Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

93. Assalayana (Assalayana Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika at his Vihara (Anathapindika).
At that time, about five hundred Brahmin from many different states residing in Savatthi for some work. Even the Brahmin was thinking: "This recluse Gotama advocated four castes are pure. Who can with recluse Gotama discuss this issue?"
At that time residing in Savatthi Assalayana youth, young, shaved his head, only sixteen years old, three collective expertise Veda, with vocabulary, rituals, language and fifth former is the ancient story, understanding words and grammar, so intense Thuan General's reasoning and facts. Then the Brahmin was thinking: "This Assalayana Youth residing in Savatthi, young, shaved his head, only sixteen years old, three collective expertise Veda, with vocabulary, rituals, languages ​​and secondary materials five is the ancient story, understand words and grammar, so intense Thuan General's opinion and the facts. He can discuss with recluse Gotama about this issue ". Then the Brahmin goes to youth Assalayana, after to speak with youth Assalayana:
- Venerable Assalayana, recluse Gotama advocated four castes are pure. Assalayana come venerable recluse discussion with Gotama about this issue.
When they heard that, youth Assalayana told her Brahmin:
- Recluse Gotama is the right approach. And those who say it's impossible lawful discussion. I can not discuss with recluse Gotama about this issue.
The second time the Brahmin told young Assalayana:
- Venerable Assalayana, recluse Gotama, which initiated four castes are pure. Assalayana come venerable recluse discussion with Gotama about this issue. Venerable Assalayana lived the life of traveling mendicants.
Second, youth Assalayana told you his Brahmin:
- Recluse Gotama is the right legal steps. And those who say it's impossible lawful discussion. I can not discuss with recluse Gotama about this issue.
The third time, even the Brahmin youth told Assalayana:
- Venerable Assalayana, recluse Gotama, which initiated four castes are pure. The venerable Assalayana, come discuss with recluse Gotama about this issue. Venerable Assalayana lived the life of traveling mendicants. The venerable Assalayana can not be defeated in a failed war unarmed resistance.
When they heard that, youth Assalayana told you his Brahmin:
- Actually I do not accept (the request) venerable monks. The venerable Gotama is the right legal steps. And those who say it's impossible lawful discussion. I can not discuss with recluse Gotama about this issue. But I'll go, as the venerable monks requested.
Then the young man with mass Assalayana Brahmin went to Bhagavan, after to speak with Bhagavan's words welcome to inquire, after talking to the welcome to ask friends, sat down one parties. Sitting down one side, youth Assalayana lord:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the Brahmin're saying as follows: "Only the Brahmin caste was supreme, the other is inferior caste; only Brahmin is the white color , another class is colored black; only the Brahmin is pure class of non-Brahmin not be the same. Only the new Brahmin orthodoxy is the Brahma, born from the mouth of Brahma, born from Brahma, created by Brahma, heirs descendants Brahma ". Here, Venerable Gotama say how?
- But this Assalayana, the Brahmin woman, wife of the Brahmin is found to be menstruating, pregnant, with her baby, has lactation. Nevertheless, the position Brahmin was born from female base said: "Brahmin is the ultimate class, another class is inferior. Only Brahmin is the white color, other class is colored black; only the Brahmin is pure class of non-Brahmin not be the same. Only the new Brahmin orthodoxy is the Brahma, born from mouth Brahma, born from Brahma, created by Brahma, heirs descendants Brahma ".
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but the position remains Brahmin himself, saying, "Only the Brahmin caste was supreme, the other is inferior caste ... the sons heirs of Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? He had heard reasonable? At the national level, such as local border Yona and Kamboja, only two classes: master and servant. After the employer, to become a servant; after the servant, to become owner?
- Ladies and yes, I have heard. In the border states as Yona address, Kamboja, only two classes: master and servant. After the employer, to become a servant, after the servant, to become owners.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, so what conviction of the Brahmin, but here the position Brahmin said: "Only caste Brahmin is dark upstream, the other is inferior caste ... the sons heirs of Brahma '?
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but here you Brahmin thought as follows: "Only the caste Brahmin is paramount, others are inferior class ... is the her heirs Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Only Khattiya (Sat-imperial-town) killing, taking what is not given, there is misconduct in the sex, lie, say two blades, said harsh, say frivolous, there is greed, there is aversion, wrong view: after the new body to be born damaged public network into the data plane, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Brahmin is not so? And only people who Sudda Vessa and killing, taking what is not given, there is misconduct in the sex, lie, say two blades, said harsh, say frivolous, has participated center, golf center, with viewpoints , after the general body bearing damage, are to be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. The Brahmin was not so?
- Not so, Venerable Gotama. The Khattiya too, Venerable Gotama, if killing, taking what is not given, there is misconduct in the sex, lie, say two blades, said harsh, say frivolous, can take heart, there are golf center, with illusory body, after damage public network, was born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Brahmin, too, Venerable Gotama, Vessa, too, Venerable Gotama, Sudda too, Venerable Gotama. All four castes, venerable Gotama, if killing, taking what is not given, there is misconduct in the sex, lie, say two blades, said harsh, say frivolous, can take heart, heart golf, wrong view, after the body corporate networks are being damaged in the data plane, the Beast, deprivation, in hell.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, so what conviction of Brahmin, which the Brahmin said, "Only the caste Brahmin is paramount, class Others are inferior ... the descendants heirs of Brahma '?
- Oil venerable recluse have said so, but here, the Brahmin thought as follows: "Only the Brahmin caste was supreme, the other is inferior caste .. . is the descendant heirs of Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Only Brahmin renounce killing, abandoning taking what is not given, from misconduct in the sexual abandon, renounce lying, abandon said two blades, abandoning harsh, renounce say frivolous, no participating interest, no golf center, with right understanding, common network damage after the body was born in good fun, Heaven, this world. Khattiya is not so, not so Vessa, Sudda not it?
- No, Venerable Gotama. Khattiya too, Venerable Gotama, if renounce killing, abandoning taking what is not given, from misconduct in the sexual abandon, renounce lying, abandon said two blades, abandoning harsh, renounce say compliance Crap, no participating interest, no interest courtyard, there is right, then after relatives havoc on corporate networks are also being animal friendly, Empyrean; this world. Brahmin, too, Venerable Gotama; Vessa too, Venerable Gotama; Sudda too, Venerable Gotama. All four castes, venerable Gotama, if renounce killing, abandoning taking what is not given, from misconduct in the sexual abandon, renounce lying, abandon said two blades, abandoning harsh, renounce say frivolous words, no participating interest, no interest courtyard, there is right, then after themselves corrupt corporate networks, are born in good fun, Heaven, this world.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, so what conviction of Brahmin, which the Brahmin said, "Only the Brahmin caste was paramount, class Others are inferior ... the descendants heirs of Brahma '?
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but here, the Brahmin thought that: "Only the Brahmin caste was paramount, others are inferior class ... is the her heirs Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Only Brahmin new in this domain can cultivate compassion, not hatred, not courts, Khattiya impossible, impossible Vessa, Sudda not be?
- No, Venerable Gotama. Khattiya, Venerable Gotama, also in this domain can cultivate compassion, not hatred, not golf. Brahmin, too, Venerable Gotama; Vessa too, Venerable Gotama; Sudda too, Venerable Gotama. All four castes, venerable Gotama, can in this country practice of compassion, not hatred, not golf.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, so what's conviction Brahmin, but here the Brahmin said as follows: "Brahmin caste is paramount, others are inferior caste ... the sons heirs of Brahma '?
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but here the Brahmin still think: "Brahmin caste is supreme, the other is inferior caste ... the sons heirs Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Only new Brahmin may, after holding rake back and go to the river bath powder clean dust bathing, Khattiya impossible, impossible Vessa, Sudda not be?
- No, sir venerable Gotama. Venerable Gotama, Khattiya also, after holding back rake and bath powder, going to the river clean dust bathing. Brahmin, too, Venerable Gotama; Vessa too, Venerable Gotama; Sudda too, Venerable Gotama. All four castes, venerable Gotama, may, after holding back rake and bath powder, going to the river clean dust bathing.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, what convinced the Brahmin, but here the Brahmin said as follows: "Brahmin caste is paramount, others are inferior caste ... the sons heirs of Brahma '?
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but here the Brahmin thought as follows: "Brahmin caste is supreme, the other is inferior caste ... the sons excess Brahma himself ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Here, if there Khattiya king did empowerment, for meeting a range of hundreds of different nature, and says: "You come here, you do families Khattiya, families Ba-the busi- subjects, born from the royal family, bring to the top of the fire roasting, wood sala, or Salala tree, or tree-herd sheep, or lotus tree, turned to fire and heat out. And people from home Chien-da-la suspension (abjection), belonging to the family hunting families making bamboo furniture, vehicles belonging to families, families poured feces, let's bring on the map rotation parts made of wood fire gutter dogs, or pigs trough or trough laundry, or dry wood from trees y lan (elanda: castor tree full collection), and turned to fire and heat level out ".
