Saturday 19 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya

32. Economic Asa-nang-chi (Atanatiya Sutta)

N nowhere so I hear.
1. One time Bhagavan at Rajagaha (Rajgir), mountain Gijjhakuta (Vulture). Four Heavenly Kings after ordering defending four directions with Yakkha Army (Yakshis), Army gandhabba (Qian-that-she), Army Kumbhanda (sheep-table-tea) and Naga army (Na-old ), four local language project, maintaining the four winds, deep in the night, with wonderful halo shining whole Vulture Peak, to spot Bhagavan, after arriving, pay homage to him and sat to one side. The Yakshis taste, taste bowed and sat down on one side; have your say on the praise, ask, and sat down on one side; have your say their name and sat down on one side; flavored silent, then sat down on one side.
2. After sitting down on one side, the great king Vessavana (Pi-recluses) lord:
- Buddha, with the chief Yakshis not trust Bhagavan; lord have Yakshis chief trust Bhagavan, Buddha, there are no middle Yakshis the Exalted trust; lord, have medium confidence Yakshis the Exalted. Buddha, with the demeaning Yakshis not trust Bhagavan, there are demeaning Yakshis Bhagavan trust. Buddha, but most do not trust Yakshis Bhagavan. Why? Revered sir. Bhagavan sermon to renounce killing, sermons to renounce stealing, preaching to abandon adultery, sermons to renounce lying, preaching to abandon not drink the wine. Buddha, though the vast majority Yakshis not renounce killing, no stealing abandon, do not give up adultery, do not abandon the lie, do not give up drinking wine. For them, France would not be preferred, is not welcome. Buddha, with the disciples of Bhagavan, living in the same cup depths, little-known, little action, a cool breeze blowing from the fields, hiding not to see, appropriate adjective. In that place, with the chief Yakshis not trust Bhagavan teachings. Buddha, learn uncle Atanatiyarakkha (Asa-nang-chi households) so they gain trust, to the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen may live peacefully , unshielded, to be maintained not in painting.
Bhagavan silent approval.
3. Royal Vessavana Then, knowing Bhagavan has accepted, in that moment, read up all Atanatiya Household Economics:
Vipassi prostrate (Pi-she-examination),
transparent and glorious morning!
obeisance to god Sikhi (Thi-gas)
Have mercy creatures!
prostrate Vessabha (Pi-amnesty-grandmother),
Purity, ascetic!
Kakusandha prostrate (sentence-long-religion),
Area convince demonic!
prostrate Konagamana, (Question-na-jaw)
Brahmin fullness!
prostrate Kassapa (Ca-lettuce),
The multi-faceted liberation !
prostrate Angirasa,
Interest Area glorious death,
preached Dhamma feet,
Eliminating all suffering!
Who cover glass world,
Looking at life as feet,
He is not two tongues,
Tier serene greatness.
Together prostrate Gotama,
Lo peace Thien Nhon
Tri moral perfection!
Tier serene greatness!
Bright sun coming up,
big round sun,
when the sun rises,
Darkness disappeared.
When the sun rises
Lien called day.
The sea customs million,
As deep lakes.
In it all who knows,
the ocean sea tide,
people were calling him
A method Purima, (Eastern).
The way he ruled,
Undergraduate royal title,
Chu Qian-that-her species,
List called Dhatarattha (Tri Quoc Thien King).
Càn-that-she almost round,
Enjoying their dancing.
The king has many children,
I heard only one name,
Eighty and eleven,
Mainland, Inda list.
They admire the Exalted,
Properties clan sun.
From a distance, they make prostrations,
Tier serene greatness.
"Career bowed Superman!
prostrate Shanghai's Career!
kindness look us,
Phi ceremony also his kindness. "
Oftentimes, hear asked,
Should such obeisance,
"You prostrate,
Gotama victory!
We prostrate,
Gotama victory!
prostrate Gotama,
Wise Lord consummation ".
They called Peta,
speaking two blades, back,
Killing and craving,
Marauder and fraud,
people were calling him,
is the Dakkhina (Southern).
The way he ruled,
Tier great king title ,
Chairman Kumbhanda species (sheep-table-tea)
List Virulhaka call (Pi-long-Lac).
