of mind signing Monday.
Again venerable sir, there is no self-manifested types with form, nor reveal themselves after hearing the sound emitted by a person, inhuman or gods, but manifest themselves after hear clearly and legibly justice, emanating from the failure range, thinking: "Did You are like this, Thou sole is thus of interest are you like this. If it reveals much away, the time is revealed as Thus, not anything else. " Such is the kind of heart Tuesday signed.
Again venerable sir, there is no self-manifested types with form, nor reveal themselves after hearing the sound emitted by humans, non-human, or gods, nor reveal themselves after hear clearly transparent and fair, coming from the interpolation range and thinking, but when they are charged, no games, no quad, can know the heart of another boston with his mind: "Depending on the wishes of the Sun where this author , this position will direct attention to this center. If there is more manifest way, the news was revealed that, not anything else. " Such is the kind signed Wednesday mind. Venerable sir, it is the supreme sign of heart problems differences.
7. Again, venerable sir, this is the supreme truth: Exalted sermon at issue is the (dassanasamapatti). Buddha, there are four types is set like this: Here venerable sir, there are monks or Brahmin, thanks to enthusiasm, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks Secretarial recollection, should enter the center. With such samadhi mind, he observed this body, under the feet or more, until the initiation on hair, wrapped with leather and filled with impure material difference: In this body, this is the hair, fur , nails, teeth, skin, flesh, tendons, bones, kidneys, bone marrow, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, feces, bile, phlegm (mucus), pus, blood, sweat , fat, tears, grease the skin, saliva, nasal secretions, water joints, urine. So is the first. Again venerable sir, here comes the monk or Brahmin, thanks to enthusiasm, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. With such samadhi mind, he observes this body, under the feet or more, until the initiation on hair, wrapped with leather and filled with impure material difference: In this body, this is the hair, fur , nails, teeth, skin, flesh, tendons, bones, kidneys, bone marrow, heart, liver, diaphragm operator, spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, feces, bile, phlegm (mucus), pus, blood, sweat sweat, fat, tears, grease the skin, saliva, pus, water joints, urine. Moreover, he observes the person's skeleton was bonded together, and stick the meat, blood and skin. So is the latter. Again lord ... he crossed the observation of the skeletons was also linked to each other, and sticky flesh, blood and skin, observe the course of his or her mind, without interruption, as this dwell and dwell lifetime after lifetime. Such as is the Tuesday. Again, venerable sir, ... Moreover, he crossed the observation of human skeletons that are linked together, and stick the meat, blood and skin, observe the course of his or her mind, uninterrupted segment, as this does not dwell lifetime and a lifetime later. So is the fourth. Venerable sir, is the supreme truth of the matter is.
8. Again, venerable sir, this is the supreme truth: Exalted sermon on the issue classification of people. Buddha, there are seven types of people like this: Question of liberation, liberation Tue, My witness, Knowledge Press, Tin won, depending practice, practice Depending credit. Buddha, so the problem is paramount The species classification.
9. Again, venerable sir, this is the supreme truth: Exalted sermon ardent issue. Seven Sense lord had spent like this: Mindfulness Enlightenment chi, chi Tse measures Sense, Sensory Effort chi, chi Hy Sense, Sense of calm chi, The Sense chi, chi Drain Sense. Buddha, so is paramount ardent issue.
10. Again, venerable sir, this is the supreme truth: Exalted sermon on progressive issues in the practice (practice Patipada = direct). Buddha, there are four kinds of religion acts like this: - Practicing suffering slow realization, enlightenment suffering mau practice, practice slow realization peanuts, peanut enlightened practice quickly. Buddha, here, this is a slow realization practice hard. Buddha, the practice of both aspects are considered inferior, medium and slow suffering. Buddha, here, this is practice hard, quick realization. Buddha, the practice because of pain should be called inferior. Buddha, here, this is the practice of communication, enlightenment slowly. Buddha, the practice is so slow so-called inferior. Buddha, here, this is the practice of enlightened optimism quickly. Lord of this practice both aspects are considered noble, medium fast communication medium. Buddha, so is the supreme act of religion issues (progress on the spiritual path).
11. Again, venerable sir, this is the supreme truth: Exalted sermon on the issue of language right action. Buddha, here, a person not only say the words relate to lying, but also the right, while trying to win, not slander, harsh words and word cup indirectly, on the contrary say from peace, wisdom, worth preserving, and say the right time. Buddha, so is paramount in the language of right action.