Assalayana Hey, what do you think? There must only be rekindled flame and heat generated from families Khattiya, families Brahmin born of royalty, after bringing parts of the map rotation on fire, made of tree sala, or Salala tree, or tree-herd sheep, or lotus tree, only that the new fire tops, new colors, new lighting, and new that fire only be used on the job by bringing fire again. As the flame was rekindled and heat generated from abjection families, families hunt, families making bamboo furniture, vehicles belonging to families, families spilling feces, after bringing to parts of furniture on fire spinning wooden trough eat dog, or pig feed trough, or the laundry chute, or dry wood from trees y-lan, the fire had no flame, no color, no light, and that fire can not be on the job by bringing fire?
- No, sir venerable Gotama. The flame was rekindled, heat is generated, Venerable Gotama, from families Khattiya, families Brahmin born of royalty, after bringing parts of the map rotation on fire, made sala tree, or tree Salala, or tree-herd sheep, or lotus tree, fire does have tops, with color, light, flame that used to be on the job by bringing fire. And the flame was rekindled, and heat is generated from abjection families, families hunt, families making bamboo furniture, vehicles belonging to families, families poured feces, after bringing to parts of the map rotation on fire, wooden trough eat dog, or pig feed trough, or the laundry chute, or dry wood from trees y-lan, fire was also tops, also colors, also light , and that fire can be used to bring work by fire. Dear Venerable Gotama, all kinds of fire are tops, each with colors, are light; all kinds of fire can be used to bring work by fire.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, so what conviction of the Brahmin that the Brahmin here to say: "Only the Brahmin caste was paramount, other class is inferior. Only Brahmin is white, the other is black caste. Only Brahmin is pure, the class fees Brahmin is not the case. Only new Brahmin orthodoxy is the Brahma, born from the mouth of Brahma, born from Brahma, created by Brahma, heirs descendants Brahma "?
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but here the Brahmin thought as follows: "Only the Brahmin caste was paramount, others are inferior class ... is the her heirs Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Here a man can marry a woman Khattiya Brahmin wife. Due to this marriage, they bore sons. Son was born from male and female death Khattiya Brahmin. It's just like his father or mother; it called Khattiya aka Ba La Mon?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, son Prince was born from male and female Khattiya Brahmin; it's just like her mother and her father, and called Khattiya and also called Brahmin.
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Here, a male element Brahmin woman to marry a spouse Khattiya and by this, they are sons born. The son that was born from male death Brahmin and Khattiya woman; it's like his mother, or like his father; it called Khattiya, (or) also called Brahmin?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the son born from male death Brahmin and Khattiya woman; it's like his mother; and like his father, and it is called Khattiya, and also known as Brahmin.
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Here, there are mares mating with donkey. Because of this mating, beings are mule. Mule was born from mares and donkeys; it's like his mother, or like his father; it is called the horse, or it is called trick?
- Venerable Gotama, due to the different mate varieties such, it is a mule. That is the difference, dear venerable Gotama, that I see here. But elsewhere, for another thing, I do not see what difference.
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Here, two young brothers, and his half; a recite, understand the Holy Scriptures; one who does not recite, do not understand the Holy Scriptures. Here, between these two men, the Brahmin who would make offerings before the offerings for the dead, the International Plant Forum, the dishes in the sacrifice, the hospitality food?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the recitation of young yet, understand the sacred writings of the Brahmin will offering him before, the offerings for the dead, the International Plant Forum, the dishes in the sacrifice, the entertaining food. Because, dear venerable Gotama, donations to non-recited, do not understand how the Holy Scriptures have great results!
- Hey Assalayana, your family think? Here, two young brothers (Brahmin) and his half; an understanding reciting scriptures, according to the evil world, evil in law; one who does not recite, not understanding the Holy Scriptures, morality, good legal practice. Here, the Brahmin who makes offerings to one before the offerings for the dead, the International Plant Forum, the dish of the sacrifice, or entertain them food?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the youth does not recite, not understanding the Holy Scriptures, but morality, good legal practice; here, the Brahmin offerings to him before, the offerings for the dead, the International Plant Forum, the dishes in the sacrifice, or entertaining food. Because, dear venerable Gotama, offerings to evil people follow instructions, how evil can approach great results!
- Hey Assalayana, firstly He goes on being given. Skip born seminarians, he went on the Holy Scriptures. Skip scriptures, he went about the purity of the four castes that I have advocated.
Hearing this, the youth Assalayana sat silent, sullen, co shoulder, lowered his head, stunned, mouth not in words.
Then at the end when they learned young Assalayana sullen silence, co shoulder, lowered his head, stunned, mouth not in words, then said with youth Assalayana:
- In ancient times, this Assalayana, while seven hermits Brahmin discussed in the hermitage with leaves in a forest, evil arises is the following: "Brahmin caste is paramount , the other is inferior caste ... the sons heirs Brahma ". This Assalayana, hermit ASITA Devala hear: "While seven hermits Brahmin discussed in the hermitage with leaves, in a forest, evil arises is the following:" Brahmin is supreme class, other classes are inferior ... descendant heirs of Brahma '? Hermit ASITA Devala, after preparing the hair, purple cloth robes, slippers with multiple layers (contour) solidly, holding a golden rod, immediately appear in the hallway of the seven hermitage hermit Brahmin. Then it Assalayana, hermit ASITA Devala passing, walking in the hallway of the seven hermitages Hermit Brahmin and said:
- "Now the venerable hermit to this Brahmin go? Now the venerable hermit to this Brahmin go?"
This then Assalayana, seven hermit Brahmin thought as follows: "The other is who is going back and forth in the hallway hermitage hermit seven Brahmin like a cow walk in circles, again say: "Now the hermit Brahmin this go? Now the hermit to this Brahmin go? "Let's use category uncle bibs He arts". This then Assalayana, seven hermits used Brahmin hermit uncle bibs arts ASITA Devala categories: "Be ashes inferior". But this Assalayana, seven more user hermit uncle bibs arts category, hermit ASITA Devala becoming beautiful, become visible, become endearing. This then Assalayana, seven hermit Brahmin thought as follows: "It was rather empty, our ascetic! On our behavior ineffective. Before, when we used pay arts categories overalls person: "Be ashes inferior" He became ashes soon. But the more we use this category uncle bibs technical people, who in turn become more beautiful, become visible, become endearing".
"- Austerity, venerable monks, is not empty, virtues (you) are not inefficient. Chu venerable, abandon resentment toward my heart."
"- Is there any resentment toward center venerable, we will leave. Venerable am?"
"- Chu venerable hermit heard to ASITA Devala not?"
"_ Ladies have heard, venerable".
"- Chu venerable, he was me."
This then Assalayana, seven hermits Brahmin bowed to ASITA Devala hermit. Then the hermit ASITA Devala told seven hermits Brahmin:
"- Chu Venerable, I have heard the following:" While seven of the hermit Brahmin discussed at hermitage with leaves in the forest, evil evil is as follows arises: Only Ms-the busi- the ultimate goal is the class, another class is inferior. Only Brahmin white skin, black skin color different class. Only Brahmin is pure class of non-Brahmin not be so. Only Brahmin orthodoxy is the Brahma, born from the mouth of Brahma, born from Brahma, created by Brahma, heirs descendants Brahma ".
"- Sir yes, Venerable".
"- But the venerable monks, Venerable monks know their birth mother only intercourse with the Brahmin, not with non-Brahmin?"
"- Not so Excellencies, Venerable".
"- But the venerable monks, venerable monks know their birth mother until their seventh ancestress intercourse only with the Brahmin, not with non-Brahmin?"
"- Not so Excellencies, Venerable".
"- But the venerable monks, venerable monks know their birth father only copulate with the female Brahmin, not with female non-Brahmin?"
"- Not so Excellencies, Venerable".
"- But the venerable monks, venerable monks know their birth father, for fathers to their seventh intercourse only with the Brahmin woman, not with non-Brahmin?"
"- No, Venerable".
"- Chu venerable, venerable monks know how import is pregnant?"
"- Venerable Sir, we know thai enter like this. Here, my parents had intercourse, the mother had while (maybe life birth), warm flavor (gandhabha) must exist, three of such there is harmony, enter new pregnancy achievement. "
"- Chu venerable, venerable monks know he was Khattiya warm incense, or Brahmin, or Vessa, or Sudda?"
"- Venerable Sir, we do not know is that Khattiya warm incense, or Brahmin, or Vessa, or Sudda".
"- Chu venerable, the situation is such, venerable monks know venerable monks were?"
"- Venerable Sir, the situation is such, we do not know who we are."
This Assalayana, seven hermit Brahmin hermit he was ASITA Devala, question, heckled, victims being questioned about race issues (jativada) of them, may not respond to it. How far he was questioning me, heckled, victims being questioned about the issue of race could respond he was, when he and a Teacher with them and not have puñña, who knows how to use milk pouring spoon (do Self-sacrifice).
When told this, venerable sir Assalayana youth:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! As people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, only way for people to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; also, dharma was venerable Gotama use many means to present, explain. Bhagavan I take refuge, refuge France and refuge them monks. Expect venerable Gotama receive the disciple, from now until the public network, the application lifetime devotion.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/10/2015.