Kumbhanda almost round,
Enjoying their dancing.
The king has many children,
I heard only one name,
Eighty and eleven,
General competence, Inda.
They admire the Exalted,
Under the Sun clan.
From a distance, they make prostrations,
Tier serene greatness.
"Career bowed Superman!
prostrate Master's degree!
kindness is our view,
His lovingkindness also African feast. "
Many times, listening to questions,
should pay homage to that,
"You prostrate,
Gotama victory!
We prostrate,
Gotama victory!
prostrate Gotama,
wise moral perfection ".
Bright sun goes down,
in large sun.
When the sun goes down.
During the day disappeared.
When the sun goes down,
Lien called night.
The sea customs million,
as lakes deep,
Here people of all,
the marine tidal seas,
people were calling him,
is the Pacchima (West).
The way he ruled,
Tier great king, the name.
Owner Naga species,
List Virupakkha (Pi-term-care provider -Remove).
Species Naga almost round,
Enjoying their dancing.
The king has many children,
I heard only one name,
Eighty and eleven,
Mainland, Inda list.
They admire the Exalted,
sun clan Properties .
From a distance, they make prostrations,
Tier serene greatness.
"Career bowed Superman!
prostrate Master's degree!
kindness is our view,
Africa festival also his kindness. "
Many times, listening to questions,
should pay homage thus,
"You prostrate,
Gotama victory!
We prostrate,
Gotama victory!
prostrate Gotama,
wise moral perfection ".
North Luzhou (Uttarakuru) peace
Neru University (Tu-di) beautiful.
There, people live
not ownership, attachment.
They do not sow the seeds,
no need to pull the plow.
Humans are enjoying life
harvest from hard work.
Type husk rice bran not,
aromatic purity,
are cooked on stones,
and they did eat rice.
Just riding cow species,
Walk this way other way.
Only mammals
other methods Walk this way .
Used car pull woman,
Walk this way the other.
Used car pull man,
Walk this way other way.
Take the car daughters drag,
Walk this way other methods.
Use drag car son,
Walk this way other way.
They up on the car,
go around in every direction,
To serve my king.
They pull elephant riding,
carriage, car gods,
For King title,
there castle, with procession,
many cities of the king,
Sticky built the middle of nowhere.
The Atanata,
Kusinata, Parakusinata, Nattapuriya, Parakusitannata
Kapivanta in northern,
and other cities,
as Janogha, Navanavatiya,
Ambara, Ambaravatiya,
is the capital of the king,
Kuvera accommodation in.
King this venerable,
capital city Visana name.
Therefore Kuvera,
are reserved Vessavana.
The embassy was named:
Tatola, Tattala, Tatotala,
Ojasi, Tejasi, Tatojasi,
King Sura, Arittha, Nemi.
These have large water area,
from here rain pouring down,
Dharani name.
Here the rain poured down,
Dharani name.
Here there amphitheater,
Bhagalavati name,
Yakshis assembly site.
Here many fruit trees,
birds gather on the plant,
the type of work, type of trigger,
negative Dieu bird Kokila,
Here, bird Jiva,
Complains hour "Live goes"
birds and exclaimed,
"Let's explore excited heart."
Many of the birds was not,
in the forest and in the pool,
with children noisy parrots,
and birds Mynah,
the mythical bird,
called a Dandamanavaka.
Ho sen Kuvera,
lighting all the heavens,
people were calling him,
is the Uttara (northern).
This means that reigned,
Tier Royal name,
owner Yakshis species,
Known Kuvera.
The Yakshis almost round,
Enjoying their dancing.
The king has many children,
I heard only one name,
Eighty and eleven,
Mainland, Inda list.
They admire the Exalted,
Under the Sun clan.
From a distance, they make prostrations,
Tier serene greatness.
"Career bowed Superman!
prostrate Master's degree!
kindness is our view,
Africa mercy also His feast. "
Many times, hearing questions,
should pay homage to that,
"You prostrate,
Gotama victory!
We prostrate,
Gotama victory!
prostrate Gotama,
wise moral perfection ".
8. Venerable, the sheltered households Atanatiya Sutta, upholding, prevent anyone from harming the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen and enabling them to live peacefully.
