Friday 25 March 2016

27.  Aggañña Sutta .
(Aggañña SUTTANTA)

Thus have I heard:
1. A residence time in Savatthi Exalted (Xa-defense), Pubbarama (The Tin Forest Park), in the floor of MIGA ramatu (Loc Form Auditorium). At that time, Vasettha and Bharadvaja living among monks and wanted to become monks. Exalted in the afternoon, from Meditation arises, steps down from the stairs, passing between the sun, the shadow home upstairs.
2. Vasettha see Bhagavan in the afternoon, from Meditation arises, steps down from the house upstairs, passing between the sun, the shadow home upstairs. Seeing Vasettha told Bharadvaja:
- Hey you Bharadvaja, Exalted in the afternoon, from Meditation arises, steps down from the stairs, passing between the sun, the shadow home upstairs. You Bharadvaja, let visited the Exalted. Very likely we are to hear the law from Bhagavan.
- Ladies and yes, Sage!
Bharadvaja Vasettha obey. Then along came the Vasettha and Bharadvaja near Bhagavan, when he bowed to finish and go back Bhagavan, when He was pacing back and forth.
3. Then Bhagavan told Vasettha:
- Hey Vasettha, thou born as Brahmin and clan belonging Brahmin, abandoned the family left home, living without family clan from Brahmin. Vasettha this, the Brahmin has criticized thou, thou defamation reasonable?
- Buddha, the Brahmin You have criticized our truth, our libel, slander true with the press, defamation so comprehensive, not imperfect.
- Hey Vasettha, the status Brahmin how to use words to criticize thou, thou defame, slander true with the press, defamation so comprehensive, not imperfect?
- Buddha, the Brahmin You spoke as follows: "Brahmin caste is supreme, other caste is inferior. Only caste Brahmin is white, period other levels are black. Only Brahmin is pure, the pilot class Brahmin not so. Only the new Brahmin is the main tone of Brahma, born from the mouth Brahma, born from Brahma, created by Brahma, heirs are descendants of Brahma. these people have renounced the ultimate class, crouching on low-caste - caste of recluses bald, ignoble, unlucky, breed under foot. doing so it is not good, it is inappropriate to do so, when thou renounce the ultimate class, crouching on the low-caste, caste of recluses bald, ignoble, unlucky, breed under the feet ". Buddha, so the Brahmin're criticizing us, defame us, with real slander hearted, defamation so comprehensive, not imperfect.
4. - Hey Vasettha, the Brahmin who really have forgotten the past when they say: "Brahmin caste is supreme, another class is abjection. Only caste Brahmin is white, the other class is black. Only the Brahmin is pure class of non-Brahmin is not the case. Only new Brahmin is the main tone of discounts natural, born from the mouth of Brahma, born from Brahma, created by Brahma, heirs are descendants of Brahma ". Vasettha this, the Brahmin woman, the wife of the Brahmin is found to be menstruating, pregnant, have a baby, there are breastfeeding. And the Brahmin born again pregnant by her own saying: "Brahmin caste is supreme ... heirs are descendants of Brahma".
5. Vasettha Hey, there are four classes: Attack-imperial-town, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty and Prime-da-la. This Vasettha, someone Sat-imperial-town killing, taking what is not given, there is misconduct, lying, said two blades, said harsh, to say frivolous, there is greed, there is aversion, with TA. Vasettha this, the law was immoral and called immoral; the measures he is guilty and called the guilty; the law did not practice and are called not to practice law; the legal measures and does not deserve to be called Holy unworthy Holy Justice; the legal measures and tar tar was reported; the measures that are wise people reprimand. Here, those that are found in some Sat-imperial-town. This Vasettha someone Brahmin ... Hey Vasettha Phệ-amnesty people ... Hey Vasettha, some prime-da-la killing ... has wrong view. Vasettha this, the law was immoral and called immoral ... is dark and pungent press law; the measures that are wise people reprimand. Here, those that are found in a number of prime-da-la.