12. Again, venerable sir, this is the supreme truth: Exalted sermon on the issue of human morality. Buddha, here, someone honest, faithful, do not lie, do not cheat, do not hint, do not contemplate general, not take advantage the benefits, upholding the grounds, eating sober, temperate actions Air, always vigilant, not depressed, ardent, thoughtful, mindful, verbal agility, daring acts, endured, knowing, not lust, caution alert. Buddha, so is paramount on the issue of human morality.
13. Again, venerable sir, this is the supreme truth: Exalted sermon about discrepancies in the teaching. Buddha, there are four types of instruction. Buddha, Bhagavan Thought by itself, others know this person according to the teaching, practice like this, would eliminate three fetters, will witness a Stream, no longer oppressed and lost, certainly will enlightenment. Buddha, Bhagavan through right thinking self, other people know this person according to the teaching, practice like this, would eliminate three fetters, make soot strategic greed, hatred and delusion, will witness the First Hybrid , this life must be born again before the cessation of suffering. Buddha, Bhagavan through right thought themselves know other people: This person according to the teaching, practice like this, will eliminate five lower fetters, to be turned in at the birth and enter realms Niet- table, no longer on the earth. Buddha, Bhagavan through right thought themselves know other people: This person according to the teaching practice like this, will eradicate the cankers, himself enlightened, attainment and residing within the current, very Tue Tam pirated liberation and deliverance. Buddha, so the problem is paramount difference in the teaching.
14. Again, venerable sir, this is the supreme truth: Exalted liberation sermon about others' shoes. Buddha, Bhagavan through right thought themselves know others: He eradicated three fetters, will experience the results expected to save, no longer oppressed and communication, will definitely be enlightened. Buddha, Bhagavan through right thought themselves know other people: This person will eradicate the three fetters, make soot strategic greed, hatred and delusion, will experience the results First hybrid, born to this world again, will cessation of suffering. Buddha, Bhagavan through right thought themselves know other people: This person eradication five lower fetters, will be turned born, that place themselves enter Nirvana, no longer have to return to this life. Buddha, Bhagavan through right thought themselves know other people: This person, eradicate the defilements, self-knowledge proof, reach right direction and to dwell in the present life rescue center outflows, Tue liberation. Buddha, so is paramount position on the issue of liberation of others.
15. Again, venerable sir, this is the supreme truth: Exalted sermon Resident issue review. Buddha, there are three kinds of arguments like this Resident. Lord here with the monk or Brahmin, thanks to enthusiasm, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks recollection district should enter the center; when entering the center, he remembered many past lives, like a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, hundreds of lives, thousands of lives, hundreds of thousands of lives, countless hundreds of lives, wealth some thousand generations, countless hundreds of thousands of lives, remember that: "When he was born on the spot, I live with the name like this, your clan like this, like this class, eating like this, painful feeling optimistic life like this, like this life. From where he died, I was born to the other place. At the other place, I've lived with the name like this, like this life. " Thus he remembered many past lives with the features and details. He said: "In the past, I know the world is in life or damage to life. But in the future I do not know the world is in life or damage to life. The ego and the world is permanent , regardless of birth, solid as the mountain, as the pillar. And the other is kind of charming flow, reincarnation, death is born again, though they remain permanent. " That is the first conclusion Resident. Again, venerable sir, here, there are monks or Brahmin most by heart, thanks to diligent, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks recollection district should enter the center. When entering the center, he remembered many past lives, lives as a corrupt life, two lives into lives septic, septic lives three lives, the lives of four septic lives, in the lives septic lives, the lives of ten septic life, remember: "When he was born on the spot, I've lived with the name like this, your clan like this, like this class, eating like this, unpleasant pleasures like this, life like this. From where he died, I was born there. at the other place, I've lived with the name like this, your clan like this, like this class, eating like this, feeling optimistic unpleasant feeling like this, like this life. From the other die, I was born in this place. " Thus he remembered many past lives with the features and details. He said: "In the past, I know the world is in life or damage to life. In the future, I know the world will be in life or damage to life. The ego and the world is permanent, real being, solid as the mountain, as the pillar, while the other type flows charming reincarnation, death is born again, though they remain permanent. " That's Resident second conclusion. Again, venerable sir, here, the monk or Brahmin, the most by heart ... should enter the center. When samadhi mind he remembered many past lives, such as the existence of ten lifetimes septic, septic twenty lifetimes of life, a life septic thirty lives, the lives septic forty lives, remember that: "When was born in that place, I've lived with the name like this, your clan like this, like this class, eating like this, unpleasant pleasures like this, like this life. From where he died, I was born there. at the other place, I've lived with the name like this, your clan like this, like this class, eating like this, unpleasant pleasures like this. " Thus he remembered many past lives, with the features and details. He said: "In the past, I know the world is in life or damage to life. In the future, I know the world is in life or damage to life. The ego and the world is permanent, regardless birth, solid as the mountain, as the pillar, while the other type flows charming reincarnation, death is born again, though they remain permanent. " That comment Tuesday Resident. Buddha, so is paramount to comment Resident problems.