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

92. Beijing Sela (Sela Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
A time travel Exalted in mass Anguttarapa with monks a thousand two hundred and fifty, and went to a town called Apana Anguttarapa.
Hair braiding Keniya hear: "recluse Gotama is Like death, joined the Sakya clan, traveling with public in Anguttarapa monks one thousand two hundred and fifty, and had to Apana. The word good Venerable Gotama following the start-up was: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Quick fisheries Phu, Thien Nhon Teacher , Buddha, Bhagavan. With winning position, he self-realization this world with Heaven, Brahma world, together with them recluses, Brahmin, God and man species. Once that realization, he also claimed that he had discovered the theory. He preached good profile, Mid-friendly, good post office full meaning. He taught the virtues perfectly adequate, clean. Nice replace the contemplation an Arhat so! ".
Then Keniya hair braided go to Bhagavan, after arrival, speak words of welcome to inquire with Bhagavan, after talking to the welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Exalted with open telephony solutions market for hair braiding Keniya, sat, encouraging, making excited, make happy. Hair braiding Keniya after Bhagavan with Dharma revelation, encouragement, making excited, make happy, instant lord:
- Mong venerable Gotama accept my invitation to dine with us tomorrow monks.
Being heard this, Bhagavan said with hair braided Keniya:
- Hey Keniya, we monks are very large, up to one thousand two hundred and fifty monks, and he has allegiance to the Brahmin.
Second, hair braiding Keniya lord:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, oil them monks huge, a thousand two hundred and fifty monks, and the oil has allegiance to the Brahmin, Venerable Gotama forward at the invitation of the , tomorrow dine with them monks!
The second time, Bhagavan said with hair braided Keniya:
- Hey Keniya, we monks are very large, up to one thousand two hundred and fifty monks, and he has allegiance to the Brahmin.
Last Tuesday, hair braiding Keniya lord:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, oil them monks huge, a thousand two hundred and fifty monks, and the oil have your allegiance with the Brahmin, Venerable Gotama forward the invitation of son, joined us for dinner tomorrow Monks!
Bhagavan quietly accepted. Hair braiding Keniya, after learning Bhagavan accepts, from the seat up, go to his monastery after to immediately told the friends, relatives by blood:
- You Friends, relatives by blood, listen to me. Recluse Gotama was I invited tomorrow to dine with them monks. So you take a self-help work for me.
- Ladies and yes, venerable.
The friends and relatives by blood of hair braided hair braided Keniya Keniya yes answer. Some time digging holes (as stoves); with cleaver; someone dishwashing; have smashed water installations; someone preparing seats; hair braiding themselves also Keniya erected a circular flower truss (Mandalamala).
At that time the Brahmin Sela residing in Apana, this position three collective expertise Veda, with vocabulary, rituals, language and fifth principles are ancient stories, understand words and grammar, so intense Thuan Minister's speech and Bound. This Area arts taught uncle (manta) for three hundred young Brahmin.
At that time there Keniya hair braided allegiance with Brahmin Sela. Then Brahmin Sela, with three hundred young Brahmin surrounded travel walk away to fine hair braided Keniya amnesty. Brahmin Sela seen at his residence of hair braiding Keniya, some time digging holes (as stoves); with cleaver; someone dishwashing; have smashed water installations; someone preparing seats; hair braiding themselves also Keniya erected a circular truss. Seeing this, Brahmin Sela said to hair braiding Keniya:
- Does hair braided Keniya'll pick strawberries or strawberry takes, or an international agency is prepared herd, or water Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya invited tomorrow with the troops?
- Sela Venerable Sir, I can not pick strawberries, nor put strawberry, water Magadha king Bimbisara Seniya not invited tomorrow with the troops, but I prepared an altar great. Recluse Gotama is Like death, joined the Sakya clan, traveling with public in Anguttarapa monks one thousand two hundred and fifty, and had to Apana. Nice buzz about the Venerable Gotama following is started up: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Diaoyu macho Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan. " He was the invited tomorrow to dine with them monks.
- The venerable Keniya, did He say the Buddha?
- The venerable Sela, yes, I said Buddha.
- The venerable Keniya, did He say the Buddha?
- The venerable Sela, yes, I said Buddha.
Then venerable Brahmin Sela thinking: "Only a Buddha sound also hard to find in life. According to our scriptures handed down about thirty two Great's generals, who have thirty-two Minister would choose one of two paths, there is no other way: if the house will become your cakkavatti conquer national level, the full seven treasures. The seven treasures are precious car, elephant treasure, treasure horses, jewels, precious jade woman, lay treasures and Saturday is general treasure. And this position has more than a thousand sons are heroes, majesty, foreign military victory. This Area living earth and take ruler to the ocean, and reigned with Dharma, not sticks, not executioners. If this position home, leave home, no family life, you will experience the results A- Lohans, Enlightenment, wipe delusion in my life. " and he said:
- This venerable Keniya, that this venerable Gotama, level Arhat, Enlightenment where he stay?
When they heard that, hair braiding Keniya, arm outstretched hand, told the Brahmin Sela:
- The venerable Sela, green forest in the other house.
Then Brahmin Sela, with three hundred youths go to Bhagavan. Brahmin youths told him:
- You go to a silent, putting it down step by step, the Exalted level as the lion was living alone, it is difficult to close (or prefer peace - Durasada). If we have to discuss with the recluse Gotama, venerable monks do not interrupt me. Chu said Venerable wait finish.
Then Brahmin Sela went to Bhagavan, after to speak with words of welcome Bhagavan inquire, after talking to the welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, Brahmin Sela find out thirty two Great's generals Bhagavan body, Brahmin Sela that most thirty two Great's generals Bhagavan body, except two generals. For her two Great's generals, superior or born, hesitated birth, has not been satisfied, not satisfied, ie minister and minister Museum code sound long broad tongue.
Then Bhagavan thought: "Brahmin Sela is seen on most of my relatives thirty two Great's generals, minus two generals, for her two Great's generals, superior or born, hesitated birth, unsatisfied satisfied, not satisfied, ie minister and minister Museum code sound long loose tongue ".
Bhagavan then used Kabbalah makes Brahmin Sela saw negative minister Museum code of Bhagavan, and Bhagavan tongue, touched, licked and two ears; touched, licked to the nostrils, and tongue le across the forehead.
Then Brahmin Sela thought: "recluse Gotama achievements thirty two Great's generals adequately, not full, but did not know he was Buddhist or not Buddhist. However, You have heard the young Brahmin high, large particle, the venerable Master degree, University Professor Sun said as follows: "The Blessed One was, the Arhat level, Enlightenment, when words He praised the level of those mentioned, the level that manifests itself out. "Let's talk in front of Bhagavan praise worthy verses". Then Brahmin Sela, praised before recluse Gotama worthy verses as follows:
My whole dazzling enough,
Smart and beautiful birth,
Bhagavan bright yellow color,
teeth smooth, glossy, crystal needs.
For people living well,
The Minister further formality,
are on his body,
All the Great's generals.
Eyes bright, round face is full, the
balance and straight, flawless,
Salmone Increase Between them,
his bright as the sun.
Beautiful monks eyes,
shining like bright yellow skin,
with unfortunate recluse, he
should do supreme excellence.
His value rank Great King,
Turns the Wheel, Career Diaoyu,
victory over the galaxy,
supreme Tier Yan-line.
Great race, enjoy rich kingdom,
is his vassal,
is king among kings,
As The cardinal species.
Please reigning national level,
Venerable Gotama!
Bhagavan replied:
Sela, I am the king,
supreme monarch Tier France,
I turn the wheel of dharma,
wheel never moved.
He admitted Enlightenment author
Sela asked more,
"Tier supreme Dharma King,
I moved the wheel, "
he answered thus.

Venerable Gotama,
Who will be the general?
Are venerable disciple?
The faithful disciple?
Deserved masters?
After him, who will move,
Falun he moved?
Sela Hey,
I turn the wheel of Dharma,
Dharma Wheel supreme.
The Sariputta,
Transfer Dharma wheel,
Thua self Tathagata status.

Need to know, I know,
should cultivate, I have cultivated,
should give up, I gave up.
So I am the Buddha,
Oh, venerable Pham Chi!

What also suspected in Me,
Please put aside aside,
Be freed from them,
Oh, venerable Pham Chi!

Seeing Career Enlightenment
thousands nan nan It's natural,
Tier Enlightenment was born,
thousands nan nan It's natural!

I am Career Enlightenment
monarch supreme Tier Y,
O, venerable Pham Chi!

As Brahma difficult match,
Photography for the demonic.
Customers for any opposition,
I live joy,
not fear anyone,
not where to tremble.
The venerable monks, listen!
As eye level with faculty,
Tier Y King, Hero,
lion roaring deep forest.

Seeing Brahma irrational,
Photography demonic costumes,
who are not faithful,
until outcast.

Who wants to follow me,
not want, let's go,
here, I left home,
Tier supreme Intelligence!
(The Brahmin):
If the venerable faithful,
Dharma Career Enlightenment
We also ordained,
Tier supreme Intelligence!
Three hundred on her,
hands obtained permission Take:
We celibate,
Do Exalted leaders!
Bhagavan replied:
Behold Sela,
virtue is well preached,
Practically right now,
Beyond temporality.
Here the home,
not in vain extravagance,
with whom no distractions,
Effort specialized study.
Brahmin Sela together with the congregation to be ordained under the leadership of Bhagavan, is ordained.
Then Keniya Brahmin, later that night, at his Vihara, after the dishes prepared epigastric, hard and of the soft kind, went to press time the Exalted: "Venerable Gotama, has until now! Rice was preparing finished ". Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding a bowl y, go to the Vihara of hair braiding Keniya, having come, sat on the seat was drafted with them monks. Then Keniya hair braided after manually invite them monks with the Buddha's head and make you satisfied with epigastric cuisine, type of hard and soft types. Then Keniya hair braided, after Bhagavan eating, bowl left hand, and he took a low seat and sat down the other side. Bhagavan said with hair braided Keniya rejoice merit words with the following verse:
Health Forum is the ultimate
sacrifice in the fire,
Savitti is paramount,
Between Veda poem.

The king is supreme,
Between the human world,
is the ultimate ocean,
Between two rivers.

The moon is paramount,
Between the stars shining,
We Increase supreme truth,
For those who give alms,
prayer wishes Center,
Harvest much merit.
Bhagavan after taking this verse say the words rejoice merit with hair braided Keniya, from the seat up and leave.
Then venerable Sela with his congregation to live a calm, no distractions, zeal, diligence. And before long, venerable supreme objective evidence that the death was ordained Good men, abandoned the family, not family life towards. It is the supreme virtue even in the current, self-attainment and residing. Born took advantage, on well-succeeded, what should be done is done, after this life will have no more life. This person said so and venerable Sela with your congregation become the Arhat.
Then venerable Sela with the congregation went to Bhagavan, after arrival, robes on one shoulder, palms toward Bhagavan and Bhagavan read the following verse:
Career transparent glass Label France,
before eight days ago,
We have to you,
please vow to take refuge.

Exalted in seven nights,
convince our Forums,
Forums overpower us,
in his teachings.

He is the One enlightened,
he is the Master,
he was infertile-ni,
won ma pants.

After he cut through,
sea Overcoming birth,
he helped birth pants, the
same overcome suffering.

Y His birth pass,
Gonorrhea or crush Him,
He is the Lion of God,
not accepted, not fear.

