Friday, 25 September 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

48. Beijing Kosambiya (Kosambiya Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan in Kosambi, in monasteries Ghosita. At that time, the monks live in Kosambi competitive, speculative, fighting each other, hurt each other with weapons tongue. They do not understand themselves, never accept sympathy; they did not conciliatory, not accept mediation.
Then the monks came to Bhagavan in, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side. Monks him lord:
- Here, venerable sir, the monks live in Kosambi competitive, speculative, fighting each other, hurt each other with weapons tongue. They do not understand themselves, never accept sympathy; they do not reconcile themselves together, do not accept mediation.
Then Bhagavan to call a monks and protected as follows:
- This, monks, go, and in my name, he told the monks as follows: "gurus for venerable monks call".
- Ladies and yes, lord.
Monks Bhagavan replied that yes, to place him in Monks. After arriving, immediately said to his monks:
- Masters the venerable monks call.
- Sage, yes.
Monks Monks replied that yes, towards the Exalted in, on arrival, having bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told the monks were sitting down one side:
- Hey monks, have reasonable true and He lived competition, competition argument, fight, hurt each other with weapons tongue. And he does not understand himself, never accept sympathy, not reconcile themselves together, do not accept mediation?
- Buddha, that is all.
- Hey monks and he think? While he lived competition, speculative, fight, hurt each other with weapons tongue; meanwhile the dwell He has since personally for the dignity, the same both in front and behind him no, the export He abides from operating for dignity, the same both front and back are not, the He may dwell from the operator for the dignity, the same both in front and behind it?
- Buddha, no.
- Thus, the monks, and he has accepted that, while he lived competition, competition argument, fight, hurt each other with weapons tongue, meanwhile, do not have to dwell from corms for the dignity, the same both front and back, without dwell from exporting onions to the dignity, the same both in front and behind, no dwell from the co-operating for violations well both in front and behind. Thus, the confusion of the other guys, so ignorant, so see what the competition he lived, speculative, fight, hurt each other with weapons tongue; and he does not understand himself, never accept sympathy, no other self-mediation, mediation is not acceptable. Thus, the confusion of the other guys, and he would suffer misfortune, suffer in a long time.
Then Bhagavan told the monks:
- Hey monks, have six that must be remembered, creating solidarity, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, offers a wealth of debate, harmony and consensus. What is six? Here, monks, monks dwell from corms for the dignity, the same front and back. France must memorize, create solidarity, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, leads to no debate, harmony and consensus.
Again, monks, monks dwell from exporting onions to the dignity, the same both in front and behind. France must memorize, create solidarity, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, leads to no debate, harmony and consensus.
Again, monks, monks dwell from the operator for the dignity, the same both in front and behind. France must memorize, create solidarity, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, leads to no debate, harmony and consensus.
Again, monks, to get proper material resources, legal, finance object to the admission only in the bowl, not the monks who did not share, and receive material resources as such, must be shared with the co-shared with moral virtues. France must memorize, create solidarity, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, leads to no debate, harmony and consensus.
Again, monks, against the precepts no offense, no flaws, no cloudiness, no impure, liberating, praised by the wise, no attachment, leading to meditation, monks live achievements in his discipline with dignity, the same both in front and behind. France must memorize, create solidarity, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, leads to no debate, harmony and consensus.
Again, monks, to the knowledge of the sages likely upward, making people practice the true cessation of suffering, monks, live achievements such knowledge, together with the of dignity both front and back. France must memorize, create solidarity, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, leads to no debate, harmony and consensus.
This Monks, there are six factors that must be remembered, constitute the principle of mutual respect form, brought to harmony, leading to no debate, harmony and consensus.
The monks, the six measures have to remember, there is a supreme law, photography collectors all make precepts for all, this is knowledge, belong saint, capable of ascension, practice makes the true cessation of suffering. This monks, such as a pointed roof house like spire, there is a supreme law, photography collectors all make precepts for all, was the pointed roof. Also, the monks, the six measures have to remember, there is a supreme law, photography collectors all make precepts for all, this is knowledge, belong saint, capable upward, making people practice the true cessation of suffering.
