Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

93. Assalayana (Assalayana Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika at his Vihara (Anathapindika).
At that time, about five hundred Brahmin from many different states residing in Savatthi for some work. Even the Brahmin was thinking: "This recluse Gotama advocated four castes are pure. Who can with recluse Gotama discuss this issue?"
At that time residing in Savatthi Assalayana youth, young, shaved his head, only sixteen years old, three collective expertise Veda, with vocabulary, rituals, language and fifth former is the ancient story, understanding words and grammar, so intense Thuan General's reasoning and facts. Then the Brahmin was thinking: "This Assalayana Youth residing in Savatthi, young, shaved his head, only sixteen years old, three collective expertise Veda, with vocabulary, rituals, languages ​​and secondary materials five is the ancient story, understand words and grammar, so intense Thuan General's opinion and the facts. He can discuss with recluse Gotama about this issue ". Then the Brahmin goes to youth Assalayana, after to speak with youth Assalayana:
- Venerable Assalayana, recluse Gotama advocated four castes are pure. Assalayana come venerable recluse discussion with Gotama about this issue.
When they heard that, youth Assalayana told her Brahmin:
- Recluse Gotama is the right approach. And those who say it's impossible lawful discussion. I can not discuss with recluse Gotama about this issue.
The second time the Brahmin told young Assalayana:
- Venerable Assalayana, recluse Gotama, which initiated four castes are pure. Assalayana come venerable recluse discussion with Gotama about this issue. Venerable Assalayana lived the life of traveling mendicants.
Second, youth Assalayana told you his Brahmin:
- Recluse Gotama is the right legal steps. And those who say it's impossible lawful discussion. I can not discuss with recluse Gotama about this issue.
The third time, even the Brahmin youth told Assalayana:
- Venerable Assalayana, recluse Gotama, which initiated four castes are pure. The venerable Assalayana, come discuss with recluse Gotama about this issue. Venerable Assalayana lived the life of traveling mendicants. The venerable Assalayana can not be defeated in a failed war unarmed resistance.
When they heard that, youth Assalayana told you his Brahmin:
- Actually I do not accept (the request) venerable monks. The venerable Gotama is the right legal steps. And those who say it's impossible lawful discussion. I can not discuss with recluse Gotama about this issue. But I'll go, as the venerable monks requested.
Then the young man with mass Assalayana Brahmin went to Bhagavan, after to speak with Bhagavan's words welcome to inquire, after talking to the welcome to ask friends, sat down one parties. Sitting down one side, youth Assalayana lord:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the Brahmin're saying as follows: "Only the Brahmin caste was supreme, the other is inferior caste; only Brahmin is the white color , another class is colored black; only the Brahmin is pure class of non-Brahmin not be the same. Only the new Brahmin orthodoxy is the Brahma, born from the mouth of Brahma, born from Brahma, created by Brahma, heirs descendants Brahma ". Here, Venerable Gotama say how?
- But this Assalayana, the Brahmin woman, wife of the Brahmin is found to be menstruating, pregnant, with her baby, has lactation. Nevertheless, the position Brahmin was born from female base said: "Brahmin is the ultimate class, another class is inferior. Only Brahmin is the white color, other class is colored black; only the Brahmin is pure class of non-Brahmin not be the same. Only the new Brahmin orthodoxy is the Brahma, born from mouth Brahma, born from Brahma, created by Brahma, heirs descendants Brahma ".
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but the position remains Brahmin himself, saying, "Only the Brahmin caste was supreme, the other is inferior caste ... the sons heirs of Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? He had heard reasonable? At the national level, such as local border Yona and Kamboja, only two classes: master and servant. After the employer, to become a servant; after the servant, to become owner?
- Ladies and yes, I have heard. In the border states as Yona address, Kamboja, only two classes: master and servant. After the employer, to become a servant, after the servant, to become owners.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, so what conviction of the Brahmin, but here the position Brahmin said: "Only caste Brahmin is dark upstream, the other is inferior caste ... the sons heirs of Brahma '?
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but here you Brahmin thought as follows: "Only the caste Brahmin is paramount, others are inferior class ... is the her heirs Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Only Khattiya (Sat-imperial-town) killing, taking what is not given, there is misconduct in the sex, lie, say two blades, said harsh, say frivolous, there is greed, there is aversion, wrong view: after the new body to be born damaged public network into the data plane, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Brahmin is not so? And only people who Sudda Vessa and killing, taking what is not given, there is misconduct in the sex, lie, say two blades, said harsh, say frivolous, has participated center, golf center, with viewpoints , after the general body bearing damage, are to be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. The Brahmin was not so?