16. Again, venerable sir, this is the supreme truth: Exalted Additional problems lecture about location network. Venerable sir, here comes the monk or Brahmin, the most by heart ... should enter the center. When entering the center, he remembered many past lives as a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty-life, life thirty, forty died, fifty-life, a life hundred, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives havoc, many lives, many lives the life damage. Remember: "When you are born in that place, I've lived with the name like this, your clan like this, like this class, eating like this, unpleasant pleasures like this, like life this. From where he died, I was born there. at other places I've lived with the name like this, your clan like this, like this class, eating like this, unpleasant feeling optimistic like this, like this life. From where he died, I was born there. at other places I've lived with the name like this, your clan like this, like this class, eating like this, unpleasant pleasures like this, like this life. " Thus, he remembered many past lives, with features and details. Buddha, there are gods, but life can not be counted or not countable. But in any fall could be had in the past, or have sharp or not sharp, or have thoughts or ideas, or non-ideal non idea, they remember past lives with detailed features and so on. Buddha, so is paramount in the network Additional location problems.
17. Again, venerable sir supreme truth is this: Bhagavan sermon on the issue birth and death of beings location. Here, venerable sir, there are monks or Brahmin, the most by heart ... should enter the center. When entering the center, he Thien label with pure, superheroes, see life and death of beings. He knows that, beings, inferior people, who noble, beautiful people, ugly rough guys, lucky, unfortunate wretch because their careers are: "Hey Sage, these beings do evil deeds of body, speech and mind, defame the saint, according wrong to make the wrong industry at. They damage the body, after the public network, must be born into the world of suffering, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell . Hey Sage, there are certain beings to do the deeds of body, speech and mind, do not defame the saint, according to the Right view, create under Right now. these people, after the body damage the public network , was born to the animal charity, heaven, on earth. " Thus, he Thien label with pure, superheroes, see life and death of beings. He knew that people inferior beings, who noble, beautiful people, ugly rough guys, lucky, unfortunate wretch because their careers are. Buddha, so is paramount position on the issue of birth and death of sentient kind.
18. Again, venerable sir, this is the supreme truth: Exalted Spirit sermon sufficient information on the matter. Buddha, there are two types of miracles like this. Buddha, organic kind of contraband psychic, residual organic medicine, called "not God". Buddha, with outflows kind miracles, no medicine residue, called "saint". Venerable sir, how is the type of property illegally psychic, residual organic medicine, called "not God"? Here, venerable sir, there are monks or Brahmin, the most by heart, thanks to diligent, because any distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. When entering the center, he attained sufficient common types of differences Spirit. A body itself out many, many relatives out a body. The time passed morphing shape wall, through the wall, through the mountain passes as nothing; rising burrowed across the land, as in the country; Submersible not walk on water as on land; fetters-old sat out of nowhere like a bird, with hands touching and touched the moon and the sun, the power plants have great dread, great so compassionate; can itself fly to Brahma World. Buddha, such as gonorrhea organic psychic, residual organic medicine, called "not God". Venerable sir, how is unseen outflow, no medicine residue, called "saints?" Here, venerable sir're monks, if you wanted to: "For the opposite things, we will not reside with the opposite idea, "and here he abides with no opposing idea. If he wants:" for things are not opposites, we shall be content with opposing ideas ", and here you he abides with the opposite idea. If he wants: "for things opposite and not the opposite, we shall be content with no opposite idea," and here he abides with no opposing ideas. If he wants: "for things are not opposites and opposites, we shall be content with the opposite idea," and here he abides with the opposite idea. If he wants: "Removing the two opposites and not the opposite, I will discharge residence, mindfulness, awareness, "and here he discharge residence, awareness, awareness. Buddha, such as ways of Kabbalah, no medical opinion, and called a "saint".