When the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen Atanatiya Sutta households will learn this wisely, obviously, if there is any non-humans, Yakshis, Da-xoa- ni, son Yakshis, daughter Yakshis, lords Yakshis-ni, Yakshis entourage, or the labor of Yakshis; or Càn-that-she ... or sheep-table-tea (Kumbhanda) ... or ... take your Naga monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen when this position go ; standing near, when you stand; While this position sit sitting; This is when you are with wicked mind, this venerable time, the village was inhuman or in urban areas who are not welcome or respected. This venerable, his inhuman, in the capital's Alakamada I will not find land or property. Non Area would not be attending between Yakshis Assembly. This venerable, you would not be inhuman weddings. This venerable, non-rows will use rude words insolent towards him. This venerable, the first non-human will he shoves down. This venerable, the first non-workers will split into seven pieces he.
9. This venerable, there are non-violent, cruel, terrible. We do not hear of the great king, do not obey the great temple of the king, not listen to the assistants to the family status of the great god king. This venerable and are considered non-hostile realm of higher education. This venerable, like the king of Magadha University robber subdued. Likewise, they have disobeyed the great king, do not obey the great temple of the king, not listen to the assistants to the family status of the great god king. This venerable, the great robber was seen as an enemy of the king of Magadha - well, this venerable, with even the non-violent, cruel, terrible. The one does not hear the words of the great king, do not obey God's family the great king, do not listen to your assistants to the temple of the great king. This venerable, inhuman predicates are considered enemies of the higher education realm. This venerable, if any non-flavored, Yakshis or Yakshis-ni does ... take your monks, monks-ni, South layman or laywoman at this position go, stand when you stand near it; While this position sit sitting; This is when you are with wicked mind, this position please speak up, exclaimed, your van up with her Yakshis, Yakshis her college, military, army engineers did: "This Yakshis catch me, this Yakshis attack me, this Yakshis hurt me, it hurt my Yakshis, Yakshis this harm me, Yakshis not release me. "
10. Yakshis, contemporary Yakshis, military, army engineers are called for here:
Inda, Soma, and Varuna,
Bharadvaja, Pajapati,
Candana, Kamasettha,
Kinnughandu, Nighandu,
Panada and Opamanna,
Devanita and Matali,
Cittasena and gandhabba.
King Nala, Janesabha,
Satagira Hemavata,
Punnuaka, Karatiya, Gula,
Sivakat and Mucalinda
Vessamitta, Yugandhara,
Gopala and Suppagedha,
Hiri, Setti and Mandiya,
Pancala Canda, Alavaka,
Pajjunna, Sumana, Sumukha
Dadhimukha Manicara Mani, Digha,
Atha and Serissaka.
These men are Yakshis, contemporary Yakshis, military, army engineers need to be spoken, shouted, van up: "This caught my Yakshis, Yakshis attack me, Skin This rubbing hurt me, it hurt my Yakshis, Yakshis this harm me, Yakshis not release me. "
11. This venerable, this is sheltered households Atanatiya Sutta, upholding, prevent anyone from harming the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen and enabling them to live peacefully.
Venerable Sir, now we need to go, we have a lot of work, there are many duties.
- Great King, King do what Dai Dai King thought was right time.
Then four great king, from the seat up bowed, body toward his right hand and disappeared there.
The Yakshis taste it, from the seat up, have you bowed, right hand towards his body and disappeared on the spot; can you speak the words to ask a courtesy to Bhagavan and disappeared on the spot; have your hands in toward Bhagavan then disappeared on the spot; can you tell them my name and disappeared on the spot; flavored silent spot disappear.
12. Then at the end when the night was satisfied, he called the monks:
- Hey monks, while today, four great king with great Yakshis advisor:
"Bowed Vipassi (Pi-she-examination)
during the morning and splendor;
bowed Sikhi Beings, (Thi-gas)
Have mercy creatures ...

This venerable, that Atanatiya Sutta sheltered households, household maintenance, ... (as above) ... and then disappeared on the spot ".
13. This, monks, learn Households Atanatiya Sutta, please memorize this Atanatiya Sutta. This monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen unshielded, to be maintained, be prevented from harming anyone, be happy to live comfortably.

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