- Not so, Venerable Gotama. The Khattiya too, Venerable Gotama, if killing, taking what is not given, there is misconduct in the sex, lie, say two blades, said harsh, say frivolous, can take heart, there are golf center, with illusory body, after damage public network, was born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Brahmin, too, Venerable Gotama, Vessa, too, Venerable Gotama, Sudda too, Venerable Gotama. All four castes, venerable Gotama, if killing, taking what is not given, there is misconduct in the sex, lie, say two blades, said harsh, say frivolous, can take heart, heart golf, wrong view, after the body corporate networks are being damaged in the data plane, the Beast, deprivation, in hell.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, so what conviction of Brahmin, which the Brahmin said, "Only the caste Brahmin is paramount, class Others are inferior ... the descendants heirs of Brahma '?
- Oil venerable recluse have said so, but here, the Brahmin thought as follows: "Only the Brahmin caste was supreme, the other is inferior caste .. . is the descendant heirs of Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Only Brahmin renounce killing, abandoning taking what is not given, from misconduct in the sexual abandon, renounce lying, abandon said two blades, abandoning harsh, renounce say frivolous, no participating interest, no golf center, with right understanding, common network damage after the body was born in good fun, Heaven, this world. Khattiya is not so, not so Vessa, Sudda not it?
- No, Venerable Gotama. Khattiya too, Venerable Gotama, if renounce killing, abandoning taking what is not given, from misconduct in the sexual abandon, renounce lying, abandon said two blades, abandoning harsh, renounce say compliance Crap, no participating interest, no interest courtyard, there is right, then after relatives havoc on corporate networks are also being animal friendly, Empyrean; this world. Brahmin, too, Venerable Gotama; Vessa too, Venerable Gotama; Sudda too, Venerable Gotama. All four castes, venerable Gotama, if renounce killing, abandoning taking what is not given, from misconduct in the sexual abandon, renounce lying, abandon said two blades, abandoning harsh, renounce say frivolous words, no participating interest, no interest courtyard, there is right, then after themselves corrupt corporate networks, are born in good fun, Heaven, this world.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, so what conviction of Brahmin, which the Brahmin said, "Only the Brahmin caste was paramount, class Others are inferior ... the descendants heirs of Brahma '?
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but here, the Brahmin thought that: "Only the Brahmin caste was paramount, others are inferior class ... is the her heirs Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Only Brahmin new in this domain can cultivate compassion, not hatred, not courts, Khattiya impossible, impossible Vessa, Sudda not be?
- No, Venerable Gotama. Khattiya, Venerable Gotama, also in this domain can cultivate compassion, not hatred, not golf. Brahmin, too, Venerable Gotama; Vessa too, Venerable Gotama; Sudda too, Venerable Gotama. All four castes, venerable Gotama, can in this country practice of compassion, not hatred, not golf.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, so what's conviction Brahmin, but here the Brahmin said as follows: "Brahmin caste is paramount, others are inferior caste ... the sons heirs of Brahma '?
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but here the Brahmin still think: "Brahmin caste is supreme, the other is inferior caste ... the sons heirs Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Only new Brahmin may, after holding rake back and go to the river bath powder clean dust bathing, Khattiya impossible, impossible Vessa, Sudda not be?
- No, sir venerable Gotama. Venerable Gotama, Khattiya also, after holding back rake and bath powder, going to the river clean dust bathing. Brahmin, too, Venerable Gotama; Vessa too, Venerable Gotama; Sudda too, Venerable Gotama. All four castes, venerable Gotama, may, after holding back rake and bath powder, going to the river clean dust bathing.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, what convinced the Brahmin, but here the Brahmin said as follows: "Brahmin caste is paramount, others are inferior caste ... the sons heirs of Brahma '?
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but here the Brahmin thought as follows: "Brahmin caste is supreme, the other is inferior caste ... the sons excess Brahma himself ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Here, if there Khattiya king did empowerment, for meeting a range of hundreds of different nature, and says: "You come here, you do families Khattiya, families Ba-the busi- subjects, born from the royal family, bring to the top of the fire roasting, wood sala, or Salala tree, or tree-herd sheep, or lotus tree, turned to fire and heat out. And people from home Chien-da-la suspension (abjection), belonging to the family hunting families making bamboo furniture, vehicles belonging to families, families poured feces, let's bring on the map rotation parts made of wood fire gutter dogs, or pigs trough or trough laundry, or dry wood from trees y lan (elanda: castor tree full collection), and turned to fire and heat level out ".
