Thursday 24 March 2016

10. ECONOMIC Subha
( TU-BA).

1. Thus I heard. One time, the Venerable Ananda at Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana Forest (United-momentum), garden he Anathapindika (Anathapindika), after the Buddha passed away shortly. At that time the young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta at Savatthi for some work.
2. Then the young Brahmin youth Subha Todeyyaputta call a Brahmin other:
- This young Brahmin, go to where the recluse Ananda, on behalf of us inquired Ananda recluses have fewer sick little brain, calm, peaceful vim: "Youth Ba-La- Subha subjects inquired Venerable Ananda Todeyyaputta have fewer sick little brain, calm, peaceful air force ", and added:" pleased to replace, if Venerable Ananda at the heart of introspection to the abode of youth Subha Todeyyaputta " .
3. - The venerable, yes.
Youth Brahmin youth obedient Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta to spot Venerable Ananda, after arriving, they speak the words of praise socialize with friends Venerable Ananda then sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, young Brahmin told Venerable Ananda: "Young Brahmin Subha inquired Venerable Ananda Todeyyaputta little less brain disease, calm, peaceful vim. Han Unfortunately, if the Venerable Ananda at the heart of introspection to the youth dormitory Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta ".
4. When Venerable Ananda said that the youth told the Brahmin that:
- This young Brahmin, this is not the time, because today I just take medicine. Tomorrow I will come, just trendy, suspected.
Then young Brahmin from the seat he got up, came in place of the young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta; when finished, immediately said to the young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta:
- We've behalf Venerable said to Venerable Ananda: "Young Brahmin Subha inquired Venerable Ananda Todeyyaputta have fewer sick little brain, calm, peaceful vim. Pleased to replace, if the venerable Ananda in the heart of introspection to the dormitory for young Brahmin, Subha Todeyyaputta ". This venerable, so when said recluse Ananda told me: "This young Brahmin, now is not the time, because today I'm just taking it. Tomorrow, I will go, just trendy suspected ". This venerable, such incidents have resulted Venerable Ananda had the opportunity tomorrow.
5. And the Venerable Ananda, having fulfilled that night, in the morning robes, take care bowl, with the monks who do Cetiya origin depending operating monks, came in place of the youth in three- Subha Todeyyaputta la-goal, after arrival, sat in place already prepared. And young Subha Venerable Ananda Todeyyaputta comes first, after arriving, they speak the words of praise of friendship and socializing with Venerable Ananda, and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, young Brahmin Subha told the Venerable Ananda Todeyyaputta:
- Venerable Ananda was a long day as the venerable Gotama attendant, living near and on one side of him. Venerable Ananda Venerable Gotama sure knows praised the public law and that he was encouraged, promotion director, he only did everyone under the law. Venerable Ananda, the Venerable Gotama praised law is the law and what he has encouragement, promotion director, he only did people follow the law?
6. - This young Brahmin, Bhagavan praised his three French aggregates and encouraged, promotion director, he only did everyone under the law. What was the three methods? Aggregates world is Holy, Holy of aggregates, aggregates Holy Property. Bhagavan praised three French Aggregates. His encouragement, promotion director, he only did people follow the law.
- Venerable Ananda, how is St. world aggregates, Venerable Gotama praised and encouraged him, promotion director, only people under the legal care too?
7. - Hey young Brahmin, here Tathagata being born, the Arhat. Enlightenment ... so this young Brahmin monks are fully moral. (See Business Samana Fruit of 40-63).
8. - This young Brahmin, which is the Holy Exalted world aggregates praise and encouragement he has directed extension, only people under the care it. And other aggregates also nobler approach should practice?
- It's rather wonderful, Venerable Ananda, it's rather bizarre, Venerable Ananda, St. aggregates real world perfection, not perfection; Venerable Ananda, I do not see this fulfillment Holy aggregates presented in these recluses, Brahmin beyond this church. Venerable Ananda, and if the recluses, another Brahmin can see where their self St. aggregates, they have also satisfied with that approach: "Practicing is so complete, so attainment is full. that is the purpose Salmone our happiness, nothing nobler need to practice more! " But Venerable Ananda said: "What nobler aggregates measures need to practice."