6. Vasettha Hey, someone Sat-imperial-town not to kill, not taking what is not given, no sexual misconduct, do not lie, do not say two blades, not to say harsh, not to say frivolous, no interest participate, without aversion, there is right. Vasettha this, the law was called good and good; the law was not guilty and called not guilty; He should practice the law and the law should be called the practice; that the value of St. legal measures and called Holy legal value; the transparency law was legal and ginkgo; the measures that are wise people praise. Here, those that are found in some Sat-imperial-town. This Vasettha, someone Brahmin ... Vasettha Hey, someone Vasettha Phệ-amnesty ... Hey, someone Thu-da-la no killing ... no participating interest, no golf center, there is right. Vasettha this, the law was called good and good; the law was not guilty and called not guilty; He should practice the law and the law should be called the practice; that the value of St. legal measures and called Holy legal value; the transparency law was legal and ginkgo; the measures that are wise people praise. Here, those that are found in a number of prime-da-la.
7. Hey Vasettha, so that both black and white approach is criticized and praised by those who have, are present in the mix, this four castes, so here, the Brahmin does say "Brahmin caste is supreme, the other is inferior caste; only caste Brahmin is white, the other class is black; only the Brahmin is pure drug and non-caste Brahmin is not the case; only the Brahmin is the main tone of Brahma, born from the mouth of Brahma, born from Brahma, created by Brahma, is the heir grandson of Brahma. " The location could not have accepted it. Why so? This Vasettha, so that if anyone looks four castes was a monks, an Arhat, the cankers was cessation, Pham well succeeded, did the work to be done, laid burdens heavy down, reached the ultimate goal, fetters have destroyed property, because right knowledge was freed, he will be seen as the ultimate comparison with four castes, because value for France, not value for France . This Vasettha, France is supreme among living beings, in this life and the next life.
8. Vasettha Hey, this is a typical proof to know why France is supreme among living beings, in this life and the next life.
This Vasettha, King Pasenadi (Persian anonymously) Kosala said that "recluse Gotama joined the Sakya clan contact respect, worship, stood, with hands and treat King Pasenadi Kosala politely must be allowed. Also king Pasenadi Kosala respect, worship, stood, with hands and treated very politely Tathagata, to allow, for the king thought: "is it good recluse Gotama is born? And I was not born good; Recluse Gotama has its heroes, heroes have no power; Recluse Gotama beautifully shaped face, rough surface also have bad shape; Recluse Gotama is a very powerful position, but we have little power? "Because that King Pasenadi Kosala French respect, reverence France, prostrate France, offering French, French homage to the king of respect, empowerment ceremony, stand up, accept the hand and treated very politely Tathagata, must be allowed. this Vasettha, to prove this case, to understand how France is supreme among living beings, in this life and the afterlife.
9. Hey Vasettha, and thou, being the difference, the difference identity, nature difference, difference genealogy, was ordained to leave home, no family life. If someone asks, "Who are you?", The answer You need: "We are recluses, under the leadership of Prince Sakyamuni". This Vasettha, who believe the Tathagata, he was defensive position of trust, there are grounds to, dwell, and certainly, a trust is not being pulled by recluses, Brahmin, devas, Mara , Brahma or an above life; he can say: "I am the son of Bhagavan cardboard, born from the mouth, by French born, French-created, is the heir of the French descendants." Why? This Vasettha, because the words are synonymous with Tathagata Dharma body, the discounts themselves, as France could, as discounts can.
10. Vasettha Hey, there's a time to a certain stage, after a very long duration, the world go septic. While the world go septic, the most charming kind realms birth through Abhassara (Thien Quang Music). In here, the standard type of beings by birth, nourishing joy, self-halo projector, astronauts in space, it lives in the glory, and live such a long time. Vasettha this, there is a time to a certain stage, after a long-term, this translates into the world. While this world turned into a large number of beings from Yin Thien Quang reincarnate through here. These beings due to the birth, nourishing joy, self-halo projector, astronauts in space, it lives in the same glory and live a long time.