Assalayana Hey, what do you think? There must only be rekindled flame and heat generated from families Khattiya, families Brahmin born of royalty, after bringing parts of the map rotation on fire, made of tree sala, or Salala tree, or tree-herd sheep, or lotus tree, only that the new fire tops, new colors, new lighting, and new that fire only be used on the job by bringing fire again. As the flame was rekindled and heat generated from abjection families, families hunt, families making bamboo furniture, vehicles belonging to families, families spilling feces, after bringing to parts of furniture on fire spinning wooden trough eat dog, or pig feed trough, or the laundry chute, or dry wood from trees y-lan, the fire had no flame, no color, no light, and that fire can not be on the job by bringing fire?
- No, sir venerable Gotama. The flame was rekindled, heat is generated, Venerable Gotama, from families Khattiya, families Brahmin born of royalty, after bringing parts of the map rotation on fire, made sala tree, or tree Salala, or tree-herd sheep, or lotus tree, fire does have tops, with color, light, flame that used to be on the job by bringing fire. And the flame was rekindled, and heat is generated from abjection families, families hunt, families making bamboo furniture, vehicles belonging to families, families poured feces, after bringing to parts of the map rotation on fire, wooden trough eat dog, or pig feed trough, or the laundry chute, or dry wood from trees y-lan, fire was also tops, also colors, also light , and that fire can be used to bring work by fire. Dear Venerable Gotama, all kinds of fire are tops, each with colors, are light; all kinds of fire can be used to bring work by fire.
- Here, this Assalayana, so powerless, so what conviction of the Brahmin that the Brahmin here to say: "Only the Brahmin caste was paramount, other class is inferior. Only Brahmin is white, the other is black caste. Only Brahmin is pure, the class fees Brahmin is not the case. Only new Brahmin orthodoxy is the Brahma, born from the mouth of Brahma, born from Brahma, created by Brahma, heirs descendants Brahma "?
- Oil Venerable Gotama have to say so, but here the Brahmin thought as follows: "Only the Brahmin caste was paramount, others are inferior class ... is the her heirs Brahma ".
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Here a man can marry a woman Khattiya Brahmin wife. Due to this marriage, they bore sons. Son was born from male and female death Khattiya Brahmin. It's just like his father or mother; it called Khattiya aka Ba La Mon?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, son Prince was born from male and female Khattiya Brahmin; it's just like her mother and her father, and called Khattiya and also called Brahmin.
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Here, a male element Brahmin woman to marry a spouse Khattiya and by this, they are sons born. The son that was born from male death Brahmin and Khattiya woman; it's like his mother, or like his father; it called Khattiya, (or) also called Brahmin?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the son born from male death Brahmin and Khattiya woman; it's like his mother; and like his father, and it is called Khattiya, and also known as Brahmin.
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Here, there are mares mating with donkey. Because of this mating, beings are mule. Mule was born from mares and donkeys; it's like his mother, or like his father; it is called the horse, or it is called trick?
- Venerable Gotama, due to the different mate varieties such, it is a mule. That is the difference, dear venerable Gotama, that I see here. But elsewhere, for another thing, I do not see what difference.
- Hey Assalayana, What do you think? Here, two young brothers, and his half; a recite, understand the Holy Scriptures; one who does not recite, do not understand the Holy Scriptures. Here, between these two men, the Brahmin who would make offerings before the offerings for the dead, the International Plant Forum, the dishes in the sacrifice, the hospitality food?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the recitation of young yet, understand the sacred writings of the Brahmin will offering him before, the offerings for the dead, the International Plant Forum, the dishes in the sacrifice, the entertaining food. Because, dear venerable Gotama, donations to non-recited, do not understand how the Holy Scriptures have great results!
- Hey Assalayana, your family think? Here, two young brothers (Brahmin) and his half; an understanding reciting scriptures, according to the evil world, evil in law; one who does not recite, not understanding the Holy Scriptures, morality, good legal practice. Here, the Brahmin who makes offerings to one before the offerings for the dead, the International Plant Forum, the dish of the sacrifice, or entertain them food?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the youth does not recite, not understanding the Holy Scriptures, but morality, good legal practice; here, the Brahmin offerings to him before, the offerings for the dead, the International Plant Forum, the dishes in the sacrifice, or entertaining food. Because, dear venerable Gotama, offerings to evil people follow instructions, how evil can approach great results!
- Hey Assalayana, firstly He goes on being given. Skip born seminarians, he went on the Holy Scriptures. Skip scriptures, he went about the purity of the four castes that I have advocated.
Hearing this, the youth Assalayana sat silent, sullen, co shoulder, lowered his head, stunned, mouth not in words.