1-12. Venerable Ananda, how is the Holy of aggregates, Venerable Gotama praised and encouraged him, he only recommends directing people according to them?
- This young Brahmin, how the monks upholding the apartment? ... Nowhere in the body not being sexual bliss was so imbued glass.
(See Business Sa gifts, number 64-76).
13. This young Brahmin, fitness, monks glasses, cups evil law, residence certificate first meditation by a blissful state of being sexual ly, to reach the quarterfinals. Monks instilled, macerated, making himself abundantly filled with joy by being sexual ly, not somewhere in the body without being sexual bliss was so imbued glass. That is meditation of him.
14-15. This young Brahmin, he again monks kill kill reach quarterfinals ... not instill.
(See Business Sa gifts, number 77-78) ...
That is meditation of him.
 16-18. Again, the young Brahmin, glass wedding ... not instill discharge residence. (See Business Sa gifts, No. 79-82) ... It is the meditation of him.
19. This young Brahmin, that aggregates the Venerable Gotama Holy praised and encouraged him, promotion director, he was only people under the law and also other nobler aggregates need to practice.
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Ananda! It's rather bizarre, Venerable Ananda! St. fullness of truth aggregates, not perfection; Venerable Ananda, I do not see this Holy fullness of aggregates in the recluses, Brahmin beyond this church. Venerable Ananda, and if the other recluses St. to see where their self-aggregates, they have also satisfied with that approach: "Practicing is so full. That is the purpose of the unfortunate recluse us. nothing nobler need to practice more. " But Venerable Ananda said: "What nobler aggregates measures need to practice."
20-21. Venerable Ananda, how is St. aggregates knowledge, Venerable Gotama praised and encouraged him, promotion director, only people under the legal care too?
- With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated ... and bound (see Business Sa gifts, No. 83-84).
22. This young Brahmin, with a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, solid, calm, so, monks led to the radial center right knowledge, right understanding, he said: "this body of material we are, by four great success, due to the birth parents, nurtured by rice gruel, impermanent, turn septic, pollen dark, break, decay, in the body of knowledge that we rely on and bound ". That is the wisdom of him.
23-24. With calm mind ... not the lack of a base (see Business Sa gifts, number 85-86). That is the wisdom of him.
25-35. With calm heart ... The present life, without any other life (see Business Sa gifts, No. 87-98).
36. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful easy to use, solid, calm, so, monks led care, led to illegal centripetal take place. He insight as truth: "This is suffering", enlightened as truth: "This is the cause of suffering," as true insight: "This is the cessation of suffering," as true insight: "This is the way leading to cessation of suffering, "as true insight:" these are illegal or "realistic insight:" This is the cause of gonorrhea or "realistic insight:" This is the eradication of cankers " realistic insight: "This is the path to the eradication of illicit or", thanks to such knowledge, such awareness, his mind rid of illegal sex, property illegally escape, escape from ignorance . For itself has freed so, start up the said: "I have liberated". He said: "Sanh was destroyed, virtue has, to-do was made, after the present life, without any other life." That is the wisdom of him.
37. This young Brahmin, Aggregates Property that is Holy, the Exalted, and His praise encouragement, promotion director, only people under the care it. No longer any legal nobler need to practice.
- It's rather wonderful, Venerable Ananda, it's rather bizarre, Venerable Ananda! Venerable Ananda, St. wisdom aggregates real fullness, not fullness. Venerable Ananda, I do not see this fulfillment aggregates St. wisdom among recluses, Brahmin beyond this church. No longer any legal nobler need to practice. It's rather wonderful, venerable Ananda! It's rather wonderful, venerable Ananda! As people stood up to what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, directions for those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Likewise, the Chief Justice has been using various means Bhagavan explained presentation. Venerable Ananda, the Exalted Gotama for refuge, refuge in France, and the refuge we monks Increase. Venerable Ananda adoption eager disciple, from today onwards until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/3/2016.MHDT.

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