Three hundred monks, the
Council palms upright,
O conquering hero,
Take legroom next step.
Let's Meeting

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

91. Beijing Brahmayu (Brahmayu Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
A time traveler in Videha Bhagavan, with mass about five hundred monks away.
At that time, Brahmin Brahmayu resident Mithila (Di-slap-la) elderly, young high, large Greek, has reached the age of roof, almost complacent life, life came to a hundred and twenty, a You reciting sacred mantras technical approval, three collective expertise Veda, with vocabulary, rituals, language and fifth principles are ancient stories, understand words and grammar, so intense discussion and Dai Thuan's Minister.
Brahmin Brahmayu have heard: "recluse Gotama is Like death, joined the Sakya clan (Shakyamuni) was traveling in Videha, with mass monks about five hundred." Good fame following transmissions on venerable Gotama: "This is the Exalted, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Diaoyu macho Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan. With winning position, he self-realization this world with Heaven, Brahma world, together with them recluses, Brahmin, God and man species . Once that realization, he also claimed that he had discovered the theory. He teaches good primary, secondary good, good logistics, meaning full text, he taught the virtues perfectly adequate, clean. Nice to replace the contemplates an Arhat so! ".
At that time the disciples of Brahmin youth Brahmayu Uttara, a recitation of sacred mantras technical approval, three collective expertise Veda, with vocabulary, rituals, language and fifth materials are neck story, understand words and grammar, so intense Thuan General's reasoning and facts. Then Brahmin youth Brahmayu sure Uttara:
- Hey dear Uttara, recluse Gotama is Like death, joined the Sakya clan (Shakyamuni) was traveling in Videha, with mass about five hundred monks taste "... Nice instead of an audience with an Arhat so. Uttara dear, please go to recluse Gotama, having to learn recluse Gotama, Venerable Gotama Is such language was gossip, or is not, or is the Venerable Gotama like this, or is not like this. It is because he knows that we will be the Venerable Gotama.
- Venerable Sir, how did I know venerable Gotama Is Venerable Gotama as language was gossip, or is not, or is the Venerable Gotama like this, or is this not the case?
- Hey dear Uttara, according to our scriptures handed down about thirty two Great's generals, who have thirty-two generals would choose one of two paths, there is no other way: if it is in Date, will the position cakkavatti conquer national level, fully seven treasures. This is car seven precious treasures, golden elephants, horses treasures, jewels, precious jade woman, lay seventh treasure and treasure generals. And this position has more than one thousand boys, are the heroes, majesty, foreign military victory. These are living together ruler earth take to the ocean, and reigned with Dharma, not sticks, not executioners. If this your home, leave home, no family life, this position will be attained Arhat, Enlightenment swept delusions in life. Hey dear Uttara, we gave you a technical note, I have received the attention that art.
- Ladies and yes, venerable.
Youth Uttara replied yes Brahmayu Brahmin, from the seat up, bowed Brahmayu Brahmin, holds itself towards organic, then traveled to the Exalted in Videha, travel sequentially go to Bhagavan, after arriving, they speak the words greeted with Bhagavan inquire, after talking to the welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, youth Uttara find out thirty two Great's generals Bhagavan body. Youth Uttara saw Bhagavan itself largely on thirty two Great's generals, minus two generals. For her two Great's generals, superior or born, hesitated birth, has not been satisfied, not satisfied, ie minister and minister Museum code sound long broad tongue.
Then Bhagavan think: "Youth is Uttara see where I am most of the thirty two Great's generals, minus two generals. For his two Great's generals, superior or born, hesitated birth, unfulfilled, yet are satisfied, ie minister and minister Museum code sound long loose tongue ".
Bhagavan made mystically instant youth minister Uttara saw negative codes of Bhagavan Museum. And Bhagavan tongue, touched, licked and two ears; touched, licked to the nostrils, and tongue cover across the forehead.
Then the young man Uttara thought: "recluse Gotama full thirty two Great's generals. So let's follow the recluse Gotama to scan majesty (His)". Then the young man Uttara in seven months follow Bhagavan as the ball never left the picture.
Then the young man Uttara, after seven months, set out to Mithila in Videha, travel sequentially go to Mithila, then go to the Brahmin Brahmayu, after arrival, bowed Brahmin sat down Brahmayu aside. Brahmin Brahmayu told young Uttara sat in:
- Hey dear Uttara, are rumors of venerable Gotama is true, others not, are venerable Gotama is thus not the other?
- The word of venerable Gotama is true, others not, venerable Gotama is thus not the other. And venerable Gotama had full thirty two Great's generals. Venerable Gotama have flat soles. This is the Great's generals General's venerable Gotama. Feet of Venerable Gotama, there appears wheel, with thousands of toothpicks car with wheel axle, with parts perfectly adequate. Venerable Gotama elongated heel. Venerable Gotama have fingers, toes long. Venerable Gotama has soft hands and feet. Venerable Gotama limbs with leather mesh screen. Venerable Gotama have rounded ankle as scallops. Venerable Gotama have legs as big as mountain goats. Venerable Gotama upright, not bent back down can touch with your hands knee. Venerable Gotama have negative minister Museum code. Venerable Gotama as copper-colored skin, colors like yellow. Venerable Gotama have silky smooth skin that dust can not stick to. Venerable Gotama hairy leather coat grows each hole one, every pore with a feather. Venerable Gotama have spin straight up hair growth, hair of this, dark green eye lotions, small eddy on each spin, and swung toward the surface. Venerable Gotama with high body straight. Venerable Gotama round seven seats filled. Venerable Gotama front half as dear lion. Venerable Gotama no concave defects down between the shoulders. Venerable Gotama have symmetrical body like eagle tree. Body height equal length arms wide stride, stride length, broad hands height of the body equally. Venerable Gotama have busts on round square. Venerable Gotama have very sharp taste. Venerable Gotama jaws like lions. Venerable Gotama has forty teeth. Venerable Gotama teeth regularly. Venerable Gotama teeth with no openings. Venerable Gotama have smooth front teeth. Venerable Gotama have long broad tongue minister. Venerable Gotama have wonderful voices like birds-old singer-lang- frequency (karavika). Venerable Gotama has dark blue eyes. Venerable Gotama cow eyelashes. Venerable Gotama, between eyebrows, with white hairs sprouting like cotton smooth light. Venerable Gotama has protuberance on the head. This is the Great's generals General's venerable Gotama.
When Venerable Gotama went, that he entered the front foot, do not put your foot down too far, not too close to secede up, not step too fast, not too slow steps, when knee noncontact knee, ankle going noncontact ankle; He went not co thigh up, not stretching thigh down, not put thigh inward, not putting out thigh. When Venerable Gotama cell just beneath the body, and not the whole body using force. When looking around, Venerable Gotama looked around the entire body. When no threshold face up, not face down, without looking around, and just look down to about a level (yugamattam, length a plow). Further, knowledge is extended (anavatam: not concealed).
Upon entering the house, (Venerable Gotama) not back yourself on the back, no body bent forward, do not put yourself on the inside, do not put yourself on the outside; he turned away not too far from the seats, not too close to the seat; sitting on a chair, not a chair clutching, not sown seat body.
When sitting in the house. He did not shake, no vibration, no crossed one knee together, crossed ankles together, not sit hand against his chin. When sitting in the house, no fear, no shaking, no variation, no panic. So Venerable Gotama sitting, no fear, no trembling, no variation, no panic, no hair upside, solitude divinity.
When getting water to wash dishes, do not wish to bowl, bowl down not good, no bowls rotate inward, not outward rotating bowl, get water not too little, not too much. He washed dishes, not being sound, dishwashing bowl not spin, do not put the bowl on the ground and then wash your hands, wash your hands when finished, the bowl is washed, the bowl washed, well washed hands. He poured a bowl of water is not too far, not too close, and not throwing water extensively.
When he received the rice, not wish to bowl, bowl down not good, no bowls rotate inward, not outward bowl rotation, receiving rice not too little, not too much. He ate moderately food (with rice), not put pieces of rice, only select pieces of food. Venerable Gotama put pieces of rice two or three times around the mouth and then swallowed, do not get into the wart itself not crushed, and no one remaining wart in the mouth before eating another piece of rice. Venerable Gotama not enjoy what you eat when you eat food, do not enjoy your greed. Venerable Gotama eat food full eight virtues, not for fun, not for passion, not for jewelry, not for their beauty itself, but only to this body may be long and covered Nursing, for (this body) from being pitied, to support Pham happy, thinking, "So, I eradicate the old feelings and not give rise to new sensations, and I will not fault, live be secure. "
He finished taking dishwashing liquid, bowls not wish to, not good bowl down, not rotating bowl inwards, not outwards rotating bowl, get water not too little, not too much. Him not being sound dishwashers, dishwashers, not spinning bowl, no bowls set into the ground and wash your hands, wash your hands when finished, the bowl is washed, wash bowl when finished, wash your hands well done . He poured a bowl of water, not too far, not too close, not throwing water extensively.
When finished, he put the bowl down, not too far, not too close, not thinking of the bowl, is not too worried about the bowl.
When finished, he sat silent for a moment, but not to exceed the time say rejoice (merit). He say rejoice (merit), not criticize her meals, do not expect other meals; on the contrary, he declared telephony solutions market with his congregation, encouraging, making excited, make happy. He after the revelation telephony solutions that congregation, encouraging, making excited, make happy, from the seat up and leave.
He went not too fast, not too slow. He goes not (as desired) congregation shunned him.
Venerable Gotama robes not pull up too high on the body, not dragged down too low, not clinging to the body, no exit from the body, and the wind does not strip off body venerable Gotama; sticky dust does not stick on the body Venerable Gotama.
Go to the monastery, he was prepared to sit on the bench, after sitting immediately wash your feet, and Venerable Gotama not focus on work life beauty legs. He sat cross-legged, back straight, and put before the anniversary. He did not think about self-harm, no harm thinking, not thinking about the harm of both. Venerable Gotama sat, his mind turns to profit, interests, benefits both, benefit the whole world.
Go to the monastery, he preached to the congregation, the congregation does not praised, not criticized his congregation, as opposed to the open market telephony solutions that congregation, encouraging makes excited, make happy. The voice coming out of the mouth venerable Gotama eight virtues; fluent, easy to understand, sweet, hear clearly, fullness, quibble, deep and loud. When Venerable Gotama explained to the congregation with their voice, the voice does not go beyond the congregation. Religious congregations after Gotama open market, encouraging, making excited, makes interest, makes joyful, from the seat up, and left still looking back, not wanting to leave.
We see Venerable Gotama go. We see (Venerable) stand. We see (Venerable) sat quietly in the house. We see (Venerable) eat indoors. We see (Venerable) after eating, sitting silent. We see (Venerable) after eating, say rejoice (merit). We see (Venerable) go back to the monastery. We see (Venerable) going to sit silent monastery. We see (Venerable) go to the monastery sermon to the congregation. As such, and so is his venerable Gotama and even more so again.
When they heard that, Brahmin Brahmayu from the seat up, covering upper robe on one shoulder, palms toward the Exalted, and three times to say the following inspiration:
- Bowed, steps Arhat, Enlightenment! Bowed, steps Arhat, Enlightenment! Bowed, Arahat, Enlightenment! Maybe at some place, any time, we will go to meet her venerable Gotama. Perhaps there will be a conversation.
Then Bhagavan, sequentially travels in and go to Mithila Videha. There, resident Bhagavan Makhadeva mango forests in Mithila. The Brahmin, Homeowners in Mithila heard: "recluse Gotama is Like death, they joined the line-ca, was traveling in Videha, with mass about five hundred monks have to Mithila and currently residing in Makhadeva mango forests, in Mithila. The word good is transmitted following the venerable Gotama: "recluse Gotama is Like death, joined the Sakya clan (Shakyamuni) was traveling in Videha, with mass about five hundred monks taste ". The word good is transmitted following the venerable Gotama:" This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc , Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Quick fisheries Phu, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan. With winning position, he self-realization this world with Heaven, Brahma world, together with them recluses, Brahmin, God and man species. Once that realization, he also claimed that he had discovered the theory. He preached good profile, Mid-friendly, good defender, meaning full text, he said teaching on happiness completely full and clean. Nice replace the contemplation an Arhat so! ".
Then the Brahmin, Homeowners in Mithila come to Bhagavan, after arrival, some bowed and sat down on one side; some say the greeting ask Bhagavan, after talking to the welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side; some bowed in his hands towards Bhagavan and sat down on one side; some claim the name they sat down on one side; some silent and sat down on one side.
Brahmin Brahmayu hear the following: "recluse Gotama is Like death, they joined the line-ca, has to reside in Mithila Mithila and mango forest in Makhadeva". Then Brahmin Brahmayu go Makhadeva mango forest along with some young east Brahmin. As to how much mango forest near, Brahmin Brahmayu arises thought: "It is not appropriate for us to audience recluse Gotama without notice". Then Brahmin Brahmayu told a young man:
- Youth Hey, let's go to the recluse Gotama, after my name to please ask recluse Gotama have fewer diseases, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic: "O venerable Gotama, Brahmin Brahmayu inquire venerable Gotama have fewer diseases, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic and said as follows: "O Venerable Gotama, Brahmin Brahmayu elderly, young high large particle, has reached the age of rooftop, almost complacent life, age was one hundred twenty, a recitation of sacred mantras technical approval, three collective expertise Veda, with vocabulary, rituals, language materials and Thursday is the ancient story, understand words and grammar, so intense Thuan General's reasoning and facts. Venerable Sir, for the Brahmin, Homeowners living in Mithila, Brahmin Brahmayu is considered the ultimate in terms of assets, Brahmin Brahmayu is considered the ultimate in terms of Technical Notes (manta), Brahmin Brahmayu is considered paramount in terms of age and fame. He wants an audience with Venerable Gotama ".
- Ladies and yes, venerable.
Youth was obedient response Brahmayu Brahmin, go to Bhagavan, after to speak words of welcome to ask Bhagavan, after voicing welcome friends ask, stood aside. Standing to one side, the young lord:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, Brahmin Brahmayu inquire venerable Gotama have fewer diseases, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic: "O venerable Gotama, Brahmin Brahmayu old. .. and the Great's generals. Venerable Sir, for the Brahmin, Homeowners living in Mithila, Brahmin Brahmayu is considered the ultimate in terms of assets, Brahmin Brahmayu be considered paramount in terms of technical notes (manta), Brahmin Brahmayu is considered paramount in terms of age and fame. He wanted an audience with Venerable Gotama ".
- Hey Youth, this Brahmin Brahmayu do what he thinks is right time.
Then the young man went to the Brahmin Brahmayu, after arrival, immediately said to the Brahmin Brahmayu:
- The venerable recluse Gotama was accepted. Now let's do what's venerable venerable think is trendy.
Then Brahmin Brahmayu go to Bhagavan. The congregation sees Brahmin remote Brahmayu go, after seeing the two sides immediately to avoid because your site is well known and prominent. Brahmin Brahmayu told his congregation:
- Well, just then, the venerable, sit on her seat. Here, I would sit near recluse Gotama.
Then Brahmin Brahmayu go to Bhagavan, after arrival, speak words of welcome to ask Bhagavan, after talking to the welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, Brahmin Brahmayu find out thirty two Great's generals Bhagavan body. Brahmin Brahmayu that most thirty two Great's generals Bhagavan body, except two generals, for her two Great's generals, superior or born, hesitated birth, has not been satisfied, not satisfied, ie minister and minister Museum code sound long broad tongue. Then Brahmin Brahmayu told Bhagavan the following poem:
Venerable Gotama!
Three Dai's two generals,
I was heard,
two generals do not see
on the venerable body,
venerable, museum audio code,
supreme Tier species who,
with or without him?
Or female minister Human?
Or his tongue too short?
Or his tongue long loose?
To me as truly know.
Take him out tongue,
Career Looking Great Sage,
Minus our tranquil,
peaceful So far,
So happy future,
We ask permission,
Ask what wants to know.
Then Bhagavan thought: "Brahmin this Brahmayu seen on most of my relatives thirty two Great's generals, minus two generals, for her two Great's generals, superior or born, hesitated birth, unsatisfied satisfied, not satisfied, ie stocks minister and minister Museum negative long loose tongue ". Bhagavan immediately made mystically Brahmin minister Brahmayu see sound code of Bhagavan Museum, and Bhagavan tongue, touched, licked and two ears; touched lick to the nostrils, and tongue cover across the forehead.
Then Bhagavan answered Brahmin Brahmayu with verse:
Three Dai's two generals,
he was listening to,
are on my body,
sage, nor has any doubt!