Then at the end when they learned young Assalayana sullen silence, co shoulder, lowered his head, stunned, mouth not in words, then said with youth Assalayana:
- In ancient times, this Assalayana, while seven hermits Brahmin discussed in the hermitage with leaves in a forest, evil arises is the following: "Brahmin caste is paramount , the other is inferior caste ... the sons heirs Brahma ". This Assalayana, hermit ASITA Devala hear: "While seven hermits Brahmin discussed in the hermitage with leaves, in a forest, evil arises is the following:" Brahmin is supreme class, other classes are inferior ... descendant heirs of Brahma '? Hermit ASITA Devala, after preparing the hair, purple cloth robes, slippers with multiple layers (contour) solidly, holding a golden rod, immediately appear in the hallway of the seven hermitage hermit Brahmin. Then it Assalayana, hermit ASITA Devala passing, walking in the hallway of the seven hermitages Hermit Brahmin and said:
- "Now the venerable hermit to this Brahmin go? Now the venerable hermit to this Brahmin go?"
This then Assalayana, seven hermit Brahmin thought as follows: "The other is who is going back and forth in the hallway hermitage hermit seven Brahmin like a cow walk in circles, again say: "Now the hermit Brahmin this go? Now the hermit to this Brahmin go? "Let's use category uncle bibs He arts". This then Assalayana, seven hermits used Brahmin hermit uncle bibs arts ASITA Devala categories: "Be ashes inferior". But this Assalayana, seven more user hermit uncle bibs arts category, hermit ASITA Devala becoming beautiful, become visible, become endearing. This then Assalayana, seven hermit Brahmin thought as follows: "It was rather empty, our ascetic! On our behavior ineffective. Before, when we used pay arts categories overalls person: "Be ashes inferior" He became ashes soon. But the more we use this category uncle bibs technical people, who in turn become more beautiful, become visible, become endearing".
"- Austerity, venerable monks, is not empty, virtues (you) are not inefficient. Chu venerable, abandon resentment toward my heart."
"- Is there any resentment toward center venerable, we will leave. Venerable am?"
"- Chu venerable hermit heard to ASITA Devala not?"
"_ Ladies have heard, venerable".
"- Chu venerable, he was me."
This then Assalayana, seven hermits Brahmin bowed to ASITA Devala hermit. Then the hermit ASITA Devala told seven hermits Brahmin:
"- Chu Venerable, I have heard the following:" While seven of the hermit Brahmin discussed at hermitage with leaves in the forest, evil evil is as follows arises: Only Ms-the busi- the ultimate goal is the class, another class is inferior. Only Brahmin white skin, black skin color different class. Only Brahmin is pure class of non-Brahmin not be so. Only Brahmin orthodoxy is the Brahma, born from the mouth of Brahma, born from Brahma, created by Brahma, heirs descendants Brahma ".
"- Sir yes, Venerable".
"- But the venerable monks, Venerable monks know their birth mother only intercourse with the Brahmin, not with non-Brahmin?"
"- Not so Excellencies, Venerable".
"- But the venerable monks, venerable monks know their birth mother until their seventh ancestress intercourse only with the Brahmin, not with non-Brahmin?"
"- Not so Excellencies, Venerable".
"- But the venerable monks, venerable monks know their birth father only copulate with the female Brahmin, not with female non-Brahmin?"
"- Not so Excellencies, Venerable".
"- But the venerable monks, venerable monks know their birth father, for fathers to their seventh intercourse only with the Brahmin woman, not with non-Brahmin?"
"- No, Venerable".
"- Chu venerable, venerable monks know how import is pregnant?"
"- Venerable Sir, we know thai enter like this. Here, my parents had intercourse, the mother had while (maybe life birth), warm flavor (gandhabha) must exist, three of such there is harmony, enter new pregnancy achievement. "
"- Chu venerable, venerable monks know he was Khattiya warm incense, or Brahmin, or Vessa, or Sudda?"
"- Venerable Sir, we do not know is that Khattiya warm incense, or Brahmin, or Vessa, or Sudda".
"- Chu venerable, the situation is such, venerable monks know venerable monks were?"
"- Venerable Sir, the situation is such, we do not know who we are."
This Assalayana, seven hermit Brahmin hermit he was ASITA Devala, question, heckled, victims being questioned about race issues (jativada) of them, may not respond to it. How far he was questioning me, heckled, victims being questioned about the issue of race could respond he was, when he and a Teacher with them and not have puñña, who knows how to use milk pouring spoon (do Self-sacrifice).
When told this, venerable sir Assalayana youth:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! As people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, only way for people to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; also, dharma was venerable Gotama use many means to present, explain. Bhagavan I take refuge, refuge France and refuge them monks. Expect venerable Gotama receive the disciple, from now until the public network, the application lifetime devotion.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/10/2015.

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