11. Hey Vasettha, at that time, everything becomes a dark world full of black water, a black right eye causing blindness. The moon, the sun is not out; stars and constellations did not appear; no day; no month and a half months; no year and weather; men without women. The only beings are considered sentient species only. This Vasettha, against sentient species that, after a very long time, the earth melts in water. As the foam rises to the surface of hot milk porridge cools, so the land appear. This land of color, flavor and taste. The color of the lake or land like a pure dyke as automakers, the land of pure honey.
12. Hey Vasettha, with living beings, with greed, said: "See, what is this animal?" Tasting finger of land. When his finger to taste the soil, he penetrates the body and craving arises. Vasettha this, the other sentient species, following the example of other beings, with his finger to taste the soil. When his finger to taste the soil, he penetrates the body and craving arises. Then the other beings begin to enjoy the taste of the earth, by breaking each clods with their hands, when their light disappeared. When their light disappeared, the sun moon appears. When the moon, the sun is out, the stars and constellations appear. When the stars and constellations appear, day and night out, when day and night out, then half of the month and month out. When half of the month and month out, the weather and year out. Thus, this Vasettha, the world began to return.
13. Vasettha Hey, what was charming, enjoy the taste of the land, taking land as quality food, taking land for food in a long time. This Vasettha, because of her charming enjoy the taste of the land, taking land as quality food, taking land for food in a long time, their body becomes rigid, and their beauty becomes the difference. There has charming beauty classes, with no classes charming beauty. Here the contempt charming with the charming beauty without beauty: "We have more than their beauty, they do not have in our beauty." Because they are arrogant and conceited about their beauty, the land of the disappeared. When the soil is gone, they are meeting again and crying: "Oh taste! Oh taste!", Like today, when people get the taste then said: "Oh taste! Oh taste!" Thus they follow the traditional texts of ancient times without knowing its meaning.
14. Hey Vasettha, when the land had disappeared with his charming, when a soil fungus that appears. As the snake, they appear so. He has excellent fungi, flavor, taste. The color of this fungus-like threads of pure lake or as a bowl. Area of ​​land as pure honey. This Vasettha, these charming toadstool that started eating ground. They enjoy mushroom soil, soil fungi do get quality food, taking land for mushroom dish in a long time. This Vasettha, because the one who comes to earth to enjoy mushrooms, fungi take soils for food, taking land for mushroom dish in a long time, so their bodies become more rigid and their beauty even more wrong know. There has charming beauty classes, with no classes charming beauty. Here the contempt charming with the charming beauty without beauty: "We have more than their beauty, they do not have in our beauty." Because they are arrogant and conceited about their beauty, earth mounds disappeared. When soil fungi grass and vines gone out. Such as bamboo trees, they appear so. This climbing plant color, flavor, taste. The color of this plant-like threads of pure lake or as a bowl. This vine taste like pure honey.
15. Vasettha Hey, this charming and start enjoying this vine. We started to enjoy climbing trees, vines do get quality food, taking vines do dishes for a long time. Vasettha this, because this charming start enjoying climbing trees, vines do get quality food, taking vines do dishes for a long time so their bodies become more rigid and their beautiful coming back The more difference. There has charming beauty classes, with no classes charming beauty. Here the contempt charming with the charming beauty without beauty: "We have more than their beauty, they do not have in our beauty." Because they are arrogant and conceited about their beauty, grass and vines disappeared. When grass and creepers disappeared, their assembly and cry: "Oh, this one of ours! Oh harmful for us, this grass and vines have disappeared!"; The species is today when asked what caused the suffering, he replied: "Oh, this one of ours! Oh harmful for us!" Thus, according to the texts of ancient traditions without knowing its meaning.