Tools need to know, know, the
Article should cultivate, cultivated,
Article need minus, minus,
Therefore, I am the Buddha.
(Hey Brahmin!)

Because the current peace,
happiness For the future,
he is allowed to ask question,
What he wanted to know.
Then Brahmin Brahmayu thinking as follows: "Now recluse Gotama has allowed us. So we should ask recluse Gotama about current purpose or future." Then Brahmin Brahmayu thinking: "I was skilful on the current intent and other people ask me about the current purpose. So we ask the recluse Gotama about future goals." Then Brahmin Brahmayu use stanza Bhagavan said:
How (is) Brahmin?
How Vedic message?
What are three intelligent?
Where does sand wall?
What is to worship?
What Perfection Career?
How silver-ni?
World any call Buddha-da?
Then use stanza Bhagavan answered Brahmin Brahmayu:
Who knew life before,
Seeing friendly beast, beast,
he shall take of rebirth,
Wins member of placements,
He called Mau-ni.

Who knew a pure mind,
Liberation called greed,
Birth and death are the total extinction,
discounts happy to be members of,
Thong Nhut necessarily achieve legal,
He proclaimed Buddha-da.
When hearing this, Brahmin Brahmayu from the seat up, covering upper robe on one shoulder, lowered his head at the foot of Bhagavan, foot mouth kiss around Bhagavan, hands reach around and claiming User:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, I was Brahmin Brahmayu.
And the congregation was becoming mind horror, magic: "It's rather wonderful! It's rather bizarre, higher power, higher powers of the monk made the Brahmin this Brahmayu, with title English, fame thus stoop to such maximum. " Then Bhagavan told Brahmin Brahmayu:
- Well, just then, Brahmin, please stand up. He just sat in his chair because he was happy of heart for Me.
Then Brahmin Brahmayu, after standing up, sat on his chair. Then the sequence Bhagavan sermon Brahmayu Brahmin, theory of generosity, morality, theory, theory of the heavens, presenting the danger, the inferior, the pollution of the pleasures and benefits Benefits of renunciation. When Bhagavan know the mind of Brahmin Brahmayu ready, was acquiescent, there are no obstacles, be excited, be faithful, instant Buddhas teachings have highlighted, that is suffering, Volume, Killing , Path. Like pure white cloth, was washed sunspots, would very permeable dye, too, the main seat, the glass ceiling far legal label structure in the mind Brahmin Brahmayu: "All measures What is collective arose were damaged ". Brahmin Brahmayu see law, evidence law, compensation law, may enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation cessation, proving to be confident, do not care for themselves in other people's religion professor faith. Brahmin instant Brahmayu lord:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! As people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, only way for people to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; also, dharma was venerable Gotama use many means to present, explain. Bhagavan I take refuge, refuge France and refuge them monks. Expect venerable Gotama receive the disciple, from now until the public network, the application lifetime devotion! Looking forward to tomorrow's venerable Gotama accept my invitation to dine with them monks!
Bhagavan quietly accepted. Then Brahmin Brahmayu known as Bhagavan said yes, immediately stood up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body and left.
Brahmin Brahmayu after night you have accomplished, after they had prepared at his dormitory epigastric cuisine, type of hard and soft kind, instant alarm time for Bhagavan: "Venerable Gotama, now So far, the rice is ready. " Then Bhagavan morning robes, take care bowl, go to the dormitory of Brahmin Brahmayu, having sat on the seat to have prepared for them monks. Brahmin Brahmayu manually make them monks with the Buddha's head position, correspond with epigastric dish types and kinds of soft hard.
Then at the end of seven days starting at Videha travel. After Bhagavan gone soon, Brahmin Brahmayu common destiny. A large number of monks went to the Blessed One, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting to one side, her monks lord:
- Brahmin Brahmayu have common destiny. Sanh's interesting what he is, how future rebirth?
- Hey monks, Brahmin is Brahmayu sages. He under French right with Dharma, no distractions I with complaints about Dharma (Dhammadhikaranam). This monks, Brahmin Brahmayu after the except in the lower part fetters, are of being, from where he entered Nirvana, no callbacks this life anymore.