Buddha, so is supreme sufficient information about the types of Spirit. All this, Bhagavan has said, and in addition to his knowledge, there is nothing left to further understanding. No one, not a recluse or Brahmin else, could see more info on the matter Exalted Spirit sufficient data types.
19. Buddha, what can be achieved by an electronic devotees have faith, have diligently, with perseverance by the perseverance of the people, by the diligence of the people, by the child's progress people, by the people's patience, Exalted are attained. Buddha, Bhagavan has no passion for sensual, sensual is contemptible, despicable, of ordinary, unworthy saint, no benefits. Bhagavan nor ascetic enthusiasts, this austerity is suffering, not worthy saint, no benefits. Bhagavan could achieve if he wanted to, with ease, a full, really happy right now, because four meditation brings. Venerable sir, if someone asked me: "Hey Sage Sariputta, in the past, with the monk or Brahmin any bigger, smarter longer Exalted enlightened on the issue?" Buddha, was asked this, I say no. "Hey Sage Sariputta, in the future, there are monks or Brahmin any bigger, wiser Exalted enlightenment on the matter?" Buddha, so the respondents answered no. Venerable sir, if someone asked me: "Hey Sage Sariputta, in the past, with the monk or Brahmin can by Bhagavan on the issue of enlightenment?" Buddha, asked what the answer there. "Hey Sage Sariputta, in the future, there are monks or Brahmin can by Bhagavan on the issue of enlightenment?" Buddha, asked what the answer there. "Hey Sage Sariputta, in the present time, there are monks or Brahmin can by Bhagavan on the issue of enlightenment?" Buddha, asked what the answer is not. Venerable sir, if someone asked me: "Why, Venerable Sariputta the one hand, it confirms that there is, on the one hand confirm no?" Buddha, asked what I would answer: "Hey Sage, in front of Bhagavan, I have heard from Him I have noted:" In the past, there is the taste Arhat, enlightenment in terms of enlightened me. "Hey Sage in front of Bhagavan I have heard, from whom I have noted:" In the future, there is the taste Arhat, enlightenment by me in terms of enlightenment. "Hey Sage, before I had heard of Bhagavan from him I have noted:" there is no case, no event in the world, two a-La- drought, Enlightenment and appears in the world, not before, not after. Such events can not happen. "Buddha, there have to be asked and answered so, I said to the correct standard with Bhagavan, no wrong, no misunderstanding Bhagavan? Are you answered upon the legal and lawful? Are not a lawful enemy could find reason to criticize the critics?
- Hey Sariputta, asked and answered so, have you speak proper attention to me, no wrong, no misunderstanding me. You answered upon the legal and lawful. Not a lawful enemy can find reason to criticize, criticize.
20. Be heard this, venerable lord Udayi:
- It is rare, venerable sir! It is wonderful, venerable sir! Exercise such as Lai least motto so seriously so; while Tathagata has such great powers, with such great power, without revealing themselves. Venerable sir, if there is a certain pagan wanderer, found themselves witness is only one legal oil, they have a positive flag (cultivars) up then. It is rare, venerable sir! It is wonderful, venerable sir! Exercise such as Lai least motto so seriously so; while Tathagata has such great powers, with such great power, without revealing themselves.
- Please note, this Udayi! Exercise such as Lai least motto so seriously so; while Tathagata has such great powers, with such great power, without revealing themselves. Udayi this, if there is a certain pagan wanderer, found himself only one oil such measures, they have a positive flag (cultivars) up then. This Udayi please note! Exercise such as Lai least motto so seriously so; while Tathagata has such great powers, with such great power, without revealing themselves.
21. Then Bhagavan told Venerable Sariputta:
- So Sariputta, thou must always distinguish this sermon for the monks, monks and nuns, laymen and the Women cacNam layman. This Sariputta, if there are any doubts fools or hesitate for Tathagata, if they are listening to this legal distinction, doubt or hesitate to Tathagata they will be to eradicate.

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