16. Hey Vasettha, when the grasses, vines disappeared, rice appeared in the gaps, no thanks, no crust, fragrant and smooth dough. Somewhere in the afternoon to eat the way they carried away, the spot was, in the morning, rice to grow and ripen. Somewhere in the morning, they take away to eat breakfast, the site was, in the afternoon and nine major rice growing again, without interruption. This Vasettha, these beings that enjoy growing rice in the gaps, taking as an eating rice, take the rice as food for a long time. Vasettha this, because he enjoyed the rice being grown in space, taking as an eating rice, take the rice as food for a long time, their body becomes tougher and even more coming their beautiful difference. About women, female character to appear; the male, the male character appears. Females look very carefully men, men women look very carefully. As they looked at each other so thoroughly as sex arises, loving attachment to the body began. Due to the loving attachment, they do the sexual conduct. This Vasettha, then see those beings such as the sexual conduct, people are throwing mud, who then threw the ashes, who then threw cow dung and said: "Please die, unclean map! Prepare to die, map unclean! Why a treat beings with other living beings like that? "; today, at a national level of, when a bride is taken, someone threw mud, someone threw the ashes, someone threw cow dung. Thus, we follow the old traditional texts without knowing its meaning.
17. Hey Vasettha, then jobs are considered illegal are considered lawful. This Vasettha, at the time of the harlot that beings are not allowed in the village or hamlet for a month or two months. For these beings at that time was quickly criticized, for malfeasance, they started doing the stairs, causing the house to conceal their illegal activities. This Vasettha with nature beings lazy to think: "How did I do're tired by the afternoon to find rice for meals, afternoon for breakfast? How did I not find rice once for both the dinner and breakfast? " This Vasettha, rice beings once was looking for her dinner, breakfast all day. One other sentient beings to this position and said:
- Hey you, let's go find the rice!
- Hey You, I found the rice once, both for evening and morning.
This Vasettha, this position you follow the other beings, seeking the rice once a day is enough for both.
- Hey you, so good.
This Vasettha, then an other sentient beings to his position and said:
- Hey let's go find you rice.
- Hey you, once I figured enough rice for two days.
This Vasettha, this charming you're following the example other beings, once went to find enough rice for four days.
- Hey you, so good.
This Vasettha, a location other sentient beings back to this and said:
- Hey you, let's go find the rice!
- Hey you, once I figured enough rice for all four days!
This Vasettha, this charming you're following the example other beings, once went to find enough rice for eight days.
- Hey you, so good.
This Vasettha, those other beings, started hoarding rice to eat, and bran rice seeds begin surrounded smooth and enveloped shell grain rice; and the rice plants do not grow up to be cut; and such a disruption; and rice grow in clusters, each cluster.
18. Hey Vasettha, the beings that meeting and complained:
- Hey You, the law appeared evil among beings. We previously due to the birth, nourishing joy, self-astronaut halo projector out of nowhere, living in the glory and live in such a long time. For us, after a long time, the soil out. This land has excellent taste, flavor and taste. We started breaking ground by hand to eat each Department land position. Since start breaking ground by hand to eat each Department should aura disappeared. Since aura disappeared so the sun, the moon appeared. Because the moon, the sun out so the stars and constellations appear. Because the stars and constellations appear, so the night, day out. Because the night, day out, so half of the month and month out. Because half of the month and month out, so weather and year out. We enjoy your land, take your soils for food, grab your land for food in a long time. When starting up the legal evil evil among us, the land is gone. Because the land is gone, so is the soil fungus. Mushrooms are excellent soil, flavor and taste. We begin to enjoy the land mushrooms, fungi take soils for food, taking land for mushroom dish in a long time. Because the evil, unwholesome It arises between soil fungi we should disappear. Because soil fungus disappears, so grass and creepers out. Grass and vines are excellent, with flavor and taste. We begin to enjoy the grass and creepers that, taken as quality grass and vines, remove grass and vines do dishes for a long time. Because the evil, unwholesome It happened between us should grasses and vines disappeared. Because grass and creepers disappeared, so rice is grown in space, no thanks, no shell, pure, fragrant and smooth seeds. Somewhere in the afternoon, we take away to eat pm local time in the morning was great and cooked rice to grow. Somewhere in the morning, we take away to eat breakfast, the site was in the afternoon, to grow and cooked rice, without interruption. We enjoy rice grown in space, taking as an eating rice, take the rice as food for a long time. Because evil, immoral law that arise between us, thank started surrounded smooth grain and rice wrapped shell smooth grain; and the rice plants do not grow up to be cut; and such a disruption. And the rice plants grow in clusters, each cluster. So now, let's divide the rice and makes bunds embankment.