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

90. Beijing Kannakatthala (Kannakatthala Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Ujunna, near Deer Park in Kannakatthala.
At that time King Pasenadi Kosala went to Ujunna job. Then King Pasenadi Kosala told a man:
- At this point, the other person. Please go to Bhagavan; after arriving, my name, his head bowed legs and ask Bhagavan has less disease, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic and said as follows: "Buddha, King Pasenadi Kosala bow Bhagavan bowed legs, inquire with less disease, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic and not answered as follows: "Buddha, today King Pasenadi Kosala, after breakfast, will come up is Exalted ".
- Ladies and yes, O Lord.
He replied yes King Pasenadi Kosala, come to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, one lord:
- Buddha, King Pasenadi Kosala foot bow before Bhagavan, inquire with less disease, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic and not answered as follows: "Buddha, today King Pasenadi Kosala, after breakfast, will come up is Exalted ".
Two sisters Soma and Sakula hear: "Today King Pasenadi Kosala after breakfast, will come up is Exalted". Then the two sisters Soma and Sakula Pasenadi Kosala went to the king in the dining room, and said as follows:
- O Lord, make us a business card in the name of his head bowed legs Bhagavan, inquired get less sick, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic and not little help: "Buddha, sisters Soma and his head bowed legs Sakula Bhagavan, inquiries have been less patient, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay not optimistic. "
Then King Pasenadi Kosala after breakfast go to Bhagavan, having bowed before, sat to one side. Sitting to one side, King Pasenadi Kosala lord:
- Buddha, two sisters Soma and his head bowed legs Sakula Bhagavan, Bhagavan inquired get less sick, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic no.
- O Lord, why two sisters Soma and Sakula not possible due to a different coverage?
- Buddha, two sisters Soma and Sakula have heard: "Today King Pasenadi Kosala after breakfast, will audience Bhagavan". Then the two sisters Soma and Sakula go to the dining room and said as follows: "O Lord, make us a business card in the name of his head bowed legs Bhagavan, there are few patients ask, little brain, calm, with healthy, stay optimistic and not said, "Buddha, two sisters Soma and his head bowed legs Sakula Bhagavan, Bhagavan inquired get less sick, less brains, calm, reliable, healthy, stay optimistic no" .
- O Lord, hope that the two sisters Soma and Sakula be happy!
Then King Pasenadi Kosala lord:
- Buddha, I have heard the following: "recluse Gotama says:" There is no recluse or a Brahmin does omniscient, is, can claim to be knowledge proof fullness; Such a situation can not happen. "Buddha, who said the following:" recluse Gotama says: "There is no recluse or Brahmin does omniscient, is possible to knowledge is attained perfection; so the situation can not happen ", venerable sir, did he say what Bhagavan said, they do not distort the Exalted, not as they really are; their lawful legal interpretation and those who say legitimate, lawful will not have the opportunity to criticize or not?
- O Lord, who said the following: "recluse Gotama says:" There is no recluse or Brahmin does omniscient, is, arguably knowledge attained perfection ; Such a situation can not happen ", said so not even the right word I say, and they misrepresent me a puppet corrupt, untrue.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala said to Baron Vidudabha:
- Hey Shogun, who brought this issue into the contents?
- O Lord, Brahmin Sanjaya, of the clan Akasa.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala to call someone:
- At this point, the other person, be in my name, told Brahmin family of Akasa Sanjaya: "Venerable Sir, King Pasenadi Kosala to call venerable".
- Ladies and yes, O Lord.
He replied yes King Pasenadi Kosala, go to Brahmin families belonging Akasa Sanjaya, after arrival, immediately said to the Brahmin Sanjaya, of Akasa clan: "Venerable Sir, King Pasenadi Kosala to call venerable ".
Then King Pasenadi Kosala lord:
- Buddha, probably what Bhagavan said on another matter, that people attributed to another problem. Buddha, contact problems Bhagavan says consider are those words?
- O Lord, I consider that spoke these words: "There is no recluse or Brahmin can for a while, know fully and completely shows, there can be no love so".
- Buddha, Bhagavan has an affinity theory (heturupam). Buddha, Bhagavan related causal theory (saheturupam) and say: "There is a certain recluse or Brahmin can for a while, know absolutely and totally, not Such may be the situation. " Buddha, it has four classes: Attack-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty and Prime-momentum. Buddha, between four classes has its differences, discrepancies?
- O Lord, have four of this class: Sat-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty and Prime-momentum. O Lord, among the four classes, two class-Delhi Police and Brahmin is considered paramount for vocative; two other classes from the seat up, hands and help them to work.
- Buddha, I do not ask about the present. Buddha, I asked about the future. Buddha, it has four classes: Attack-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty and Prime-momentum. Buddha, the four castes, there are discrepancies, discrepancies?
- O Lord, have need of this fine year. What is the year? Here, Sire, monks have faith, believe the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League , Supreme Master, Quick fisheries Phu, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. He little sick, little brain, digestion is regulated, not too cold, not too hot, medium, with diligence. He no fraud, no cunning, stating themselves as masters' feet on, for the discerning taste or for the Council on well. He lived industrious, diligent, renounce the evil law achievement of good behavior, solid, perseverance, not giving burden to dhamma. He has intellect, intellectual achievement of being defeated the French, with the possible accession of the sages, brought Chon district to cessation of suffering. "
O Lord of the four classes: Attack-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty, Prime-momentum. And if this class achievements in need of this planet, so will bring happiness, peace and long for them.
- Buddha, the four classes: Attack-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty, Prime-momentum. If these people need detailed fine achievements this year, lord, here there is a difference, there is a difference in what?
- O Lord, here, I am referring to the difference in the crystal needed. For example, Sire, between the elephants should be uniform, or the horses should be uniform, or the cows deserve to subdue, two elephants, two horses, two cows or smart things Apparel, is well trained, and have two elephants, two horses, two cows or not tame well, not well trained. Sire, the Great King think? Two elephants, two horses, two cows are smart or subdue, is well trained, they were still subdued, gain the ability to subdue (dantakaranam), they are tame, tame reach (dantabhumi)?
- Ladies and yes, lord.
- And two elephants, two horses, two cows, or not smart to subdue another, not being trained well there, not to subdue but we gain the ability to tame, not to subdue but we achieved s positions as two elephants, two horses, two cows are smart or subdue the other, the other is well trained?
- No, venerable sir.
- Also, Sire, what is achieved by faith, so little disease, no fraud, no lies, so ardent effort, by wisdom, also due to mistrust, because many diseases disabilities, by cunning, by deception to achieve, so the situation can not occur.
- Buddha, Bhagavan has an affinity theory (heturupam), Bhagavan related causal theory. Buddha, it has four classes: Attack-Delhi, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty, Prime-momentum. And if all this you need detailed fine achievements this year, if they rightly ardent, then lord, may have differences, there may be discrepancies between this position?
- O Lord, I say there is no difference in terms of liberation, for liberation. For example, Sire, who bring firewood from the sala trees and kindled a fire, the fire will appear. And someone brought firewood from the sala trees and kindled a fire, the fire will appear. Then have someone else bring dry wood from mango trees and kindled a fire, the fire will appear. Then there was another dry wood from trees udumbara brought back and kindle the fire, the fire will appear. O Lord, the Great King think? Because that type of wood used for kindling difference, so what differences there are between the fire with flame, between color and color, between light and lighting?
- No, venerable sir.
- Also, Sire, with heat created due diligence, so ardent helped fuel up here, I say there is no difference about liberation for liberation.
- Buddha, Bhagavan has karmic theory, Bhagavan related causal theory. Buddha, but there are no gods?
- O Lord, why the Great King might say: "Buddha, but there are no gods?"
- Buddha, gods did not know there are not born again here or not born again here?
- O Lord, do have brain damage Devas heart, born again here; Devas do not have brain damage heart, not born again here.
When they heard that, Baron Vidudabha lord:
- Buddha, gods have brain damage heart, born again here may expel or deport Devas without brain damage heart, not born again in here?
Venerable Ananda arose the idea as follows: "Shogun Vidudabha is the king Pasenadi Kosala, was the Exalted. Now has come the time people speak to children." Then Venerable Ananda told Shogun Vidudabha:
- Hey Shogun, here today, I will ask Admiral issue. If possible, please answer Shogun. This Shogun, Shogun think? Far and wide to the territory of King Pasenadi Kosala, and in place of Kosala Pasenadi king reign, reign; in that location, King Pasenadi Kosala may expel or deport the monk or Brahmin religious merit or no merit to practice, have to be celibate or not celibate out of place does not?
- Venerable Sir, far and wide to the territory of the king of Kosala Pasenadi and King Pasenadi Kosala place reign, reign; in that location, King Pasenadi Kosala may expel or deport the monk or Brahmin religious merit, or no religious merit, there celibate or not celibate out that place.
- Ladies and Shogun, Shogun think? Wide territory far out of King Pasenadi Kosala, and in place of the king of Kosala Pasenadi not reign, not rule; in that location, King Pasenadi Kosala may expel or deport the monk or Brahmin religious merit or no merit to practice, have to be celibate or not celibate out of place does not?
- Venerable Sir, far and wide beyond the territory of King Pasenadi Kosala, and in place of the king of Kosala Pasenadi not reign, not rule; in that location, King Pasenadi Kosala can not expel ... out of that place.
- Ladies and Shogun, Shogun had heard of the gods in heaven Thirty-three is not?
- Ladies and yes, venerable. We have heard of the gods in heaven Thirty-three. And here, King Pasenadi Kosala said to also hear the gods in heaven Thirty-three.
- Hey Shogun, how do you think? King Pasenadi Kosala may expel or deport the devas in heaven Thirty-three out of that place is not?
- Venerable Sir, King Pasenadi Kosala can not see the gods in heaven Thirty-three, how the king could expel or deport the devas in heaven Thirty-three out of that place?
- Also, the Shogun, the gods have brain damage heart, born again here, there is no visible damage Devas no brain center, not born again here, how could expel or frequency Devas without brain damage heart, not born again here out of that place is?
Then King Pasenadi Kosala lord:
- Buddha, monks was called what?
- O Lord, called Ananda!
- It's rather rejoice! Really happy instead! Venerable Ananda have karmic theory, Ananda related causal theory. Buddha, Brahma does not have?
- O Lord, why the Great King may say so: "Buddha, Brahma had not?".
- Buddha, Brahma had born again here or not born again here?
- O Lord, if there is brain damage Brahma Brahma mind is that there are born again here. Without harmful brain center, the Brahma was not born again here.
Then someone spoke to the king Pasenadi Kosala:
- O Lord, Brahmin Sanjaya, of the family came Akasa.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala told Brahmin Sanjaya, of the clan Akasa:
- Hey Brahmin, who is popular in the domestic supply of this story?
- O King, Baron Vidudabha.
Shogun Vidudabha said:
- O King, the Brahmin Sanjaya, of the clan Akasa.
Then a man answered the king Pasenadi Kosala:
- O Lord, the time has come to take the car.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala lord:
- Buddha, we have asked the Buddha on omniscience. Bhagavan answered about omniscience. The answer was to make us comfortable, we accept, so we rejoice. Buddha, we have asked Bhagavan about the purity of the four castes. Bhagavan replied to us the purity of the four castes. The answer was to make us comfortable, we accept, so we rejoice. Buddha, we asked Bhagavan about Devas (Adhideve) and Bhagavan replied to the gods. The answer was to make us comfortable, we accept so we rejoice. Buddha, we asked Bhagavan Bhagavan about Brahma and Brahma replied to. The answer was to make us comfortable, we should do our acceptance joy. Buddha, and what do we ask Bhagavan, Bhagavan problem was answered, and the answer that makes us comfortable, we should accept our children happy. Buddha, now we have to go. We have a lot of work, has many duties to do.
- Great king do what is trendy Great King thought.
Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