Monks Hey, how is knowledge of the saint, capable upward, making people practice the true cessation of suffering? Here, monks, monks went to a forest, or go under the tree, or go to the empty seat and think as follows: "Do not know what we have internal hindrances not rid it? Do internal hindrances if our mind is bondage, then one can not know as fact, not be seen as true? " This Monks, if monks were craving bondage, until such, the mind (of the position) is bondage. This Monks, if monks were golf bondage, until such, the mind (of the position) is bondage. This Monks, if monks were deep in hypnotic bondage, until such, the mind (of the position) is bondage. This Monks, if monks were Trao foreign bondage, until such, interest (of the position) is bondage. This Monks, if monks suspected of bondage, so that, the mind (of the position) is bondage. This Monks, if monks have been that the birth center are binding, until such, the mind (of the position) is bondage. Monks Hey, if you have monks that the center was born after binding, until such, interest (of the position) is bondage. Monks live competition, competition argument, fight, hurt each other with weapons tongue, until such, the center (of the position) is bondage.
He knew as follows: "I do not have local slopes are not the exception, due to internal slope if our mind is bondage, we can not know as fact, not be seen as the real thing. Did we get toward smart enlightenment of truth ". It is the first place that this position is evidence, of the sages, superpower, the ordinary public can not.
Again, monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "While we practice, practice, practice many times this knowledge; our self-gain citizenship only, we achieved net itself only" . This person knew as follows: "While we practice, practice, practice many times this knowledge; we self gain citizenship only, gain citizenship only ourselves." It is the second place that this position is evidence, of the sages, supra-mundane, the ordinary public can not.
Again, monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "the knowledge as we have achieved may be a recluse or Brahmin other than such organizations, achievements such knowledge it not? " He understood as follows: "the knowledge as we have achieved no recluse or Brahmin else, apart from this organization, achievements such knowledge." It is this your third tri evidence, of the sages, superpower, the ordinary public can not.
Again, monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "dharmata (Dhammata) that a knowledge attained achievements, such legal nature have accomplished or not?" And the monks, legal nature was what an achievement attained knowledge? This is the legal nature, the monks, but an achievement attained knowledge. Any gender violates your sins, international crime such crimes immediately exported. This person immediately revealed, opine, presented before the Master or before the co-location of dignity there. After revealing, showing, presentation, he protected preserve for the future. This monks, such as a child, innocent, supine, immediately withdraw your hand or arm or leg if his foot touching the coals. Also, the monks, this is the legal nature but a knowledge attained achievements. Any gender violates your sins, international crime such crimes immediately exported. This person immediately revealed, opine, presented before the Master or before the co-location of dignity there. After revealing, showing, presentation, he protected preserve for the future. He knew as follows: "dharmata that a knowledge attained achievements, such legal nature have accomplished." That fourth place but this position is evidence, of the sages, supra-mundane, the ordinary public can not.
Again, monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "dharmata that a knowledge attained achievements, such legal nature have accomplished or not?" And the monks, legal nature was what an achievement attained knowledge? This is the legal nature, the monks, but an achievement attained knowledge. Regardless of the need to do something big and small oil, help the dignity, the same; This're trying to do, but rose towards the upper earnest academics, increased upper psychoanalysis, mental increase school rooftop. This monks, such as cows with calves, while pulling up clumps of grass (B), still watch calves. Also, the monks, this is the legal nature but a knowledge attained achievements. Regardless of the need to do something big and small oil, help the dignity, the same; This're trying to do, but rose towards the upper earnest academics, increased upper psychoanalysis, mental increase school rooftop. This person knew as follows: "dharmata that a knowledge attained achievements, such legal nature have accomplished." That fifth place that this position is evidence, of the sages, superpower, the public can not be ordinary.
Again, monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "The power that a knowledge attained achievements, such strength we have accomplished or not?" And the monks, his strength is what an achievement attained knowledge? This is the strength, the monks, an achievement attained knowledge. While French and Law declared by the Tathagata taught theory, after focusing attention, devoted the whole mind, the headset is French slang. This person knew as follows: "The power that a knowledge attained achievements, such strength we have accomplished." That sixth place but this position is evidence, of the sages, superpower, the ordinary public can not.
Again, monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "The power that a knowledge attained achievements, such strength we have accomplished or not?" And the monks, his strength is what an achievement attained knowledge? This is the strength, the monks, but an achievement attained knowledge. While French and Law declared by the Tathagata taught theory, this position is evidence that credit life insurance (atthaveda), France Credit Life (Dhammaveda), and the corresponding legal rejoice; You understand this as follows: "The power that a knowledge attained achievements, such strength we have accomplished." Thus the seventh that this position is evidence, of the sages, superpower, the ordinary public can not.
Thus, the monks, are well established legal nature for Saints accomplished disciples to witness seven branch is expected Save results. Thus, the monks, saints accomplished disciples seven genus ie accomplished Provision Save results.

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