This Vasettha, charming kind that split rice bunds and dykes do.
19. Vasettha Hey, have you charming, lazy nature, preserving its part, stealing other people's part and enjoy that part. They arrested him and said:
- Hey man, you have the legal wrongdoing, preserve their part, do not steal other people's part and enjoy that part. Thou shalt not have houses to do so again.
- Dear You, yes!
This Vasettha, who obey the voice of his people. This Vasettha, a second ... Hey Vasettha a third time, this man kept his part, stealing other people's part to share and enjoy it. They arrested people and said:
- Hey man, you have done evil, because You kept your part, do not steal other people's part and enjoy that part ... You shall not have to do so again.
Someone beat him by hand, someone hit him with rocks, someone beat him with sticks. This Vasettha, started like that, taking what is not to appear, rebuked appears, lie appeared, punishment beatings appeared.
20. Hey Vasettha, the beings that meetings and mourning:
- This venerable, evil has arisen among law beings, in the form of collecting of appearing, rebuked appears, lie appeared, the punishment appears. Let nominate someone. He would deserve to anger when angry, when reprimanded deserve censure, make the frequency output when deserved. We'll give him a portion of our rice.
- Fiat, the venerable!
This Vasettha, this charming you're charming obey the other, considerable anger when angry, when reprimanded culpable, frequency of the appearance frequency. And other charming you divide this part of your rice.
21. Hey Vasettha, chosen by the public, that is Maha-sammato. Maha-sammato nouns are nouns first arises. This Vasettha, "The owner of the farm" Khattiya ie, the second noun arises "Making other people happy by France", ie Raja (king). Raja is the third word arises. This Vasettha, such as the start-up social origins of Khattiya world according to ancient tradition nouns. Our origins in the middle of the living beings that, not out any other type, a lawful way switch (dhamma), not illegal. This Vasettha, so France is paramount in life, both now and in the next life.
22. Vasettha Hey, some of you thinking beings:
- Behold the Venerable, the evil, immoral law appeared between charming, like taking what is not given, censure, lying, punishment, frequency. Let's remove the evil, immoral law.
He removes the evil, immoral law, ie the Brahmana (Brahmin), and the word is a noun first Brahmana is started up. These men made up the leaf hut in the woods and meditation in his leaf hut. For them, the coals are extinguished, the smoke was dissipating, falling mortar and pestle leaning research, lo evening meal, afternoon breakfast worry; they go to the village, in the town, the capital for alms. When they obtain food and then, they are in leaf huts in the forests for meditation. The others saw it, said the following:
- This, venerable, this charming species up to the hut with leaves in the forests and meditation in his leaf hut.
For them, the coals are extinguished, the smoke was dissipating, falling mortar and pestle leaning research, lo afternoon eating her dinner, morning breakfast worry; they go to the village, in the town, the capital for alms. When obtain food and they left on the leaf hut in the jungle for meditation. This Vasettha, they "Jhayanti", meditation, ie they reflect Jhayaka. Jahayaka second codeword arises.
23. Vasettha Hey, some of these beings, not meditation in leaf huts in the forest around the village went down, down around town to do the book. The others saw it they said:
"Hey, the venerable, this charming species, unable to meditation in leaf huts in the forest, went down around the village, down around town to do the book. Now these people are not meditation.
This Vasettha "Na stretch Jhayanti ima" means ajjhayaka, and ajjayaka the third digit arises (The file you repeat the Veda). Vasettha this, that they belong to the downgrade. Now they see as the most noble. Thus, this is the start up Vasettha world social origins of the Brahmin, according to ancient tradition nouns. Their origin is in the middle of the living beings that, not in a way beyond any other type of lawful rule, not unlawful. This Vasettha, so France is paramount in life, both now and in the next life.