89. Sutra dignified (Dhammacetiya Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan middle Sakka people (Shakyamuni). Medalumpa is a town of people Sakka.
At that time, King Pasenadi Kosala went to Nangaraka for a few jobs. Then King Pasenadi Kosala said to Digha Karayana:
- Hey Karayana, please prepare the rover wins, I want to go to the royal scenery.
- Ladies and yes, the Great King.
Digha Karayana King Pasenadi Kosala answer yes, to prepare the rover wins, then said to King Pasenadi Kosala:
- O King, the chariot of the Great King wins have prepared complete, this Great King do what is trendy Great King thought.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala, climb a revenge win chariot, and went out with many chariots Nangaraka other wins, with all the prestige of royal protection, and go to the garden, ride to the place still ride are, then get off walk in the garden, while pacing back and forth in the garden, while enjoying a stroll, King Pasenadi Kosala saw stump endearing, beautiful, quiet hours, less noise , uncrowded, well-ventilated, away from any large gatherings, suitable for contemplation. Seeing this, the king thought to Bhagavan: "The tree endearing, beautiful, quiet voice and quiet, uncrowded, well-ventilated, away from any large gatherings, suitable for contemplation, the main Here, we bowed, steps Arhat, Enlightenment ". Then King Pasenadi Kosala said to Digha Karayana:
- Hey Karayana, the trees endearing ... Enlightenment. This Karayana now Bhagavan, Career Arhat, Enlightenment stay in place?
- Great king, there's a town called Medalumpa Sakka people. There, the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment is permanent.
- Hey Karayana, Medalumpa, Sakka popular town, away Nangaraka how much?
- O Lord, not far, three Yojana (by week). May come to him during the day.
- This Karayana So, please prepare the rover wins, we will go up is Exalted, Career Arhat, Enlightenment.
- Ladies and yes, O Lord.
Digha Karayana King Pasenadi Kosala answer yes, to prepare the rover wins, after finishing runners prepare wins, immediately spoke to the king Pasenadi Kosala:
- O Lord of the chariot wins have prepared complete, this Great King do what is trendy Great King thought.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala, climb a revenge win chariots, and with the other wins chariot, from Nangaraka go Medulampa, Sakka popular town, arriving there on the day, then go to the monastery. King ride to nowhere can ride, then walk off into the monastery. At that time a large number of monks were walking outdoors. King Pasenadi Kosala went to the monks that, after arrival, said to his monks:
- Chu venerable, now Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment where? We want an audience Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment.
- O Lord, Exalted in this house with the door closed. Be silent approached, entered the corridor but not overcome, having cleared his throat, knock on the door lock. Bhagavan will open the door to the Great King.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala, his spot, awarded for and donuts for Karayana Digha. Digha Karayana Then you think: "Now the king wanted to go alone. Here, we must stop". Then King Pasenadi Kosala went to the house silent closure, after arrival, entered the corridor but not overcome, cleared his throat and knocked on the door lock. Bhagavan opened.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala entered the house, his head bowed Bhagavan foot, mouth kiss around Bhagavan foot, hand and foot massage reach around claiming to name:
- Buddha, you are the king of Kosala Pasenadi. Buddha, the child is king Pasenadi Kosala.
- O Lord, by what the cause, the Great King to consummate such condescension toward this body and showing affection so dear?
- Buddha, I have traditionally (Dhammanvaya) is to Exalted. "Bhagavan is the One Enlightenment, the French are clever faculty Bhagavan, monks and followers of Bhagavan practice smart practice". Here, venerable sir, I saw many monks, Brahmin practice limits on behavior in ten years, twenty years, thirty years, forty years. These men, after a time, smart bathrooms, cleverly wax chalk, with smart hair grooming, enjoying her life fullness, full year nourish education. Here, the Buddha, you see the monks living unfortunate practice on fullness, purity until forever, until the last breath. Buddha, I do not see out here to have a fullness other virtues, such purity. Buddha, this is the traditional method for Bhagavan. "Bhagavan is Career Enlightenment. France was Bhagavan clever lecturer, monks followers of Bhagavan smart practice, practice."
Again venerable sir, kings quarrel with kings, Sat-Delhi quarrel with Sat-Delhi, Brahmin quarrel with the Brahmin, the owner quarrel with the landlord, mother quarrel with me, I quarreled with her mother, father quarrel with me, I quarreled with his father, brothers with brothers quarrel, quarrel with her brothers and sisters quarrel with you, friend quarreling with friends. Here, venerable sir, I think that the monks live together harmony, friendship, no quarreling among themselves, as water blend with milk, looked at each other with loving eyes glasses. Buddha, I do not see beyond this, there is a fullness other virtues, such purity. Buddha, this is the traditional method for Bhagavan: "Bhagavan is the One Enlightenment, the French were skilled faculty Bhagavan, disciple of Bhagavan we Increasing smart practice, practice."
Again, venerable sir, I traveled stroll from park to park, from providing this flexibility to provide different flexible. There, I saw some recluse, Brahmin emaciated, miserable, bad skin, pale silver, limb veins, nothing seemed beautiful to someone to see. Buddha, I think as follows: "Truly this venerable masters celibate not happy or are there hidden karma. Therefore, the new position of this venerable emaciated, miserable, leather bad, pale silver, limb veins, apparently nothing spectacular for people to look. I go to them personally and says:
"- Why venerable monks and the emaciated, miserable, bad skin, pale silver, limb veins, as if nothing spectacular for people to look?".
The he answered as follows:
"- O King, we are sick heirloom."
Here, venerable sir, I saw the monks delight, excitement, joy, comfortable units, without wavering, calm, cozy living on the joy of others, with minds like children wild animals. Buddha, I think as follows: "It is the venerable ranks this was a dark sense of magic to win revenge in Bhagavan's teachings, a successful sequence so this venerable degree rejoice, chalk departure, blissful, comfortable units, without wavering, calm, cozy living on the joy of others, with a mind like a wild beast. Buddha, this is the traditional method for Exalted "Bhagavan is the One Enlightenment, the French are clever faculty Bhagavan, disciple them Increased cultivation of Bhagavan smart practice".
Again, venerable sir, I am a king Sat-Delhi, did empowerment, can execute those who deserve to be executed, punish those who deserve Sale Date penalty, those who deserve to be deported expulsion. But venerable sir, when you sit treating conditions that are sometimes interrupted my talk. And I did not have occasion to say: "Hey you, do not interrupt our talk, when we are sitting handling events. You wait until I was finished." Buddha, and yet people still interrupt my speech. Here, venerable sir, I saw the monks, while Bhagavan they preach to map hundreds of people, while he does not have a noise sneeze or cough arises. Buddha, Oldtimer, while Bhagavan they preach to map hundreds of people, has the disciple Exalted cough up. A strike of dignity knee slightly and said: "Venerable, be quiet, do not be noisy venerable. Bhagavan, the Master of us are preaching". Buddha, the start-up thoughts as follows: "It's rather wonderful! It was rather bizarre! The audience is very well trained, not sticks, not for. Buddha, I do not see them outside of this map a map they are well trained other as we map this. Buddha, this is the traditional method for Bhagavan: "Bhagavan is the One Enlightenment, the French were skilled faculty Bhagavan, disciple them Increase Bhagavan's practice smart practice ".
Again, venerable sir, I see here some Sat-Delhi scholarly, sensitive, discursive eloquence, refutable as split hairs. These men come here, and there, as if to demolishing the false views with their wisdom. These men heard: "recluse Gotama will visit the village or town." They're going to ask the question: "We arriving recluse Gotama would ask this question. When we asked that, if recluse Gotama answered like this, we would like this question . When I asked that, if recluse Gotama answered like that, we would like that question. " These men heard: "recluse Gotama visited the village or town." These men came to recluse Gotama in. Recluse Gotama with open telephony solutions market for this position, encouragement, making excited, make happy. Being recluse Gotama, with Dharma revelation, encouragement, making excited, make happy, they do not ask questions recluse Gotama (predetermined) alone that question! Instead, they become disciples of recluse Gotama. Buddha, such as the traditional method for Bhagavan: "Bhagavan is the One Enlightenment, the French were skilled faculty Bhagavan, disciple of Bhagavan we Increasing smart practice to practice."
Again, venerable sir, I see here some Brahmin scholar ... Homeowners erudite, scholarly recluse, sensitive, discursive eloquence, refutable as split hairs, these people go here and there as if demolishing the wrong ... they do not ask questions recluse Gotama (predetermined) alone that question. Instead, they would like renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life. Bhagavan for them to be ordained. Being ordained as such, some of he lived alone, without distractions, attempts, ardent and not long after, self-certified to the winning position, attained enlightenment and currently reside within purpose dark Rooftop Thien Pham unfortunate that the male element ordained right feet, abandoning the family, not family life towards. They say: "Actually we near septic death! Actually we almost perishes! Formerly we did not have to recluse himself considered the recluse, not a Brahmin to consider itself Brahmin, not ranks Arhat to see themselves in the Arhat level. Now we are the real monks. Now we are the true Brahmin. Now we new truth is Arhat ". Buddha, this is the traditional method for Bhagavan: "Bhagavan is the One Enlightenment, the French were skilled faculty Bhagavan, disciple of Bhagavan we Increasing smart practice to practice."
Again, venerable sir, Isidatta and Purana are two equerry, my dinner, my ride, live by the donor, and the children brought them fame. But they do not stoop to their children as condescending towards Bhagavan. In ancient times, lord, while military operations against the opposing team, and want to challenge Isidatta and Purana, two equerry, I come in in a cramped house. And lord, two equerry, Isidatta and Purana, after jointly discourse on Dharma than midnight, and lay down to sleep, with their head toward the place where they are heard Bhagavan in and with foot towards the site. Buddha, I think as follows: "It's rather wonderful! It was rather bizarre! Two equerry Isidatta and this Purana our meal, my ride, so I live for, and I brought the list expectations for them. But they are not condescending towards us as they stoop to Bhagavan. Actually these people are aware of an outstanding supreme enemy in Bhagavan's teachings, a successful serial " . Buddha, this is the traditional method for Bhagavan: "Bhagavan is the One Enlightenment, the French were skilled faculty Bhagavan, disciple of Bhagavan we Increasing smart practice to practice."
Again, venerable sir, Bhagavan belong Sat-Delhi line, the line is also in the Chad-Delhi. Bhagavan was Kosala, I also belong to the people Kosala. Bhagavan was eighty years old, I was eighty years old. As Bhagavan of line-Delhi Police and the Police is also in the line-Delhi; because Bhagavan was Kosala, I also belong to the people Kosala; because Bhagavan was eighty years old, I was eighty years old; Should the ultimate condescension ready for Bhagavan, and express my cordial situation. Buddha, now we must go, we do a lot of work, have a duty to do more.
- O Lord, the Great King to do what the Great King thought was trendy.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala got up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body and left.
When King Pasenadi Kosala gone soon, Bhagavan to call the monks:
- Hey monks, it was king Pasenadi Kosala. After talking to the solemn measures, king stood up from his seat and departed. This monks, learn the solemn approach. Be dignified legal insight. Monks Hey, let life over the solemn approach. The monks, the stately approach to the goal of this contact, is the basis of morals.
Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

88. Beijing Bahitika (Bahitika Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika at his Vihara (Anathapindika).
Then Venerable Ananda morning robes, holding a bowl y, went into Savatthi for alms. Take alms in Savatthi finished, after dinner, on the way back alms, go to the castle venerable Pubbarama Migaramatu (Winter Park amphitheater dialysis) for lunch.
At that time, King Pasenadi Kosala Ekapundarika riding on elephants and go out of Savatthi in the early morning. King Pasenadi Kosala see remote venerable Ananda went to, at that instant his courtiers told Sirivaddha:
- The venerable him, this Sirivaddha, Ananda Is not?
- Ladies and right, O Lord, Venerable Ananda was.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala said to one another:
- This other person, go to the Venerable Ananda, after arriving, my name head bowed legs venerable Ananda, and said as follows: "Venerable Sir, if Venerable Ananda did not have work left to do folding, venerable sir, hope for kindness venerable Please wait a moment ".
- Ladies and yes, O Lord.
He replied yes Pasenadi king of Kosala, go to Venerable Ananda, after arrival, Venerable Ananda bowed and stood aside. Standing to one side, he said to the Venerable Ananda:
- Venerable Sir, King Pasenadi Kosala his head bowed legs Venerable Ananda, and said as follows: "Venerable Sir, if Venerable Ananda did not have anything to do urgent work, venerable sir, let's hope venerable For kindness to wait a moment. "
Venerable Ananda silently accepted. Then Venerable Ananda went to the waterfront Aciravati, after arrival, sat down on a seat was available section, under a tree. Then King Pasenadi Kosala, riding to where elephants can go, then down elephant walking towards Venerable Ananda, on arrival, having bowed Venerable Ananda then stood aside. Standing to one side, King Pasenadi Kosala said to the Venerable Ananda:
- Venerable Sir, here, hope Venerable Ananda horse sitting on carpet.
- Well, just then, the Great King, the Great King sit. I was sitting on my seat.
King Pasenadi Kosala was prepared to sit on the seat. Once seated, King Pasenadi Kosala said to the Venerable Ananda:
- Dear Venerable Ananda, does Bhagavan do the corms which ranks recluse, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, Bhagavan not do the corms which ranks recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- Ananda Venerable Sir, do not do the export Exalted ... not as standard operating practice that ranks recluse, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, Bhagavan not make the border issue, the issue that ranks recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather rare, venerable sir! Venerable Sir, what I can not say more fully in a question, was Venerable Ananda speak fully in answer questions. Venerable Sir, when a foolish, inexperienced praise or defame others, without experience and judgment, we do not care on there and watch as the core plant. But venerable sir, as a location, has experience of praise or defame others, have experience and judgment, we y on it and watch as the core plant.
But, Venerable Ananda, how is the executive body that monks, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, what anyone personally immoral.
- Venerable Sir, how is itself immoral acts?
- O Lord, what anyone personally guilty.
- Venerable Sir, how is personally guilty?
- O Lord, what anyone personally harmful.
- Venerable Sir, how is personally harmful?
- O Lord, whatever any personally have reported suffering.
- Venerable Sir, how are personally have reported suffering?
- O Lord, that everyone personally what led to self-harm, lead to harm people, leading to damage both, from where he personally, the unwholesome growth law, good behavior reduction rot. O Lord, so personally with the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- Venerable Sir, how are exporting onions ... How is the issue being the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, what any unwholesome volitional.
- Venerable Sir, how is the immoral act?
- O Lord, what mortal bodily guilty.
- Venerable Sir, how is the operator is guilty?
- O Lord, what mortal bodily harm.
- Venerable Sir, how is the harmful practice?
- O Lord, how can human suffering bodily newspaper.
- Venerable Sir, how is the issue have reported suffering?
- O Lord, what volitional qualities lead to self-harm, lead to harm people, leading to damage both, from where did the unwholesome volitional growth methods, rot good behavior decreased. O Lord, the onions so was the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- Dear Venerable Ananda, is Bhagavan praised the unwholesome rid of all legal?
- O Lord, the Tathagata has rid all evil methods and achievements of the dhamma.
- But, Venerable Ananda, how is personally being the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, whatever any good personally.
- Venerable Sir, How are moral personally?
- O Lord, that everyone does not personally guilty.
- Venerable Sir, how is personally not guilty?
- O Lord, that everyone personally do no harm.
- Venerable Sir, how are personally no harm?
- O Lord, that everyone does have personally optimistic press.
- Venerable Sir, how are personally optimistic report?
- O Lord, do not put all mental qualities to self-harm, not to hurt people, not to harm both, from where he personally, the evil rotten reduction measures, the growth of friendly France. O Lord, so personally not the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- Ananda Venerable Sir, how is the border ... How is standard operating practice was not the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked Hotel?
- O Lord, any applicable goodwill.
- Venerable Sir, how is operating intentions?
- O Lord, that every standard applicable not guilty.
- Venerable Sir, how is the issue is not guilty?
- O Lord, do not mortal bodily harm.
- Venerable Sir, how is the issue is not harmful?
- O Lord, how can ordinary volitional optimism newspaper.
- Venerable Sir, how is the press operator can touch?
- O Lord, do not put human bodily harm to themselves, not to harm people, not to harm both, from where the operator does, the evil rotten reduction measures, the growth of friendly France. O Lord, so the issue is not the recluse, Brahmin has rebuked location.
- Dear Venerable Ananda, is Bhagavan praised the achievements all dhamma?
- O Lord, the Tathagata has rid all evil law, good behavior and achievements.
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather rare, venerable sir! It speaks well of this, venerable sir. Venerable Ananda Do we, venerable sir, are happy and satisfied with the words of the Venerable Ananda said cleverly. To be happy and satisfied, venerable sir, with the words of the Venerable Ananda said well, we kindly donated a golden elephant to venerable Ananda, if Venerable Ananda allowable elephant treasures. We kindly donated horses to the Venerable Ananda Treasure, if Venerable Ananda allowed to receive valuable horse. We kindly donated a gift to the venerable village Ananda, if Venerable Ananda allowed to accept a gift village. But venerable sir, we learned the following: "This venerable Ananda is not allowed". Venerable Sir, with foreign fabric roll goods, which are mounted in a rolling though, due Ajatasattu king, her son sent me Videhi Magadha country, elbow length sixteen, eight elbows wide. Dear quote, hope venerable Ananda loaded compassion for life.
- Well, just then, the Great King! I already have three y.
- Venerable Sir, after heavy rains on the slopes, the venerable and I saw then Aciravati river flowing, spilling over the banks like. Likewise, Venerable sir, venerable Ananda can do yourself three y, from external fabric of this place. And three former Health, Venerable Ananda could bring distributed to co virtues. So this is our generosity is flowing, as water spread over the shore. Venerable Sir, forward venerable foreign cloth comments for this chemical.
Then Venerable Ananda receive foreign cultural fabric. Then King Pasenadi Kosala said to the Venerable Ananda:
- Dear Venerable Ananda, now we have to go. We have many cases, have more responsibility to do.
- O Lord, let's do this the Great King Great King thought was trendy.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala joy, signal word venerable Ananda teaches life, stood up from his seat, his body toward the right side, then went away.
Venerable Ananda, after King Pasenadi Kosala gone soon, went to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, Venerable Ananda reported to Bhagavan all conversations with King Pasenadi Kosala then offered foreign cloth Bhagavan turned up.
Bhagavan told the monks:
- Really happy for King Pasenadi Kosala! It's rather nice to King Pasenadi Kosala! King has an audience with Venerable Ananda and offerings.