24. Hey Vasettha, some species of this charming, according to lewd, setting occupational differences (Vissuta). This Vasettha, who according to lewd, set out the differences career, so called Vessa. Noun Vessa is started up. Thus, this is the start up Vasettha world social origins of Vessa, according to ancient tradition nouns. Their origin is in the middle of her living beings, not out any other type, a lawful way switch, is not illegal. This Vasettha, so France is paramount in life, both now and in the next life.
25. Hey Vasettha, some remaining beings hunting option. Those who live according to the job hunting and small vile, This Vasettha, called Sudda. And nouns Sudda started up. Thus, this Vasettha, is the world arises social origins of Sudda, according to ancient tradition nouns. Their origin is in the middle of her living beings, not out any other type, a lawful way switch, is not illegal. France Vasettha so this is the ultimate in life, both now and in the next life.
26. Hey Vasettha, a time has khattiya (Sat-imperial-town) blame their legal, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life: "I will live as a recluse." You Brahmin, blame their legal, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life: "I will live as a recluse." You Vessa, blame their legal, abandoned the family left home, no family life: "I will live as a recluse." You Sudda, blame their legal, abandoned the family left home, no family life: "I will live as a recluse." This Vasettha, class Samana (recluse) was started up from his four castes. The origin of recluses is in the middle of her living beings, not out any other type, a lawful way switch, is not illegal. This Vasettha, so France is paramount in life, both now and in the next life.
27. Hey Vasettha, khattiya, doing physical sexual misconduct, sexual misconduct made about the mouth, as misconduct of mind, there is wrong. Due to the wrong view, now do multiplication coast, body damage after birth to gauge the public network, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Vasettha this, the Brahmin ... Vasettha Hey, you ... Hey Vasettha Vessa, do you Sudda physical misconduct, sexual misconduct made about the mouth, as misconduct of mind, there is wrong. Due to the wrong view, now do multiplication coast, after the body damage the public network, born in suffering world, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
18. Hey Vasettha, khattiya do right action of the body, the mouth right action, right action of the mind, there is right. Because right view, right action to do multiplication coast, after the body damage the public network, being in good fun, Empyrean. Vasettha this, the Brahmin ... Vasettha Hey, you ... Hey Vasettha Sessa, the right action Sudda do about yourself, about your mouth right action, right action of mind, there is right. Because right view, right action to do multiplication coast, after the body damage the public network, being in good fun, Empyrean.
19. Hey Vasettha, khattiya, two virtues of body, two virtues of mouth, two virtues of mind, there is right and wrong upside. Because evil is right view, right action misconduct confused as multiplication coast, after the body damage the public network, communications and unpleasant life leaders. Vasettha this, the Brahmin ... Vasettha Hey, you ... Hey Vasettha Vessa, the Sudda, two virtues of body, two virtues of mouth, two virtues of mind, there is right, wrong is confused . Because evil is right view, right action misconduct confused as multiplication coast, after the body damage the public network, communications and unpleasant life leaders.
30. Hey Vasettha, khattiya, physical tame, tame the mouth, to tame the mind, after practice Saturday Giac legal expenses were eradicated completely (the evil law) right in the present life. Vasettha this, the Brahmin ... You're Sudda Vasettha Vessa ... Hey, physical tame, tame the mouth, to tame the mind, after practice Saturday Giac spending measures has completely eradicated (the evil legal) right to the present life.
31. Hey Vasettha, in this four castes, the monks, the Arhat level, gonorrhea or cessation, to be done was done, the burden was put down, the target has been reached, organic fetters user has to eradicate, right knowledge liberation. He is known as the ultimate in all classes and on the Dharma, is not illegal. This Vasettha, so France is paramount in life, both now and in the next life.
32. Vasettha this, the following verse is Brahma Sanamkumara (Permanent Council Brahma image) uttered:
Class private beings,
Sat-insole-seat supreme.
Who place for all, Lord,
Supreme among staff, Thien.
This Vasettha, this verse is Sanamkumara Brahma, clumsy and not well-sung songs, clever saying clumsy and not say, meaningful and not incomplete, were I to accept. Vasettha this, I will say the following:
Class private beings,
Sat-insole-seat supreme.
Who place for all, Lord,

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